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Jean-François Bonastre

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Short Bio ========= Jean-François Bonastre is Senior Researcher (Directeur de Recherche) at Inria since October 2022, in the Defense&Security department where he heads the reseacrh aspects. He is also professor of computer science (classe exceptionnelle) at Avignon University and associated member of LIA, the computer science laboratory. He was the director of the LIA from 2016- to 2020. He is the foinder of the Avignon University chair in Artificial Intelligence "LIAvignon", focused on "Speaker, Voice and Speech" and responsible of the "Security and Defense" axes of the chair. JF Bonastre received his PhD on automatic speaker recognition in 1994 and his “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” (HDR) in 2000. He is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (promotion Junior 2006). From 2008 to 2015, he was **vice-president of Avignon University.** He was an auditor of the **26th session of IHEDN/FMES** (the Mediterranean session of the Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale) in 2015. He spent a sabbatical year at **Panasonic Speech Technology Laboratory** (Santa Barbara, California, USA) in 2002-2003. He was the President of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) from 2011 to 2013 and the President of the Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée from 2000 to 2004. JF Bonastre was awarded "ISCA Fellow Member" in 2021 and "Fellow member of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association” in 2023. He is an IEEE Senior Member and was elected member of the IEEE Speech and Language Technical Committee and IEEE Biometrics Council. He is one of the founders of ISCA's Special Interest Group "Speaker and Language Characterization" (SPLC). He was a member of the **Scientific Committee of the Montreal Computer Research Center (CRIM)** from 2016 to 2020. He has supervised 20 **defended PhDs** and is currently supervising 4 **PhD students**. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 papers, with +6900 citations, an h-index of 39 and three patents. Detailled CV ============ PhD in Computer Sciences, Avignon University (1994)“ Knowledge oriented analytic strategy for speaker characterization and recognition ” Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (2000)“ Speaker recognition and statistical approach: Description, limits and potential ” Full Professor (Exceptional Class) in computer sciences, Avignon University Member of the « Institut Universitaire de France » (promotion junior 2006) Auditor of the « 26ème session des Hautes Etudes Stratégiques de la Méditerranée », IHEDN Med (FMES, 2015-2016) President of the « Conseil Départemental de Concertation du Département de Vaucluse/CDC » (2014-2015) – CDC is an advisory council of the local government which produces analysis and proposals on all local government related topics. Administrative responsibilities ---------------------------------- Holder of the Avignon University chair in Artificial Intelligence "LIAvignon" Head of the Avignon University Computer Lab (LIA) (March 2016- March 2020) Provisory administrator of Avignon University (August 2015-December 2015) Vice-President (in charge of the administrative council) of Avignon University (2008-2015) First Vice-President of Avignon University (2012-2015) Board member and Treasurer of the “Association Nationale des Vice-Présidents des Conseils d’Administration” (2013-2015) Board member of the “Institut Universitaire de France” (2010-2013) Responsible of Avignon University PhD school « Collège des Etudes Doctorales » (2007-2008) **Responsibilities in scientific societies** President of the International Speech Communication Association/ISCA (2011-2013) ISCA Vice-President (2007-2011) Elected member of ISCA board (2005-2013) IEEE Senior member IEEE Speech and language Technical Committee member (2 years) IEEE Biometric council Technical Committee (2 years) President of the Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée/AFCP (2000-2004) Elected member of AFCP Administrative council (2000-2006 and 2015-) President of the Groupe Francophone de la Communication Parlée/GFCP (1999-2000) GFCP Vice-President (1997-1999) GFCP board elected member (1995-2000) Founder of SPLC, the « Speaker and Language Characterization » ISCA Special Interest (1999). SPLC was created after the international RLA2C workshop organized by JF Bonastre in 2008, in order to insure the continuity of this initiative. SPLC activity is mainly to organise the ISCA/“Speaker Odyssey” workshops (2001/2004/2006/2008/2010/2012 :2014/2016), which are the main events in the field. Founder and co-chair of the working group GT1 "Caractérisation du Locuteur et de la Langue" (speaker and language characterization) of the GDR-PRC CHM (1995-1998). Co-chair of the « speech group » of the GDR-PRC I3 until december 2005. Member of the steering and adivisory board of the ISCA "SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION (SPSC)" Responsibilities in terms of scientific evaluation / editing ---------------------------------------------------------------- Member of the scientific council of the « Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal » (2015-2020) Member of the scientific council of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS (1 year) Committee member of the program "FIT-IT”, FFG (Autrisch National research agency, 2006/2007) and referee for the Spanish program « Consolider » (2010) Member of evaluation committees for the French national evaluation agency/AERES (GIPSAlab) and the CNRS (Unité international de Hanoi/MICA) Member of the organising committee for ESTER/EVALDA evaluation campaign Guest editor for CSL Special issue on Speaker and language characterization and recognition: voice modeling, conversion, synthesis and ethical aspects, planned for June 2019 Associed Editor for the journal IEEE TSALP, Guest Editor for Speech Communication and Signal Processing. Referee for Pattern Recognition letters, JASA, JASP… Arbitre pour ICASSP, Interspeech, LREC, ASRU, SLT… Member of the scientific committee of TAL special issue on “TAL et éthique" (2015) Research stays ----------------- Sabbatical stay at Panasonic Speech Technology Laboratory (Santa-Barbara/USA), February 2002 – February 2003 Short research stay (AStar guest) at I2R/Singapore, September 2010 Short research stay (spanish national program guest) UPC/Barcelonal), 2006 Invited talks ---------------- o Three lectures in the 5th ISCA Supported Summer School on Speech Signal Processing (S4P-2019), Gandhinagar, India o Panel « Apprentissage et Modèle » du GDR TAL/CNRS, 14 Mars 2019 o National Bank of Canada, Montréal, 23/11/2018 : Biométrie et voix, état de l’art, avancées et limites, o Colloque HumanIA (keynote talk), UQAM/Montréal, 21/11/2018 : Reconnaissance du locuteur, sciences forensiques et intelligence artificielle o Panel «Intelligence artificielle : l’erreur n’est-elle qu’humaine ? « , la France à l’Uqam, 21/11 :2018 ( o VIT-AP University, Amaravati (Inde), 8/09/2018 : Automatic speaker recognition systems: are they recognizing speakers? o La Legal Tech, moteur de transformation du droit, Montréal, 18/05/2018 : Sciences forensiques & l’identification par la voix o Atelier « Towards a biometric World », CSIS/DGSE, Paris, 26/04/2018 : Biometrics in the real world: Advances in voice identification o Ateliers SCIENCES et VOIX, Grenoble, 8/03/2018 : Voix et Criminalistique ( o CNIL, Paris, 02/2017 : La voix n’est pas une biométrie classique o NIST OSAC, 18/21 Avril 2017, Washington : Certification and Normalization for Forensic Voice Comparison: problems and propositions o IC1206 Second training school on De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia content, Las Palmas 2017, Speaker discriminant information o l'Odyssée des sciences, CRIM, Montréal, « La voix comme clef, la voix à la barre » », 12/05/2016 o Spring School on Individual-centered approaches to speech processing, Schloss Dagstuhl, avrill 6-9 2014: From automatic speaker verification to forensic phonetics o Afeka speech conference, Tel-Aviv, juillet 2014, Keynote speaker: The Notion of Performance: A Paradigm Shift in Speaker Recognition and Voice Comparison? o Technopolice 2013, Paris, Comparaison de voix : notions de performance et de fiabilité o Workshop on Advances in Speech Technologies, 23/06/2011 (IRCAM/Paris) : Speaker recognition: a new binary representation o The Prospective of Speech-based Interfaces for Future Digital Services (Workshop de l’institut européen) « Institute for Prospective Technological Studies », Seville, Mars 2008 (invitation to participate as « expert ») o Summer school ERMITES, Septembre 2007, Recherche d’Information dans des documents audio radiodiffusés o Journées Scientifiques IUF 2007, Avignon, Mai 2007, Le traitement automatique de la parole : une technique d’investigation ? o Summer school ERMITES, Septembre 2006, Indexation audio et recherche d’information multimédia o MMUA, Toulouse, 2006, Keynote speaker: Evaluation paradigm: Advantages and limits o