Unravelling the environmental correlates influencing the seasonal biodiversity of aquatic Heteropteran assemblages in northern Africa
Noura Slimani
Eric Guilbert
James White
Matthew Hill
Paul Wood
Journal articles
Small-Scale Variability in Bacterial Community Structure in Different Soil Types
Mylène Hugoni
Naoise Nunan
Jean Thioulouse
Audrey Dubost
Danis Abrouk
Journal articles
Overcoming the Spurious Groups Problem in Between-Group PCA
Jean Thioulouse
Sabrina Renaud
Anne-Béatrice Dufour
Stéphane Dray
Journal articles
Author Correction: Complex ecological interactions of Staphylococcus aureus in tampons during menstruation
Isaline Jacquemond
Anaëlle Muggeo
Gery Lamblin
Anne Tristan
Yves Gillet
Journal articles
Surface water quality assessment in a semiarid Mediterranean region (Medjerda, Northern Tunisia) using partial triadic analysis
Noura Slimani
Juan José Jiménez
Eric Guilbert
Moncef Boumaiza
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
Vaginal Tampon Colonization by Staphylococcus aureus in Healthy Women
Myriam Chiaruzzi
Alexia Barbry
Anaëlle Muggeo
Anne Tristan
Isaline Jacquemond
Journal articles
Assessing potential surrogates of macroinvertebrate diversity in North-African Mediterranean aquatic ecosystems
Noura Slimani
David Sánchez-Fernández
Eric Guilbert
Moncef Boumaiza
Simone Guareschi
Journal articles
Complex ecological interactions of Staphylococcus aureus in tampons during menstruation
Isaline Jacquemond
Anaëlle Muggeo
Gery Lamblin
Anne Tristan
Yves Gillet
Journal articles
Impact of currently marketed tampons and menstrual cups on Staphylococcus aureus growth and TSST-1 production in vitro
Louis Nonfoux
Myriam Chiaruzzi
Cédric Badiou
Jessica Baude
Anne Tristan
Journal articles
adegraphics: An S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation of Multivariate Data
Aurélie Siberchicot
A. Julien-Laferrière
Ab. Dufour
J. Thioulouse
S. Dray
Journal articles
The use of STATICO and COSTATIS, two exploratory three-ways analysis methods: an application to the ecology of aquatic heteroptera in the Medjerda watershed (Tunisia)
Noura Slimani
Eric Guilbert
Foued El Ayni
Amel Jrad
Moncef Boumaiza
Journal articles
Raisonner l'utilisation des légumineuses ligneuses pour réhabiliter des sols dégradés en milieu méditerranéen et tropical
Robin Duponnois
Jean Thioulouse
Ezekiel Baudoin
Christine Leroux
Antoine Galiana
Journal articles
Management of the mycorrhizal soil infectivity with Crotalaria ochroleuca, an indigenous wild legume in the tropics: Impacts on microbial functional diversity involved in phosphorus mobilization processes in a sahelian soil
N. Benkhoua
M. Hafidi
W. Badri
Ezékiel Baudoin
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
Bacterial community structure at the microscale in two different soils
Rory Michelland
Jean Thioulouse
Martina Kyselková
Geneviève Grundmann
Journal articles
Impact of Wheat/Faba Bean Mixed Cropping or Rotation Systems on Soil Microbial Functionalities
Sanâa Wahbi
Yves Prin
Jean Thioulouse
Hervé Sanguin
Ezékiel Baudoin
Journal articles
Occurrence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in agricultural soils and antibiotic resistance properties
Amélie Deredjian
Nolwenn Alliot
Laurine Blanchard
Elisabeth Brothier
Makram Anane
Journal articles
Soil Organic Matter Quality, Structure and Activity of the Denitrifiers Community as Influenced by Decaying Mulched Crop Residues
A. Dieng
E. Baudoin
Jean Thioulouse
D. Brunet
J. Toucet
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2015, 13, pp.655-675
Journal articles
Potentialities of ecological engineering strategy based on native arbuscular mycorrhizal community for improving afforestation programs with carob trees in degraded environments
N. Manaut
H. Sanguin
L. Ouahmane
M. Bressan
Jean Thioulouse
Ecological Engineering, 2015, 79, pp.113-119
Journal articles
Field Application of the Mycorrhizal Fungus Rhizophagus irregularis Increases the Yield of Wheat Crop and Affects Soil Microbial Functionalities
