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Unravelling the environmental correlates influencing the seasonal biodiversity of aquatic Heteropteran assemblages in northern Africa

Noura Slimani , Eric Guilbert , James White , Matthew Hill , Paul Wood
Limnologica, 2022, pp.126021. ⟨10.1016/j.limno.2022.126021⟩
Journal articles hal-03778516v1
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Small-Scale Variability in Bacterial Community Structure in Different Soil Types

Mylène Hugoni , Naoise Nunan , Jean Thioulouse , Audrey Dubost , Danis Abrouk
Microbial ecology, 2021, 82 (2), pp.470-483. ⟨10.1007/s00248-020-01660-0⟩
Journal articles hal-03763569v1
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Overcoming the Spurious Groups Problem in Between-Group PCA

Jean Thioulouse , Sabrina Renaud , Anne-Béatrice Dufour , Stéphane Dray
Evolutionary Biology, 2021, ⟨10.1007/s11692-021-09550-0⟩
Journal articles hal-03348141v1

Author Correction: Complex ecological interactions of Staphylococcus aureus in tampons during menstruation

Isaline Jacquemond , Anaëlle Muggeo , Gery Lamblin , Anne Tristan , Yves Gillet
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), pp.1848. ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-57947-2⟩
Journal articles hal-04814687v1
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Surface water quality assessment in a semiarid Mediterranean region (Medjerda, Northern Tunisia) using partial triadic analysis

Noura Slimani , Juan José Jiménez , Eric Guilbert , Moncef Boumaiza , Jean Thioulouse
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, ⟨10.1007/s11356-020-09326-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02624287v1
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Vaginal Tampon Colonization by Staphylococcus aureus in Healthy Women

Myriam Chiaruzzi , Alexia Barbry , Anaëlle Muggeo , Anne Tristan , Isaline Jacquemond
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2020, 86 (18), pp.e01249-20. ⟨10.1128/AEM.01249-20⟩
Journal articles hal-02989503v2
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Assessing potential surrogates of macroinvertebrate diversity in North-African Mediterranean aquatic ecosystems

Noura Slimani , David Sánchez-Fernández , Eric Guilbert , Moncef Boumaiza , Simone Guareschi
Ecological Indicators, 2019, 101, pp.324-329. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.01.017⟩
Journal articles hal-02309882v1
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Complex ecological interactions of Staphylococcus aureus in tampons during menstruation

Isaline Jacquemond , Anaëlle Muggeo , Gery Lamblin , Anne Tristan , Yves Gillet
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), pp.9942. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-28116-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01910908v1

Impact of currently marketed tampons and menstrual cups on Staphylococcus aureus growth and TSST-1 production in vitro

Louis Nonfoux , Myriam Chiaruzzi , Cédric Badiou , Jessica Baude , Anne Tristan
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 84 (12), ⟨10.1128/AEM.00351-18⟩
Journal articles hal-01911407v1

adegraphics: An S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation of Multivariate Data

Aurélie Siberchicot , A. Julien-Laferrière , Ab. Dufour , J. Thioulouse , S. Dray
The R Journal, 2017, 9 (2), pp.198-212. ⟨10.32614/RJ-2017-042⟩
Journal articles hal-01887857v1

The use of STATICO and COSTATIS, two exploratory three-ways analysis methods: an application to the ecology of aquatic heteroptera in the Medjerda watershed (Tunisia)

Noura Slimani , Eric Guilbert , Foued El Ayni , Amel Jrad , Moncef Boumaiza
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 2017, 24 (2), pp.269 - 295. ⟨10.1007/s10651-017-0370-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01910573v1
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Raisonner l'utilisation des légumineuses ligneuses pour réhabiliter des sols dégradés en milieu méditerranéen et tropical

Robin Duponnois , Jean Thioulouse , Ezekiel Baudoin , Christine Leroux , Antoine Galiana
Innovations Agronomiques, 2017, 60, pp.125-131. ⟨10.15454/1.5138523036590977E12⟩
Journal articles hal-03574785v1
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Management of the mycorrhizal soil infectivity with Crotalaria ochroleuca, an indigenous wild legume in the tropics: Impacts on microbial functional diversity involved in phosphorus mobilization processes in a sahelian soil

N. Benkhoua , M. Hafidi , W. Badri , Ezékiel Baudoin , Jean Thioulouse
Ecological Engineering, 2017, 101, pp.130-136. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.01.010⟩
Journal articles hal-04183366v1

Bacterial community structure at the microscale in two different soils

Rory Michelland , Jean Thioulouse , Martina Kyselková , Geneviève Grundmann
Microbial ecology, 2016, 72 (3), pp.717-724. ⟨10.1007/s00248-016-0810-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01606996v1
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Impact of Wheat/Faba Bean Mixed Cropping or Rotation Systems on Soil Microbial Functionalities

Sanâa Wahbi , Yves Prin , Jean Thioulouse , Hervé Sanguin , Ezékiel Baudoin
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7, pp.1364. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2016.01364⟩
Journal articles hal-01911655v1

Occurrence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in agricultural soils and antibiotic resistance properties

Amélie Deredjian , Nolwenn Alliot , Laurine Blanchard , Elisabeth Brothier , Makram Anane
Research in Microbiology, 2016, 167 (4), pp.313-324. ⟨10.1016/j.resmic.2016.01.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01533885v1

