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Johan Debayle

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Academic Position ----------------- - **Professor** at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Saint-Etienne (MINES Saint-Etienne), France - **Head of the Department PMMG** of the Centre SPIN, ARMINES / MINES Saint-Etienne. - **Head of the Department PMDM** of the Laboratory LGF, UMR CNRS 5307. - **Deputy Director** of the MORPHEA CNRS GDR 2021 Research Group - **Associate Editor** for Image Analysis and Stereology (IAS), ISSIA. - **Associate Editor** for Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI), SPIE. - **Associate Editor** for Pattern Analysis and Applications (PAA), Springer. - **Vice-President Membership** for the IEEE France Section. - **Head of the Master of Science** in Mathematical Imaging and Spatial Pattern Analysis (MISPA) at the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France.


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Characterization of the Algal Colonization of Mortar Surfaces Using Image Analysis

Juliette Hortemel , Sara Zaghloul , Alexandre Govin , Johan Debayle
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2024, 43 (2), pp.159 - 166. ⟨10.5566/ias.3165⟩
Journal articles emse-04651900v1
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Enhancing EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using Asymmetric Windowing Recurrence Plots

Dwi Wahyu Prabowo , Noor Akhmad Setiawan , Johan Debayle , Hanung Adi Nugroho
IEEE Access, 2024, 12, pp.85969 - 85982. ⟨10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3409384⟩
Journal articles emse-04652891v1
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A stochastic model based on Gaussian random fields to characterize the morphology of granular objects

Léo Théodon , Carole Coufort-Saudejaud , Johan Debayle
Pattern Recognition, 2024, 149, pp.110255. ⟨10.1016/j.patcog.2024.110255⟩
Journal articles emse-04385637v1
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Monitoring of industrial crystallization processes through image sequence segmentation and characterization

Saïd Rahmani , Roger de Souza Lima , Eric Serris , Ana Cameirão , Johan Debayle
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2024, 33 (3), pp.031211. ⟨10.1117/1.JEI.33.3.031211⟩
Journal articles emse-04633551v1
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VOX-STORM: A stochastic 3D model based on a dual voxel-mesh architecture for the morphological characterization of aggregates

Léo Théodon , Johan Debayle , Carole Coufort-Saudejaud
Powder Technology, 2024, 444, pp.119983. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2024.119983⟩
Journal articles emse-04613959v1

A systematic literature review of emotion recognition using EEG signals

Dwi Wahyu Prabowo , Hanung Adi Nugroho , Noor Akhmad Setiawan , Johan Debayle
Cognitive Systems Research, 2023, 82, pp.101152. ⟨10.1016/j.cogsys.2023.101152⟩
Journal articles emse-04185401v1
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Retrieving mean volumetric properties of multiphase flows from 2D images: A new approach combining deep learning algorithms and 3D modelling

Kassem Dia , Fabrice Lamadie , Johan Debayle
Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 279, pp.118933. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2023.118933⟩
Journal articles emse-04245777v1
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GRAPE : A stochastic geometrical 3d model for aggregates of particles with tunable 2d morphological projected properties

Léo Théodon , Carole Coufort-Saudejaud , Johan Debayle
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2023, 42, pp.1 à 16. ⟨10.5566/ias.2875⟩
Journal articles emse-04052792v1

Completed homogeneous LBP for remote sensing image classification

Ibtissam Al Saidi , Mohammed Rziza , Johan Debayle
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023, 44 (3815 à 3836), pp.12. ⟨10.1080/01431161.2023.2227320⟩
Journal articles emse-04163290v1
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Morphological characterization of aggregates and agglomerates by image analysis: A systematic literature review

Léo Théodon , Johan Debayle , Carole Coufort-Saudejaud
Powder Technology, 2023, 430, pp.119033. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2023.119033⟩
Journal articles emse-04228871v1
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Prediction of crack nucleation and propagation in porous ceramics using the phase-field approach

A. Abaza , Jérôme Laurencin , A. Nakajo , Sylvain Meille , Johan Debayle
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 119, pp.103349. ⟨10.1016/j.tafmec.2022.103349⟩
Journal articles hal-03681038v2
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A New LBP Variant: Corner Rhombus Shape LBP (CRSLBP)

Ibtissam Al Saidi , Mohammed Rziza , Johan Debayle
Journal of Imaging, 2022, 8 (7), pp.200. ⟨10.3390/jimaging8070200⟩
Journal articles emse-03757750v1

Segmentation and morphological analysis of wear track/particles images using machine learning

Alizée Bouchot , Amandine Ferrieux , Guilhem Mollon , Sylvie Descartes , Johan Debayle
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2022, pp.051605. ⟨10.1117/1.JEI.31.5.051605⟩
Journal articles emse-03727257v1
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A stochastic geometrical 3D model for time evolution simulation of microstructures in SOC-electrodes

Léo Théodon , Jérôme Laurencin , Maxime Hubert , Peter Cloetens , Johan Debayle
Computational Materials Science, 2022, 212, pp.111568. ⟨10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111568⟩
Journal articles hal-03699939v1
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Image processing applied to tribological dry contact analysis

Alizée Bouchot , Amandine Ferrieux , Johan Debayle , Guilhem Mollon , Sylvie Descartes
Wear, 2022, 476, pp.203748. ⟨10.1016/j.wear.2021.203748⟩
Journal articles emse-03227664v1

Ultrasound object detection using morphological region-based active contour: an application system

Anan Nugroho , Risanuri Hidayat , Hanung Adi Nugroho , Johan Debayle
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2021, 29 (4), ⟨10.1504/IJIL.2021.115497⟩
Journal articles emse-03126952v1
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A novel texture descriptor: circular parts local binary pattern

