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Jean Létang

Laboratoire d'imagerie médicale CREATIS — CNRS UMR 5220 — INSERM U1294 — Université Lyon 1 – INSA Lyon - Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne — Centre Léon Bérard
Affiliations actuelles
  • 530748
  • 139739
  • 20549
Identifiants chercheurs


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Combining Wave and Particle Effects in the Simulation of X-ray Phase Contrast—A Review

Emilie Pietersoone , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit , Emmanuel Brun , Max Langer
Instruments, 2024, 8 (1), pp.8. ⟨10.3390/instruments8010008⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04442808v1
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Simulation of diffraction and scattering using the Wigner distribution function

Emilie Pietersoone , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit , Max Langer
Optics Letters, 2024, 49 (19), pp.5431. ⟨10.1364/ol.523608⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04704935v1
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Prompt Gamma Energy Integration : a new method for online-range verification in proton therapy with pulsed-beams

Pierre Everaere , Denis Dauvergne , Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel , Joël Hérault , Ayoub Koudia
Frontiers in Physics, 2024, 12, pp.1371015. ⟨10.3389/fphy.2024.1371015⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04589792v1

A photon source model for alpha-emitter radionuclides

D Sarrut , A Etxebeste , Jean Michel Létang
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2024, 69 (9), pp.095009. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ad3881⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04564153v1
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Prompt-gamma track-length estimator with time tagging from proton tracking

Jean Michel Létang , Oreste Allegrini , Etienne Testa
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2024, 69 (11), pp.115052. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ad4a01⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04572770v1
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Cross-detector scatter issues in dual synchronous tomography: An affine projection correction protocol

J.M. Létang , Joël Lachambre , Éric Maire
Tomography of Materials and Structures, 2024, 6, pp.100039. ⟨10.1016/j.tmater.2024.100039⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04649172v1

Dual Beam microfocus high-energy tomography: Towards multimodal and faster laboratory experiments

Eric Maire , Gabriel Bonnard , Jérôme Adrien , Xavier Boulnat , Jean Michel Létang
Tomography of Materials and Structures, 2024, 5, pp.100030. ⟨10.1016/j.tmater.2024.100030⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04552647v1
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Cone-beam pair-wise data consistency conditions in helical CT

Mélanie Mouchet , Jean Michel Létang , Jérome Lesaint , Simon Rit
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2023, 42 (10), pp.2853-2864. ⟨10.1109/TMI.2023.3265812⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04072471v1

Neutron elastic scattering kernel for Monte Carlo next-event estimators in Tripoli-4®

Henri Hutinet , Cindy Le Loirec , Davide Mancusi , Jean Michel Létang , Abdallah Lyoussi
The European Physical Journal Plus, 2023, 138 (3), pp.189. ⟨10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-03787-8⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04011819v1

Analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations of multi-parallel slit and knife-edge slit prompt gamma cameras

Brent Huisman , Enrique Muñoz , Denis Dauvergne , Jean Michel Létang , David Sarrut
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2023, 68 (11), pp.115009. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/acd237⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04100094v1

Simulation of X-ray projections on GPU: Benchmarking gVirtualXray with clinically realistic phantoms

Jamie Lea Pointon , Tianci Wen , Jenna Tugwell-Allsup , Aaron Sújar , Jean Michel Létang
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023, 234, pp.107500. ⟨10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107500⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04072581v1

gVirtualXray (gVXR): Simulating X-ray radiographs and CT volumes of anthropomorphic phantoms

Jamie Lea Pointon , Tianci Wen , Jenna Tugwell-Allsup , Jean Michel Létang , Franck Patrick Vidal
Software Impacts, 2023, 16, pp.100513. ⟨10.1016/j.simpa.2023.100513⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04103857v1
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Annihilation photon GAN source model for PET Monte Carlo simulation

David Sarrut , A Etxebeste , T Kaprelian , A Saporta , J M Létang
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2023, 68 (13), pp.135018. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/acdfb1⟩
Article dans une revue inserm-04151359v1
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Modeling families of particle distributions with conditional GAN for Monte Carlo SPECT simulations

Albert Saporta , Ane Etxebeste , Théo Kaprelian , Jean Michel Létang , David Sarrut
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2022, 67 (23), pp.234001. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/aca068⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03920207v1
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Characterization of internal fatigue cracks in aluminum alloys by simulation of phase contrast tomography

Ce Xiao , Jean Michel Létang , Jean-Yves Buffière
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.5981. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-09811-8⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03638496v1

Investigation of wrinkle artifacts along metallic fatigue cracks in phase contrast synchrotron tomography via simulations and experiments

Ce Xiao , Jean-Yves Buffière , Jean Michel Létang , Wolfgang Ludwig
Materials Characterization, 2022, 194, ⟨10.1016/j.matchar.2022.112431⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03955727v1
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Relative stopping power resolution in time-of-flight proton CT

Nils Krah , Denis Dauvergne , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit , Etienne Testa
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2022, 67 (16), pp.165004. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ac7191⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03677847v1
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Region-of-Interest CT Reconstruction using Object Extent and Singular Value Decomposition

Aurelien Coussat , Simon Rit , Rolf Clackdoyle , Michel Defrise , Laurent Desbat
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2022, 6 (5), pp.537-551. ⟨10.1109/TRPMS.2021.3091288⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03275441v2

Estimate of the Biological Dose in Hadrontherapy Using GATE

Yasmine Ali , Caterina Monini , Etienne Russeil , Jean Michel Létang , Etienne Testa
Cancers, 2022, 14 (7), pp.1667. ⟨10.3390/cancers14071667⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03622514v1
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Use of fast realistic simulations on GPU to extract CAD models from microtomographic data in the presence of strong CT artefacts

Franck Vidal , Iwan Mitchell , J.-M. Letang
Precision Engineering, 2022, 74, pp.110-125. ⟨10.1016/j.precisioneng.2021.10.014⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03409039v1
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Projection deconvolution for proton CT using the spatially variant path uncertainty

Feriel Khellaf , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2022, 6 (8), pp.847-858. ⟨10.1109/TRPMS.2022.3167334⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03656408v1
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Imaging of polychromatic sources through Compton spectral reconstruction

Enrique Muñoz , A. Etxebeste , Denis Dauvergne , Jean Michel Létang , David Sarrut
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2022, 67 (19), pp.195017. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ac92b9⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03808491v1

Monte Carlo simulations of nanodosimetry and radiolytic species production for monoenergetic proton and electron beams. Benchmarking of GEANT4‐DNA and LPCHEM codes

Yasmine Ali , Lucas Auzel , Caterina Monini , Kateryna Kriachok , Jean Michel Létang
Medical Physics, 2022, 49 (5), pp.3457-3469. ⟨10.1002/mp.15609⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03622534v1
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Evaluation of simulators for x-ray speckle-based phase contrast imaging

Laurene Quenot , Emmanuel Brun , Jean Michel Létang , Max Langer
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, 66 (17), pp.1--12. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ac1f38⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03329939v1
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Energy-adaptive calculation of the most likely path in proton CT

Nils Krah , Denis Dauvergne , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit , Etienne Testa
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, 66, pp.20NT02. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ac2999⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03353954v1
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Influence of Doppler broadening model accuracy in Compton camera list-mode MLEM reconstruction

Yuemeng Feng , Jean Michel Létang , David Sarrut , Voichita Maxim
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2021, 29 (13), pp.3509-3529. ⟨10.1080/17415977.2021.2011863⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03481082v1
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Modeling complex particles phase space with GAN for Monte Carlo SPECT simulations: a proof of concept

David Sarrut , A. Etxebeste , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, 66 (5), pp.055014. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/abde9a⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03150535v1
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A new hybrid next-event estimator for photon-based Monte Carlo dose rate calculations

Ettore Guadagni , Cindy Le Loirec , Yannick Pénéliau , Jean Michel Létang , Davide Mancusi
The European Physical Journal Plus, 2021, 136 (11), pp.1135. ⟨10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-02120-5⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03442633v1
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Influence of sub-nanosecond time of flight resolution for online range verification in proton therapy using the line-cone reconstruction in Compton imaging

Jayde Livingstone , Denis Dauvergne , A. Etxebeste , Mattia Fontana , Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, 66, pp.125012. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ac03cb⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03257804v1

Artificial Intelligence for Monte Carlo Simulation in Medical Physics

David Sarrut , Ane Etxebeste , Enrique Muñoz , Nils Krah , J.-M. Letang
Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9, ⟨10.3389/fphy.2021.738112⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03409138v1
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A time-of-flight-based reconstruction for real-time prompt-gamma imaging in proton therapy

