Yvonne Jansen
CNRS research scientist at LaBRI (Université de Bordeaux) in the Inria team Potioc
Open access
Current affiliations
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- 1184756
Researcher identifiers
- jansen
- ResearcherId : A-9998-2015
- 0000-0001-5092-551X
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=-4D-ic8AAAAJ
Research Interests
Human-computer interaction and information visualization – situated and embedded visualization, physical and immersive visualization, visualizations for personal decision making under uncertainty, research transparency and methodology
Research domains
Human-Computer Interaction [cs.HC]
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Visualizing the Environmental Impact of Dietary Choices: Exploring an Interactive Mini-World as a Proxy to Communicate Three Planetary Boundaries35th Conference on l'Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM '24), Mar 2024, Paris, France. ⟨10.1145/3649792.3649804⟩
Conference papers
Towards Autocomplete Strategies for Visualization ConstructionVIS 2023 - IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics, IEEE, Oct 2023, Melbourne, Australia. pp.141--145, ⟨10.1109/vis54172.2023.00037⟩
Conference papers
Ressources de connaissances dans les ateliers de fabrication : objectifs et défisIHM'23: 34ème Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine, Apr 2023, Troyes, France. pp.1-13, ⟨10.1145/3583961.3583974⟩
Conference papers
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing and Evaluating Data-Driven Interactive Experiences for Sustainable Decision-MakingWorkshop on HCI for Climate Change at CHI 2023, Apr 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.7961762⟩
Conference papers
Edo: A Participatory Data Physicalization on the Climate Impact of Dietary ChoicesTEI 2023 - 17th International Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction, Feb 2023, Warsaw (POLAND), Poland. ⟨10.1145/3569009.3572807⟩
Conference papers
Ride Your Data : Raise your Arms, Scream, and Experience your Data from a Roller Coaster Cartalt.VIS 2022, Oct 2022, Oklahoma City / Hybrid, United States
Conference papers
Do You See What You Mean? Using Predictive Visualizations to Reduce Optimism in Duration EstimatesCHI 2022 - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 2022, New Orleans, United States. ⟨10.1145/3491102.3502010⟩
Conference papers
Automating Documentation Considered Harmful (Some of the Time)CHI 2022 - Workshop: Reimagining Systems for Learning Hands-on Creative and Maker Skills, Apr 2022, New Orleans / Hybrid, United States
Conference papers
Envisioning Situated Visualizations of Environmental Footprints in an Urban EnvironmentVIS4Good - Visualization for Social Good workshop held as part of IEEE VIS 2022, Oct 2022, Oklahoma City, United States. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.7053934⟩
Conference papers
Can Anthropographics Promote Prosociality? A Review and Large-Sample StudyCHI 2021 - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2021, Yokohama / Virtual, Japan. ⟨10.1145/3411764.3445637⟩
Conference papers
Increasing the Transparency of Research Papers with Explorable Multiverse AnalysesCHI 2019 - The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1145/3290605.3300295⟩
Conference papers
Effects of Locomotion and Visual Overview on Spatial Memory when Interacting with Wall DisplaysCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1145/3290605.3300521⟩
Conference papers
How Relevant are Incidental Power Poses for HCI?Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18), Apr 2018, New York, United States. ⟨10.1145/3173574.3173588⟩
Conference papers
Let's Get Physical: Promoting Data Physicalization in Workshop FormatsConference on Designing Interactive Systems DIS 2017, ACM, Jun 2017, New York, United States. pp.1409 - 1422, ⟨10.1145/3064663.3064798⟩
Conference papers
Exploring Interactions with Physically Dynamic Bar ChartsCHI 2015 - Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 2015, Seoul, South Korea. pp.3237-3246, ⟨10.1145/2702123.2702604⟩
Conference papers
Opportunities and Challenges for Data PhysicalizationProceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), ACM, Apr 2015, New York, NY, United States. ⟨10.1145/2702123.2702180⟩
Conference papers
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Selecting Between Touch and Mid-Air Gestures for Large-Display Interaction15th Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Sep 2015, Bamberg, Germany. pp.455-473, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-22698-9_31⟩
