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Laurence LE COQ

Pr. Laurence Le Coq, Dean of Research and economic development, Institut Mines-Télécom, GEPEA UMR CNRS 6144
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  • IdHAL laurence-le-coq
  • IdRef : 088416151
  • ORCID 0000-0002-9060-2755
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  • ResearcherId : W-7345-2019
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Laurence Le Coq is Professor in Environmental Engineering. She is Dean of Research and economic development at [Institut Mines-Télécom]( From 2017 to 2024 she was successively Vice Dean / Dean of Research & Innovation at IMT Atlantique, and from 2015 to 2017 Dean of Research at Mines Nantes. From 2008 to 2015, she was in charge of the *Energy system & environmental engineering* department at Mines Nantes, as well as deputy director of the Doctoral School in Engineering science. She was deputy director of [GEPEA]( laboratory (UMR CNRS 6144) from 2012 to 2020. Her research activitiy is conducted in [GEPEA]( laboratory, a joint research unit merging CNRS, Nantes University, ONIRIS and IMT Atlantique. It deals with mass transfer and particle transport through porous media. She is author of more than 60 publications in international peer-review journals and more than 80 communications in international congress. Her scientific skills are related to : \- Aerosol : Transport, capture et resuspension at fluid/solid (porous) interface – application to air depollution and gas separation for energy valorisation or environmental issues. \- Gazeous pollutants : Transfer w/w.o. reaction at fluid/solid (porous) interface – application to COV, PAH and inorganic compounds adsorption for air, fumes and syngas treatment. \- Pourous media : Structural and physico-chemical characterisation in relation with mass transfer / flow through porous media – application to new carboneceous adsorbant and filter clogging.


Prediction of the temporal evolution of microparticle resuspension in ventilated duct during a fan start by a Monte Carlo model

Jesica Benito , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Rodolfo Uñac , Ana Vidales
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2024, 58 (3), pp.244-263. ⟨10.1080/02786826.2024.2313094⟩
Journal articles hal-04807377v1
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Influence of test Protocol on Filtration Efficiency of Medical Face Mask Material

Aurélie Joubert , Ala Bouhanguel , Yves Andres , Laurence Le Coq
Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2024, 24, pp.230180. ⟨10.4209/aaqr.230180⟩
Journal articles hal-04521231v1
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Image analysis for the time-resolved description of microparticle resuspension under transient airflow

Corentin Cazes , Lionel Fiabane , Félicie Theron , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2023, 173, pp.106198. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2023.106198⟩
Journal articles hal-04109582v1
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Comparison of bacterial filtration efficiency vs. particle filtration efficiency to assess the performance of non-medical face masks

Henrietta Essie Whyte , Yoann Montigaud , Estelle Audoux , Paul Verhoeven , Amélie Prier
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.1188. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-05245-4⟩
Journal articles hal-03844342v1
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Lab-scale characterization of emissions from incineration of halogen- and sulfur-containing nanowastes by use of a tubular furnace

Christophe Dutouquet , Olivier Aguerre-Chariol , Laurent Meunier , Aurélie Joubert , S. Durécu
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 19 (3), pp.1139-1152. ⟨10.1007/s13762-021-03227-z⟩
Journal articles ineris-03217724v1
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Reuse of medical face masks in domestic and community settings without sacrificing safety: Ecological and economical lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

Jean-Pierre Alcaraz , Laurence Le Coq , Jérémie Pourchez , Dominique Thomas , Sandrine Chazelet
Chemosphere, 2022, 288, pp.132364. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132364⟩
Journal articles hal-03844375v1
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Influence of the transient airflow pattern on the temporal evolution of microparticle resuspension: Application to ventilated duct during fan acceleration

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2022, 56 (11), pp.1033-1046. ⟨10.1080/02786826.2022.2120793⟩
Journal articles hal-04104593v1
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Spray scrubber for nanoparticle removal from incineration fumes from the incineration of waste containing nanomaterials: Theoretical and experimental investigations

Emmanuel Adah , Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Marc Henry , Sylvain Durécu
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2022, 56 (1), pp.75 - 91. ⟨10.1080/02786826.2021.1974332⟩
Journal articles hal-04581871v1
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Sorption properties of activated carbons for the capture of methyl iodide in the context of nuclear industry

M. Chebbi , C. Monsanglant-Louvet , P. Parent , Claire Gerente , Laurence Le Coq
Carbon Trends, 2022, 7, pp.100164. ⟨10.1016/j.cartre.2022.100164⟩
Journal articles hal-03585406v1
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Impact of washing parameters on bacterial filtration efficiency and breathability of community and medical facemasks

Henrietta Essie Whyte , Aurélie Joubert , Lara Leclerc , Gwendoline Sarry , Paul Verhoeven
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.15853. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-20354-w⟩
Journal articles hal-04567651v1
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Reuse of medical face masks in domestic and community settings without sacrificing safety: Ecological and economical lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

Jean-Pierre Alcaraz , Laurence Le Coq , Jérémie Pourchez , Dominique Thomas , Sandrine Chazelet
Chemosphere, 2022, 288, pp.132364. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132364⟩
Journal articles hal-03385157v1
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Reusability of face masks: Influence of washing and comparison of performance between medical face masks and community face masks

Henrietta Essie Whyte , Aurélie Joubert , Lara Leclerc , Gwendoline Sarry , Paul Verhoeven
Environmental Technology and Innovation, 2022, 28, pp.102710. ⟨10.1016/j.eti.2022.102710⟩
Journal articles hal-03844335v2
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Papovit - Particules en élevages de porcs et de volailles et itinéraires techniques : mise au point méthodologique et acquisition de facteurs d’émissions

Nadine Guingand , Vincent Blazy , A.L. Boulestreau-Boulay , Nicolas Génot , Mélynda Hassouna
Innovations Agronomiques, 2022, 85, pp.249-262. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2022-vol85-art19⟩
Journal articles hal-03764915v1

Predicting the permeability and specific surface area of compressed and uncompressed fibrous media including the Klinkenberg effect

S. Woudberg , E. Maré , M.C. van Heyningen , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq
Powder Technology, 2021, 377, pp.488-505. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2020.08.081⟩
Journal articles hal-02955873v1