Maxime Jacquet , Sara Marcatili , Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel , Jean-Luc Bouly , Yannick Boursier
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, 66 (13), pp.135003. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ac03ca⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03319261v1
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Characterization of a beam-tagging hodoscope for hadrontherapy monitoring

Oreste Allegrini , J. P. Cachemiche , C.P.C. Caplan , Bruno Carlus , Xiushan Chen
Journal of Instrumentation, 2021, 16, pp.P02028. ⟨10.1088/1748-0221/16/02/P02028⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03103624v1
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Scatter correction for spectral CT using a primary modulator mask

Odran Pivot , Clarisse Fournier , Joachim Tabary , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2020, 39 (6), pp.2267 - 2276. ⟨10.1109/TMI.2020.2970296⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02461992v1
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On the role of single particle irradiation and fast timing for efficient online-control in particle therapy

Denis Dauvergne , Oreste Allegrini , Cairo Caplan , Xiushan Chen , Sébastien Curtoni
Frontiers in Physics, 2020, 8, pp.567215. ⟨10.3389/fphy.2020.567215⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02939215v1
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3D reconstruction benchmark of a Compton camera against a parallel hole gamma-camera on ideal data

Yuemeng Feng , Ane Etxebeste , David Sarrut , Jean Michel Létang , Voichita Maxim
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2020, 4 (4), pp.479 - 488. ⟨10.1109/TRPMS.2019.2955745⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02505759v1
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Ultra-fast prompt gamma detection in single proton counting regime for range monitoring in particle therapy

S. Marcatili , J. Collot , S. Curtoni , D. Dauvergne , J.Y. Hostachy
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2020, 65 (24), pp.245033. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ab7a6c⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02467231v1
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2D directional ramp filter

Feriel Khellaf , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2020, 65 (8), pp.08NT01. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ab7875⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02486620v1
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CCMod: a GATE module for Compton camera imaging simulation

A. Etxebeste , D. Dauvergne , M. Fontana , J.M. Létang , G. Llosá
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2020, 65 (5), pp.055004. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ab6529⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02497878v1
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Scattering proton CT

Nils Krah , Catherine Therese T Quiñones , Jean-Michel Létang , Simon Rit
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2020, 65 (22), pp.225015. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/abbd18⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02959263v1
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A comparison of direct reconstruction algorithms in proton computed tomography

Feriel Khellaf , Nils Krah , Jean-Michel Létang , Charles-Antoine Collins-Fekete , Simon Rit
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2020, 65 (10), pp.105010. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ab7d53⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02502179v1

Monitoring ion beam therapy with a Compton Camera: simulation studies of the clinical feasibility

M. Fontana , J.-L. Ley , D. Dauvergne , Nicolas Freud , J. Krimmer
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2020, 4 (2), pp.218-232. ⟨10.1109/TRPMS.2019.2933985⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02301075v1
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Towards Monte Carlo Simulation of X-ray phase contrast using GATE

Max Langer , Zhenjie Cen , Simon Rit , Jean Michel Létang
Optics Express, 2020, 28 (10), pp.14522-14535. ⟨10.1364/OE.391471⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02557781v1
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Polynomial modelling of proton trajectories in homogeneous media for fast most likely path estimation and trajectory simulation

Nils Krah , Jean-Michel Létang , Simon Rit
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2019, 64 (19), pp.195014. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ab3d0b⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02269520v1
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Generative adversarial networks (GAN) for compact beam source modelling in Monte Carlo simulations

David Sarrut , Nils Krah , Jean-Michel Létang
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2019, 64 (21), ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ab3fc1⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02276243v1
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Effects of transverse heterogeneities on the most likely path of protons

Feriel Khellaf , Nils Krah , Ilaria Rinaldi , Jean-Michel Létang , Simon Rit
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2019, 64, pp.065003. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/ab02a8⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02023848v1
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Prompt-gamma monitoring in hadrontherapy: A review

J. Krimmer , D. Dauvergne , J.M. Létang , E. Testa
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2018, 878, pp.58-73. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2017.07.063⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01585334v1

Breast density and iodine quantification in spectral mammography

Y. Pavia , A. Brambilla , Véronique Rebuffel , N. Freud , J M Létang
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 2018, 4 (1), ⟨10.1088/2057-1976/aa8f59⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01722886v1
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Learning SPECT detector angular response function with neural network for accelerating Monte-Carlo simulations

D. Sarrut , Nils Krah , J Badel , Jean Michel Létang
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2018, 63 (20), ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/aae331⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01909627v1
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Neutron track length estimator for GATE Monte Carlo dose calculation in radiotherapy

H. Elazhar , T. Deschler , Jean Michel Létang , A. Nourreddine , N. Arbor
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2018, 63 (12), ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/aac768⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01912041v1
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A comprehensive theoretical comparison of proton imaging set-ups in terms of spatial resolution

N. Krah , Feriel Khellaf , Jean Michel Létang , S. Rit , I. Rinaldi
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2018, 63 (13), ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/aaca1f⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01909706v1
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Large surface gamma cameras for medical imaging: characterization of the bismuth germanate blocks

M. Fontana , D. Dauvergne , R. Della Negra , J.M. Létang , F. Mounier
Journal of Instrumentation, 2018, 13, pp.P08018. ⟨10.1088/1748-0221/13/08/P08018⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01871818v1
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Fixed forced detection for fast SPECT Monte-Carlo simulation

Thomas Cajgfinger , Simon Rit , Jean Michel Létang , Adrien Halty , David Sarrut
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2018, 63 (5), ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/aa9e32⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01692598v1
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Deriving the mean excitation energy map from dual-energy and proton computed tomography

Gloria Vilches-Freixas , Catherine Thérèse Quinones , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2018, 6, pp.20 - 24. ⟨10.1016/j.phro.2018.04.001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01909720v1

Characterizing the behavior of scattered radiation in multi-energy x-ray imaging

Artur Sossin , Véronique Rebuffel , J. Tabary , Jean Michel Létang , N. Freud
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2017, 850, pp.25 - 34. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2017.01.032⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01572460v1

Compton camera study for high efficiency SPECT and benchmark with Anger system

Mattia Fontana , Denis Dauvergne , Jean Michel Létang , Jean-Luc Ley , Etienne Testa
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2017, 62, pp.8794-8812. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/aa926a⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01685468v1

Optimization of dual-energy CT acquisitions for proton therapy using projection-based decomposition

Gloria Vilches-Freixas , Jean Michel Létang , Nicolas Ducros , Simon Rit
Medical Physics, 2017, 44 (9), pp.4548-4558 ⟨10.1002/mp.12448⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01572447v1
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Comparison of projection- and image-based methods for proton stopping power estimation using dual energy CT

Gloria Vilches-Freixas , Vicki Trier Taasti , Ludvig Paul Muren , Jørgen Breede Baltzer Petersen , Jean Michel Létang
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2017, 3, pp.28 - 36. ⟨10.1016/j.phro.2017.08.001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01743242v1

Convolution-based scatter correction using kernels combining measurements and Monte Carlo simulations

N. Bhatia , D. Tisseur , J.M. Létang
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2017, 25 (4), pp.613-628. ⟨10.3233/XST-16185⟩
Article dans une revue cea-01845382v1
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A cost-effective monitoring technique in particle therapy via uncollimated prompt gamma peak integration

J. Krimmer , G. Angellier , L. Balleyguier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud
Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110 (15), pp.154102. ⟨10.1063/1.4980103⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01508408v1

A novel scatter separation method for multi-energy x-ray imaging

A. Sossin , Véronique Rebuffel , J. Tabary , Jean Michel Létang , N. Freud
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016, 61 (12), pp.4711 - 4728. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/61/12/4711⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01483779v1

Filtered back-projection reconstruction for attenuation proton CT along most likely paths

C.T. Quinones , J. M. Létang , S. Rit
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016, 61 (9), pp.3258-3278. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/61/9/3258⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01375745v1
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Separable scatter model of the detector and object contributions using continuously thickness-adapted kernels in CBCT

Navnina Bhatia , David Tisseur , Solène Valton , Jean Michel Létang
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2016, 24 (5), pp.723-732. ⟨10.3233/XST-160583⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01438209v1

Experimental validation of a multi-energy x-ray adapted scatter separation method