INRETS, Paris, 2006, SÛRETÉ DANS LES TRANSPORTS -Identification et Surveillance, Authentification vocale des personnes o Tutorial for PARISTIC, Bordeaux, 2005, L’authentification biométrique vocale o Residential Workshop “NOE-BIOSECURE”, Paris, Août 2005, Evaluation paradigm: Advantages and limits o RJC, Toulouse, 2005, Le paradigme de l'évaluation, avantages et limites o Seminar de l’Université de Montréal, 2005 : La reconnaissance du locuteur au LIA o Seminar Mc Gill University/Montreal, 2005 : Sequential analysis of acoustic events using statistical models with application to speaker detection o Seminar DGA-CTA, Paris, 2004 : Les activités en traitement de la parole au LIA o Seminar, Lyon, 2004, conférence « criminalistique » : L’état actuel des possibilités de la reconnaissance vocale o Seminar de l’Université de Maribor, 2004 : Speaker Recognition, Speaker segmentation and indexing, Audio information retrieval o Seminar, UPC, Barcelona, 2003 : LIA Speaker recognition activities Main international collaborations (plus one national, with cosupervised PhDs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint ANR-JST (Japan) project Voice Personaë (2019-2025), with NII/Tokyo and Eurecom/France CENATAV, la Havane/Cuba (Jose Calvo) : o A bilateral project funded by the french embassy o Gabriel Hernandez PhD, defended in 2014 under a « cotutelle » (double PhD program) with 3 stays in Avignon (5/6/4 months) Ecole royale Militaire de Bruxelles/Belgique (Patrick Verlinde) : o Multiple stays and participation to teaching activities in both directions during about 8 years o Co-supervision of Teva Merlin PhD, defended in 2004 Swansea University/UK (John Mason) : o Anthony Larcher / Benoit Fauve co-supervised PhDs (defended in 2009), with the mention “in collaboration with” o Joint PhD program between Swansea and Avignon university Université de Fribourg/Suisse (Jean Hennebert) o Florian Verdet PhD, co-supervised under the « cotutelle » system, with a double PhD (defended in 2011) Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble (Solange Rossato) o Co-supervision of Juliette Kahn PhD, defended in 2012 o Co-supervision of Moez Ajili PhD, defended in 2017 Afeka College/Israel (Itshak Lapidot) o Multiple stays of I Lapidot (~10 months prevuisously and 7 months in 2019) Tefonica/Espagne (Xavier Anguera) o Innovative binary approach proposition, with a joint patent o Young researcher visits and stays Université de Maribor/Slovénie (Zdravko Kacik) o Bilateral program (2 years) Responsibilities in the area of collaborative projects --------------------------------------------------------- Coordinator (French part) for the ANR/JST (Japan) VoicePersonae project (2018), on voice anonymisation Participant to the ANR “Robovox” project (2018), on voice authentication for mobile robots Coordinator of the ANR “VoxCrim” project (2017), on forensic voice comparison Responsible (LIA) for the ANR “The Voice” (2017) Responsible (LIA) for the European projects MTM, COST-275, BIOSECURE, HARTES, MOBIO, Eurostar BIOSPEAK, COST IC1206, and for the ARC-LINKAGE project (QUT/Brisbane, funded by Australia) or NuSpecs project (funded by Italia) Coordinator of national French projects BIO\_MUL (ACI), ALIZE (Technolangue), MISTRAL (ANR), FABIOLE (ANR) and member of BIOBIMO (ANR), GAFES (ANR) and DesPho-APaDy (AN)) projects. Responsibilities in the field of scientific event organization ----------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Program Chair of Interspeech 2024 Co-Organizer of the VoicePrivacy initiative&challenge ( Co-Chair of Speaker Odyssey 2018 Chairman of RLA2C, Avignon 1998 Chaiman of the organizing committee of the “Journées Scientifiques de l’IUF”, Avignon 2007 Co-chair of JEP-TALN 2008 (Avignon) and President of the program committee of the JEP 2002 and 2004. Member of the program committee for the JEP 1998, 2000, 2006 et 2016, member of the local organizing committee for the JEP 1996. Co-chair of the workshop MMUA 2006 (Toulouse) Permanent member of the program committee of the workshops « Speaker Odyssey »-01/04/06/08/10/12/14 and 2016 Area Chair ISCA/Interspeech, Speaker and Language Characterization and Recognition (2008, 2015, 2016, 2017) Co-chair of ESTER evaluation campaign workshop, Avignon 2005 Activities linked to societal aspects of forensic voice comparison --------------------------------------------------------------------- Founder and chair of the working group GT1 "Caractérisation du Locuteur et de la Langue" (GDR-PRC CHM, 1995). Special sessions/events on "forensic" for Interspeech 2003 and 2015, RLA2C 1998. Round table for JEP 2000. Special session during JEP 2012. Several speech/debates on the topic: « Café des Sciences d’Avignon », « Vino Voice 2015», Afeka Speech conference 2014, Schloss Dagstuhl 2014 or Technopolice 2013. Author or coauthor of several “position” articles in Langue, Justice, J’essaime, Eurospeech 2003, JEP 2004, JEP 2010. Also coauthor of a journal paper in « Signal Processing » (2009) and a book chapter in 2015. Several testimonies in the French courts about forensic voice comparison as scientific witness (~10) Several interviews in newspapers or radios (Radio Télévision Suisse, Sciences et Avenir…) Evaluation campaigns ----------------------- Continuous participation to the NIST/SRE (Speaker Recognition Ev.) evaluation campaign since 1998. Several participations to NIST-LRE (Language Recognition Ev.), ESTER, REPERE, NIST RT, ETAPE or DUC. The ALIZE project Founder and chair of ALIZE project. ALIZE is an open source (under LGPL license) software dedicated to voice characterization and speaker recognition. ALIZE is currently used by ~150 laboratories in the world, from academic and industry. ALIZE was supported by various projects including ALIZE, MISTRAL, BIOBIMO, MOBIO or Hartes. ALIZE was selected as reference system by the NOE BIOSECURE. Dissemination and teaching invited talks Participation to he « Séance du café des sciences d’Arles » around the movie « Hedy Lamarr, From Extase to Wifi », 02/10/2018 Conference at « Université pour tous de Vaison la Romaine », on the topic « Votre voix en dit-elle trop sur vous ? », 21/11/2017 Midiscience, Université d’Avignon, 3/03/2016, La voix comme clef, la voix à la barre ( 2015, journée ISN-EPI, Retrouver ou vérifier une identité par la voix : dialogue entre science informatique et monde judiciaire Master IDL/Grenoble, 2015 « L'authentification vocale est-elle biométrique ? », 2006 « la reconnaissance du locuteur » Master EGIM Marseille, 2006 : « speech processing » (8 h) and ESIL Marseille, 2006: « speech processing » (4h) UPC, Barcelona, 2006: « speaker recognition and audio indexing » (20h) ERM/Bruxelles (Royal Military School), several teaching sessions about speech processing and speaker recognition (~8 years) Awards --------- Best paper award for Imen Ben Amor and Jean-François Bonastre, "BA-LR: Binary-Attribute-based Likelihood Ratio estimation for forensic voice comparison," 2022 International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) Best AFCP PhD (Juliette Kahn, 2012) Best Interspeech student paper (Mitchell MacLaren Interspeech 2008) Best odyssey student paper (Nicolas Scheffer, Odyssey 2006) National Award of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba, 2015 PhD supervision ------------------ Supervision of 21 defended PhD : Laurent Besacier (1998, Professor LIG/Grenoble and IUF junior member), Corinne Fredouille (2000, Lecturer Avignon university), Sylvain Meignier (2002, Lecturer/HDR Le Mans university), Teva Merlin (2004, Engineer Avignon university), Olivier Bellot (2006, Teacher), Christophe Levy (2006, project leader NEOPOST), Nicolas Scheffer (2006, Senior researcher, Facebook), Nimaan Abdillahi (2007, Director of research center/Djibouti), Benoit Favre (2007, Lecturer Aix-Marseille university), Benjamin Lecouteux (2008, Lecturer Grenoble), Alexandre Preti (2008, Engineer DCAN), Gilles Pouchoulin (2008, Research Engineer CNRS/LPL), Anthony Larcher (2009, Lecturer, Le mans university), Benoit Fauve (2009, Senior R&D Engineer Validsoft, Florian Verdet (2011, Lecturer Fribourg university, Juliette Kahn (2011, Research Engineer, Ministère des Armées), Pierre-Michel Bousquet (2014, Teacher, Avignon university), Gabriel Hernandez (2014, Researcher CENATAV/Cuba), Moez Ajili (2017, Research Engineer, Bertin), Adrien Gresse (2020, Research Engineer Semaxone), Mathias Quillot (2022, Researcher Oaacle) Four ongoing PhD supervisions +80 participation to PhD/HDR defenses outside Avignon. Reviewer for +60 PhD/HDR (France 2011-2019 : Z Elloumi, PhD, LIG, Grenoble, G. Lelan, PhD LIUM/Le Mans, Natalia Tomashenko, PhD LIUM/Le Mans, S. Meignier, HDR LIUM/Le Mans ; N. Evans, HDR Eurecom/Nice ; F. Aman, PhD LIG/Grenoble ; A. Rilliard, HDR LIMSI :Paris ; M. el Amine Sehili, PhD INT/Evry ; R. Jourani, PhD IRIT/Toulouse ; A. Lelong, PhD GIPSA/Grenoble ; S. Bozonnet, PhD Eurecom/Nice ; C. Barras, HDR LIMSI/CNRS ; Outside of France, 2011-2019: S. Dey , PhD, EPFL Lausanne/Suisse, H. Behravan, PhD, UEF, Finland P. Lopez-Otero, PhD Univ. Vigo/Portugal ; N. Pearson, PhD Swansea/UK, J. Mariethoz, PhD/IDIAP/Suisse, X. Anguera, PhD UPC/Spain)


