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Hoel Le Capitaine

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ConstrucTED : Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets From Online Courses

Aymen Bazouzi , Zoltan Miklos , Mickaël Foursov , Hoël Le Capitaine
16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), May 2024, Angers, France. pp.645-652, ⟨10.5220/0012745000003693⟩
Conference papers hal-04510615v1
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Comparing Neural Network and Linear Models in Economic MPC: Insights from BOPTEST for Building Temperature Control

Francois Gauthier-Clerc , Hoel Le Capitaine , Fabien Claveau , Philippe Chevrel
ECC 2024: European Control Conference, EUCA, Jun 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-04550997v1
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Precedability Prediction Between Open Educational Resources

Aymen Bazouzi , Hoël Le Capitaine , Zoltan Miklos , Mickaël Foursov
International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT ’24), Sep 2024, Bremen, Germany. ⟨10.1145/3677525.3678686⟩
Conference papers hal-04654407v1
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Operating data of a specific Aquatic Center as a Benchmark for dynamic model learning: search for a valid prediction model over an 8-hour horizon

Francois Gauthier-Clerc , Hoel Le Capitaine , Fabien Claveau , Philippe Chevrel
ECC 2023: European Control Conference, EUCA, Jun 2023, Bucharest, Romania. ⟨10.23919/ECC57647.2023.10178287⟩
Conference papers hal-04086508v1
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A Hybrid Linear-Nonlinear ARX Model for reliable Multi-Step Prediction: application to SwPool Benchmark

Francois Gauthier-Clerc , Hoel Le Capitaine , Fabien Claveau , Philippe Chevrel
Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Dec 2023, Singapore, Singapore. ⟨10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383731⟩
Conference papers hal-04213807v1
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EMBEDD-ER : EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open Data

Aymen Bazouzi , Mickaël Foursov , Hoël Le Capitaine , Zoltan Miklos
15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), Apr 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.439-446, ⟨10.5220/0012045300003470⟩
Conference papers hal-04037990v2
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Explaining autoencoders with local impact scores

Clément Picard , Hoel Le Capitaine
Workshop on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence as a part of the ECML/PKDD 22 program, IRT SystemX [IRT SystemX], Sep 2022, Grenoble, France, France
Conference papers hal-03773427v1
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Using Grammatical Inference to Build Privacy Preserving Data-sets of User Logs

Victor Connes , Colin de La Higuera , Hoel Le Capitaine
International Conference on Grammatical Inference, Aug 2021, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-03434169v1
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What should I learn next? Ranking Educational Resources

Victor Connes , Colin de La Higuera , Hoel Le Capitaine
2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Jul 2021, Madrid, Spain. pp.109-114, ⟨10.1109/COMPSAC51774.2021.00026⟩
Conference papers hal-03434191v1

Metric learning with sub modular functions

Jiajun Pan , Hoel Le Capitaine
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Apr 2019, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers hal-02120910v1

Metric learning with relational data

Jiajun Pan , Hoel Le Capitaine
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Apr 2019, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers hal-02120915v1
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Relational Constraints for Metric Learning on Relational Data

Jiajun Pan , Hoel Le Capitaine , Philippe Leray
Eighth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI, IJCAI, Jul 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-02017253v1
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On the equivalence between regularized nmf and similarity-augmented graph partitioning

Anthony Coutant , Hoel Le Capitaine , Philippe Leray
23th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2015), 2015, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01150691v1

Probabilistic Relational Models with Clustering Uncertainty

Anthony Coutant , Leray Philippe , Hoel Le Capitaine
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2015), Jul 2015, Killarney, Ireland
Conference papers hal-01183563v1

Fair Classification of Personal Data: an Introduction

Hoel Le Capitaine , Marc Gelgon , Guillaume Raschia
Atelier national Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP'2015), Jun 2015, Mosnes, France
Conference papers hal-01163040v1

Learning Probabilistic Relational Models Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Anthony Coutant , Leray Philippe , Hoel Le Capitaine
International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FlAIRS) Conference, May 2014, Pensacola Beach, Floride, United States
Conference papers hal-01183565v1

