Persisting in extreme environments: What are the drivers of body conditions of introduced fish in high mountain lakes?
Chloé Vagnon
Arnaud Sentis
Benjamin Gerfand
Jean Guillard
Jean‐claude Raymond
Journal articles
Factors influencing larval coregonine spatial distribution in Lake Geneva (Europe) and Lake Superior (North America) during a single season near known spawning sites
Jamie A Dobosenski
Daniel L Yule
Jean Guillard
Orlane Anneville
Edmund J Isaac
Journal articles
Tracking the real-time behavior of Hemimysis anomala’s winter swarms using acoustic camera
Hervé Rogissart
Victor Frossard
Jean Guillard
Clément Rautureau
Stéphan Jacquet
Journal articles
Motorboat noise increases aggregation and alters gaping and filtration behaviors in the invasive quagga mussel
Théophile Turco
Paola Casole
Denis Saint-Marcoux
Alicia Romero-Ramirez
Marilyn Beauchaud
Journal articles
Impact of fishing activities on the population dynamics of European whitefish in four peri-alpine lakes
Fabien Bourinet
O. Anneville
Hilaire Drouineau
Chloé Goulon
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Response of European whitefish embryos to thermal conditions diverges between peri-alpine populations
Taylor R. Stewart
Charles Brun
Chloé Goulon
Jan Baer
Juha Karjalainen
Journal articles
Heat shocks during egg incubation led to developmental, morphological, and behavioral differences in Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus )
François‐raphaël Lubin
Emilie Réalis-Doyelle
Laurent Espinat
Jean Guillard
Allan Raffard
Journal articles
Fish as a deformable solid: an innovative method to characterise fish swimming behaviour on acoustic videos
Azénor Le Quinio
François Martignac
Alexandre Girard
J. Guillard
Jean-Marc Roussel
Journal articles
Rehabilitation of whitefish fisheries in lakes Geneva and Bourget during the eutrophication period: assessing socio-economic impacts through large collaborative research
Hervé Rogissart
Chloé Goulon
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Implementation of the split-beam function to Mills cross multibeam echo sounder for target strength measurements
Guillaume Matte
Tehei Gauthier
Nathan Rousselot
Jean Guillard
Marie Lamouret
Journal articles
Impacts of paternal transmission of PCBs and global warming on the evolution of pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) during the early life stages of a cold stenothermic fish (Arctic charr)
Emilie Réalis-Doyelle
Jean Guillard
Romane Morati
Nathalie Cottin
Stéphane Reynaud
Journal articles
Past and future climate change effects on the thermal regime and oxygen solubility of four peri-alpine lakes
Olivia Desgué-Itier
Laura Melo Vieira Soares
Orlane Anneville
Damien Bouffard
Vincent Chanudet
Journal articles
Evolution of pace-of-life syndrome under conditions of maternal PCB contamination and global warming in early life stages of cold stenothermic fish (Arctic char)
Emilie Réalis-Doyelle
Nathalie Cottin
Martin Daufresne
Emmanuel Naffrechoux
Stéphane Reynaud
Journal articles
Automatic detection, identification and counting of anguilliform fish using in situ acoustic camera data: Development of a cross-camera morphological analysis approach
Azénor Le Quinio
Eric de Oliveira
Alexandre Girard
Jean Guillard
Jean-Marc Roussel
Journal articles
Synchrony in whitefish stock dynamics: disentangling the effects of local drivers and climate
Fabien Bourinet
Orlane Anneville
Hilaire Drouineau
Chloé Goulon
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
A quantitative eDNA-based approach to monitor fish spawning in lakes: Application to European perch and whitefish
Marine Vautier
Cécile Chardon
Chloé Goulona
Jean Guillard
Isabelle Domaizon
Journal articles
Optimisation d’une méthode non intrusive de l’étude des populations de poissons en lac : l’hydro-acoustique
Jean Guillard
Jean-Marc Baudoin
Chloé Goulon
Journal articles
In situ TS detections using two generations of echo-sounder, EK60 and EK80: the continuity of fishery acoustic data in lakes
Clément Rautureau
Chloé Goulon
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Short-Range Movement Pattern of Amphidromous Lagoon Fish Schools: Ecological Applications
Patrice Brehmer
Marc Soria
Viviane David
Pablo Ivan Caballero Pinzon
Pascal Bach
Journal articles
The vulnerability of whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus ) to the invasive European catfish ( Silurus glanis ) in a large peri-Alpine lake
Chloé Vagnon
Franck Cattanéo