Conference papers
Supporting the Design and Fabrication of Physical VisualizationsProceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), ACM, Apr 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada. pp.3845--3854, ⟨10.1145/2556288.2557310⟩
Conference papers
Creating physical visualizations with makervisCHI 2014 - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 2014, Toronto, Canada. pp.543-546, ⟨10.1145/2559206.2574788⟩
Conference papers
Methods for Designing Tangible UI: A First Comparative Case StudyTEI 2013 Work in progress, 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, Feb 2013, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Evaluating the Efficiency of Physical VisualizationsProceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), ACM, Apr 2013, Paris, France. pp.2593-2602, ⟨10.1145/2470654.2481359⟩
Conference papers
Illustrative Data Graphics in 18th-19th Century Style: A Case StudyIEEE Conference on Visualization - IEEE VIS 2013, Oct 2013, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
Visual Showcase: An Illustrative Data Graphic in an 18th-19th Century StyleVisual Showcase at the Joint ACM/EG Symposium on Computational Aesthetics, Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (Expressive 2013, July 19--20, Anaheim, CA, USA), Jul 2013, Anaheim, United States
Conference papers
Tangible Remote Controllers for Wall-Size DisplaysACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI '12, ACM, May 2012, Austin, TX, United States. pp.2865-2874, ⟨10.1145/2207676.2208691⟩
Conference papers
MudPad: tactile feedback and haptic texture overlay for touch surfacesACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS '10), ACM, Nov 2010, Saarebruck, Germany. pp.11-14, ⟨10.1145/1936652.1936655⟩
Conference papers
SLAPbook: tangible widgets on multi-touch tables in groupware environments3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI'09), ACM, Feb 2009, New York, NY, United States. ⟨10.1145/1517664.1517725⟩
Conference papers
SLAP Widgets: Bridging the Gap Between Virtual and Physical Controls on TabletopsCHI '09 SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, Apr 2009, New York, United States. ⟨10.1145/1518701.1518779⟩
Conference papers
REXband: A Multi-User Interactive Exhibit for Exploring Medieval Music7th international conference on New interfaces for musical expression, ACM, Jun 2007, New York, United States. pp.172-177, ⟨10.1145/1279740.1279773⟩
Conference papers
Cultural Windows: Towards Immersive Journeys into Global Living SpacesVRST 2024 - 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Oct 2024, Trier, Germany. pp.1 - 3, 2024, ⟨10.1145/3641825.3689694⟩
Conference poster
How to Visualize Food Quantities to Prevent Food Waste? Examples and ChallengesVIS 2022 - IEEE Visualization & Visual Analytics, Oct 2022, Oklahoma City / Virtual, United States
Conference poster
Investigating Physical Visualizations2012 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (INFOVIS), Oct 2012, Seattle, United States
Conference poster
Digital Production - Section IntroductionSamuel Huron; Till Nagel; Lora Oehlberg; Wesley Willett. Making with Data | Physical Design and Craft in a Data-Driven World, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2022, 9781032182223
Book sections
Data PhysicalizationJean Vanderdonckt; Philippe Palanque; Marco Winckler. Springer Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, Springer, Cham, 2021, Springer Reference, 978-3-319-27648-9. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-27648-9_94-1⟩
Book sections
Situated AnalyticsImmersive Analytics, 11190, Springer, pp.185-220, 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-01388-2_7⟩
Book sections
Publishing Visualization Studies as Registered Reports: Expected Benefits and Researchers' Attitudes2021
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Definitely Maybe: Hedges And Boosters in the HCI Literature2021
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Physical and tangible information visualizationOther [cs.OH]. Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2014. English. ⟨NNT : 2014PA112039⟩
What Did Authors Value in the CHI'16 Reviews They Received?Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2016, San Jose, United States. pp.596 - 608, 2016, ⟨10.1145/2851581.2892576⟩
Documents associated with scientific events
Visualization-Mediated Alleviation of the Planning FallacyGeoffrey Ellis. IEEE VIS 2014, Nov 2014, Paris, France. DECISIVe : Workshop on Dealing with Cognitive Biases in Visualisations
Documents associated with scientific events