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Jérémy Couturier

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J'ai obtenu mon doctorat de biologie forestière en novembre 2007. Mon doctorat concernait l'étude des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l'absorption et la remobilisation de l'azote chez le peuplier. Au cours de mon post-doctorat, mes recherches étaient principalement centrées sur l'études des fonctions des glutarédoxines et leur rôle dans la biogenèse des centres fer-soufre. En septembre 2013, j'ai été recruté en tant que maître de conférences à l'Université de Lorraine u sein de l’équipe Réponse aux stress et Régulation Redox de l’UMR 1136 UL/INRAE Interactions Arbres/Micro-organismes. Mes activités de recherche s’articulent autour de trois grands thèmes principaux. **Le premier concerne la régulation redox des protéines chez les plantes et l’étude des protéines de la famille des glutarédoxines (GRXs)** qui sont des oxydoréductases présentes chez la majorité des organismes procaryotes et eucaryotes, excepté certaines bactéries et archaées. Elles sont notamment impliquées dans le maintien de l’homéostasie redox de la cellule au travers de la réduction des ponts disulfure et plus spécifiquement des protéines glutathionylées. Chez les plantes supérieures, il existe environ une trentaine d’isoformes de GRXs. A ce jour, moins d’une dizaine de ces protéines ont été caractérisées finement. **Le deuxième thème majeur de recherche concerne l’étude de la biogenèse des centres fer-soufre (Fe-S)**. Le fer est un élément indispensable pour la synthèse de métalloprotéines et notamment les protéines à centre Fe-S qui sont impliquées dans des processus vitaux comme par exemple, la photosynthèse, l’assimilation du soufre et de l’azote. Malgré l’importance des protéines Fe-S dans le fonctionnement des plantes, les connaissances actuelles sur la biogenèse des centres Fe-S sont principalement centrées sur l’identification des différents composants de ce processus mais le rôle de plusieurs d’entre eux reste encore à l’heure actuelle indéfini. D’autre part, les relations entre chacun des composants mais également leurs spécificités vis-à-vis de leurs protéines cibles sont également inconnues, de même que les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents impliqués dans le fonctionnement et la régulation de la biogenèse des centres Fe-S. **Le troisième thème de mes recherches concerne les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la mobilisation et le transfert de soufre chez les plantes**. Cette thématique concerne notamment l’étude du rôle des sulfurtransférases (STRs) dans ces processus, sachant que ces enzymes à domaine rhodanese catalysent le transfert d’un atome de soufre d’un donneur à un accepteur nucléophile, et que peu de données existent chez les plantes. **J'ai obtenu mon habilitation à diriger des recherches en décembre 2020 et j'ai été nommé membre junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) pour cinq ans à partir du 1er octobre 2021.**
I obtained my PhD in forest biology in November 2007. My Ph.D. focused on the study of molecular mechanisms involved in nitrogen uptake and remobilization in poplar. During my post-doc, my research was mainly focused on the study of the functions of glutaredoxins and their role in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters. In September 2013, I was recruited as an associate professor at the University of Lorraine in the team Stress Response and Redox Regulation of the UMR 1136 UL/INRAE Tree/Microbres Interactions. My research activities are based on three main themes. The first one concerns the redox regulation of proteins in plants and the study of proteins of the glutaredoxin family (GRXs) which are oxidoreductases present in most of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, except for some bacteria and archaea. They are involved in the maintenance of the redox homeostasis of the cell through the reduction of disulfide bridges and more specifically of glutathionylated proteins. In higher plants, there are about thirty isoforms of GRXs. To date, less than ten of these proteins have been characterized in detail. The second major research theme concerns the study of the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters (Fe-S). Iron is an essential element for the synthesis of metalloproteins and in particular Fe-S proteins which are involved in vital processes such as photosynthesis, sulfur and nitrogen assimilation. Despite the importance of Fe-S proteins in plant function, current knowledge on Fe-S cluster biogenesis is mainly focused on the identification of the different components of this process, but the role of several of them is still undefined. On the other hand, the relationships between each of the components but also their specificities with respect to their target proteins are also unknown, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in the functioning and regulation of Fe-S cluster biogenesis. The third theme of my research concerns the molecular mechanisms involved in the mobilization and transfer of sulfur in plants. This theme concerns in particular the study of the role of sulfurtransferases (STRs) in these processes, knowing that these rhodanese domain containing enzymes catalyze the transfer of a sulfur atom from a donor to a nucleophilic acceptor, and that few data exist in plants. I obtained my habilitation in December 2020 and I was appointed as a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) for five years starting October 1, 2021.