Soil Organic Matter Quality, Structure and Activity of the Denitrifiers Community as Influenced by Decaying Mulched Crop Residues

A. Dieng , E. Baudoin , Jean Thioulouse , D. Brunet , J. Toucet
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2015, 13, pp.655-675
Journal articles hal-02044952v1

Potentialities of ecological engineering strategy based on native arbuscular mycorrhizal community for improving afforestation programs with carob trees in degraded environments

N. Manaut , H. Sanguin , L. Ouahmane , M. Bressan , Jean Thioulouse
Ecological Engineering, 2015, 79, pp.113-119
Journal articles hal-02025600v1

Field Application of the Mycorrhizal Fungus Rhizophagus irregularis Increases the Yield of Wheat Crop and Affects Soil Microbial Functionalities

S. Wahbi , Y. Prin , T. Maghraoui , H. Sanguin , Jean Thioulouse
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2015, 06, pp.3205-3215. ⟨10.4236/ajps.2015.619312⟩
Journal articles hal-02018997v1

Ectomycorrhizal fungi on the early colonizing shrub Sarcolaena oblongifolia F. facilitate the establishment of an endemic tree Uapaca bojeri L. in Madagascarian highland forests

H. Ramanankierana , R. Baohanta , H. Randriambanona , Y Prin , N. Rakotoarimanga
International Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution, 2014, 1, pp.1-15
Journal articles hal-02045104v1
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Similar Processes but Different Environmental Filters for Soil Bacterial and Fungal Community Composition Turnover on a Broad Spatial Scale

Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Jean Thioulouse , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Nicolas Saby
PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (11), pp.1-11. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0111667⟩
Journal articles hal-01831566v1

A new process to promote the use of controlled mycorrhization practice in forest nurseries

L. Ndoye , A. Soumaré , Ec. Agbangba , J. Thioulouse , A. Galiana
African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2013, 8, pp.308--316. ⟨10.5897/AJAR12.1642⟩
Journal articles hal-02281848v1

Ectomycorrhizal diversity enhances growth and nitrogen fixation of Acacia mangium seedlings

N. Diagne , J. Thioulouse , H. Sanguin , Y. Prin , T. Krasova-Wade
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013, 57, pp.468-476. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.08.030⟩
Journal articles hal-02168112v1

The exotic legume tree species, Acacia mearnsii, alters microbial soil functionalities and the early development of a native tree species, Quercus suber, in North Africa

I. Boudiaf , E. Baudoin , H. Sanguin , A. Beddiar , Jean Thioulouse
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013, 65, pp.172--179
Journal articles hal-01887874v1

L'introduction d'acacias australiens pour réhabiliter des écosystèmes dégradés est-elle dépourvue de risques environnementaux ?

R. Duponnois , E. Baudoin , H. Sanguin , Jean Thioulouse , C. Le Roux
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 2013, 318, pp.59-65
Journal articles hal-02401792v1

Managing Mediterranean nurse plants-mediated effects on soil microbial functions to improve rock phosphate solubilization processes and early growth of Cupressus atlantica G

M. Hafidi , L. Ouahmane , J. Thioulouse , H. Sanguin , A. Boumezzough
Ecological Engineering, 2013, 57, pp.57--64. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.04.006⟩
Journal articles hal-02281564v1
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Australian acacia introduction to rehabilitate degraded ecosystems is it free of environmental risks?

Robin Duponnois , Ezekiel Baudoin , Hervé Sanguin , Jean Thioulouse , Christine Le Roux
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 2013, 318 (4), pp.59-65
Journal articles hal-02650502v1

Turnover of soil bacterial diversity driven by wide-scale environmental heterogeneity.

L. Ranjard , S. Dequiedt , Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré , J. Thioulouse , N. P. A. Saby
Nature Communications, 2013, 4, pp.1434. ⟨10.1038/ncomms2431⟩
Journal articles hal-00965686v1

Native plant resources to optimize the performances of forest rehabilitation in Mediterranean and tropical environment: some examples of nursing plant species that improve the soil mycorrhizal potential

R. Duponnois , H. Ramanankierana , M. Hafidi , R. Baohanta , E. Baudoin
Comptes Rendus. Biologies, 2013, 336, pp.265-272. ⟨10.1016/j.crvi.2013.04.015⟩
Journal articles hal-02401791v1

Multivariate analyses in soil microbial ecology: a new paradigm

Jean Thioulouse , Y. Prin , R. Duponnois
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 2012, 19 (4), pp.499--520. ⟨10.1007/s10651-012-0198-z⟩
Journal articles hal-02278589v1

Response of native soil microbial functions to the controlled mycorrhization of an exotic tree legume, Acacia holosericea in a Sahelian ecosystem

A. Bilgo , Sk. Sangare , Jean Thioulouse , Y Prin , V. Hien
Mycorrhiza, 2012, 22 (3), pp.175--187. ⟨10.1007/s00572-011-0390-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02297353v1

Community ecology in the age of multivariate multiscale spatial analysis

S. Dray , R. Pelissier , P. Couteron , M. -J. Fortin , P. Legendre
Ecological monographs, 2012, 82 (3), pp.257 - 275. ⟨10.1890/11-1183.1⟩
Journal articles hal-02651154v1