A. Sossin , Véronique Rebuffel , J. Tabary , Jean Michel Létang , N. Freud
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016, 61 (24), pp.8625 - 8639. ⟨10.1088/1361-6560/61/24/8625⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01483793v1
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Scattering correction using continuously thickness-adapted kernels

Navnina Bhatia , David Tisseur , Fanny Buyens , Jean Michel Létang
NDT & E International, 2016, 78, pp.52-60. ⟨10.1016/j.ndteint.2015.11.004⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01272912v1

Accelerated prompt gamma estimation for clinical proton therapy simulations

Brent Huisman , Jean Michel Létang , Etienne Testa , David Sarrut
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016, 61 (21), pp.7725-7743. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/61/21/7725⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01391649v1
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Assessment of Geant4 Prompt-Gamma Emission Yields in the Context of Proton Therapy Monitoring

M. Pinto , Denis Dauvergne , Nicolas Freud , Jochen Krimmer , Jean Michel Létang
Frontiers in Oncology, 2016, 6 (10), ⟨10.3389/fonc.2016.00010⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01272829v1

Technical Note: Procedure for the calibration and validation of kilo-voltage cone-beam CT models

Gloria Vilches-Freixas , Jean Michel Létang , Sébastien Brousmiche , Edward Roméro , Marc Vila Oliva
Medical Physics, 2016, 43, pp.5199. ⟨10.1118/1.4961400⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01375588v1

Fast scattering simulation tool for multi-energy x-ray imaging

A. Sossin , J. Tabary , Véronique Rebuffel , Jean Michel Létang , N. Freud
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2015, 802, pp.60-66. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2015.08.073⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01272877v1

Monte Carlo comparison of x-ray and proton CT for range calculations of proton therapy beams

N. Arbor , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , Jean Michel Létang , K. Parodi
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2015, 60 (19), pp.7585-7599. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/60/19/7585⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01205940v1

Monte Carlo simulation of prompt gamma-ray emission in proton therapy using a specific track length estimator

W. El Kanawati , J.M. Letang , D. Dauvergne , M. Pinto , D. Sarrut
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2015, 60 (20), pp.8067. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/60/20/8067⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01207342v1

A track length estimator method for dose calculations in low-energy x-ray irradiations: implementation, properties and performance

F. Baldacci , A. Mittone , A. Bravin , P. Coan , F. Delaire
Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik, 2015, 25 (1), pp.36-47. ⟨10.1016/j.zemedi.2014.04.001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01015846v1

Experimental carbon ion range verification in inhomogeneous phantoms using prompt gammas

M. Pinto , M. de Rydt , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , N. Freud
Medical Physics, 2015, 42, pp.2342. ⟨10.1118/1.4917225⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01207230v1

Collimated prompt gamma TOF measurements with multi-slit multi-detector configurations

J. Krimmer , M. Chevallier , J. Constanzo , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt
Journal of Instrumentation, 2015, 10, in press. ⟨10.1088/1748-0221/10/01/P01011⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01112176v1

Characterising the EOS slot-scanning system with the effective detective quantum efficiency

A.H. Clavel , P. Monnin , J M Létang , F.R. Verdun , A. Darbon
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2015, ⟨10.1093/rpd/ncv451⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01920974v1

Absolute prompt-gamma yield measurements for ion beam therapy monitoring

M Pinto , M Bajard , S Brons , Marius Chevallier , D Dauvergne
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2015, 60 (2), pp.565-594. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/60/2/565⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01115766v1

Split exponential track length estimator for Monte-Carlo simulations of small-animal radiation therapy

F Smekens , J M Létang , C Noblet , S Chiavassa , G Delpon
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 59 (24), pp.7703-7715. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/59/24/7703⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01124424v1

Assessment and improvements of Geant4 hadronic models in the context of prompt-gamma hadrontherapy monitoring

G. Dedes , M. Pinto , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J. Krimmer
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 59 (7), pp.1747-1772. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/59/7/1747⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00967197v1

Real-time proton beam range monitoring by means of prompt-gamma detection with a collimated camera

F. Roellinghoff , A. Benilov , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , N. Freud
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 59 (5), pp.1327-1338. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/59/5/1327⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00967209v1
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A review of the use and potential of the GATE Monte Carlo simulation code for radiation therapy and dosimetry applications

D. Sarrut , M. Bardiès , N. Boussion , N. Freud , S. Jan
Medical Physics, 2014, 41, pp.064301. ⟨10.1118/1.4871617⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01015819v1

Design optimisation of a TOF-based collimated camera prototype for online hadrontherapy monitoring

M Pinto , D Dauvergne , N Freud , J Krimmer , J M Letang
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 59 (24), pp.7653. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/59/24/7653⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01115740v1

Filtered backprojection proton CT reconstruction along most likely paths

S. Rit , G. Dedes , N. Freud , D. Sarrut , J.-M. Letang
Medical Physics, 2013, 40 (3), pp.031103. ⟨10.1118/1.4789589⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00796949v1

Machine learning-based patient specific prompt-gamma dose monitoring in proton therapy

P. Gueth , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , Jean Michel Létang , C. Ray
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2013, 58 (13), pp.4563. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/58/13/4563⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00849321v1

An efficient numerical tool for dose deposition prediction applied to synchrotron medical imaging and radiation therapy

A. Mittone , F. Baldacci , A. Bravin , E. Brun , E. Delaire
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2013, 20 (5), pp.785-92. ⟨10.1107/S0909049513017184⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00849320v1

Low Statistics Reconstruction of the Compton Camera Point Spread Function in 3D Prompt- \gamma Imaging of Ion Beam Therapy

X. Lojacono , M.-H. Richard , J.-L. Ley , E. Testa , C. Ray
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2013, 60 (5), pp.3355 - 3363. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2013.2275200⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00872700v1

Design Study of the Absorber Detector of a Compton Camera for On-Line Control in Ion Beam Therapy

M.-H. Richard , M. Dahoumane , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt , G. Dedes
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2012, 59 (5), pp.1850-1855. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2012.2206053⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00796857v1

Interaction vertex imaging (IVI) for carbon ion therapy monitoring: a feasibility study

P. Henriquet , E. Testa , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2012, 57, pp.4665-4669. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/57/14/4655⟩
Article dans une revue in2p3-00715879v1

Secondary radiations in cone-beam computed tomography: simulation study

P. Wils , J.-M. Letang , J.-P. Bruandet
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2012, 21 (2), pp.021113. ⟨10.1117/1.JEI.21.2.021113⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00822442v1

Novel imaging systems for online control of ion therapy

D. Dauvergne , M. Chevallier , N. Freud , J.-M. Létang , Gerard Montarou
Bulletin du Cancer, 2011, 98, pp.S101-S101
Article dans une revue in2p3-00702752v1

Design Guidelines for a Double Scattering Compton Camera for Prompt-γ Imaging During Ion Beam Therapy: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study

M.-H. Richard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , P. Henriquet
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2011, 58 (1), pp.87 - 94
Article dans une revue hal-01920978v1
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Monte Carlo simulations of prompt-gamma emission during carbon ion irradiation

F. Le Foulher , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2010, 57 (5), pp.2768-2772
Article dans une revue in2p3-00480024v1

Design Guidelines for a Double Scattering Compton Camera for Prompt-gamma Imaging During Ion Beam Therapy: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study

M.-H. Richard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , P. Henriquet
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2010, 58, pp.87-94. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2010.2076303⟩
Article dans une revue in2p3-00527432v1
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Real time monitoring of the Bragg-peak position in ion therapy by means of single photon detection

M. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , P. Henriquet
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 2010, 49, pp.337-343. ⟨10.1007/s00411-010-0276-2⟩
Article dans une revue in2p3-00447558v1
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Simulation of dose deposition in stereotactic synchrotron radiation therapy: a fast approach combining Monte Carlo and deterministic algorithms.

