Antibiofilm Activity of Invasive Plants against Candida albicans: Focus on Baccharis halimifolia Essential Oil and Its Compounds
Sufi Desrini
Julien Ducloux
Guillaume Hamion
Charles Bodet
Jérome Labanowski
Journal articles
Life in an unsuspected antibiotics world: River biofilms
Olha Matviichuk
Leslie Mondamert
Claude Geffroy
Christophe Dagot
Jérôme Labanowski
Journal articles
Temporal evolution of organochlorine and organophosphate pesticide residues in wells in the Akkar Region (Lebanon)
Roukaya Al Haj Ishak Al Ali
Leslie Mondamert
Jalal Halwani
Joelle Jandry
Nadine Nassif
Journal articles
Application of QSAR Approach to Assess the Effects of Organic Pollutants on Bacterial Virulence Factors
Roukaya Al Haj Ishak Al Ali
Leslie Mondamert
Jean-Marc Berjeaud
Joelle Jandry
Alexandre Crépin
Journal articles
Evidence of Bacterial Community Coalescence between Freshwater and Discharged tpm-Harboring Bacterial Taxa from Hospital and Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants among Epilithic Biofilms
Rayan Bouchali
Laurence Marjolet
Leslie Mondamert
Teofana Chonova
Sébastien Ribun
Journal articles
River Biofilms Microbiome and Resistome Responses to Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents Containing Antibiotics
Olha Matviichuk
Leslie Mondamert
Claude Geffroy
Margaux Gaschet
Christophe Dagot
Journal articles
Environmental contamination in a high-income country (France) by antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistance genes: Status and possible causes
Marisa Haenni
Christophe Dagot
Olivier Chesneau
Delphine Bibbal
Jérôme Labanowski
Journal articles
SIPIBEL observatory: Data on usual pollutants (solids, organic matter, nutrients, ions) and micropollutants (pharmaceuticals, surfactants, metals), biological and ecotoxicity indicators in hospital and urban wastewater, in treated effluent and sludge from wastewater treatment plant, and in surface and groundwater
Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski
Rémy Bournique
Vivien Lecomte
Noémie Pernin
Laure Wiest
Journal articles
Pharmaceutical compounds removal efficiency by a small constructed wetland located in south Brazil
Jocelina Paranhos Rosa de Vargas
Marília Camotti Bastos
Maha Al Badany
Rolando Gonzalez
Delmira Wolff
Journal articles
Organic composition of epilithic biofilms from agricultural and urban watershed in south Brazil
Gracieli Fernandes
Marilia Camotti Bastos
Leslie Mondamert
Jérôme Labanowski
Robert Alan Burrow
Journal articles
Occurrence of carbamazepine, diclofenac, and their related metabolites and transformation products in a French aquatic environment and preliminary risk assessment
Hiba Zind
Leslie Mondamert
Quentin Blancart-Remaury
Alexis Cleon
Nathalie Karpel Vel Leitner
Journal articles
Etude de la matière organique réfractaire à la coagulation-floculation et à son procédé alternatif, l'électrocoagulation, lors du traitement d'un lixiviat stabilisé
J. Labanowski
G. Feuillade
Journal articles
Aqueous alteration and bioalteration of a synthetic enstatite chondrite
Caroline Avril
Valérie Malavergne
Eric D. van Hullebusch
Fabrice Brunet
Stephan Borensztajn
Journal articles
One-step purification/extraction method to access glyphosate, glufosinate, and their metabolites in natural waters
Cam Tu Vu
Phuong Thu Le
Dinh Binh Chu
van Hoi Bui
Thi Lan Anh Phung
Journal articles
Hydrogeology of a Complex Aquifer System in Semi-Arid Mountainous Region: The Eastern Upper Guir Basin in the High Atlas (Morocco)
Fatima Abdelfadel
Mohamed Hilali
Claude Fontaine
Abderrazak El Albani
Abderahman Mahboub
Journal articles
“Modern agriculture” transfers many pesticides to watercourses: a case study of a representative rural catchment of southern Brazil
José Augusto Monteiro de Castro Lima
Jérôme Labanowski
Marília Camotti Bastos
Renato Zanella
Osmar Damian Prestes
Journal articles
Pesticide bioaccumulation in epilithic biofilms as a biomarker of agricultural activities in a representative watershed
