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Kevin Levillain

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**Associate Professor at MINES Paris – PSL University** ----------------------------------------------------------- **Center for Management Science – i3 UMR CNRS 9217** ---------------------------------------------------- **PhD in Management Science** from MINES ParisTech, 2011-2015 *Les entreprises à mission : un modèle de gouvernance pour explorer l’inconnu* (*Mission-Driven Companies: a governance model for innovative collectives*) Graduated from MINES ParisTech (Civil Engineer), 2007-2010 **Titles and Positions** - **Co-chair of the research and teaching Chair Theory of the Enterprise** (Models of governance and collective creation). - Member of the teaching and research Chair Design Theory and Methods for Innovative design. - Scientific coordinator of the research project OSMosis, "Observatory of Sociétés à Mission" funded by ANR. - Co-chair of the standing track "Rethinking the responsible corporation", EURAM Conference (SIGs Business for Society & Corporate Governance) **Research areas and interests** - Theory and models of the innovative enterprise and its governance - History and recent evolutions of corporate law and corporate purpose - Purpose-driven companies, Hybrid organizations, Impact Investing **Awards** - "Livre RH" award 2019 from Le Monde, Syntec and SciencesPo for the book "*La Mission de l'Entreprise Responsable*" (2018, dir. B. Segrestin, K. Levillain) - Best Research Book in Management Science Award from the FNEGE, 2018 and from Consult’in France 2018 for the book “*Les Entreprises à Mission*”. - Best PhD Thesis in Management Science Award for Publication of the FNEGE, 2016 - Best Paper Award of the Business for Society SIG at EURAM conference, 2015 in Warsaw for the paper « Renewing the debate on the purpose of the corporation: A purpose-driven model of the corporation », K. Levillain, B. Segrestin, A. Hatchuel **Teaching Activities** - Co-head of the course “*Governement of the Enterprise*”, common basis curriculum – MINES ParisTech (3rd year) - Co-head of the course “*New Enterprises and Responsible Innovation”* – MINES ParisTech (2nd & 3rd year), Dauphine University (masters 101 & MTI) - Co-head of the "New Product Development & Innovation" courses for Engineers, PhD students and continuous training (MINES ParisTech, PSL) - “Innovation & Responsibility: new theory of the firm” for the Executive MBA – Paris Dauphine, UQAM - Involved in the Engineering Design and Innovation Curriculum at MINES ParisTech - Statistics and models for decision theory – MINES ParisTech (2nd year) - Management & Industrial Enterprises – Work internship – MINES ParisTech (1st year)


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How To Keep Track On Impact Investing Promises: Exploring The Potentials Of New Governance Schemes

Jérémy Lévêque , Thomas Enjalbert , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, inPress
Journal articles hal-04884344v1
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Profit-with-purpose corporations: Why purpose needs law and why it matters for management

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
European Management Review, In press, ⟨10.1111/emre.12628⟩
Journal articles hal-04353095v1

Décrypter la diversité des formes de société au prisme de leurs missions

Blanche Segrestin , Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain
Entreprise & société, 2023, 2 (14), pp.107-130. ⟨10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-16593-4⟩
Journal articles hal-04530583v1

Toward “Generative” Corporate Governance for Responsible Innovation: The Case of a French Mission Committee

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Jérémy Lévêque
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2023, 43 (2024/1), pp.131-158. ⟨10.3917/jie.pr1.0149⟩
Journal articles hal-04204359v1
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Faire de la raison d’être un facteur de résilience : le cas GRTgaz

Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Christophe Delfeld
Réalités industrielles. Annales des mines, 2023, 2023/1, pp.84 - 87. ⟨10.3917/rindu1.231.0084⟩
Journal articles hal-03991787v1

Gérer le risque de black-out: Pour une application du modèle du péril commun

Antoine Goutaland , Charlotte Demonsant , Armand Hatchuel , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Revue Française de Gestion, 2023, 2 (309), pp.101-117. ⟨10.3166/rfg.309.101-118⟩
Journal articles hal-04202843v1
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Innovative design on the shop floor of the Saint-Nazaire Airbus factory

Honorine Harlé , Sophie Hooge , Pascal Le Masson , Kevin Levillain , Thierry Ménard
Research in Engineering Design, 2022, ⟨10.1007/s00163-021-00380-x⟩
Journal articles hal-03807823v1
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Management & Law: The Forgotten Contribution of P. Selznick

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel
M@n@gement, 2022, 25 (1), pp.69-78. ⟨10.37725/mgmt.v25.8521⟩
Journal articles hal-03609700v1

La gouvernance de la société à mission.

Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel , Jérémy Lévêque , Blanche Segrestin
Entreprise & société, 2022, Entreprise & Société, 2022-1 (11), pp.97-111. ⟨10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-13800-6.p.0097⟩
Journal articles hal-03745584v1

Rethinking the purpose of the corporation with the creative power of the enterprise

Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel , Kevin Levillain
Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 2022, 78
Journal articles hal-03393036v1

La mission : une norme de gestion comme fondement de la gouvernance de l’entreprise responsable

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
Revue internationale de droit économique, 2021, t. XXXV (2), pp.193-205. ⟨10.3917/ride.352.0193⟩
Journal articles hal-03639685v1
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When the Law Distinguishes Between the Enterprise and the Corporation: The Case of the New French Law on Corporate Purpose

Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel , Kevin Levillain
Journal of Business Ethics, inPress, 171, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1007/s10551-020-04439-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02465609v1

Accompagner sans financer : une nouvelle doctrine d’investissement de l’État au capital des ETI

Laure-Anne Parpaleix , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, 2021, 30 | 1er semestre/spring 2021, ⟨10.4000/regulation.18833⟩
Journal articles hal-03411399v1

Comment la loi a instauré l’entreprise comme un acteur politique. Analyse historique et théorique de la loi Pacte et de la loi sur le devoir de vigilance

Armand Hatchuel , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Entreprises et Histoire, 2021, 104 (3), pp.184-197. ⟨10.3917/eh.104.0184⟩
Journal articles hal-03411409v1
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De la ressource commune au péril commun : Repenser nos modèles de l'action climatique

Charlotte Demonsant , Armand Hatchuel , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, 2021
Journal articles hal-03630940v1
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From primacy to purpose commitment: How emerging profit-with-purpose corporations open new corporate governance avenues

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
European Management Journal, 2019, 37 (5), pp.637-647. ⟨10.1016/j.emj.2019.07.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02290622v1
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On Inventing the Purpose-Driven Enterprise

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Valuation Studies, 2019, 6, pp.87 - 93. ⟨10.3384/VS.2001-5992.196187⟩
Journal articles hal-02011872v1

Financing the Next Generations of Innovation: New Dimensions in the Private Equity Model

Laure-Anne Parpaleix , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Journal of innovation economics, inPress, n°29 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.3917/jie.029.0007⟩
Journal articles halshs-02129063v1
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Innovative design in factory: new methods to go from closed to expandable prescriptions at the shop floor

Honorine Harlé , Sophie Hooge , Pascal Le Masson , Kevin Levillain , Benoit Weil
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 2019, pp.1165-1174
Journal articles hal-02094246v1

Innovation sociale et innovation radicale sont-elles contradictoires ? L’enjeu de formuler une mission sociale commune et générative

Kevin Levillain , Marine Agogué , Elsa Berthet
Revue Française de Gestion, 2016, 42 (255), pp.41 - 55. ⟨10.3166/rfg.2016.00021⟩
Journal articles hal-01407835v1

Gambling versus Designing: Organizing for the Design of the Probability Space in the Energy Sector

Sophie Hooge , Olga Kokshagina , Pascal Le Masson , Kevin Levillain , Benoit Weil
Creativity and Innovation Management, 2016, 25 (4), pp.464-483. ⟨10.1111/caim.12178⟩
Journal articles hal-01394629v1

Gamification of Creativity: Exploring the Usefulness of Serious Games for Ideation

Marine Agogué , Kevin Levillain , Sophie Hooge
Creativity and Innovation Management, 2015, 24 (3), pp.415-429. ⟨10.1111/caim.12138⟩
Journal articles hal-01185366v1
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Pourquoi et comment développer des technologies génériques au CEA – apports d'une approche par les théories et méthodes de la conception contemporaines

N Popiolek , Sophie Hooge , Olga Kokshagina , Pascal Le Masson , Kevin Levillain
Lettre de l'I-Tese, 2014
Journal articles hal-01485013v1

« L’objet social étendu » : une voie pour réaligner le droit et la théorie des parties prenantes

