Gas and Particle Emissions from Representative Railway Braking Systems: A Comprehensive Study at Two Scales
Raafa Al Kaderi
Asma Grira
Joseph Frangieh
Marina Jamar
Bruno Malet
Compola, Oct 2024, Ben Guerir, Morocco
Conference papers
Application of bio-monitors to trace airborne particulate matter in the urban environment – linking environmental magnetic mapping to (metallic) micro-pollutants
Christine Franke
Nour Daaboul
Claire Carvallo
Laure Turcati
Aude Isambert
Castle Meeting 2024, Utrecht University, 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers
Effect of operating conditions on particulates emitted from the friction between railway brake pads and discs
Asma Grira
Joseph Frangieh
Raafa Al Kaderi
Edouard Davin
Bruno Malet
Eurobrake, FISITA, Jun 2024, Rheingoldhalle, Germany
Conference papers
Physicochemical characterization of atmospheric dust collected on mining sites of the Congolese copperbelt
John Kasongo
Laurent Alleman
Bruno Malet
Jean-Marie Kanda
Arthur Kaniki
The European Aerosol Conference, Sep 2024, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers
Influence of the experimental conditions on manganese bioaccessibility and oxidative potential of welding fumes
Manuella Ghanem
Laurent Yves Alleman
Davy Rousset
Esperanza Perdrix
Patrice Coddeville
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2023, European Aerosol Assembly; Spanish Association for Aerosol Science and Technology (AECyTA); University of Malaga (UMA); Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED), Sep 2023, Malaga, Spain, Spain
Conference papers
Pablo Espina-Martin
Cédric Bossuyt
Shan Li
Esperanza Perdrix
Laurent Y. Alleman
CFA2023 - 36ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, ASFERA, Mar 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Vers de meilleurs indicateurs de risques de la pollution atmosphérique
Laurent Alleman
Les Rencontres de la Qualité de l’Air, CPAM de l'Indre, Oct 2023, Châteauroux, France
Conference papers
Processus d'usure en freinage par friction : quelle clé pour atténuer à la source les émissions de particules ?
Yannick Desplanques
Mathis Briatte
Asma Grira
Joseph Frangie
Raafa Al Kaderi
Journées Tribologie et Traitements de surface, Nov 2023, Senlis, France
Conference papers
Contrasting aerosol composition in and out of Paris plume during the ACROSS campaign at the Rambouillet supersite
Joel Brito
Paola Formenti
Sébastien Dusanter
Jamar Marina
Alexandre Tomas
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Apr 2023, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Traçage des particules fines aériennes par bio-collecteurs passifs
Lien entre exposition environnementale urbaine et impact sur la santé humaine
Nour Daaboul
Christine Franke
Laurent Alleman
Valérie Forest
Alexandrine Gesret
RST, Oct 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Influence of storage conditions on the evaluation of metal bioaccessibility and oxidative potential of welding fumes
Manuella Ghanem
L.Y. Alleman
Davy Rousset
Esperanza Perdrix
Patrice Coddeville
The 10th International Symposium on modern principles of air monitoring and biomonitoring (Airmon 2022), British Occupational Hygiene Safety, Nov 2022, Bristol, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1093/annweh/wxac087.032⟩
Conference papers
Controlled generation and determination of the toxicological impact of secondary organic aerosols
F. Jacob
N. Houzel
L. Alleman
E. Perdrix
S. Antherieu
13th International Conference on Air Quality, Jun 2022, Thessalonique, Greece
Conference papers
Florence Jacob
Nicolas Houzel
Laurent Alleman
Esperanza Perdrix
Sébastien Anthérieu
13th International Conference on Air Quality, Jun 2022, Thessalokini, Greece
Conference papers
SOC-III-04 Oxidative stress and inflammation induced by air pollution-derived ultrafine particles chronic exposure in mice: a multiorgan approach
E. Barbier
J. Carpentier
P. Gosset
O. Simonin
S. Anthérieu
XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) - UNITING IN TOXICOLOGY, IUTOX and EUROTOX, Sep 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands. pp.S44, ⟨10.1016/j.toxlet.2022.07.138⟩
Conference papers