Chloé Goulon
Jean Guillard
Victor Frossard
Journal articles
Inferring the trophic attributes and consequences of co-occurring lake invaders using an allometric niche model
Chloé Vagnon
Franck Cattanéo
Jean Guillard
Victor Frossard
Journal articles
Past and future climate change effects on thermal regime and oxygen solubility of four peri-alpine lakes
Olivia Desgué-Itier
Laura Melo Vieira Soares
Orlane Anneville
Damien Bouffard
Vincent Chanudet
Journal articles
Combining food web theory and population dynamics to assess the impact of invasive species
Chloé Vagnon
Rudolf Rohr
Louis-Félix Bersier
Franck Cattanéo
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Discrimination between schools and submerged trees in reservoirs: a preliminary approach using narrowband and broadband acoustics
Arthur Blanluet
Sven Gastauer
Franck Cattanéo
Chloé Goulon
David Grimardias
Journal articles
The opportunistic trophic behaviour of the European catfish ( Silurus glanis ) in a recently colonised large peri‐alpine lake
Chloé Vagnon
Simon Bazin
Franck Cattanéo
Chloé Goulon
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Comparison of fish size spectra obtained from hydroacoustics and gillnets across seven European natural lakes
Michal Tušer
Jean Guillard
Atle Rustadbakken
Thomas Mehner
Journal articles
A Case Study of Fisheries Governance and Management in a Reservoir of Lao PDR: Perspectives for Improvement
Eric Baran
Theodorus Visser
Maud Cottet
Anne Tessier
Eric Guerin
Aquaculture and Fisheries Studies, 2021, 3 (3), pp.1-9
Journal articles
An allometric niche model for species interactions in temperate freshwater ecosystems
Chloé Vagnon
Franck Cattanéo
Chloé Goulon
David Grimardias
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
LéXPLORE : A floating laboratory on Lake Geneva offering unique lake research opportunities
Alfred Wüest
Damien Bouffard
Jean Guillard
Bastiaan Ibelings
Sébastien Lavanchy
Journal articles
Mitigation of ecological impacts on fish of large reservoir sediment management through controlled flushing – The case of the Verbois dam (Rhône River, Switzerland)
Franck Cattanéo
Jean Guillard
Seydina Diouf
Jane O'Rourke
David Grimardias
Journal articles
Ultra slow acoustic energy transport in dense fish aggregates
Benoit Tallon
Philippe Roux
Guillaume Matte
Jean Guillard
John H Page
Journal articles
Efficiency of automatic analyses of fish passages detected by an acoustic camera using Sonar5-Pro
François Martignac
Jean-Luc Baglinière
Dominique Ombredane
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Hydroacoustic Autonomous boat for Remote fish detection in LakE (HARLE ), an unmanned autonomous surface vehicle to monitor fish populations in lakes
Chloé Goulon
Olivier Le Meaux
Romain Vincent‐falquet
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Influence of warming temperatures on coregonine embryogenesis within and among species
Taylor R Stewart
Mikko Mäkinen
Chloé Goulon
Jean Guillard
Timo J Marjomäki
Journal articles
Elevated temperature and deposited sediment jointly affect early life history traits in southernmost Arctic char populations
Lisandrina Mari
Martin Daufresne
Jean Guillard
Guillaume Evanno
Emilien Lasne
Journal articles
Spatial and temporal variations of Limnothrissa miodon stocks and their stability in Lake Kivu
A. Tessier
A. Richard
P. Masilya
E.R. Mudakikwa
A. Muzana
Journal articles
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes
Jean-Philippe Jenny
Orlane Anneville
Fabien Arnaud
Yoann Baulaz
Damien Bouffard
Journal articles
Major biomass fluctuations in lake food webs – An example in the peri-alpine Lake Annecy
Marine Lemaire
Jean Guillard
Orlane Anneville
Jérémy Lobry
Journal articles
First Hydroacoustic Assessment of Fish Abundance and Distribution in the Shallow Subbasin of Lake Titicaca
Erick Loayza
Bertrand Arnaud
Jean Guillard
Luis La Cruz
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Journal articles
Investigating key biological parameters of Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus L.) in a large Asian reservoir to better develop sustainable fisheries
D. Beaune
Jean Guillard
M. Cottet
K. Kue
Raymond Laë
Journal articles
Low input of offshore areas to fisheries in a large tropical reservoir in Lao PDR
Anne Tessier
Maud Cottet
Kaoboun Kue
Vincent Chanudet
Stéphane Descloux
Journal articles
Mesoscopic wave physics in fish shoals
Benoit Tallon
Philippe Roux
Guillaume Matte
Jean Guillard
Sergey E Skipetrov
Journal articles