Danilo Rheinheimer dos Santos
José Augusto Monteiro de Castro Lima
Jocelina Paranhos Rosa de Vargas
Marilia Camotti Bastos
Maria Alice Santanna dos Santos
Journal articles
Phosphorus distribution after three decades of different soil management and cover crops in subtropical region
Danilo dos Santos Rheinheimer
Mayara Regina Fornari
Marília Camotti Bastos
Gracieli Fernandes
Maria Alice Santanna
Journal articles
Benthic Diatom Communities in an Alpine River Impacted by Waste Water Treatment Effluents as Revealed Using DNA Metabarcoding
Teofana Chonova
Rainer Kurmayer
Frédéric Rimet
Jérôme Labanowski
Valentin Vasselon
Journal articles
Indiscriminate use of glyphosate impregnates river epilithic biofilms in southern Brazil
Gracieli Fernandes
Virginia Carolina Aparicio
Marília Camotti Bastos
Eduardo de Gerónimo
Jérôme Labanowski
Journal articles
SIPIBEL : un site pilote pour l’étude des effluents hospitaliers et urbains. Les grands enseignements après cinq ans de suivi et de recherche
Vivien Lecomte
Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski
Agnes Bouchez
Benoit Cournoyer
Christophe Dagot
Journal articles
Le programme « Identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels » : Bilan au sein du Parc naturel régional du Morvan
Estelle Camizuli
Fabrice Monna
Paul Alibert
Pauline Beis
Alain A. Bermond
Cahiers scientifiques du Parc naturel régional du Morvan, 2018, 12 (12), pp.90-102
Journal articles
Antibiotics and microbial resistance in Brazilian soils under manure application
Marilia Camotti Bastos
Danilo Rheinheimer dos Santos
Elodie Aubertheau
José Augusto Monteiro de Castro Lima
Thibaut Le Guet
Journal articles
Unusual microbial mat-related structural diversity 2.1 billion years ago and implications for the Francevillian biota
Jérémie Aubineau
Abderrazak El Albani
Ernest Chi Fru
Murray K. Gingras
Yann Batonneau
Journal articles
River biofilm community changes related to pharmaceutical loads emitted by a wastewater treatment plant
Teofana Chonova
Jérôme Labanowski
Benoit Cournoyer
Cècile Chardon
François Keck
Journal articles
Adsorption and transformation of the anthelmintic drug niclosamide by manganese oxide
Thai Ha Tran
Jérôme Labanowski
Hervé Gallard
Journal articles
The SIPIBEL project: treatment of hospital and urban wastewater in a conventional urban wastewater treatment plant.
Teofana Chonova
Vivien Lecomte
Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski
Agnes Bouchez
Jérôme Labanowski
Journal articles
Sorption of selected pharmaceuticals by a river sediment: role and mechanisms of sediment or Aldrich humic substances
Thibaut Le Guet
Ilham Hsini
Jérôme Labanowski
Leslie Mondamert
Journal articles
Soil Processes, Pedofeatures and Microscale Metal Distributions: Relevant Study of Contaminant-Dynamics Calls for Pedology-Based Soil-Depth Sampling Strategies
Folkert van Oort
Eddy Foy
Jérôme Labanowski
Sophie Leguédois
Toine Jongmans
Journal articles
Presence of Anthropogenic Markers in Water: A Case Study of the Guaporé River Watershed, Brazil
Marilia Camotti Bastos
Danilo Rheinheimer dos Santos
José Monteiro de Castro Lima
Thibaut Le Guet
Maria Santanna dos Santos
Journal articles
Impact of wastewater treatment plant discharge on the contamination of river biofilms by pharmaceuticals and antibiotic resistance
Elodie Aubertheau
Thibault Stalder
Leslie Mondamert
Marie-Cécile Ploy
Christophe Dagot
Journal articles
Tracing Sediment Sources Using Mid-infrared Spectroscopy in Arvorezinha Catchment, Southern Brazil
Tales Tiecher
Laurent Caner
Jean Paolo Gomes Minella
O. Evrard
Leslie Mondamert
Journal articles
La persistance environnementale de médicaments
Jérôme Labanowski
Les cahiers de la Recherche : Santé, Environnement, Travail, 2016, Regards sur 10 ans de recherche, le PNR EST de 2006 à 2015, 8, pp.126-127
Journal articles
Iron Availability Modulates the Persistence of Legionella pneumophila in Complex Biofilms.
