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Igor Girault

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Dating of Pleistocene fluvial sequence in the upper Garonne valley and implications for glacial fluctuations

Marie Torcheboeuf , Magali Delmas , Pierre Valla , Pierre Voinchet , Regis Braucher
Q14, Association Française d'Etude du Quaternaire, Feb 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04492834v1

Quaternary landscape evolution of the lower Seine valley: an integrated geochronological multi-method approach

Kim Genuite , P. Voinchet , Jean-Jacques Bahain , Daniel Ballesteros , Andrew Farrant
Colloque Q13 « Palaeoclimate changes, landscape evolution and human societies: from sedimentary basins to industrial landscapes», AFEQ - CNF INQUA, Mar 2022, Strasbourg (France), France
Conference papers mnhn-03977620v1
Image document

Campagne DRADEM – Juillet 2016 - Rapport scientifique

Christophe Basile , Igor Girault , Arnauld Heuret , Lies Loncke , Ewald Poetisi
[Rapport de recherche] ISTerre, CNRS UMR 5275, Université Grenoble Alpes. 2016
Reports hal-01418119v1
Image document

DRADEM campaign - 2016 July - Scientific report

Christophe Basile , Lies Loncke , Igor Girault , Arnauld Heuret , Ewald Poetisi
[Research Report] ISTerre, CNRS UMR 5275, Université Grenoble Alpes. 2016
Reports hal-01418244v1