S. Wahbi
Y. Prin
T. Maghraoui
H. Sanguin
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
Ectomycorrhizal fungi on the early colonizing shrub Sarcolaena oblongifolia F. facilitate the establishment of an endemic tree Uapaca bojeri L. in Madagascarian highland forests
H. Ramanankierana
R. Baohanta
H. Randriambanona
Y Prin
N. Rakotoarimanga
International Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution, 2014, 1, pp.1-15
Journal articles
Similar Processes but Different Environmental Filters for Soil Bacterial and Fungal Community Composition Turnover on a Broad Spatial Scale
Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré
Samuel S. Dequiedt
Jean Thioulouse
Mélanie M. Lelievre
Nicolas Saby
Journal articles
A new process to promote the use of controlled mycorrhization practice in forest nurseries
L. Ndoye
A. Soumaré
Ec. Agbangba
J. Thioulouse
A. Galiana
Journal articles
Ectomycorrhizal diversity enhances growth and nitrogen fixation of Acacia mangium seedlings
N. Diagne
J. Thioulouse
H. Sanguin
Y. Prin
T. Krasova-Wade
Journal articles
The exotic legume tree species, Acacia mearnsii, alters microbial soil functionalities and the early development of a native tree species, Quercus suber, in North Africa
I. Boudiaf
E. Baudoin
H. Sanguin
A. Beddiar
Jean Thioulouse
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013, 65, pp.172--179
Journal articles
L'introduction d'acacias australiens pour réhabiliter des écosystèmes dégradés est-elle dépourvue de risques environnementaux ?
R. Duponnois
E. Baudoin
H. Sanguin
Jean Thioulouse
C. Le Roux
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 2013, 318, pp.59-65
Journal articles
Managing Mediterranean nurse plants-mediated effects on soil microbial functions to improve rock phosphate solubilization processes and early growth of Cupressus atlantica G
M. Hafidi
L. Ouahmane
J. Thioulouse
H. Sanguin
A. Boumezzough
Journal articles
Australian acacia introduction to rehabilitate degraded ecosystems is it free of environmental risks?
Robin Duponnois
Ezekiel Baudoin
Hervé Sanguin
Jean Thioulouse
Christine Le Roux
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 2013, 318 (4), pp.59-65
Journal articles
Turnover of soil bacterial diversity driven by wide-scale environmental heterogeneity.
L. Ranjard
S. Dequiedt
Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré
J. Thioulouse
N. P. A. Saby
Journal articles
Native plant resources to optimize the performances of forest rehabilitation in Mediterranean and tropical environment: some examples of nursing plant species that improve the soil mycorrhizal potential
R. Duponnois
H. Ramanankierana
M. Hafidi
R. Baohanta
E. Baudoin
Journal articles
Multivariate analyses in soil microbial ecology: a new paradigm
Jean Thioulouse
Y. Prin
R. Duponnois
Journal articles
Response of native soil microbial functions to the controlled mycorrhization of an exotic tree legume, Acacia holosericea in a Sahelian ecosystem
A. Bilgo
Sk. Sangare
Jean Thioulouse
Y Prin
V. Hien
Journal articles
Community ecology in the age of multivariate multiscale spatial analysis
S. Dray
R. Pelissier
P. Couteron
M. -J. Fortin
P. Legendre
Journal articles
Restoring native forest ecosystems after exotic tree plantation in Madagascar: combination of the local ectotrophic species Leptolena bojeriana and Uapaca bojeri mitigates the negative influence of the exotic species Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pinus patula
R. Baohanta
Jean Thioulouse
H. Ramanankierana
Y. Prin
R. Rasolomampianina
Journal articles
Biogeographical patterns of soil molecular microbial biomass as influenced by soil characteristics and management
S. Dequiedt
Nicolas P. A. Saby
M. Lelievre
C. Jolivet
J. Thioulouse
Journal articles
J. Thioulouse
Journal articles
Diversity Geographic Distribution and Habitat-Specific Variations of Microbiota in Natural Populations of the Chicken Mite Dermanyssus gallinae