Ibtissam Al Saidi , Mohammed Rziza , Johan Debayle
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2021, 40 (2), pp.105 à 114. ⟨10.5566/ias.2580⟩
Journal articles emse-03299828v1
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Local Measures Distribution for the Estimation of the Elongation Ratio of the Typical Grain in Homogeneous Boolean Models

Tatyana Eremina , Johan Debayle , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2021, 40 (2), pp.95 à 103. ⟨10.5566/ias.2554⟩
Journal articles emse-03291388v1
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Estimating the Parameters of a Stochastic Geometrical Model for Multiphase Flow Images Using Local Measures

Léo Théodon , Tatyana Eremina , Kassem Dia , Fabrice Lamadie , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2021, 40, pp.115 à 125
Journal articles hal-03542487v1
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Bayesian inference of a parametric random ellipsoid from its orthogonal projections

Mathieu de Langlard , Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 2021, 23, pp.549 à 567. ⟨10.1007/s11009-020-09806-w⟩
Journal articles hal-02927445v1
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On the properties of some adaptive morphological filters for salt and pepper noise removal

Marisol Mares Javier , Carlos Guillén Galván , Rafael Lemuz Lopez , Johan Debayle
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2021, 40 (1), pp.29 à 38. ⟨10.5566/ias.2418⟩
Journal articles emse-03205492v1

Assessing Similarity of Random sets via Skeletons

Johan Debayle , Vesna Gotovac Ðogaš , Katerina Helisova , Jakub Staněk , Markéta Zikmundová
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 2020, 23 (2), pp.471à 490. ⟨10.1007/s11009-020-09785-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02524751v1
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Combinatorial active contour bilateral filterfor ultrasound image segmentation

Anan Nugroho , Risanuri Hidayat , Hanung Adi Nugroho , Johan Debayle
Journal of Medical Imaging, 2020, 75 (5), pp.057003. ⟨10.1117/1.JMI.7.5.057003⟩
Journal articles emse-02987290v1
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Particle-based model for functional and diffusion layers of solid oxide cells electrodes

Hamza Moussaoui , Johan Debayle , Yann Gavet , Peter Cloetens , Jérôme Laurencin
Powder Technology, 2020, 367, pp.67 à 81. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2020.03.040⟩
Journal articles hal-02520003v1
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Microstructural correlations for specific surface area and triple phase boundary length for composite electrodes of solid oxide cells

Hamza Moussaoui , R.K. Sharma , Johan Debayle , Yann Gavet , Gérard Delette
Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 412, pp.736-748. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.11.095⟩
Journal articles hal-01976886v1
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Geometrical and morphometrical tools for the inclusion analysis of metallic alloys

Johan Debayle
Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2019, 116 (5), pp.508. ⟨10.1051/metal/2019011⟩
Journal articles hal-02279921v1

Reaction Mechanism and Impact of Microstructure on Performances for the LSCF‐CGO Composite Electrode in Solid Oxide Cells

E. Effori , H. Moussaoui , F. Monaco , R. Sharma , J. Debayle
Journal articles hal-02157373v1
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Bag of recurrence patterns representation for time-series classification

Nima Hatami , Yann Gavet , Johan Debayle
Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2019, 22 (3), pp.877 à 887. ⟨10.1007/s10044-018-0703-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01774237v1

An efficiency improved recognition algorithm for highly overlapping ellipses: Application to dense bubbly flows

Mathieu de Langlard , Hania Al-Saddik , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle , Fabrice Lamadie
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018, 101, pp.88 à 95. ⟨10.1016/j.patrec.2017.11.024⟩
Journal articles hal-01684502v1
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Classification of Time-Series Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Nima Hatami , Yann Gavet , Johan Debayle
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2018, 10696, pp.UNSP 106960Y. ⟨10.1117/12.2309486⟩
Journal articles hal-01869027v1
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Stochastic geometrical modeling of solid oxide cells electrodes validated on 3D reconstructions

Hamza Moussaoui , Jérôme Laurencin , Yann Gavet , Gérard Delette , Maxime Hubert
Computational Materials Science, 2018, 143, pp.262-276. ⟨10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.11.015⟩
Journal articles hal-01655845v1
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A 3D stochastic model for geometrical characterization of particles in two-phase flow applications

Mathieu de Langlard , Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2018, 37 (3), pp.233 à 247. ⟨10.5566/ias.1942⟩
Journal articles hal-01949689v1
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Description of the symmetric convex random closed sets as zonotopes from their Feret diameters

Saïd Rahmani , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Johan Debayle
Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, 2017, 3 (4), pp.325 à 364. ⟨10.15559/16-VMSTA70⟩
Journal articles hal-01430287v1

Improved road centerlines extraction in high-resolution remote sensing images using shear transform, directional morphological filtering and enhanced broken lines connection

Ruyi Liu , Qiguang Miao , Bormin Huang , Jianfeng Song , Johan Debayle
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2016, 40 (Part A), pp.300 à 311. ⟨10.1016/j.jvcir.2016.06.024⟩
Journal articles hal-01346711v1
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Rigid Image Registration by General Adaptive Neighborhood Matching

Johan Debayle , Benoît Presles
Pattern Recognition, 2016, 55, pp.45-57. ⟨10.1016/j.patcog.2016.01.024⟩
Journal articles emse-01274011v1
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Texture descriptors based on adaptive neighborhoods for classification of pigmented skin lesions