Restoring native forest ecosystems after exotic tree plantation in Madagascar: combination of the local ectotrophic species Leptolena bojeriana and Uapaca bojeri mitigates the negative influence of the exotic species Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pinus patula

R. Baohanta , Jean Thioulouse , H. Ramanankierana , Y. Prin , R. Rasolomampianina
Biological Invasions, 2012, 14 (11), pp.2407--2421. ⟨10.1007/s10530-012-0238-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02297343v1
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Biogeographical patterns of soil molecular microbial biomass as influenced by soil characteristics and management

S. Dequiedt , Nicolas P. A. Saby , M. Lelievre , C. Jolivet , J. Thioulouse
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2011, 20, pp.641-652. ⟨10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00628.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00698381v1


J. Thioulouse
Annals of Applied Statistics, 2011, 5 (4), pp.2300-2325. ⟨10.1214/10-AOAS372⟩
Journal articles hal-00698260v1

Diversity Geographic Distribution and Habitat-Specific Variations of Microbiota in Natural Populations of the Chicken Mite Dermanyssus gallinae

C. Valiente-Moro , J. Thioulouse , C. Chauve , L. Zenner
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2011, 48, pp.788-796
Journal articles hal-00698289v1

Large trends in French topsoil characteristics are revealed by spatially constrained multivariate analysis

D. Arrouays , N.P.A. Saby , Jean Thioulouse , C. Jolivet , Line Boulonne
Geoderma, 2011, 161, pp.107-114. ⟨10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02303166v1
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Insertion Sequences as Highly Resolutive Genomic Markers for Sequence Type 1 Legionella pneumophila Paris

Mike Vergnes , Christophe Ginevra , Elisabeth Kay , Philippe Normand , Jean Thioulouse
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2011, 49 (1), pp.315-324. ⟨10.1128/JCM.01261-10⟩
Journal articles hal-00599587v1

Nurse shrubs increased the early growth of Cupressus seedling by enhancing belowground mutualism ans doil microbial activity

R. Duponnois , L. Ouahmane , A. Kane , Jean Thioulouse , M. Hafidi
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2011, 43 (10), pp.2160-2168. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.06.020⟩
Journal articles hal-02299277v1

Diversity, Geographic Distribution, and Habitat-Specific Variations of Microbiota in Natural Populations of the Chicken Mite, Dermanyssus gallinae

C. Valiente-Moro , J. Thioulouse , C. Chauve , Lionel Zenner
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2011, 48 (4), pp.788-796. ⟨10.1603/ME10113⟩
Journal articles hal-02297435v1
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Biogeography of soil microbial communities: a review and a description of the ongoing french national initiative

Lionel Ranjard , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Claudy C. Jolivet , Nicolas P.A. Saby , Jean Thioulouse
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2010, 30 (2), pp.359-365. ⟨10.1051/agro/2009033⟩
Journal articles hal-00886549v1
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Online Reproducible Research: An Application to Multivariate Analysis of Bacterial DNA Fingerprint Data

J. Thioulouse , C. Valiente Moro , L. Zenner
The R Journal, 2010, 2 (1), pp.44-52
Journal articles hal-00539265v1

Rhizosphere microbiota interfers with plant-plant interactions

A. Sanon , Z. N. Andrianjaka , Y. Prin , R. Bally , J. Thioulouse
Plant and Soil, 2009, 321, pp.259-278. ⟨10.1007/s11104-009-0010-5⟩
Journal articles halsde-00525562v1

Responses of Pinus halepensis growth, soil microbial catabolic functions and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria after rock phosphate amendment and ectomycorrhizal inoculation.

L. Ouahmane , J.C. Revel , M. Hafidi , J. Thioulouse , Y. Prin
Plant and Soil, 2009, 320, pp.169-179. ⟨10.1007/s11104-008-9882-z⟩
Journal articles hal-00481331v1

Responses of Pinus halepensis growth soil microbial catabolic functions and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria after rock phosphate amendment and ectomycorrhizal inoculation

L. Ouahmane , J.C. Revel , M. Hafidi , J. Thioulouse , Y. Prin
Plant and Soil, 2009, 320 (1-2), pp.169-179
Journal articles hal-00539326v1

Multivariate analysis of the spatial patterns of 8 trace elements using the French soil monitoring network data

Nicolas N. Saby , J. Thioulouse , Claudy C. Jolivet , Céline Ratié , Line Boulonne
Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407, pp.5644-5652. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.07.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02661461v1

A phylogenomic analysis of bacterial helix-turn-helix transcription factors

C. L. Santos , F. Tavares , J. Thioulouse , Philippe Normand
FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2009, 33 (2), pp.411-429. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6976.2008.00154.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02545052v1

Multivariate analysis of the spatial patterns of 8 trace elements using the French soil monitoring network data

N.P.A. Saby , J. Thioulouse , C. Jolivet , C. Ratié , Line Boulonne
Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407, pp.5644-5652
Journal articles hal-00539321v1

Controlled ectomycorrhization of an exotic legume tree species Acacia holosericea affects the structure of root nodule bacteria community and their symbiotic effectiveness on Faidherbia albida a native Sahelian Acacia

A. Faye , T. Krasova-Wabe , M. Thiao , J. Thioulouse , M. Neyra
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009, 41(6), pp.1245-1252
Journal articles hal-00539325v1