C. Valiente-Moro
J. Thioulouse
C. Chauve
L. Zenner
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2011, 48, pp.788-796
Journal articles
Large trends in French topsoil characteristics are revealed by spatially constrained multivariate analysis
D. Arrouays
N.P.A. Saby
Jean Thioulouse
C. Jolivet
Line Boulonne
Journal articles
Insertion Sequences as Highly Resolutive Genomic Markers for Sequence Type 1 Legionella pneumophila Paris
Mike Vergnes
Christophe Ginevra
Elisabeth Kay
Philippe Normand
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
Nurse shrubs increased the early growth of Cupressus seedling by enhancing belowground mutualism ans doil microbial activity
R. Duponnois
L. Ouahmane
A. Kane
Jean Thioulouse
M. Hafidi
Journal articles
Diversity, Geographic Distribution, and Habitat-Specific Variations of Microbiota in Natural Populations of the Chicken Mite, Dermanyssus gallinae
C. Valiente-Moro
J. Thioulouse
C. Chauve
Lionel Zenner
Journal articles
Biogeography of soil microbial communities: a review and a description of the ongoing french national initiative
Lionel Ranjard
Samuel S. Dequiedt
Claudy C. Jolivet
Nicolas P.A. Saby
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
Online Reproducible Research: An Application to Multivariate Analysis of Bacterial DNA Fingerprint Data
J. Thioulouse
C. Valiente Moro
L. Zenner
The R Journal, 2010, 2 (1), pp.44-52
Journal articles
Rhizosphere microbiota interfers with plant-plant interactions
A. Sanon
Z. N. Andrianjaka
Y. Prin
R. Bally
J. Thioulouse
Journal articles
Responses of Pinus halepensis growth, soil microbial catabolic functions and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria after rock phosphate amendment and ectomycorrhizal inoculation.
L. Ouahmane
J.C. Revel
M. Hafidi
J. Thioulouse
Y. Prin
Journal articles
Responses of Pinus halepensis growth soil microbial catabolic functions and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria after rock phosphate amendment and ectomycorrhizal inoculation
L. Ouahmane
J.C. Revel
M. Hafidi
J. Thioulouse
Y. Prin
Plant and Soil, 2009, 320 (1-2), pp.169-179
Journal articles
Multivariate analysis of the spatial patterns of 8 trace elements using the French soil monitoring network data
Nicolas N. Saby
J. Thioulouse
Claudy C. Jolivet
Céline Ratié
Line Boulonne
Journal articles
A phylogenomic analysis of bacterial helix-turn-helix transcription factors
C. L. Santos
F. Tavares
J. Thioulouse
Philippe Normand
Journal articles
Multivariate analysis of the spatial patterns of 8 trace elements using the French soil monitoring network data
N.P.A. Saby
J. Thioulouse
C. Jolivet
C. Ratié
Line Boulonne
Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407, pp.5644-5652
Journal articles
Controlled ectomycorrhization of an exotic legume tree species Acacia holosericea affects the structure of root nodule bacteria community and their symbiotic effectiveness on Faidherbia albida a native Sahelian Acacia
A. Faye
T. Krasova-Wabe
M. Thiao
J. Thioulouse
M. Neyra
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009, 41(6), pp.1245-1252
Journal articles
Biogeographical patterns of soil bacterial communities
Samuel Dequiedt
Jean Thioulouse
Claudy C. Jolivet
Nicolas N. Saby
Mélanie Lelièvre
Journal articles
Aphylogenomic analysis of bacterial helix^turn^helix transcription factors
C.L. Santos
F. Tavares
J. Thioulouse
P. Normand
FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2009, 33, pp.411-429
Journal articles
ECOMIC-RMQS : biogéographie microbienne à l’échelle de la France. Etat d’avancement et premiers résultats
Samuel Dequiedt
Maud Lelièvre
Claudy C. Jolivet
Nicolas N. Saby
Manuel Pascal Martin
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2009, 16 (3-4), pp.219-231
Journal articles
Monitoring the Development of Nurse Plant Species to Improve the Performances of Reforestation Programs in Mediterranean Areas
R. Duponnois
M. Hafidi
J. Thioulouse
A. Galiana
L. Ouahmane
