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Jean-Christophe Cexus
Researcher identifiers
- ResearcherId : AAP-3453-2021
- IdRef : 095145044
- VIAF : 214256130
- ISNI : 000000035905521X
Received the Dipl.-Ing. and the M.S degrees in 2001 from University of Alsace, and Ph.D in 2005 from University of Rennes, France, all in signal processing and computer engineering.
2001-2006, he was a research engineer with French Ministry of Defence (IRENav). 2006-2007, he was a teaching assistant at IUT of Lannion, France.
Since 2007, he is an associate professor at ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France. Since 2012, he is also a member of Lab-STICC - UMR CNRS 6285.
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RISC-V Embedded AI for IDS ApplicationsRESSI 2024 : Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, May 2024, Eppe-Sauvage, France
Conference papers
Comparative performances of CNN models for SAR Targets classification2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), Jul 2024, Sousse, Tunisia. pp.122-127, ⟨10.1109/ATSIP62566.2024.10638905⟩
Conference papers
Change Detection in Polarimetric and Multilook SAR imagery using Stochastic DistanceIEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE RADAR 2024, Oct 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Un réseau hybride CNN-LSTM pour la classification de navires à partir d'une base frugale des images SARGRETSI - Groupe de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images, Aug 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Approche par blocs du filtrage des signaux piloté par les donnéesGRETSI - Groupe de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images, Aug 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
A proposal learning strategy on CNN architectures for targets classification2022 6th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), May 2022, Sfax, Tunisia. ⟨10.1109/ATSIP55956.2022.9805965⟩
Conference papers
Holistic Approach of Integrated Navigation Equipment for Cybersecurity at SeaInternational Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media: Cyber Science, Jun 2022, Wales, United Kingdom. pp.75-86, ⟨10.1007/978-981-19-6414-5_5⟩
Conference papers
Navigation anomaly detection : An added value for Maritime Cyber Situational AwarenessInternational Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA 2021), Jun 2021, Dublin, Ireland. ⟨10.1109/CyberSA52016.2021.9478189⟩
Conference papers
Transfer learning on CNN architectures for ship classification on SAR imagesSea Tech Week - Session Remote Sensing, Oct 2020, Brest, France
Conference papers
Target recognition from ISAR image using polar mapping and shape matrix2020 5th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), Sep 2020, Sousse, Tunisia. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ATSIP49331.2020.9231528⟩
Conference papers
A Data Extraction Method for Anomaly Detection in Naval Systems2020 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA), Jun 2020, Dublin, Ireland. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/CyberSA49311.2020.9139656⟩
Conference papers
Solving the Problem of Coordination and Control of Multiple UAVs by Using the Column Generation Method6th World Congress on Global Optimization, WCGO 2019, Jul 2019, Metz, France. pp.1097-1108, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-21803-4_108⟩
Conference papers
Radar Target Recognition using Time-Frequency Analysis and Polar Transformation4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies For Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP'2018), Mar 2018, Sousse, Tunisia. ⟨10.1109/ATSIP.2018.8364500⟩
Conference papers
2D Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator for the translation motion compensation in ISAR signatures9th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications - ISIVC'2018, Nov 2018, Rabat, Morocco
Conference papers
Mesure de similarité de signaux par opérateur d'énergie croisée26° Colloque GRETSI, Sep 2017, Juan-les-Pins, France
Conference papers
Quantitative measures in ISAR image formation based on Time-Frequency Representations2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP) , May 2017, Fez, Morocco. ⟨10.1109/ATSIP.2017.8075610⟩
Conference papers
Experimental Analysis of Time Deviation on a Passive Localization System ”SSPD’2016, Sep 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/SSPD.2016.7590598⟩
Conference papers
Experimental Measurement of Time Difference Of ArrivalInternational Radar Symposium 2016 - IRS2016, May 2016, Krakow, Poland. 4 p
Conference papers
ISAR imaging Based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition Time-Frequency RepresentationInternational Radar Symposium 2016 (IRS2016), May 2016, Cracovie, Poland
Conference papers
ISAR Image formation with a combined Empirical Mode Decomposition and Time-Frequency RepresentationEUSIPCO, Aug 2015, Nice, France. pp.1366-1370
Conference papers
Why Synchronization is a Key Issue in Modern Electronic Support MeasuresIRS 2015, Jun 2015, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers
Construction d'images ISAR par Décomposition Modale Empirique et Représentation Temps-FréquenceGRETSI, Sep 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers
A Column Generation Approach for Coordination and Control of Multiple UAVs6th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes - HPSCH 2015, Mar 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam
Conference papers
Une méthode de génération de colonnes pour la planification des capteurs dans un processus de collecte d'informationsConférence ROADEF 2013, Feb 2013, Troyes, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Opérateur d'inter-énergie Ψ_H et densité inter-spectrale24ème édition du colloque Gretsi, Sep 2013, Brest, France. 4 p
Conference papers
Multi-objective constraint satisfaction and sequential control for solving the sensors management of the intelligence process25th EURO Conference, Jul 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference papers
Conference papers
RCS characterization of sea clutter by using the -stable distributionsRadar 2012, Oct 2012, France
Conference papers
A comparison between a Bayesian approach and a method based on continuous belief functions for pattern recognitionBelief 2012, May 2012, Compiègne, France
Conference papers
Influence de l'estimation des paramètres de texture pour la classification de données complexesExtraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2011, Brest, France. pp.10h
Conference papers
A combined Teager-Huang and Hough Transforms for LFM Signals Detection4th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP, Mar 2010, Limassol, Cyprus. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
2D cross-phiB-energy operator for images analysis4th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP, Mar 2010, Limassol, Cyprus. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Estimation d'un mélange de distributions alpha-stables à partir de l'algorithme EMRencontre francophone sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA), Oct 2010, Lannion, France. 8 p
Conference papers
Continuous belief functions and α-stable distributionsInformation Fusion (FUSION), 2010 13th Conference on, Jul 2010, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 7 p
Conference papers
Segmentation d'images sonar par matrice de co-occurrence5th International Conference : Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunication, Mar 2009, Hammamet, Tunisie. 5 p
Conference papers
THT et Transformation de Hough pour la détection de modulations linéaires de fréquenceXXIIe GRETSI, Sep 2009, Dijon, France. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
On the detection of transient signals using cross-$\Psi_\texttt B$-energy operator3th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP,, 2008, St. Julians, Malta. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
An Unsupervised Sonar Images Segmentation ApproachInternational Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Mar 2007, Barcelone, Spain. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Noise filtering using empirical mode decompositionInternational Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA), Feb 2007, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Débruitage des signaux par approche EMD : Multi-EMD-SG21e colloque GRETSI sur le traitement du signal et des images, Sep 2007, Troyes, France. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Transient turbulent pressure signal processing using empirical mode decompositionPhysics in Signal and Image Processing (PSIP), Feb 2007, Mulhouse, France. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
EMD-based multibeam echosounder images segmentation2006 Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2006), 2006, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers
Denoising via empirical mode decompositionSecond International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, Mar 2006, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Nonstationary signals analysis by Teager-Huang Transform (THT)EUSIPCO 2006, Sep 2006, Florence, Italy. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Analysis of nuclear time activity curves by cross-yB-energy operator2006 Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2006), 2006, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers
Sonar Targets Analysis by Huang-Teager TransformCaractérisation du milieu marin, Oct 2006, Brest, France. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Interaction measure of AM-FM signals by cross-Psi_B-energy operatorThe Eight International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Aug 2005, Sydney, Australia. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Caractérisation des fonds marins par décomposition modale empirique20e colloque GRETSI sur le traitement du signal et des images, Sep 2005, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. pp.Non renseigne
Conference papers
Automatic Drones Detection using Micro Doppler Analysis, a Preliminary ModellingJournée Pôle SyPH - Lab-STICC, Nov 2022, Brest, France
Conference poster
A Column Generation Based Label Correcting Approach for the Sensor Management in an Information Collection ProcessNguyen, Ngoc Thanh and Do, Tien and Thi, Hoai An. Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering, Springer International Publishing, pp.77-89, 2013, Studies in Computational Intelligence, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-00293-4_7⟩
Book sections
Analyse des signaux non-stationnaires par transformation de Huang, Opérateur deTeager-Kaiser, et Transformation de Huang-Teager (THT)Acoustique [physics.class-ph]. Université Rennes 1, 2005. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