Biogeographical patterns of soil bacterial communities

Samuel Dequiedt , Jean Thioulouse , Claudy C. Jolivet , Nicolas N. Saby , Mélanie Lelièvre
Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2009, 1 (4), pp.251 - 255. ⟨10.1111/j.1758-2229.2009.00040.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02668713v1

Aphylogenomic analysis of bacterial helix^turn^helix transcription factors

C.L. Santos , F. Tavares , J. Thioulouse , P. Normand
FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2009, 33, pp.411-429
Journal articles hal-00428331v1
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ECOMIC-RMQS : biogéographie microbienne à l’échelle de la France. Etat d’avancement et premiers résultats

Samuel Dequiedt , Maud Lelièvre , Claudy C. Jolivet , Nicolas N. Saby , Manuel Pascal Martin
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2009, 16 (3-4), pp.219-231
Journal articles hal-02656049v1

Monitoring the Development of Nurse Plant Species to Improve the Performances of Reforestation Programs in Mediterranean Areas

R. Duponnois , M. Hafidi , J. Thioulouse , A. Galiana , L. Ouahmane
incollection, 2009, --, pp.443-450
Journal articles hal-00539323v1

Bacterial taxa associated with the hematophagous mite Dermanyssus gallinae detected by 16S rRNA PCR amplification and TTGE fingerprinting

Claire Valiente Moro , Jean Thioulouse , Claude Chauve , Philippe Normand , Lionel Zenner
Research in Microbiology, 2008, 160 (1), pp.63-70. ⟨10.1016/j.resmic.2008.10.006⟩
Journal articles halsde-00354551v1

The exotic legume tree species Acacia holosericea alters microbial soil functionalities and the structure of the arbuscular mycorrhizal community

P. Remigi , A. Faye , A. Kane , M. Deruaz , J. Thioulouse
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2008, 74, pp.1485-1493
Journal articles hal-00428113v1

Arbuscular mycorrhizas and ectomycorrhizas of Uapaca bojeri L. (Euphorbiaceae): sporophore diversity patterns of root colonization and effects on seedling growth and soil microbial catabolic diversity

N. Ramanankierana , M. Ducousso , N. Rakotoarimanga , Y. Prin , J. Thioulouse
Mycorrhiza, 2007, 17, pp.195-208
Journal articles hal-00434639v1

Biological control of Striga hermontica by Cubiterms mound powder amendment in sorghum culture

Z. Andrianjaka , R. Bally , Michel Le Page , J. Thioulouse , G. Comte
Applied Soil Ecology, 2007, 37 (3), pp.175-183. ⟨10.1016/j.apsoil.2007.03.001⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00139031v1

Improvement of Cupressus atlantica Gaussen growth by inoculation with native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

L. Ouahmane , M. Hafidi , J. Thioulouse , M. Ducousso , M. Kisa
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 103, pp.683-690
Journal articles hal-00434750v1

Interactive Multivariate Data Analysis in R with the ade4 and ade4TkGUI Packages

J. Thioulouse , S. Dray
Journal of Statistical Software, 2007, 22, pp.1-14
Journal articles hal-00434618v1

Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can counterbalance the negative influence of the exotic tree species Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the structure and functioning of soil microbial communities in a sahelian soil

M. Kisa , A. Sanon , J. Thioulouse , K. Assigbetse , S. Sylla
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2007, 62 (1), pp.32-44. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2007.00363.x⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00175809v1
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Detection of recombinant human erythropoietin in urine for doping analysis: interpretation of isoelectric profiles by discriminant analysis

F. Lasne , J. Thioulouse , L. Martin , J. de Ceaurriz
Electrophoresis, 2007, BIOANALYSIS, 28 (12), pp.1875-1881. ⟨10.1002/elps.200600363⟩
Journal articles hal-00434616v1

Soil functional diversity and P solubilization from rock phosphate after inoculation whith native or allochtonous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

L. Ouahmane , Jean Thioulouse , M. Hafidi , Yves Prin , Marc Ducousso
Forest Ecology and Management, 2007, 241 (1-3), pp.200-208. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2007.01.015⟩
Journal articles hal-02661541v1

Displacement of an herbaceous plant species community by mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Gmelina arborea, an exotic tree, grown in a microcosm experiment

A. Sanon , P. Martin , Jean Thioulouse , Christian Plenchette , Rodolphe Spichiger
Mycorrhiza, 2006, 16 (2), pp.125-132. ⟨10.1007/s00572-005-0024-7⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00139034v1

The Ectomycorrhizosphere Effect Influences Functional Diversity of Soil Microflora

N. Ramanankierana , N. Rakotoarimanga , J. Thioulouse , K. Marija , E. Randrianjohany
International Journal of Soil Science, 2006, 1, pp.8-19
Journal articles hal-00428054v1

Lavandula species as accompanying plants in Cupressus replanting strategies : Effect on plant growth mycorrhizal soil infectivity and soil microbial catabolic diversity

L. Ouahmane , M. Hafidi , C. Plenchette , M. Kisa , A. Boumezzough
Applied Soil Ecology, 2006, --, pp.190-199
Journal articles hal-00428018v1

Potential of a 16S rRNA-Based Taxonomic Microarray for Analyzing the Rhizosphere Effects of Maize on Agrobacterium spp. and Bacterial Communities

