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Jacques Ginestié
Researcher identifiers
- jacques-ginestie
- ResearcherId : D-1585-2009
- 0000-0003-4650-0222
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=XaE9uXwAAAAJ&hl=fr
- IdRef : 077902033
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International Teachers Professional Developing: Blended Learning between Europe and Asia1st International Conference on Innovation in Learning Instruction and Teacher Education, Hanoi National University of Education; Southern Cross University (Australia), Dec 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam. pp.4-8
Conference papers
Text simplification to improve reading fluency and comprehensionColloque SFERE- Provence : « Apprentissage et Education » Conditions, contextes et innovations pour la réussite scolaire, universitaire et professionnelle, Apr 2018, MARSEILLE, France
Conference papers
Compréhension, simplification et type des textes : un outil numériqueConférences dans le cadre du projet Lemon : GraphoLearn, Nov 2017, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Some perspectives to link research in Éducation and teacher Éducation in a global project for university70th International Conference of the International Technology and Engineering Éducation Association , ITEEA, Mar 2016, National Harbor, United States
Conference papers
Le Printemps de la recherche en ESPE... : vers une structuration de la recherche en et pour l'éducation2ème Printemps de la recherche en ESPE, Mar 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Articuler recherche et formation, l'expérience des ESPERecherche, Formation, Innovation, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Oct 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Recherche, formation, Terrain : une nécessaire structuration en éducationConférence nationale d'orientation : le travail de l'élève, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche; IFE - ENS de Lyon, Oct 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers
The RAIFFET, a network for support and development of TVET in teacher training institutions in Africa29th PATT Conference "Plurality and complementarity of approaches in Design & Technology Education", Ecole supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation, Aix Marseille Université, Apr 2015, Marseille, France. pp.154-160
Conference papers
Study of scientific workshops for students conducted in the context of a school-university partnership 11th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2015), Aug 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers
Former des enseignants pour l'éducation technologique et la formation professionnelle, un défi pour le 21e siècle4e colloque international du RAIFFET, RAIFFET, Oct 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.7-15
Conference papers
Introduction d'un logiciel de simulation d'algorithmes dans le processus enseignement apprentissage de l'algorithmique chez les apprenants débutants de l'ENSET de Libreville4° Colloque du RAIFFET, Oct 2014, Marrakech Maroc
Conference papers
Outil de recherche numérique en insertion classe : simplification du texte pour améliorer la fluidité de lectureConference poster hal-02113870v1 |
Digital as a teaching tool: Can the comprehension and fluency of reading be increased by the simplification and the nature of texts for young students?Workshop Brain and Language Institute et Institute for Language, Communication and the Brain, Feb 2018, MARSEILLE, France. 2018
Conference poster
Le numérique comme outil pédagogique : Peut-on augmenter la compréhension et la fluidité de la lecture par la simplification et la nature des textes chez des élèves entre 7 et 9 ans ?Journée Scientifique SFERE-Provence, Sep 2017, Aix en Provence, France. 2017
Conference poster
Les recherches en éducation et leur articulation avec la formation et le terrainConseil d'orientation stratégique. Réseau National des ESPE. Réseau National des ÉSPÉ, pp.112, 2016
Constitution de faits didactiques en éducation technologiqueEditions universitaires européennes, pp.155, 2010, 978-613-1-54999-1
Produire en technologie à l'école et au collègeINRP. 2005, Didactiques Apprentissages, 2-7342-1021-5
A critique of Technology Education for all in a social and cultural environmentWilliams, John and Stables, Kay. Critique in Design and Technology Education, Springer International Publishing, pp.193-212, 2017, Contemporary Issues in Technology Education, 978-981-10-3106-9. ⟨10.1007/978-981-10-3106-9⟩
Book sections
Using computer technologies in design and technology education: teaching-learning processde Vries, Marc. First International Handbook of Technology Education, Springer, pp.non déterminées, 2017