99 Influence of Storage Conditions on the Evaluation of Metal Bioaccessibility and Oxidative Potential of Welding Fumes
Manuella Ghanem
Laurent Alleman
Davy Rousset
Esperanza Perdrix
Patrice Coddeville
Conference papers
Spéciation chimique des PM2,5 : variations en lien avec la météorologie observées sur 5 stations rurales de fond françaises
C. Debevec
A. Bourin
E. Perdrix
L. Alleman
S. Sauvage
Congrès Français des Aérosols, Feb 2021, Paris ( France), France
Conference papers
Origin of Secondary Inorganic aerosols in the north of France and how they may evolve in the future,
P. Espina
Laurent Alleman
A. Bourin
P. Coddeville
C. Debevec
Congrès Français des Aérosols, Feb 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Generation of biogenic secondary organic aerosols for the assessment of their health impacts
Florence Jacob
Nilmara de Oliveira Alves
Vasilis Bampouris
Esperanza Perdrix
Laurent Y. Alleman
MED2020, Nov 2020, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Physicochemical composition, bioaccessibility and oxidative potential of welding fumes
M. Ghanem
L. Alleman
D. Rousset
E. Perdrix
P. Coddeville
European Aerosol Conference – EAC 2020, Germany, 30/08-04/09 2020, Aug 2020, Aachen, Germany
Conference papers
Spéciation chimique des PM2,5 : variations en lien avec la météorologie observées sur 5 stations rurales de fond françaises
C. Debevec
A. Bourin
E. Perdrix
L. Alleman
S. Sauvage
33ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols 2020, Jan 2020, ., France
Conference papers
What Can We Learn From Year-Long Hourly Observations of Aerosol Precursor Gases and PM2.5 Chemical Speciation in Both Urban and Rural Sites?
Pablo Espina
Esperanza Perdrix
Laurent Alleman
Patrice Coddeville
European Aerosol Conference, Aug 2019, Gothenburg ( Virtual Congress ), Sweden
Conference papers
Seasonal PM2.5 concentrations and sources at urban, rural and remote sites in the North of France
Pablo Espina
Esperanza Perdrix
Laurent Alleman
Patrice Coddeville
Aude Bourin
Conseil Scientifique du Labex Cappa, Jul 2019, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Conference papers
Use of Specific Primary and Secondary Organic Markers for PM Source Apportionment Based on Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF).
Deepchandra Srivastava
Olivier Favez
Emilie Perraudin
Jean-Luc Besombes
Franco Lucarelli
International Aerosol Conference 2018 (IAC 2018), Sep 2018, Saint Louis, United States
Conference papers
Transcriptomic alterations induced by air pollution-derived PM2.5 reflect the shift from healthy to COPD-diseased human bronchial epithelium
Sébastien Anthérieu
Bérénice Leclercq
Laurent-Yvon Alleman
Esperanza Perdrix
Patrice Coddeville
Conference papers
Potential sources of PM10 impacting the Hauts-de-France region over a 5-year period (2009-2013) identified by receptor modeling: Influence of precipitation, air mass altitude, length of backward trajectories and the use of a weighting function
Antoine Waked
Aude Bourin
Vincent Michoud
Laurent Alleman
Stéphane Sauvage
Air Quality Conference, Mar 2018, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Caractérisation et origine des aérosols inorganiques dans un site urbain du nord de la France
Roger Roig Rodelas
Esperanza Perdrix
Laurent Alleman
Bruno Malet
Benoît Herbin
9èmes Journées Interdisciplinaires de la Qualité de l’Air, Feb 2017, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Conference papers
Etude des déterminants des concentrations en PM10 dans le nord de la France
Diogo Miguel Oliveira
Esperanza Perdrix
Stephane Sauvage
Olivier Favez
Véronique Riffault
9èmes Journées Interdisciplinaires de la Qualité de l’Air, Feb 2017, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Conference papers
Source apportionment of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) using a constrained US-EPA-PMF5.0 model at different urban environments in France
Dalia Salameh
Olivier Favez
Benjamin Golly
Jean-Luc Besombes
Laurent Alleman
EGU General Assembly 2017, Apr 2017, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2017-15210
Conference papers
Study of the chemical processes involving nitro- and oxy-PAHs in ambient air and evaluation of SOA PAH contribution on PM via annual and intensive field campaigns