Hervé Sanguin , Benoit Remenant , Arnaud Dechesne , Jean Thioulouse , Timothy M. Vogel
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2006, 72 (6), pp.4302-4312. ⟨10.1128/AEM.02686-05⟩
Journal articles hal-02659520v1

Fluorescent pseudomonads occuring in Macrotermes subhyalinus mound structures decrease Cd toxicity and improve its accumulation in sorghum plants

R. Duponnois , M. Kisa , K. Assigbetse , Y. Prin , Jean Thioulouse
Science of the Total Environment, 2006, 370, pp.391-400. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.07.008⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00139213v1

Lavendula species as accompanying plants in Cupressus replanting strategies: Effect on plant growth, mycorrhizal soil infectivity and soil microbial catabolic diversity

Lahcen Ouahmane , Mohamed Hadifi , Christian Plenchette , Marija Kisa , Ali Boumezzough
Applied Soil Ecology, 2006, 34 (2-3), pp.190-199. ⟨10.1016/j.apsoil.2006.02.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02661557v1

Biological effects of native and exotic plant residues on plant growth microbial biomass and N availability under controlled conditions

M.D. Diallo , R. Duponnois , A. Guisse , S. Sall , J.-L. Chotte
European Journal of Soil Biology, 2006, 42, pp.238-246
Journal articles hal-00427941v1
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Identification of Genomic Species in Agrobacterium Biovar 1 by AFLP Genomic Markers

Perrine Portier , Marion Fischer-Le Saux , Christophe Mougel , Catherine Lerondelle , David Chapulliot
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2006, 72 (11), pp.7123-7131. ⟨10.1128/AEM.00018-06⟩
Journal articles hal-00128068v1

Potential of a 16S rRNA-based taxonomic microarray for analyzing the rhizosphere effects of maize on Agrobacterium spp. and bacterial communities

Hervé Sanguin , B. Remenant , Arnaud Dechesne , J. Thioulouse , Timothy M. Vogel
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2006, 72 (6), pp.4302-4312. ⟨10.1128/AEM.02686-05⟩
Journal articles hal-00141153v1

Development of cellular immune responses to Plasmodium falciparum blood stage antigens from birth to 36 months of age in Cameroon

J.Y. Le Hesran , N. Fievet , J. Thioulouse , P. Personne , B. Maubert
Acta Tropica, 2006, 98, pp.261-269
Journal articles hal-00427989v1

Litter-forager termite mounds enhance the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis between Acacia holosericea A. Cunn. Ex G. Don and Scleroderma dictyosporum isolates

R. Duponnois , K. Assigbetse , H. Ramanankierana , M. Kisa , Jean Thioulouse
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2006, 56, pp.292-303. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00089.x⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00139218v1

A multivariate approach to integrating Datasets using made4 and ade4

A.C. Culhane , J. Thioulouse
R News, 2006, --, pp.1-15
Journal articles hal-00427922v1

Soil bacterial diversity responses to root colonization by an ectomycorrhizal fungus are not root-growth dependent

K. Assigbetse , M. Gueye , J. Thioulouse , R. Duponnois
Microbial ecology, 2005, 50, pp.350-359
Journal articles hal-00427705v1

The mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices and rock phosphate amendment influence plant growth and microbial activity in the rhizosphere of Acacia holosericea

R. Duponnois , A. Colombet , V. Hien , J. Thioulouse
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2005, 37, pp.1460-1468
Journal articles hal-00427743v1

Functional diversity of soil microbial community, rock phosphate dissolution and growth of Acacia seyal as influenced by grass-litter and soil-feeding termite nest structure amendments

R. Duponnois , M. Paugy , Jean Thioulouse , D. Masse , Michel Le Page
Geoderma, 2005, 124, pp.349-361
Journal articles bioemco-00139206v1

MADE4: an R package for multivariate analysis of gene expression data

A.C. Culhane , J. Thioulouse , G. Perrière , D.G. Higgins
Bioinformatics, 2005, 21, pp.2789-2790
Journal articles hal-00427730v1

Online synonymous codon usage analyses with the ade4 and seqinR packages

D. Charif , J. Thioulouse , J.R. Lobry , G. Perrière
Bioinformatics, 2005, 21, pp.545-547
Journal articles hal-00427727v1

Relationships between plant-parasitic nematode community fallow duration and soil factors in the Sudano-Sahelian area of Senegal

P. Cadet , D. Masse , J. Thioulouse
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2005, 108, pp.302-317
Journal articles hal-00427718v1

The ade4 package - I : One-table methods

D. Chessel , Anne-Béatrice Dufour , J. Thioulouse
R News, 2004, 4, pp.5-10
Journal articles hal-00427558v1

Une nouvelle analyse multi-temporelle d`images satellitales les residus de l`Analyse en Composantes Principales. Un cas d`etude: une serie d`images Landsat Thematic Mapper de la Camargue France.

T. Naizot , Y. Auda , A. Dervieux , J. Thioulouse , M.F. Bellan
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004, 25, pp.1925-1938
Journal articles hal-00427631v1

Simultaneous analysis of a sequence of paired ecological tables with the STATICO method

J. Thioulouse , Monique Simier , D. Chessel
Ecology, 2004, 85, pp.272-283
Journal articles hal-00427660v1

Relationship between spatial and genetic distance in Agrobacterium spp. in 1 cubic centimeter of soil.

