Jean-Pierre Féral
The ISO-8804 series: What kind of Scientific Diving is concerned here ?8th European Conference on Scientific Diving, HCMR Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Apr 2024, Heraklion (Crete Island), Greece. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.11074810⟩
Conference papers
European standards for initial training in occupational scientific diving, a necessity, and a guarantee for the mobility of scientists and effective research in the coastal environment7th European Conference on Scientific Diving, Comité National pour la Plongée Scientifique, May 2023, Roscoff, France. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.2.25683.35365⟩
Conference papers
More than 20 years of training in Occupational Scientific Diving at work in Europe, The European Scientific Diving Panel (ESDP) modelScienceDiver in the Blue Economy, ScienceDiver, Apr 2023, Valleta, Malta. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.8410429⟩
Conference papers
Occupational Scientific Diving in the Marine Stations WorldWorld Congress of Marine Stations [WCMS 2021], MARS, Nov 2021, Moscow, Russia. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.2.33710.02884⟩
Conference papers
Ecological gradients as an evolutionary opportunity for Mediterranean biodiversityOTMED Final Conference - What kind of environmental transition for the mediterranean region?, Oct 2019, Marseille, France
Conference papers
The French National Committee on Scientific Diving (CNPS): a key actor for developing scientific diving in France5th European Conference on Scientific Diving (ECSD), Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland, Apr 2019, Sopot, Poland. pp.61-62, ⟨10.23708/fdi:010076263⟩
Conference papers
Community ecology of coralligenous assemblages using a metabarcoding approach3rd Mediterranean Symposium on the conservation of Coralligenous & other Calcareous Bio-Concretions, Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC), Jan 2019, Antalya, Turkey. pp.41-45, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12755700⟩
Conference papers
A field guide to coastal echinoderms of the Kerguelen Islands16th International Echinoderm Conference, May 2018, Nogoya, Japan. pp.33-43, ⟨10.11646/zoosymposia.15.1.6⟩
Conference papers
Changement climatique et suivi de la biodiversité marine côtière aux Iles Kerguelen15e Rencontres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, Changement climatique, humanité et biodiversité, 2018, Dijon, France. pp.273-284, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.3380472⟩
Conference papers
Modelling species response to climate change in sub-Antarctic islands: echinoids as a case study for the Kerguelen PlateauThe Kerguelen Plateau: Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries, Australian Antarctic Division, Nov 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. pp.95-116, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.3251680⟩
Conference papers
Long-term monitoring of coastal benthic habitats in the Kerguelen Islands: a legacy of decades of marine biology researchSymposium on Kerguelen Plateau Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries, Australian Antarctic Division, Nov 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. pp.383-402, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.3249143⟩
Conference papers
Analysis on the Graph Techniques for Data-mining and Visualization of Heterogeneous Biodiversity Data SetsComplexis 2017, Apr 2017, Porto, Portugal. pp.144 - 151, ⟨10.5220/0006379701440151⟩
Conference papers
CEMOCoast - Citizen science between environmental Education and Monitoring of Coralligenous reefs in areas affected by changing coastal usesSéminaire annuel 2017 de l'OHM Littoral méditerranéen, CNRS; OHM Littoral méditerranéen, Mar 2017, Marseille, France
Conference papers
A new submarine observatory of the Sub-Antarctic coastal benthos facing climate change in Kerguelen IslandsXIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, A. Van de Putte, Jul 2017, Leuven, Belgium. pp.457, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.3241855⟩
Conference papers
Citizen science for CIGESMED: involving divers in marine biological monitoring51st European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS), EMBS, Sep 2016, Rhodes (Grèce), Greece. pp.39, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12773961⟩
Conference papers
Project IndexMed: original solutions to manage the heterogeneity of marine ecology data in the Mediterranean Sea.51st European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS), EMBS, Sep 2016, Rhodes (Grèce), Greece. pp.37, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12773540⟩
Conference papers
PROTEKER: implementation of an underwater observatory at the Kerguelen islands (Southern Ocean)2nd European Conference on Scientific Diving, The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences, May 2016, Kristineberg, Sweden. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.1.2399.0644⟩
Conference papers
IndexMed projects: new tools using the CIGESMED DataBase on Coralligenous for indexing, visualizing and data mining based on graphs 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Toulouse, France, Sabine Sauvage, José-Miguel Sánchez-Pérez, Andrea Rizzoli (Eds.), Jul 2016, Toulouse, France. pp.32, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.6047140⟩
