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Laurent Etienne

Associate Professor in computer science and GIS science at ISEN Yncrea Ouest
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Docteur en géomatique (section 27 Informatique) Habilité à Diriger des Recherches **Yncrea Ouest - L@bISEN - Equipe KLaIM** ISEN Brest []( "Site web")
PhD in geomatics & computer science Associate Professor **Yncrea Ouest - L@bISEN - Equipe KLaIM** ISEN Brest []( "Site web")


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Application of the IMO taxonomy on casualty investigation: Analysis of 20 years of marine accidents along the North-East Passage

Laurent Fedi , Olivier Faury , Laurent Etienne , Ali Cheaitou , Patrick Rigot-Muller
Marine Policy, 2024, 162, pp.106061. ⟨10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106061⟩
Journal articles hal-04483233v1

Impact of CO2 emission taxation and fuel types on Arctic shipping attractiveness

Ali Cheaitou , Olivier Faury , Laurent Etienne , Laurent Fedi , Patrick Rigot-Müller
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, 112, pp.103491. ⟨10.1016/j.trd.2022.103491⟩
Journal articles hal-03912714v1

The role of polarseaworthiness in shipping planning for infrastructure projects in the Arctic: The case of Yamal LNG plant

Patrick Rigot-Müller , Ali Cheaitou , Laurent Etienne , Olivier Faury , Laurent Fedi
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2022, 155, pp.330-353. ⟨10.1016/j.tra.2021.11.009⟩
Journal articles hal-03549995v1
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Mapping and analysis of maritime accidents in the Russian Arctic through the lens of the Polar Code and POLARIS system

Laurent Fedi , Olivier Faury , Laurent Etienne
Marine Policy, 2020, 118, pp.103984. ⟨10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103984⟩
Journal articles hal-02885952v1
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Diagnostic qualité et apurement des données de mobilité quotidienne issues de l’enquête mixte et longitudinale Mobi’Kids

Sylvestre Duroudier , Sonia Chardonnel , B. Mericskay , Isabelle I. Andre-Poyaud , Olivier Bedel
Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2020, 30 (1-2), pp.127-148. ⟨10.3166/rig.2020.00105⟩
Journal articles hal-03254291v1

Calcul de similarité sémantique entre trajectoires

Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne
Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2019, 29 (1), pp.107-127. ⟨10.3166/rig.2019.00077⟩
Journal articles hal-02885967v1
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Polaris, Quelle influence sur la sécurité de la navigation en Arctique?

Faury Olivier , Laurent Fedi , Laurent Etienne , Patrick Rigot-Müller , Scott Stephenson
Le Journal de la Marine Marchande, 2019, 5093, pp.10-11
Journal articles hal-02110303v1
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Arctic navigation: stakes, benefits and limits of the polaris system

Laurent Fedi , Laurent Etienne , Olivier Faury , Patrick Rigot-Müller , Scott Stephenson
Journal of Ocean Technology, 2018, 13 (4)
Journal articles hal-02110281v1

Arctic Navigation; Stakes, Benefits, Limits of the Polaris System

L. Fedi , L. Etienne , O. Faury , P. Rigot-Muller , S. Stephenson
Journal of Ocean Technology, 2018
Journal articles hal-03421792v1
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Modélisation et extraction de la sémantique des trajectoires à partir de données multi-capteurs

Frédérick Bisone , Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele
Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2018, 28 (4), pp.461-483. ⟨10.3166/rig.2018.00065⟩
Journal articles hal-02110261v1
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Trajectory Box Plot: a new pattern to summarize movements

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Maike Buckin , Gavin Mcardle
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2016, Analysis of Movement Data, 30 (5), pp.835-853. ⟨10.1080/13658816.2015.1081205⟩
Journal articles hal-01215945v1

Oriented spatial box plot, a new pattern for points clusters

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Gavin Mcardle
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 2014, 9 (3), ⟨10.1504/IJBIDM.2014.068367⟩
Journal articles hal-01172635v1
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Motifs spatio-temporels de trajectoires d’objets mobiles, de l’extraction à la détection de comportements inhabituels

Laurent Etienne
Cartes & géomatique, 2013
Journal articles hal-01627361v1

Mesures de similarité de trajectoires basées sur l'utilisation de patrons spatio-temporels =

Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2012, 17 (1), pp.11-34
Journal articles hal-01171533v1

Analyse de similarité de trajectoires d'objets mobiles suivant le même itinéraire: Application aux trajectoires de navires

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Alain Bouju
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2009, 14 (5/2009), pp.85-106
Journal articles hal-00389481v1
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Des traces GPS pour révéler des profils de journées et de semaines d'enfants de CM2 et de 6e et de leur parent : quels types d'activités et de déplacements structurent leur quotidien ?