Víctor González-Castro , Johan Debayle , Yanal Wazaefi , Mehdi Rahim , Caroline Gaudy-Marqueste
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2015, 24 (6), pp.061104. ⟨10.1117/1.JEI.24.6.061104⟩
Journal articles emse-01225076v1
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Dissimilarity criteria and their comparison for quantitative evaluation of image segmentation: application to human retina vessels

Yann Gavet , Mathieu Fernandes , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Machine Vision and Applications, 2014, 25 (8), pp.1953-1966. ⟨10.1007/s00138-014-0625-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01094137v1

Adaptive shape diagrams for multiscale morphometrical image analysis

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2014, 49 (1), pp.51-69. ⟨10.1007/s10851-013-0439-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01003567v1
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Color Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology and its application to pixel-level classification

Víctor González-Castro , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinolí
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2014, 47, pp.50 - 62. ⟨10.1016/j.patrec.2014.01.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01079559v1

An integrated method for urban main-road centerline extraction from optical remotely sensed imagery

Wenzhong Shi , Zelang Miao , Johan Debayle
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52 (6), pp.3359-3372. ⟨10.1109/TGRS.2013.2272593⟩
Journal articles hal-01094378v1
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Identification of the material parameters of soft tissues in the compressed leg.

Laura Dubuis , Stéphane Avril , Johan Debayle , Pierre Badel
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2012, 15 (1), pp.3-11. ⟨10.1080/10255842.2011.586945⟩
Journal articles hal-00682221v1

Approximation for the light scattering cross-section of optically hard aggregates

Marthe Lagarrigue , Sandra Jacquier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Frédéric Gruy
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2012, 113 (9), pp.704-714. ⟨10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.02.019⟩
Journal articles hal-00681207v1

Size and shape estimation of 3-D convex objects from their 2-D projections: application to crystallization processes

Benoît Presles , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Journal of Microscopy, 2012, 248 (2), pp.140-155. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2818.2012.03658.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00761553v1

Adaptive generalized metrics, distance maps and nearest neighbor transforms on gray tone images

Jean-Charles Pinoli , Johan Debayle
Pattern Recognition, 2012, 45 (7), pp.2758-2768. ⟨10.1016/j.patcog.2011.12.026⟩
Journal articles hal-00681769v1
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Recognizing overlapped particles during a crystallization process from in situ video images for measuring their size distributions

Ola Suleiman Ahmad , Johan Debayle , Nesrine Gherras , Benoît Presles , Gilles Févotte
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2012, 21 (2), pp.0211115. ⟨10.1117/1.JEI.21.2.021115⟩
Journal articles hal-00733252v1

Spatially and Intensity Adaptive Morphology

Jean-Charles Pinoli , Johan Debayle
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2012, 6 (7), pp.820-829. ⟨10.1109/JSTSP.2012.2214762⟩
Journal articles hal-00837826v1

General Adaptive Neighborhood-Based Pretopological Image Filtering

Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2011, 41 (3), pp.210-221. ⟨10.1007/s10851-011-0271-5⟩
Journal articles emse-00643414v1
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A geometric-based method for recognizing overlapping polygonal-shaped and semi-transparent particles in gray tone images

Ola Suleiman Ahmad , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011, 32 (15), pp.2068-2079. ⟨10.1016/j.patrec.2011.09.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00632468v1
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Shape diagrams for 2D compact sets - Part II: analytic simply connected sets.

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010, 7 (2), Article 4, pp. 1-21
Journal articles hal-00550950v1
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Novel image analysis method for in situ monitoring the particle size distribution of batch crystallization processes

Benoît Presles , Johan Debayle , Gilles Fevotte , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Journal of Electronic Vision, 2010, 19, pp.031207. ⟨10.1117/1.3462800⟩
Journal articles hal-00550948v1
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Shape diagrams for 2D compact sets - Part I: analytic convex sets. Australian Journal of

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010, 7 (2), Article 3 ; pp. 1-27
Journal articles hal-00550949v1
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Integral Geometry and General Adaptive Neighborhoods for Multiscale Image Analysis

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
International Journal of Signal and Image Processing (IJSIP), 2010, 1 (3), pp.141-150
Journal articles hal-00509342v1
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Shape diagrams for 2D compact sets - Part III: convexity discrimination for analytic and discretized simply connected sets.

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010, 7 (2), Article 5, pp. 1-18
Journal articles hal-00550951v1
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Geometrical Characterization of Various Shaped 3D-Aggregates of Primary Spherical Particules by Radial Distribution Functions

Marthe Lagarrigue , Johan Debayle , Sandra Jacquier , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, 6112, pp.434-443. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-13775-4_43⟩
Journal articles hal-00550430v1
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Some aspects of cellulose ethers influence on water transport and porous structure of cement-based materials

Jérémie Pourchez , Bertrand Ruot , Johan Debayle , Emilie Rouèche-Pourchez , Philippe Grosseau
Cement and Concrete Research, 2010, 40 (2), pp.242-252. ⟨10.1016/j.cemconres.2009.10.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00464184v1
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Velocity field computation in vibrated granular media using an optical flow based multiscale image analysis method

Johan Debayle , Ahmed Raihane , Abdelkrim Belhaoua , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2009, 28, pp.35-43
Journal articles hal-00379921v1

General Adaptive Neighborhood Choquet Image Filtering

Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2009, 35 (3), pp.173-175. ⟨10.1007/s10851-009-0163-0⟩
Journal articles emse-00445831v1

Logarithmic adaptive neighborhood image processing (LANIP): Introduction, connections to human brightness perception, and application issues

Jean-Charles Pinoli , Johan Debayle
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2007, pp.36105. ⟨10.1155/2007/36105⟩
Journal articles emse-00445939v1
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General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing. Part II: Practical Applications Issues

Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2006, 25(2), pp.267-284. ⟨10.1007/s10851-006-7452-7⟩
Journal articles hal-00128123v1
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General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing. Part I: Introduction and Theoretical Aspects

Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2006, 25(2), pp.245-266. ⟨10.1007/s10851-006-7451-8⟩
Journal articles hal-00128118v1

Spatially adaptive morphological image filtering using intrinsic structuring

Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2005, 24 (3), pp.145-158
Journal articles emse-00446130v1
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A stochastic 3D model based on random graphs to characterize the morphology of compact aggregates using image analysis

Léo Théodon , Carole Coufort-Saudejaud , Johan Debayle
ISIVC 2024, Hassan II University of Casablanca; FST Mohammedia, Hassan II University of Casablanc; National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST); IMT Atlantique; Mohammed V University of Rabat; Sup’Com, Tunis, Tunisie; ENSA, Marrakech, Maroc; ENSA, El Jadida, Maroc; INSA, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France; IDP, Universityé d'Orleans, France, May 2024, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.10577874, ⟨10.1109/ISIVC61350.2024.10577874⟩
Conference papers emse-04639028v1
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STORMFLOW: a STOchastic geometRical model for Multiphase FLOW characterization

Léo Théodon , Kassem Dia , Johan Debayle , Fabrice Lamadie
11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Apr 2023, Kobe, Japan
Conference papers hal-04722499v1
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Une approche pour l’analyse granulométrique de particules condensées sur des images en niveaux de gris

Antoine Bottenmuller , Léo Théodon , Johan Debayle , Daniel Tobón Vélez , Mallorie Tourbin
GRETSI 2023 - 29ème Colloque Francophone du Traitement du Signal et des Images, Aug 2023, Grenoble, France. pp.2023-1378 / 1153 à 1156
Conference papers emse-04195651v1
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Morphological characterization of compact aggregates using image analysis and a geometrical stochastic 3D model

Léo Théodon , Carole Coufort-Saudejaud , Ali Hamieh , Johan Debayle
ICPRS 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems, espol - Escuela superior Politécnica del Litoral, Jul 2023, Guayaquil, Ecuador. pp.1 à 7, ⟨10.1109/ICPRS58416.2023.10179036⟩
Conference papers emse-04169754v1
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Granulometric Analysis of Maltodextrin Particles Observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy

Antoine Bottenmuller , Léo Théodon , Johan Debayle , Daniel Tobón Vélez , Mallorie Tourbin
ICPRS 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems, espol - Escuela superior Politécnica del Litoral, Jul 2023, Guayaquil, Ecuador. pp.1 à 7, ⟨10.1109/ICPRS58416.2023.10179067⟩
Conference papers emse-04169470v1

Stochastic geometrical modeling of SOC electrode microstructures

Johan Debayle , Léo Théodon , Jérôme Laurencin
2nd Edition of International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering - MATERIALS 2022, Mar 2022, Singapour, Malaysia
Conference papers emse-03726639v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
2022 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science [AICS2022], Jun 2022, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Conference papers emse-03721237v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
The 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computer Simulation (AMMCS 2022), Hubei Zhongke Institute of Geology and Environment Technology, Aug 2022, Wuhan, China
Conference papers emse-03716727v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
ICITEE 2022 - 14th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) - Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Information Technology - King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) - Thailand; IEEE Indonesia Section (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers); Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Oct 2022, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ⟨10.1109/ICITEE56407.2022.9954074⟩
Conference papers emse-03810194v1

An Advanced Data Augmentation Scheme on Limited EEG Signals for Human Emotion Recognition

Dwi Wahyu Prabowo , Hanung Adi Nugroho , Noor Akhmad Setiawan , Johan Debayle
3rd ICEBEHI 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics, Department of Medical Electronics Technology, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Oct 2022, Surabaya, Indonesia. pp.391 à 409, ⟨10.1007/978-981-99-0248-4_27⟩
Conference papers emse-04094760v1

Image acquisition and analysis for the control of crystallization processes

Johan Debayle
V-Laser2022 - 3rd Edition on Laser, Optics and Photonics Virtual, Apr 2022, Miryalaguda, Telangana, India
Conference papers emse-03726482v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (ICAIDS 2022), Sreyas Institute Of Engineering and Technology - Department Of Computer Science & Engineering, CSE (AI&ML) and CSE (DS), Mar 2022, Hyderabad, India
Conference papers emse-03716523v1
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Using deep learning to retrieve 3D geometrical characteristics of a particle field from 2D projected images: Application to multiphase flows

Kassem Dia , Fabrice Lamadie , Johan Debayle
ICPRS - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems, Mines Saint-Étienne (France), Jun 2022, Saint-Étienne, France. pp.1 à 7, ⟨10.1109/ICPRS54038.2022.9854059⟩
Conference papers emse-03879283v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence & data engineering (ICCIDE-2022), VIT-AP University (Vellore Institute of Technology- Inde), Aug 2022, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Conference papers emse-03722262v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
CEI 2022 - 2022 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science, Electronic Information Engineering and Intelligent Control Technology, Yango University, Sep 2022, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). ⟨10.1109/CEI57409.2022.9950115⟩
Conference papers emse-03811185v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
2022 International Symposium on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering(RAIIE2022), Guangzhou Computer Society, Jul 2022, Huhehot, China
Conference papers emse-03722824v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), The Maldives National University; University of Mauritius, Nov 2022, Malé, Maldives
Conference papers emse-03720083v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
2022 IEEE 9th International Conference SETIT - Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, May 2022, Sfax, Tunisia
Conference papers emse-03722144v1
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A stochastic 3D model for three-phase heterogeneous microstructures in SOFC-electrodes

Léo Théodon , Jérôme Laurencin , Peter Cloetens , Johan Debayle
11th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications - ISIVC 2022, National School of Applied Sciences, Chouaib Doukkali University, Morocco, May 2022, El Jadida, Morocco. pp.1 à 6, ⟨10.1109/ISIVC54825.2022.9800735⟩
Conference papers emse-03714559v1

Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media.

