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Laurent Prévot

En délégation CNRS au CEFC, Antenne de Taipei
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  • 56663
  • 199923
  • 262992
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#### Research Interests Dialogue, Conversation, Discourse, Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Language Resources, Digital Humanities. #### Summary Laurent Prévot is a professor in Language Sciences at Aix Marseille Universit&eacute. He is also a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). His specialties are linguistics (in particular semantic and pragmatic questions) and Natural Language Processing. He obtained his PhD (2004) in Computer Science from Toulouse 3 University and worked as post-doc in linguistic and interdisciplinary labs in Italy (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento), France (Syntax and Semantics Research Team CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse 2) and Taiwan (Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica). His recent projects are dealing in particular with conversational feedback, interpersonal dynamics in conversation as well as neural bases of conversation. At the methodological level, he tends to use NLP and speech processing techniques on conversational corpora and exploit the resulting material in collaboration with colleagues from various disciplines (linguistics, machine learning, neurosience, dialogue systems). Recently he has devoted his research time in developping and applying data-intensive and / or experimental approaches to conversational language. He is also developping a keen interest for Digital Humanities, in particular in applying NLP and machine learning techniques to large and heterogeneous historical documents. #### Projects coordination - PHC AURORA \[2019\] French Norwegian effort on Applied Dialogue Modeling - IUF project \[2015-2020\] Formal and Computational Interactional Linguistics, the case of feedback - [Amidex International Variamu]( \[2014-2015\] Variations in Action: a Multilingual approach - [ANR JCJC CoFee]( \[2012-2015\] Conversational Feedback - Erasmus Mundus Action 2 MULTI 1&2 \[2010-2015\] Multilingualism and Multiculturalism - PHC ORCHID \[2011-2012\] Construction of large-scale French-Mandarin multimodal corpora and comparison of unit production and perception in spoken discourse #### **Project Participation (selection)** - ANR SUMM-RE \[2020-2024\] Weak SUpervsion for Meeting Minutes with Rhetorical RElations (PI : Julie Hunter, Linagora) - ERC \[2018-2023\] [Elites, Networks and Power in modern China]( (PI:Christian Henriot, IRASIA) - Amidex Interdiscplinarity \[2018-2021\] PhysSocial: Physiology of Social Interactions with natural and artificial agents (PI : Thierry Chaminade, INT) - PEPS BRAIN-IHM \[2018-2019\] BRAIN-IHM : Bases cérébrales de l’Interaction Humain-Machine : étude des feedbacks produits par un Agent Conversationnel Animé en réalité virtuelle" (PI: Magalie Ochs, LIS) - PEPS RobotTrio \[2018-2019\] Recueil, modélisation et évaluation d’interactions sociales entre un robot et des partenaires humains dans une tâche d’interview et de remplissage de formulaire numérique (PI: Frédéric Elisei, GIPSA Lab) - ANR-MRSEI CoBra \[2016-2017\] -> ITN CoBRa \[2020-2025\] Innovative Training Network [Conversational Brains]( (PI: Noël Nguyen, LPL) - ANR Datcha \[2015-2018\] Knowledge Extraction from operator-customer conversations in call centers (PI: Frédéric Bechet, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale) - COST TextLink \[2014-2019\] Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe (PI: Liesbeth Degand, Université catholique de Louvain) - ANR OTIM \[2009-2011\] Outils pour le Traitement de l’Information Multimodale (PI: Philippe Blache, LPL) - ANR "Corpus" ANNODIS \[2008-2010\] Annotation discursive (PI: Marie-Paule Péry-Woodley, Université de Toulouse) - ANR-NSC M3 \[2008-2010\] Model and measurement of meaning: A cross-lingual and multi-disciplinary approach of French and Mandarin verbs based on distance in paradigmatic graphs (PIs: Hintat Cheung et Bruno Gaume) #### Evaluation Activities - CIFRE PhD Evaluator (’Training through Research’ Industrial Conventions) \[2018-\] - HCERES (French High Council for Research and Higher Education Evaluation) Committee president (2016,2022). - Expert ANR (French National Research Agency) for ’Content and Interactions" and "Young Researchers" calls. - Expert for various national research agencies : FNRS (Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgique), FNS (Fonds National Suisse), NRF (South Africa’s National Research Foundation), RGC (Research Grants Council, Hong