Tree drought–mortality risk depends more on intrinsic species resistance than on stand species diversity
Renaud Decarsin
Joannès Guillemot
Guerric Le Maire
Haben Blondeel
Céline Meredieu
Journal articles
Isohydricity and hydraulic isolation explain reduced hydraulic failure risk in an experimental tree species mixture
Myriam Moreno
Guillaume Simioni
Hervé Cochard
Claude Doussan
Joannès Guillemot
Journal articles
Hydraulic plasticity and water use regulation act to maintain the hydraulic safety margins of Mediterranean trees in rainfall exclusion experiments
Myriam Moreno
Jean‐marc Limousin
Guillaume Simioni
Eric Badel
Jesus Rodríguez-Calcerrada
Journal articles
Plant hydraulics at the heart of plant, crops and ecosystem functions in the face of climate change
José Torres-Ruiz
Hervé Cochard
Sylvain Delzon
Thomas Boivin
Regis Burlett
Journal articles
Exploring the role of plant hydraulics in canopy fuel moisture content: insights from an experimental drought study on Pinus halepensis Mill. and Quercus ilex L.
Coffi Belmys Cakpo
Julien Ruffault
Jean-Luc Dupuy
François Pimont
Claude Doussan
Journal articles
A 14-year series of leaf phenological data collected for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from their geographic range margins in south-eastern France
Frederic Jean
Hendrik Davi
Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio
Bruno Fady
Ivan Scotti
Journal articles
Plant hydraulic modelling of leaf and canopy fuel moisture content reveals increasing vulnerability of a Mediterranean forest to wildfires under extreme drought
Julien Ruffault
Jean‐marc Limousin
François Pimont
Jean‐luc Dupuy
Miquel de Càceres
Journal articles
Disentangling the factors of spatio-temporal patterns of wildfire activity in south-eastern France
Jorge Castel-Clavera
François Pimont
Thomas Opitz
Julien Ruffault
Miguel Rivière
Journal articles
Drivers and implications of the extreme 2022 wildfire season in Southwest Europe
Marcos Rodrigues
Àngel Cunill Camprubí
Rodrigo Balaguer-Romano
Celso Coco Megía
Francisco Castañares
Journal articles
Future expansion, seasonal lengthening and intensification of fire activity under climate change in southeastern France
François Pimont
Julien Ruffault
Thomas Opitz
Hélène Fargeon
Renaud Barbero
Journal articles
A Bioeconomic Projection of Climate‐Induced Wildfire Risk in the Forest Sector
Miguel Riviere
F. Pimont
Philippe Delacote
Sylvain Caurla
J. Ruffault
Journal articles
What do you mean, ‘megafire’?
Grant Linley
Chris Jolly
Tim Doherty
William Geary
Dolors Armenteras
Journal articles
SurEau-Ecos v2.0: a trait-based plant hydraulics model for simulations of plant water status and drought-induced mortality at the ecosystem level
Julien Ruffault
François Pimont
Hervé Cochard
Jean-Luc Dupuy
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Journal articles
Quelle stratégie de plantation forestière pour l'Union européenne et la France ?
Bruno Fady
Hendrik Davi
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Nicolas Ricodeau
Julien Ruffault
Forêt Entreprise, 2021, 257, pp.58-62
Journal articles
Caution needed with the EU forest plantation strategy for offsetting carbon emissions
Bruno Fady
Hendrik Davi
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Julien Ruffault
Journal articles
Prediction of regional wildfire activity in the probabilistic Bayesian framework of Firelihood
François Pimont
Hélène Fargeon
Thomas Opitz
Julien Ruffault
Renaud Barbero
Journal articles
Consistently lower sap velocity and growth over nine years of rainfall exclusion in a Mediterranean mixed pine-oak forest
Myriam Moreno
Guillaume Simioni
Maxime Cailleret
Julien Ruffault
Eric Badel
Journal articles
SurEau: a mechanistic model of plant water relations under extreme drought
Hervé Cochard
François Pimont
Julien Ruffault
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Journal articles
Climate change impact on future wildfire danger and activity in southern Europe: a review
Jean-Luc Dupuy
Hélène Fargeon
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
François Pimont
Julien Ruffault
Journal articles
Mediterranean woody plant specialized metabolites affect germination of Linum perenne at its dry and upper thermal limits
Hazem Hashoum
Arne Saatkamp
Thierry Gauquelin
Julien Ruffault
Catherine Fernandez
Journal articles
Intra-specific variability in deep water extraction between trees growing on a Mediterranean karst
Simon Damien Carrière
Julien Ruffault
Coffi Belmys Cakpo
Albert Olioso
Claude Doussan
Journal articles
La plateforme expérimentale de Font-Blanche Un site dédié au suivi à long terme du bilan de carbone et d’eau
d’une forêt mixte méditerranéenne de pin d’Alep et de chêne vert