Comparisons of day-time and night-time hydroacoustic surveys in temperate lakes
Michaël Girard
Chloé Goulon
Anne Tessier
Pascal Vonlanthen
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
The Observatory on LAkes (OLA) database: Sixty years of environmental data accessible to the public
Frédéric Rimet
Orlane Anneville
Denis Barbet
Cécile Chardon
Laura Crepin
Journal articles
Acoustic density estimation of dense fish shoals
Benoit Tallon
Philippe Roux
Guillaume Matte
Jean Guillard
Sergey E Skipetrov
Journal articles
Warming winters threaten peripheral Arctic charr populations of Europe
Seán Kelly
Tadhg Moore
Elvira de Eyto
Mary Dillane
Chloé Goulon
Journal articles
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes
Jean-Philippe Jenny
Orlane Anneville
Fabien Arnaud
Yoann Baulaz
Damien Bouffard
Journal articles
Investigating key biological parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in a large Asian reservoir to better develop sustainable fisheries
D Beaune
Jean Guillard
M Cottet
K Kue
R Lae
Journal articles
Effect of a Transducer Horizontality Default on Lake Fish Stock Assessment
Arthur Blanluet
Chloe Goulon
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Pauline Eymar-Dauphin
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Vessel avoidance response: A complex tradeoff between fish multisensory integration and environmental variables
Patrice Brehmer
Abdoulaye Sarré
Yvon Guennégan
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Including 38 kHz in the standardization protocol for hydroacoustic fish surveys in temperate lakes
Anne Mouget
Chloé Goulon
Thomas Axenrot
Helge Balk
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Journal articles
Life history traits and exploitation of Hampala barb (Hampala macrolepidota - Cyprinidae) in a subtropical reservoir (Lao PDR).
Anne Tessier
David Beaune
Jean Guillard
Kaoboun Kue
Maud Cottet
Journal articles
Communautés piscicoles introduites des lacs d’altitude : approches scientifiques et influences idéologiques
Bertrand Loheac
Arnaud Caudron
Jean Guillard
Revue des Sciences de l'Eau / Journal of Water Science, 2019, 32 (1), pp.39-50. ⟨10.7202/1059879ar⟩
Journal articles
Life history traits of the exploited Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus - Cichlidae) in a subtropical reservoir (Lao PDR)
Anne Tessier
Charlotte Blin
Maud Cottet
Kaoboun Kue
Jacques Panfili
Journal articles
Manual fish length measurement accuracy for adult river fish using an acoustic camera (DIDSON)
Aurélie Daroux
François Martignac
Marie Nevoux
Jean-Luc Baglinière
Dominique D. Ombredane
Journal articles
Life history traits and exploitation of Hampala barb (Hampala macrolepidota -Cyprinidae) in a subtropical reservoir (Lao PDR)
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Communautés piscicoles introduites des lacs d’altitude : approches scientifiques et influences idéologiques
Bertrand Loheac
Arnaud Caudron
Jean Guillard
Revue des Sciences de l'Eau / Journal of Water Science, 2019, 32 (1), pp.39-50. ⟨10.7202/1059879ar⟩
Journal articles
Life history traits of the exploited Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus -Cichlidae) in a subtropical reservoir (Lao PDR)
Jean Guillard
Anne Tessier
Charlotte Blin
Journal articles
Parasitic versus nutritional regulation of natural fish populations
Amélie Frantz
Marie-Elodie Perga
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Fisheries impacts on lake ecosystem structure in the context of a changing climate and trophic state
Tiina Noges
Orlane Anneville
Jean Guillard
Juta Haberman
Ain Järvalt
Journal articles
Acoustic Survey of an Estuarine Marine Protected Area and of its Close Vicinity: Analysis and Monitoring Prospective
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Choice of environment-friendly food packagings through argumentation systems and preferences
Bruno Yun
Pierre Bisquert
Patrice Buche
Madalina Croitoru
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Acoustic Survey of an Estuarine Marine Protected Area and of its Close Vicinity : Analysis and Monitoring Prospective
Nolwenn Béhagle
Jean Guillard
Jean-Marc Ecoutin
Raymond Laë
Ibrahima Sow
Journal articles
Fish communities in the Anthropocene: detecting drivers of changes in the deep peri-alpine Lake Geneva
Orlane Anneville
C. Vogel
Jérémy Lobry
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Fish population in Lake Kivu: review of recent advances on management and knowledge