Conference papers
Architecture, concepts et services d'un système d'indexation de données distribuées pour l'observation à large échelle en écologie marine32ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications, laboratoire d’Informatique et d’Automatique pour les Systèmes (LIAS), Nov 2016, POITIERS, France. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12772074⟩
Conference papers
CIGESMED project: evidence-based management for coralligenous habitats in the Mediterranean Sea51st European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS), EMBS, Sep 2016, Rhodes (Grèce), Greece. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12772391⟩
Conference papers
Community composition of macroinvertebrates in the Mediterranean Sea41st CIESM Congress, CIESM, Sep 2016, Kiel (Allemagne), Germany. pp.470, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12760940⟩
Conference papers
Community ecology of the coralligenous assemblages using a metabarcoding approach41st CIESM congress, CIESM, Sep 2016, Kiel (Allemagne), Germany. pp.472, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12772226⟩
Conference papers
Defining keystone species in European regional seas: what are the candidates for the Mediterranean?11th Panhellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, HCMR, May 2015, Mytilene, Lesbos Island, Greece. pp.553-556, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12775587⟩
Conference papers
A first prototype for indexing, visualizing and mining heterogeneous data in Mediterranean ecology11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), Kokou Yetongnon, Albert Dipanda, University Of Bourgogne, France and Richard Chbeir, University of Pau, France, Nov 2015, Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 232-239, ⟨10.1109/SITIS.2015.119⟩
Conference papers
CIGESMED habitat's characterization: a simple ans reusable typology at the Mediterranean scaleRAC/ASP 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the conservation of Coralligenous & other Calcareous Bio-Concretions, Oct 2014, Portorož, Slovenia. pp.211-212
Conference papers
CIGESMED. Protocols: how to implement a multidisciplinary approach on a large scale for coralligenous habitats surveysRAC/SPA 2nd Mediterranean Symp. on the Conservation of coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions, RAC/SPA, Oct 2014, Portorož, Slovenia. pp.66-71, ⟨10.13140/2.1.1895.0086⟩
Conference papers
CIGESMED’s protocol and network (Coralligenous basEd. Indicators to evaluate and monitor the “Good Environmental Status” of Mediterranean coastal waters)5th International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: problems and measurement techniques, CNR-IBIMET Firenze, Jun 2014, Livorno, Italy. pp.828-843
Conference papers
An ecosystem-based approach to assess the status of the Mediterranean coralligenous habitat.RAC/SPA 2nd Mediterranean Symp. on the Conservation of coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions, RAC/SPA, Oct 2014, Portorož Slovenia. pp.153-158
Conference papers
CIGESMED: Coralligenous based indicators to evaluate and monitor the "good environmental statut" of the Mediterranean coastal waters, a SeasEra project2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the conservation of Coralligenous & other Calcareous Bio-Concretions, Oct 2014, Portorož, Slovenia
Conference papers
Ongoing research on ecosystem health indicators for food webs in the MSFD contextScience and Governance of the Channel marine ecosystem, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie; IFREMER, Jul 2014, Caen, France. pp.14-15, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12775811⟩
Conference papers
Preliminary assessment of macrobenthic assemblages of coralligenous habitats across the Mediterranean Sea2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the conservation of Coralligenous & other Calcareous Bio-Concretions , RAC/ASP, Oct 2014, Portorož, Slovenia. pp.207-208
Conference papers
AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO EVALUATE AND MONITOR THE CONSERVATION STATE OF CORALLIGENOUS BOTTOMS: THE INDEX-COR METHODConference: 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the conservation of Coralligenous & other Calcareous Bio-Concretions, Oct 2014, Portorož, Slovenia. ⟨10.13140/2.1.3180.6405⟩
Conference papers
Kerguelen Islands: a living laboratory to understand the benthic biodiversity of the Antarctic1st International Scientific Symposium on the Kerguelen Plateau, Apr 2010, Concarneau, France
Conference papers
Mise en place des reseaux d'excellence- l'action concertee europeenne BIOMARE et le reseau d'excellence MARBEFBiodiversité et changement global, Dynamique des interactions, IFB-INstitut français de la biodiversité, May 2004, Marseille, France. pp.94-95, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12654922⟩
Conference papers
Neopentadactyla mixta (Holothurioidea : Phyllophoridae) Spiculation et croissanceEuropean Colloquium on Echinoderms "Echinoderms: Present and Past", Michel Jangoux, ULB, Sep 1979, Bruxelles, Belgique. pp.111-113, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12752165⟩
Conference papers