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Oxidation of Arabidopsis thaliana COX19 Using the Combined Action of ERV1 and Glutathione

Flavien Zannini , Johannes M Herrmann , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Antioxidants , 2023, 12 (11), pp.1949. ⟨10.3390/antiox12111949⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04592940v1

Relationships between the Reversible Oxidation of the Single Cysteine Residue and the Physiological Function of the Mitochondrial Glutaredoxin S15 from Arabidopsis thaliana

Loïck Christ , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Antioxidants , 2023, 12 (1), pp.102. ⟨10.3390/antiox12010102⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04059914v1

Diversity and roles of cysteine desulfurases in photosynthetic organisms

Damien Caubrière , Anna Moseler , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2023, 74 (11), pp.3345-3360. ⟨10.1093/jxb/erad065⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04593074v1
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The cytosolic Arabidopsis thaliana cysteine desulfurase ABA3 delivers sulfur to the sulfurtransferase STR18

Benjamin Selles , Anna Moseler , Damien Caubrière , Sheng-Kai Sun , Morgane Ziesel
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2022, 298 (4), pp.101749. ⟨10.1016/j.jbc.2022.101749⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03583118v1

Structural Insights into a Fusion Protein between a Glutaredoxin-like and a Ferredoxin-Disulfide Reductase Domain from an Extremophile Bacterium

Flavien Zannini , Sandrine Mathiot , Jérémy Couturier , Claude Didierjean , Nicolas Rouhier
Inorganics, 2022, 10 (2), pp.24. ⟨10.3390/inorganics10020024⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03610879v1
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Redox regulation of enzymes involved in sulfate assimilation and in the synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids and glutathione in plants

Linda de Bont , Natacha Donnay , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, pp.958490. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2022.958490⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03774111v1

A Redox-Sensitive Cysteine Is Required for PIN1At Function

Benjamin Selles , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Alexis Boutilliat , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12, pp.735423. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2021.735423⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03541790v1

Occurrence, Evolution and Specificities of Iron-Sulfur Proteins and Maturation Factors in Chloroplasts from Algae

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Jérémy Couturier , Claire Remacle , Nicolas Rouhier
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22 (6), pp.3175. ⟨10.3390/ijms22063175⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03304524v1
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Atypical Iron-Sulfur Cluster Binding, Redox Activity and Structural Properties of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Glutaredoxin 2

Thomas Roret , Bo Zhang , Anna Moseler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Xing-Huang Gao
Antioxidants , 2021, 10 (5), pp.803. ⟨10.3390/antiox10050803⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03241937v1
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Arabidopsis thaliana 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferases interact with and are protected by reducing systems

Anna Moseler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021, pp.100429. ⟨10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100429⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03157547v1
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The plastidial Arabidopsis thaliana NFU1 protein binds and delivers [4Fe-4S] clusters to specific client proteins

Mélanie Roland , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Florence Vignols , Nathalie Berger , Tamanna Azam
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, 295 (6), pp.1727-1742. ⟨10.1074/jbc.RA119.011034⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02473677v1
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[4Fe-4S] cluster trafficking mediated by Arabidopsis mitochondrial ISCA and NFU proteins

Tamanna Azam , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Florence Vignols , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, 295 (52), pp.18367-18378. ⟨10.1074/jbc.RA120.015726⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03052839v1
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Identification of client iron-sulfur proteins of the chloroplastic NFU2 transfer protein in Arabidopsis thaliana

Nathalie Berger , Florence Vignols , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Mélanie Roland , Valerie Rofidal
Journal of Experimental Botany, inPress, 71 (14), pp.4171-4187. ⟨10.1093/jxb/eraa166⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02533200v1

Sinorhizobium meliloti YrbA binds divalent metal cations using two conserved histidines

Thomas Roret , Geneviève Alloing , Jean-Michel Girardet , Thomas Perrot , Tiphaine Dhalleine
Bioscience Reports, 2020, 40 (10), pp.51-64. ⟨10.1042/BSR20202956⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03000204v1

Novel insights into the diversity of the sulfurtransferase family in photosynthetic organisms with emphasis on oak

Anna Moseler , Benjamin Selles , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
New Phytologist, 2020, 226 (4), pp.967-977. ⟨10.1111/nph.15870⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545811v1
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The Arabidopsis Mitochondrial Glutaredoxin GRXS15 Provides [2Fe-2S] Clusters for ISCA-Mediated [4Fe-4S] Cluster Maturation

Tamanna Azam , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Florence Vignols , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21 (23), pp.9237. ⟨10.3390/ijms21239237⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03076877v1

The thioredoxin-mediated recycling of Arabidopsis thaliana GRXS16 relies on a conserved C-terminal cysteine

Flavien Zannini , Anna-Maria Moseler , Raphael Bchini , Tiphaine Lamant Dhalleine , Andreas J Meyer
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 2019, 1863 (2), pp.426-436. ⟨10.1016/j.bbagen.2018.11.014⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02154449v1

Iron–sulfur protein NFU2 is required for branched-chain amino acid synthesis in Arabidopsis roots

Brigitte Touraine , Florence Vignols , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Till Ischebeck , Tiphaine Dhalleine
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70 (6), pp.1875-1889. ⟨10.1093/jxb/erz050⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02095655v1
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Is There a Role for Glutaredoxins and BOLAs in the Perception of the Cellular Iron Status in Plants?