Johan Debayle
SPRA 2022:3rd Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Applications, Oct 2022, Rome, Italy
Conference papers emse-03721143v1

Image processing, analysis and modeling of granular media for energy, power and chemical engineering systems

Johan Debayle
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), Dec 2021, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference papers emse-03758788v1

Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations

Johan Debayle
11TH International conference on pattern recognition systems - ICPRS 2021, Universidad de Talca (Chile); Chilean Association for Pattern Recognition, Mar 2021, Curicó, Chile
Conference papers emse-02929459v1
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Towards a quantitative characterization of wear particles using image analysis and machine learning

Alizée Bouchot , Amandine Ferrieux-Paquet , Sylvie Descartes , Guilhem Mollon , Johan Debayle
QCAV 2021 - Fifteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, May 2021, Tokushima, Japan. pp.1179416, ⟨10.1117/12.2587647⟩
Conference papers emse-03595709v1

Morphological image processing for remote sensing applications

Johan Debayle
2021 International Conference on Computer, Remote Sensing and Aerospace (CRSA 2021), Jul 2021, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers emse-03759678v1

Particles detection in a 2D-image of overlapping crystals based on community detection

Saïd Rahmani , Roger de Souza Lima , Ana Cameirao , Eric Serris , Johan Debayle
ECSIA'2021 : The 13th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, Mines Saint-Etienne - Institut Mines Telecom (IMT), Jun 2021, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference papers emse-03533382v1

Digital twins for image analysis of granular media

Johan Debayle
2nd Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPRA), Nov 2021, Larissa, Greece
Conference papers emse-03758970v1

Digital twins for image analysis of granular media

Johan Debayle
ASPAI' 2021: 3rd International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence, Nov 2021, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers emse-03759543v1

Traitement, analyse et modélisation d’images de milieux granulaires

Johan Debayle
STPMF 2021 - Sciences et Technologies des Poudres Poudres et Matériaux Frittés, La commission Poudres et Matériaux Frittés de la SF2M et du GFC et le groupe thématique sur les solides divisés de la SFGP, Jul 2021, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference papers emse-03759795v1

Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations

Johan Debayle
2021 Sixth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Jaypee University of Information Technology, Nov 2021, Shimla, India
Conference papers emse-03758538v1
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Estimation of 3D geometrical properties of spheroid-like particle systems using projection images

Mathieu de Langlard , Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle
ISIVC 2021 - The 10th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications, Mines Saint-Etienne, Apr 2021, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ISIVC49222.2021.9487552⟩
Conference papers cea-03516334v1

Sensitivity of the local measures to deviations of the typical grain shape in Boolean models

Tatyana Eremina , Johan Debayle , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Charles Pinoli
ECSIA'2021 : The 13th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, Mines Saint-Etienne - Institut Mines Telecom (IMT), Jun 2021, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference papers emse-03537220v1

Numerical estimation of local Minkowski measures on Boolean models.

Tatyana Eremina , Johan Debayle , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Charles Pinoli
ISIVC'2020: The 10th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications, Mines Saint-Etienne, Apr 2021, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.948753, ⟨10.1109/ISIVC49222.2021.9487537⟩
Conference papers emse-03251865v1

A novel texture descriptor: Homogeneous Rotated Local Binary Pattern (HRLBP)

Ibtissam Al Saidi , Mohammed Rziza , Johan Debayle
ISIVC'2020: The 10th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications, Mines Saint-Etienne, Apr 2021, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.9487538, ⟨10.1109/ISIVC49222.2021.9487538⟩
Conference papers emse-03266348v1

Methods for assessing similarity of random sets

Johan Debayle , Vesna Gotovac Ðogaš , Katerina Helisova , Jakub Staněk
ISIVC'2020: The 10th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications, Mines Saint-Etienne, Apr 2021, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.9487547, ⟨10.1109/ISIVC49222.2021.9487547⟩
Conference papers emse-03269751v1

Use of image analysis for process control involving granular media

Johan Debayle
AXELERA Digital Club : Outils numériques pour le contrôle des procédés, Apr 2020, Lyon, France
Conference papers emse-02485515v1

A locally weighted metric for measuring the perceptual quality of 3D objects

Nessrine Elloumi , Johan Debayle , Habiba Loukil , Mohamed Salim Bouhlel
20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Dec 2020, ---, Tunisia. pp.128 à 139
Conference papers emse-03098391v1

Digital twins and image analysis for the geometrical characterization of particle populations

Johan Debayle
GDR MORPHEA Scientific Days /Journées GDR MORPHEA, Oct 2020, Aubervilliers, France
Conference papers emse-03102625v1
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A new texture descriptor: the Homogeneous Local Binary Pattern (HLBP)

Ibtissam Al Saidi , Mohammed Rziza , Johan Debayle
9th International Conference, ICISP 2020, Jun 2020, Marrakesh, Morocco. pp.308 à 316, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-51935-3_33⟩
Conference papers emse-02929244v1

Les diagnostics optiques, des outils performants pour l'étude et la modélisation des systèmes polyphasiques

Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle , F. R.A. Onofri
GDR MORPHEA Scientific Days / Journées GDR MORPHEA, Oct 2020, Aubervilliers, France
Conference papers emse-03102715v1
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Cancerous object detection using morphological region-based active contour in ultrasound images

Anan Nugroho , Risanuri Hidayat , Hanung Adi Nugroho , Johan Debayle
The 8th Engineering International Conference 2019 (EIC), Oct 2019, Semarang, Indonesia. pp.012011, ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1444/1/012011⟩
Conference papers emse-02472462v1

Apport de l’analyse d’image pour la caractérisation morphologique de milieux granulaires

Johan Debayle
Journée technique : « Les outils numériques pour l’exploitation, le contrôle et l’optimisation des procédés », Axelera; Minalogic, Dec 2019, Solaize, France
Conference papers emse-02451062v1

Local Minkowski measures for geometric characterization of stochastic spatial

Tatyana Eremina , Johan Debayle , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Charles Pinoli
42ème journée ISS France, Mines ParisTech, Feb 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02068172v1

Local Minkowski measures for random set geometrical characterization.

Tatyana Eremina , Johan Debayle , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Charles Pinoli
ICSIA 2019 - 15th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, Aarhus University, May 2019, Aarhus, Denmark
Conference papers hal-02307314v1

Digital twins and image analysis for the morphological characterization of granular

Johan Debayle
ICMV 2019 - The 12th International Conference on Machine Vision, Nov 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers emse-02469454v1

Image analysis and stochastic geometry for the morphological characterization of multiphase flow

Mathieu de Langlard , Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle
GDR MORPHEA Morphologie et Phénomènes d’Agrégation, Jun 2019, Saint-Étienne, France
Conference papers hal-02190531v1

General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing (GANIP)

Johan Debayle
2019 IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (IE2019) - Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XVII, Society for Imaging Sciences and Technology, Jan 2019, Burlingame, United States
Conference papers hal-02067972v1

Mathematical Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations

Johan Debayle
6CIMA - The Sixth International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, Puebla, Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas - Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Sep 2019, Puebla, Mexico
Conference papers hal-02308328v1
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Stochastic Geometrical and Microstructural Modeling for Solid Oxide Cell Electrodes

Hamza Moussaoui , Jérôme Laurencin , Maxime Hubert , Rakesh Sharma , Peter Cloetens
16th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVI), Sep 2019, Kyoto, Japan. pp.2031 à 2043, ⟨10.1149/09101.2031ecst⟩
Conference papers hal-02279503v1

Morphologie et célérité des poches de gaz: des bulles de Taylor aux structures non confinées

Alexandre Boucher , Arezki Chekroun , Johan Debayle , Alain Liné
GDR MORPHEA Morphologie et Phénomènes d’Agrégation, Jun 2019, Saint-Étienne, France
Conference papers hal-02190619v1

Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations

Johan Debayle
ICST 2019 - 5th International Conference on Science and Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jul 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Conference papers hal-02308424v1

General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing and Analysis (GANIPA)

Johan Debayle
SPIE. DEFENSE COMMERCIAL SENSING, SPIE, Jan 2019, Baltimore, United States
Conference papers hal-02149554v1

Apport de l’analyse d’image pour la caractérisation morphologique de milieux granulaires

Johan Debayle
AXELERA: Journée technique « Analyse et contrôle en ligne pour des procédés mettant en œuvre des poudres », AXELERA; SFGP (Société Française de Génie des Procédés); Pôle Minalogic, Oct 2018, saint-etienne, France
Conference papers hal-01896901v1

3D modeling of a population of particles from 2D silhouette images of two-phase flows.

Mathieu de Langlard , Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle
Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry - S4G, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University; Conforg, s.r.o., Jun 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01896602v1

Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations

Johan Debayle
2018 The 11th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2018), School of Electronics - Si Chuan University, Chine - Halmstad University, Suède - University of Barcelona, Espagne, Nov 2018, Munich, Germany
Conference papers hal-01936548v1

Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations

Johan Debayle
SETIT'2018 - Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, Sfax University (Tunisie); Genoa University ( Italie), Dec 2018, Hammamet, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-02067314v1

Bases géométriques pour l’analyse inclusionnaire dans les alliages métalliques

Johan Debayle
Matériaux 2018, FEDERATION FRANCAISE DES MATERIAUX, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02124525v1

Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations

Johan Debayle
The 9th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications - ISIVC ' 2018, Mohammed V University (Rabat), Nov 2018, Rabat, Morocco
Conference papers hal-02067470v1
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3D geometrical characterization and modelling of solid oxide cells electrodes microstructure by image analysis

Hamza Moussaoui , Johan Debayle , Yann Gavet , Gérard Delette , Maxime Hubert
Thirteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision 2017 (QCAV 2017), Chuo University, May 2017, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1033804, ⟨10.1117/12.2264376⟩
Conference papers hal-01526466v1
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Classification of Time-Series Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Nima Hatami , Yann Gavet , Johan Debayle
2017 The 10th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017), ICMV Committees, Nov 2017, Vienne, Austria. ⟨10.1117/12.2309486⟩
Conference papers hal-01743695v1

Development of Optical Techniques for Multiphase Flows Characterization

Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Mathieu de Langlard , Mariam Ouattara , Matthias P.L. Sentis
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2017), Fluids Engineering Division, Jul 2017, Hawaï, United States. pp.V01CT15A002, ⟨10.1115/FEDSM2017-69188⟩
Conference papers hal-01636478v1

Optical diagnostics for multiphase flows characterization

F. Lamadie , S. Charton , J. Debayle , M. Delanglard , F. Onofri
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Jul 2017, Waikoloa (Hawaii), United States
Conference papers cea-02435093v1
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Modélisation et caractérisation géométriques de cristaux par analyse d’images in situ

Saïd Rahmani , Jean-Charles Pinolí , Johan Debayle
Cristal Rouen 2016 - 8ème édition du colloque Cristallisation et Précipitation Industrielles, L'équipe Cristallogénèse du Laboratoire de Sciences et Méthodes Séparatives (SMS) - Université de Rouen; Université de Rouen, May 2016, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France. pp.07-1 à 07-8
Conference papers hal-01327179v1
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Méthode d'analyse d'image pour la reconnaissance d'objets elliptiques se superposant : application à des images d’écoulement diphasique.