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Forensic Audio and Voice Analysis: TV Series Reinforce False Popular Beliefs

Emmanuel Ferragne , Anne Guyot Talbot , Margaux Cecchini , Martine Beugnet , Emmanuelle Delanoë-Brun
Languages, 2024, 9, ⟨10.3390/languages9020055⟩
Journal articles hal-04601003v1
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Evaluating the effects of task design on unfamiliar Francophone listener and automatic speaker identification performance

Benjamin O'Brien , Christine Meunier , Natalia Tomashenko , Alain Ghio , Jean-François Bonastre
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023, ⟨10.1007/s11042-023-15391-0⟩
Journal articles hal-04138760v1
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Towards a unified assessment framework of speech pseudonymisation

Paul-Gauthier Noé , Andreas Nautsch , Nicholas Evans , Jose Patino , Jean-François Bonastre
Computer Speech and Language, 2022, 72, pp.101299. ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2021.101299⟩
Journal articles hal-03555462v1
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ASVspoof 2019: A large-scale public database of synthesized, converted and replayed speech

Xin Wang , Junichi Yamagishi , Massimiliano Todisco , Héctor Delgado , Andreas Nautsch
Computer Speech and Language, 2020, 64, pp.101114. ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2020.101114⟩
Journal articles hal-02945493v1
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Preserving privacy in speaker and speech characterisation

Andreas Nautsch , Abelino Jiménez , Amos Treiber , Jascha Kolberg , Catherine Jasserand
Computer Speech and Language, 2019, 58, pp.441-480. ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2019.06.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02307615v1
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Introduction to the Special Issue “Speaker and Language Characterization and Recognition: Voice Modeling, Conversion, Synthesis and Ethical Aspects”

Jean-François Bonastre , Tomi Kinnunen , Anthony Larcher , Junichi Yamagishi
Computer Speech and Language, 2019, pp.101021. ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2019.101021⟩
Journal articles hal-02280130v1

A Unified Joint Model to Deal With Nuisance Variabilities in the i-Vector Space

Waad Ben Kheder , Driss Matrouf , Ajili Moez , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2018
Journal articles hal-01858318v1
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Fast i-vector denoising using MAP estimation and a noise distributions database for robust speaker recognition

Waad Ben Kheder , Driss Matrouf , Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre , Moez Ajili
Computer Speech and Language, 2017
Journal articles hal-02157200v1
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Digital Signal Processing Constrained temporal structure for text-dependent speaker verification

Anthony Larcher , Jean-François Bonastre , John S.D. Mason
Digital Signal Processing, 2013, ⟨10.1016/j.dsp.2013.07.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01317964v1

Applying SVMs and weight-based factor analysis to unsupervised adaptation for speaker verification

Mitchell Mclaren , Driss Matrouf , Robbie Vogt , Jean-François Bonastre
Computer Speech and Language, 2011, ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2010.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01318530v1

Modeling nuisance variabilities with factor analysis for GMM-based audio pattern classification

Driss Matrouf , Florian Verdet , Mickaël Rouvier , Jean-François Bonastre , Georges Linares
Computer Speech and Language, 2011, ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2010.11.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01318503v1
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Back-and-Forth Methodology for Objective Voice Quality Assessment: From/to Expert Knowledge to/from Automatic Classification of Dysphonia

Corinne Fredouille , Gilles Pouchoulin , Alain Ghio , Joana Revis , Jean-François Bonastre
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009, 2009 (1), pp.13 - 13. ⟨10.1155/2009/982102⟩
Journal articles hal-01317140v1

Compact Acoustic Models for Embedded Speech Recognition

Christophe Lévy , Georges Linarès , Jean-François Bonastre
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2009, ⟨10.1155/2009/806186⟩
Journal articles hal-01318188v1

A continuous unsupervised adaptation method for speaker verification

Alexandre Preti , Jean-François Bonastre , Francois Capman
Innovations in E-learning, Instruction Technology, Assessment, and Engineering Education, 2007
Journal articles hal-01311567v1
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Approches complémentaires pour l'évaluation des dysphonies : bilan méthodologique et perspectives

Alain Ghio , Gilles Pouchoulin , Antoine Giovanni , Corinne Fredouille , Bernard Teston
Travaux interdisciplinaires du Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 2007, 26, pp.33-74
Journal articles hal-00292402v1

State-of-the-Art Performance in Text-Independent Speaker Verification Through Open-Source Software

Driss Matrouf , Nicolas Scheffer , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2007, ⟨10.1109/TASL.2007.902877⟩
Journal articles hal-01311358v1
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Corpus de parole pathologique, état d'avancement et enjeux méthodologiques