Jean Guillard
Alexandre Richard
Journal articles
Caractérisation des fonds lacustres par hydroacoustique Une nouvelle méthode opérationnelle pour la surveillance environnementale
Anne Mouget
Jean Guillard
Jean-Marc Baudouin
Christine Argillier
Cahier des Techniques de l'INRA, 2017
Journal articles
Fish hydroacoustic survey standardization: A step forward based on comparisons of methods and systems from vertical surveys of a large deep lake
Vladislav Drastik
Malgorzata Godlewska
Helge Balk
Peter Clabburn
Jan Kubecka
Journal articles
Caractérisation des fonds lacustres par hydroacoustique. Une nouvelle méthode opérationnelle pour la surveillance environnementale
Anne Mouget
Jean Guillard
Jean-Marc Baudoin
Christine Argillier
Cahier des Techniques de l'INRA, 2017, 92, pp.10
Journal articles
Drawdown flushing of a hydroelectric reservoir on the Rhône River: Impacts on the fish community and implications for the sediment management
David Grimardias
Jean Guillard
Franck Cattanéo
Journal articles
Length-weight relationships of eight Asian freshwater fish species in Nam Theun 2 Reservoir (Laos PDR)
Anne Tessier
Jean Guillard
V. Chanudet
M. Cottet
Journal articles
Acoustic dedicated to fishery ecology study
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Fish Assemblages in Large Tropical Reservoirs: Overview of Fish Population Monitoring Methods
Anne Tessier
Stéphane Descloux
Raymond Laë
Maud Cottet
Pierre Guedant
Journal articles
Seasonal and diel effects on acoustic fish biomass estimates: application to a shallow reservoir with untargeted common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Imed Djemali
Jean Guillard
Daniel L. Yule
Journal articles
Do fish and blue-green algae blooms coexist in space and time?
Małgorzata Godlewska
Katarzyna Izydorczyk
Zbigniew Kaczkowski
Adam Jóźwik
Bronisław Długoszewski
Journal articles
Nodularin and cylindrospermopsin: a review of their effects on fish
Benoît Sotton
Isabelle Domaizon
Orlane Anneville
Franck Cattanéo
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Le retour du lavaret : une action d’ingénierie écologique réussie à l’échelle d’un lac (Le Bourget)
Jean Guillard
Sébastien Cachera
Alexis Champigneulle
Bernard Montuelle
Sciences Eaux & Territoires, 2015
Journal articles
Mots-clés Diphyllobothriose, Diphyllobothrium latum, poisson de lac, perche, brochet
Jean Dupouy Camet
Mahamane Haïdara
E Dei-Cas
Hélène Yera
Laurent Espinat
Bulletin Epidémiologique, 2015
Journal articles
Impact of Fishing and Stocking Practices on Coregonid Diversity
Orlane Anneville
Emilien Lasne
Jean Guillard
Reiner Eckmann
Jason Stockwell
Journal articles
Impact of fishing and stocking practices on coregonid diversity
Orlane Anneville
Emilien Lasne
Jean Guillard
Reiner Eckmann
Jason D. Stockwell
Journal articles
Trophic transfer of microcystins through the lake pelagic food web
Benoît Sotton
Jean Guillard
Orlane Anneville
Marjorie Marechal
Olga Savichtcheva
Journal articles
The use of acoustic cameras in shallow waters: new hydroacoustic tools for monitoring migratory fish population. A review of DIDSON technology
François Martignac
Aurélie Daroux
Jean-Luc Baglinière
Dominique D. Ombredane
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Comparing hydroacoustic fish stock estimates in the pelagic zone of temperate deep lakes using three sound frequencies (70, 120, 200 kHz)
Jean Guillard
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Helge Bbalk
Michel Colon
Adam Jóźwik
Journal articles
Thirty years of reoligotrophication do not contribute to restore self-sustaining fisheries of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, in Lake Geneva
Arnaud Caudron
Emilien Lasne
Christian C. Gillet
Jean Guillard
Alexis Champigneulle
Journal articles
Utilisation de la caméra acoustique DIDSON pour le suivi en rivière des poissons migrateurs
Aurélie Daroux
François Martignac
Jean Guillard
Cahier des Techniques de l'INRA, 2014, 83, 8 p
Journal articles
Comparison of vertical mobile hydroacoustic survey strategies for monitoring fish distributions in the Gironde estuary (France)
Valérie Samedy
E. Josse
Jean Guillard
M. Pierre
Michel Girardin
Journal articles
Impact of Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms on Eurasian Perch (Perca fluviatilis): Experimental Study and In Situ Observations in a Peri-Alpine Lake
Benoit Sotton
Jean Guillard
Sylvie Bony
Alain Devaux
Isabelle Domaizon
Journal articles
Are cyanobacterial blooms trophic dead ends?