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel , Vernac Stéphane
Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 2014, 17 (3), pp.30-50
Journal articles hal-01083622v1

Repenser les finalités de l’entreprise. La contribution des sciences de gestion dans un monde post-hégélien

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
Revue Française de Gestion, 2014, 40 (245), pp.179-200. ⟨10.3166/rfg.245.179-200⟩
Journal articles hal-01288340v1

L'impensé de la RSE : La révision du cadre légal de l'entreprise

Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel , Blanche Segrestin
Revue Française de Gestion, 2012, 38 (228-229), pp.185-200. ⟨10.3166/rfg.228-229.185-200⟩
Journal articles hal-00796499v1
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Dual Purpose Corporations and Boards Expertise - an Exploratory Study in French Société à Mission

Jérémy Lévêque , Victor Acker , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Managing with Purpose, EURAM 2025, Jun 2025, Florence, Italia, France
Conference papers hal-04914415v1

"Normes de performance climatique des entreprises et effectivité des transitions"

Thomas Enjalbert , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
19E CONGRÈS DU RIODD : IMAGINER, EXPÉRIMENTER ET PÉRENNISER LA SOUTENABILITÉ FORTE, ICHEC Brussels Management School; Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB); UCLouvain Saint Louis Bruxelles, Sep 2024, Bruxelle, Belgique
Conference papers hal-04699055v1

Stratégies environnementales et travail. Une investigation empirique dans les entreprises à raison d’être

Jérémy Lévêque , Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
Congrès RIODD 2024 : Imaginer, expérimenter et pérenniser la soutenabilité forte. Quelles institutions en Europe et au-delà ?, ICHEC - Brussels Management SCHOOL, Nov 2024, Bruxelles, Belgique
Conference papers hal-04802611v1

Penser le sauvetage commun pour dépasser les dilemmes équité/ efficacité dans la gestion publique de l’atténuation climatique

Charlotte Demonsant , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Politiques et Management Publics, May 2024, La rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-04681083v1

“Building on financial relationships to enable the environmental and social performance of responsible portfolios?”

Thomas Enjalbert , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Fostering Innovation To Address Grand Challenges, EURAM, Jun 2024, Bath (UK), United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04600440v1
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Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Fostering innovation to address Grand Challenges, EURAM 2024, Jun 2024, Bath (UK), United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04562660v1

Entreprises et finalités multiples. Etude de la gouvernance de la société à mission

Blanche Segrestin , Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain
RIODD, ICHEC Brussels Management School, Sep 2024, Bruxelles, Belgique
Conference papers hal-04803657v1

Identiques, différents ou les deux ? Regard sur les organes de gouvernance des sociétés à mission

Victor Acker , Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
19ème congrès du RIODD - Imaginer, expérimenter et pérenniser la soutenabilité forte, ICHEC Brussels Management School, Sep 2024, Bruxelles, Belgique
Conference papers hal-04801816v1

Entreprises et finalités multiples : discussion du schéma de gouvernance des sociétés à mission à partir de cas empiriques

Blanche Segrestin , Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain
Congrès RIODD 2024 : Imaginer, expérimenter et pérenniser la soutenabilité forte. Quelles institutions en Europe et au-delà ?, ICHEC - Brussels Management School, Nov 2024, Bruxelles, Belgique
Conference papers hal-04802512v1


Blanche Segrestin , Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain
EURAM, University of Bath, Jun 2024, Bath, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04803653v1

Climate mitigation as rescuing: managing equity and effectiveness dilemmas in policy design

Charlotte Demonsant , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Joint Sessions of workshops, European Consortium of Political Research, Mar 2024, Lüneburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-04681078v1

Comités de mission : tentative de modélisation des premières expériences

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Jérémy Lévêque
18E CONGRÈS DU RIODD : CHANGER OU S'EFFONDRER ?, Université de Lille, Oct 2023, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-04243843v1
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The Profit-with-purpose Corporation Confronted to Grand Societal challenges: Insights From the Study of a Formulation Process

Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Transforming Business for Good, EURAM, Jun 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-04130125v1

Formuler une promesse dans un contexte de grand challenge : formes et implications pour le contrôle des Sociétés à Mission

Jérémy Lévêque , Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
Changer ou s'effronder ?, RIODD, Oct 2023, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-04244745v1

When fairness increases robustness and efficiency, ‘tariff equalization’ as a rule for power network design