Pascal Rey , Maël Taupin-Broggini , Jérémy Couturier , Florence Vignols , Nicolas Rouhier
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10, pp.712. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2019.00712⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02571980v2

Rhodanese domain-containing sulfurtransferases

Benjamin Selles , Anna-Maria Moseler , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70 (16), pp.4139-4154. ⟨10.1093/jxb/erz213⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02352485v1

Roles and maturation of iron–sulfur proteins in plastids

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Mélanie Roland , Frederic Gaymard , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 23 (4), pp.545-566. ⟨10.1007/s00775-018-1532-1⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01690262v1
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Mitochondrial Arabidopsis thaliana TRXo Isoforms Bind an Iron–Sulfur Cluster and Reduce NFU Proteins In Vitro

Flavien Zannini , Thomas Roret , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier
Antioxidants , 2018, 7 (10), pp.142. ⟨10.3390/antiox7100142⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545816v1
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Function and maturation of the Fe-S center in dihydroxyacid dehydratase from Arabidopsis

Huanyao Gao , Tamanna Azam , Sajini Randeniya , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2018, 293 (12), pp.4422-4433. ⟨10.1074/jbc.RA117.001592⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01816913v1
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Atypical protein disulfide isomerases (PDI)

Benjamin Selles , Flavien Zannini , Jérémy Couturier , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (3), pp.e0174753. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0174753⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01562315v1

Chloroplast FBPase and SBPase are thioredoxin-linked enzymes with similar architecture but different evolutionary histories

Desiree D. Guetle , Thomas Roret , Stefanie J. Mueller , Jérémy Couturier , Stéphane D. Lemaire
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 113 (24), pp.6779-6784. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1606241113⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01579581v1
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Structural and functional characterization of tree proteins involved in redox regulation: a new frontier in forest science

Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Jérémy Couturier , Claude Didierjean , Éric Gelhaye , Mélanie Morel-Rouhier
Annals of Forest Science, 2016, 73 (1), pp.119-134. ⟨10.1007/s13595-014-0442-9⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01284229v1

Regulation of Differentiation of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria by Microsymbiont Targeting of Plant Thioredoxin s1.

Carolina Werner Ribeiro , Fabien Baldacci-Cresp , Olivier Pierre , Marie Larousse , Sofiane Benyamina
Current Biology - CB, 2016, 27 (2), pp.250-256. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2016.11.013⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01439293v1

The roles of glutaredoxins ligating Fe-S clusters: Sensing, transfer or repair functions?

Jérémy Couturier , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Thomas Roret , Claude Didierjean , Nicolas Rouhier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research, 2015, 1853 (6, SI), pp.1513-1527. ⟨10.1016/j.bbamcr.2014.09.018⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01521788v1

Involvement of thiol-based mechanisms in plant development

Nicolas Rouhier , Delphine Cerveau , Jérémy Couturier , Jean-Philippe Reichheld , Pascal Rey
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 2015, 1850 (8, SI), pp.1479-1496. ⟨10.1016/j.bbagen.2015.01.023⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01579585v1

Monothiol Glutaredoxin-BolA Interactions: Redox Control of Arabidopsis thaliana BolA2 and SufE1

Jérémy Couturier , Hui-Chen Wu , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Henri Pégeot , Damien Sudre
Molecular Plant, 2014, 7 (1), pp.187-205. ⟨10.1093/mp/sst156⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00936792v1

X-ray structures of Nfs2, the plastidial cysteine desulfurase from Arabidopsis thaliana

Thomas Roret , Henri Pégeot , Jérémy Couturier , Guillermo Mulliert , Nicolas Rouhier
Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 2014, 70 (9), pp.1180-1185. ⟨10.1107/S2053230X14017026⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01521313v1
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Structural and Spectroscopic Insights into BolA-Glutaredoxin Complexes

Thomas Roret , Pascale Tsan , Jérémy Couturier , Bo Zhang , Michael K. Johnson
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014, 289 (35), pp.24588-24598. ⟨10.1074/jbc.M114.572701⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01521194v1

Putative roles of glutaredoxin-BolA holo-heterodimers in plants

Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Plant Signaling and Behavior, 2014, 9 (5), pp. e28564. ⟨10.4161/psb.28564⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01579702v1
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The iron-sulfur cluster assembly machineries in plants: current knowledge and open questions.

Jérémy Couturier , Brigitte Touraine , Jean-François Briat , Frédéric Gaymard , Nicolas Rouhier
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2013, 4, pp.259. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2013.00259⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00920681v1
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Cysteine-based redox regulation and signaling in plants

Jérémy Couturier , Kamel Chibani , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2013, 4, pp.105. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2013.00105⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01578659v1
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Toward a refined classification of class I dithiol glutaredoxins from poplar: biochemical basis for the definition of two subclasses

Jérémy Couturier , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2013, 4, ⟨10.3389/fpls.2013.00518⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01268530v1

Monothiol glutaredoxins and A-type proteins: partners in Fe-S cluster trafficking

Daphne T. Mapolelo , Bo Zhang , Sajini Randeniya , Angela-Nadia Albetel , Haoran Li
Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42 (9), pp.3107 - 3115. ⟨10.1039/c2dt32263c⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01268219v1

Arabidopsis thaliana Nfu2 Accommodates [2Fe-2S] or [4Fe-4S] Clusters and Is Competent for in Vitro Maturation of Chloroplast [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] Cluster-Containing Proteins

Huanyao Gao , Sowmya Subramanian , Jérémy Couturier , Sunil G. Naik , Sung-Kun Kim
Biochemistry, 2013, 52 (38), pp.6633 - 6645. ⟨10.1021/bi4007622⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01268928v1

Two Sinorhizobium meliloti glutaredoxins regulate iron metabolism and symbiotic bacteroid differentiation

Sofiane M. Benyamina , Fabien Baldacci-Cresp , Jérémy Couturier , Kamel Chibani , Julie Hopkins
Environmental Microbiology, 2013, 15 (3), pp.795 - 810. ⟨10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02835.x⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01577790v1

Monothiol Glutaredoxins Can Bind Linear [Fe3S4](+) and [Fe4S4](2+) Clusters in Addition to [Fe2S2](2+) Clusters: Spectroscopic Characterization and Functional Implications

Bo Zhang , Sibali Bandyopadhyay , Priyanka Shakamuri , Sunil G. Naik , Boi Hanh Huynh
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135 (40), pp.15153-15164. ⟨10.1021/ja407059n⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01578664v1

In the Absence of Thioredoxins, What Are the Reductants for Peroxiredoxins in Thermotoga maritima?