Marie-Elodie Perga
Isabelle Domaizon
Jean Guillard
Valérie Hamelet
Orlane Anneville
Journal articles
Comparing two fish sampling standards over time: largely congruent results but with caveats
Daniel L. Yule
Lori M. Evrard
Sébastien Cachera
Michel Colon
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Comparison of vertical mobile hydroacoustic survey strategies for monitoring fish distributions in the Gironde estuary (France)
V. Samedy
Erwan Josse
Jean Guillard
M. Pierre
Michel Girardin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2013, 134, pp.174-180
Journal articles
Influences of a dam on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) upstream migration in the Couesnon River (Mont Saint Michel Bay) using hydroacoustics
François Martignac
Jean-Luc Baglinière
L. Thieulle
Dominique D. Ombredane
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Fish biomass estimates along estuaries: A comparison of vertical acoustic sampling at fixed stations and purse seine catches
Jean Guillard
Monique Simier
Jean-Jacques Albaret
Jean Raffray
Idrissa Sow
Journal articles
Strong correspondence between gillnet catch per unit effort and hydroacoustically derived fish biomass in stratified lakes
M. Emmrich
I. J. Winfield
Jean Guillard
A. Rustadbakken
C. Verges
Journal articles
Is the fishery of the introduced Tanganyika sardine (Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kivu (East Africa) sustainable?
Jean Guillard
François Darchambeau
Pascal Masilya Mulungula
Jean-Pierre Descy
Journal articles
Dynamique de la biodiversité lacustre et changement global : les lacs périalpins
Bernard Montuelle
Orlane Anneville
Alexis Champigneulle
Isabelle Domaizon
Jean Marcel Dorioz
Journal articles
Short-term uptake of microcystin-LR by Coregonus lavaretus: GST activity and genotoxicity
Benoit Sotton,
Alain Devaux
Nicolas Givaudan
Jean Guillard
Isabelle Domaizon
Journal articles
Identifying lakebed nature: is it feasible with a combination of echosounder and Sonar5-pro?
Thomas Poulain
Christine Argillier
Muriel Gevrey
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Spatial match between Planktothrix rubescens and whitefish in a mesotrophic peri-alpine lake : Evidence of toxins accumulation
Benoît Sotton
Orlane Anneville
Sabrina Cadel-Six
Isabelle Domaizon
Sophie Krys
Journal articles
Three-dimensional internal spatial structure of young-of-the-year pelagic freshwater fish provides evidence for the identification of fish school species
Jean Guillard
Paul Fernandes
Thomas Laloë
Patrice Brehmer
Journal articles
How pulse lengths impact fish stock estimations during hydroacoustic measurements at 70 kHz
Malgorzata Godlewska
Michel Colon
Adam Jóźwik
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Exploratory and instantaneous swimming speeds of amphidromous fish school in shallow-water coastal lagoon channels
Patrice Brehmer
Jean Guillard
P. I. C. Pinzon
Pascal Bach
Journal articles
Identifying lakebed nature : is it feasible with a combination of echosounder and Sonar 5-pro ?
Thomas Poulain
Christine Argillier
Muriel Gevrey
Jean Guillard
Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 2011, 2 (1), pp.49-53
Journal articles
Détermination des substrats lacustres par hydroacoustique : application au suivit de qualité morphologique
Thomas Poulain
Jean Guillard
Christine Argillier
Journal des Sciences Halieutique et Aquatique, 2011, 3, pp.67-71
Journal articles
Survey boat effect on YOY fish schools in a pre-alpine lake: evidence from multibeam sonar and split-beam echosounder data
Jean Guillard
Pierre Balay
Michel Colon
Patrice Brehmer
Journal articles
Suivi par hydroacoustique du peuplement piscicole d’une aire marine protégée du Sine-Saloum (Sénégal) : bilan 2003-2007
Ibrahima Sow
Jean Guillard
Journal des Sciences Halieutique et Aquatique, 2010, 1, pp.21-32
Journal articles
Convergence and divergence between two multibeam sonars (SIMRAD SM20 and RESON SeaBat 6012) used to extract the spatial, morphologic and energy parameters of fish schools
Yannick Perrot
Jean Guillard
Erwan Josse
Journal articles
Stability and precision of the fish metrics obtained using CEN multi-mesh gillnet in natural and artificial lakes in France
Charlotte Deceliere-Vergès
Christine Argillier
Cédric Lanoiselée
Julien de Bortoli
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Hydroacoustic measurements at two frequencies: 70 and 120 kHz - consequences on fish stock estimation.