Apprentissage de modèles relationnels probabilistes par factorisation non-négative de matrices

Anthony Coutant , Philippe Leray , Hoel Le Capitaine
7èmes journées francophones sur les réseaux bayésiens (JFRB 2014), 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01005777v1
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Learning Probabilistic Relational Models using co-clustering methods

Anthony Coutant , Philippe Leray , Hoel Le Capitaine
Structured Learning: Inferring Graphs from Structured and Unstructured Inputs (SLG 2013) ICML Workshop, 2013, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers hal-00819031v1
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Geodesic interactive segmentation in the color monogenic signal framework

Guillaume Demarcq , Hoel Le Capitaine , Michel Berthier
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Sep 2012, Orlando, United States. pp.1573 - 1576
Conference papers hal-00732832v1
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Set-Valued Bayesian Inference with Probabilistic Equivalence

Hoel Le Capitaine
Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Nov 2012, Tsukuba, Japan. pp.1-4
Conference papers hal-00732834v1
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Online Equivalence Learning Through A Quasi-Newton Method

Hoel Le Capitaine
IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems, Jun 2012, Brisbane, Australia. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-00685467v1
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A fast fuzzy c-means algorithm for color image segmentation

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frélicot
EUSFLAT'2011, Jul 2011, France. pp.1074-1081
Conference papers hal-00738414v1
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On Selecting an Optimal Number of Clusters for Color Image Segmentation

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
Proceedings of the 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.3388--3391
Conference papers hal-00565945v1
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On normalizing fuzzy coincidence matrices to compare fuzzy and/or possibilistic partitions with the Rand index

Romain Quéré , Hoel Le Capitaine , Noel Fraisseix , Carl Frélicot
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Mining, ICDM 2010, 2010, Australia. pp.977-982
Conference papers hal-00738530v1
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An Optimum Class-Rejective Decision Rule and Its Evaluation

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
Proceedings of the 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.3312--3315
Conference papers hal-00565943v1
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On (Weighted) k-Order Fuzzy Connectives

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frélicot
IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems, 2010, Spain. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-00745292v1
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Towards a unified logical framework of fuzzy implications to compare fuzzy sets

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technologies Conference, 2009, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.1200--1205
Conference papers hal-00441429v1
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A Fuzzy Modeling Approach to Cluster Validity

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
18th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZIEEE'09, 2009, Jeju Island, South Korea. pp.462--467
Conference papers hal-00441442v1
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Classification with reject options in a logical framework: a fuzzy residual implication approach

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technologies Conference, 2009, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.855--860
Conference papers hal-00441432v1
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A family of cluster validity indexes based on a l-order fuzzy OR operator

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2008), 2008, Orlando, United States. pp.612-621
Conference papers hal-00441427v1
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A new fuzzy 3-rules pattern classifier with reject options based on aggregation of membership degrees

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Jun 2008, Malaga, Spain. pp.473-480
Conference papers hal-00292608v1
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A Class-Selective Rejection Scheme based on Blockwise Similarity of Typicality Degrees

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'2008), Dec 2008, Tampa, United States. pp.1--4
Conference papers hal-00441426v1

A new fuzzy 3-rules pattern classiier with reject options based on aggregation of membership degrees

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frelicot
12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, Jun 2008, Malaga, Spain. pp.473-480
Conference papers hal-00293806v1
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Blockwise similarity in [0,1] via triangular norms and Sugeno integrals -- Application to cluster validity.

Hoel Le Capitaine , Thomas Batard , Carl Frélicot , Michel Berthier
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 2007., Jul 2007, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.835-840
Conference papers hal-00267631v1
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Mesure de similarité par blocs via les normes triangulaires et l'intégrale de Sugeno - Application à la détection de contours

Hoel Le Capitaine , Thomas Batard , Carl Frelicot , Michel Berthier
Rencontres Francophone sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, LFA, 2007, Nîmes, France. pp.49-56
Conference papers hal-00292614v1
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On the reinforcement of uninorms and absorbing norms

Hoel Le Capitaine , Carl Frélicot
Reports hal-01357234v1