Kong), Rannis (Icelandic Research Fund) - Reviewer for Journals: Discourse Processes, Language Resource and Evaluation, Lingua, Applied Ontology, Journal of Child Language. - External member of recruiting committees in Language Sciences (Paris 13, Paris 7) and Computer Science (Marseille), Psychology (Toulouse 2). - Scientific Committee dof Conferences: Empirical Methods in NLP (2018,2023), Ass. for Computational Linguistics (2014-2018), COmputational LINGuistics 2008-2016, SEMantics and Pragmatics of DIALogue (2013-2014), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (2007-2012), Pacific Asia Conference on Language Information and Computation (2006-2023), Language Resource and Evaluation Conference (2008-2024), Workshop on Linguistic Complexity and NLP (2018), European Ass. Computational Linguistics (2009). #### Administrative Responsabilities - Elected Director of the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (80 permanent members) for the period 2018-2022 - Internal Board Member of the [Institute Language, Communication and the Brain]( \[2018-2023\] - Board Member of the AMU Doctorate School 356 (Cognition, Language, Education) \[2018-2022\] - Member of the [Master in Cognitive Sciences]( Training Committee \[2018-2023\] - Co-responsible of [Master Experimental Linguistics]( \[2014-2016\] - Co-responsible of Master Natural Language Processing \[2009-2013\] #### Scientific Animation - \[2020-2021\] Organisation and Scientific Commitee Member of Cognitive Modelling and Computational Linguisctics Workshop (CMCL) - \[2018\] Program Co-chair and Local Organizer of [The 22nd Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue]( (SEMDIAL) - \[2014\] Organization Committee member of TALN 2014 conference - \[2012-2014\] Program Manager for Humanities and Social Sciences, France-Taiwan Frontiers of Science - \[2008,2010\] Co-organizer of Workshops Logics and Semantics of Natural Language #### PhD Supervision - HERVE Estelle \[2020-\] : De la perception de la parole chez le bébé à l’acquisition du vocabulaire chez l’enfant (CNRS 80PRIME Grant) (Co-supervised with Clément François) - LE GUILLOU Marin \[2020-2023\] : Explicabilité de l’agent artificiel : explorer le contenu et le format de l’interaction entre l’humain et l’intelligence artificielle (Régio PACA - ONERA Grant) (Co-supervised with Bruno Berberian) - NIKOLAUS Mitja \[2020-2023\] : Développement de la coordination de la communication des enfants (ILCB-ARCHIMEDE Grant) (Co-supervised with Abdellah Fourtassi) - RENAUDIN Thomas \[2020-\] : Analyse comparée conversation tchat et téléphone(Co-supervised with Roxane Bertrand) - Mary Amoyal \[2018-2022\] L'impact du *Common Ground* sur le fonctionnement dans la conversation à travers une analyse des sourires lors des transitions thématiques (co-supervised with Béatrice Priego-Valverde) (ED356 Grant) - Simone Fuscone \[2017-2020\] Linguistic Underpinnings of Conversational Interpersonal Dynamics, COFUND, European Grant (co-supervised with Benoît Favre) - Anaïg Pénault \[2013-2018\] Les énoncés non-phrastiques en français oral une analyse intégrant les niveaux syntaxique, sémantique et interactionnel (ED356 Grant) #### Other supervision - Zhu Shi-Yang \[2021\] Unsupervised approach of Chinese Mandarin Discourse Markers in Film Subtitles across Genres: Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation (Experimental Linguistics Master) - Kübra Bodur \[2021\] Multimodal Feedback Production in Middle Childhood (Cognitive Science Master) - Chen Xin-Yi \[2020\] Exploiting weak-supervision for detecting and classifying Mandarin Non-Sentential Utterances in Conversations (Experimental Linguistics Master) - Océane Granier \[2018-2019\] Testing multimodal compositionality in Feedback utterances with a talking head (Language Sciences Master) - Nathan Vignal \[2019\] Vizualization and unsupervised analysis of conversations (IUT Internship) - Antonin Gaboriau \[2018\] Interactive Vizualisation of Conversational Time-Series (IUT Internship) - Zhang Zhong-Pei \[2016-2017\] Analysis of the temporal aspects of turn-taking in polylogue (Language Sciences Master) - Matthieu Stali \[2016\] Les marqueurs discursifs *genre* et *du coup*, une étude de corpus (Language Sciences Master) - Léo Baiocchi \[2014-2015\] Filled pauses in Interaction (Language Sciences Master) - Giulia Rambelli \[2014\] Porting distributional Semantics resources from Italian to French (Erasmus+, Università di Pisa) - Anaïg Pénault \[2013\] Tense semantics in spoken narrative (Language Sciences Master) - Emilien Gorène \[2013\] NLP of pathological speech : the case of schizophrenia (NLP Master) - Klim Peshkov \[2012\] Linguistic Units in Conversational Speech (NLP Master) - Tatsuya Watanabe \[2012\] TextGrid2XML Formatting according to Typed Feature Structures (NLP Master)
