Reconstituting a pre-Neolithic territory by implementing Plant Functional Types: Application to the Roussillon territory (France)
Zenith Arnejo
Paul Bannwart
Flavien Loup-Hadamard
Marianne Cahierre
Julien Azuara
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs 2022), Jul 2022, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers
Fire variability in the southeastern France over the past 8500 years
Marion Genet
Anne-Laure Daniau
Maria-Angela Bassetti
Bassem Jalali
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Conference papers
Landscape, vegetation and resources' modeling : reconstituting the pre-Neolithic Roussillon territory (France) and its vegetation by implementing Plant Functional Types, hydrosystems and climate into a cellular automaton
Zenith Arnejo
Paul Bannwart
Flavien Loup-Hadamard
Marianne Cahierre
Zakari Iguenad
GAMA Days 2021, Frédéric Amblard; Kevin Chapuis; Alexis Drogoul; Benoit Gaudou; Dominique Longin; Nicolas Verstaevel, Jun 2021, Online, France
Conference papers
Reconstruction of fire regime changes in the French Mediterranean region during the last 8,500 years using microcharcoal
Marion Genet
Anne-Laure Daniau
Maria-Angela Bassetti
Bassem Jalali
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Conference papers
Earth, trees and fire : connecting vegetation and socio-anthropology in French Mediterranean Neolithic modelling
M. Cahierre
Mehdi Saqalli
J. Azuara
O. Peyron
World Archaeological Conference, Jul 2020, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Classification of ligneous vegetation into Plant Functional Types for a dynamic reconstitution of Neolithic vegetation cover in Occitania Mediterranean seashores
Mehdi Saqalli
Marianne Cahierre
Odile Peyron
Julien Azuara
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Conference papers
Que nous apprennent les archives marines sur le réchauffement actuel en Méditerranée ?
Bassem Jalali
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Maria-Angela Bassetti
Laurent Dezileau
MISTRALS MED2020, Nov 2020, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Spatial and temporal reconstruction of present and past vegetation cover in Languedoc-Roussillon
Mehdi Saqalli
Julien Azuara
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
L. Lespez
MED 2020 Méditerranée : l'expertise scientifique pour les décideurs. La recherche sur le climat et l'environnement au service des objectifs du développement durable, Nov 2020, En ligne, France
Conference papers
4.2 Kyrs in the Mediterranean/North Atlantic region (MISTRALS/PALEOMEX)
Bassem Jalali
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Julien Azuara
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Maria-Angela Bassetti
The 4.2 ka BP Event, Jan 2018, Pisa, Italy
Conference papers
Pollen Productivity Estimates of Mediterranean taxa – first results from southern France.
Florence Mazier
J. Azuara
C. Cugny
V. Lebreton
L. Marquer
10th European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference, 2018, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Understanding north-western Mediterranean climate variability : a multi-proxy and multi-sequence approach based on wavelet analysis
Julien Azuara
Vincent Lebreton
Bassem Jalali
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Pierre Sabatier
EGU 2017, Apr 2017, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Réponse des écosystèmes côtiers des rives sud et nord de la Méditerranée à la variabilité climatique centennale de l'Holocène.
S. Jaouadi
J. Azuara
N. Combourieu-Nebout
V. Lebreton
Troisième Rencontre pour l’Etude du Quaternaire en Tunisie, 2016, Sousse, Tunisie
Conference papers
Northern and southern coastal ecosystem responses to the Holocene climate variability in the western Mediterranean.
N. Combourieu-Nebout
J. Azuara
S. Jaouadi
V. Lebreton
MedCLIVAR 2016 Conference, 2016, Athènes, Greece
Conference papers
Forest composition changes through time in western Mediterranean during the last 7500 years.
J. Azuara
V. Lebreton
Florence Mazier
N. Combourieu-Nebout
XIV International Palynological Congress, 2016, Salvadore, Brazil
Conference papers
Influence climatique et impact anthropique sur la végétation méditerranéenne à l'Holocène supérieur.
J. Azuara
N. Combourieu-Nebout
V. Lebreton
Florence Mazier
L. Dezileau
XXIV ème Symposium A.P.L.F, 2015, Pontarlier, France
Conference papers
A pollen deposition model for Mediterranean coastal lagoons.
J. Azuara
Florence Mazier
V. Lebreton
N. Combourieu-Nebout
MedPalyno GPSBI-APLE Symposium, 2015, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Pollen Productivity Estimates of Mediterranean taxa – an ongoing project in southern France.
Florence Mazier
J. Azuara
C. Cugny
V. Lebreton
L. Marquer
The Crackles Bequest Project “Landscape-scale palaeoecology: towards quantitative reconstruction of landscape-scale vegetation mosaics from pollen data”, Aug 2013, Hull, United Kingdom
Conference papers