Jérémy Couturier , Pascalita Prosper , Alison Winger-Mendes , Arnaud Hecker , Masakazu Hirasawa
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 2013, 18 (13), pp.1613 - 1622. ⟨10.1089/ars.2012.4739⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01268123v1

Glutathione- and glutaredoxin-dependent reduction of methionine sulfoxide reductase A

Jérémy Couturier , Florence Vignols , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
FEBS Letters, 2012, 586 (21), pp.3894-3899. ⟨10.1016/j.febslet.2012.09.020⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02643185v1

Glutathionylation of cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is reversed by both glutaredoxins and thioredoxins in vitro

Mariette Bedhomme , Mattia Adamo , Christophe H. Marchand , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Biochemical Journal, 2012, 445, pp.337 - 347. ⟨10.1042/BJ20120505⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01268311v1

Glutaredoxin S12: Unique Properties for Redox Signaling

Mirko Zaffagnini , Mariette Bedhomme , Christophe H. Marchand , Jérémy Couturier , Xing-Huang Gao
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 2012, 16 (1), pp.17 - 32. ⟨10.1089/ars.2011.3933⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01268394v1
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Arabidopsis Chloroplastic Glutaredoxin C5 as a Model to Explore Molecular Determinants for Iron-Sulfur Cluster Binding into Glutaredoxins

Jérémy Couturier , Elke Ströher , Angela-Nadia Albetel , Thomas Roret , Meenakumari Muthuramalingam
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011, 286 (31), pp.27515-27527. ⟨10.1074/jbc.M111.228726⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545674v1

Engineered mutated glutaredoxins mimicking peculiar plant class III glutaredoxins bind iron-sulfur centers and possess reductase activity

Jérémy Couturier , Claude Didierjean , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010, 403 (3-4), pp.435 - 441. ⟨10.1016/j.bbrc.2010.11.050⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02662291v1

Glutaredoxins: roles in iron homeostasis

Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier , Michael Johnson , Jean-Pierre Jacquot
Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2010, 35 (1), pp.43-52. ⟨10.1016/j.tibs.2009.08.005⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545637v1

PtAAP11, a high affinity amino acid transporter specifically expressed in differentiating xylem cells of poplar

Jérémy Couturier , Elisabeth de Faÿ , Michael Fitz , Daniel Wipf , Damien Blaudez
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2010, 61 (6), pp.1671-1682. ⟨10.1093/jxb/erq036⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545652v1

Glutamine, arginine and the amino acid transporter Pt-CAT11 play important roles during senescence in poplar

Jérémy Couturier , Joan Doidy , Frédéric Guinet , Daniel Wipf , Damien Blaudez
Annals of Botany, 2010, 105 (7), pp.1159-1169. ⟨10.1093/aob/mcq047⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545662v1

The chloroplastic thiol reducing systems

Kamel Chibani , Jérémy Couturier , Benjamin Selles , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
Photosynthesis Research, 2010, 104 (1), pp.75-99. ⟨10.1007/s11120-009-9501-8⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02667673v1

Evolution and diversity of glutaredoxins in photosynthetic organisms

Jérémy Couturier , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2009, 66 (15), pp.2539-2557. ⟨10.1007/s00018-009-0054-y⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02668190v1
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Structure-Function Relationship of the Chloroplastic Glutaredoxin S12 with an Atypical WCSYS Active Site

Jérémy Couturier , Cha San Koh , Mirko Zaffagnini , Alison Winger , José Manuel Gualberto
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009, 284 (14), pp.9299-9310. ⟨10.1074/jbc.M807998200⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545616v1

The expanded family of ammonium transporters in the perennial poplar plant

Jérémy Couturier , Barbara Montanini , Francis Martin , Annick Brun , Damien Blaudez
New Phytologist, 2007, 174 (1), pp.137-150. ⟨10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.01992.x⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545534v1

Genome-wide analysis of plant glutaredoxin systems

Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier , Jean-Pierre Jacquot
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2006, 57 (8), pp.1685-1696. ⟨10.1093/jxb/erl001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02545530v1

The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray)

Gerald A. Tuskan , Stephen Difazio , Stefan Jansson , Jörg Bohlmann , Igor Grigoriev
Science, 2006, 313 (5793), pp.1596-1604. ⟨10.1126/science.1128691⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02669155v1

Monitoring intracellular dynamics of cysteine with the genetically-encoded biosensor CyReB

Damien Caubrière , Arthur de Butler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Compartmentalized redox biology, meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sep 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-04300871v1

Monitoring intracellular dynamics of cysteine with the genetically-encoded biosensor CyReB

Damien Caubrière , Arthur de Butler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
GDR NADPH Oxydase-Stress Oxydant & Club Oxydase, Nov 2023, Orsay, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04300881v1

The critical role of glutaredoxin S15 for the maturation of iron-sulfur proteins in mitochondria.