M. de Langlard , F. Lamadie , S. Charton , J. Debayle
CFTL 2016 - Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser 2016, Sep 2016, Toulouse, France
Conference papers cea-02438728v1

A distance-based shape descriptor invariant to similitude and its application to shape classification

Benoît Presles , Johan Debayle
2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Dec 2016, Cancun, France. pp.2598-2603, ⟨10.1109/ICPR.2016.7900027⟩
Conference papers hal-01914277v1
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The Color Logarithmic Image Processing (CoLIP) antagonist space and chromaticity diagram

Yann Gavet , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
CCIW 2015 (The Fifth Computational Color Imaging Workshop), Shoji Tominaga ; Raimondo Schettini ; lain Tremeau, Mar 2015, SAINT ETIENNE, France. pp.131-138, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-15979-9_13⟩
Conference papers hal-01121694v1
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Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns

Victor González-Castro , Johan Debayle , Yanal Wazaefi , Mehdi Rahim , Caroline Gaudy
ICIP 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Sep 2015, Québec City, Canada. pp.1722 à 1726, ⟨10.1109/ICIP.2015.7351095⟩
Conference papers emse-01226873v1
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Estimation of the Geometrical Variations of the Typical Grain within a Boolean Model

Saïd Rahmani , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Johan Debayle
International Conference - Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems (GPSRS), Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT); Aarhus University; FAU Erlangen ; Murdoch University; DFG Research Group - Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems, Sep 2015, Bad Herrenhalb, Germany
Conference papers emse-01261395v1
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Geometrical Stochastic Modeling and Characterization of 2-D Crystal Population

Rahmani Saïd , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Debayle Johan
14th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis - 14th ICSIA, the International Society for Stereology (ISS) the University of Liege (ULg) ; Université de Liege (ULg) Jul 2015, Liège, Belgium. pp.FA06
Conference papers emse-01243152v1
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Characterization and Estimation of the Variations of a Random Convex Set by Its Mean n-Variogram: Application to the Boolean Model

Saïd Rahmani , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Johan Debayle
Conférence GSI 2015 - "Geometric Science of Information", École Polytechnique - Université Paris-Saclay; SEE – Congress Société de l'Electricité, de l'Electronique et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication; THALES AIR SYSTEMS - Technical Directorate Advanced - Department Developments, Oct 2015, Palaiseau, France. pp.296-308, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-25040-3_33⟩
Conference papers emse-01241616v1
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Automatic classification of skin lesions using color mathematical morphology-based texture descriptors

Victor Gonzalez-Castro , Johan Debayle , Yanal Wazaefi , Mehdi Rahim , Caroline Gaudy-Marqueste
Twelfth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, Le2i - Laboratoire Electronique, Informatique et Image, Jun 2015, Le Creusot, France. pp.[9534-3] ; doi:10.1117/12.2182592
Conference papers emse-01163688v1
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Estimation des variations géométriques de grains anisotropes dans un modèle booléen.

Saïd Rahmani , J-C Pinoli , Johan Debayle
38ème journée ISS France - the International Society for Stereology (ISS 2015), Ecole des Mines de Paris, Feb 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers emse-01263741v1
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Pixel Classification using General Adaptive Neighborhood-based Features

Víctor González-Catro , Johan Debayle , Vladimir Ćurić
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 3750-3755, ⟨10.1109/ICPR.2014.644⟩
Conference papers hal-01070876v1

A novel projective stereological image analysis method to estimate particle size and shape distributions

Benoît Presles , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
11th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV 2013), May 2013, Fukuoka, Japan
Conference papers hal-00933492v1
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Stéréologie d'objets 3-D à partir de leurs projections 2-D. Application aux processus de cristallisation.

Benoit Presles , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Orasis, Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, Jun 2013, Cluny, France
Conference papers hal-00829317v1
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Patient-specific computational models: Tools for improving the efficiency of Medical Compression Stockings

Laura Dubuis , Pierre-Yves Rohan , Stéphane Avril , Pierre Badel , Johan Debayle
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Oct 2012, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-00761911v1

Shape reconstruction from an unorganized point cloud with outliers.