Alain Ghio , Bernard Teston , François Viallet , Ludovic Jankowski , Alain Purson
Travaux interdisciplinaires du Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 2006, 25, pp.109-126
Journal articles hal-00354505v1
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Step-by-step and integrated approaches in broadcast news speaker diarization

Sylvain Meignier , Daniel Moraru , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre , Laurent Besacier
Computer Speech and Language, 2006, Odyssey 2004: The speaker and Language Recognition Workshop Odyssey-04, Odyssey 2004: The speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 20 (2-3), pp.303-330. ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2005.08.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01318554v1
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A Tutorial on Text-Independent Speaker Verification

Frédéric Bimbot , Jean-François A Bonastre , Corinne A Fredouille , Guillaume A Gravier , Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2004, 2004 (4), pp.430 - 451. ⟨10.1155/S1110865704310024⟩
Journal articles hal-01434501v1
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Voice Biometrics over the Internet in the Framework of COST Action 275

Laurent Besacier , Aladdin M Ariyaeeinia , John S Mason , Jean-François Bonastre , Pedro S Mayorga
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2004, 2004 (4), pp.466 - 479. ⟨10.1155/S1110865704310012⟩
Journal articles hal-01434498v1

Overview of compression and packet loss effects in speech biometrics

Laurent Besacier , Jean-François Bonastre , P. Mayorga , Corinne Fredouille , Sylvain Meignier
IEE Proceedings Vision, Image & Signal Processing - Special issue on Biometrics on the Internet, 2003, 150 (6), pp.372--376
Journal articles hal-01434538v1
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Localization and Selection of Speaker Specific Information with Statistical Modeling

L Besacier , J.F. Bonastre , C. Fredouille
Speech Communication, 2000
Journal articles hal-02157126v1
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RoboVox: A Single/Multi-channel Far-field Speaker Recognition Benchmark for a Mobile Robot

Mohammad Mohammadamini , Driss Matrouf , Michael Rouvier , Jean-Francois Bonastre , Romain Serizel
LREC_COLING, ELRA, May 2024, Turino, Italy
Conference papers hal-04536499v1
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Identification du locuteur : ouvrir la boîte noire

Carole Millot , Cédric Gendrot , Jean-Francois Bonastre
35èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP 2024) 31ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2024) 26ème Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL 2024), Jul 2024, Toulouse, France. pp.92-101
Conference papers hal-04623062v1
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Forensic speaker recognition with BA-LR: calibration and evaluation on a forensically realistic database

Imen Ben-Amor , Jean-François Bonastre , David van der Vloed
Odyssey 2024, Jun 2024, Québec, Canada
Conference papers hal-04630349v1
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Describing the phonetics in the underlying speech attributes for deep and interpretable speaker recognition

Imen Ben-Amor , Jean-François Bonastre , Benjamin O'Brien , Pierre-Michel Bousquet
Interspeech 2023, ISCA, Aug 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-04155146v1
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Hiding Speaker’s Sex in Speech Using Zero-Evidence Speaker Representation in an Analysis/Synthesis Pipeline

Paul-Gauthier Noé , Xiaoxiao Miao , Xin Wang , Junichi Yamagishi , Jean-François Bonastre
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Jun 2023, Rhodes Island, Greece. pp.1-5, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096749⟩
Conference papers hal-04264519v1
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Représentations de l'expertise vocale dans les séries policières : quand la fiction s'invite dans les enquêtes et au tribunal

Emmanuel Ferragne , Anne Guyot-Talbot , Margaux Cecchini , Martine Beugnet , Emmanuelle Delanoë-Brun
Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Jun 2022, Noirmoutier, France
Conference papers hal-03834291v1
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On speaker verification from the neural network footprint of personalized acoustic models

Natalia Tomashenko , Salima Mdhaffar , Marc Tommasi , Yannick Estève , Jean-François Bonastre
Journées d'Études sur la Parole - JEP2022, Jun 2022, Île de Noirmoutier, France
Conference papers hal-03626964v1
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Faire le pont entre l'observation et la preuve : Application au respect de la vie privée

Paul-Gauthier Noé , Andreas Nautsch , Driss Matrouf , Pierre-Michel Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre
Journées d’Etudes sur la Parole - JEP2022, Jun 2022, Île de Noirmoutier, France
Conference papers hal-03813882v1
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Barlow Twins self-supervised learning for robust speaker recognition

Mohammad Mohammadamini , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François A Bonastre , Sandipana Dowerah , Romain Serizel
Interspeech 2022 - Human and Humanizing Speech Technology, Sep 2022, Incheon, South Korea. ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2022-11301⟩
Conference papers hal-03710445v2
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A bridge between features and evidence for binary attribute-driven perfect privacy

Paul-Gauthier Noé , Andreas Nautsch , Driss Matrouf , Pierre-Michel Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre
ICASSP 2022, May 2022, Singapore, Singapore
Conference papers hal-03375790v2
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A Comprehensive Exploration of Noise Robustness and Noise Compensation in ResNet and TDNN-based Speaker Recognition Systems

Mohammad Mohammadamini , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Sandipana Dowerah , Romain Serizel
EUSIPCO 2022 - 30th European Signal Processing Conference, Aug 2022, Belgrade, Serbia
Conference papers hal-03669919v1
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Extraction d'informations liées au locuteur depuis un modèle acoustique personnalisé

Salima Mdhaffar , Jean-François A Bonastre , Marc Tommasi , Natalia Tomashenko , Yannick Estève
JEP 2022, Jun 2022, île de Noirmoutier, France
Conference papers hal-03706944v1
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Adversarial Disentanglement of Speaker Representation for Attribute-Driven Privacy Preservation

Paul-Gauthier Noé , Mohammad Mohammadamini , Driss Matrouf , Titouan Parcollet , Andreas Nautsch
Interspeech 2021, Aug 2021, Brno, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-03046920v3
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Discriminating speakers using perceptual clustering interface

Benjamin O'Brien , Christine Meunier , Alain Ghio , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre
Speaker Individuality in Phonetics and Speech Sciences: Speech Technology and Forensic Applications, Feb 2021, Zurich, Switzerland. pp.97-111
Conference papers hal-03160943v2
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1990-2020 : retours sur 30 ans d’échanges autour de l’identification de voix en milieu judiciaire

Jean-François Bonastre
6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). 2e atelier Éthique et TRaitemeNt Automatique des Langues (ETeRNAL), 2020, Nancy, France. pp.38-47
Conference papers hal-02750225v3
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Speech Pseudonymisation Assessment Using Voice Similarity Matrices

Paul-Gauthier Noé , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf , Natalia Tomashenko , Andreas Nautsch
Interspeech 2020, Oct 2020, Shanghai, China
Conference papers hal-02925559v1
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Introducing the VoicePrivacy initiative

Natalia Tomashenko , Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava , Xin Wang , Emmanuel Vincent , Andreas Nautsch
INTERSPEECH 2020, Oct 2020, Shanghai, China
Conference papers hal-02562199v3
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Apprentissage automatique de représentation de voix à l’aide d’une distillation de la connaissance pour le casting vocal

Adrien Gresse , Mathias Quillot , Richard Dufour , Jean-François Bonastre
6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 1 : Journées d'Études sur la Parole, 2020, Nancy, France. pp.280-288
Conference papers hal-02798550v3
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La voix actée : pratiques, enjeux, applications