François Smekens , Nicolas Freud , Jean-Michel Létang , Jean-François Adam , Claudio Ferrero
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2009, 54 (15), pp.4671-85. ⟨10.1088/0031-9155/54/15/003⟩
Article dans une revue inserm-00410448v1
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Dose profile monitoring with carbon ions by means of prompt-gamma measurements

Etienne Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , Denis Dauvergne , Fabrice Le Foulher
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2009, 267, pp.993-996. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2009.02.031⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00283936v1
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Monitoring the Bragg peak location of 73 MeV/u carbon ions by means of prompt $\gamma$-ray measurements

E. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , F. Le Foulher
Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93, pp.093506. ⟨10.1063/1.2975841⟩
Article dans une revue in2p3-00315797v1

A Hybrid Approach for Fast Simulation of Dose Deposition in Stereotactic Synchrotron Radiotherapy

Nicolas Freud , Jean Michel Létang , Mary Corentin , Caroline Boudou , Claudio Ferrero
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2008, 55 (3), pp.1008 - 1017. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2008.922831⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00639671v1

A Contrôle de l’hadronthérapie

E Testa , M Bajard , M Chevallier , D Dauvergne , F Le Foulher
Contribution au contrôle de l’hadronthérapie eta la modélisation de la dose biologique, 2008, 93, pp.139
Article dans une revue hal-01921618v1

Monitoring the Bragg peak location of 73 MeV/u carbon ions by means of prompt γ-ray measurements

E. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , F. Le Foulher
Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93, pp.093506
Article dans une revue hal-01920991v1

A beam stop based correction procedure for high spatial frequency scatter in industrial cone-beam X-ray CT

A. Peterzol , J M Létang , D. Babot
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2008, 266, pp.4042-4054
Article dans une revue hal-01920990v1

Measurement and Monte Carlo modeling of the spatial response of scintillation screens

S.A. Pistrui-Maximean , J M Létang , N. Freud , A. Koch , A. H. Walenta
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2007, 581, pp.719\textendash727
Article dans une revue hal-01920993v1

Characterization and simulation of microstructure and properties of EPS lightweight concrete

D. Bouvard , Jean-Marc Chaix , Rémi Dendievel , Arnaud Fazekas , J.M. Letang
Cement and Concrete Research, 2007, pp.1666-1673
Article dans une revue hal-00434110v1

Simulation study of the role played by intensifying or support layers in scintillation screens

S.A. Pistrui-Maximean , N. Freud , J M Létang , A. H. Walenta , A. Koch
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2007, 54 (3), pp.699\textendash705
Article dans une revue hal-01920995v1

Fast and robust ray casting algorithms for virtual X-ray imaging

N. Freud , P. Duvauchelle , J M Létang , D. Babot
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2006, 248, pp.175\textendash180
Article dans une revue hal-01920999v1

Investigation of artefact sources in synchrotron microtomography via virtual X-ray imaging

F.P. Vidal , J M Létang , G. Peix , P. Cloetens
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005, 234 (3), pp.333-348
Article dans une revue hal-01921005v1

A hybrid approach to simulate multiple photon scattering in X-ray imaging

N. Freud , J M Létang , D. Babot
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005, 227, pp.551\textendash558
Article dans une revue hal-01921004v1

A hybrid approach to simulate X-ray imaging techniques, combining Monte Carlo and deterministic algorithms

N. Freud , J M Létang , D. Babot
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2005, 52 (5), pp.1329\textendash1334
Article dans une revue hal-01921003v1

Signal-to-noise ratio criterion for the optimization of dual-energy acquisition using virtual X-ray imaging: application to glass wool

J M Létang , N. Freud , G. Peix
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2004, 13 (3), pp.436\textendash449
Article dans une revue hal-01921007v1

Deterministic simulation of first-order scattering in Virtual X-ray Imaging

N. Freud , P. Duvauchelle , S.A. Pistrui-Maximean , J M Létang , D. Babot
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2004, 222 (1textendash2), pp.285\textendash300
Article dans une revue hal-01921006v1

La tomographie par rayons X pour l'analyse quantitative. Suivi de la densification d'une laine de verre

G. Peix , Eric Badel , J.M. Létang
Contrôles essais mesures, 2004, avril, pp.32-35
Article dans une revue hal-02677248v1

X-ray Tomography applied to the characterization of cellular materials. Related Finite Elements modeling problems

E. Maire , A. Fazekas , L. Salvo , R. Dandeviel , S. Youssef
Composites Science and Technology, 2003, 63 (16), pp.2431-2443
Article dans une revue hal-01921008v1
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Quantitative microtomography: measurement of density distribution in glass wool and local evolution during a one-dimensional compressive load

Eric Badel , J-M Létang , G. Peix , D. Babot
Measurement Science and Technology, 2003, 14 (4), pp.410-420. ⟨10.1088/0957-0233/14/4/302⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01609532v1

On-line X-ray focal spot assessment based on deconvolution using standard imaging devices

J M Létang , G. Peix
Non Destructive Testing & Evaluation, 2003, 36 (5), pp.303-317
Article dans une revue hal-01921009v1

Automatic selection of seeds using pattern recognition techniques in high resolution x-ray images

Jean Michel Létang , Gilles Peix , Laurent Droulez
Nondestructive Testing, 2002
Article dans une revue hal-01921621v1
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On the application of x-ray microtomography in the field of materials science

Eric Maire , Jean-Yves Buffiere , L. Salvo , J.J. Blandin , Wolfgang Ludwig
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2001, pp.539-546. ⟨10.1002/1527-2648(200108)3:8<539::AID-ADEM539>3.0.CO;2-6⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00475297v1

Antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation, mixed function oxidase and UDP-glucuronyl transferase activities in livers from control and DOCA-salt hypertensive male Sprague Dawley rats.

L. Nicod , S. Rodriguez , C. Viollon-Abadie , A. Jacqueson , A. Berthelot
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2000, 203 (1-2), pp.33-39
Article dans une revue hal-00502773v1

Stereokinematic analysis of visual data in active convergent stereoscopy

A. Mitiche , Jean Michel Létang
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 1998, 25 (1-2), pp.43-71
Article dans une revue hal-01921011v1

Intégration temporelle pour une détection robuste d\textquoterightobjets mobiles éloignés à partir d\textquoterightune caméra en mouvement

Véronique Rebuffel , C. Hennebert , Jean Michel Létang
Traitement du Signal, 1996, 13 (5), pp.515-525
Article dans une revue hal-01921012v1
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X-ray simulations with gVXR as a useful tool for education, data analysis, set-up of CT scans, and scanner development

Franck Vidal , Shaghayegh Afshari , Sharif Ahmed , Carolyn Atkins , Eric Béchet
Developments in X-Ray Tomography XV, Aug 2024, San Diego, United States. pp.30, ⟨10.1117/12.3025315⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-04867976v1
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Ability of exponential data consistency conditions to detect motion in SPECT despite other physical effects

Antoine Robert , David Sarrut , A. Etxebeste , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
17th International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Jul 2023, Stony Brook, NY, United States. pp.337-340
Communication dans un congrès hal-04265586v1

Conditional GAN for Monte Carlo SPECT simulation

Albert Saporta , A. Etxebeste , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang , David Sarrut
International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA 2022), Apr 2022, Antwerpen, Belgium
Communication dans un congrès hal-03706995v1

Quasi Monte-Carlo Voxelized Source Sampling

T. Kaprelian , Bastien Doignies , A. Etxebeste , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang
International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA) 2022, Apr 2022, Antwerpen, Belgium
Communication dans un congrès hal-03718123v1

GAN for source modeling in PET Monte Carlo simulation

David Sarrut , A. Etxebeste , Albert Saporta , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang
International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA 2022), Apr 2022, Antwerpen, Belgium
Communication dans un congrès hal-03707007v1
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Variance of Cone-beam Pair-wise Consistency Conditions in Helical CT

Mélanie Mouchet , Simon Rit , Jérôme Lesaint , Jean Michel Létang
2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Nov 2022, Milan, France. ⟨10.1109/NSS/MIC44845.2022.10399029⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-04483098v1
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Region-of-Interest CT Reconstruction using One-Endpoint Hilbert Inversion in Optimized Directions

Aurélien Coussat , Simon Rit , Michel Defrise , Jean Michel Létang
Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Jul 2021, Leuven, Belgium. pp.427-430
Communication dans un congrès hal-03375756v1
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Comparison of efficiency and activity recovery coefficients of Compton and Anger cameras in Nuclear Medicine

Ane Etxebeste , Enrique Muñoz , Denis Dauvergne , J M Letang , M. Borja-Lloret
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC) 2021, Oct 2021, Virtual Yokohama, Japan, Oct 2021, Yokohama (virtual), Japan
Communication dans un congrès hal-03473005v1
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ROI CT reconstruction combining analytic inversion of the finite Hilbert transform and SVD

Aurélien Coussat , Simon Rit , Rolf Clackdoyle , Michel Defrise , Laurent Desbat
Sixth international conference on image formation in X-ray computed tomography, Aug 2020, Regensburg, Germany. pp.526-529
Communication dans un congrès hal-03014228v1

Diamond-based detector development for pulsed beam monitoring for medical applications

Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel , A. Bes , G. Bosson , J. Bouvier , J. Collot
Very High Energy Electron Radiotherapy Workshop (VHEE2020), CERN, Oct 2020, Meyrin, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès hal-03157968v1

Compton camera design optimization for detection efficiency enhancement in Nuclear Medicine

A. Etxebeste , Denis Dauvergne , Jean Michel Létang , M. Borja-Lloret , G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC) 2020, Oct 2020, Virtual Boston, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-03129834v1

Etiquetage spatio-temporel et monitorage de faisceaux pulsés : applications en hadronthérapie et thérapies « flash »

M.-L. Gallin-Martel , Oreste Allegrini , A. Bes , G. Bosson , J. P. Cachemiche
Journée d'échanges scientifiques GDR MI2B ARCHADE, Nov 2020, Virtuel, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03159394v1
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Motion detection in helical CT using data consistency conditions

Mélanie Mouchet , Simon Rit , Jean Michel Létang
2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Oct 2020, Boston, United States. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/NSS/MIC42677.2020.9507979⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-03511400v1

Characterization of a beam-tagging hodoscope for hadrontherapy monitoring

Oreste Allegrini , J.-P Cachemiche , C.P.C. Caplan , B Carlus , X Chen
Journée d'étude GDR MI2B - LabEx PRIMES sur les moniteurs faisceaux et contrôle en ligne des irradiations biomédicales, Sep 2020, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03159268v1

A dedicated Gate versatile module for Compton camera imaging

Ane Etxebeste , Mattia Fontana , Gabriela Llosa , Jorge Enrique Muñoz Garcia , Jean Michel Létang
ICCR-MCMA, Jun 2019, Montreal, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-02380019v1
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A 100 ps TOF detection system for on-line range-monitoring in hadrontherapy

Sara Marcatili , Sébastien Curtoni , Denis Dauvergne , Ferid Haddad , Maxime Jacquet
NSS/MIC 2019 : IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059815⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02353941v1

A diamond beam-tagging hodoscope for online range monitoring in hadrontherapy

S. Curtoni , G. Bosson , J. Collot , D. Dauvergne , L. Gallin-Martel
NSS/MIC 2019 : IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-02349420v1

Simulation of micro- nanodosimetry spectra and free radicals with Geant4-DNA, LQD, PHYCHEML, CHEM for ion beams

Yasmine Ali , Caterina Monini , Jean Michel Létang , Etienne Testa , Lydia Maigne
ICCR-MCMA The International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy and the International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications, Jun 2019, Montreal, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-02308706v1

Benchmarking micro- and nanodosimetry spectra and free radicals simulated with GEANT4DNA, LQD, PHYCHEML, CHEM for ion beams

Yasmine Ali , Caterina Monini , Jean Michel Létang , Etienne Testa , Lydia Maigne
PTCOG 58, Jun 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-02308735v1

Medical applications of diamond detectors: online control of Hadrontherapy with fast timing and Microbeam Radiation Therapy monitoring

Denis Dauvergne , L. Abbassi , Jean-François Adam , A. Bes , G. Bosson
JSPS-CNRS diamond detector workshop 2019, Oct 2019, Yuzawa city, Akita, Japan
Communication dans un congrès hal-02382681v1
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An analytical method to sample proton trajectories under the influence of multiple Coulomb scattering

Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR), Jun 2019, Montreal, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-02283827v1

Hodoscope diamant pour l’hadronthérapie - CLaRyS Ultra-Fast Timing

S. Curtoni , G. Bosson , J. Bouvier , J. Collot , D. Dauvergne
Journées du réseau semi-conducteurs, Jun 2019, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02352012v1

GaGa: GAN for GATE

David Sarrut , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang
ICCR-MCMA, Jun 2019, Montreal, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-02380013v1

A maximum-a-posteriori EM reconstruction method based on total variation regularization for Compton camera imaging

Yuemeng Feng , Mattia Fontana , Ane Etxebeste , Denis Dauvergne , Jean Michel Létang
PTCOG, Jun 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-02359539v1

A versatile GATE actor to perform simulations of Compton Camera systems

A. Etxebeste , M. Fontana , Jean Michel Létang , G. Llosá , E. Munoz
ANIMMA International conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications, Jun 2019, Portoroz, Slovenia
Communication dans un congrès hal-03129802v1

LPSC Grenoble diamond beam monitoring for on-line control

M.L. Gallin-Martel , G. Bosson , J. Bouvier , J. Collot , S. Curtoni
Final MediNet Network Meeting, Oct 2019, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Communication dans un congrès hal-02351116v1
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Ultra fast prompt-gamma imaging for the online monitoring of the ion range in hadron therapy

J. Livingstone , A. Etxebeste , S. Curtoni , D. Dauvergne , M. Fontana
NSS/MIC 2019 : IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-02309773v1

Proton scatter radiography with integration-mode detectors by exploiting the West-Sherwood effect

Ahmad Addoum , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Oct 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-03126835v1

Towards a beam-tagging diamond hodoscope for online ion range monitoring

S. Curtoni , G. Bosson , J. Bouvier , J. Collot , D. Dauvergne
ENLIGHT 2019 : annual meeting of the European Network for Light Ion Hadron Therapy, Jul 2019, Caen, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02351809v1

Development of a diamond hodoscope for online ion range monitoring in hadrontherapy

S. Curtoni , G. Bosson , J. Bouvier , J. Collot , D. Dauvergne
XVth Rencontres du Vietnam International Conference on Medical Physics and School, Jul 2019, Ho_Chi_Minh, Vietnam
Communication dans un congrès hal-02351915v1

Simulations Monte Carlo de spectres microdosimétriques, nanodosimétriqes et d’espèces radiolytiques avec GEANT4-DNA et LPCHEM

Yasmine Ali , Lucas Auzel , Caterina Monini , Jean Michel Létang , Etienne Testa
Journées Mi2B/SFPM 2019, Nov 2019, Nantes, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02359553v1

A comparison of direct reconstruction algorithms in proton CT

Feriel Khellaf , Nils Krah , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
2nd Ion Imaging Workshop 2019, Jun 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-03128314v1
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Fast-prompt gamma imaging for the online monitoring of the ion range in hadron therapy

Jayde Livingstone , A. Etxebeste , Denis Dauvergne , Mattia Fontana , Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel
PTCOG 58, Jun 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-02355263v1
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Total variation and point spread function priors for MLEM reconstruction in Compton camera imaging

Yuemeng Feng , Ane Etxebeste , Jean Michel Létang , David Sarrut , Voichita Maxim
2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Nov 2018, Sydney, Australia. ⟨10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824767⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02359265v1

An extension of the GATE Monte Carlo simulation toolkit to model Compton Camera systems

A. Etxebeste , Y. Feng , Jean Michel Létang , Voichita Maxim , Etienne Testa
Third Geant4 International User Conference, Oct 2018, Bordeaux, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01926614v1

Dosimetry for synchrotron imaging techniques

Nicolas Rosuel , Jean Michel Létang , Emmanuel Brun , Jean-François Adam
9th bioMedical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation bMASR2018, Oct 2018, Beijing Kuangou, China
Communication dans un congrès hal-02364569v1

Learning SPECT detector response for Monte-Carlo simulations

D. Sarrut , Nils Krah , J N Badel , Jean Michel Létang
Third Geant4 International User Conference, Oct 2018, Bordeaux, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01926625v1

Monte Carlo simulation of the most likely path of protons through a transverse heterogeneity

Feriel Khellaf , Nils Krah , Ilaria Rinaldi , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Nov 2018, Sydney, Australia
Communication dans un congrès hal-02330901v1

A theoretical comparison of different proton imaging set-ups

Nils Krah , F. Khellaf , Jean Michel Létang , S. Rit , I. Rinaldi
The 4th Loma Linda workshop, Aug 2018, Loma Linda, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-02048665v1

Which proton imaging set-up should we use in a proton therapy facility?