Corrigendum to “Local experimental methodology for the study of microparticles resuspension in ventilated duct during fan acceleration” [Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol 140, 2020, 105477]

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2021, 156, pp.105832. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2021.105832⟩
Journal articles hal-03278868v1
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Local variations of air velocity in the vicinity of filter pleats in transitional airflow regime – Experimental and numerical approaches

Walid Mrad , Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Nancy Zgheib , Laurence Le Coq
Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 268, pp.118658. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118658⟩
Journal articles hal-03195715v1
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Local experimental methodology for the study of microparticles resuspension in ventilated duct during fan acceleration

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2020, 140, pp.105477. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2019.105477⟩
Journal articles hal-02342963v1
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Performance of nonwoven geotextiles on soil drainage and filtration

Nour-Eddine Sabiri , Adeline Caylet , Agnès Montillet , Laurence Le Coq , Yves Durkheim
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2020, 24 (5), pp.670-688. ⟨10.1080/19648189.2017.1415982⟩
Journal articles hal-01741182v1
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Evaluation of nanosilica emission in polydimethylsiloxane composite during incineration

G. Ounoughene , C. Chivas-Joly , C. Longuet , O. Le Bihan , José-Marie Lopez-Cuesta
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 371, pp.415-422. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.03.026⟩
Journal articles hal-02192647v1
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Reactivity and deactivation mechanisms of pyrolysis chars from bio-waste during catalytic cracking of tar

Maxime Hervy , Elsa Weiss-Hortala , Doan Pham Minh , Hadi Dib , Audrey Villot
Applied Energy, 2019, 237, pp.487-499. ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.021⟩
Journal articles hal-01977738v1
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Influence of air humidity on particle filtration performance of a pulse-jet bag filter

Rachid Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , Sylvain Durecu , Kamal Gueraoui , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2019, 130, pp.1-9. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2019.01.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02268100v1
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Catalytic cracking of ethylbenzene as tar surrogate using pyrolysis chars from wastes

Maxime Hervy , Audrey Villot , Claire Gerente , Doan Pham Minh , Elsa Weiss-Hortala
Biomass and Bioenergy, 2018, 117, pp.86-95. ⟨10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.07.020⟩
Journal articles hal-01867484v1
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H2S removal from syngas using wastes pyrolysis chars

Maxime Hervy , Doan Pham Minh , Claire Gerente , Elsa Weiss-Hortala , Ange Nzihou
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334, p.2179-2189. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2017.11.162⟩
Journal articles hal-01667285v1
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Investigating the influence of local porosity variations and anisotropy effects on the permeability of fibrous media for air filtration

Sonia Woudberg , Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Laurence Le Coq
Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 180, pp.70 - 78. ⟨10.1016/J.CES.2018.01.035⟩
Journal articles hal-01700159v1
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Pulse-Jet Bag Filter Performances for Treatment of Submicronic and Nanosized Particles from Waste Incineration

R. Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , K. Gueraoui , S. Durécu , D. Venditti
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2018, 9 (5), pp.731-737. ⟨10.1007/s12649-017-9858-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01531936v1
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Advanced characterization unravels the structure and reactivity of wood-based chars

Sarah Berhanu , Maxime Hervy , Elsa Weiss-Hortala , Henry Proudhon , Marie-Hélène Berger
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 130, p.79-89. ⟨10.1016/j.jaap.2018.01.024⟩
Journal articles hal-01700193v1
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Photocatalytic oxidation of VOCs at ppb level using a closed-loop reactor: The mixture effect

Valérie Hequet , C. Raillard , O. Debono , F. Thevenet , N. Locoge
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 226, pp.473 - 486. ⟨10.1016/J.APCATB.2017.12.041⟩
Journal articles hal-01700177v1
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Multi-scale characterisation of chars mineral species for tar cracking

Maxime Hervy , Sarah Berhanu , Elsa Weiss-Hortala , Anthony Chesnaud , Claire Gerente
Fuel, 2017, 189, pp.88-97. ⟨10.1016/j.fuel.2016.10.089⟩
Journal articles hal-01391562v1
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Characterization of the porous structure of a non-woven fibrous medium for air filtration at local and global scales using porosimetry and X-ray micro-tomography

Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Aurélie Joubert , François Bertrand , Laurence Le Coq
Powder Technology, 2017, 320, pp.295-303. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2017.07.020⟩
Journal articles hal-01700199v1
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Numerical and experimental investigations of the influence of the pleat geometry on the pressure drop and velocity field of a pleated fibrous filter

Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Laurence Le Coq
Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 182, pp.69-77. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2017.02.034⟩
Journal articles hal-01487561v1
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Quantification of the fungal fraction released from various preloaded fibrous filters during a simulated ventilation restart

K. Morisseau , Aurélie Joubert , Laurence Le Coq , Yves Andres
Indoor Air, 2017, 27 (3), pp.529-538. ⟨10.1111/ina.12330⟩
Journal articles hal-01381779v1
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How chemical and physical mechanisms enable the influence of the operating conditions in a photocatalytic indoor air treatment device to be modeled

Frédéric Batault , Valérie Hequet , Cécile Raillard , Frédéric Thévenet , Nadine Locoge
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 307, pp.766 - 775. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2016.08.118⟩
Journal articles hal-01423685v1
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Determination of the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) Purifiers for Indoor Air Pollutants Using a Closed-Loop Reactor. Part II: Experimental Results

Valérie Hequet , Frédéric Batault , Cécile Raillard , Frédéric Thévenet , Laurence Le Coq
Molecules, 2017, Photon-involving Purification of Water and Air, 22 (3), pp.408. ⟨10.3390/molecules22030408⟩
Journal articles hal-01487568v1
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VOC ternary mixture effect on ppb level photocatalytic oxidation: Removal kinetic, reaction intermediates and mineralization

O. Debono , Valérie Hequet , Laurence Le Coq , N. Locoge , F. Thevenet
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 218, pp.359 - 369. ⟨10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.06.070⟩
Journal articles hal-01700203v1
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Thermal disposal of waste containing nanomaterials: first investigations on a methodology for risk management

G. Ounoughene , O. Lebihan , B. Debray , C. Chivas-Joly , C. Longuet
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, 838, pp.012024. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/838/1/012024⟩
Journal articles hal-01700214v1
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Characterization of Polymer Waste Containing Nano-fillers Prior its End-of-Life Treatment