Mathias Quillot , Lauriane Guillou , Adrien Gresse , Rafaël Ferro , Raphaël Röth
6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 1 : Journées d'Études sur la Parole, 2020, Nancy, France. pp.525-533
Conference papers hal-02798582v3
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PTSVOX : une base de données pour la comparaison de voix dans le cadre judiciaire

Anaïs Chanclu , Laurianne Georgeton , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre
6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 1 : Journées d'Études sur la Parole, 2020, Nancy, France. pp.73-81
Conference papers hal-02798519v3
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Effects of Waveform PMF on Anti-Spoofing Detection

Itshak Lapidot , Jean-François Bonastre
Interspeech 2019, Sep 2019, Graz, Austria. pp.2853-2857, ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2019-2607⟩
Conference papers hal-02307623v1
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Similarity Metric Based on Siamese Neural Networks for Voice Casting

Adrien Gresse , Mathias Quillot , Richard Dufour , Vincent Labatut , Jean-François Bonastre
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2019, Brighton, United Kingdom. pp.6585-6589, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683178⟩
Conference papers hal-02004762v1
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I4U Submission to NIST SRE 2018: Leveraging from a Decade of Shared Experiences

Kong Aik Lee , Ville Hautamäki , Tomi Kinnunen , Hitoshi Yamamoto , Koji Okabe
INTERSPEECH 2019 - 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Sep 2019, Graz, Austria
Conference papers hal-02280151v1
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Voice Comparison and Rhythm: Behavioral Differences between Target and Non-target Comparisons

Moez Ajili , Jean-François Bonastre , Solange Rossato
Interspeech 2018, Sep 2018, Hyderabad, India. pp.1061-1065, ⟨10.21437/interspeech.2018-61⟩
Conference papers hal-01962586v1
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Suivre le rythme de tes paroles

Solange Rossato , Dan Zhang , Moez Ajili , Jean-François Bonastre
XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole, Jun 2018, Avignon, France. ⟨10.21437/jep.2018-5⟩
Conference papers hal-01874241v1
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Mesure de similarité fondée sur des réseaux de neurones siamois pour le doublage de voix

Adrien Gresse , Richard Dufour , Vincent Labatut , Mickael Rouvier , Jean-François Bonastre
XXXIIèmes Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP), Jun 2018, Aix-en-Provence, France. ⟨10.21437/JEP.2018-2⟩
Conference papers hal-01819198v1

Comparaison des voix dans le cadre judiciaire : influence du contenu phonétique

Ajili Moez , Jean-François Bonastre , Ben Kheder Waad , Solange Rossato , Juliette Kahn
XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole, Jun 2018, Avignon, France. ⟨10.21437/JEP.2018-4⟩
Conference papers hal-01874200v1
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Impact of rhythm on forensic voice comparison reliability

Moez Ajili , Solange Rossato , Dan Zhang , Jean-François Bonastre
Odyssey 2018 The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, Jun 2018, Les Sables d’Olonne, France
Conference papers hal-01962531v1
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The I4U Mega Fusion and Collaboration for NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2016

K A Lee , V Hautamäki , T Kinnunen , A Larcher , C Zhang
Annual Conference of the International Association of Speech Communication (Interspeech), Aug 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01927561v1
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Phonological content impact on wrongful convictions in Forensic Voice Comparison context

Moez Ajili , Jean-François Bonastre , Waad Ben Kheder , Solange Rossato , Juliette Kahn
The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP2017, Mar 2017, New Orleans, United States. pp.2147-2151, ⟨10.1109/icassp.2017.7952536⟩
Conference papers hal-01962627v1
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Acoustic Pairing of Original and Dubbed Voices in the Context of Video Game Localization

Adrien Gresse , Mickael Rouvier , Richard Dufour , Vincent Labatut , Jean-Francois Bonastre
Interspeech, Aug 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.2839-2843, ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2017-1311⟩
Conference papers hal-01572151v1
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Constrained discriminative speaker verification specific to normalized i-vectors

Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre
Odyssey: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 2016, Bilbao, Spain
Conference papers hal-02159804v1

Phonetic content impact on Forensic Voice Comparison

Moez Ajili , Jean-François Bonastre , Waad Ben Kheder , Solange Rossato , Juliette Kahn
2016 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), Dec 2016, San Diego, France. pp.210-217, ⟨10.1109/SLT.2016.7846267⟩
Conference papers hal-02065374v1

Speaker specific features and phonemes in speech: A proposal for evaluating a possible interaction

Nivedita Yadav , Solange Rossato , Juliette Kahn , Jean-François Bonastre
4th International Conference on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), Mar 2016, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference papers hal-02065362v1
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Waad Ben Kheder , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Moez Ajili , Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet
ICASSP, 2015, South Brisbane, Australia
Conference papers hal-02157205v1

An information theory based data-homogeneity measure for voice comparison

Ajili Moez , Jean-François Bonastre , Solange Rossato , Juliette Kahn , Itshak Lapidot
Interspeech 2015: 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Sep 2015, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers hal-01170529v1
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Exploring some limits of Gaussian PLDA modeling for i-vector distributions

Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf
Odyssey: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 2014, Joensuu, Finland
Conference papers hal-02159801v1
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ALIZE 3.0-Open Source Toolkit for State-of-the-Art Speaker Recognition

Anthony Larcher , Jean-François Bonastre , Benoît Fauve , Kong Aik Lee , Christophe Levy
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Aug 2013, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01927586v1

Identify the Benefits of the Different Steps in an i-Vector Based Speaker Verification System

Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf
18th Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2013, Nov 2013, La Havanne, Cuba
Conference papers hal-01313262v1
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I4U submission to NIST SRE 2012: A large-scale collaborative effort for noise-robust speaker verification

R Saeidi , K A Lee , T Kinnunen , T Hasan , B Fauve
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), Aug 2013, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01927582v1

Optimizing feature representation for speaker diarization using PCA and LDA

Itshak Lapidot , Jean-François Bonastre
2012 Afeka-AVIOS Speech Processing Conference, Jun 2012, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Conference papers hal-01339859v1
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Anthony Larcher , Pierre-Michel Bousquet , Kong Aik Lee , Driss Matrouf , Haizhou Li
IEEE International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, Mar 2012, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers hal-01927733v1


A. Sarkar , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf
EUSIPCO 20th European Signal Processing Conference, Aug 2012, Bucarest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01320317v1
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Variance-Spectra based Normalization for I-vector Standard and Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis

Pierre-Michel Bousquet , Anthony Larcher , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Oldřich Plchot
Speaker Odyssey, Jun 2012, Singapour, Singapore
Conference papers hal-01927751v1
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Analyse en Composantes Principales pour l'extraction des i-vecteurs en vérification du locuteur

Anthony Larcher , Pierre-Michel Bousquet , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre
Journées d'Étude sur la Parole (JEP), Jun 2012, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01927796v1
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Typicality extraction in a Speaker Binary Keys model

Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre
ICASSP 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Mar 2012, Kyoto, France. pp.1713-1716, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288228⟩
Conference papers hal-02159792v1

Speaker Recognition Using a Binary Representation and Specificities Models

Gabriel Hernandez-Sierra , Jean-François Bonastre , Jose Ramon Calvo de Lara
17th Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP , Sep 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Conference papers hal-01317547v1
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Bi-Modal Person Recognition on a Mobile Phone: using mobile phone data

Chris Mccool , Sébastien Marcel , Abdenour Hadid , Matti Pietikainen , Pavel Matějka
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Jul 2012, Melbourne, Australia. ⟨10.1109/ICMEW.2012.116⟩
Conference papers hal-01927787v1

Integration of LDA into a telephone conversation speaker diarization system

Itshak Lapidot , Jean-François Bonastre
27th Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI) , Nov 2012, Eilat, Israel. ⟨10.1109/EEEI.2012.6376948⟩
Conference papers hal-01317688v1

Discriminant binary data representation for speaker recognition

Jean-François Bonastre , Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet , Driss Matrouf
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5947550⟩
Conference papers hal-01317599v1

Intersession compensation and scoring methods in the i-vectors space for speaker recognition

Pierre-Michel Bousquet , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre
Interspeech, Oct 2011, Florence, Italy
Conference papers hal-01313266v1

Speaker verification by inexperienced and experienced listeners vs. speaker verification system

Juliette Kahn , Nicolas Audibert , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), 2011, Unknown, pp.5912-5915
Conference papers hal-00959149v1

Speaker verification by inexperienced and experienced listeners vs. speaker verification system

Juliette Kahn , Nicolas Audibert , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5947707⟩
Conference papers hal-01317620v1


Xavier Anguera , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01312773v1

Speaker Modeling Using Local Binary Decisions.

