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Methods for a Quantitative Comparison of and Posture Control Over a Wide Range of Herbaceous and Woody SpeciesElison B. Blancaflor. Plant Gravitropism, 2368, Springer US, pp.117-131, 2021, Methods in Molecular Biology, 978-1-0716-1677-2. ⟨10.1007/978-1-0716-1677-2_9⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Integrative Mechanobiology of Growth and Architectural Development in Changing Mechanical EnvironmentsPrzemyslaw Wojtaszek. Mechanical Integration of Plant Cells and Plants, 9, Springer, pp.269-302, 2011, Signaling and Communication in Plants, 978-3-642-19090-2. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-19091-9_11⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Des arbres qui tiennent debout longtemps dans un environnement de plus en plus fluctuantL'environnement : un pôle de compétences en Auvergne, Alliance Universitaire d'Auvergne, 2009, ISSN 035-1008
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Postural control in Arabidopsis: Proprioception and Actin dynamics contribute to stem straightening responsesPlant Molecular Biology: Plant Communication: Understanding Signal Creation, Transmission, and Perception in Plant Systems,, Gordon Research Conference, Jun 2024, Holderness, United States
Communication dans un congrès
Plant posture in space: proprioception as a new player in gravitational biology28th-European Low gravity research Association-Biennial Symposium & general Assembly, ELGRA, Sep 2024, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès
Actin filaments reorganization during auto-straightening in ArabidopsisEMBO/COB Workshop hybrid meeting, Plant tropisms, Jul 2024, Okazaki, Japan
Communication dans un congrès
Interekt (INTERactive Exploration of Kinematics and Tropisms) : logiciel dédié au phénotypage semi-automatique de la croissance et/ou des mouvements tropiques d'organes de plantes1eres rencontres du réseau Rhizophiles-INRAE, INRAE, Nov 2024, Dijon, France
Communication dans un congrès
Growing Straight : Evidences of active proprioceptive control in plantsPhysics and Biology of Plant Growth, Yasmine Meroz; Eran Sharon, Jan 2023, Eing Gedi, Israel
Communication dans un congrès
A novel kinematic method for quantifying gravitropic and proprioceptive sensitivities illustrated on Arabidopsis wild type and IX myosin mutants10th International Plant Biomechanics Conference, Aug 2022, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès
Involvement of a Wall Associated Kinase after gravistimulation in poplar stems8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference, Nov 2015, Nagoya, Japan. 1 p
Communication dans un congrès
Strategy for infering gene regulatory network from kinetic expression with unfavorable data-to-variables ratio.Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique & Mathématiques, Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I (UdA). Clermont-Ferrand, FRA., Jul 2015, Clermont-Fd, France. 1 p
Communication dans un congrès
Molecular characterization of the sucrose transporter HbSUT6 in relation with rubber production in laticiferous cellsInternational Rubber Resarch Development Board Congress (IRRDB), International Rubber Resarch Development Board IRRDB., Oct 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Communication dans un congrès
Actin filaments reorganization in response to auto-straighteningEMBO/COB Workshop Plant Tropisms, Jul 2024, Okazaki, Japan
Poster de conférence
Actin dynamics contribute to stem straightening responsesPlant Molecular Biology: Plant Communication: Understanding Signal Creation, Transmission, and Perception in Plant Systems, Jun 2024, Holderness, United States
Poster de conférence
Do Arabidopsis inflorescences twist in Space?28th-European Low gravity research Association-Biennial Symposium & general Assembly, ELGRA, Sep 2024, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Poster de conférence
Does the primary eATP receptor P2K1 mediate responses to the physical strength of medium in Arabidopsis roots through calcium signalling ?10th International Plant Biomechanics Conference, Aug 2022, Lyon, France. , 2022, 10th International Plant Biomechanics Conference- Book of Abstracts
Poster de conférence
Acclimation of Populus to wind: kinetic of the transcriptomic response to single or repeated stem bendingIUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference, May 2016, Arcachon, France. IUFRO, 1 p., 2016
Poster de conférence
Involvement of a Wall Associated Kinase after gravistrimulation in poplar stems8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference, Nov 2015, Nagoya, Japan. , Proceedings of the Plant Biomechanics Conference, 253 p., 2015, Plant Biomechanics International Conference
Poster de conférence
Secondary growth regulation by strains induced by wind: from stem structure to gene expression8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference, Nov 2015, Nagoya, Japan. Nagoya University, Proceedings of the Plant Biomechanics Conference, 253 p., 2015, Plant Biomechanics International Conference
Poster de conférence
Could thioredoxin h be involved in early response to gravitropic stimulation of poplar stems?International Symposium on Wood Structure in Plant Biology and Ecology, Apr 2013, Naples, Italy. 2013
Poster de conférence
Optimisation des protocoles de détection par amplification génique (PCR) de deux trichovirus (GVA et GVB) responsables de la maladie du bois strié de la vigne[Stage] Biologie appliquée. Institut Universitaire de technologie (IUT), Colmar, FRA. 1997, 18 p