Dinh Trinh Tran , Aurélie Joubert , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu , Thierry Meunier
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2017, 8 (7), pp.2463-2471. ⟨10.1007/s12649-016-9757-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01423661v1

Filtration performances of HVAC filters for PM10 and microbial aerosols— Influence of management in a lab-scale air handling unit

Luisa F. González , Aurélie Joubert , Yves Andres , Myriam Liard , Christophe Renner
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2016, 50 (6), ⟨10.1080/02786826.2016.1167833⟩
Journal articles hal-01324435v1
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Rachid Boudhan , Laurence Le Coq , Aurélie Joubert , Kamal Gueraoui
International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, 2016, 16 (1-4), pp.13 - 21. ⟨10.1615/InterJEnerCleanEnv.2016015630⟩
Journal articles hal-01423689v1
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Behavior and Fate of Halloysite Nanotubes (HNTs) When Incinerating PA6/HNTs Nanocomposite

Ghania Ounoughene , Olivier Le Bihan , C. Chivas-Joly , C. Motzkus , C. Longuet
Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 49 (9), pp.5450-5457. ⟨10.1021/es505674j⟩
Journal articles hal-01201688v1

Acetaldehyde and acetic acid adsorption on TiO2 under dry and humid conditions

F. Batault , F. Thevenet , Valérie Hequet , C. Rillard , Laurence Le Coq
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 264, pp.197-210. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2014.10.089⟩
Journal articles hal-01204737v1
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Improvement in 8h-sampling rate assessment considering meteorological parameters variability for biogas VOC passive measurements in the surroundings of a French landfill

Marie Verriele , Nadine Allam , Laurence Depelchin , Laurence Le Coq , Nadine Locoge
Talanta, 2015, 144, pp.294--302. ⟨10.1016/j.talanta.2015.05.083⟩
Journal articles hal-01260871v1

Analytical determination of the effect of compression on the permeability of fibrous porous media

S. Woudberg , M. C. Van Heyningen , Laurence Le Coq , Jack Legrand , J. P. Du Plessis
Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 112, pp.108-115. ⟨10.1019/j.ces.2014.03.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01204896v1

Use of Experimental Designs to Establish a Kinetic Law for a Gas Phase Photocatalytic Process

Cécile Raillard , Audrey Maudhuit , Valérie Hequet , Laurence Le Coq , Jean Sablayrolles
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2014, 12 (1), ⟨10.1515/ijcre-2014-0012⟩
Journal articles hal-01206905v1

Microbial aerosol filtration: growth and release of bacteria-fungi consortium collected by fibrous filters in different operating conditions

Audrey Forthomme , Aurélie Joubert , Yves Andres , Xavier Simon , Philippe Duquenne
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2014, 72, pp.32-46. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2014.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01098171v1

Gas phase photocatalytic oxidation of decane at ppb levels: Removal kinetics, reaction intermediates and carbon mass balance

Olivier Debono , F. Thevenet , P. Gravejat , Valérie Hequet , Cécile Raillard
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2013, 258, pp.17--29. ⟨10.1016/j.jphotochem.2013.02.022⟩
Journal articles hal-00945326v1

Micro-Ingredients Carry-Over During Bucket Elevator Handling in Feed Industry: Influence of Process Parameters

Marine Leloup , F. Putier , Camille Solliec , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2013, 36 (5), pp.675--685. ⟨10.1111/jfpe.12031⟩
Journal articles hal-00945330v1

TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation of indoor VOCs at ppb levels in a multi-pass dynamic reactor: Influence of VOCs mixture on reaction intermediates concentrations

Olivier Debono , Cecile Raillard , Valérie Hequet , Frederic Thevenet , Nadine Locoge
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 245
Journal articles hal-00945339v1

Different families of volatile organic compounds pollution control by microporous carbons in temperature swing adsorption processes.

Shivaji G Ramalingam , Pascaline Pre , Sylvain Giraudet , Laurence Le Coq , Pierre Le Cloirec
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 221-222, pp.242-247. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.04.037⟩
Journal articles hal-00874930v1
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Syngas Treatment Unit for Small Scale Gasification - Application to IC Engine Gas Quality Requirement

Laurence Le Coq , D C Ashenafi
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2012, 5 (1), pp.95 - 103. ⟨10.36884/jafm.5.01.11963⟩
Journal articles hal-01423677v1

Recovery comparisons--hot nitrogen Vs steam regeneration of toxic dichloromethane from activated carbon beds in oil sands process.

Shivaji G Ramalingam , Pascaline Pre , Sylvain Giraudet , Laurence Le Coq , Pierre Le Cloirec
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 205-206, pp.222-228. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.12.062⟩
Journal articles hal-00874931v1

Global statistical predictor model for characteristic adsorption energy of organic vapors-solid interaction: use in dynamic process simulation.

Shivaji G Ramalingam , Lomig Hamon , Pascaline Pre , Sylvain Giraudet , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 377 (1), pp.375-378. ⟨10.1016/j.jcis.2012.03.068⟩
Journal articles hal-00874940v1

Evolution of microbial aerosol behaviour in heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems - quantification of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Penicillium oxalicum viability

Audrey Forthomme , Yves Andres , Aurélie Joubert , X. Simon , P. Duquenne
Environmental Technology, 2012, 34 (8), pp.993-997. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2012.689370⟩
Journal articles hal-00877780v1
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Étude cinétique, à lʼéchelle de la ppb, des sous-produits formés durant lʼoxydation photocatalytique du toluène

Olivier Debono , Frederic Thevenet , Valérie Hequet , C. Raillard , Laurence Le Coq
Pollution Atmosphérique : climat, santé, société, 2011, 211, pp.305-312
Journal articles hal-02363096v1

Hazardous dichloromethane recovery in combined temperature and vacuum pressure swing adsorption process.