J. Vogel , P. Normand , J. Thioulouse , X. Nesme , G. Grundmann
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2003, 69, pp.1482-1487. ⟨10.1128/AEM.69.3.1482-1487.2003⟩
Journal articles hal-00427492v1

Comparing and classifying one-dimensional spatial patterns: an application to laser altimeter profiles.

S. Ollier , D. Chessel , P. Couteron , R. Pélissier , J. Thioulouse
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2003, 85, pp.453-462
Journal articles hal-00427457v1
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Co-inertia analysis and the linking of ecological tables

Stéphane Dray , Daniel Chessel , Jean Thioulouse
Ecology, 2003, 84 (11), pp.3078-3089. ⟨10.1890/03-0178⟩
Journal articles hal-00427392v1

Integrated databanks access and sequence/structure analysis services at the PBIL.

G. Perriere , C. Combet , Simon Penel , Christophe Blanchet , J. Thioulouse
Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, 31 (13), pp.3393-3399. ⟨10.1093/nar/gkg530⟩
Journal articles hal-00313743v1

Use of Correspondence Discriminant Analysis to predict the subcellular location of bacterial proteins

G. Perrière , J. Thioulouse
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2003, 70, pp.99-105
Journal articles hal-00427414v1

Comparing and classifying one-dimensional spatial patterns: an application to laser altimeter profiles

S. Ollier , D. Chessel , Pierre Couteron , R. Pelissier , J. Thioulouse
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2003, 85 (4), pp.453-462. ⟨10.1016/S0034-4257(03)00038-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02308908v1

Procustean co-inertia analysis for the linking of multivariate datasets

S. Dray , D. Chessel , J. Thioulouse
Ecoscience, 2003, 10, pp.110-119
Journal articles hal-00427412v1

Relationship of nematode communities to human demographics and environment in agricultural fields and fallow lands in Senegal.

P. Cadet , E. Pate , J. Thioulouse
Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2003, 19, pp.279-290
Journal articles hal-00427377v1

Use and misuse of correspondence analysis in codon usage studies

G. Perrière , J. Thioulouse
Nucleic Acids Research, 2002, 30, pp.4548-4555
Journal articles hal-00427295v1

Interactions between ectomycorrhizal symbiosis and fluorescent pseudomonads on Acacia holosericea: isolation of mycorrhiza helper bacteria (MHB) from a Soudano-Sahelian soil

H. Founoune , R. Duponnois , J.M. Meyer , J. Thioulouse , D. Masse
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2002, 41, pp.37-46
Journal articles hal-00427317v1

A mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species delineation using AFLP

Christophe Mougel , Jean Thioulouse , Guy Perrière , Xavier Nesme
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2002, 52, pp.573-586
Journal articles hal-02673208v1

The diet of feral cats (Felis catus L.) at five sites on the Grande Terre, Kerguelen archipelago

Dominique Pontier , Ludovic Say , Francois Débias , Joël Bried , Jean Thioulouse
Polar Biology, 2002, 25, pp.833-837. ⟨10.1007/s00300-002-0424-5⟩
Journal articles hal-00192200v1

A mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species delineation using AFLP

Christophe Mougel , J. Thioulouse , G. Perrière , X. Nesme
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2002, 52, pp.573-586. ⟨10.1099/00207713-52-2-573⟩
Journal articles hal-00427290v1

Relationships between Staphylococcus aureus genetic background, virulence factors, agr groups (alleles), and human disease

S. Jarraud , Christophe Mougel , Jean Thioulouse , Gérard Lina , H. Meugnier
Infection and Immunity, 2002, 70 (2), pp.631-641
Journal articles hal-02681316v1

Relationships between Staphylococcus aureus genetic background virulence factors agr groups (alleles) and human disease.

S. Jarraud , Christophe Mougel , J. Thioulouse , G. Lina , H. Meugnier
Infection and Immunity, 2002, 70, pp.631-641. ⟨10.1128/IAI.70.2.631-641.2002⟩
Journal articles hal-00427274v1

The mycorrhizal soil infectivity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore communities in soils of different aged fallows in Senegal

Robin Duponnois , Christian Plenchette , Jean Thioulouse , Patrice Cadet
Applied Soil Ecology, 2001, 17, pp.239-251
Journal articles hal-02678685v1
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Experimental and theoretical evaluation of typing methods based upon random amplification of genomic restriction fragments (AFLP) for bacterial population genetics

Christophe Mougel , Sabrina Teyssier , C. d'Angelo , K. Groud , M. Neyra
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2001, 33 (1), pp.319-338
Journal articles hal-02670077v1

Characterization of bacterial and fungal soil communities by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis fingerprints : biological and methodological variability

Lionel Ranjard , F. Poly , J.C. Lata , Christophe Mougel , Jean Thioulouse
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001, 67 (10), pp.4479-4487
Journal articles hal-02674586v1

Mycorrhizal soil infectivity and AM fungal spore communities of different aged fallows in Senegal

R. Duponnois , C. Plenchette , J. Thioulouse , P. Cadet
Applied Soil Ecology, 2001, 17, pp.239-251
Journal articles hal-00427166v1

Experimental and theoretical evaluation of typing methods based upon random amplification of genomic restriction fragments (AFLP) for bacterial population genetics

Christophe Mougel , S. Teyssier , C. d'Angelo , K. Groud , M. Neyra
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2001, 33, pp.S319-S338
Journal articles hal-00427187v1

Characterization of bacterial and fungal soil communities by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis fingerprints: biological and methodological variability.

