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Lucile Montalescot

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Mes champs de recherche portent sur l’ajustement des patient-e-s et de leurs proches à une maladie somatique (e.g., maladie rénale, cancer) dans une perspective à la fois individuelle et dyadique. Je m’intéresse en particulier au processus de choix de traitement et à l’influence que peut avoir la famille dans celui-ci.
My research interests focus on the individual and dyadic adjustment of patients living with a chronic illness (e.g., kidney disease, cancer) and their family members. In particular, I study patients' treatment decision-making and the role of family in this process.


Quelle connaissance et perception ont les professionnels de santé d’un Centre de lutte contre le cancer à propos des pratiques palliatives encadrées par la loi Claeys-Leonetti : étude PAL PRAT

Marie Locatelli , Cécile Flahault , Nicolas Roche , Christine Mateus , François Blot
Bulletin du Cancer, 2024, In Press, ⟨10.1016/j.bulcan.2023.12.009⟩
Journal articles hal-04532893v1

En réanimation médicale, des propositions frugales pour laisser une place au prendre soin

Julie Calmettes , Marine Royer , Béatrice Gisclard , Lucile Montalescot , Elodie Charbonnier
Design, Arts, Médias, 2024
Journal articles hal-04600443v1
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What is the place of interpretation in text analysis? An example using ALCESTE® software

Lucile Montalescot , K. Lamore , C. Flahault , A. Untas
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2024, pp.1-26. ⟨10.1080/14780887.2024.2316624⟩
Journal articles hal-04512832v1

Le suicide des personnels hospitaliers : le comprendre et le prévenir

Marc Olivaux , Elodie Charbonnier , Marine Royer , Marie-Julie Catoir-Brisson , Lucile Montalescot
Soins-Aides-soignantes, 2024, 119, pp.20-22. ⟨10.1016/j.sasoi.2024.05.007⟩
Journal articles hal-04674212v1
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Relationship between Fear of COVID-19, Intolerance of Uncertainty, and Coping Strategies on University Students’ Mental Health

Elodie Charbonnier , Lucile Montalescot , Cécile Puechlong , Aurélie Goncalves , Sarah Le Vigouroux
Nutrients, 2023, 15 (23), pp.4938. ⟨10.3390/nu15234938⟩
Journal articles hal-04312673v1
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The Effect of Intervention Approaches of Emotion Regulation and Learning Strategies on Students’ Learning and Mental Health

Elodie Charbonnier , Sarah Le Vigouroux , Cecile Puechlong , Lucile Montalescot , Aurélie Goncalves
Inquiry -Chicago then Finger Lakes--, 2023, 60, pp.004695802311599. ⟨10.1177/00469580231159962⟩
Journal articles hal-04053289v1
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The experience of relatives and friends of patients with moderate to advanced chronic kidney disease: Insights from the CKD‐REIN cohort study

Lucile Montalescot , Géraldine Dorard , Elodie Speyer , Karine Legrand , Carole Ayav
British Journal of Health Psychology, 2023, 28 (4), pp.930-951. ⟨10.1111/bjhp.12662⟩
Journal articles hal-04161116v1

Suicidal Behaviors in Women With the Hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome

Carolina Baeza-Velasco , Claude Hamonet , Lucile Montalescot , Philippe Courtet
Archives of Suicide Research, 2022, 26 (3), pp.1314-1326. ⟨10.1080/13811118.2021.1885538⟩
Journal articles hal-03660377v1
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Hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy with online sessions to reduce fatigue in patients undergoing chemotherapy for a metastatic colorectal cancer : Rational and study protocol for a feasibility study

Louise Baussard , Florence Cousson-Gélie , Marta Jarlier , Elodie Charbonnier , Sarah Le Vigouroux
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, pp.13:953711. ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2022.953711⟩
Journal articles hal-03739193v1
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Patient perspectives on chronic kidney disease and decision-making about treatment. Discourse of participants in the French CKD-REIN cohort study

Lucile Montalescot , Géraldine Dorard , Elodie Speyer , Karine Legrand , Carole Ayav
Journal of Nephrology, 2022, 35 (5), pp.1387-1397. ⟨10.1007/s40620-022-01345-6⟩
Journal articles hal-03765546v2
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Two Years and Four Time Points: Description of Emotional State and Coping Strategies of French University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Elodie Charbonnier , Aurélie Goncalves , Cecile Puechlong , Lucile Montalescot , Sarah Le Vigouroux
Viruses, 2022, 14 (4), pp.782. ⟨10.3390/v14040782⟩
Journal articles hal-03640292v1
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Patients’ experience one year after dialysis initiation: a lexicometric analysis

Lucile Montalescot , Nicole Rascle , Christian Combe , Aurélie Untas
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 2021, 9, pp.380 - 397. ⟨10.1080/21642850.2021.1918552⟩
Journal articles hal-03248782v1
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Reliability and validity of the French adaptation of the Family Relationship Index–short form in patients’ with chronic kidney disease

Lucile Montalescot , Elodie Speyer , Karine Legrand , Carole Ayav , Christian Combe
Journal of Health Psychology, 2020, ⟨10.1177/1359105320949921⟩
Journal articles hal-03038131v2

Predictors of pain and mobility disability in the hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Larissa Kalisch , Claude Hamonet , Caroline Bourdon , Lucile Montalescot , Cécile de Cazotte
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2020, 42 (25), pp.3679-3686. ⟨10.1080/09638288.2019.1608595⟩
Journal articles hal-03100281v1

Sexual health in colon cancer patients: A systematic review

Alexandra Stulz , Kristopher Lamore , Lucile Montalescot , Nicolas Favez , Cécile Flahault
Psycho-Oncology, 2020
Journal articles hal-03100068v1