Isabelle I. André-Poyaud , Kamila Tabaka , Sonia Chardonnel , Etienne Laurent , Thomas Devogele
6ème Rencontres francophones transport mobilité, Université de Bruxelles, Jun 2024, Bruxelles, France
Conference papers hal-04864183v1
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A Fuzzy Generalisation of the Hamming Distance for Temporal Sequences

Clément Moreau , Thomas Devogele , Cyril de Runz , Veronika Peralta , Evelyne Moreau
2021 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Jul 2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/FUZZ45933.2021.9494445⟩
Conference papers hal-03319236v1
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Application and analysis of the IMO taxonomy on casualty investigation over 20 years of marine events in the Russian and Norwegian Arctic

Laurent Fedi , Olivier Faury , Ali Cheaitou , Laurent Etienne , Patrick Rigot-Muller
28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Jun 2020, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers hal-03355149v1
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The loading capacity of convoy for the transit of container along the Northeast Passage

Olivier Faury , Ali Cheaitou , Laurent Etienne , Laurent Fedi , Patrick Rigot-Muller
28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Jun 2020, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers hal-03355136v1
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Mapping and analysis of maritime claims in the Russian Arctic based on POLARIS System

Laurent Fedi , Olivier Faury , Laurent Etienne , Amaury de Ferriere Le Vayer
27th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Jun 2019, Athens, Greece
Conference papers hal-03354308v1
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From Raw Sensor Data to Semantic Trajectories

Frédérick Bisone , Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne
5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Emergency Management (EM-GIS 2019), Nov 2019, Chicago, United States. ⟨10.1145/3356998.3365777⟩
Conference papers hal-02380444v1
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How attractive is the Northern Sea Route for container shipping? An economic model

Olivier Faury , Ali Cheaitou , Laurent Etienne , Laurent Fedi , Patrick Rigot-Muller
27th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Jun 2019, Athens, Greece
Conference papers hal-03354313v1
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Données hétérogènes de mobilités quotidiennes : protocole de diagnostic qualité et d’apurement à partir de la base MOBI’KIDS

Sylvestre Duroudier , Sonia Chardonnel , Boris Mericskay , Isabelle I. André-Poyaud , Olivier Bedel
Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, SAGEO, Nov 2019, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers halshs-02327295v1
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Ship routing and scheduling for the assembly of a LNG plant in the arctic: a decision support system

Patrick Rigot-Müller , Laurent Etienne , Olivier Faury , Scott Stephenson
25th EUROMA Conference, Jun 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-03355195v1
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Extraction de motifs de trajectoires sémantiques similaires

Clément Moreau , Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne
Spatial Analysis and Geomatics, Nov 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02110019v1

Optimized Discrete Fréchet Distance between trajectories

Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne , Maxence Esnault , Florian Lardy
6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data, Nov 2017, Redondo Beach, United States. 9 p., ⟨10.1145/3150919.3150924⟩
Conference papers hal-01631192v1
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Extraction automatique de la sémantique des trajectoires

Frédérick Bisone , Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele
Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics 2017, INSA de rouen, Nov 2017, Rouen, France
Conference papers hal-01643365v1
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SmartLoire: A Web Mashup Based Tool for Personalized Touristic Plans Construction

Marwa Boulakbech , Nizar Messai , Yacine Sam , Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne
2016 IEEE 25th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), Jun 2016, Paris, France. pp.259 - 260, ⟨10.1109/WETICE.2016.66⟩
Conference papers hal-01512953v1
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Distance discrète de Fréchet optimisée

Thomas Devogele , Maxence Esnault , Laurent Etienne
Spatial Analysis and Geomatics (SAGEO), Nov 2016, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-02110055v1

From Sensing to Sense-Making: Assessing and visualizing ship operational limitations in the Canadian Arctic using open-access ice data

Mark Stoddard , Laurent Etienne , Ronald Pelot
Arctic Council International Conference on Safe and Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic Environment (ShipArc 2015), 2015, Malmö, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01627369v1
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Making sense of Arctic maritime traffic using the Polar Operational Limits Assessment Risk Indexing System (POLARIS)

M A Stoddard , Laurent Etienne , Melanie Fournier , R Pelot , L Beveridge
9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), 2015, Halifax, Canada. pp.012034, ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/34/1/012034⟩
Conference papers hal-01512696v1

State of the Art in Patterns for Point Cluster Analysis

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Gavin Mcardle
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA, Jun 2014, Guimaraes., Portugal. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-09144-0_18⟩
Conference papers hal-01118544v1
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Trajectoires médianes

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele
14 ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Ateliers fouille de données spatiales et temporelles & construction, enrichissement et exploitation de ressources géographiques pour l'analyse de données, Jan 2014, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02110086v1
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Spatio-Temporal Rule-based Analysis of Maritime Traffic

Cyril Ray , Arnaud Grancher , Rémy Thibaud , Laurent Etienne
Third Conference on Ocean & Coastal Observation: Sensors and Observing Systems, Numerical Models and Information (OCOSS), 2013, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-01627352v1
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Simulation of maritime paths taking into account ice conditions in the Arctic

Laurent Etienne , Ronald Pelot
11th International Symposium for GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management (CoastGIS), 2013, Victoria, Canada
Conference papers hal-01740751v1
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Spatio-temporal visualisation of outliers