L. Ranjard , F. Poly , J. C. Lata , Christophe Mougel , J. Thioulouse
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001, 67 (10), pp.4479-87. ⟨10.1128/AEM.67.10.4479–4487.2001⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00353796v1

Heterogeneous Cell Density and Genetic Structure of Bacterial Pools Associated with Various Soil Microenvironments as Determined by Enumeration and DNA Fingerprinting Approach (RISA)

L. Ranjard , F. Poly , J. Combrisson , A. Richaume , F. Gourbiere
Microbial ecology, 2000, 39, pp.263-272
Journal articles hal-00427090v1

Ectomycorrhization of six Acacia auriculiformis provenances from Australia Papua New Guinea and Senegal in glasshouse conditions: effect on the plant growth and on the multiplication of plant parasitic nematodes

R. Duponnois , H. Founoune , D. Lesueur , J. Thioulouse , M. Neyra
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2000, 40, pp.443-450
Journal articles hal-00427074v1

A soil microscale study to reveal the heterogeneity of Hg(II) impact on indigenous bacteria by quantification of adapted phenotypes and analysis of community DNA fingerprints

L. Ranjard , S. Nazaret , F. Gourbiere , J. Thioulouse , P. Linet
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2000, 31 (2), pp.107-115. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2000.tb00676.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00427100v1

Diversity of the bacterial hyperparasite Pasteuria penetrans in relation to the control of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on Acacia holosericea

R. Duponnois , M. Fargette , S. Fould , J. Thioulouse , K.G. Davies
Nematology, 2000, 2, pp.435-442
Journal articles hal-00427073v1

Identification of birds as biological markers along a neotropical urban-rural gradient using co-inertia analysis

P.A. Reynaud , J. Thioulouse
Journal of Environmental Management, 2000, 59, pp.121-140
Journal articles hal-00427104v1

Heterogeneous cell density and genetic structure of bacterial pools associated with various microenvironments as determined by enumeration and DNA fingerprinting approach (RISA)

Lionel Ranjard , F. Poly , J. Combrisson , A. Richaume , F. Gourbiere
Microbial ecology, 2000, 39, pp.263-272
Journal articles hal-02692654v1

Successional trends in the characteristics of soil nematodes communities in cropped and fallow lands in Senegal (Sonkorong)

E. Pate , N. Ndiaye-Faye , J. Thioulouse , C. Villenave , T. Bongers
Applied Soil Ecology, 2000, 14, pp.5-15
Journal articles hal-00427089v1

Relationships between abiotic and biotic soil properties during fallow periods in the sudanian zone of Senegal

Raphaël J. Manlay , P. Cadet , J. Thioulouse , J.L. Chotte
Applied Soil Ecology, 2000, 14, pp.89-101
Journal articles hal-00427094v1

Recherche de méthodes de gestion des peuplements de nématodes phytoparasites par les facteurs du sol en zone soudano-sahélienne au Sénégal

P. Cadet , J.-F. Bois , J.-L. Chotte , R. Duponnois , N. N'Diaye-Faye
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2000, 7 (4), pp.261-270
Journal articles hal-01419625v1

A soil microscale study to reveal the heterogeneity of Hg (II) impact on indigenous bacteria by quantification of adapted phenotypes and analysis of community DNA fingerprints

Lionel Ranjard , Sylvie Nazaret , F. Gourbiere , Jean Thioulouse , P. Linet
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2000, 31, pp.107-115
Journal articles hal-02690814v1

Susceptibility of several sahelian Acacia to Meloidogyne javanica (Treub) Chitw

R. Duponnois , K. Senghor , J. Thioulouse , A. Ba
Agroforestry Systems, 1999, 46, pp.123-130
Journal articles hal-00428443v1

Ecology of larval mosquitoes with special reference to Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culcidae) in market-garden wells in urban Dakar Senegal

V. Robert , H.P. Awono-Ambene , J. Thioulouse
Journal of Medical Entomology, 1998, 35, pp.948-955
Journal articles hal-00428477v1

Identification of soil factors that relate to the structure of the plant parasitic nematode community

P. Cadet , J. Thioulouse
Applied Soil Ecology, 1998, 8, pp.35-49
Journal articles hal-00428480v1

Functional data analysis of curve asymmetry with application to the color pattern of Hydropsyche contubernalis head capsule

S. Champely , B. Guinand , J. Thioulouse , A. Clermidy
Biometrics, 1997, 53, pp.294-305
Journal articles hal-00434974v1
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ADE-4: a multivariate analysis and graphical display software

J. Thioulouse , D. Chessel , S. Dolédec , J.M. Olivier
Statistics and Computing, 1997, 7, pp.75-83
Journal articles hal-00434994v1

On-line tools for sequence retrieval and multivariate statistics in molecular biology

G. Perrière , J. Thioulouse
Computer Applications in the Biosciences, 1996, 12, pp.63-69
Journal articles hal-00435037v1

Towards Better Graphics for Multivariate Analysis: the Interactive Factor Map

J. Thioulouse
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 1996, 11, pp.11-21
Journal articles hal-00435039v1

Correspondence discriminant analysis: a multivariate method for comparing classes of protein and nucleic acid sequences