Low- and high-anxious hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos syndrome patients: comparison of psychosocial and health variables

Carolina Baeza-Velasco , Caroline Bourdon , Lucile Montalescot , Cécile de Cazotte , Guillem Pailhez
Rheumatology International, 2018, 38 (5), pp.871-878. ⟨10.1007/s00296-018-4003-7⟩
Journal articles hal-03100238v1
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Treatment decision-making in chronic diseases: What are the family members’ roles, needs and attitudes? A systematic review

Kristopher Lamore , Lucile Montalescot , Aurélie Untas
Patient Education and Counseling, 2017, 100 (12), pp.2172-2181. ⟨10.1016/j.pec.2017.08.003⟩
Journal articles hal-03058851v1
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Les effets du dispositif Etu'Zen sur la santé mentale et les stratégies d'apprentissage des étudiants

E Charbonnier , Sarah Le Vigouroux , Lucile Montalescot , Aurélie Goncalves , Louise Baussard
JRTCC, May 2023, Nimes, France
Conference papers hal-04115115v1

Dynamique affective en lien avec la douleur chronique

Sarah Le Vigouroux , Lisa Cieux , Lucile Montalescot
12ème congrès de l'association francophone de la psychologie de la santé, Jul 2023, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-04674880v1

Quelle est l’expérience des proches de patients vivant avec une Malade Rénale Avancée ?

Lucile Montalescot , Karine Legrand , Géraldine Dorard , Carole Ayav , Christian Combe
11e congrès de l'Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé (AFPSA), Jul 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03248809v1

Les patients et leur famille face à la maladie rénale chronique avancée et au choix de traitement de suppléance

Lucile Montalescot , Géraldine Dorard , Élodie Speyer , Karine Legrand , Carole Ayav
6e congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation, Oct 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-03470342v1

L’ajustement des patients insuffisants rénaux : Quel est le rôle de la famille ?

Lucile Montalescot , Karine Legrand , Géraldine Dorard , Carole Ayav , Serge Briancon
10e congrès de l'Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé (AFPSA), Jun 2018, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-03248792v1

Family members of chronic kidney disease patients: Who are they, what is their illness perceptions?

Lucile Montalescot , Karine Legrand , Géraldine Dorard , Carole Ayav , Serge Briancon
32nd Congress of the European Health Psychology Society, Aug 2018, Galway, Ireland
Conference papers hal-03248800v1
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Différences inter-et intra-individuelles dans le vécu affectif en lien avec la douleur chronique de l'endométriose

Sarah Le Vigouroux , L. Baussard , Louise Berrou , Julie Deninotti , Morgane Francisco
25ème Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, Jul 2024, Rennes, France
Conference poster hal-04675025v1
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Maison sport-santé universitaire et promotion de la littératie en santé chez les é

Mathilde Monvoisin , Elodie Charbonnier , Marie Claude Lagouanelle-Simeoni , Lucile Montalescot , Béatrice Gisclard
Congrès de la Société Française de Santé Publique, Oct 2023, Saint Etienne, France
Conference poster hal-04289033v1
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The Colofight feasibility study protocol : Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with online sessions to reduce fatigue in patients undergoing chemotherapy for a metastatic colorectal cancer

Louise Baussard , Florence Cousson-Gélie , Elodie Charbonnier , Sarah Le Vigouroux , Lucile Montalescot
1st OncoLille Days, Nov 2022, Lille, France
Conference poster hal-03865326v1

Etu’Zen : Aider les étudiants à développer des ressources favorisant leur bien-être et leurs apprentissages

Elodie Charbonnier , Sarah Le Vigouroux , L. Baussard , Béatrice Gisclard , Florence Lespiau
Séminaire de l'Association des Villes Universitaires de France, Oct 2022, Montpellier, France
Conference poster hal-04675015v1
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Student mental health during the first two years of the COVID- 19 pandemic

Elodie Charbonnier , Sarah Le Vigouroux , Cecile Puechlong , Lucile Montalescot , Aurélie Goncalves
30 th European Congress of Psychiatry., Jun 2022, Budapest, Hungary. European Psychiatry, 65 (S1: Abstracts of the 30th European Congress of Psychiatry), pp.S535, 2022, ⟨10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.1367⟩
Conference poster hal-03685342v1
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Patients facing the choice of renal replacement therapy: What is the role of relatives?

Lucile Montalescot , Karine Legrand , Géraldine Dorard , Carole Ayav , Christian Combe
European Health Psychology Society, Sep 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference poster hal-03121073v1

Family Relationships and Self-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Moderate or Advanced CKD: Findings from the French Chronic Kidney Disease-Renal Epidemiology and Information Network (CKD-REIN) Study

Elodie Speyer , Lucile Montalescot , Karine Legrand , Carole Ayav , Christian Combe
American Society of Nephrology, Oct 2018, San Diego, United States
Conference poster hal-03121123v1
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What is the role of relatives in treatment choice of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease?

Lucile Montalescot , Karine Legrand , Géraldine Dorard , Carole Ayav , Serge Briançon
European Health Psychology Society, Aug 2018, Padova, Italy. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.2.19163.87849⟩
Conference poster hal-03121046v1
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Low- and high-anxious hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome patients comparison of psychosocial and health outcomes

Lucile Montalescot , Caroline Bourdon , Cécile de Cazotte , Guillem Pailhez , Antonio Bulbena
Colloque international Syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos, Mar 2017, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-03121088v1
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Le processus de décision médicale partagée médecin-patient : quelle place pour le proche ? Une revue systématique

Lucile Montalescot , Kristopher Lamore , Aurélie Untas
Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé, Dec 2016, Lyon, France
Conference poster hal-03121052v1