incollection, 2009, --, pp.443-450
Journal articles
Bacterial taxa associated with the hematophagous mite Dermanyssus gallinae detected by 16S rRNA PCR amplification and TTGE fingerprinting
Claire Valiente Moro
Jean Thioulouse
Claude Chauve
Philippe Normand
Lionel Zenner
Journal articles
The exotic legume tree species Acacia holosericea alters microbial soil functionalities and the structure of the arbuscular mycorrhizal community
P. Remigi
A. Faye
A. Kane
M. Deruaz
J. Thioulouse
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2008, 74, pp.1485-1493
Journal articles
Arbuscular mycorrhizas and ectomycorrhizas of Uapaca bojeri L. (Euphorbiaceae): sporophore diversity patterns of root colonization and effects on seedling growth and soil microbial catabolic diversity
N. Ramanankierana
M. Ducousso
N. Rakotoarimanga
Y. Prin
J. Thioulouse
Mycorrhiza, 2007, 17, pp.195-208
Journal articles
Biological control of Striga hermontica by Cubiterms mound powder amendment in sorghum culture
Z. Andrianjaka
R. Bally
Michel Le Page
J. Thioulouse
G. Comte
Journal articles
Improvement of Cupressus atlantica Gaussen growth by inoculation with native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
L. Ouahmane
M. Hafidi
J. Thioulouse
M. Ducousso
M. Kisa
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 103, pp.683-690
Journal articles
Interactive Multivariate Data Analysis in R with the ade4 and ade4TkGUI Packages
J. Thioulouse
S. Dray
Journal of Statistical Software, 2007, 22, pp.1-14
Journal articles
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can counterbalance the negative influence of the exotic tree species Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the structure and functioning of soil microbial communities in a sahelian soil
M. Kisa
A. Sanon
J. Thioulouse
K. Assigbetse
S. Sylla
Journal articles
Detection of recombinant human erythropoietin in urine for doping analysis: interpretation of isoelectric profiles by discriminant analysis
F. Lasne
J. Thioulouse
L. Martin
J. de Ceaurriz
Journal articles
Soil functional diversity and P solubilization from rock phosphate after inoculation whith native or allochtonous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
L. Ouahmane
Jean Thioulouse
M. Hafidi
Yves Prin
Marc Ducousso
Journal articles
Displacement of an herbaceous plant species community by mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Gmelina arborea, an exotic tree, grown in a microcosm experiment
A. Sanon
P. Martin
Jean Thioulouse
Christian Plenchette
Rodolphe Spichiger
Journal articles
The Ectomycorrhizosphere Effect Influences Functional Diversity of Soil Microflora
N. Ramanankierana
N. Rakotoarimanga
J. Thioulouse
K. Marija
E. Randrianjohany
International Journal of Soil Science, 2006, 1, pp.8-19
Journal articles
Lavandula species as accompanying plants in Cupressus replanting strategies : Effect on plant growth mycorrhizal soil infectivity and soil microbial catabolic diversity
L. Ouahmane
M. Hafidi
C. Plenchette
M. Kisa
A. Boumezzough
Applied Soil Ecology, 2006, --, pp.190-199
Journal articles
Potential of a 16S rRNA-Based Taxonomic Microarray for Analyzing the Rhizosphere Effects of Maize on Agrobacterium spp. and Bacterial Communities
Hervé Sanguin
Benoit Remenant
Arnaud Dechesne
Jean Thioulouse
Timothy M. Vogel
Journal articles
Fluorescent pseudomonads occuring in Macrotermes subhyalinus mound structures decrease Cd toxicity and improve its accumulation in sorghum plants
R. Duponnois
M. Kisa
K. Assigbetse
Y. Prin
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
Lavendula species as accompanying plants in Cupressus replanting strategies: Effect on plant growth, mycorrhizal soil infectivity and soil microbial catabolic diversity
Lahcen Ouahmane
Mohamed Hadifi
Christian Plenchette
Marija Kisa
Ali Boumezzough
Journal articles
Biological effects of native and exotic plant residues on plant growth microbial biomass and N availability under controlled conditions
M.D. Diallo