G. Perrière , J.R. Lobry , J. Thioulouse
Computer Applications in the Biosciences, 1996, 12, pp.519-524
Journal articles hal-00435036v1

NetMul a World-Wide Web user interface for multivariate analysis sofware

J. Thioulouse , François Chevenet
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 1996, 21, pp.369-372
Journal articles hal-00435040v1

Co-inertia analysis of amino-acid physico-chemical properties and protein composition with the ADE package

J. Thioulouse , J.R. Lobry
Bioinformatics, 1995, 11, pp.321-329
Journal articles hal-00698259v1

Multivariate analysis of spatial patterns: a unified approach to local and global structures

J. Thioulouse , D. Chessel , S. Champely
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 1995, 2, pp.1-14
Journal articles hal-00698251v1

DE software: multivariate analysis and graphical display of environmental data

J. Thioulouse , S. Doledec , D. Chessel , J.M. Olivier
incollection, 1995, --, pp.57-62
Journal articles hal-00698255v1

Chemometrical evaluation of multispecies-multichemical data by means of graphical techniques combined with multivariate analyses

J. Devillers , J. Thioulouse , W. Karcher
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 1993, 26, pp.333-345
Journal articles hal-00698425v1

Evaluation of the Precision of Systematic Sampling : Nugget Effect and Covariogram Modelling

J. Thioulouse , J.P. Royet , H. Ploye , F. Houllier
Journal of Microscopy, 1993, 172, pp.249-256
Journal articles hal-00698249v1

Evaluation of the precision of systematic sampling nugget effect and covariogram modelling

Jean Thioulouse , J.P. Royet , H. Ploye , François Houllier
Journal of Microscopy, 1993, 172 (3), pp.249-256
Journal articles hal-02708844v1

A method for reciprocal scaling of species tolerance and sample diversity

J. Thioulouse , D. Chessel
Ecology, 1992, 73, pp.670-680
Journal articles hal-00698261v1

Multivariate Analysis of the Input and Output Data in the Fugacity Model Level I

J. Devillers , J. Thioulouse , D. Domine , M. Chastrette , W. Karcher
incollection, 1991, --, pp.281-345
Journal articles hal-00698422v1

Graphical Techniques for Multidimensional Data Analysis

J. Thioulouse , J. Devillers , D. Chessel , Y. Auda
incollection, 1991, --, pp.153-205
Journal articles hal-00698252v1
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MacMul and GraphMu: two Macintosh programs for the display and analysis of multivariate data

J. Thioulouse
Computers & Geosciences, 1990, 16 (8), pp.1235-1240
Journal articles hal-00698262v1
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Traitements nématicides et peuplement de nématodes parasites de la canne à sucre au Burkina Faso. 1. Repousses

Patrice Cadet , Jean Thioulouse
Revue de Nématologie, 1989, 12 (1), pp.35-44
Journal articles hal-03602913v1
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Statistical analysis and graphical display of multivariate data on the Macintosh

J. Thioulouse
Computer Applications in the Biosciences, 1989, 5, pp.287-292
Journal articles hal-00698254v1
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Space-Time Structure in a Winter Rape Pest Population Psylliodes chrysocephala (Col. chrysomelidae): methodological proposals and biological interpretations

J. Thioulouse
Journal of Applied Ecology, 1987, 24, pp.435-450
Journal articles hal-00698253v1
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Les analyses multitableaux en ecologie factorielle.

J. Thioulouse , D. Chessel
Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Generalis, 1987, 8 (4), pp.463-480
Journal articles hal-00698250v1
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Estimation d'un Volume a partir de Coupes Seriees : Sous-Echantillonnage Covariogramme Transitif et Calcul de Precision

J. Thioulouse , B. Mathy , H. Ploye
Mikroskopie (Wien), 1985, 42, pp.215-224
Journal articles hal-00698258v1
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Variables regionalisees et denombrement d'Insectes : cas unidimensionnel

J. Thioulouse , François Houllier , Jean-Claude Onillon
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série III, Sciences de la vie, 1985, 301, pp.423-428
Journal articles hal-00698256v1
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Structures spatiales et temporelles des populations d'un ravageur du Colza (Psylliodes chrysocephala L. (Col. Chrysomelidae)) dans plusieurs parcelles de culture

J. Thioulouse , D. Debouzie , Y. Ballanger
Acta Oecologica Oecologia Applicata, 1984, 5, pp.335-353
Journal articles hal-00698257v1
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Water Quality Shapes Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Communities in Northern Tunisia

Noura Slimani , David Sánchez-Fernández , Eric Guilbert , Moncef Boumaïza , Jean Thioulouse
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition), Springer International Publishing, pp.1915-1919, 2021, Environmental Science and Engineering, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-51210-1_301⟩
Book sections hal-03761535v1

Méthodes d'analyse multivariée pour l'étude de l'influence de la mycorhizosphère sur la structure et le fonctionnement des communautés bactériennes du sol

Jean Thioulouse , H. Sanguin , Yves Prin , Robin Duponnois
Robin Duponnois; M. Hafidi; I. Ndoye; H. Ramanankierana; A. M. Bâ. Des champignons symbiotiques contre la désertification. Ecosystèmes mediterranéens, tropicaux et insulaires, IRD Editions, pp.474-508, 2013, 978-2-7099-1949-4
Book sections hal-02099942v1