Jean-François Bonastre , Xavier Anguera , Gabriel H. Sierra , Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet
Interspeech, 2011, Florence, Italy
Conference papers hal-01299927v1

Topological representation of speech for speaker recognition

Gabriel H. Sierra , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf , José Ramon Calvo
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2010, Makuhari, Japan
Conference papers hal-01320360v1
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Reconnaissance automatique du locuteur embarquée dans un téléphone portable

Anthony Larcher , Christophe Lévy , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre
JEP, May 2010, Mons, Belgique
Conference papers hal-01317705v1

Channel Detectors for System Fusion in the Context of NIST LRE 2009

Florian Verdet , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Jean Hennebert
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2010, Makuhari, Japan
Conference papers hal-01321176v1

Mistral : open source biometric platform

Eric Charton , Anthony Larcher , Christophe Levy , Jean-François Bonastre
SAC'10 The 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing , Mar 2010, Sierre, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01314613v1
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Developing an acoustic-phonetic characterization of dysarthric speech in French

Cécile Fougeron , Lise Crevier-Buchman , Corinne Fredouille , Alain Ghio , Christine Meunier
7th International Conference on Language Resources, Technologies and Evaluation (LREC), May 2010, Valletta, Malta. pp.2831-2838
Conference papers hal-00528520v1

Study of the Effect of I-vector Modeling on Short and Mismatch Utterance Duration for Speaker Verification

A. Sarkar , Driss Matrouf , Pierre-Michel Bousquet Bousquet , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2010, Portland, United States
Conference papers hal-01320313v1
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Constrained Viterbi decoding for embedded user-customised password speaker recognition

Anthony Larcher , Jean-François Bonastre , John S.D. Mason
SAC 10, Mar 2010, Sierre, Switzerland. ⟨10.1145/1774088.1774410⟩
Conference papers hal-01312781v1

Modéliser un locuteur: Influence des signaux d'apprentissage sur un système de RAL

J. Kahn , Nicolas Audibert , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
JEP 2010 - 28e Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, May 2010, Mons, Belgique
Conference papers hal-00541446v1
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Short Utterance-based Video Aided Speaker Recognition

Anthony Larcher , Jean-François Bonastre , John Mason
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Oct 2010, Cairns, France
Conference papers hal-01927792v1

Intra-speaker variability effects of Speaker Verification performance

J. Kahn , Nicolas Audibert , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
Odyssey 2010: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, Jun 2010, Brno, Czech Republic. pp.n.c
Conference papers hal-00541463v1

Modéliser un locuteur : Influence des signaux d'apprentissage sur les performances d'un système de RAL

Juliette Kahn , Nicolas Audibert , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
JEP 2010, 28èmes Journées d'Etudes sur la parole, AFCP, 2010, Mons, Belgium. pp.x-x
Conference papers hal-00959186v1

Intra-speaker variability effects on Speaker Verification performance

Juliette Kahn , Nicolas Audibert , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
Proc. Odyssey 2010 - The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 2010, Unknown, pp.x-x
Conference papers hal-00959188v1
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Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and Speaker Verification Evaluation

Sébastien Marcel , Chris Mccool , Pavel Matějka , Timo Ahonen , Jaň Cernock´
ICPR 2010 Contests, Aug 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-17711-8_22⟩
Conference papers hal-01318429v1
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LIA NIST-SRE'10 systems

Anthony Larcher , Christophe Lévy , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre
NIST-SRE’10, Jun 2010, Brno, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01317704v1

Beyond Doddington menagerie, a first step towards

Juliette Kahn , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
Proc. 35th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010, Unknown, pp.4534-4537
Conference papers hal-00959187v1

Beyong Doddington Menagerie, a first towars

J. Kahn , Solange Rossato , Jean-François Bonastre
ICASSP 2010 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Mar 2010, Dallas, United States
Conference papers hal-00541495v1

Coping with Two Different Transmission Channels in Language Recognition

Florian Verdet , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Jean Hennebert
IEEE Odyssey - The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, Jul 2010, Brno, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01321165v1
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Decoupling session variability modelling and speaker characterisation

Anthony Larcher , Christophe Lévy , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2010, Makuhari, Japan
Conference papers hal-01317698v1
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A Novel Speaker Binary Key Derived from Anchor Models

Xavier Anguera , Jean-François Bonastre
Interspeech, 2010, Sinjapour, Singapore
Conference papers hal-02157178v1

Feature Selection Based on Information Theory for Speaker Verification

Rafael Fernández , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf , José Ramon Calvo
14th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition, CIARP, Nov 2009, Guadalajara, Mexico. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-10268-4_36⟩
Conference papers hal-01315511v1
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Are the unvoiced consonants relevant for dysphonia phenomenon observation?

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , J.-F Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Audrey Marques
Advanced Voice Function Assessment International Workshop, 2009, Madrid, France
Conference papers hal-01619448v1
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Pertinence des consonnes sourdes pour l'observation des phénomènes liés à la dysphonie

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , J.-F Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Audrey Marques
Journées de Phonétique Clinique, 2009, Aix-en-Provence, France. p 48
Conference papers hal-01619618v1

Speaker diarization using unsupervised discriminant analysis of inter-channel delay features

Nicholas Evans , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre
IACSSP'09, Apr 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4960520⟩
Conference papers hal-01318388v1


Francesco Piazza , Stefania Cecchi , Lorenzo Palestini , Ariano Lattanzi , Ferruccio Bettarelli
AES 36th International Conference, Jun 2009, Dearborn, United States
Conference papers hal-01319993v1

Factor Analysis and SVM for Language Recognition

Florian Verdet , Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Jean Hennebert
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01321172v1
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Description phonético-acoustique de la parole dysarthrique: le projet DesPho-APaDy

Cécile Fougeron , Corinne Fredouille , Alain Ghio , Lise Crevier-Buchman , Christine Meunier
Troisièmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique, Dec 2009, Aix en Provence, France. pp.30
Conference papers halshs-00610716v1

Analysis of impostor tests with high scores in NIST-SRE context

Salah Eddine Mezaache , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2008, Brisbane, Australia
Conference papers hal-01320321v1
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ALIZE/SpkDet: a state-of-the-art open source software for speaker recognition

Jean-François Bonastre , Nicolas Scheffer , Driss Matrouf , Corinne Fredouille , Anthony Larcher
Odyssey 2008: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, Jan 2008, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Conference papers hal-01312982v1
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Analyse Phonétique dans le Domaine Fréquentiel pour la Classification des Voix Dysphoniques

