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Julien Girard-Satabin
Researcher identifiers
- Arxiv : girardsatabin_j_1
- IdRef : 258978252
I am a research engineer at CEA LIST, Saclay. My main research interests are in the broad sense trustworthy AI. I made my thesis on the topic of formal verification of deep neural networks, trying to ease formal verification using abstract interpretation, Satisfaction Modulo Theory and Linear Programming.
I am currently working on developping techniques and tools to ease the verification of neural networks.
I am also interested in the impact of machine learning on our societies, and I will be eager to work with people on this area.
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Caractériser des propriétés de confiance d'IA avec Why3JFLA 2023 - 34èmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Jan 2023, Praz-sur-Arly, France. pp.291--295
Conference papers
CAISAR: A platform for Characterizing Artificial Intelligence Safety and RobustnessAISafety, Jul 2022, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Partitionnement en régions linéaires pour la vérification formelle de réseaux de neuronesJournées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Apr 2021, Saint Médard d’Excideuil, France
Conference papers
CAMUS: A Framework to Build Formal Specifications for Deep Perception Systems Using SimulatorsECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jun 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Conference papers
DISCO Verification: Division of Input Space into COnvex polytopes for neural network verification2021
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
CAMUS: A Framework to Build Formal Specifications for Deep Perception Systems Using Simulators2019
Preprints, Working Papers, ...