Emilie Portier
Joanne Bertaux
Jérôme Labanowski
Yann Hechard
Journal articles
Rejets d'effluents hospitaliers : évaluation de la persistance environnementale des médicaments et des bactéries pathogènes: La démarche du projet Persist-Env
J. Labanowski
E. Laurent
T. Chonova
Agnes Bouchez
B. Cournoyer
Journal articles
Pilot for Validation of Online Pretreatments for Analyses of Organics by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: Application to Space Research
M. David
Ny Musadji
J. Labanowski
R. Sternberger
C. Geffroy-Rodier
Journal articles
Separate treatment of hospital and urban wastewaters: A real scale comparison of effluents and their effect on microbial communities
Teofana Chonova
François Keck
Jérôme Labanowski
Bernard Montuelle
Frédéric Rimet
Journal articles
Transformation of the Β-Triketone Pesticides Tembotrione and Sulcotrione by Reactions with Ozone: Kinetic Study, Transformation Products, Toxicity and Biodegradability
Alice Tawk
Marie Deborde
Jérôme Labanowski
Sébastien Thibaudeau
Hervé Gallard
Journal articles
Mineralogy and metals speciation in Mo rich mineral sludges generated at a metal recycling plant
M. Vemic
François Bordas
Gilles Guibaud
Emmanuel Joussein
J. Labanowski
Journal articles
Chlorination of the beta-triketone herbicides tembotrione and sulcotrione: Kinetic and mechanistic study, transformation products identification and toxicity
Alice Tawk
Marie Deborde
Jérôme Labanowski
Herve Gallard
Journal articles
Activity of Six Essential Oils Extracted from Tunisian Plants against Legionella pneumophila
Naouel Chaftar
Marion Girardot
Nathalie Quellard
Jérôme Labanowski
Tawfik Ghrairi
Journal articles
Bio-alteration of metallurgical wastes by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a semi flow-through reactor
Eric D. van Hullebusch
Nang-Htay Yin
Nicolas Seignez
Jérôme Labanowski
Arnaud Gauthier
Journal articles
Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of 19 essential oils.
Naouel Chaftar
Marion Girardot
Jérôme Labanowski
Tawfik Ghrairi
Khaled Hani
Journal articles
Storage and source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments downstream of a major coal district in France
Olivia Bertrand
L. Mondamert
Cécile Grosbois
Elie Dhivert
Xavier Bourrain
Journal articles
Impact des anciens sites miniers et métallurgiques sur les ecosystemes actuels -synthèse des principaux résultats
Estelle Camizuli
Fabrice Monna
Paul Alibert
Pauline Beis
Alain Bermond
Journal articles
Investigation on the iron-uptake by natural biofilms
C. Julien
E. Laurent
B. Legube
J.-H Thomassin,
L. Mondamert
Journal articles
Impact of historical mining assessed in soils by kinetic extraction and lead isotopic ratios.
Estelle Camizuli
Fabrice Monna
A. Bermond
N. Manouchehri
S. Besançon
Journal articles
Bioweathering of lead blast furnace metallurgical slags by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Nang Htay Yin
Yann Sivry
Caroline Avril
Stephan Borensztajn
Jérôme Labanowski
Journal articles
La persistance environnementale de médicaments
Jérôme Labanowski
Elodie Laurent
Leslie Mondamert
Les cahiers de la Recherche : Santé, Environnement, Travail, 2013, Les multi-résistances, 3, pp.40-41
Journal articles
Impact of effluent organic matter on low-pressure membrane fouling in tertiary treatment
Chrystelle Ayache
M. Pidoux
Jean-Philippe Croué
J. Labanowski
Y. Poussade
Journal articles
Prospective modelling with Hydrus-2D of 50 years Zn and Pb movement in low and moderately metal contaminated agricultural soils
Danilo D. Rheinheimer dos Santos
Philippe P. Cambier
Fabio Joel Kochem F. J. K. Mallmann
Jérôme Labanowski
Isabelle Lamy
Journal articles
The role of saliva in the persistence ofStreptococcus gordoniiin water
Damien Costa
Vanessa Barbot
Claire Latappy
Jérôme Labanowski
Christine Imbert
European journal of water quality - Journal européen d'hydrologie, 2013, 44 (2), pp.113-121. ⟨10.1051/wqual/2014004⟩
Journal articles
Kinetic evolution of blistering in hydrogen-implanted silicon
C. Coupeau
G. Parry
Jérôme Colin
M.-L. David
J. Labanowski
Journal articles
Interaction of erythromycin ethylsuccinate and acetaminophen with protein fraction of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from various bacterial aggregates