#### Research Interests Dialogue, Conversation, Discourse, Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Language Resources, Digital Humanities. #### Summary Laurent Prévot is a professor in Language Sciences at Aix Marseille Universit&eacute. He is also a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). His specialties are linguistics (in particular semantic and pragmatic questions) and Natural Language Processing. He obtained his PhD (2004) in Computer Science from Toulouse 3 University and worked as post-doc in linguistic and interdisciplinary labs in Italy (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento), France (Syntax and Semantics Research Team CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse 2) and Taiwan (Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica). His recent projects are dealing in particular with conversational feedback, interpersonal dynamics in conversation as well as neural bases of conversation. At the methodological level, he tends to use NLP and speech processing techniques on conversational corpora and exploit the resulting material in collaboration with colleagues from various disciplines (linguistics, machine learning, neurosience, dialogue systems). Recently he has devoted his research time in developping and applying data-intensive and / or experimental approaches to conversational language. He is also developping a keen interest for Digital Humanities, in particular in applying NLP and machine learning techniques to large and heterogeneous historical documents. #### Projects coordination - PHC AURORA \[2019\] French Norwegian effort on Applied Dialogue Modeling - IUF project \[2015-2020\] Formal and Computational Interactional Linguistics, the case of feedback - [Amidex International Variamu]( \[2014-2015\] Variations in Action: a Multilingual approach - [ANR JCJC CoFee]( \[2012-2015\] Conversational Feedback - Erasmus Mundus Action 2 MULTI 1&2 \[2010-2015\] Multilingualism and Multiculturalism - PHC ORCHID \[2011-2012\] Construction of large-scale French-Mandarin multimodal corpora and comparison of unit production and perception in spoken discourse #### **Project Participation (selection)** - ANR SUMM-RE \[2020-2024\] Weak SUpervsion for Meeting Minutes with Rhetorical RElations (PI : Julie Hunter, Linagora) - ERC \[2018-2023\] [Elites, Networks and Power in modern China]( (PI:Christian Henriot, IRASIA) - Amidex Interdiscplinarity \[2018-2021\] PhysSocial: Physiology of Social Interactions with natural and artificial agents (PI : Thierry Chaminade, INT) - PEPS BRAIN-IHM \[2018-2019\] BRAIN-IHM : Bases cérébrales de l’Interaction Humain-Machine : étude des feedbacks produits par un Agent Conversationnel Animé en réalité virtuelle" (PI: Magalie Ochs, LIS) - PEPS RobotTrio \[2018-2019\] Recueil, modélisation et évaluation d’interactions sociales entre un robot et des partenaires humains dans une tâche d’interview et de remplissage de formulaire numérique (PI: Frédéric Elisei, GIPSA Lab) - ANR-MRSEI CoBra \[2016-2017\] -> ITN CoBRa \[2020-2025\] Innovative Training Network [Conversational Brains]( (PI: Noël Nguyen, LPL) - ANR Datcha \[2015-2018\] Knowledge Extraction from operator-customer conversations in call centers (PI: Frédéric Bechet, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale) - COST TextLink \[2014-2019\] Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe (PI: Liesbeth Degand, Université catholique de Louvain) - ANR OTIM \[2009-2011\] Outils pour le Traitement de l’Information Multimodale (PI: Philippe Blache, LPL) - ANR "Corpus" ANNODIS \[2008-2010\] Annotation discursive (PI: Marie-Paule Péry-Woodley, Université de Toulouse) - ANR-NSC M3 \[2008-2010\] Model and measurement of meaning: A cross-lingual and multi-disciplinary approach of French and Mandarin verbs based on distance in paradigmatic graphs (PIs: Hintat Cheung et Bruno Gaume) #### Evaluation Activities - CIFRE PhD Evaluator (’Training through Research’ Industrial Conventions) \[2018-\] - HCERES (French High Council for Research and Higher Education Evaluation) Committee president (2016,2022). - Expert ANR (French National Research Agency) for ’Content and Interactions" and "Young Researchers" calls. - Expert for various national research agencies : FNRS (Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgique), FNS (Fonds National Suisse), NRF (South Africa’s National Research Foundation), RGC (Research Grants Council, Hong Kong), Rannis (Icelandic Research Fund) - Reviewer for Journals: Discourse Processes, Language Resource and Evaluation, Lingua, Applied