Antoine Goutaland , Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
R&D Management Conference 2023, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Jun 2023, Seville, Spain
Conference papers hal-04479629v1
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Blanche Segrestin , Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain
European Academy of Management, Trinity College, Jun 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-04129840v1

"Alignement 2°C : une contrainte additionnelle sur le processus d’investissement responsable ? L’étude de cas de la méthode d’alignement de Mirova"

Thomas Enjalbert , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
18E CONGRÈS DU RIODD : CHANGER OU S'EFFONDRER ?, Université de Lille, Oct 2023, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-04600419v1
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Questioning the logic of collective climate action: framing the climate action situation and the model of "Common rescue"

Charlotte Demonsant , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
38th EGOS ( European Group for Organizational Studies ) Colloquium, Jul 2022, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-03722106v1
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The emergence of multipolar corporate governance: the case of Danone and the French Société à Mission

Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel , Jérémy Lévêque , Blanche Segrestin
EURAM 2022 - Leading the digital transformation, Jun 2022, Winterthur, France
Conference papers hal-03689828v1
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Piloter le patrimoine industriel pour gérer la transformation « 4.0 » : le cas de la Haute Horlogerie, ST-AIMS 03 : Industrie du futur : vers un nouveau paradigme industriel ?

Sophie Hooge , Kety Pezaku , Cédric Dalmasso , Kevin Levillain
AIMS, May 2022, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-03945612v1

Sortir du dilemme équité/ efficacité pour la réduction de la pollution de l’air ? Penser le « péril commun » pour régénérer les modèles d’action

Charlotte Demonsant , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
AIMS, Jun 2022, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-03722115v1

Electric Solidarity : a Research Program to Model Interdependence Management in Current Power Systems

Antoine Goutaland , Nathalie Devulder , Vincent Ringeissen , Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
Conférence internationale des grands réseaux électriques, Sep 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03819149v1

Piloter le patrimoine industriel pour gérer la transformation « 4.0 » : le cas de la Haute Horlogerie

Sophie Hooge , Kety Pezaku , Cédric Dalmasso , Kevin Levillain
AIMS, Jun 2022, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-03941718v1

Designing for Impact in Highly Interdependent Systems: the case of equity management in the French electricity network

Antoine Goutaland , Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
International Product Development Management 2022, Jul 2022, Hambourg, Germany
Conference papers hal-03819120v1
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Les avaries communes : étude d'une alternative plus équitable à la taxe carbone

Charlotte Demonsant , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
RIODD, Sep 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-03406020v1

How the law establishes the enterprise as a political actor: A historical and theoretical analysis of recent French corporate law innovations.

Armand Hatchuel , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
MANCEPT Workshops, Sep 2021, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03411422v1

The French Société à Mission: a renewal in non-shareholder stakeholders’ rights to sue a corporation for misconduct?

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
SASE Conference, Jul 2021, Duisburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-03411432v1

Initiating a dialog between design sciences and ecology to unveil the conditions of social-ecological systems’ resilience

Elsa Berthet , Vincent Bretagnolle , Armand Hatchuel , Benoit Weil , Pascal Le Masson
Initiating a dialog between design sciences and ecology to unveil the conditions of social-ecological systems’ resilience, ICED conference-Design theory, generativity in artificial systems, generativity in bio-ecosystems, Aug 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference papers hal-04503925v1
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A Model of the Innovative Purpose for Responsible Innovation : Towards Design-Based Governance

Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
DESIGN Conference, Oct 2020, Online, France. pp.1999-2008, ⟨10.1017/dsd.2020.89⟩
Conference papers hal-04346501v1
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A Model of the Innovative Purpose for Responsible Innovation : Towards Design-Based Governance

Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
16th International Design conference, May 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia. ⟨10.1017/dsd.2020.89⟩
Conference papers hal-02489027v1

L’Etat-actionnaire au service de la croissance des entreprises de taille intermédiaire ?