Laurent Etienne , Cyril Ray , Gavin Mcardle
international workshop on Maritime Anomaly Detection (MAD), 2011, Tilburg, Netherlands. pp.1 - 2
Conference papers hal-01740748v1
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Analyse temps réel du comportement d'objets mobilesévoluant dans un espace ouvert

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Alain Bouju
5ème atelier Représentation et raisonnement sur le temps et l’espace (RTE), Jan 2010, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-03357906v1

Spatio-temporal trajectory analysis of mobile objects following the same itinerary

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Alain Bouju
Joint International Conference on Theory, Data Handling and Modelling in GeoSpatial Information Science, May 2010, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China. pp 86-91
Conference papers hal-00495484v1
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Mesures de similarité de trajectoires suivant le même itinéraire

Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne
Conférence internationale de Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale (SAGEO) 2010, Nov 2010, Toulouse, France. pp.155-169
Conference papers hal-03357887v1
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Outil d'aide aux décideurs concernant le suivi de navires : suivi de trajectoires relatives entre navires et détection de trajectoires inhabituelles

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Alain Bouju
7ème journées scientifiques et techniques du CETMEF, Dec 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03357871v1

Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures

Anatole Lécuyer , Jean-Marie Burkhardt , Laurent Etienne
SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, 2004, New York, United States
Conference papers hal-01627372v1
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A Contextual Edit Distance for Semantic Trajectories

Clément Moreau , Thomas Devogele , Veronika Peralta , Laurent Etienne
ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, Mar 2020, Brno (on line), Czech Republic. SAC '20: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2020, ⟨10.1145/3341105.3374125⟩
Conference poster hal-02382303v1
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Making Sense of Marine-Based Search and Rescue Response Time Using Network Analysis

Mark A Stoddard , Ronald Pelot , Floris Goerlandt , Laurent Etienne
Area-Based Management of Shipping, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp.287-313, 2024, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-60053-1_12⟩
Book sections hal-04645093v1
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Maritime Data Processing in Relational Databases

Laurent Etienne , Cyril Ray , Elena Camossi , Clément Iphar
Guide to Maritime Informatics, Springer International Publishing, pp.73-118, 2021, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-61852-0_3⟩
Book sections hal-03137050v1

L’impact de la gestion du risque sur l’attractivité du passage du nord-est

Olivier Faury , Laurent Etienne , Laurent Fedi , Patrick Rigot-Müller , Ali Cheaitou
Baltic Arctic – Strategic Perspective, Editions EMS, pp.169-190, 2019, Les collections Océanides, 978-2-37687-329-7
Book sections hal-02885901v1

L’impact de la gestion du risque sur l’attractivité du Passage du Nord-Est

L. Fedi , O. Faury , L. Etienne , P. Rigot-Muller , A. Cheaitou
Baltic-Arctic Strategic Perspective, 2019, 978-2-37687-329-7
Book sections hal-03422273v1

From Sensing to Sense-Making: Assessing and Visualizing Ship Operational Limitations in the Canadian Arctic Using Open-Access Ice Data

Mark Stoddard , Laurent Etienne , Ronald Pelot , Melanie Fournier , Leah Beveridge
Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic, 2018
Book sections hal-01897714v1

Vessel navigation constraints in Canadian Arctic waters

Laurent Etienne , Melanie Fournier , Leah Beveridge , Mark Stoddard , Ronald Pelot
Advances in Shipping Data Analysis and Modeling Tracking and Mapping Maritime Flows in the Age of Big Data, 2017
Book sections hal-01627377v1

Maritime network monitoring : from position sensors to shipping patterns

Laurent Etienne , Erwan Alincourt , Thomas Devogele
Maritime Networks : spatial structures and time dynamics, 2015
Book sections hal-01627357v1

Global maritime situational awareness

Laurent Etienne , Allen Hjelmfelt , Ronald Pelot , Melanie Fournier
Global maritime security: new horizons, 2014
Book sections hal-01740722v1
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Maritime monitoring

Thomas Devogele , Laurent Etienne , Cyril Ray
Mobility Data: Modelling, Management, and Understanding, Cambridge University Press, pp.224-243, 2013
Book sections hal-01170999v1

Spatio-temporal Trajectory Analysis of Mobile Objects Following the same Itinerary

Laurent Etienne , Thomas Devogele , Bouju Alain
Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science, Chapter Modeling Space and Time, 2012
Book sections hal-01740733v1
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Sur les traces de Mobi’Kids. L’enfant autonome au défi de la ville

Sandrine Depeau , Isabelle I. André-Poyaud , Nathalie Audas , Hélène Bailleul , Olivier Bedel
ESO (CNRS, Université Rennes2); PACTE (CNRS, UGA, Sciences Po Grenoble); AAU (CNRS, Centrale Nantes, ENSA Nantes et Grenoble, UGA); LIFAT (Université de Tours); (PME) ALKANTE; PME, RF TRACK PME. 2022, pp.75
Reports hal-04284882v1
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Fouille de trajectoires, des données aux connaissances

Laurent Etienne
Informatique [cs]. Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), 2023
Accreditation to supervise research tel-04183896v3