Book sections
Using ICT in STEM Education: A Help or a Hindrance to Student Learning?Levin, Ilia and Tsybulsky, Dina. Digital Tools and Solutions for Inquiry-Based STEM Learning, 1, IGI mondial, pp.167-198, 2017, 9781522525257. ⟨10.4018/978-1-5225-2525-7⟩
Book sections
La alternancia en la formación inicial del docenteColén Riau, Maria-Teresa. Retos y certezas sobre la construcción del conocimiento práctico en la formación de maestros. Una visión calidoscópica, Ediciones Octaedro S.L., pp.235-247, 2017, Colección Educación universitaria, 978-84-9921-904-2
Book sections
The Republic of Gabon: an overviewWolhuter, Charl C. Éducation in East and Central Africa, 10, Bloomsbury Academic, pp.245-272, 2014, Éducation around the World, 978-1-4725-0541-5
Book sections
Primary technological Éducation for all in France: a study of the role of technology in the primary school system and teacher training over the last twenty yearsBenson, Clare and Lunt, Julie. International handbook of primary technology Éducation. Reviewing the past twenty years, Sense Publishers, pp.13-28, 2011, International Technology Education Studies, 978-94-6091-544-4
Book sections
How pupils solve problems in technology Éducation and what they learnBarak, Moshe and Hacker, Michael. Fostering Human Development through Engineering and Technology Education, 10, Sense publisher, pp.171-190, 2011, 978-94-6091-547-5
Book sections
From art and craft Éducation to design and technology Éducation: a thirty year storyRasinen, Aki and Rissanen, Timo. In the spirit of Uno Cygnaeus, pedagogical questions of today and tomorow, University of Jyväskylä, pp.169-182, 2010
Book sections
Thinking about Technology Education in France: A brief overview and some aspects of investigationsAlister, Jones T. and De Vries, Marc. International Handbook of research and development in technology Éducation, Section 1, Sense Publisher, pp.31-40, 2009, 978-90-8790-877-5
Book sections
Training Technology Teachers in Europe: Putting the Bologna process into actionAlister, Jones T. and De Vries, Marc. International Handbook of research and development in technology Éducation, 47, Sense Publisher, pp.569-580, 2009, International Technology Education Studies, 978-90-8790-877-5
Book sections
Research in technological education, from references to devicesGinestié, Jacques. The cultural transmission of artefacts, skills and knowledge: Eleven studies in technology education, Sense Publishers, pp.13-17, 2008
Book sections
Konzepte einer Technischen Bildung in FrankreichHartmann, Elke and Theuerkauf, Walter. Allgemeine Technologie und Technische Bildung, Peter Lang, pp.107-125, 2008, 978-3-631-58332-6
Book sections
Describing an automated system with the GRAFCET for understanding how it functionsGinestié, Jacques. The cultural transmission of artefacts, skills and knowledge: eleven studies in technology education, Sense Publishers, pp.149-171, 2008
Book sections
Teaching the prevention of risks in professional contexts: procedure & knowledgeGinestié, Jacques. The cultural transmission of artefacts, skills and knowledge: Eleven studies in technology education, Sense Publishers, pp.61-79, 2008
Book sections
From task to activity, a re-distribution of the roles between the teacher and the pupilsGinestié, Jacques. The cultural transmission of artefacts, skills and knowledge: Eleven studies in technology education, Sense Publishers, pp.225-256, 2008
Book sections
Gestepro, a research laboratory in science, technology and vocational educationGinestié, Jacques. The cultural transmission of artefacts, skills and knowledge: Eleven studies in technology education, Sense Publishers, pp.3-6, 2008
Book sections
La formation des enseignants de l’enseignement technologique en regard des organisations curriculaires : aspects problématiques et questions de recherche.Ginestié, Jacques. Formation professionnelle des enseignants, au-delà des apparences, quelles différences ? Une étude internationale sur la formation des enseignants d’éducation technologique., Éditions Los Salesianos, pp.9-20, 2006
Book sections
Educational system and teacher training in FranceGinestié, Jacques. Teacher Training: preparing young people for their future lives. An international study in Technology Education, Éditions Los Salesianos, pp.63-76, 2006, 956-299-946-7
Book sections
Espace de travail collaboratif en ligne : la formation continue des enseignants comme exemplePiolat, Annie. Lire, écrire, communiquer et apprendre avec Internet, Éditions Solal, pp.387-400, 2006
Book sections