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Antoine Giovanni
Journées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP), Jun 2008, Avignon, France. pp.221-224
Conference papers hal-00292400v1

Surveillance vocale de réseaux de communication professionnels par la reconnaissance du locuteur

Alexandre Preti , Bertrand Ravera , François Capman , Jean-François Bonastre
JEP, Jun 2008, Avignon, France
Conference papers hal-01320040v1
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Dysphonic Voices and the 0-3000Hz Frequency Band

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , J.-F Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Antoine Giovanni
9th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2008, Brisbane, Australia. p 2214-2217
Conference papers hal-01619637v1

Adaptation rapide de modeles acoustiques compacts

Christophe Lévy , Georges Linarès , Jean-François Bonastre
JEP, Jun 2008, Avignon, France
Conference papers hal-01318196v1
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Reinforced Temporal Structure Information For Embedded Utterance-Based Speaker Recognition

Anthony Larcher , Jean-François Bonastre , John Mason
Interspeech, Sep 2008, brisbane, Australia
Conference papers hal-01312944v1


Alexandre Preti , Bertrand Ravera , François Capman , Jean-François Bonastre
16th European Signal Processing Conference, Aug 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01320036v1

Factor Analysis Multi-Session Training Constraint in Session Compensation for Speaker Verification

Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Salah Eddine Mezaache
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2008, Brisbane Australia
Conference papers hal-01318459v1
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Anthony Larcher , Jean-François Bonastre , John S. D. Mason
16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2008),, Aug 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01312949v1
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Mistral : Plate-forme open source d'authentification biométrique

Eric Charton , Teva Merlin , Christophe Lévy , Anthony Larcher , Sylvain Meignier
XXVIIe Journées d'étude sur la parole (JEP 2008), AFCP, Jun 2008, Avignon, France. pp.1654
Conference papers hal-01451536v1

Combining Continuous Progressive Model Adaptation and Factor Analysis for Speaker Verification

Mitchell Mclaren , Driss Matrouf , Robbie Vogt , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2008, Brisbane, Australia
Conference papers hal-01318540v1

Confidence measure based unsupervised target model adaptation for speaker verification

Alexandre Preti , Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf , Francois Capman , Bertrand Ravera
Interspeech, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01311585v1
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Characterization of the Pathological Voices (Dysphonia) in the frequency space

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Joana Révis
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Aug 2007, Saarbrücken, Germany. pp.1993-1996
Conference papers hal-00173728v1
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Analyse Fréquentielle pour la Caractérisation des Voix Dysphoniques

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , J.-F Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Antoine Giovanni
Journées de Phonétique Clinique, 2007, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01616696v1

An Interactive Timeline for Speech Database Browsing

Benoit Favre , Jean-François Bonastre , Patrice Bellot
Interspeech 2007, Antwerp (Belgium), 2007, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01194296v1

Information Retrieval Strategies for Accessing African Audio Corpora

Abdillahi Nimaan , Pascal Nocera , Frédéric Bechet , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Aug 2007, Anvers, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01319828v1
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Artificial impostor voice transformation effects on false acceptance rates

Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf , Corinne Fredouille
Interspeech, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium
Conference papers hal-02157147v1
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Frequency Study for the Characterization of the Dysphonic Voices

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Antoine Giovanni
INTERSPEECH 2007, Aug 2007, Antwerp, Belgium. pp.1198-1201
Conference papers hal-00173730v1

Fast adaptation of GMM-based compact models

Christophe Lévy , Georges Linarès , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Aug 2007, Anvers, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01318190v1
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Complementary approaches for voice disorder assessment

Jean-François Bonastre , Corinne Fredouille , Alain Ghio , Antoine Giovanni , Gilles Pouchoulin
Interspeech 2007, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium. pp.1194-1197
Conference papers hal-01616694v1

A Straightforward and Efficient Implementation of the Factor Analysis Model for Speaker Verification

Driss Matrouf , Nicolas Scheffer , Benoit Fauve , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Aug 2007, Anvers, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01318480v1

Influence of task duration in text-independent speaker verification

Benoît Fauve , Nicholas Evans , Neil Pearson , Jean-François Bonastre , John Mason
Interspeech, Aug 2007, Anvers, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01312885v1

Frequency-Based Analysis for the Characterization of the Dysphonic Voices

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , J.-F Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Antoine Giovanni
Pan-European Voice Conference (PEVOC), 2007, Groningen, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01616699v1


Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf , Corinne Fredouille
Les Journées d’Etude sur la Parole (JEP), Jun 2006, Dinard, France
Conference papers hal-01312955v1

Représentation acoustique compacte pour un système de reconnaissance de la parole embarquée

Christophe Lévy , Georges Linarès , Jean-François Bonastre
JEP, Jun 2006, Dinard, France
Conference papers hal-01318321v1
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Imperfect transcript driven speech recognition

Benjamin Lecouteux , Georges Linarès , Pascal Nocera , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2006, Pittsburgh, United States
Conference papers hal-01318085v1

Effect of Speech Transformation on Impostor Acceptance

Driss Matrouf , Jean-François Bonastre , Corinne Fredouille
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, May 2006, Toulouse, France. ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2006.1660175⟩
Conference papers hal-01318472v1
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Reconnaissance de la parole guidée par des transcriptions approchées

Benjamin Lecouteux , Georges Linares , Pascal Nocera , Jean-François Bonastre
Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP), Jun 2006, Dinard, France
Conference papers hal-01318088v1

A Multiclass framework for Speaker Verification within an Acoustic Event Sequence system

Nicolas Scheffer , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2006, Pittsburgh, United States
Conference papers hal-01319823v1

UBM-GMM Driven Discriminative Approach for Speaker Verification

Nicolas Scheffer , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE Odyssey - The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop , Jun 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico. ⟨10.1109/ODYSSEY.2006.248127⟩
Conference papers hal-01319826v1
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Modélisation statistique et infomations pertinentes pour la caractérisation des voix pathologiques (dysphonies)

Gilles Pouchoulin , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Marion Azzarello
Journées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP), Jun 2006, Dinard, France. pp.93-96
Conference papers hal-00136742v1


Christophe Lévy , Georges Linarès , Jean-François Bonastre
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2006, Pittsburgh, United States
Conference papers hal-01318193v1

Accès aux connaissances orales par le résumé automatique

Benoit Favre , Jean-François Bonastre , Patrice Bellot , Francois Capman
EGC'06, Lille (France), 2006, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01194298v1

Unsupervised model adaptation for speaker verification

Alexandre Preti , Jean-François Bonastre
Interspeech, 2006, Pittsburgh, United States
Conference papers hal-01311548v1

Transfer Function-Based Voice Transformation for Speaker Recognition

Jean-François Bonastre , Driss Matrouf , Corinne Fredouille
The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop 2006 IEEE Odyssey -, Jun 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico. ⟨10.1109/ODYSSEY.2006.248128⟩
Conference papers hal-01312979v1


Alexandre Preti , Nicolas Scheffer , Jean-François Bonastre
The Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication, 2006, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01311592v1

ALIZE, a free toolkit for speaker recognition

Jean-François Bonastre , F. Wils , Sylvain Meignier
(ICASSP '05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005, Philadelphia, United States. pp.737-740, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2005.1415219⟩
Conference papers hal-01434280v1
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NIST RT'05S Evaluation: Pre-processing Techniques and Speaker Diarization on Multiple Microphone Meetings

Dan Istrate , Corinne Fredouille , Sylvain Meignier , Laurent Besacier , Jean François Bonastre
RT'05S Workshop, 2005, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.428 - 439, ⟨10.1007/11677482_36⟩
Conference papers hal-01434285v1