R. Duponnois
A. Guisse
S. Sall
J.-L. Chotte
European Journal of Soil Biology, 2006, 42, pp.238-246
Journal articles
Identification of Genomic Species in Agrobacterium Biovar 1 by AFLP Genomic Markers
Perrine Portier
Marion Fischer-Le Saux
Christophe Mougel
Catherine Lerondelle
David Chapulliot
Journal articles
Potential of a 16S rRNA-based taxonomic microarray for analyzing the rhizosphere effects of maize on Agrobacterium spp. and bacterial communities
Hervé Sanguin
B. Remenant
Arnaud Dechesne
J. Thioulouse
Timothy M. Vogel
Journal articles
Development of cellular immune responses to Plasmodium falciparum blood stage antigens from birth to 36 months of age in Cameroon
J.Y. Le Hesran
N. Fievet
J. Thioulouse
P. Personne
B. Maubert
Acta Tropica, 2006, 98, pp.261-269
Journal articles
Litter-forager termite mounds enhance the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis between Acacia holosericea A. Cunn. Ex G. Don and Scleroderma dictyosporum isolates
R. Duponnois
K. Assigbetse
H. Ramanankierana
M. Kisa
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
A multivariate approach to integrating Datasets using made4 and ade4
A.C. Culhane
J. Thioulouse
R News, 2006, --, pp.1-15
Journal articles
Soil bacterial diversity responses to root colonization by an ectomycorrhizal fungus are not root-growth dependent
K. Assigbetse
M. Gueye
J. Thioulouse
R. Duponnois
Microbial ecology, 2005, 50, pp.350-359
Journal articles
The mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices and rock phosphate amendment influence plant growth and microbial activity in the rhizosphere of Acacia holosericea
R. Duponnois
A. Colombet
V. Hien
J. Thioulouse
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2005, 37, pp.1460-1468
Journal articles
Functional diversity of soil microbial community, rock phosphate dissolution and growth of Acacia seyal as influenced by grass-litter and soil-feeding termite nest structure amendments
R. Duponnois
M. Paugy
Jean Thioulouse
D. Masse
Michel Le Page
Geoderma, 2005, 124, pp.349-361
Journal articles
MADE4: an R package for multivariate analysis of gene expression data
A.C. Culhane
J. Thioulouse
G. Perrière
D.G. Higgins
Bioinformatics, 2005, 21, pp.2789-2790
Journal articles
Online synonymous codon usage analyses with the ade4 and seqinR packages
D. Charif
J. Thioulouse
J.R. Lobry
G. Perrière
Bioinformatics, 2005, 21, pp.545-547
Journal articles
Relationships between plant-parasitic nematode community fallow duration and soil factors in the Sudano-Sahelian area of Senegal
P. Cadet
D. Masse
J. Thioulouse
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2005, 108, pp.302-317
Journal articles
The ade4 package - I : One-table methods
D. Chessel
Anne-Béatrice Dufour
J. Thioulouse
R News, 2004, 4, pp.5-10
Journal articles
Une nouvelle analyse multi-temporelle d`images satellitales les residus de l`Analyse en Composantes Principales. Un cas d`etude: une serie d`images Landsat Thematic Mapper de la Camargue France.
T. Naizot
Y. Auda
A. Dervieux
J. Thioulouse
M.F. Bellan
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004, 25, pp.1925-1938
Journal articles
Simultaneous analysis of a sequence of paired ecological tables with the STATICO method
J. Thioulouse
Monique Simier
D. Chessel
Ecology, 2004, 85, pp.272-283
Journal articles
Relationship between spatial and genetic distance in Agrobacterium spp. in 1 cubic centimeter of soil.
J. Vogel
P. Normand
J. Thioulouse
X. Nesme
G. Grundmann
Journal articles
Comparing and classifying one-dimensional spatial patterns: an application to laser altimeter profiles.
S. Ollier
D. Chessel
P. Couteron
R. Pélissier
J. Thioulouse
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2003, 85, pp.453-462
Journal articles
Co-inertia analysis and the linking of ecological tables
Stéphane Dray
Daniel Chessel
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
Integrated databanks access and sequence/structure analysis services at the PBIL.
