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Kamilla Khamzina

Research Associate in Université de Lille (France) Project : PIA3 100%IDT: Inclusion, un Défi, un Territoire
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**ABOUT ME** ------------- > I am a research assistant in social psychology in Université de Lille (INSPÉ Lille HdF), France. Overall, my research focuses on the effects of the interplay between social and psychological factors on individual behavioral change across various social domains (immigration, pro-environmental behavior, inclusive education). I am currently studying attitudes and behaviors of mainsteam teachers towards inclusive education of students with special educational needs in maintream classes and factors that might influence them. I am adopting the open science practices (meta-analysis, registered reports, preregistrations) during all research process. > > *More questions ? Want to work together ?* > > ** > > *[Follow me on Twitter ](* > > *[Join me on ResearchGate](* **Education** 2019 **Ph.D (Social Psychology),** Université Clermont Auvergne *Ph.D* *Thesis:* «Conformism or Dissidence? Psychological and behavioural implications of a mismatch between personal attitudes and perceived group norm» (supervisors: Pr. Serge Guimond &amp; Dir CNRS Michel Streith) 2015 **Master 2 Research in Social and Cognitive psychology,** Blaise Pascal Université *Master thesis*: « Importance of cognitive resources in the social regulation of deviant behaviours» (supervisor: Dr. Armelle Nugier) 2015 **Master 2 Sociology of Marketing,** Kazan National Research Technological University, Russia *Master thesis*: « Comparative analysis of French and Russian higher educational systems » (supervisor: Pr. Olga Maksimova) 2014 **Master 1 Psychology,** Blaise Pascal Université 2013 **B.A. Psychology,** Blaise Pascal Université **Employement** **2021-now** Research Assistant (INSPÉ Lille HdF, Université Lille) **2019-2021** Post-Doctoral Researcher (ACTé Lab, Université Clermont Auvergne) **2019** Teaching Assistant (LAPSCO CNRS UMR 6024, Université Clermont Auvergne) **2015** Research Assistant (LAPSCO CNRS UMR 6024, Université Clermont Auvergne) **Research internships** **2019** Post-Doctoral Researcher (« *Challenges of Inclusion of students with ASD: Attitudes and behaviours of teachers*”, funded by Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l’Autonomie, 2 years) **2018** Invited researcher (FuturICT 2.0. short-time multidisciplinary project *“Conformity and counter-conformity on migration issue”*, Université Catholique de Louvain, CENTAL &amp; MiiL Lab, 3 months) **2015** PhD thesis funded by Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes “Thématiques émergentes” (3 years) **2015** Research assistant of Pr. Serge Guimond *(*ANR IMAG project*“Incongruence between perceived norms &amp; personal attitudes for intergroup ideologies”,* Blaise Pascal University, 2 months) **2013** Research assistant of Pr. Paula Niedenthal (Niedenthal Emotional Lab), *“Treatment of facial expressions and impact of facial imitation”,* Blaise Pascal University &amp; Madison University (1 year) **2013** Research assistant of Pr. Olga Maksimova, “*Sociological comparative analysis of French and Russian higher educational systems”,* Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia (1 year) **Publications** - Khamzina, K. Huet, S., Deffuant, G., Streith, M., &amp; Guimond, S. (2021). Making the planet green again: The interplay of attitudes and group norms in the conversion to organic farming. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 00, 1–16. [https://doi/10.1111/jasp.12825]( - Khamzina, K., Jury, M., Ducreux, E., &amp; Desombre, C. (2021). The conflict between inclusive education and the selection function of schools in the minds of French teachers. *Teaching and Teacher Education, 106,* 103454, []( "Persistent link using digital object identifier") - Jury, M., Khamzina, K., Perrin, A-L., Serour, N., &amp; Guichardaz, E. (2021). What does the French public think about inclusive education? *Journal of Intellectual &amp; Developmental Disability*, 1-8. <> - Khamzina, K. (2017). Les processus psychologiques et sociaux de la conversion en agriculture bio. Rôle des attitudes personnelles et de la norme perçue. Accessible via [**]( - Maksimova, O., &amp; Khamzina, K. (2014). Компаративный анализ уровня магистерской подготовки социо-гуманитарного профиля в России и во Франции. *\[Comparative analysis of French versus Russian social sciences master degree education\]*. *Вестник КГТУ им. А.