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Joël Léonard
Researcher identifiers
- ResearcherId : K-8590-2015
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=C-D8_48AAAAJ&hl=fr
- IdRef : 089427548
- ResearcherId : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/K-8590-2015
Personal details
Permanent research scientist at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment)
INRAE, BioEcoAgro Joint Research Unit
Pôle du Griffon, 180 rue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 02000 Barenton-Bugny, France
Sex Male | Date of birth 06/04/1971 | Nationality French
In the recent years my research activities focused on N2O emissions of alternative cropping systems as a function of agricultural practices and their modelling, leading for example the ADEME EFEMAIR project on that subject. I am also in charge of the development of the N2O emission module in the STICS model and I contributed with this model to an international model intercomparison exercise on N2O emissions and mitigation options simulation (Global Research Alliance on greenhouse gases, project FACCE-JPI CN-MIP). I also leaded a comprehensive evaluation study of the STICS model which was original both in the range of criteria used (accuracy, robustness, qualitative behaviour) and because it avoided any specific calibration before simulation to emulate model use by end users. Finally I am also in charge of an ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observatory System) station for arable crops which was recently labelled at the European level.
**2000** PhD thesis, university Paris 6, speciality: “hydrology, hydrogeology, geostatistics and geochemistry”.
**1994** MSc in hydrology, University Montpellier 2.
**1992** BSc in physical geography.
Professional experience
**Current**: Permanent research scientist at INRAE (since 2001), department AgroEcoSystem, research unit BioEcoAgro (of which I am deputy director). I formerly headed the AgroImpact unit, from 2013 to 2019.
*Main research activities*: runoff and soil erosion before 2006, soil structure evolution and modelling from 2006 to 2008, N2O emissions from arable cropping systems and their modelling, influence of management options, since 2009.
**1997-2000**: PhD student at IRD (french research institute for the development), Bondy, France, and University Paris 6, under the supervision of Dr E. Perrier and Pr G. de Marsily.
*Research topic*: quantification and modelling of the influence of macropores created by termites on water infiltration and runoff.
**1996-1997**: Contractual researcher position at IRD (Niamey, Niger), under the supervision of Dr J.L. Rajot.
*Research topic*: influence of mulching of bare crusted Sahelian soils on runoff and infiltration.
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Stics Soil Crop Model. Conceptual Framework, Equations and UsesEditions Quae, 516 p., 2023, 978-2-7592-3678-7
Chapter 12. Carbon and nitrogen transformations in soil and balancesNicolas Beaudoin; Patrice Lecharpentier; Dominique Ripoche-Wachter; Loïc Strullu; Bruno Mary; Joël Léonard; Marie Launay; Eric Justes. Stics Soil Crop Model. Conceptual framework, equations and uses, éditions QUAE, pp.233-262, 2023
Book sections
Chapter 10. Transfers in soil: water, nitrate and heat fluxesNicolas Beaudoin; Patrice Lecharpentier; Dominique Ripoche-Wachter; Loïc Strullu; Bruno Mary; Joël Léonard; Marie Launay; Eric Justes. Stics Soil Crop Model. Conceptual framework, equations and uses, éditions QUAE, pp.201-213, 2023
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The Seine watershed water-agro-food system: long-term trajectories of C, N, P metabolismFlipo N.; Labadie P.; Lestel L. The Seine River basin, Springer, 2020, Handbook of environmental chemistry, ⟨10.1007/698_2019_393⟩
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Modélisation du fonctionnement des agroécosystèmes : l'épopée SticsRichard Guy (ed.), Stengel Pierre (ed.), Lemaire Gilles (ed.), Cellier Pierre (ed.), Valceschini Egizio (ed.). Une agronomie pour le XXIe siècle, Editions Quce, 2018, 978-2-7592-2937-6
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L'érosion, un acteur majeur de la dégradation des sols et de l'environnementLe dossier SOL, Editions Quae, 184 p., 2009, INRA Mensuel. Les Dossiers
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Nitrification, denitrification and N2O emissions in STICS2016
Preprints, Working Papers, ...