Shivaji Ganesan Ramalingam , Jerôme Saussac , Pascaline Pre , Sylvain Giraudet , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 198, pp.95-102. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.10.019⟩
Journal articles hal-00919908v1

Adsorption phenomena in photocatalytic reactions: The case of toluene, acetone and heptane

Audrey Maudhuit , Cecile Raillard , Valérie Hequet , Laurence Le Coq , Jean Sablayrolles
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 170 (2-3), pp.464--470. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2011.02.040⟩
Journal articles hal-00945320v1

Toluene photocatalytic oxidation at ppbv levels: Kinetic investigation and carbon balance determination

O. Debono , F. Thevenet , P. Gravejat , Valérie Hequet , C. Raillard
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2011, 106 (3-4), pp.600 - 608. ⟨10.1016/j.apcatb.2011.06.021⟩
Journal articles hal-01423680v1
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Gas adsorption capacity of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ashes based materials

Laurence Le Coq , Stéphanie Navarro , Solenne Grellier
Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 2010, N°57 - Janvier-Février-Mars 2010, pp.7. ⟨10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.3108⟩
Journal articles hal-03173202v1
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Application of sludge-based carbonaceous materials in a hybrid water treatment process based on adsorption and catalytic wet air oxidation

Carine Julcour-Lebigue , Caroline Andriantsiferana , Nguessan Joachim Krou , Catherine Ayral , Elham Farouk Mohamed
Journal of Environmental Management, 2010, 91 (12), pp.2432-2439. ⟨10.1016/J.JENVMAN.2010.06.008⟩
Journal articles hal-02353565v1

Photocatalytic oxidation of indoor VOCs at ppb levels: Kinetics of by-products formation

Olivier Debono , Frédéric Thevenet , Valérie Hequet , Cecile Raillard , Laurence Le Coq
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 239
Journal articles hal-00945332v1
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SFGP 2007: Microbial growth onto filter media used in air treatment devices

Jean-Christophe Bonnevie Perrier , Laurence Le Coq , Yves Andres , Pierre Le Cloirec
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2008, 6 (1), ⟨10.2202/1542-6580.1675⟩
Journal articles hal-00878486v1
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Influence on permeability of the structural parameters of heterogeneous porous media

Laurence Le Coq
Environmental Technology, 2008, 29 (2), pp.141-149. ⟨10.1080/09593330802028477⟩
Journal articles hal-00945329v1

Combined air treatment: Effect of composition of fibrous filters on toluene adsorption and particle filtration efficiency

Agnès Rochereau , Marc Benesse , Laurence Le Coq , Evelyne Mauret , Albert Subrenat
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2008, 86 (6), pp.577 - 584. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2008.02.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01423681v1

Indoor air particulate filtration onto activated carbon fiber media

Celine Lorimier , Laurence Le Coq , Albert Subrenat , Pierre Le Cloirec
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2008, 134 (2), pp.126--137. ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2008)134:2(126)⟩
Journal articles hal-00945328v1

Influence of complex fibrous media composition on their performances for VOC and particle removal

Agnès Rochereau , Laurence Le Coq , Albert Subrenat , Evelyne Mauret , Pierre Le Cloirec
Environmental Technology, 2007, 28 (12), pp.1365-1375. ⟨10.1080/09593332808618894⟩
Journal articles hal-00292100v1

Production of porous carbonaceous adsorbent from physical activation of sewage sludge: application to wastewater treatment

Sébastien Rio , Laurence Le Coq , Catherine Faur , Pierre Le Cloirec
Water Science and Technology, 2006, 53 (3), pp.237--244. ⟨10.2166/wst.2006.102⟩
Journal articles hal-00945337v1

Collection efficiency of a woven filter made of multifiber yarn: Experimental characterization during loading and clean filter modeling based on a two-tier single fiber approach

Marc Benesse , Laurence Le Coq , Camille Solliec
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2006, 37 (8), pp.974--989. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2005.10.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00945323v1

Production of fibrous activated carbons from natural cellulose (jute, coconut) fibers for water treatment applications

Ngoc Hoa Phan , Sébastien Rio , Catherine Faur , Laurence Le Coq , Pierre Le Cloirec
Carbon, 2006, 44 (12), pp.2569 - 2577. ⟨10.1016/j.carbon.2006.05.048⟩
Journal articles hal-01894475v1

Preparation of adsorbents from sewage sludge by steam activation for industrial emission treatment

Sébastien Rio , Laurence Le Coq , Catherine Faur , Didier Lecomte , Pierre Le Cloirec
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2006, 84 (B4), p.258-264. ⟨10.1205/psep.05161⟩
Journal articles hal-00945334v1

Experimental design methodology for the preparation of carbonaceous sorbents from sewage sludge by chemical activation - application to air and water treatments

Sébastien Rio , Catherine Faur-Brasquet , Laurence Le Coq , P. Courcoux , Pierre Le Cloirec
Chemosphere, 2005, 58 (4), pp.423--437. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2004.06.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00945324v1

Adsorption of toluene onto activated carbon fibre cloths and felts: Application to indoor air treatment

Céline Lorimier , Albert Subrenat , Laurence Le Coq , Pierre Le Cloirec
Environmental Technology, 2005, 26 (11), pp.1217--1230. ⟨10.1080/09593332608618600⟩
Journal articles hal-00945319v1
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Structure characterization and adsorption properties of pyrolyzed sewage sludge

Sébastien Rio , Catherine Faur-Brasquet , Laurence Le Coq , Pierre Le Cloirec
Environmental Science and Technology, 2005, 39 (11), pp.4249--4257. ⟨10.1021/es0497532⟩
Journal articles hal-00945338v1

Production and characterization of adsorbent materials from an industrial waste

Sébastien Rio , Catherine Faur-Brasquet , Laurence Le Coq , Pierre Le Cloirec
Adsorption - Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 2005, 11 (S1), pp.793--798. ⟨10.1007/s10450-005-6025-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00945335v1
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Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from sewage sludge: carbonization step

Sébastien Rio , Catherine Faur-Brasquet , Laurence Le Coq , Didier Lecomte , Pierre Le Cloirec
Water Science and Technology, 2004, 49 (1), pp.139-146. ⟨10.2166/wst.2004.0041⟩
Journal articles hal-00945333v1

Image analysis: a useful tool for porous media characterization

A. Montillet , Laurence Le Coq
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2003, 26 (12), pp.1285--1289. ⟨10.1002/ceat.200310020⟩
Journal articles hal-00945327v1