Cuticule et bactéries associées des épidermes digestif et tégumentaire de Leptosynapta galliennei (Herapath) (Holothurioidea: Apoda*). Premières données.Echinoderms: Present and Past, Michel Jangoux, ULB, Brussels, BE, Sep 1979, Brussels (Belgium), Belgique. pp.285-290, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12752004⟩
Conference papers
Accumulation des hydrocarbures par les invertébrés marins après l'échouage de l'Amoco-Cadiz et étude de leurs tissus d'absorption et de stockageColloque Scientifique de l'Union des Océanoggraphes de France, Union des Océanoggraphes de France (UOF), Feb 1979, Nantes (France), France. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12745091⟩
Conference papers
Les ceintures de Phéophycées des îles Saint-Paul et AmsterdamDuhamel G. Les îles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam (Océan Indien sud): environnement marin et pêcheries, 84, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, pp.44-50, A paraître, Patrimoines naturels
Book sections
Les invertébrés pélagiques (zooplancton, necton) de la zone des îles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam, premières donnéesDuhamel G. Les îles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam (Océan Indien sud): environnement marin et pêcheries, 84, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, pp.98-102, A paraître, Patrimoines naturels
Book sections
Le macrobenthos des îles Saint-Paul et AmsterdamDuhamel G. Les îles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam (Océan Indien sud): environnement marin et pêcheries, 84, Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, pp.51-85, A paraître, Collections Patrimoines naturels
Book sections
Le laboratoire "hors les murs" dans les Terres Australes, Bionomie benthique du plateau continental des iles KerguelenG. Jacques et Y. Desdevises. Du laboratoire Arago à l'Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, une épopée humaine et scientifique, Sorbonne Université Presses, pp.178-182, 2021, 979-10-231-0713-5
Book sections
Recommandations et perspectivesP. Rossello, Lootvoet M. et A. Aubail. La mer et le littoral de Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur face au changement climatique, Région PACA, pp.42-44, 2017, Les cahiers du GREC-PACA, 978-2-9560060-4-6. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12760330⟩
Book sections
Introduction généraleP. Rossello, Lootvoet M. et A. Aubail. La mer et le littoral de Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur face au changement climatique, Région PACA, 2017, Les cahiers du GREC-PACA, 978-2-9560060-4-6. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12760072⟩
Book sections
CIGESMED’s protocol and network (Coralligenous based Indicators to evaluate and monitor the “Good Environmental Status” of Mediterranean coastal waters)CNR-IBIMET Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium MONITORING OF MEDITERRANEAN COASTAL AREAS: PROBLEMS AND MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, , pp.828-843, 2014, 978-88-95597-19-5
Book sections
Zones côtières et développement durable : une équation à résoudreA. Euzen, L. Eymard, F. Gaill. Le devéloppement durable à découvert, Le devéloppement durable à découvert (Chapter: 2-22), CNRS editions, pp.96-97, 2013, 978-2-271-07896-4
Book sections
La vie sur TerreC. Jeandel & R. Mosseri. Le climat à découvert, Outils et méthodes en recherche climatique, CNRS Editions, pp.37-39, 2011, 978-2-271-07198-9. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12784609⟩
Book sections
Observations et indicateurs climatiques: 9. Érosion de la biodiversitéC. Jeandel & R. Mosseri. Le climat à découvert, Outils et méthodes en recherche climatique, CNRS éditions, pp.110-112, 2011, 978-2-271-07198-9. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12784711⟩
Book sections
Application of the Ecosystem Service Concept to a Local-Scale: The Cases of Coralligenous Habitats in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea2017
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Ecological Data Preservation in the context of IndexMed -PREDON 20152015
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Common Practices for Recognition of European Competency levels for Scientific Diving at WorkESDP's Consultation Document 1 (rev. 2), ESDP - European Scientific Diving Panel. 2022, pp.1-8
Occupational Scientific Diving requirements facilitating safe mobility of scientific divers within EuropeESDP's Consultation Document 6. version 1, ESDP - European Scientific Diving Panel. 2022, pp.1-34
CIGESMED : Coralligenous based Indicators to evaluate and monitor the "Good Environmental Status" of the Mediterranean coastal waters[Research Report] ANR. 2016, 107 pp
CIGESMED for divers - Citizen Science for CIGESMED[Technical Report] IMBE Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie marine et continentale. 2016
Nutrition chez un invertébré marin détritivore: Leptosynapta galliennei (Holothurioidea: Echinodermata)Biodiversité et Ecologie. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI); Museum national d'histoire naturelle - MNHN PARIS, 1985. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
La régénération des bras de Sepia officinalis L. (Mollusque Céphalopode Coléoïdé)Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]. Université Paris 6 (UPMC), 1977. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