Ontology, Journal of Child Language. - External member of recruiting committees in Language Sciences (Paris 13, Paris 7) and Computer Science (Marseille), Psychology (Toulouse 2). - Scientific Committee dof Conferences: Empirical Methods in NLP (2018,2023), Ass. for Computational Linguistics (2014-2018), COmputational LINGuistics 2008-2016, SEMantics and Pragmatics of DIALogue (2013-2014), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (2007-2012), Pacific Asia Conference on Language Information and Computation (2006-2023), Language Resource and Evaluation Conference (2008-2024), Workshop on Linguistic Complexity and NLP (2018), European Ass. Computational Linguistics (2009). #### Administrative Responsabilities - Elected Director of the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (80 permanent members) for the period 2018-2022 - Internal Board Member of the [Institute Language, Communication and the Brain]( \[2018-2023\] - Board Member of the AMU Doctorate School 356 (Cognition, Language, Education) \[2018-2022\] - Member of the [Master in Cognitive Sciences]( Training Committee \[2018-2023\] - Co-responsible of [Master Experimental Linguistics]( \[2014-2016\] - Co-responsible of Master Natural Language Processing \[2009-2013\] #### Scientific Animation - \[2020-2021\] Organisation and Scientific Commitee Member of Cognitive Modelling and Computational Linguisctics Workshop (CMCL) - \[2018\] Program Co-chair and Local Organizer of [The 22nd Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue]( (SEMDIAL) - \[2014\] Organization Committee member of TALN 2014 conference - \[2012-2014\] Program Manager for Humanities and Social Sciences, France-Taiwan Frontiers of Science - \[2008,2010\] Co-organizer of Workshops Logics and Semantics of Natural Language #### PhD Supervision - HERVE Estelle \[2020-\] : De la perception de la parole chez le bébé à l’acquisition du vocabulaire chez l’enfant (CNRS 80PRIME Grant) (Co-supervised with Clément François) - LE GUILLOU Marin \[2020-2023\] : Explicabilité de l’agent artificiel : explorer le contenu et le format de l’interaction entre l’humain et l’intelligence artificielle (Régio PACA - ONERA Grant) (Co-supervised with Bruno Berberian) - NIKOLAUS Mitja \[2020-2023\] : Développement de la coordination de la communication des enfants (ILCB-ARCHIMEDE Grant) (Co-supervised with Abdellah Fourtassi) - RENAUDIN Thomas \[2020-\] : Analyse comparée conversation tchat et téléphone(Co-supervised with Roxane Bertrand) - Mary Amoyal \[2018-2022\] L'impact du *Common Ground* sur le fonctionnement dans la conversation à travers une analyse des sourires lors des transitions thématiques (co-supervised with Béatrice Priego-Valverde) (ED356 Grant) - Simone Fuscone \[2017-2020\] Linguistic Underpinnings of Conversational Interpersonal Dynamics, COFUND, European Grant (co-supervised with Benoît Favre) - Anaïg Pénault \[2013-2018\] Les énoncés non-phrastiques en français oral une analyse intégrant les niveaux syntaxique, sémantique et interactionnel (ED356 Grant) #### Other supervision - Zhu Shi-Yang \[2021\] Unsupervised approach of Chinese Mandarin Discourse Markers in Film Subtitles across Genres: Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation (Experimental Linguistics Master) - Kübra Bodur \[2021\] Multimodal Feedback Production in Middle Childhood (Cognitive Science Master) - Chen Xin-Yi \[2020\] Exploiting weak-supervision for detecting and classifying Mandarin Non-Sentential Utterances in Conversations (Experimental Linguistics Master) - Océane Granier \[2018-2019\] Testing multimodal compositionality in Feedback utterances with a talking head (Language Sciences Master) - Nathan Vignal \[2019\] Vizualization and unsupervised analysis of conversations (IUT Internship) - Antonin Gaboriau \[2018\] Interactive Vizualisation of Conversational Time-Series (IUT Internship) - Zhang Zhong-Pei \[2016-2017\] Analysis of the temporal aspects of turn-taking in polylogue (Language Sciences Master) - Matthieu Stali \[2016\] Les marqueurs discursifs *genre* et *du coup*, une étude de corpus (Language Sciences Master) - Léo Baiocchi \[2014-2015\] Filled pauses in Interaction (Language Sciences Master) - Giulia Rambelli \[2014\] Porting distributional Semantics resources from Italian to French (Erasmus+, Università di Pisa) - Anaïg Pénault \[2013\] Tense semantics in spoken narrative (Language Sciences Master) - Emilien Gorène \[2013\] NLP of pathological speech : the case of schizophrenia (NLP Master) - Klim Peshkov \[2012\] Linguistic Units in Conversational Speech (NLP Master) - Tatsuya Watanabe \[2012\] TextGrid2XML Formatting according to Typed Feature Structures (NLP Master)