Н. Туполева \[Vestnik KSTU Tupolev\], 2,* 278-282. - Maksimova, O., &amp; Khamzina, K. (2013). Диалог поколений в кросскультурной перспективе (российско-французский контекст). *\[Intercultural perspective of generational problems: french versus russian context\]*. *Известия высших учебных заведений. Социология. Экономика. Политика, \[News from higher educational institutions. Sociology, Economics, Politics\],3,* 76-79. **Preprints** - Khamzina, K., &amp; Jury, M. (2021- en révision). Is inclusive education meritocratic enough? The effects of school meritocracy y saliency on teachers’ attitudes and intentions towards the inclusion of special educational needs students. Registered report soumis dans International Review of Social Psychology. Accessible via - Khamzina, K., Cougnon, L.-A., &amp; Guimond, S. (2021-en revision). Speaking out on the migration crisis in Europe or remaining silent? The importance of the interplay between personal attitudes and the perceived group norm in speaking out. PsyArXiv <> - Deffuant, G., Roozmand, O., Huet, S., Khamzina, K., Nugier, A., &amp; Guimond, S. (2020-en révision). Can biases in perceived attitudes explain anti-conformism. Archives ouvertes HAL **Communications** - Khamzina, K., Jury, M., Ducreux, E., Desombre, C. (2021, April). Select or include: Links between selection function and teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education. *2021 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.* - Khamzina, K., Jury, M., Ducreux, E., &amp; Desombre C. (2020, July). L’incompatibilité entre la fonction de sélection du système éducatif et l’école inclusive. *13ème Congrès International de Psychologie sociale en Langue Française* ([]( - Khamzina, K., &amp; Guimond, S. (2019, July). Mismatch between personal attitudes and perceived group norms: new explanation of gender differences in psychological well-being. *XVI European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.* - Khamzina, K., Guimond S., &amp; Cougnon, L.-A. (2019, June). S’exprimer ou s’abstenir ? Les facteurs déterminants les comportements d’expression de son opinion au sujet de l’immigration en Europe : test des effets interactifs entre les attitudes et la norme perçue. *Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs ADRIPS, Montpellier, France.* - Khamzina, K., &amp; Guimond, S. (2018, September). What is the way for immigration in Europe? The impact of mismatch between personal attitudes and perceived norm on the outspokenness on the immigration issue. *EASP* *Small Group Meeting" Boundaries, Norms, and Conflicts: Understanding Intergroup Relations and Rising Intolerance Across Europe and Beyond", Bratislava, Slovakia.* - Khamzina, K. (2018, July). Le décalage entre les attitudes personnelles et la norme perçue : à l’origine de la dissidence ? *12ème Congrès International de Psychologie sociale en Langue Française, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium* - Khamzina, K. (2018, March). Le décalage entre les attitudes personnelles et la norme perçue : à l’origine des comportements contre-conformistes ? *Presentation done for weekly seminar in Louvain Social Psychology Lab, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.* - Khamzina, K., Streith, M., Huet, S., &amp; Guimond, S. (2017, July). Thinking and being different from others: psychological and behavioural consequences of mismatch between personal attitudes and perceived norm. In K. Jonas (Chair), Attitude change and persuasion. *18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.* - Khamzina, K., Roebroeck, E., &amp; Guimond, S. (2016, November). Connecting social representation research with minority influence. *EASP Small Group Meeting in Honor of Serge Moscovici, Paris, France.* - Khamzina, K., &amp; Guimond, S. (2016, July). Décalage entre les attitudes personnelles et les perceptions normatives : conséquences pour le bien-être psychologique ? *11e Congrès International de la Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française, Geneva, Switzerland.* ###### **Teaching Experience** ###### **(N*tot* = 339 hours)** **First Year Course Psychology** (Université Clermont Auvergne) Statistics (60h) Social psychology (78h) University Working Method (28h) Research Methods (20h) Cognitive Psychology (12h) **Second Year Course Psychology** (Université Clermont Auvergne) Intercultural Psychology (36h) Social Psychology (14h) **Master 1 Psychology** (Université Clermont Auvergne) Statistics (70h) Electronical Documentation (8h) **Adult formation** (Institut Régional de Formation Sanitaire et Sociale de Rhône-Alpes) Introdcution to Social Psychology (7h)