Alexandre Albinet
Sophie Tomaz
Deepchandra Srivastava
Grazia-Maria Lanzafame
Olivier Favez
16. International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2017), Jun 2017, Oslo, Norway
Conference papers
Understanding of the chemical processes involving nitro- and oxy-PAHs in ambient air and evaluation of SOA PAH contribution on PM via annual and intensive field campaigns
Alexandre Albinet
Sophie Tomaz
Deepchandra Srivastava
Grazia-Maria Lanzafame
Olivier Favez
European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2017), Aug 2017, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Understanding of the chemical processes involving nitro- and oxy-pahs in ambient air and evaluation of soa pah contribution on pm via annual and intensive field campaigns
Alexandre Albinet
Sophie Tomaz
Deepchandra Srivastava
Grazia-Maria Lanzafame
Olivier Favez
36. AAAR annual conference, Oct 2017, Raleigh, United States
Conference papers
Demonstrating that speciation of organic fraction does matter for source apportionment : use of specific primary and secondary organic markers
Deepchandra Srivastava
Olivier Favez
Emilie Perraudin
Jean-Luc Besombes
Laurent Alleman
36. AAAR annual conference, Oct 2017, Raleigh, United States
Conference papers
Source apportionment of atmospheric particulate matter (PM10) using a constrained USEPA-PMF5.0 model on different urban environments in France
Dalia Salameh
Olivier Favez
Benjamin Golly
Jean-Luc Besombes
L.Y. Alleman
European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2017), Aug 2017, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Harmonized PM source apportionment on a large set of various French sites using constrained Positive Matrix Factorization
Dalia Salameh
Olivier Favez
Benjamin Golly
Jean-Luc Besombes
Laurent Alleman
European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2016), Sep 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers
Using In Vitro digestion model and SPME-GC/MSMS to assess bioaccessibility of endocrine disrupting compounds in indoor dust
A. Sonnette
M. Millet
L. Alleman
P. Coddeville
Indoor Air, Jul 2016, Ghent (BE), Belgium
Conference papers
Seasonal variation of PM10 chemical constituents in different French urban environments
Tamara Salameh
Benjamin Golly
Jean-Luc Besombes
Laurent Alleman
Olivier Favez
EGU General Assembly 2016, Apr 2016, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2016-15445
Conference papers
Sources Contribution to Metal Concentrations in PM2.5 in a Coastal Industrialized Area
S. Mbengue
L. Alleman
Pascal Flament
Karine Deboudt
18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Sep 2016, Ghent (BE), Belgium
Conference papers
Using In Vitro digestion model and SPME-GC/MSMS to assess bioaccessibility of endocrine disrupting compounds in indoor dust
A. Sonnette
M. Millet
L. Alleman
P. Coddeville
Indoor Air, Jul 2016, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Identification of potential source areas of PM10 in northern France
V. Michoud
A. Pascaud
E. Perdrix
L. Alleman
S. Sauvage
European Aerosol Conference, Sep 2015, Milan, Italy
Conference papers
Thermal desorption coupled to GC/MSMS for the quantification of PAHs in Tenax passive samplers and indoor dust
A. Sonnette
H. Wolff
J. J. Schwartz
L. Alleman
P. Coddeville
International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds conference, ISPAC, Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Nano-Indus: Les particules fines émises par la métallurgie ; Caractérisation physico-chimique et processus de formation
Laurent Alleman
Patrick Augustin
Karine Deboudt
Hervé Delbarre
Pascal Flament
Colloque de restitution des projets ADEME-CORTEA, Nov 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Identification des principales sources de PM10 impactant le nord de la France : Résultats préliminaires pour un site urbain à Nogent-Sur-Oise
Diogo Oliveira
E. Perdrix
Olivier Favez
S. Sauvage
Laurent Alleman
30. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols (CFA 2015), Jan 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Formation, origin, fate and health impact of atmospheric pollutants: A few perspectives