Yvan Maillot , Benoît Presles , Johan Debayle
ICIAR 2012 9th International Conference, Jun 2012, Aveiro, Portugal. pp.261-268, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-31295-3_31⟩
Conference papers hal-00777717v1
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Patient-specific FE model of the leg under elastic compression

Laura Dubuis , Pierre-Yves Rohan , Stéphane Avril , Pierre Badel , Johan Debayle
10th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2012, Berlin, Germany. pp.6
Conference papers hal-01063768v1

3D image filtering and segmentation using morphological tools

Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ( ECCOMAS), Sep 2012, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-00777272v1
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Analyse morphométrique d'images à tons de gris par diagrammes de forme

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
RFIA 2012 (Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle), Jan 2012, Lyon, France. pp.978-2-9539515-2-3
Conference papers hal-00656536v1

Patient-specific FE model of the leg under elastic compression

Laura Dubuis , Pierre-Yves Rohan , Stéphane Avril , Pierre Badel , Johan Debayle
10th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-00777369v1
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Recognizing overlapped particles during a crystallization process from in situ video images for measuring their size distributions

Ola Suleiman Ahmad , Nesrine Gherras , Johan Debayle , Benoît Presles , Gilles Févotte
ISIC 18 18th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Sep 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. pp.190
Conference papers hal-00656653v1
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Color Correction in the Framework of Color Logarithmic Image Processing

Hélène Gouinaud , Yann Gavet , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011), Sep 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Non paginé
Conference papers hal-00623449v1
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Identification des propriétés des tissus mous de la jambe sous compression élastique

Laura Dubuis , Stéphane Avril , Pierre Badel , Johan Debayle
10e colloque national en calcul des structures, May 2011, Giens, France. pp.Clé USB
Conference papers hal-00592737v1
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Caractérisation géométrique et vélocimétrique d'empilements granulaires par analyse d'image

Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
10e colloque national en calcul des structures, May 2011, Giens, France. pp.Clé USB
Conference papers hal-00592721v1
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Measuring the size distribution of acicular crystals by image analysis from in situ video probe

Ola Suleiman Ahmad , Johan Debayle , Nesrine Gherras , Gilles Févotte , Jean-Charles Pinoli
XIII° Congrès de la SFGP 2011 Société Française de Génie des Procédés : Des procédés au service du produit au coeur de l'Europe, Nov 2011, Lille, France. pp.N°403
Conference papers hal-00658289v1
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Recognizing overlapped particles during a crystallization process from in situ video images for measuring their size distributions

Ola Suleiman Ahmad , Johan Debayle , Nesrine Gherras , Benoît Presles , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Tenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision QVAC 2011, Jun 2011, Saint Etienne, France. pp.8000-08, ⟨10.1117/12.890883⟩
Conference papers hal-00614080v1
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Caractérisation géométrique et optique de plusieurs types d'agrégats.

Marthe Lagarrigue , Sandra Jacquier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Frédéric Gruy
Cristal 6 - Cristallisation et Précipitation Industrielle, May 2010, Marseille, France. pp.324-330
Conference papers hal-00967493v1
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Shape representation and analysis of 2D compact sets by shape diagrams

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
IPTA 2010 (International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications), Jul 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00509444v1
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Fonctionnelles et fonctions de Minkowski à voisinages adaptatifs généraux pour l'analyse des images à tons de gris

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Groupe d'Etudes du Traitement du Signal et des Images, (GRETSI 2009), Sep 2010, Dijon, France. pp.2042/29071, ⟨10.4267/2042/29071⟩
Conference papers hal-00509453v1
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Multi-scale agglomerates: relationship between morphology and optical properties.

Marthe Lagarrigue , Sandra Jacquier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Frédéric Gruy
Proceedings World Congress of Particle Technology, Apr 2010, Nuremberg, Germany
Conference papers hal-00967501v1
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Identification of the material parameters of soft tissues in the compressed leg

Laura Dubuis , Stéphane Avril , Johan Debayle , Pierre Badel
9th Symposium on Computational Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2010, Valencia, Spain. p.6
Conference papers hal-01063519v1
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In situ particle size measurements during crystallization processes using image analysis

Benoît Presles , Johan Debayle , Alain Rivoire , Jean-Charles Pinoli , Gilles Fevotte
XII ° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés Pour relever les défis industriels du XXI° siècle A la croisée des Sciences et des Cultures, Oct 2009, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-00460280v1
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General adaptive neighborhood-based Minkowski maps for gray-tone image analysis.

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
ECSIA 2009, 10th European Congress on Stereology and Image Analysis, Jun 2009, Milan, Italy
Conference papers hal-00509728v1
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Représentation intrinsèque multi-échelle des images à tons de gris par Voisinages Adaptatifs Généraux (VAG)

Séverine Rivollier , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
21° Colloque GRETSI 2007 (Groupe d'Etudes du Traitement du Signal et des Images), Sep 2007, Troyes, France. pp.2042/17622, ⟨10.4267/2042/17622⟩
Conference papers hal-00509736v1
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Impact of cellulose ethers on the cement paste microstructure

Jérémie Pourchez , Philippe Grosseau , Emilie Rouèche-Pourchez , Johan Debayle , Jean-Charles Pinoli
10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Jun 2007, Berlin, Germany. pp.2045-2050
Conference papers hal-00297256v1
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General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Restoration, Enhancement and Segmentation

Johan Debayle , Yann Gavet , Jean-Charles Pinoli
Image Analysis and Recognition, 2006, France. pp.29-40
Conference papers hal-00128111v1
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Caractérisation morphométrique d’écoulements diphasiques par analyse d’image et géométrie aléatoire

Mathieu de Langlard , Fabrice Lamadie , Sophie Charton , Johan Debayle
XVIIème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2019), Oct 2019, Nantes, France.
Conference poster emse-02483521v1
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Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns

Victor González-Castro , Johan Debayle , Yanal Wazaefi , Mehdi Rahim , Caroline Gaudy
ICIP 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Sep 2015, Québec City, Canada. IEEE Xplore, IEEE Signal Processing Letters
Conference poster emse-01228085v1
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Pixel Classification using General Adaptive Neighborhood-based Features

Víctor González-Castro , Johan Debayle , Vladimir Ćurić
Magnus Borga. ICPR 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. IEEE Computer Society - CPS Conference Publishing Services, Proceedings : 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014
Conference poster hal-01075025v1