Nils Krah , Feriel Khellaf , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit , Ilaria Rinaldi
57th Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG), May 2018, Cincinnati, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-02050814v1

Plateforme didactique mutualisée de travaux pratiques en instrumentation et imagerie biomédicale

David Rousseau , Bonet Axel , Bruno Montcel , Cédric Ray , Kevin Tse Ve Koon
12ème édition du colloque du Club EEA consacré à l'Enseignement des Technologies de l'Information et des Systèmes - CETSIS 2017, May 2017, Le Mans, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01598498v1

Versatile Compton camera for high energy gamma rays: Monte Carlo comparison with Anger camera for medical imaging

Mattia Fontana , Jean-Luc Ley , Etienne Testa , Jean Michel Létang , Voichita Maxim
2nd Jagiellonan Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, Jun 2017, Krakow, Poland. pp.1639-1645, ⟨10.5506/APhysPolB.48.1639⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01609541v1

Imagerie X spectrale: décomposition en base de matériaux par calibration polynomiale

Nicolas Ducros , Odran Pivot , Simon Rit , Jean Michel Létang , Juan F P J Abascal
Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé (RITS) 2017, Mar 2017, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01504949v1

Monte Carlo simulation of prompt-γ emission in proton therapy using a track length estimator

J.M. Letang , W. El Kanawati , D. Dauvergne , M. Pinto , D. Sarrut
ICTR-PHE 2016, Feb 2016, Genève, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès hal-01276435v1
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Dual-energy CT spectra optimization for proton treatment planning

Gloria Vilches-Freixas , Jean Michel Létang , Nicolas Ducros , Simon Rit
The 4th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, Jul 2016, Bamberg, Germany. pp.585-588
Communication dans un congrès hal-01437430v1

Absorbed Energy Monitoring during Hadrontherapy via Prompt Gamma Detection

J. Krimmer , L. Balleyguier , D. Dauvergne , M. Fontana , N. Freud
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (2016 IEEE NSS/MIC), Oct 2016, Strasbourg, France. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069621⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01457973v1

Optimal dose balance between energy levels for material decomposition with dual-energy X-ray CT

G. Vilches-Freixas , Jean Michel Létang , K. Presich , P. Steininger , S. Rit
3rd ESTRO Forum 2015, Apr 2015, Barcelona, Spain. pp.PO-0959
Communication dans un congrès hal-01280844v1

Monte Carlo evaluation of X-ray and proton CT for the prediction of the range of proton therapy beams

N. Arbor , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , Jean Michel Létang , K. Parodi
3rd ESTRO Forum 2015, Apr 2015, Barcelona, Spain. p87 PD-0139
Communication dans un congrès hal-01279593v1

Prompt-gamma detection towards absorbed energy monitoring during hadrontherapy

Jochen Krimmer , L. Balleyguier , Denis Dauvergne , Hervé Mathez , Marco Pinto
ANIMMA 2015: International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications, Apr 2015, Lisboa, Portugal
Communication dans un congrès hal-02064149v1

List-mode proton CT reconstruction using their most likely paths via the finite Hilbert transform of the derivative of the backprojection

Simon Rit , Rolf Clackdoyle , Jan Hoskovec , Jean Michel Létang
The 13th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, May 2015, Newport, Rhode Island, United States. pp.324-327
Communication dans un congrès hal-01272941v1

Online control of the beam range during Hadrontherapy

D Dauvergne , J. Baudot , N. Freud , J. Krimmer , L. Lestand
Forum de la recherche en cancérologie Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, Apr 2015, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01241411v1

Research and development of a TOF-based multi-slit collimated camera for online hadrontherapy monitoring

M. Pinto , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J. Krimmer , Jean Michel Létang
ICTR-PHE 2014, Feb 2014, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S76
Communication dans un congrès hal-01052748v1

In-silico comparison of X-ray and proton computed tomography for proton therapy dose simulation with a full Monte Carlo treatment planning

N. Arbor , Jean Michel Létang , D. Dauvergne , E. Testa , G. Dedes
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Nov 2014, Seattle, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01054233v1

Fast Monte Carlo simulator for the distribution of promptgamma emitters in protontherapy

W. El Kanawati , N. Freud , Jean Michel Létang
ICTR-PHE 2014, Feb 2014, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S31
Communication dans un congrès hal-01052870v1

Assessment and improvements of Geant4 models in the context of prompt-gamma hadrontherapy monitoring

G. Dedes , M. Pinto , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J. Krimmer
ICTR-PHE 2014, Feb 2014, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S26
Communication dans un congrès hal-01052743v1

Development of a Compton Camera for medical applications based on SSD and scintillation detectors

J. Krimmer , J.-L. Ley , C. Abellan , J.-P. Cachemiche , L. Caponetto
NDIP'2014, 7th International Conference on New Developments in Photodetection, Jun 2014, Tours, France
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-01071940v1

Simulation of x-ray images from the planning CT for online correction of scatter in cone-beam CT

S. Rit , E. Romero , M. Vila Oliva , S. Brousmiche , D. Sarrut
ESTRO 33, Apr 2014, Vienne, Austria. pp.PO-0921
Communication dans un congrès hal-01053241v1

Online control of the beam range during Hadrontherapy: a review

Jean Michel Létang , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J. Krimmer , Loïc Lestand
9ème journée du CLARA, Jun 2014, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01054193v1

Design optimization of a TOF-based collimated camera prototype for online hadrontherapy monitoring

M. Pinto , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J. Krimmer , Jean Michel Létang
Geant4 conference 2013, Oct 2013, Bordeaux, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01118811v1

Spatial resolution and electron density study for proton computed tomography (pCT), using a curved proton track reconstruction algorithm

G. Dedes , S. Rit , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J. Krimmer
52nd Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Jun 2013, Essen, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838489v1
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Instrumentation pour le suivi en ligne des traitements par hadronthérapie

V. Reithinger , L. Balleyguier , J. Baudot , M. Dahoumane , D. Dauvergne
6ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation, C2I 2013, Jan 2013, Lyon, France. in press
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838591v1

Optimization and comparison of two types of collimated camera for proton beam range monitoring

F. Roellinghoff , A. Benilov , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , N. Freud
52nd Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Jun 2013, Essen, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838463v1

Online particle therapy monitoring using prompt-gamma radiation: collimated camera design with TOF

M. Pinto , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt , G. Dedes , N. Freud
52nd Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Jun 2013, Essen, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838456v1
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Real-Time Online Monitoring of the Ion Range by Means of Prompt Secondary Radiations

J. Krimmer , L. Balleyguier , J. Baudot , S. Brons , L. Caponetto
3rd International Conference On Advancements In Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods And Their Applications (ANIMMA 2013), Jun 2013, Marseille, France. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/ANIMMA.2013.6728046⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-00873701v1

Machine-learning-based patient specific prompt-gamma dose monitoring in protontherapy

P. Gueth , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J.-M. Létang , C. Ray
52nd Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Jun 2013, Essen, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838405v1

First data on Holocene hydro-geomorphological dynamics in the valley of Wadi Tassa (Azilal, High Atlas, Morocco)

Yann Le Drézen , M. Letang , Aziz Ballouche , El Khalki , C. Le Coeur
"titre manquant", 2013, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03348876v1

Nuclear reaction driven quality assurance in hadrontherapy

D. Dauvergne , M. Dahoumane , G. Dedes , N. Freud , J. Krimmer
8èmes journées scientifiques du CLARA, Mar 2013, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00854972v1

Online particle therapy prompt-gamma monitoring with a collimated camera: heterogeneous phantom study

M. Pinto , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt , G. Dedes , N. Freud
52nd Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Jun 2013, Essen, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838467v1

Monitoring the Bragg peak during ion therapy by means of prompt radiation. The ENVISION program

W. Enghardt , D. Dauvergne , J. Barrio , C. Cabello , J. Gillam
52nd Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Jun 2013, Essen, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838430v1


J. Krimmer , J. Constanzo , M. Dahoumane , M. de Rydt , D. Dauvergne
ICTR-PHE 2012 Conference, Feb 2012, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S72, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(12)70127-5⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-00990812v1

Real-time Online Monitoring of the Ion Range by means of Prompt Secondary Radiations

E. Testa , L. Balleyguier , J. Baudot , S. Brons , L. Caponetto
2012 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference & Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors, Oct 2012, Anaheim, United States. pp.NA
Communication dans un congrès hal-00840429v1


F. Roellinghoff , A. Benilov , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , N. Freud
ICTR-PHE 2012, Feb 2012, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S120-S121, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(12)70203-7⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01118500v1
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Gate simulation of a complete proton treatment combined with prompt-gamma monitoring

P. Gueth , L. Grevillot , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J.-M. Létang
2012 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2012, Anaheim, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-00838620v1


E. Testa , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , M. de Rydt
ICTR-PHE 2012 Conference, Feb 2012, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S123, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(12)70208-6⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-00990839v1


G. Dedes , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt , N. Freud
ICTR-PHE 2012 Conference, Feb 2012, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S68-S69, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(12)70120-2⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-00990819v1