Characteristics of fixed beds packed with anisotropic particles - Use of image analysis

A. Montillet , Laurence Le Coq
Powder Technology, 2001, 121 (2-3), pp.138--148. ⟨10.1016/S0032-5910(01)00332-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00945322v1

About the applicability of commonly used pressure-flow models to plane single-layer filters of activated carbon fabric

Michel Pavageau , Laurence Le Coq , J. Mabit , Camille Solliec
Chemical Engineering Science, 2000, 55 (14), pp.2699--2712. ⟨10.1016/S0009-2509(99)00547-3⟩
Journal articles hal-00945318v1

Fibrous media plugging modelling for liquid filtration

Laurence Le Coq , J. Silvy
Chemical Engineering Communications, 1999, 174, pp.145--166. ⟨10.1080/00986449908912793⟩
Journal articles hal-00945325v1
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Analyse PIV d'un écoulement de canal en phase d'accélération

Mélanie Baptiste , Lionel Fiabane , Félicie Theron , Philippe Georgeault , Laurence Le Coq
18e Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, Association Française de Vélocimétrie Laser, Sep 2024, Lyon, France. pp.248-256
Conference papers hal-04704852v1
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Study of the resuspension phenomenon during airflow acceleration using Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches

Corentin Cazes , Félicie Theron , Lionel Fiabane , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
European Aerosol Conference, EAC2023, Sep 2023, Malaga, Spain
Conference papers hal-04385714v1

Remise en suspension de microparticules pour des accélérations d'air: analyse dimensionnelle des propriétés de l'écoulement

Corentin Cazes , Félicie Theron , Lionel Fiabane , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
CFA2023 : 36ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, ASFERA, Mar 2023, Paris, France. p. 29, ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2023-32910⟩
Conference papers hal-04043159v1
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Microparticle resuspension under accelerated airflow: dimensional analysis to account for the airflow pattern properties

Corentin Cazes , Félicie Theron , Lionel Fiabane , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC), Sep 2022, Athens, Greece. 1 p
Conference papers hal-03862988v1
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Analyse d'images pour l'étude de la remise en suspension de particules

Corentin Cazes , Lionel Fiabane , Félicie Theron , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
CFA2022 - 35ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, ASFERA, May 2022, Paris, France. 4 p., ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2022-27959⟩
Conference papers hal-03861599v1
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Influence des moyens de génération et de mesure des aérosols sur l'efficacité de filtration de masques chirurgicaux

Aurélie Joubert , Ala Bouhanguel , Yves Andres , Laurence Le Coq
Congrès Français sur les Aérosols 2021, Jan 2021, Paris, France. ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2021-24833⟩
Conference papers hal-03245327v1
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Méthodologie de mesure des particules primaires émises par des bâtiments d'élevage

S Lagadec , N Guingand , Mélynda Hassouna , Aurélie Joubert , Walid Mrad
CFA 2020 : 33ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2020, Paris (visioconférence), France. ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2020-19756⟩
Conference papers hal-03245349v1
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Etude des variations locales de vitesse de l'air à proximité de filtres plissés par mesures anémométriques et simulations numériques

Walid Mrad , Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Nadine Allam , Nancy Zgheib²
CFA 2020 : 33ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2020, Paris (visioconférence), France. ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2020-19770⟩
Conference papers hal-03245335v1

Fin de vie des nanomatériaux dans la filière d'incinération. Caractérisation et traitement des émissions de particules

Aurélie Joubert , Sylvain Durecu , Christophe Dutouquet , Olivier Le Bihan , Laurence Le Coq
17. Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2019), Oct 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers ineris-03237778v1
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Caractérisation de l'émission particulaire de nanodéchets halogénés lors d'une incinération dans un four de laboratoire à 1100°C

C Dutouquet , L Meunier , O Aguerre-Chariol , Aurélie Joubert , R Boudhan
Congrès Français sur les Aérosols 2019, Jan 2019, Paris, France. ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2019-16675⟩
Conference papers hal-03245361v1

Nanoparticle Collection by a Lab-Scale Spray Scrubber Designed for Fume Treatment under Incineration Conditions

Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Sylvain Durecu , Christophe Dutouquet , Olivier Le-Bihan
European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2019), Aug 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference papers ineris-03237751v1

NANOWET project : characterization of nanoparticle emission from high temperature incineration of nano-/halogen-/sulfur-containing wastes and performances of wet-scrubber units

Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Christophe Dutouquet , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu
7. International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2018), Jul 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers ineris-03239413v1

Influence of wall air flow properties on the resuspension kinetics of microparticles in ventilated duct under accelerated flow

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Aerosol Technology 2018, Jun 2018, Bilabo, Spain
Conference papers hal-01830108v1

Development of an analytical model to account for local porosity variations and anisotropy effects on the permeability of fibrous media

Félicie Theron , Sonia Fidder-Woudberg , Elisabeth Lys , Laurence Le Coq
Filtech 2018, Mar 2018, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers hal-01830096v1

Particle emission characterization when incinerating halogen- and sulfur- containing nanowaste using a lab scale tubular furnace operating at 1100°C

Christophe Dutouquet , Laurent Meunier , Aurélie Joubert , R. Boudhan , Sylvain Durecu
Aerosol Technology 2018, Jun 2018, Bilbao, Spain
Conference papers ineris-03239668v1

Simultaneous removal of soot and Nox from biomass fumes over functionalized sintered filter

Guillaume Tesquet , Audrey Villot , Audrey Guyon , François Tresse , Laurence Le Coq
Filtech 2018, Mar 2018, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers hal-01951647v1

Filtration performance of lab-scale pulse-jet bag filter

Rachid Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , Kamal Gueraoui , Laurence Le Coq
FILTECH, Mar 2018, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers hal-01937359v1

Determination of The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of Photocatalytic Oxidation Purifiers Using a Closed Loop Reactor

Valérie Hequet , Frederic Batault , Cécile Raillard , Frédéric Thévenet , Laurence Le Coq
10th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis Environmental Applications (SPEA10), Jun 2018, Alméria, Spain
Conference papers hal-02352142v1
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Influence de l'humidité sur les performances de collecte de particules submicrométriques d’un filtre à manche