G. Perriere
C. Combet
Simon Penel
Christophe Blanchet
J. Thioulouse
Journal articles
Use of Correspondence Discriminant Analysis to predict the subcellular location of bacterial proteins
G. Perrière
J. Thioulouse
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2003, 70, pp.99-105
Journal articles
Comparing and classifying one-dimensional spatial patterns: an application to laser altimeter profiles
S. Ollier
D. Chessel
Pierre Couteron
R. Pelissier
J. Thioulouse
Journal articles
Procustean co-inertia analysis for the linking of multivariate datasets
S. Dray
D. Chessel
J. Thioulouse
Ecoscience, 2003, 10, pp.110-119
Journal articles
Relationship of nematode communities to human demographics and environment in agricultural fields and fallow lands in Senegal.
P. Cadet
E. Pate
J. Thioulouse
Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2003, 19, pp.279-290
Journal articles
Use and misuse of correspondence analysis in codon usage studies
G. Perrière
J. Thioulouse
Nucleic Acids Research, 2002, 30, pp.4548-4555
Journal articles
Interactions between ectomycorrhizal symbiosis and fluorescent pseudomonads on Acacia holosericea: isolation of mycorrhiza helper bacteria (MHB) from a Soudano-Sahelian soil
H. Founoune
R. Duponnois
J.M. Meyer
J. Thioulouse
D. Masse
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2002, 41, pp.37-46
Journal articles
A mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species delineation using AFLP
Christophe Mougel
Jean Thioulouse
Guy Perrière
Xavier Nesme
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2002, 52, pp.573-586
Journal articles
The diet of feral cats (Felis catus L.) at five sites on the Grande Terre, Kerguelen archipelago
Dominique Pontier
Ludovic Say
Francois Débias
Joël Bried
Jean Thioulouse
Journal articles
A mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species delineation using AFLP
Christophe Mougel
J. Thioulouse
G. Perrière
X. Nesme
Journal articles
Relationships between Staphylococcus aureus genetic background, virulence factors, agr groups (alleles), and human disease
S. Jarraud
Christophe Mougel
Jean Thioulouse
Gérard Lina
H. Meugnier
Infection and Immunity, 2002, 70 (2), pp.631-641
Journal articles
Relationships between Staphylococcus aureus genetic background virulence factors agr groups (alleles) and human disease.
S. Jarraud
Christophe Mougel
J. Thioulouse
G. Lina
H. Meugnier
Journal articles
The mycorrhizal soil infectivity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore communities in soils of different aged fallows in Senegal
Robin Duponnois
Christian Plenchette
Jean Thioulouse
Patrice Cadet
Applied Soil Ecology, 2001, 17, pp.239-251
Journal articles
Experimental and theoretical evaluation of typing methods based upon random amplification of genomic restriction fragments (AFLP) for bacterial population genetics
Christophe Mougel
Sabrina Teyssier
C. d'Angelo
K. Groud
M. Neyra
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2001, 33 (1), pp.319-338
Journal articles
Characterization of bacterial and fungal soil communities by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis fingerprints : biological and methodological variability
Lionel Ranjard
F. Poly
J.C. Lata
Christophe Mougel
Jean Thioulouse
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001, 67 (10), pp.4479-4487
Journal articles
Mycorrhizal soil infectivity and AM fungal spore communities of different aged fallows in Senegal
R. Duponnois
C. Plenchette
J. Thioulouse
P. Cadet
Applied Soil Ecology, 2001, 17, pp.239-251
Journal articles
Experimental and theoretical evaluation of typing methods based upon random amplification of genomic restriction fragments (AFLP) for bacterial population genetics
Christophe Mougel
S. Teyssier
C. d'Angelo
K. Groud
M. Neyra
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2001, 33, pp.S319-S338
Journal articles
Characterization of bacterial and fungal soil communities by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis fingerprints: biological and methodological variability.