Research domains

Psychology Psychology and behavior


Statistiques open science méthodologie mixte


Perspectives autour de la dimension interprofessionnelle de l’éducation inclusive

Olivier Kheroufi-Andriot , Kamilla Khamzina , Célénie Brasselet , Federica Cilia , Nicolas Guirimand
Co-éducation dans les troubles du neurodéveloppement de l’enfance à l’âge adulte, Congrès Occitadys, Jan 2024, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-04506006v1

Validation of a French scale to assess educators' attitudes toward inclusive education

Camille Legrain , Célénie Brasselet , Kamilla Khamzina , Mickaël Jury
20th European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction conference, Aug 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers hal-04546698v1

Intentions des enseignant·es à adapter leurs supports : qu’en est-il de l’évaluation ?

Caroline Desombre , Kamilla Khamzina , Mickaël Jury
14ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale, Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03767933v1

Comment un écart entre l’attitude et les normes sociales influence les intentions proenvironnementales ?

Rosie Harrington , Michel Streith , Serge Guimond , Kamilla Khamzina , Sophie Monceau
14e Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale (CIPS 2022), ADRIPS; Laboratoire de Psychologie - EA4139; Université de Bordeaux, Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03864002v1

Comment un écart entre l’attitude et les normes sociales influence les intentions pro- environnementales ?

Rosie Harrington , Michel Streith , Serge Guimond , Kamilla Khamzina , Sophie Monceau
14eme Congrès international en langue française (CIPSLF) organisé par Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche Internationale en Psychologie Sociale (ADRIPS), Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03709030v1
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Evaluation en contexte inclusif: étude des intentions des enseignants à utiliser un matériel pédagogique adapté

Kamilla Khamzina , Caroline Desombre , Mickaël Jury
33ème colloque de l'ADMEE Europe, ADMEE Europe, Apr 2022, Point-à-Pitre, France
Conference papers hal-03767954v1
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Construction and validation of a French scale to measure attitudes toward inclusive education

Camille Legrain , Célénie Brasselet , Kamilla Khamzina , Mickaël Jury , Caroline Desombre
19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Jul 2023, Cracovie, Poland
Conference poster hal-04548829v1
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Construction and validation of the cognitive attitudes toward inclusive education scale among teachers and paraprofessionals in the French context

C. Legrain , C. Brasselet , K. Khamzina , Mickaël Jury , C. Desombre
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, inPress, ⟨10.1111/1471-3802.12735⟩
Journal articles hal-04794998v1

Vers une éthique en formation interprofessionnelle pour transcender les différences de métier entre enseignants et professionnels du médico-social

Olivier Kheroufi-Andriot , Kamilla Khamzina , Célénie Brasselet , Federica Cilia , Nicolas Guirimand
La Nouvelle revue – Éducation et société inclusives, 2024, 100, p. 95-110
Journal articles hal-04624627v1
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Dynamiques entre attitudes personnelles et normes sociales perçues dans les comportements de changement. Le cas de la conversion à l’agriculture biologique

Kamilla Khamzina , Michel Streith , Serge Guimond , Sylvain Dernat
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 2023, 31 (1), pp.64-74. ⟨10.1051/nss/2023022⟩
Journal articles hal-04176194v1
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French teachers' intentions to use accommodated materials in learning and assessment

Kamilla Khamzina , Caroline Desombre , Mickaël Jury
European Journal of Education, 2023, 58 (2), pp.209-220. ⟨10.1111/ejed.12553⟩
Journal articles hal-04025747v1

La formation à et par l’interprofessionnalité au service de l’éducation inclusive

Célénie Brasselet , S. Rossi , Kamilla Khamzina , Federica Cilia , Olivier Kheroufi-Andriot
Les Sciences de l'éducation pour l'ère nouvelle : revue internationale, 2022, 55 (2), pp.95-110
Journal articles hal-04629320v1

Social dominance and anti-immigrant prejudice: a cross-cultural and longitudinal test of the mediating role of assimilation, multiculturalism, colorblindness and interculturalism

Robin Wollast , Adrian Lüders , Armelle Nugier , Kamilla Khamzina , Roxane de la Sablonnière
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2022, 53 (1), pp.167-182. ⟨10.1002/ejsp.2895⟩
Journal articles hal-03747515v1
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Making the planet green again: The interplay of attitudes and group norms in the conversion to organic farming

Kamilla Khamzina , Sylvie Huet , Guillaume Deffuant , Michel Streith , Serge Guimond
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2021, 51 (11), pp.1073-1088. ⟨10.1111/jasp.12825⟩
Journal articles hal-03405530v1