Rachid Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , Kamal Gueraoui , Laurence Le Coq
Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2018, Paris, France. ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2018-12578⟩
Conference papers hal-01937336v1

Particle emission characterization when incinerating nanowastes using a lab scale tubular furnace operating at 1100°C

Christophe Dutouquet , Laurent Meunier , Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Sylvain Durecu
6. International Conference Nanosafe, Nov 2018, Grenoble, France. pp.35
Conference papers ineris-03239304v1

Removal efficiency of methyl iodide by KI/TEDA impregnated activated carbons in the context of nuclear accident

Mouheb Chebbi , Claire Gerente , Laurence Le Coq , Mokili Marcel Bandombele , Céline Monsanglant-Louvet
Carbon2018. The World Conference on Carbon, Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-01931085v1

Characterization of industrial wastes in relation with incineration fumes and residue composition

Laurence Le Coq , Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Christophe Dutouquet , Danielle Venditti
7. International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2018), Jul 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers ineris-03239412v1

Design of lab-scale spraying scrubber for the study of submicronic and nano-particles collection in flue-gas incineration

Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Sylvain Durecu , Olivier Le Bihan , Christophe Dutouquet
Fluid particle separation, Oct 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01936546v1

Capture of methyl iodide by impregnated activated carbons in the context of nuclear industry

Mouheb Chebbi , Claire Gerente , Laurence Le Coq , Mokili Marcel Bandombele , Céline Monsanglant-Louvet
CESEP'17: 7th International conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection, Oct 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01931051v1

Projet Nanowet : Influence de l’incinération haute température sur l’émission de nanoparticules contenues dans les déchets halogénés/soufrés - Efficacité de l’élimination des nanoparticules par les tours de lavage

Laurence Le Coq , Aurélie Joubert , Olivier Le Bihan , Christophe Dutouquet , Danielle Venditti
Congrès international FRANCOFILT 2017, Aug 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers ineris-01853116v1

Caractérisation de la structure poreuse d’un media fibreux pour la filtration d’air par porosimétrie et micro-tomographie X

Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Bertrand Francois , Laurence Le Coq
FRANCOFILT 2017, Aug 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01830054v1

Performances de traitement d’un filtre à manche de laboratoire en condition de filière d’incinération

Rachid Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , Kamal Gueraoui , Laurence Le Coq
FRANCOFILT, Aug 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01937322v1

Determination of the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of PhotoCatalytic Oxidation purifiers for indoor air pollutants using a closed-loop reactor

Valérie Hequet , Frédéric Batault , Cécile Raillard , Frédéric Thévenet , Laurence Le Coq
5th European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP 5), Jun 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-02352178v1
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Influence of operating parameters on photocatalytic oxidation treatment efficiency: contact time investigation

Valérie Hequet , Louis Olivier , Vanessa Maroga Mboula , Cécile Raillard , Albert Subrenat
The 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoorair 2016), Jul 2016, Gand, Belgium
Conference papers hal-02368485v1

Methodology for the evaluation of HVAC combined filter performances regarding multipollutants

Kevin Morisseau , Aurélie Joubert , Laurence Le Coq , Yves Andres
World Filtration Congress, Apr 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-01936889v1

Influence of humidity and temperature on bag filter performances for incineration fumes treatment

Rachid Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , Kamal Gueraoui , Sylvain Durecu , Danielle Venditti
European Aerosol Congress, Sep 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-01936896v1


Rachid Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu , Kamal Gueraoui
WasteEng, May 2016, Albi, France
Conference papers hal-01936933v1
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Development of an analytical model to predict the permeability of fibrous media for air filtration

Félicie Theron , Sonia Woudberg , Laurence Le Coq
13èmes Journéess d'études des Milieux Poreux 2016, Oct 2016, Anglet, France
Conference papers hal-01394561v1

Biomass valorization by means of thermo-chemical conversion processes: pyrolysis and surface activation

Jenny Pena , K.S. Goh , Audrey Villot , Claire Gerente , Laurence Le Coq
7th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, Jun 2016, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01379408v1

Structural characterization of a high performance air filtration composite media at local and global scales

Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Laurence Le Coq
World Filtration Congress 12, WFC12, Apr 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-01383804v1

Local experimental study of microparticles resuspension mechanisms in ventilated duct under accelerated flow

Djihad Debba , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Camille Solliec
European Aerosol Conference 2016, EAC2016, Sep 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-01383812v1

Characterization of silicon polymer-containing by-product prior to waste treatment

Laurence Le Coq , Aurélie Joubert , Dinh-Trinh Tran , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu
6. International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2016), May 2016, Albi, France
Conference papers ineris-01853034v1

Efficiency of pyrolysis chars from wastes as catalysts for tar removal in syngas purification

Maxime Hervy , Audrey Villot , Claire Gerente , Elsa Weiss-Hortala , Doan Pham Minh
6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng16), May 2016, Albi, France
Conference papers hal-01379399v1

Hydrogen sulfide removal from syngas over chars produced from pyrolysis of various solid wastes

Maxime Hervy , Doan Pham Minh , Elsa Weiss-Hortala , Claire Gerente , Audrey Villot
6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng16), May 2016, Albi, France
Conference papers hal-01379393v1

Microorganisms spores inactivation by photocatalysis in air handling unit

Valérie Hequet , P. Bruno , Cecile Hort , Vincent Platel , J.-F. Petit
Indoor Air 2016, the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Ghent, Belgium July 3-8 2016, 2016, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers hal-02162751v1

Emission of ultrafine particles resulting from the thermal decomposition of polymer nanocomposites

José-Marie Lopez-Cuesta , Ghania Ounoughene , Claire Longuet , Carine Chivas-Joly , Olivier Le Bihan
ECOFRAM 2016 - 1st International Conference on ECO-friendly Flame Retardant Additives and Materials, Mar 2016, Mons, Belgium
Conference papers ineris-01853020v1

Influence of pleats geometry on fibrous filter performances

Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Laurence Le Coq
World Filtration Congress 12, WFC12, Apr 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-01383787v1

Thermal disposal of waste containing nano-objects : first investigations on a methodology for risk management