Distance-driven binning for proton CT filtered backprojection along most likely paths

S. Rit , N. Freud , D. Sarrut , J.-M. Letang
Second International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, Jun 2012, Salt Lake City, United States. pp.382
Communication dans un congrès hal-00829634v1

Electron density resolution determination and systematic uncertainties in proton computed tomography (pcT)

G. Dedes , S. Rit , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt , N. Freud
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Oct 2012, Anaheim, United States. ⟨10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551586⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01149111v1

Interaction vertex imaging (IVI) for carbon ion therapy monitoring: a feasibility study

E. Testa , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , N. Freud , P. Henriquet
ICTR-PHE 2012, Feb 2012, Genève, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès hal-01118823v1

Real-time monitoring of the ion range by means of prompt-secondary radiation

E. Testa , L. Balleyguier , J. Baudot , S. Brons , L. Caponetto
Nouvelles méthodologies en imagerie du vivant, Dec 2012, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00828866v1

Real-Time Monitoring During Ion Therapy: Development and Evaluation of a Beam Hodoscope and Its Dedicated Electronics

M. de Rydt , S. Deng , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , N. Freud
2012 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference & Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors, Oct 2012, Anaheim, United States. pp.NA
Communication dans un congrès hal-00840418v1

Online monitoring of the dose during ion therapy by means of prompt secondary radiations

E. Testa , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt , G. Dedes , N. Freud
8th International Symposium on Swift Heavy Ions in Matter, Oct 2012, Kyoto, Japan
Communication dans un congrès hal-00830907v1


E. Testa , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , M. de Rydt
ICTR-PHE 2012 Conference, Feb 2012, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S122-S123, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(12)70207-4⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-00990834v1


M. de Rydt , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , S. Deng , G. Dedes
ICTR-PHE 2012 Conference, Feb 2012, Genève, Switzerland. pp.S60-S61, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(12)70108-1⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-00990830v1

Secondary radiations in CBCT: a simulation study

P. . Wils , J M Létang , J.-P. Bruandet
International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 2011, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920977v1

Image reconstruction for Compton camera applied to 3D prompt imaging during ion beam therapy

X. Lojacono , M.-H. Richard , C. Ray , D. Dauvergne , E. Testa
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2011, Valencia, Spain. pp.3518 - 3521, ⟨10.1109/NSSMIC.2011.6152647⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920979v1

Imaging system for QA: present status and future prospects

E. Testa , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , P. Force , N. Freud
2nd NIRS-ETOILE symposium, Nov 2011, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00715886v1

Interaction vertex imaging (IVI): a new method of real-time control imaging for carbon ion therapy

E. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes
PTCOG 50, May 2011, Philadelphie, United States
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00772822v1

Real-time monitoring of ion ranges

J M Létang , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , G. Montarou
Workshop on Hadron Beam Therapy of Cancer, Erice, 2011, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920976v1

Imaging System for QI: Present Status and Future Prospects

E. Testa , D. Dauvergne , G. Dedes , N. Freud , J. Krimmer
2nd NIRS-ETOILE Joint Symposium on Carbon Ion Therapy, Nov 2011, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00773070v1

Design of a Compton camera for 3D prompt-γ imaging during ion beam therapy

F. Roellinghoff , M.-H. Richard , M. Chevallier , J. Constanzo , D. Dauvergne
Imaging 2010, International conference on imaging techniques in subatomic physics, astrophysics, medicine, biology and industry, Jun 2010, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.s20-s23, ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.069⟩
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00559943v1

Accelerated Deterministic Simulation of X-ray Attenuation Using Graphics Hardware

F.P. Vidal , M. Garnier , N. Freud , J M Létang , N.W. John
Eurographics, 2010, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920980v1

Dose monitoring in ion therapy by means of prompt radiation

C. Ray , M. Bajard , J. Constanzo , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne
49th Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG 49), May 2010, Tokyo, Japan
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00777466v1

Joint Simulation of Transmission X-ray Imaging on GPU and Patient\textquoterights Respiration on CPU

F.P. Vidal , P.F. Villard , M. Garnier , N. Freud , J M Létang
AAPM Annual Meeting, 2010, Philadelphia, PA, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920981v1
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Joint Simulation of Transmission X-ray Imaging on GPU and Patient's Respiration on CPU

Franck P. Vidal , Pierre-Frédéric Villard , Manuel Garnier , Nicolas Freud , Jean Michel Létang
American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting - AAPM 2010, Jul 2010, Philadelphia, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-00485720v1

Investigation of a Fast Hybrid Simulation Approach for Dose Calculations in Hadrontherapy

Cindy Le Loirec , N. Freud , J M Létang , D. Babot
Workshop on Hadron Beam Therapy of Cancer, Erice, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920985v1

Target influence on real time monitoring of the Bragg peak location by means of single photon detection

M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , F. Fle Foulher , N. Freud
PTCOG: Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group 48, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920983v1

Monitoring the Bragg peak location by means of prompt gamma measurements

M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , F. Le Foulher , N. Freud
International School on Hadrontherapy «Edwin McMillan» Workshop on Hadron Beam Therapy of Cancer, Apr 2009, Sicile, Italy
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00475607v1

Simulation of X-ray attenuation on the GPU

F.P. Vidal , M. Garnier , N. Freud , J M Létang , N.W. John
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, Cardiff, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.25-32
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920984v1

Prompt Gamma-Ray Monitoring During Carbon Ion Therapy: Comparison Between Measurements and Geant4 Simulations

M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , P. Henriquet
Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2009), Jun 2009, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00400371v1

Design of a Compton camera for 3D prompt-gamma imaging during ion beam therapy: a Geant4 simulation study

M.-H. Richard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , P. Henriquet
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920982v1

A novel technique for real time monitoring of the Bragg-peak position in ion therapy by means of single photon detection

M. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud
Heavy Ions in Therapy and Space Symposium, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920986v1
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Nouvelles méthodes d'imagerie en ligne pour le contrôle de l'irradiation en hadronthérapie

M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , P. Henriquet , F. Le Foulher
48emes Journées Scientifiques SFPM, Jun 2009, Montauban, France
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00405310v1

Dose profile monitoring with carbon ions by means of prompt-gamma measurements

E. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , F. Le Foulher
Seventh International Symposium Swift Heavy Ion in Matter - SHIM2008, 2008, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00408905v1

Fast simulation of dose deposition in Stereotactic Synchrotron RadioTherapy (SSRT)

J M Létang , N. Freud , F. Smekens , C. Boudou , C. Ferrero
New prospects for brain tumour radiotherapy: Synchrotron light and Microbeam radiation Therapy, SYRAD, 2008, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920989v1

Detection of Prompt Gamma Rays to Monitor Hadrontherapy

E. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , F. Le~foulher
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference, 2008, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920988v1

Quantitative Homogeneity and In-Contact Particles of High Temperature Reactors (HTR) Compacts Determination Via X-Ray Tomography

G. Lecomte , D. Tisseur , J M Létang , J. Banchet , M.-P. Vitali
QNDE, Review of progress in Quantitative NDE, Colorado, 2007, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.1646-1653
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920994v1

Quality Control of High Temperature Reactors (HTR) compacts via X-Ray Tomography

D. Tisseur , J. Banchet , P.-G. Duny , M.-P. Vitali , G. Peix
ICAPP International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Nice Acropolis, France, 2007, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920992v1

Fast dose calculation for stereotactic synchrotron radiotherapy

Nicolas Freud , Jean Michel Létang , Corentin Mary , Caroline Boudou , Claudio Ferrero
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007. EMBS 2007. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2007, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.3914--3917
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921619v1

Phase contrast imaging in laboratory

D. Tisseur , J M Létang , J. Banchet
DIR 2007, International Symposium on Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, Lyon, 2007, Unknown, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01920998v1

ThIS : A Geant4-based Therapeutic Irradiation Simulator

L. Guigues , D. Sarrut , N. Dufour , M.C. Ricol , E. Testa
1st European Workshop on Monte Carlo Treatment Planning (MCTP), 2006, Gent, Belgium
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921002v1

A Platform for Monte Carlo Simulation of Cancer Therapy with Photon and Light Ions Beams based on the Geant 4 Toolkit

L. Guigues , D. Sarrut , N. Dufour , M.C. Ricol , E. Testa
IEEE Nuclear Sciences Symposium, 2006, San Diego, USA, Unknown Region
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921001v1
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Geant4 simulation of the response of phosphor screens for X-ray imaging