Laurent Alleman
Patrice Coddeville
Sabine Crunaire
Sébastien Dusanter
Nadine Locoge
Workshop “Environmentally friendly technologies for reducing and controlling the GHG emissions from human activities (EfTechGHG)”, Mar 2015, Djakarta, Indonesia
Conference papers
PM source apportionment by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) using an extended aerosol chemical characterization including specific molecular markers
Deepchandra Srivastava
Frédéric Masson
S. Ngo
Antoine Waked
Jean-Luc Jaffrezo
European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2015), Sep 2015, Milan, Italy
Conference papers
Getting the Lead Out of Bermuda; The Legacy of a Forty Year Record in the North Atlantic Using a Transient Experiment in the Atmosphere and Water
T. Church
L. Alleman
A. J. Veron
E. A. Boyle
C. M. Zurbrick
AGU Fall Meeting,, Dec 2015, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
On the Use of Organic Molecular Markers for the Apportionment of Aerosols - Insight from PMF Analysis at 3 French Urban Sites
Antoine Waked
Olivier Favez
Jean-Luc Jaffrezo
Jean-Luc Besombes
Benjamin Golly
Annual conference of American Association for Aerosol Research, Oct 2014, Orlando, United States
Conference papers
Factors Controlling the Pulmonary Bioaccessibility of Trace Elements in Atmospheric Fine and Ultrafine Particles Near an Industrial Site
L. Alleman
S. Mbengue
E. Perdrix
A. Pascaud
P. Flament
AAAR 33nd Annual Conference, Oct 2014, Orlando, United States
Conference papers
Determination of Local and Remote Sources Areas of PM10 In Northern France
A. Pascaud
E. Perdrix
L. Alleman
S. Sauvage
T. Delaunay
AAAR 33nd Annual Conference, Oct 2014, Orlando (FL), United States
Conference papers
On the use of organic molecular markers for the apportionment of aerosols - Insight from PMF analysis at 3 French urban sites
Antoine Waked
Olivier Favez
Jean-Luc Jaffrezo
Jean-Luc Besombes
Benjamin Golly
33. Annual conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), Oct 2014, Orlando, United States
Conference papers
Source Apportionment of PM10 in a North-Western Europe Regional Urban Background Site (Lens, France): Interest of the Use of Organic Tracers in a Positive Matrix Factorization Methodology
Antoine Waked
Benjamin Golly
Olivier Favez
Laurent Alleman
Christine Piot
Annual conference of American Association for Aerosol Research, Oct 2014, Orlando, United States
Conference papers
Source Apportionment of PM10 in a North-Western Europe Regional Urban Background Site (Lens, France): Interest of the Use of Organic Tracers in a Positive Matrix Factorization Methodology
A. Waked
B. Golly
O. Favez
L. Alleman
C. Piot
AAAR 33nd Annual Conference, Oct 2014, Orlando (FL), United States
Conference papers
Source apportionment of PM10 in a North-Western Europe regional urban background site (Lens, France) : interest of the use of organic tracers in a positive matrix factorization methodology
Antoine Waked
Benjamin Golly
Olivier Favez
Laurent Alleman
Christine Piot
33. Annual conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), Oct 2014, Orlando, United States
Conference papers
Composition and source identification of ambient single particles during the NANO-INDUS 2012 campaign in Dunkirk, France
Jovanna Arndt
Robert Healy
Ari Setyan
Karine Deboudt
Véronique Riffault
European Aerosol Conference, Sep 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Les particules fines émises par la métallurgie : Caractérisation physico-chimique et processus de formation
L.Y. Alleman
J. Arndt
F. Blond
Fabrice Cazier
D. Dewaele
Journée scientifique du CPER IRENI, Nov 2012, Dunkerque, France
Conference papers
Small-scale combustion experiments of selected agricultural by products potential for biomass pellets production in France
S. Caillat
P. Molcan
E. Perdrix
L. Alleman
V. Naudy
International Symposium On Energy From Biomass And Waste, Nov 2012, Venise, Italy
Conference papers
Lung-bioaccessibility of trace elements in size-resolved urban atmospheric
L. Alleman
J. Caboche
E. Perdrix
S. Mbengue