Domaines de recherche

Linguistique Informatique


Traitement Automatique des Langues


Image document

Neuroscience to Investigate Social Mechanisms Involved in Human-Robot Interactions

Youssef Hmamouche , Magalie Ochs , Laurent Prévot , Chaminade Thierry
22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), ACM, Oct 2020, Utrecht, Netherlands. ⟨10.1145/3395035.3425263⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-03017217v1
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Multimodal Corpus of Bidirectional Conversation of Human-human and Human-robot Interaction during fMRI Scanning

Birgit Rauchbauer , Youssef Hmamouche , Brigitte Bigi , Laurent Prevot , Magalie Ochs
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Nov 2020, Marseille, France. pp.661--668
Communication dans un congrès hal-02612820v1
Image document

BrainPredict: a Tool for Predicting and Visualising Local Brain Activity

Youssef Hmamouche , Laurent Prevot , Magalie Ochs , Chaminade Thierry
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Nov 2020, Marseille, France. pp.703-709
Communication dans un congrès hal-02612819v1
Image document

Exploring the Dependencies between Behavioral and Neuro-physiological Time-series Extracted from Conversations between Humans and Artificial Agents

Youssef Hmamouche , Magalie Ochs , Laurent Prevot , Chaminade Thierry
9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Feb 2020, Valletta, Malta. pp.353-360, ⟨10.5220/0008989503530360⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02511146v1
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Brain neurophysiology to objectify the social competence of conversational agents

Thierry Chaminade , Birgit Rauchbauer , Bruno Nazarian , Morgane Bourhis , Magalie Ochs
Human-Agent Interaction, Dec 2018, Southampton, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1145/123_4⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01973552v1
Image document

Replicating Speech Rate Convergence Experiments on the Switchboard Corpus

Simone Fuscone , Benoit Favre , Laurent Prevot
Workshop on Replicability and Reproducibility of Research Results in Science and Technology of Language, May 2018, Miyazaki, Japan
Communication dans un congrès hal-01807796v1
Image document

Investigating the dimensions of conversational agents' social competence using objective neurophysiological measurements

Thierry Chaminade , Birgit Rauchbauer , Bruno Nazarian , Morgane Bourhis , Magalie Ochs
20 ACM Internation Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Oct 2018, Boulder, United States. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1145/3281151.3281162⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01973542v1

Communicative behavior and physiology in social interactions, experimenting with a new set-up

Thierry Chaminade , Léo Baiocchi , Farah Wolfe , Laurent Prevot
First International Workshop on Modeling INTEPERsonal SynchrONy, 2015, Seattle, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01231891v1
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Annotation schemes, annotation tools and the question of interoperability: from Typed Feature Structures to XML Schemas

Philippe Blache , Brigitte Bigi , Laurent Prevot , Stéphane Rauzy , Julien Seinturier
Second International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resource, 2010, Hong Kong, China
Communication dans un congrès hal-01393612v1
Image document

BrainPredict: a Tool for Predicting and Visualising Local Brain Activity

Youssef Hmamouche , Laurent Prevot , Magalie Ochs , Thierry Chaminade
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), , pp.11 - 16, 2020
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-03016059v1