S.A. Pistrui-Maximean , N. Freud , J.M. Létang , A. Koch , B. Munier
International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors IWORID-7, Jul 2005, Grenoble, France. pp.196-199, ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.094⟩
Communication dans un congrès in2p3-00025011v1

Optimal calibration via virtual x-ray imaging for dual-energy techniques: application to glass wool

Jean-Michel Létang , N Freud , Gilles Peix
Sixth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 2003, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.422--433
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921620v1

Automatic construction of minimal paths in 3D images: an application to virtual endoscopy

T Deschamps , Jean Michel Létang , B Verdonck , Ld Cohen
Proc. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1999, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.151--155
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921622v1

Motion detection robust to perturbations: A statistical regularization and temporal integration framework

Jean-Michel Létang , Veronique Rebuffel , Patrick Bouthemy
Computer Vision, 1993. Proceedings., Fourth International Conference on, 1993, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.21--30
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921625v1

Motion detection based on a temporal multiscale approach

Jean Michel Létang , V Rebuffel , P Bouthemy
Pattern Recognition, 1992. Vol. I. Conference A: Computer Vision and Applications, Proceedings., 11th IAPR International Conference on, 1992, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.65--68
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921626v1
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Test and characterization of the CLaRyS camera's absorber with its final acquisition chain

O. Allegrini , J. P. Cachemiche , C. Caplan , B. Carlus , X. Chen
Young Investigator's Workshop on Photon Detection in Medicine and Medical Physics - 2019, Dec 2019, Siegen, Germany.
Poster de conférence hal-02408478v1

Décomposition en base de matériaux à partir de données issues du scanner spectral PIXSCAN-FLI

Nicolas Ducros , Odran Pivot , Mathieu Dupont , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit
2ème congrès national d'imagerie du vivant CNIV 2017, Nov 2017, Paris, France. 2017
Poster de conférence hal-01744888v1

Comparison between Anger and Compton cameras for medical imaging: A Monte Carlo simulation study

M. Fontana , D. Dauvergne , J. Krimmer , J.-M. Letang , J.-L. Ley
Forum de la Recherche en Cancérologie Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Apr 2017, Villeurbanne, France.
Poster de conférence in2p3-01501686v1

Material decomposition using the PIXSCAN-FLI spectral micro-CT

Nicolas Ducros , Odran Pivot , Dupont M. , Olga Kochebina , Jean Michel Létang
IEEE NSS MIC RTSD 2017 Conference, Oct 2017, Atlanta, United States. pp.#2987, 2017
Poster de conférence hal-01743323v1

Comparison between Anger and Compton cameras for medical imaging: a Monte Carlo simulation study

Mattia Fontana , Denis Dauvergne , Jochen Krimmer , Jean Michel Létang , Jean-Luc Ley
2017 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD, Oct 2017, Atlanta, United States. 2017
Poster de conférence hal-01609932v1

Stopping power ratio estimation for proton therapy dose calculations using projection- vs. image-based dual-energy CT methods

G. Vilches-Freixas , V. Taasti , D. Hansen , Jean Michel Létang , L. Muren
56th annual conférence of the Particle Therapy Co-operative Group - PTCOG 56, May 2017, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan. 2017
Poster de conférence hal-01714316v1

Comparison between Anger and Compton cameras for medical imaging: a Monte Carlo simulation study

Mattia Fontana , Denis Dauvergne , Jochen Krimmer , Jean Michel Létang , Jean-Luc Ley
56èmes Journées Scientifiques de la SFPM, Jun 2017, Lyon, France. 2017
Poster de conférence hal-01609928v1

An improved computational method to optimize the stopping power calibration curve for patient-specific proton therapy planning

Nils Krah , Mauro Testa , Jean Michel Létang , Simon Rit , Ilaria Rinaldi
IEEE NSS MIC 2016, Oct 2016, Strasbourg, France
Poster de conférence hal-01492914v1
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Accelerated Prompt Gamma estimation for clinical Proton Therapy simulations

B. Huisman , Jean Michel Létang , E. Testa , D. Sarrut
International Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology | Physics for Health in Europe (ICTR-PHE 2016), Feb 2016, Genève, Switzerland.
Poster de conférence hal-01276369v1

Time-of-Flight Collimated- and Compton-Cameras Development for Ion Beam Therapy Monitoring

Mattia Fontana , L. Balleyguier , E. Bechetoille , D. Bon , L. Caponetto
Forum de la recherche en cancérologie Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, Mar 2016, Lyon, France
Poster de conférence hal-01297637v1
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Development of a Time-Of-Flight Compton Camera for Online Control of Ion therapy

J.-L. Ley , C. Abellan , J.-P. Cachemiche , M. Dahoumane , D. Dauvergne
ICTR-PHE 2014, Feb 2014, Genève, Switzerland
Poster de conférence hal-00945490v1

Comparaison par simulation Monte-Carlo de l'imagerie X et de l'imagerie proton pour le calcul de dose en protonthérapie

N. Arbor , Jean Michel Létang , D. Dauvergne , E. Testa , G. Dedes
9ème journée scientifique du CLARA, Jun 2014, Lyon, France
Poster de conférence hal-01054167v1
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Jean-Luc Ley , J. P. Cachemiche , M. Dahoumane , Denis Dauvergne , Nicolas Freud
First International Summer School on Intelligent Front-End Signal Processing for Frontier Exploitation in Research and Industry, Jul 2013, Oxford, United Kingdom
Poster de conférence hal-01922290v1

Monte Carlo Nuclear Models Evaluation and Improvements for Real-Time Prompt Gamma-Ray Monitoring in Proton and Carbon Therapy

G. Dedes , D. Dauvergne , M. de Rydt , N. Freud , J. Krimmer
2012 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference & Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (2012 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD), Oct 2012, Anaheim, United States
Poster de conférence in2p3-00747340v1

Toward real-time control of the dose during hadrontherapy by means of prompt radiations

D. Dauvergne , M. Chevallier , G. Dedes , S. Deng , N. Freud
6èmes Journées Scientifiques du CLARA, 2011, Lyon, France
Poster de conférence in2p3-00777846v1

Design of a Compton Camera for On-line Control in Ion Beam Therapy Using Geant4 design study of the absorber detector

M.-H. Richard , D. Dauvergne , M. Dahoumane , N. Freud , J.M. Létang
2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2011, Valence, Spain
Poster de conférence in2p3-00778028v1

Optimization of proton therapy ballistics using a genetic algorithm

François Smekens , Jean-Michel Létang , Nicolas Freud , Bruno Sixou , Guillaume Beslon
Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, PTCOG, May 2011, Philadelphia (US), United States. 2011
Poster de conférence hal-01354428v1

Physical measurements for real time monitoring of the Bragg peak location by means of single photon detection

M. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud
12th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Poster de conférence in2p3-00778976v1

Monitoring the Bragg peak location during hadrontherapy by means of a time-of-flight camera

E. Testa , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , S. Deng
12th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Poster de conférence in2p3-00778932v1

Monte Carlo simulations of prompt-gamma emission during carbon ion irradiation

F. Le Foulher , M. Bajard , M. Chevallier , D. Dauvergne , N. Freud
Physics For Health in Europe, Feb 2010, Genève, Switzerland
Poster de conférence in2p3-00778974v1

Le contrôle par radiographie

J M Létang , Jean-Michel Fieffe
Le Contrôle Non Destructif (CND), 1 (METIS Lyon Tech), PPUR, 320 p., 2016
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01920973v1

Traité MIM, série Matériaux

J M Létang , E. Maire
Lavoisier, . Imagerie 3D en mécanique des matériaux, 7. Traitement et analyse d\textquoterightimages, Hermès Science Publications, pp.203\textendash226, 2014
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01920975v1

Characterizing Disturbances in Dynamic Scenes using an integrated motion analysis approach

V Rebuffel , Jean Michel Létang
Time-Varying Image Processing and Moving Object Recognition, pp.303--310, 1994
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01921624v1
Image document

Prompt-Gamma Monitoring of Proton- and Carbon-Therapy. Combined Development of Time-of-Flight Collimated- and Compton-Cameras

D. Dauvergne , N. Freud , J. Krimmer , Jean Michel Létang , E. Testa
II Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography, Sep 2014, Kraków, Poland. 127 (5), pp.1445-1448, 2015, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A: Proceedings of the II Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography, Kraków, September 21 24, 2014, ⟨10.12693/APhysPolA.127.1445⟩
Proceedings/Recueil des communications hal-01204680v1