Ghania Ounoughene , Olivier Le Bihan , Carine Chivas-Joly , Claire Longuet , Bruno Debray
5. International Conference Nanosafe "Health and safety issues related to nanomaterials for a socially responsible approach", Nov 2016, Grenoble, France. pp.245
Conference papers ineris-01854347v1
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Rachid Boudhan , Aurélie Joubert , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu , Kamal Gueraoui
12th World Filtration Congress, Apr 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-01937312v1

Fate of nanoparticles in fumes exhaust during incineration of nanocomposites

Ghania Ounoughene , Olivier Le Bihan , Carine Chivas-Joly , Claire Longuet , C. Motzkus
6. International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2016), May 2016, Albi, France
Conference papers ineris-01853035v1

Comportement et devenir des nanotubes d’halloysite (HNTS) lors de l’incinération du nanocomposite PA6/HNTS

Ghania Ounoughene , Olivier Le Bihan , Carine Chivas-Joly , C. Motzkus , C. Longuet
30. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols (CFA 2015), Jan 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers ineris-01852911v1

Combustion of a polysiloxane nanocomposite : study of two scenarios

Ghania Ounoughene , C. Longuet , Olivier Le Bihan , Carine Chivas-Joly , C. Motzkus
Eurofillers Polymer Blends 2015, Apr 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers ineris-01852932v1

Investigations of thermal treatment of loaded HVAC filters for combined microbial inhibition and VOC partial desorption.

Laurence Le Coq , Kevin Morisseau , Aurélie Joubert , Yves Andres
Healthy Building 2015 Europe - Conference Proceedings. International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate., May 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02427281v1

Rate law model to better understand the influence of process parameters during toluene photocatalytic degradation in indoor air conditions

C. Raillard , Frederic Batault , Valérie Hequet , N. Locoge , Frédéric Thevenet
PAEES, Procédés Avancés pour l'Environnement L'énergie et la Santé, Oct 2015, Québec, Canada
Conference papers hal-02368636v1

Experimental characterization of the air flow in a ventilated duct in contribution to particle resuspension mechanism study at micro scale

Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Djihad Debba , Camille Solliec
Aerosol Technology, Jun 2015, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers hal-02351731v1

Aerosol of silica nanoparticles generated during the combustion of a polysiloxane nanocomposite

Ghania Ounoughene , Olivier Le Bihan , Carine Chivas-Joly , C. Longuet , C. Motzkus
Aerosol Technology, Jun 2015, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers ineris-01855061v1

Nanowaste incineration: performances of a bag filter in a pilot scale device under real operating conditions

Aurélie Joubert , Dinh-Trinh Tran , Olivier Le Bihan , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu
5. International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2014), Aug 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers ineris-01855621v1

Study of pyrolysis chars from biomass and waste biomass

Maxime Hervy , Audrey Villot , Claire Gerente , Laurence Le Coq , Elsa Weiss-Hortala
WasteEng 2014 - 5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation , Aug 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. p.1773-1779
Conference papers hal-01668935v1

Characterization of nanoparticulate emissions from the incineration of wastes containing manufactured nanomaterials

Olivier Le Bihan , Dinh-Trinh Tran , Ghania Ounoughene , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu
4. International Conference on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials (Nanosafe 2014), Nov 2014, Grenoble, France
Conference papers ineris-01855599v1

Behavior and fate of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) when incinerating PA6 / HNTs nanocomposite

Ghania Ounoughene , Olivier Le Bihan , Carine Chivas-Joly , C. Motzkus , C. Longuet
4. International Conference on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials (Nanosafe 2014), Nov 2014, Grenoble, France
Conference papers ineris-01855609v1

Indoor air purification by photocatalytic oxidation: Fate of contaminants released in the gas phase and key parameter optimization for the improvement of the process efficiency and safety

Cécile Raillard , Hugo Destaillats , Valérie Hequet , Mohamad Sleiman , Olivier Debono
248th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), ACS, Aug 2014, San Franscico, CA, United States. pp.839-ENVR
Conference papers hal-01204892v1

Filtration performances of a lab bag-filter unit under specifications of incineration fluegas treatment

Aurélie Joubert , Dinh-Trinh Tran , Olivier Le Bihan , Bruno Debray , Danielle Venditti
Conference on Aerosol Technology 2014, Jun 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany. pp.Abstract T290A2
Conference papers ineris-01855530v1

Evaluation des performances d’un filtre à manche en conditions de laboratoire représentatives du traitement des fumées d’incinération - Application aux déchets contenant des nanomatériaux

Aurélie Joubert , Dinh-Trinh Tran , Olivier Le Bihan , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu
29. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols (CFA 2014), Jan 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers ineris-01852333v1

Methodology to estimate methane surface emission in a landfill site

Nadine Allam , M. Verriele , K. Chaillou , A. Rospars , Mireille Batton-Hubert
Sardinia 2013 14th International waste managment and manfill symposium, Sep 2013, Forte village - Sa Margherita di Pila, Italy
Conference papers emse-00862319v1

Méthodologie d'évaluation des émissions surfaciques de biogaz d'un centre de stockage de déchets non dangereux

N. Allam , M. Verriele , K. Chaillou , A. Rospars , Mireille Batton-Hubert
SFGP2013 - XIVe congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Oct 2013, Lyon, France
Conference papers emse-00915118v1

Characterization of the raw gases emitted during the thermal treatment of nanocomposites, and potential impacts on flue gas cleaning systems

Ghania Ounoughene , Carine Chivas-Joly , Olivier Le Bihan , Claire Longuet , Dominique Fleury
14. European meeting on Fire Retardancy and Protection of Materials (FRPM 13), Jun 2013, Lille, France
Conference papers ineris-00971228v1

Projet NANOFlueGas : Caractérisation des émissions particulaires lors de l'incinération de déchets contenant des nanomatériaux

Dinh-Trinh Tran , Dominique Fleury , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu , Aurélie Joubert
28. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols (CFA 2013), Jan 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers ineris-00971120v1

Characterization of aerosols emitted during the incineration of nanocomposites

Ghania Ounoughene , Olivier Le Bihan , Carine Chivas-Joly , Claire Longuet , C. Motzkus
European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2013), Sep 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers ineris-00971227v1