L. Ranjard
F. Poly
J. C. Lata
Christophe Mougel
J. Thioulouse
Journal articles
Heterogeneous Cell Density and Genetic Structure of Bacterial Pools Associated with Various Soil Microenvironments as Determined by Enumeration and DNA Fingerprinting Approach (RISA)
L. Ranjard
F. Poly
J. Combrisson
A. Richaume
F. Gourbiere
Microbial ecology, 2000, 39, pp.263-272
Journal articles
Ectomycorrhization of six Acacia auriculiformis provenances from Australia Papua New Guinea and Senegal in glasshouse conditions: effect on the plant growth and on the multiplication of plant parasitic nematodes
R. Duponnois
H. Founoune
D. Lesueur
J. Thioulouse
M. Neyra
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2000, 40, pp.443-450
Journal articles
A soil microscale study to reveal the heterogeneity of Hg(II) impact on indigenous bacteria by quantification of adapted phenotypes and analysis of community DNA fingerprints
L. Ranjard
S. Nazaret
F. Gourbiere
J. Thioulouse
P. Linet
Journal articles
Diversity of the bacterial hyperparasite Pasteuria penetrans in relation to the control of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on Acacia holosericea
R. Duponnois
M. Fargette
S. Fould
J. Thioulouse
K.G. Davies
Nematology, 2000, 2, pp.435-442
Journal articles
Identification of birds as biological markers along a neotropical urban-rural gradient using co-inertia analysis
P.A. Reynaud
J. Thioulouse
Journal of Environmental Management, 2000, 59, pp.121-140
Journal articles
Heterogeneous cell density and genetic structure of bacterial pools associated with various microenvironments as determined by enumeration and DNA fingerprinting approach (RISA)
Lionel Ranjard
F. Poly
J. Combrisson
A. Richaume
F. Gourbiere
Microbial ecology, 2000, 39, pp.263-272
Journal articles
Successional trends in the characteristics of soil nematodes communities in cropped and fallow lands in Senegal (Sonkorong)
E. Pate
N. Ndiaye-Faye
J. Thioulouse
C. Villenave
T. Bongers
Applied Soil Ecology, 2000, 14, pp.5-15
Journal articles
Relationships between abiotic and biotic soil properties during fallow periods in the sudanian zone of Senegal
Raphaël J. Manlay
P. Cadet
J. Thioulouse
J.L. Chotte
Applied Soil Ecology, 2000, 14, pp.89-101
Journal articles
Recherche de méthodes de gestion des peuplements de nématodes phytoparasites par les facteurs du sol en zone soudano-sahélienne au Sénégal
P. Cadet
J.-F. Bois
J.-L. Chotte
R. Duponnois
N. N'Diaye-Faye
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2000, 7 (4), pp.261-270
Journal articles
A soil microscale study to reveal the heterogeneity of Hg (II) impact on indigenous bacteria by quantification of adapted phenotypes and analysis of community DNA fingerprints
Lionel Ranjard
Sylvie Nazaret
F. Gourbiere
Jean Thioulouse
P. Linet
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2000, 31, pp.107-115
Journal articles
Susceptibility of several sahelian Acacia to Meloidogyne javanica (Treub) Chitw
R. Duponnois
K. Senghor
J. Thioulouse
A. Ba
Agroforestry Systems, 1999, 46, pp.123-130
Journal articles
Ecology of larval mosquitoes with special reference to Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culcidae) in market-garden wells in urban Dakar Senegal
V. Robert
H.P. Awono-Ambene
J. Thioulouse
Journal of Medical Entomology, 1998, 35, pp.948-955
Journal articles
Identification of soil factors that relate to the structure of the plant parasitic nematode community
P. Cadet
J. Thioulouse
Applied Soil Ecology, 1998, 8, pp.35-49
Journal articles
Functional data analysis of curve asymmetry with application to the color pattern of Hydropsyche contubernalis head capsule
S. Champely
B. Guinand
J. Thioulouse
A. Clermidy
Biometrics, 1997, 53, pp.294-305
Journal articles
ADE-4: a multivariate analysis and graphical display software
J. Thioulouse
D. Chessel
S. Dolédec
J.M. Olivier
Statistics and Computing, 1997, 7, pp.75-83
Journal articles
On-line tools for sequence retrieval and multivariate statistics in molecular biology
G. Perrière
J. Thioulouse
Computer Applications in the Biosciences, 1996, 12, pp.63-69