Laure-Anne Parpaleix , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Colloque international AFEP-IIPPE - Penser l'économie de demain et le futur de l'économie politique, Jul 2019, Lille, France
Conference papers halshs-02296332v1
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The Purpose-Driven Corporate Forms: Tackling Grand Societal Challenges with Innovations in Governance and Corporate Responsibility

Kevin Levillain , Dana Brakman Reiser , Blanche Segrestin , Günter K. Stahl , Christian Voegtlin
Academy of Management, Aug 2019, Boston, United States
Conference papers halshs-02296447v1
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Honorine Harlé , Sophie Hooge , Pascal Le Masson , Kevin Levillain , Benoit Weil
IPDM conference, Jun 2019, Leicester, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02182420v1
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Commitment in the unknown: An innovative use of the Profit-with-Purpose corporate framework to ensure responsible innovation

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
AIMS, Jun 2019, Dakar, Senegal
Conference papers hal-02171252v1

How to enhance the profitability of your project portfolio – by reducing uncertainty or exploring the unknown?

Agathe Gilain , Pascal Le Masson , Kevin Levillain , Yannick Marin , Benoit Weil
IPDM, Jun 2019, Leicester, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02095624v1
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Is a Shift Always a Drift? Governing Hybrid Organizations with Innovative Purpose

Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
EURAM 2019 - Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado, Jun 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01982969v1
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Réalisation de l'impact ou génération d’alternatives ? Une étude des méthodes d'évaluation de l'investissement à impact.

Jérémy Lévêque , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
RIODD 2018 - Pour durer ou pour changer, Oct 2018, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01897420v1
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Financing innovation: two models of private equity investment

Laure-Anne Parpaleix , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
R&D Management Conference 2018 “R&Designing Innovation: Transformational Challenges for Organizations and Society” , Jul 2018, Milan, Italy
Conference papers hal-01768986v2
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From Primacy to Commitment: Revising corporate governance theories to account for recent legal innovations in the US

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
EURAM, Jun 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers hal-01777788v1
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Is law normalizing Hybrid Organizations? Putting profit-with-purpose corporations into historical perspective

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
European Academy of Management, Jun 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01497085v1

Knowledge management for the unknown: Using matroids to structure first knowledge base in Exploratory Project

Mathilde Radek , Sophie Hooge , Kevin Levillain , Anne Bion-Robin
Innovation Product Development Management Conference, Jun 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers hal-01477297v1

Investing in Innovative Middle-Market Companies: Taking Innovation Capabilities into Account to Enrich Private Equity Investment Strategies

Laure-Anne Parpaleix , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Conference papers hal-01496269v1
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Purpose-driven corporations: how corporate law reorders the field of corporate governance

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel
European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM 2016), Jun 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01323118v1
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Designing exploratory partnerships in Southeast Asia: The challenge of building a sustainable ecosystem to address chronic malnutrition

Sophie Hooge , Kevin Levillain , Ludivine Guérineau , Anne Bion-Robin , Julie Gautier
EGOS, Jul 2016, Naples, Italy
Conference papers hal-01364198v1
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Entrepreneur’s Wealth vs. Firm’s Welfare: Exploring an “evergreen” governance for firm succession

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Jun 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01292956v1
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Framing a generative common purpose: how social entrepreneurs achieve social innovation

Kevin Levillain , Marine Agogué , Elsa Berthet
20. Conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Strategique (AIMS), Jun 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02740066v1
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Is Law Normalizing Hybrid Organizations? Guidelines from Multi-purpose Corporations

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
SMS Conference Denver, Oct 2015, Denver, United States
Conference papers hal-01143317v1

Governance for innovation-driven companies: the legacy of Walther Rathenau on the German Model

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Jul 2015, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01202495v1

A purpose-driven theory of the corporation?

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel
The nature and governance of the corporation, WINIR, Apr 2015, lugano, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01148198v1

Reviving the debate on the Corporate Purpose: A purpose-driven model of the corporation

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Jun 2015, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers hal-01202492v1
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Designing generic technologies in Energy Research: learning from two CEA technologies for double unknown management

Sophie Hooge , Olga Kokshagina , Pascal Le Masson , Kevin Levillain , Benoit Weil
European Academy of Management - EURAM 2014, Jun 2014, Valencia, Spain. pp.33
Conference papers hal-00987214v1
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The Blind Spot of Corporate Social Responsibility: Changing the legal framework of the firm

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
EURAM, Jun 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers hal-00969099v1
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Can venture capital foster innovation? A study of the coupling between innovation and finance

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
International Product Development Management Conference, Jun 2014, Ireland
Conference papers hal-00969096v1

An analytical framework to evaluate idea generations methodologies: the case of the serious game