The NANOFlueGas Project : characterization and reduction of particulate emissions from the incineration of wastes containing manufactured nanomaterials

Dinh-Trinh Tran , Dominique Fleury , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu , Aurélie Joubert
International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies (SENN2012), Oct 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers ineris-00971075v1

Characterization of nanoparticulate emissions from the incineration of wastes containing manufactured nanomaterials

Dinh-Trinh Tran , Dominique Fleury , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu , Aurélie Joubert
3. International Conference on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials (Nanosafe 2012), Nov 2012, Grenoble, France
Conference papers ineris-00971084v1

Influence of process operating parameters of fibrous filter media on end-use properties

Marc Benesse , Pierre Le Cloirec , Laurence Le Coq , Evelyne Mauret , Agnès Rochereau
11ème Congrès Français de Génie des Procédés, Oct 2007, Saint Etienne, France. 8 p
Conference papers hal-00292701v1

Influence of process operating conditions on nonwoven filter properties : application to VOC and particles combined treatment

Agnès Rochereau , Marc Benesse , Laurence Le Coq , Albert Subrenat , Pierre Le Cloirec
2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation, Oct 2006, Compiègne, France
Conference papers hal-00193508v1

Preparation of adsorbents from sewage sludge by steam activation for industrial emission treatment

Sébastien Rio , Laurence Le Coq , Catherine Faur Brasquet , Didier Lecomte , Pierre Le Cloirec
WasteEng05 -1st International conference on engineering for waste treatment. Beneficial use of waste and by-products = 1ère Conférence internationale sur l'ingénierie pour le traitement des déchets. Valorisation des déchets et sous-produits, May 2005, Albi, France. 8 p
Conference papers hal-01781668v1
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Image analysis for time-resolved analysis of microparticle resuspension kinetics on a ventilated duct surface

Corentin Cazes , Lionel Fiabane , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Dominique Heitz
11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC), Sep 2022, Athens, Greece
Conference poster hal-03863032v1

Development of Monte Carlo simulations to predict particle resuspension kinetics during airflow acceleration in a wind tunnel

Jesica Benito , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Rodolfo O. Unac , Ana Vidales
European Aerosol Conference 2019, Aug 2019, Goteborg, Sweden
Conference poster hal-02347468v1

Particle emission characterization when incinerating halogen- and sulfur- containing nanowaste using a lab scale tubular furnace operating at 1100°C

Christophe Dutouquet , Laurent Meunier , Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Sylvain Durecu
aerosol technology, Jun 2018, Bilbao, Spain
Conference poster hal-01936521v1

Characterization of the porous structure of a fibrous medium used for air filtration by X-ray micro-tomography

Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , François Bertrand , Laurence Le Coq
Journées d'Etudes des Milieux Poreux, Oct 2018, Nantes, France
Conference poster hal-01940702v1

NANOWET project : characterization of nanoparticle emission from high temperature incineration of nano-/halogen-/sulfur-containing wastes and performances of wet-scrubber units

Aurélie Joubert , Rachid Boudhan , Christophe Dutouquet , Danielle Venditti , Sylvain Durecu
WasteEng, Jul 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference poster hal-01936564v1

Determination of the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of PhotoCatalytic Oxidation purifiers for indoor air pollutants using a closed-loop reactor

Valérie Hequet , Frédéric Batault , Cécile Raillard , Laurence Le Coq , Frédéric Thévenet
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE10), Oct 2017, Barcelone, Spain
Conference poster hal-02352156v1

Utilisation d'un réacteur fermé à boucle recirculante pour la détermination des capacités de traitement des épurateurs d'air par photocatalyse

Valérie Hequet , Frédéric Batault , Cécile Raillard , Frédéric Thévenet , Laurence Le Coq
16ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Jul 2017, Nancy, France
Conference poster hal-02352769v1

Projet NANOWET : influence de l’incinération haute température sur l’émission de nanoparticules contenues dans les déchets halogènes/soufres – efficacité de l’élimination des nanoparticules par les tours de lavage

Laurence Le Coq , Aurélie Joubert , Olivier Le Bihan , Christophe Dutouquet , Danielle Venditti
FrancoFilt, Aug 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference poster hal-01936478v1

Antimicrobial Effect Of F7 Polypropylene Fibrous Filter Containing Zinc Pyrithione

Safaa Abd Ali , Aurélie Joubert , Laurence Le Coq , Yves Andres
Indoor Air 2016, Jul 2016, Ghent, Belgium
Conference poster hal-01936892v1

Investigation of combine processes for atmospheric multi-pollutant removal through the HVAC of an individual house

Kevin Morisseau , Aurélie Joubert , Yves Andres , Laurence Le Coq
Indoor Air, Jul 2016, Ghent, Belgium
Conference poster hal-01936884v1

Stand-alone purification unit for indoor air quality improvement: Evaluation of photocatalytic commercial devices

Valérie Hequet , Vanessa Maroga Mboula , Cécile Raillard , Frédéric Thévenet , Laurence Le Coq
SPEA9- 9th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications, Jun 2016, Strasbourg, France
Conference poster hal-02368515v1

Study of physico-chemical mechanisms for modeling the influence of operating conditions in a PCO indoor air treatment device

F. Batault , C. Raillard , Valérie Hequet , Frederic Thevenet , Nadine Locoge
SPEA9-9th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications, Jun 2016, Strasbourg, France
Conference poster hal-02368606v1


Valérie Hequet , Louis Olivier , Frédéric Batault , Albert Subrenat , Cécile Raillard
ECCE-10, 10th European Congress in Chemical Engineering, Sep 2015, Nice, France
Conference poster hal-02368656v1

Using slag as sorbent to remove phosphorus from wastewater

Florent Chazarenc , Yves Andres , Claire Gerente , Laurence Le Coq , M Reboul
European Commission. Final report, European Commission, RFCS, pp.101, 2014, 9789279350368. ⟨10.2777/59366⟩
Book sections hal-01313526v1

Modelling And Analysis Of Permeability Of Anisotropic Compressed Non-Woven Filters

J. Prieur Du Plessis , Sonia Woudberg , Laurence Le Coq
Vafai, K. Porous Media and Its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry, American Institute of Physics, pp.272--277, 2010
Book sections hal-00945331v1