Formación de profesores de educación tecnológica y organizaciones curriculares: problemas y temas de investigaciónGinestié, Jacques. Formación de profesores en educación tecnológica: estudio internacional de casos, Éditions Los Salesianos, pp.7-18, 2006, 956-299-920-3
Book sections
Analysing Technology Education through the curricular evolution and the investigation themesde Vries, Marc and Mottier, Ilja. International Handbook of Technology Education: Reviewing the Past Twenty Years, Sense Publishers, pp.387-398, 2006, 978-90-77874-06-6
Book sections
Technology Education teacher training in FranceWilliam, John. International technology teacher education, Mac Graw Hill Glencoe editions, pp.45-67, 2006
Book sections
The training of technology teachers considering the organizations of their own training courses: aspects of its problematics and research follow upsGinestié, Jacques. Teacher Training: preparing young people for their future lives. An international study in Technology Education, Éditions Los Salesianos, pp.7-16, 2006, 956-299-946-7
Book sections
Sistema educativo y formacion profesional de los profesores en FranciaGinestié, Jacques. Formación de profesores: estudio internacional para la formación de profesores en educación tecnológica., Éditions Los Salesianos, pp.129-144, 2006
Book sections
Système éducatif et formation des enseignants en France.Ginestié, Jacques. Systèmes éducatifs et formation des enseignants Au-delà des apparences quelles différences, Éditions Los Salesianos, pp.77-93, 2006
Book sections
La production attendue n'est peut-être pas celle escomptéeVérillon, Pierre and Ginestié, Jacques and Hostein, Bernard and Lebeaume, Joël and Leroux, Pascal. Produire en technologie à l’école et au collège, INRP, pp.333-346, 2005
Book sections
Décrire et concevoir un système contrôlé, quelques éléments de stratégies d’étudiantsLeroux, Pascal and Ginestié, Jacques and Nonon, Bernard. Robotique pédagogique francophone, 8, IUFM Aix-Marseille, pp.21-32, 2005, Skholê
Book sections
How to manage multiculturality at the middle age school: socio-cultural approachJuste, Marisa and Ginestié, Jacques and Roosken, Barbara and Gay, Brenda. The place of management of Diversity in education in different European teacher training systems, UPC edition, 2004
Book sections
Organization of the pedagogical situations: a way to manage the learning pacesJuste, Marisa and Ginestié, Jacques and Roosken, Barbara and Gay, Brenda. The place of management of Diversity in education in different European teacher training systems, UPC edition, 2004
Book sections
Qué metodología, para qué educación tecnológicaBenson, Clare and Ginestié, Jacques and De Vries, Marc and Merz, Hekke. Educación tecnológica, Fernando Mena Editor, pp.55-82, 2001
Book sections
Interés y perspectivas por una educación tecnológica para todosBenson, Clare and Ginestié, Jacques and De Vries, Marc and Merz, Hekke. Educación tecnológica, Fernando Mena Editor, pp.19-30, 2001
Book sections
Quel projet, pour quelle éducation technologiqueGinestié, Jacques. Le projet en éducation technologique, 11, IUFM Aix-Marseille éditeurs, pp.11-20, 2000, Skholê
Book sections
Comparison of twenty occupations in FranceOskardottir, Gerdrud and Ginestié, Jacques and Busetta, Pietro and Papoutsakis, Haris. Employability skills in non-professional occupation, Editions of University of Iceland, pp.173-204, 2000
Book sections
Hotel receptionist: French case of studyOskardottir, Gerdrud and Ginestié, Jacques and Busetta, Pietro and Papoutsakis, Haris. Employability skills in non-professional occupation, Editions of University of Iceland, pp.291-308, 2000
Book sections
Jobs descriptionOskardottir, Gerdrud and Ginestié, Jacques and Busetta, Pietro and Papoutsakis, Haris. Employability skills in non-professional occupation, Editions of University of Iceland, pp.81-101, 2000
Book sections
Enseñanza de la tecnología: elementos fundamentales para una educación tecnológicaCox, Christian. Programa MECE: mejoramiente de la ecualidad y cualidad en educacion, Ministerio de la Educación Nacional, pp.137-212, 1998
Book sections
Distanced resources access in Technology educationKananoja, Tapani and Kantola, Jaiken and Issakainen, Milstroem. The principles and practices of teaching technology, University of Jyväskylä, 1998
Book sections
Technology education in FranceTheuerkauf, Walter and Blandow, Dietrich. Strategien und Paradigmenwechsel zur technischen Bildung, Diverlag Franzbecker, pp.75-85, 1997
Book sections
Computer based control in Technology education: Some questions about introducing and teaching. , , ,Arley, Tamir. The Second Jerusalem International Sciences and Technology Education Conference, JISTEC’ 96, 3, UNESCO, pp.21-29, 1996
Book sections