Marine Agogué , Kevin Levillain , Sophie Hooge
IPDMC, Jun 2014, Limerick, Ireland
Conference papers hal-00971521v1

Framing a generative common purpose: a critical skill for social entrepreneurs to achieve social innovations

Kevin Levillain , Marine Agogué , Elsa Berthet
ISPIM Americas, International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). INT., Oct 2014, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-01077466v1

L'émergence de nouvelles formes de société : l'exemple de la Flexible Purpose Corporation

Kevin Levillain
L'entreprise multinationale dans tous ses Etats, Sep 2013, Paris, France. pp. 321-336
Conference papers hal-00924720v1
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Partnering to innovate or partnering innovation ? The binding effect of generative potentials

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
International Product Development Management Conference, Jun 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00920839v1
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A mission-centric view of the firm: Lessons from Social Entrepreneurship

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
R&D Management, May 2012, France
Conference papers hal-00733413v1


Arnaud Stimec , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Jacob Dahl Rendtorff , Maria Bonnafous-Boucher
Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.79-83, 2023, 9781800374232
Book sections hal-03940849v1

L'action climatique équitable : sortir de l'impasse théorique et de la paralysie

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Charlotte Demonsant , Armand Hatchuel
Presses des Mines. Le changement climatique comme péril commun. Réconcilier action climatique et justice sociale., 2023
Book sections hal-04073997v1
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L'entreprise à mission comme nouvelle forme de citoyenneté économique

Armand Hatchuel , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
Benoit Hamon. La citoyenneté économique peut-elle sauver l'avenir ?, Des Equateurs Eds., 2022, 2382842296
Book sections hal-03874445v1

Responsabilité, Raison d’être et société à mission. Les sources théoriques d’une réforme pionnière de l’entreprise

Armand Hatchuel , Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
Alexandre Menais. Raison d’être, responsabilité et engagement: l’entreprise au-delà du capitalisme, LexisNexis, 2021
Book sections hal-03411406v1

Chapter 7. From Financial Growth to Generative Growth: A Renewal of Private Equity

Laure-Anne Parpaleix , Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX 2020. Who Will Finance Innovation?, 2020
Book sections hal-02928392v1

Entreprises, Responsabilités et Civilisations. Introduction

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel , Stéphane Vernac
Kevin Levillain; Blanche Segrestin; Armand Hatchuel; Stéphane Vernac. Entreprises, Responsabilités et Civilisations. Vers un nouveau cycle du Développement Durable, Presses des Mines, 2020, 978-2-35671-625-5
Book sections hal-03030217v1

Profit- with-Purpose Corporations An Innovation in Corporate Law to Meet Contemporary Corporate Social Responsibility Challenges

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin , Armand Hatchuel
A. McWilliams, D. Rupp, D. Siegel, G. Stahl & D. Waldman. Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility: Psychological and Organizational Perspectives, Oxford University Press, pp.490-512, 2019
Book sections halshs-01845518v1

Pour une nouvelle théorie du contrôle : du droit de contrôle au contrat de gestion

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain
La mission de l'entreprise responsable. Principes et normes de gestion, 2018
Book sections hal-02290038v1

Protecting Long-Term Commitment: Legal and Organizational Means

Kevin Levillain , Simon C Parker , Rory Ridley-Duff , Blanche Segrestin , Jeroen Veldman
Ciaran Driver & Grahame Thompson. Corporate Governance in Contention, Oxford University Press, 2018, 9780198805274
Book sections halshs-01845513v1

Les conditions cachées de la RSE : leçons du mouvement des Profit-with-Purpose Corporations

Kevin Levillain , Blanche Segrestin
La mission de l'entreprise responsable. Principes et normes de gestion, 2018
Book sections hal-02290043v1

L'objet social étendu : une condition pour l'industrie

Blanche Segrestin , Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel
Pierre Veltz, Thierry Weil. L'industrie, notre avenir, Eyrolles, pp. 316-324, 2015
Book sections hal-01096231v1

Normer l’entreprise pour l’émanciper ? Vers de nouvelles options juridiques

Kevin Levillain , Armand Hatchuel , Blanche Segrestin
Blanche Segrestin; Baudoin Roger; Stéphane Vernac. L'entreprise, point aveugle du savoir ?, Sciences Humaines, 2014, 9782361062224
Book sections hal-01487571v1