Journal articles
Towards Better Graphics for Multivariate Analysis: the Interactive Factor Map
J. Thioulouse
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 1996, 11, pp.11-21
Journal articles
Correspondence discriminant analysis: a multivariate method for comparing classes of protein and nucleic acid sequences
G. Perrière
J.R. Lobry
J. Thioulouse
Computer Applications in the Biosciences, 1996, 12, pp.519-524
Journal articles
NetMul a World-Wide Web user interface for multivariate analysis sofware
J. Thioulouse
François Chevenet
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 1996, 21, pp.369-372
Journal articles
Co-inertia analysis of amino-acid physico-chemical properties and protein composition with the ADE package
J. Thioulouse
J.R. Lobry
Bioinformatics, 1995, 11, pp.321-329
Journal articles
Multivariate analysis of spatial patterns: a unified approach to local and global structures
J. Thioulouse
D. Chessel
S. Champely
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 1995, 2, pp.1-14
Journal articles
DE software: multivariate analysis and graphical display of environmental data
J. Thioulouse
S. Doledec
D. Chessel
J.M. Olivier
incollection, 1995, --, pp.57-62
Journal articles
Chemometrical evaluation of multispecies-multichemical data by means of graphical techniques combined with multivariate analyses
J. Devillers
J. Thioulouse
W. Karcher
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 1993, 26, pp.333-345
Journal articles
Evaluation of the Precision of Systematic Sampling : Nugget Effect and Covariogram Modelling
J. Thioulouse
J.P. Royet
H. Ploye
F. Houllier
Journal of Microscopy, 1993, 172, pp.249-256
Journal articles
Evaluation of the precision of systematic sampling nugget effect and covariogram modelling
Jean Thioulouse
J.P. Royet
H. Ploye
François Houllier
Journal of Microscopy, 1993, 172 (3), pp.249-256
Journal articles
A method for reciprocal scaling of species tolerance and sample diversity
J. Thioulouse
D. Chessel
Ecology, 1992, 73, pp.670-680
Journal articles
Multivariate Analysis of the Input and Output Data in the Fugacity Model Level I
J. Devillers
J. Thioulouse
D. Domine
M. Chastrette
W. Karcher
incollection, 1991, --, pp.281-345
Journal articles
Graphical Techniques for Multidimensional Data Analysis
J. Thioulouse
J. Devillers
D. Chessel
Y. Auda
incollection, 1991, --, pp.153-205
Journal articles
MacMul and GraphMu: two Macintosh programs for the display and analysis of multivariate data
J. Thioulouse
Computers & Geosciences, 1990, 16 (8), pp.1235-1240
Journal articles
Traitements nématicides et peuplement de nématodes parasites de la canne à sucre au Burkina Faso. 1. Repousses
Patrice Cadet
Jean Thioulouse
Revue de Nématologie, 1989, 12 (1), pp.35-44
Journal articles
Statistical analysis and graphical display of multivariate data on the Macintosh
J. Thioulouse
Computer Applications in the Biosciences, 1989, 5, pp.287-292
Journal articles
Space-Time Structure in a Winter Rape Pest Population Psylliodes chrysocephala (Col. chrysomelidae): methodological proposals and biological interpretations
J. Thioulouse
Journal of Applied Ecology, 1987, 24, pp.435-450
Journal articles
Les analyses multitableaux en ecologie factorielle.
J. Thioulouse
D. Chessel
Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Generalis, 1987, 8 (4), pp.463-480
Journal articles
Estimation d'un Volume a partir de Coupes Seriees : Sous-Echantillonnage Covariogramme Transitif et Calcul de Precision
J. Thioulouse
B. Mathy
H. Ploye
Mikroskopie (Wien), 1985, 42, pp.215-224
Journal articles
Variables regionalisees et denombrement d'Insectes : cas unidimensionnel
J. Thioulouse
François Houllier
Jean-Claude Onillon
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série III, Sciences de la vie, 1985, 301, pp.423-428
Journal articles
Structures spatiales et temporelles des populations d'un ravageur du Colza (Psylliodes chrysocephala L. (Col. Chrysomelidae)) dans plusieurs parcelles de culture
J. Thioulouse
D. Debouzie
Y. Ballanger
Acta Oecologica Oecologia Applicata, 1984, 5, pp.335-353
Journal articles