International Symposium Ultrafine Particles Sources, Effects, Risks and Mitigation Strategies, European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA), May 2011, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers
Lung-bioaccessibility of trace elements in size-resolved urban atmospheric
L. Alleman
J. Caboche
E. Perdrix
S. Mbengue
International Symposium Ultrafine Particles Sources, Effects, Risks and Mitigation Strategies, European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations, May 2011, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers
Biomonitoring of indoor air genotoxic properties in ten schools using Scindapsus aureus
M. Rzepka
D. Trinh. Tran
I. Coquelle
L. Alleman
D. Cuny
International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Air Pollution, Sep 2009, Buenos Air, Argentina
Conference papers
Chemical characterization and sourcing of fine particles in French classrooms
D. Trinh. Tran
L. Alleman
Healthy Buildings, Sep 2009, Syracuse, United States
Conference papers
Composition of PM10 in an urban and industrialized harbor under different air quality regimes
J. Rimetz-Planchon
L. Alleman
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
C. Bremard
European Aerosol Conference, Aug 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
Composition of PM10 in an urban and industrialized harbor under different air quality regimes
J. Rimetz-Planchon
L. Alleman
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
C. Bremard
European Aerosol Conference, Aug 2008, Thessalokini, Greece
Conference papers
Etude de la composition chimique résolue en taille des PM10 prélevés en zone multi-influencée - Cas de l'agglomération de Dunkerque
J. Rimetz-Planchon
L. Lamaison
L. Alleman
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
Journées Interdisciplinaires de la Qualité de l'Air, Jan 2007, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
The "IRENI" project: an integrated approach for the assessment of industrial aerosol sources in urbanised areas
A. Aboukais
L. Aimoz
L. Alleman
Robin Bocquet
C. Brémard
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and environmental Protection Associations, Sep 2006, Paris-Lille, France
Conference papers
Covariation of diatoms’ in a Holocen Lake Baikal sedimentary record
D. Cardinal
L. Alleman
A. Mackay
M. Leng
D. Morley
European Geoscience Union, Apr 2006, Vienne (AUT), Austria
Conference papers
Source Tracer Identification in the Urban and Industrialized Coastal Site, Dunkerque, Northern France
L. Lamaison
L. Alleman
J. Rimetz
E. Perdrix
A. Robache
International Aerosol Conference, Sep 2006, St Paul Minnesota, United States
Conference papers
Source identification of particulate matter in an urban and industrial area, Dunkerque, Northern France
L. Lamaison
L. Alleman
J. Rimetz
E. Perdrix
A. Robache
European Aerosol Conference, 2005, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Using silicon isotopes in oceanography: What can we learn from a high-resolution transect in the Southern Ocean?
D. Cardinal
L. Alleman
N. Savoye
T. Trull
F. Dehairs
European Geoscience Union, Apr 2005, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Source and identification of particulate matter in an urban and industrial area, Dunkerque, northern France
L. Lamaison
L. Alleman
J. Rimetz
E. Perdrix
A. Robache
European Aerosol Conference, Aug 2005, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Upwelling events in Lake Tanganyika traced by Mn content in bivalve shells
D. Langlet
L. Alleman
P. Plisnier
L. Andre
European Geoscience Union, Apr 2005, Vienne (AUT), Austria
Conference papers
Lead stable isotope tracers of atmospheric and marine scavenging in the Sargasso Sea
T. Church
L. Alleman
A. Véron
EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, AGU-EUG, Apr 2003, Nice, France. pp.07627
Conference papers
Distribution and implication of silicon isotopic composition in marine and freshwaters
L.Y. Alleman
D. Cardinal
I. Kimirei
L. André
Goldschmidt conference, Goldschmidt, Sep 2003, Kurashiki, Japan. pp.A12
Conference papers
New developments in measuring silicon isotopes by MC-ICP-MS
L.Y. Alleman
D. Cardinal
K. Ziegler
L. André
Goldschmidt conference, Aug 2002, Davos, Switzerland. pp.A14
Conference papers