Malgorzata Godlewska
Michel Colon
Lech Doroszczyk
Bronislaw Dlugoszewski
Charlotte Verges
Journal articles
Hydroacoustic fish biomass assessment in man-made lakes in Tunisia: horizontal beaming importance and diel effect
Imed Djemali
Rachid Toujani
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Central-European Water Quality indices applied to long-term data from French peri-alpine lakes : test and possible improvements
Christina Kaiblinger
Orlane Anneville
Rémy D. Tadonleke
Frédéric Rimet
Jean-Claude Druart
Journal articles
Medición de la fuerza del blanco acústico de dos especies de peces marinos de las familias Lutjanidae y Haemulidae (pargo criollo, Lutjanus analis y ronco amarillo, Haemulon sciurus)
E.O. E. Linares
P.I. P. Caballero
Jean Guillard
L. L. Sierra
J.L. J. Hernandez
Oceanológica, 2009, 5, pp.99-110
Journal articles
Stability and precision of the fish metrics obtained using CEN multi-mesh gillnets in natural and artificial lakes in France
C. Deceliere Vergès
Christine Argillier
C. Lanoiselée
J. de Bortoli
Jean Guillard
Fisheries Research, 2009, 99, pp.17-25
Journal articles
Abundancia de peces en el caño Macareo, delta del Orinoco : una aproximación mediante técnicas de hidroacústica en fondos someros
Alina Achury
Hernando Hernandez
José Guaiquirián
Jean Guillard
Michel Colon
Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales la Salle, 2008, 168, pp.37-49
Journal articles
Abundancia de peces en el caño Macareo, delta del Orinoco: una aproximación mediante técnicas de hidroacústica en fondos someros
Alina Achury
Hernando Hernández
José Guaiquirián
Jean Guillard
Michel Colón
Memoria de la Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, 2008
Journal articles
Assessment of the pelagic fish populations using CEN multi-mesh gillnets : consequences for the characterization of the fish communities
Charlotte Deceliere-Vergès
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Use and limits of three assessment methods of fish size spectra and abundance in two tropical man-made lakes
Céline Coll
Luis Tito de Morais
Raymond Laë
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Monique Simier
Journal articles
Evaluacion por acustica submarina de los recursos ictiologicos de las zonas estuarinas del delta del Orinoco
Alina Achury
Juan José Cardenas
Jean Guillard
Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales la Salle, 2007, 165, pp.103-113
Journal articles
The Repeatability of Fish Biomass and Size Distribution Estimates Obtained by Hydroacoustic Surveys Using Various Sampling Strategies and Statistical Analyses
Jean Guillard
Charlotte Vergès
Journal articles
The Repeatability of fish biomass and size distribution estimates obtained by hydroacoustic surveys using various survey designs and statistical analyses
Jean Guillard
Charlotte Verges
International Review of Hydrobiology, 2007, 96 (6), pp.605-617
Journal articles
Hydroacoustic assessment of young-of-year perch, Perca fluviatilis, population dynamics in an oligotrophic lake (lake Annecy, France)
Jean Guillard
Marie-Elodie Perga
Michel Colon
Nadine Angéli
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2006, 13, pp.319-327
Journal articles
Nadine Angeli
Jean Guillard
Daniel Gerdeaux
Revue des Sciences de l'Eau / Journal of Water Science, 2006
Journal articles
Caractéristiques tridimensionnelles des bancs de poissons juvéniles lacustres
Jean Guillard
Patrice Brehmer
Michel Colon
Yvon Guennégan
Journal articles
Evidence of a variable "unsampled" pelagic fish biomass in shallow water (< 20 m): the case of the Gulf of Lion
Patrice Brehmer
Jean Guillard
Y. Guennegan
J.L. Bigot
B. Liorzou
Journal articles
Analyse géostatistique des répartitions horizontales printanières de la biomasse zooplanctonique et des variables physico-chimiques dans un petit lac
Nadine Angéli
Daniel Gerdeaux
Jean Guillard
Revue des Sciences de l'Eau / Journal of Water Science, 2006, 19 (4), pp.285-294