Loïck Christ , Anna Moseler , Jérémy Couturier , Pedroletti Luca , Andreas J. Meyer
12th International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology 2022, May 2022, Malmö, Sweden
Communication dans un congrès hal-03705989v1

Novel insights into persulfide-containing proteins and sulfur trafficking in plants

Jérémy Couturier
Symposium on redox regulation and carbon-nitrogen interactions in plants. A tribute to Pierre Gadal, Jun 2022, Paris-Saclay, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03775217v1

Deciphering the biochemical relationships between cysteine desulfurase and sulfurtransferase protein families in sulfur trafficking

Damien Caubrière , Benjamin Selles , Anna Moseler , Sheng-Kai Sun , Morgane Ziesel
12th International Plant Sulfur Workshop, Jul 2022, London, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-03775257v1

3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferases: new actors in sulfur trafficking and H2S mediated-redox signalling in plants?

Anna Moseler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Redox Biology Congress 2022 Oxidative stress, redox biology and antioxidants from plants to humans, Aug 2022, Ghent, Belgium
Communication dans un congrès hal-03775274v1

Rhodanese domain-containing sulfurtransferase family: a yet mysterious component of sulfur trafficking in plants

Anna Moseler , Benjamin Selles , Damien Caubrière , Sheng-Kai Sun , Morgane Ziesel
12th International Plant Sulfur Workshop, Jul 2022, London, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-03775204v1

Rhodanese domain-containing sulfurtransferase family: a yet mysterious component of sulfur trafficking in plants

Jérémy Couturier
S-Bio 2021 Glucosinolate Joint meeting for plant and human sulfur biology and glucosinolates, Sep 2021, Seville, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-03358442v1

Towards the identification of novel metal- or thiol-based regulated proteins in plants

Tiphaine Dhalleine , Mathieu Schwartz , Flavien Zannini , Linda de Bont , Jérémy Couturier
International Symposium of the DFG Priority Program 1710 Dynamics of Thiol-based Redox Switches in Cellular Physiology, Mar 2021, e-conference, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-03197988v1

Sulfur trafficking and H2S-mediated redox signaling in plants: roles of Arabidopsis 3-MP sulfurtransferases

Tiphaine Dhalleine , Anna Moseler , Christophe H Marchand , Stéphane D. Lemaire , Nicolas Rouhier
SPP1710 Conference Thiol-based switches and redox regulation – from microbes to men, Sep 2019, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-03000210v1

Functional characterization of mitochondrial NFU proteins in plants

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Andrew Mclean , Tamanna Azam , Cyril Magno , Tiphaine Dhalleine
8th International Conference on Iron-Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis and Regulation, May 2018, Madison, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-02955576v1

Elucidating the function of the chloroplastic glutaredoxin S16 of Arabidopsis thaliana.

Nicolas Rouhier , Flavien Zannini , Sowmya Subramanian , Anna-Maria Moseler , Andreas Meyer
12th Congress of the International Plant Molecular Biology, Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198404v1

The maturation of Fe-S proteins in chloroplasts and mitochondria

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Andrew Mclean , Tamanna Azam , Cyril Magno , Tiphaine Dhalleine
Jacques Monod conference “Retrograde signalling from endosymbiotic organelles”, Oct 2018, Roscoff, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02955303v1

Deciphering the biochemical properties of bacterial rhodanese fusion proteins.

Mathilde Hériché , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Fourth meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-03000211v1

Arabidopsis thaliana GRXS16, a multifaceted glutaredoxin in chloroplasts.

Flavien Zannini , Anna Moseler , Andreas J Meyer , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
3rd Redox Biology Symposium, Redox regulation: Historical background and future developments, Mar 2017, Nancy, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03000213v1

Who are the partners of mitochondrial Arabidopsis thaliana GRXS15 in trafficking of iron-sulfur clusters?

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Anna Moseler , Marta A. Uzarska , Ulrich Mühlenhoff , Jérémy Couturier
Redox meeting and Conversation, Mar 2017, Vandoeuvre Lès Nancy, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04176965v1

The chloroplastic glutaredoxin S16: a plant-specific, two-domain protein with multiple biochemical properties.

Flavien Zannini , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
EMBO Conference on Redox Biology, Jul 2017, Moscou, Russia
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198418v1

How are Fe-S cofactors and proteins assembled in plant cells? focus on NFUs, involved in the late steps of the maturation process in organelles

Brigitte Touraine , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Nathalie Berger , Jérémy Couturier , Frédéric Gaymard
Days of the French society of photosynthesis, Jun 2017, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02952587v1

Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of sulfur trafficking in plants.

Tiphaine Dhalleine , Pascale Tsan , Christophe H Marchand , Stéphane D.Lemaire , Nicolas Rouhier
hird meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Jul 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-03000214v1

Deciphering the late-steps of FeS cluster assembly in plant organelles: focus on NFUs.