Embedded Mobile Phone Digit-Recognition

Christophe Lévy , Georges Linarès , Jean-François Bonastre
8th International Symposium on DSP and Communication Systems,DSPCS'2005 & 4th Workshop on the Internet, Telecommunications and Signal Processing, WITSP'2005, Dec 2005, Noosa Heads, Australia. ⟨10.1007/978-0-387-45976-9_7⟩
Conference papers hal-01318184v1
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Application of Automatic Speaker Recognition techniques to pathological voice assessment (dysphonia)

Corinne Fredouille , Gilles Pouchoulin , Jean-François Bonastre , Marion Azzarello , Antoine Giovanni
Interspeech, 2005, Lisboa, France. pp.149-152
Conference papers hal-00136765v1
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Daniel Moraru , Laurent Besacier , Sylvain Meignier , Corinne Fredouille , J.-F Bonastre
Rich Transcription Fall 2004 Evaluation Workshop, Oct 2004, Palisades, NY, United States. pp.9
Conference papers hal-01451539v1
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Segmentation selon le locuteur : les activités du consortium ELISA dans le cadre de Nist RT03

Daniel Moraru , Sylvain Meignier , Corinne Fredouille , Laurent Besacier , Jean-François Bonastre
Journées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP 2004), AFCP, Apr 2004, Fès, Maroc. pp.4
Conference papers hal-01434484v1

Information retrieval on mixed written and spoken documents

Benoit Favre , Patrice Bellot , Jean-François Bonastre
RIAO, Avignon (France), 2004, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.826-835
Conference papers hal-01194302v1
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Benefits of prior acoustic segmentation for automatic speaker segmentation

Sylvain Meignier , Daniel Moraru , Corinne Fredouille , Jean-François Bonastre , Laurent Besacier
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2004), May 2004, Montreal, Canada. pp.397-400, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2004.1326006⟩
Conference papers hal-01434305v1

The ELISA Consortium approches in Broadcast News Speaker segmentation during the NIST 2003 rich transcription evaluation

Daniel Moraru , Sylvain Meignier , Corinne Fredouille , Laurent Besacier , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE, Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2004), 2004, Montreal, Canada. pp.373--376
Conference papers hal-01434303v1

Recherche d'information dans un mélange de documents écrits et parlés

Benoit Favre , Jean-François Bonastre , Patrice Bellot
Journées d'Etude de la Parole (JEP), Fèz (Morocco), 2004, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01194301v1
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ELISA Nist RT03 Broadcast News Speaker Diarization Experiments

Daniel Moraru , Sylvain Meignier , Corinne Fredouille , Laurent Besacier , Jean-François Bonastre
The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop (Odyssey 2004) , May 2004, Tolède, Spain
Conference papers hal-01434300v1
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Gémellité et reconnaissance automatique du locuteur

Nicolas Scheffer , Jean-François Bonastre , Alain Ghio , Bernard Teston
Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, 2004, Fez, France. pp.445-448
Conference papers hal-00134198v1

Reducing computational and memory cost for cellular phone embedded speech recognition system

Christophe Lévy , Georges Linarès , Pascal Nocera , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. (ICASSP '04)., May 2004, Montreal, Canada. ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2004.1327109⟩
Conference papers hal-01318230v1
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The NIST 2004 spring rich transcription evaluation : two-axis merging strategy in the context of multiple distance microphone based meeting speaker segmentation

Corinne Fredouille , Daniel Moraru , Sylvain Meignier , Laurent Besacier , Jean-François Bonastre
RT2004 Spring Meeting Recognition Workshop, May 2004, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-01434304v1

The ELISA consortium approches in speaker segmentation during the NIST 2002 speaker recognition evaluation

Daniel Moraru , Sylvain Meignier , Laurent Besacier , Jean-François Bonastre , Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau
IEEE, Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2003), 2003, Hong Kong, China. pp.89--92
Conference papers hal-01451541v1

Speaker detection using multi-speaker audio files for both enrollement and test

Jean-François Bonastre , Sylvain Meignier , Teva Merlin
IEEE, Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2003), 2003, Hong Kong, China. pp.77--80
Conference papers hal-01434535v1

Structural speaker adaptation using maximum a posteriori approach and a Gaussian distributions merging technique

Olivier Bellot , Driss Matrouf , Pascal Nocera , Georges Linarès , Jean-François Bonastre
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP '03, Apr 2003, Hong-Kong, China. ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2003.1202309⟩
Conference papers hal-01312867v1
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Gaussian Dynamic Warping (GDW) Method applied to Text-Dependent Speaker Detection and Verification

Jean-François Bonastre , Philippe Morin , Jean-Claude Junqua
Eurospeech, 2003, Geneve, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02157173v1


L Barcaroli , Georges Linares , J.-P Costa , Jean-François Bonastre
ITRW on Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP 03), May 2003, Le Croisic, France
Conference papers hal-01312809v1
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Speaker Utterances tying among speaker segmented audio documents using hierarchical classification: towards speaker indexing of audio databases

Sylvain Meignier , Jean-François Bonastre , Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau
ISCA International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2002), 2002, Denver, CO, United States. pp.577--580
Conference papers hal-01434586v1
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Appariement de locuteurs entre documents sonores préalablement segmentés en utilisant la classification hiérarchique

Sylvain Meignier , Jean-François Bonastre , Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau
JEP 2002, 2002, Nancy, France. pp.5
Conference papers hal-01434575v1
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HMM évolutif pour les tâches de segmentation et d'indexation

Sylvain Meignier , Jean-François Bonastre , S. Igounet
Colloques sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, 2001, Toulouse, France. pp.4
Conference papers hal-01434643v1

A Posteriori and a Priori Transformations for Speaker Adaptation in Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition Systems

Driss Matrouf , Olivier Bellot , Pascal Nocera , Georges Linares , Jean-François Bonastre
EUROSPEECH 2001 Scandinavia, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2nd INTERSPEECH Event, Sep 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
Conference papers hal-01318489v1
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E-HMM approach for learning and adapting sound models for speaker indexing

Sylvain Meignier , Jean-François Bonastre , S. Igounet
ISCA, A Speaker Odyssey, The Speaker Recognition Workshop, 2001, Chiana (Crete), Greece. pp.5
Conference papers hal-01434656v1
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Modèle de Markov évolutif pour les tâches de suivi de locuteurs

Sylvain Meignier , Jean-François Bonastre , Corinne Fredouille , Teva Merlin
JEP 2000, 2000, Aussois, France. pp.4
Conference papers hal-01434692v1

Différentes stratégies pour le suivi du locuteur , Reconnaissances des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle

Jean-François Bonastre , P. Delacourt , Corinne Fredouille , Sylvain Meignier , Teva Merlin
RFIA 2000, 2000, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01434681v1
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Evolutive HMM for Multi-Speaker Tracking System

Sylvain Meignier , Jean-François Bonastre , Corinne Fredouille , Teva Merlin
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2000), IEEE, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.4
Conference papers hal-01451542v1
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Teva Merlin , Jean-François Bonastre , Corinne Fredouille
International Workshop on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Applications, 1999, NEUCHATEL, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02157122v1
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Time and Frequency Pruning for Speaker Identification

L Besacier , J.-F. Bonastre
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1998, brisbane, Australia
Conference papers hal-02157124v1
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Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau , Jean François Bonastre , Frédéric Bimbot
Eurospeech 1995, Sep 1995, Madrid, Spain. pp.337-340
Conference papers hal-04475976v1