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Julien Ruffault
Myriam Moreno
Marloie Olivier
Guillaume Simioni
Forêt Méditerranéenne, 2020, XLI, (4), pp.275-280
Journal articles
Les incendies de forêt catastrophiques
Eric Rigolot
Jean-Luc Dupuy
François Pimont
Julien Ruffault
Annales des mines - Série Responsabilité et environnement, 2020
Journal articles
Attributing Increases in Fire Weather to Anthropogenic Climate Change Over France
Renaud Barbero
John T Abatzoglou
François Pimont
Julien Ruffault
Thomas Curt
Journal articles
Increasing cuticular wax concentrations in a drier climate promote litter flammability
Elena Ormeño
Julien Ruffault
Caroline Gutigny
Javier Madrigal
Mercedes Guijarro
Journal articles
Le plan de reboisement a besoin de temps pour l’acquisition du matériel végétal adapté
Bruno Fady
Hendrik Davi
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Julien Ruffault
Forestopic, 2020
Journal articles
Increased likelihood of heat-induced large wildfires in the Mediterranean Basin
Julien Ruffault
Thomas Curt
Vincent Moron
Ricardo M. Trigo
Florent Mouillot
Journal articles
Impact of local soil and subsoil conditions on inter-individual variations in tree responses to drought: insights from Electrical Resistivity Tomography
S. D. Carrière
J. Ruffault
F. Pimont
C. Doussan
G Simioni
Journal articles
Projections of fire danger under climate change over France: where do the greatest uncertainties lie?
H. Fargeon
F. Pimont
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
M. de Caceres
J. Ruffault
Journal articles
A Cautionary Note Regarding the Use of Cumulative Burnt Areas for the Determination of Fire Danger Index Breakpoints
François Pimont
J. Ruffault
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Jean-Luc Dupuy
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2019, 28 (3), pp.254 - 258. ⟨10.1071/WF18056⟩
Journal articles
Extreme wildfire events are linked to global-change-type droughts in the northern Mediterranean
Julien Ruffault
Thomas Curt
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Vincent Moron
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
How well do meteorological drought indices predict live fuel moisture content (LFMC)? An assessment for wildfire research and operations in Mediterranean ecosystems
Julien Ruffault
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
François Pimont
Jean-Luc Dupuy
Journal articles
correction to "Live fuel moisture content (LFMC) time series for multiple sites and species in the French Mediterranean area since 1996 (vol 75, 2018)"
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
François Pimont
Jean-Luc Dupuy
Eric Rigolot
J. Ruffault
Journal articles
Live fuel moisture content (LFMC) time series for multiple sites and species in the French Mediterranean area since 1996
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
F. Pimont
J. L. Dupuy
Eric Rigolot
J. Ruffault
Journal articles
Extreme wildfire events are linked to global-change-type droughts in the northern Mediterranean
Julien Ruffault
Thomas Curt
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Vincent Moron
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
Recent climate hiatus revealed dual control by temperature and drought on the stem growth of Mediterranean Quercus ilex
Morine Lempereur
Jean-Marc Limousin
Frédéric Guibal
Jean-Marc Ourcival
Serge Rambal
Journal articles
Contribution of human and biophysical factors to the spatial distribution of forest fire ignitions and large wildfires in a French Mediterranean region
Julien Ruffault
Florent Mouillot
Journal articles
Daily synoptic conditions associated with large fire occurrence in Mediterranean France: evidence for a wind-driven fire regime
J. Ruffault
Vincent Moron
R. M. Trigo
T. Curt
Journal articles
Objective identification of multiple large fire climatologies: an application to a Mediterranean ecosystem
J. Ruffault
Vincent Moron
R. Trigo
T. Curt
Journal articles
Projecting future drought in mediterranean forests: bias correction of climate models matters!
J. Ruffault
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Florent Mouillot
Fabien Gogé
Carole Duffet
Journal articles
Differential regional responses in drought length, intensity and timing to recent climate changes in a Mediterranean forested ecosystem
Julien Ruffault
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Serge Rambal
Florent Mouillot
Journal articles
Photosynthetic sensitivity to drought varies among populations of Quercus ilex along a rainfall gradient
Nicolas Martin-StPaul
Jean-Marc Limousin
Jesús Rodriguez-Calcerrada
Julien Ruffault
Serge Rambal
Journal articles