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Brigitte Touraine , Mélanie Roland , Florence Vignols , Jérémy Couturier
Kick off meeting of the COST action CA15133 FeSBioNET “The biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins: from cellular biology to molecular aspects”., Sep 2016, Patras, Greece
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198428v1

Biochemical, spectroscopic and structural insights into BolA-glutaredoxin complexes

Thomas Roret , Jérémy Couturier , Pascale Tsan , Bo Zhang , Jean-Pierre Jacques
IUBMB Symposium FeS 2015 - Iron Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis and Regulation, Jun 2015, Bergamo, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-03000372v1

Exploring the partners of late-acting Fe-S transfer proteins belonging to the mitochondrial ISC machinery in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Jérémy Couturier , Florence Vignols , Nicolas Rouhier
Labex Mitocross 2015: mitochondria at the crossroad, Sep 2015, Strasbourg, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198462v1

The multiple facets of glutaredoxins: one fold, several partners and functions

Jérémy Couturier , Mirko Zaffagnini , Elke Ströher , Angela-Nadia Albetel , Bo Zhang
12th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: from model systems to field, Jun 2015, verone, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198452v1

Monothiol glutaredoxin and BolA in plants: two proteins with multiple interaction modes.

Jérémy Couturier , Hui-Chen Wu , Thomas Roret , Pascale Tsan , Tiphaine Dhalleine
9th International Workshop on Sulfur Metabolism in Plants: Molecular Physiology and Ecophysiology of Sulfur, Apr 2014, Freiburg, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-03000377v1

Plastidial glutaredoxins: glutathione-dependent enzymes involved in detoxification, redox signalling and iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis.

Jérémy Couturier , Mirko Zaffagnini , Elke Ströher , Angela-Nadia Albetel , Thomas Roret
9th International Workshop - Sulfur Metabolism in Plants., Apr 2014, freiburg, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198438v1

Biochemical, spectroscopic and structural insights into BolA-glutaredoxin complexes.

Jérémy Couturier , Thomas Roret , Hui-Chen Wu , Pascale Tsan , Tiphaine Dhalleine
IJB Symposium «Molecular Sciences, Facing Up to Major Societal Challenges»., Oct 2014, Nancy, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198448v1

Biochemical, spectroscopic and structural insights into BolA-glutaredoxin complexes.

Jérémy Couturier , Thomas Roret , Hui-Chen Wu , Pascale Tsan , Tiphaine Dhalleine
Gordon research conference “Thiol-based redox regulation and signalling”., Jul 2014, girone, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-03198441v1

Investigation of the role of glutaredoxins and NFU proteins for the plastidial iron-sulfur cluster assembly machinary

Brigitte Touraine , Pascal Rey , Maryline Lièvre , Hui-Chen Wu , Hunyao Gao
5th International Meeting of the Institute of Metals in Biology of Grenoble (IMBG)/Metal Homeostasis, Sep 2012, Autrans, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02952861v1

Post-genomic era in poplar : characterization of the ammonium transporter (AMT) family

Jérémy Couturier , Damien Blaudez , Michel M. Chalot
9èmes Journées du Groupe de Biologie Moléculaire des Ligneux, Mar 2006, Orléans, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03000380v1

Biochemical characterization of thioredoxin-related protein Clot/TRP14 of Populus trichocarpa

Zhichao Liu , Jannik Zimmermann , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Bruce Morgan , Nicolas Rouhier
Compartmentalized redox biology, meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sep 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-04300914v1

Development of a genetically-encoded biosensor to monitor an H2S-related metabolite

Mariana Bonilla , Natalia Oddone , Dayana Benchoam , Jj Rios , M.V. Gutiérrez
Society for Redox Biology and Medicine (SfRBM) 30th Annual Conference and Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRRI) 21st Biennial Congress, Nov 2023, Punta del Este, Uruguay, Uruguay
Poster de conférence hal-04302037v1

Sulfurtransferase-mediated formation of H2S and persulfidation in Arabidopsis thaliana

Anna Moseler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Andreas J. Meyer , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Botanik-Tagung International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, Aug 2022, Bonn, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03775320v1

New insights into the cysteine catabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana

José R. Cruz Cruz , Andreas J. Meyer , Jérémy Couturier , Anna Moseler
Botanik-Tagung International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, Aug 2022, Bonn, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03775345v1

Exploiting a bacterial cysteine desulfurase-sulfurtransferase fusion to develop a roGFP2-based biosensor for free cysteine

Damien Caubrière , Benjamin Selles , Anna Moseler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Morgane Ziesel
Redox Biology Congress 2022 Oxidative stress, redox biology and antioxidants from plants to humans, Aug 2022, Ghent, Belgium
Poster de conférence hal-03775303v1

Iron-sulfur cluster formation and transfer using plant mitochondrial glutaredoxin-BOLA complexes.

Loïck Christ , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Iron Sulfur Proteins: Biogenesis, Regulation and Function meeting., Sep 2022, Sainte-maxime, France
Poster de conférence hal-03820255v1

Deciphering the biochemical relationships between cysteine desulfurase and sulfurtransferase protein families in sulfur trafficking

Damien Caubrière , Benjamin Selles , Anna Moseler , Morgane Ziesel , Dhalleine Tiphaine
S-Bio 2021 Glucosinolate Joint meeting for plant and human sulfur biology and glucosinolates, Sep 2021, Seville, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03358427v1

Shedding light on a H2S generating pathway in Arabidopsis

Anna Moseler , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
S-Bio 2021 Glucosinolate Joint meeting for plant and human sulfur biology and glucosinolates, Sep 2021, Seville, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03358437v1

Does Arabidopsis sulfurtransferase 18 participate to sulfur trafficking?