Journal articles
New applications of hydroacoustic methods for monitoring shallow water aquatic ecosystems : the case of mussel culture grounds
Patrice Brehmer
François Gerlotto
Jean Guillard
Fabien Sanguinède
Yvon Guennégan
Journal articles
Effect in situ radiated noise of the platform used on shallow water area on echo sounder data in fisheries-acoustics
Patrice Brehmer
Y. Guennegan
P. Arzelier
Jean Guillard
P. Cheret
Hydroacoustics, 2003, 6, pp.31-40
Journal articles
Diel vertical and horizontal distribution of crustacean zooplankton and young of the year fish in a sub-alpine lake: an approach based on high frequency sampling
Stéphane Masson
Nadine Angeli
Jean Guillard
Bernadette Pinel-Alloul
Journal of Plankton Research, 2001
Journal articles
Diel vertical and horizontal distribution of crustacean zooplankton and young of the year fish in a sub-alpine lake : an approach based on high frequency sampling
S. Masson
Nicolas Angeli
Jean Guillard
Bernadette Pinel-Alloul
Journal of Plankton Research, 2001, 23 (10), pp.1041-1060
Journal articles
First results on migrating shad (Alosa fallax) and mullet (Mugil cephalus) echocounting in lock on the Rhône River (France) using a split-beam sounder, and relationships with environmental data and fish caught
Jean Guillard
Michel Colon
Journal articles
First results on migrating shad (Alosa fallax) and mullet (Mugil cephalus) echocounting in a lock on the Rhône River (France) using a split-beam sounder, and relationships with environmental data and fish caught
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
Large-scale spatial heterogeneity of macrozooplankton in lake of Geneva
Bernadette Pinel-Alloul
C. Guay
Nicolas Angeli
Pierre Legendre
P. Dutilleul
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1999, 56 (8), pp.1437-1451
Journal articles
Large-scale spatial heterogeneity of macrozooplankton in Lake of Geneva
Bernadette Pinel-Alloul
Catherine Guay
Nadine Angeli
Pierre Legendre
Pierre Dutilleul
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1999
Journal articles
Preliminary results of fish population distribution in a Senegalese coastal area with depths less than 15m, using acoustic methods
Jean Guillard
A Lebourges
Journal articles
Estimation hydroacoustique du nombre de poissons migrateurs franchissant l'écluse de Beaucaire-Vallabrègue (Rhône)
Jean Guillard
B. Colon
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 1998, 348, pp.79-90
Journal articles
Daily migration cycles of fish populations in a tropical estuary (Sine Saloum, Senegal) using a horizontal-directed split-beam transducer and multibeam sonar
Jean Guillard
Fisheries Research, 1998, 35, pp.23-31
Journal articles
Twaite Shad (Alosa fallax)
Jean Guillard
The Shad Foundation's Shad Journal, 1998, 3 (1), pp.6
Journal articles
Daily migration cycles of fish populations in a tropical estuary ž / Sine-Saloum, Senegal using a horizontal-directed split-beam transducer and multibeam sonar
Jean Guillard
Fisheries Research, 1998
Journal articles
Preliminary results of fish population distribution in a Senegalese coastal area with depths less than 15 m, using acoustic methods
Jean Guillard
A. Lebourges
Aquatic Living Resources, 1998, 11, pp.13-20
Journal articles
Behavior of migratory fish passing a lock on the River Rhône, France : hydroacoustical techniques help us learn more about the migratory behavior of shad and other fish species at the Beaucaire-Vallabrègue lock
Jean Guillard
B. Colon
The Shad Foundation's Shad Journal, 1998, 3 (1), pp.4-5
Journal articles
Estimation hydroacoustique du nombre de poissons migrateurs franchissant l'écluse de Beaucaire-Vallabrègues (Rhône)
Jean Guillard
B Colon
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 1998, pp.79 - 90. ⟨10.1051/kmae:1998053⟩
Journal articles
Utilisation des méthodes acoustiques en milieu peu profond: rivières, estuaires, zones côtières.