R. Metivier
Isabelle Bourven
Jérôme Labanowski
Gilles Guibaud
Journal articles
Autopsy of RO desalination membrane: Part 2. Chemical characterisation of the foulant
Leslie Mondamert
Jérôme Labanowski
Berjeaud Jean-Marc
S. Rapenne
Jean-Philippe Croué
Journal articles
Using a two site-reactive model for simulating one century changes of Zn and Pb concentration profiles in soils affected by metallurgical fallout
F. Mallmann
F.R. dos Santos
P. Cambier
J. Labanowski
I. Lamy
Journal articles
Understanding the fouling of UF/MF hollow fibres of biologically treated wastewaters using advanced EfOM characterization and statistical tools
E. Filloux
J. Labanowski
Jean-Philippe Croué
Journal articles
Le projet "identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels"
Pauline Beis
Paul Alibert
Alain Bermond
Benjamin Bohard
Estelle Camizuli
Bourgogne Nature, 2011, 13, p. 37-41
Journal articles
Electro-Fenton removal of TNT: Evidences of the electro-chemical reduction contribution
K. Ayoub
Sylvie Nélieu
Eric D. van Hullebusch
J. Labanowski
Isabelle Schmitz-Afonso
Journal articles
Dissolved organic matter: Precautions for the study of hydrophilic substances using XAD resins
Jérôme Labanowski
Geneviève Feuillade-Cathalifaud
Journal articles
Fatty acid composition modulates sensitivity of Legionella pneumophila to warnericin RK, an antimicrobial peptide.
Julien Verdon
Jérôme Labanowski
Tobias Sahr
Thierry Ferreira
Christian Lacombe
Journal articles
Study of organic matter during coagulation and electrocoagulation processes: Application to a stabilized landfill leachate
Jérôme Labanowski
Virginie Pallier
Geneviève Feuillade-Cathalifaud
Journal articles
Fate of airborne metal pollution in soils as related to agricultural management: 2. Assessing the role of biological activity in micro-scale Zn and Pb distributions in A, B and C horizons
Christelle Fernandez
Jérôme Labanowski
Toine Jongmans
Alain Bermond
Philippe Cambier
Journal articles
Assessment of Zn bioavailability: XAFS study on speciation of zinc-particulate organic matter associations in polluted soils
M. Harfouchee
J. Labanowski
F. Farges
E. van Hullebusch
C. Borca
Journal articles
Combination of biodegradable organic matter quantification and XAD-fractionation as effective working parameter for the study of biodegradability in environmental and anthropic samples.
Jérôme Labanowski
Geneviève Feuillade-Cathalifaud
Journal articles
Kinetic extractions to assess mobilization of Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd in a metal-contaminated soil: EDTA vs. citrate.
Jérôme Labanowski
Fabrice Monna
Alain Bermond
Philippe Cambier
Christelle Fernandez
Journal articles
Anthropogenic lead distribution in soils under arable land and permanent grassland estimated by Pb isotopic compositions
Christelle Fernandez
Fabrice Monna
Jérôme Labanowski
Michel Loubet
Folkert F. van Oort
Journal articles
Fate of Metals Associated with Particulate Organic Matter in Soils: Unravelling Abiotic versus Biotic Processes
Isabelle Lamy
Julien Sebastia
Jérôme Labanowski
Folkert F. van Oort
Journal articles
Fate of airborne metal pollution in soils as related to agricultural management. 1. Zn and Pb distributions in soil profiles
Christelle Fernandez
Jérôme Labanowski
Philippe P. Cambier
Antonius Jongmans
Folkert F. van Oort
Journal articles
Devenir des polluants métalliques dans les sols : révélateur d'impacts de l'activité humaine sur la pédogénèse?
Folkert F. van Oort
Jérôme Labanowski
Antonius G. Jongmans
Médard Thiry
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2007, 14 (4), pp.287-303
Journal articles
Changes in soil organic matter chemical properties after organic amendments
Julien Sebastia
Jérôme Labanowski
Isabelle Lamy
Journal articles
Fate of metal-associated POM in a soil under arable land use contaminated by metallurgical fallout in northern France.
Jérôme Labanowski
Julien Sebastia
Eddy Foy
Toine Jongmans
Isabelle Lamy
Journal articles
Devenir des polluants métalliques dans les sols : révélateur d'impacts de l'activité humaine sur la pédogenèse?
Fok van Oort
J. Labanowski
T. Jongmans
Médard Thiry
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2007, 14 (4), pp.287-303
Journal articles