Benjamin Selles , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Thiol-based switches and redox regulation - from microbes to men, Sep 2019, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-02991609v1

Developing redox biosensors for sulfur compounds

Anna Moseler , Bruce Morgan , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
SPP1710 Conference Thiol-based switches and redox regulation – from microbes to men, Sep 2019, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03000388v1

MIA40 of Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for the optimal in vitro oxidation of TIM and COX proteins

Flavien Zannini , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Fourth meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03158695v1

Deciphering the biochemical properties of a bacterial ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase-rhodanese fusion protein

Mathilde Hériché , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Fourth meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03000393v1

Seeking the role of the plastidial NFU1 transfer protein in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Mélanie Roland , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
Iron-Sulfur Proteins-Biogenesis, Regulation and Function 39th Steenbock Symposium, May 2018, Madison, United States
Poster de conférence hal-03158684v1

Sulfur trafficking and H2S mediated-redox signalling in plants: Biochemical characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana 3-MP sulfurtransferases

Tiphaine Dhalleine , Christophe H.Marchand , Stephane D. Lemaire , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
12th Congress of the International Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB), Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158693v1

Mitochondrial Fe-S cluster assembly in Arabidopsis thaliana: In vitro characterization of the properties and role of GRX, ISCA and NFU proteins

Tamanna Azam , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier , Michael K. Johnson
Iron-Sulfur Proteins-Biogenesis, Regulation and Function 39th Steenbock Symposium, May 2018, Madison, United States
Poster de conférence hal-03158679v1

Deciphering the biochemical properties of plastidial GRXS14 and mitochondrial GRXS15 isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana

Anna Moseler , Nicolas Rouhier , Jérémy Couturier
Fourth meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03158701v1

Deciphering the biochemical properties of plant sulfurtransferases to dissect cellular sulfur trafficking mechanisms.

Tiphaine Dhalleine , Pascale Tsan , Christophe H Marchand , Claude Didierjean , Stéphane D. Lemaire
“Thiol oxidation in toxicity and signalling” Workshop, Sep 2017, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03158365v1

Towards the roles of Arabidopsis plastidial CGFS glutaredoxins: involvement of GRXS14 in the maintenance of chlorophyll content under specific physiological situations

Pascal Rey , Flavien Zannini , Noëlle Becuwe , Sébastien Tourrette , Jérémy Couturier
“Thiol oxidation in toxicity and signalling” Workshop, Sep 2017, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03158359v1

Comparison of the redox properties of plant and yeast MIA40/ERV1 couples

Flavien Zannini , Valentina Peleh , Jérémy Couturier , Johannes M Herrmann , Nicolas Rouhier
“Thiol oxidation in toxicity and signalling” Workshop, Sep 2017, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03158362v1

The cellular maturation of iron-sulfur proteins in plants

Mélanie Roland , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
1st FrenchBIC summer school, Methods for studying metals in biology, Sep 2017, Carry-le-Rouet, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158671v1

The cellular maturation of iron-sulfur proteins in plants

Mélanie Roland , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
1st FeSBioNet Training School, Jun 2017, Lisbonne, Portugal
Poster de conférence hal-03158357v1

Identification of mitochondrial ferredoxin partners from Arabidospis thaliana leaves

Eléna Hego , Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Thomas Roret , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier
18th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interaction in Plants, Jun 2016, Madrid, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03158345v1

Arabidopsis thaliana NFU proteins participate in the final steps of the maturation of mitochondrial iron-sulfur proteins

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , A.E. Mclean , T. Azam , Cyril Magno , Tiphaine Dhalleine
Gordon Research Conferences on Thiol-Based Redox Regulation & Signaling, Jul 2016, Barga, Italy
Poster de conférence hal-02951566v1

Towards the function of the chloroplastic Arabidopsis thaliana glutaredoxin S16

Flavien Zannini , Carlos Maria , Gemma Belli , Enrique Herrero , Jérémy Couturier
3rd meeting of the study group redox biology of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Jul 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03158354v1

Nfu2 and Nfu3 act with HCF101 to transfer 4Fe- 4S clusters to PSI

Brigitte Touraine , Cyril Magno , Patrice Rey , Hui-Chen Wu , Jérémy Couturier
XVIII International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, May 2016, Madrid, Spain. , 2016
Poster de conférence hal-01595222v1

Structural characterization of BolA-metal complexes through Sinorhizobium meliloti YrbA

Thomas Roret , Jérémy Couturier , Jean-Michel Girardet , Claude Didierjean , Nicolas Rouhier
Congrès de l’Association Française de Cristallographie (AFC), Jul 2016, Marseille, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158348v1

Mitochondrial Arabidopsis thaliana NFU transfer proteins: cooperation with ISCA proteins to deliver [4Fe-4S] cluster to specific apo-targets

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Marta A. Uzarska , Cyril Magno , Ulrich Muhlenhoff , Florence Vignols
XVIII International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, May 2016, Madrid, Spain. 2016
Poster de conférence hal-01595219v1

Diverse structural forms involving BolA proteins

Thomas Roret , Pascale Tsan , Jérémy Couturier , Bo Zhang , Michael K. Johnson
Mosbacher Kolloquium - Metals in Biology: Cellular functions and diseases, Mar 2015, Mosbach, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03158306v1

Exploring the functions and partners of mitochondrial ISCA transfer proteins from A. thaliana

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Ulrich Mühlenhoff , Cyril Magno , Frédéric Gaymard
IUBMB Symposium FeS 2015 - Iron Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis and Regulation, Jun 2015, Bergamo, Italy
Poster de conférence hal-03158314v1