Jean Guillard
Océanis : Série de documents océanographiques, 1996, 22 (1), pp.39-50
Journal articles
Utilisation des techniques acoustiques pour l'estimation des biomasses des populations de poisson lacustre
Jean Guillard
ALP Annecy Lac Pêche, 1995, 28, pp.4-5
Journal articles
Co-variations horizontales du zooplancton et des descripteurs environnementaux dans un petit lac eutrophe (approche fondée sur les fonctions de structure)
Nicolas Angeli
Daniel Gerdeaux
Jean Guillard
Journal de Recherche Océanographique., 1995, 20 (3-4), pp.142-145
Journal articles
Application of mobile acoustic techniques fish surveys in shallow water: The river seine
Jean Guillard
Philippe Boët
Daniel Gerdeaux
Philippe Roux
Journal articles
In situ determination of the target strenght of roach (Rutilus rutilus) in lake Bourget with a single beam sounder
Jean Guillard
Daniel Gerdeaux
Aquatic Living Resources, 1993, 6, pp.285-289
Journal articles
Les techniques d'etude de l'ichtyofaune lacustre utilisee en France : bilan et perspectives
F. Degiorgi
Jean Guillard
J.P. Grandmottet
Daniel Gerdeaux
Hydroécologie Appliquée, 1993, 5 (2), pp.27-42
Journal articles
In situ determination of the target strength of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) in lake Bourget with a single beam sounder
Jean Guillard
Daniel Gerdeaux
Aquatic Living Resources, 1993, 6 (3), pp.285-289
Journal articles
The use of geostatistics to analyse data from an echo-integration survey of fish stock in Lake Sainte-Croix
Jean Guillard
Daniel Gerdeaux
Guy Brun
Rémi Chappaz
Journal articles
Principales caracteristiques de l'elevage de l'omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus L.) en eau douce
Jean Guillard
C. Gillet
Alexis Champigneulle
Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture, 1992, 325, pp.47-68
Journal articles
Revue bibliographique - Principales caractéristiques de l'élevage de l'omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus L.) en eau douce
Jean Guillard
C. Gillet
A. Champigneulle
Journal articles
The use of geostatistics to analyse data from an echo-integration survey of fish stock in Lake Sainte-Croix
Jean Guillard
Daniel Gerdeaux
G. Brun
R. Chappaz
Fisheries Research, 1992, 13, pp.395-406
Journal articles
Techniques acoustiques pour la gestion piscicole en lac
Jean Guillard
Courants, 1992, 16, pp.45-47
Journal articles
The use of geostatistics for abundance estimation by echo integration in lakes: the example of Lake Annecy
Jean Guillard
Daniel Gerdeaux
Jean-Marc Chautru
Rapports et procés-verbaux des réunions - Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 1990
Journal articles
Bilan des marquages de truites (LT > 8 cm) relâchées dans le lac d'Annecy et le Léman de 1964 à 1977
D. Gerdeaux
A. Champigneulle
P. Laurent
Jean Guillard
Journal articles
La truite commune (Salmo trutta L.) dans le Redon, un petit affluent du lac Leman : 1 Caracteristiques de la populaton en place (1983-1987) et premieres donnees sur l'impact des relachers d'alevins nourris.
Alexis Champigneulle
M. Melhaoui
Daniel Gerdeaux
R. Rojas-Beltran
C. Gillet
Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture, 1990, 319 (1990-4), pp.181-196
Journal articles
La truite commune (Salmo trutta L.) dans le Redon, un petit affluent du lac Léman : caractéristiques des géniteurs de truite de lac (1983-1988) et premières données sur l'impact des relâchers d'alevins nourris
A. Champigneulle
M. Melhaoui
D. Gerdeaux
R. Rojas-Beltran
C. Gillet
Journal articles
Bilan des marquages de truites (LT>8 cm) relachees dans le lac d'Annecy et le Leman de 1964 a 1977
Daniel Gerdeaux
Alexis Champigneulle
P.J. Laurent
Jean Guillard
Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture, 1990, 319, pp.213-223
Journal articles
La truite commune (Salmo trutta L.) dans le Redon, un petit affluent du lac Léman : caractéristiques de la population en place (1983-1987) et premières données sur l'impact des relâchers d'alevins nourris
A. Champigneulle
M. Melhaoui
D. Gerdeaux
R. Rojas-Beltran
C. Gillet
Journal articles
Abundance estimation of Chaoborus larvae and fishes in lake Aydat by echo-integration
Daniel Gerdeaux
Jean Guillard
J.L. Jamet
Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 1989, 3, pp.231-237
Journal articles
Suivi des peches de geniteurs d'omble chevalier (Salvelinus Alpinus L.) sur la partie francaise du lac Leman de 1982a 1987. Premieres donnees sur le pacage lacustre de l'omble
Alexis Champigneulle
M. Michoud
Daniel Gerdeaux
C. Gillet
Jean Guillard
Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture, 1988, 310, pp.85-100
Journal articles
Suivi des pêches de géniteurs d'omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus L.) sur la partie française du lac Léman de 1982 à 1987. Premières données sur le pacage lacustre de l'omble
A. Champigneulle
M. Michoud
D. Gerdeaux
C. Gillet
Jean Guillard
Journal articles