Exploring the functions and partners of mitochondrial ISCA transfer proteins from A. thaliana

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Tiphaine Dhalleine , Ulrich Mühlenhoff , Cyril Magno , Frederic Gaymard
Mosbacher Kolloquium - Metals in Biology: Cellular functions and diseases, Mar 2015, Mosbach, Germany
Poster de conférence hal-03158301v1

Deciphering the functions and partners of mitochondrial ferredoxins from Arabidopsis thaliana

Jonathan Przybyla-Toscano , Thomas Roret , Jérémy Couturier , Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Nicolas Rouhier
Chemistry & Biology of Iron-Sulfur Clusters 6th International IMBG Meeting & Advanced Courses, Sep 2015, Villard de Lans, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158320v1

Arabidopsis thaliana plastidial Nfu2 and Nfu3 are required for the maturation of [4Fe-4S] clusters into photosystem

Brigitte Touraine , H. Gao , H.C. Wu , Jérémy Couturier , Saravanan Subramanian
7th International Conference on the Biogenesis of Iron Sulphur Proteins, May 2013, Columbia, United States. 2013
Poster de conférence hal-01594163v1

Arabidopsis thaliana plastidial Nfu2 and Nfu3 are required for the maturation of [4Fe-4S] clusters into photosystem I

Brigitte Touraine , Huanyao Gao , Hui-Chen Wu , Jérémy Couturier , S Subramian
7th International Conference on Iron-Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis and Regulation, May 2013, South Carolina, United States
Poster de conférence hal-03158292v1

NMR study of Arabidopsis thaliana BolA2 : structure, dynamics and interaction with glutaredoxins

Thomas Roret , Pascale Tsan , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier , Claude Didierjean
Euromar Magnetic Resonance Conference, Jun 2013, Hersonissos, Greece
Poster de conférence hal-04482665v1

Clusters fer-soufre : rôle des glutarédoxines dans la machinerie

Thomas Roret , Pascale Tsan , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier , Claude Didierjean
GTBio, Apr 2012, Montpellier, France
Poster de conférence hal-04482628v1

Roles of glutaredoxins in iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis and intracellular iron sensing in plants

Jérémy Couturier , Hui-Chen Wu , Thomas Roret , Tiphaine Lamant , C. Didierjean
5th International Meeting and Second Advanced Courses of the IMBG: Metals Homeostasis, Sep 2012, Autrans, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158283v1

Peroxide detoxification systems in poplar

Jean-Pierre Jacquot , Benjamin B. Selles , Jérémy Couturier , Kamel Chibani , Nicolas Rouhier
Plant Abiotic Stress tolerance II. Section Plant Response to Oxidative Stress, Feb 2012, Vienna, Austria
Poster de conférence hal-03158255v1

NMR study of Arabidopsis thaliana BolA2 : structure, dynamics and interaction with glutaredoxins

Thomas Roret , Pascale Tsan , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier , Claude Didierjean
XXVth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Aug 2012, Lyon, France
Poster de conférence hal-04482637v1

Study of Arabidopsis thaliana BolA2 : Structure, Dynamics and Interaction with Glutaredoxins

Thomas Roret , Pascale Tsan , Jérémy Couturier , Nicolas Rouhier , C. Didierjean
XXVth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Aug 2012, Lyon, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158262v1

Structure/function analysis of plant BolAs, deciphering their interaction with glutaredoxins

Jérémy Couturier , Pascale Tsan , Damien Sudre , Hui-Chen Wu , Tiphaine Lamant
Biogenesis of iron sulphur proteins and regulatory functions, Aug 2011, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Poster de conférence hal-03158225v1

Structural and functional characterization of a plastidial poplar glutaredoxin with an atypical WCSYS active site

Jérémy Couturier , Cha San Koh , Mirko Zaffagnini , Alison Winger , Jose-Manuel Gualberto
36ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs de la Société Française de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire, Aug 2009, Nancy, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158204v1

Structural and functional characterization of a plastidial poplar glutaredoxin with an atypical WCSYS active site

Jérémy Couturier , Cha San Koh , Mirko Zaffagnini , Alison Winger , Jose-Manuel Gualberto
Gordon Research Conferences : Thio-Based Redox Regulation & Signalling, May 2008, Barga, Italy
Poster de conférence hal-03158003v1

Structural and functional characterization of a plastidial poplar glutaredoxin with an atypical WCSYS active site

Jérémy Couturier , Cha San Koh , Mirko Zaffagnini , Alison Winger , Jose-Manuel Gualberto
Glutathione International Symposium: Glutathione and related thiols in microorganisms and plants, Aug 2008, Nancy, France
Poster de conférence hal-03158072v1

Nitrogen autumnal remobilization in poplar : roles of arginine and cationic amino acid transporters

Jérémy Couturier , Frédéric Guinet , Aude Migeon , Damien Blaudez , Michel M. Chalot
10èmes Journées du Groupe de Biologie Moléculaire des Ligneux, May 2008, Nancy, France
Poster de conférence hal-03157985v1

The expanded family of ammonium transporters in the perennial poplar plant

Jérémy Couturier , Barbara Montanini , Francis Martin , Annick Brun , Damien Blaudez
XIV International Workshop Plant Membrane Biology, Jun 2007, Valencia, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-03157973v1