Simulations d'essais d'ancrage dans le béton à l'aide d'un modèle de Mazars régularisé
Matthieu Le Noir de Carlan
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024), CNRS; CSMA; ENS Paris-Saclay; CentraleSupélec, May 2024, Hyères, France
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of pushout tests with defects and modelling using response surface methodology
Martin Debuisne
Luc Davenne
Ludovic Jason
ECCOMAS 2024, Jun 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of the influence of initial voids on the mechanical behaviour of steel-concrete-steel structures in shear
Ludovic Jason
ACEM24/Structures24, Aug 2024, Seoul (Korea), South Korea
Communication dans un congrès
Horizon Europe MatCHMaker Project
Ludovic Jason
4th EMMC International Workshop 2023, Apr 2023, Vienna, Austria
Communication dans un congrès
Application of the Adaptive Static Condensation Method on the Vercors Mock-Up
Ali Mezher
Ludovic Jason
Gauthier Folzan
Luc Davenne
COMPLAS 2023, Sep 2023, Barcelona, Spain
Communication dans un congrès
Modélisation du comportement non linéaire de poutres sandwich acier béton
Luc Davenne
Robine Calixte
Ludovic Jason
11ème colloque national de l'AFPS, Nov 2023, Guadeloupe, France
Communication dans un congrès
Régularisation en compression d’un modèle de Mazars modifié
Martin Debuisne
Luc Davenne
Ludovic Jason
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of the influence of initial voids on the mechanical behaviour of steel-concrete-steel structures in compression
Ludovic Jason
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Aug 2023, Tokyo, Japan
Communication dans un congrès
Finite element analysis of steel-concrete-steel beams with stud defects
Martin Debuisne
Luc Davenne
Ludovic Jason
TINCE'23, Oct 2023, Saclay, France, France
Communication dans un congrès
A 3D Model Combining Cohesive Zone Approach and Friction to Model the Steel-Concrete Interface
Mohammad Abbas
Benoît Bary
Ludovic Jason
15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV), Jul 2022, Yokohama, Japan
Communication dans un congrès
Integration of the principle of mesh refinement in the Adaptive Static Condensation (ASC) method
A. Mezher
Ludovic Jason
G. Folzan
Luc Davenne
Communication dans un congrès
Refined and simplified modelling of steel-concrete-steel (SCS) composite beams
R. Calixte
Luc Davenne
Ludovic Jason
Communication dans un congrès
Intégration du principe de raffinement de maillage dans la méthode de Condensation Statique Adaptative (ASC)
Ali Mezher
Ludovic Jason
Gauthier Folzan
Luc Davenne
15ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France [UPHF], May 2022, 83400 Hyères-les-Palmiers, France
Communication dans un congrès
Numerical study on prestressed concrete containment building: creep, ageing and leakage. Application to VERCORS mockup
Try Meng
Ludovic Jason
Thomas Heitz
Benjamin Richard
SMiRT-26 - 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology, Jul 2022, Berlin, Germany
Communication dans un congrès
New adaptative static condensation method for the simulation of large dimensions prestressed reinforced concrete structures
Ali Mezher
Ludovic Jason
Gauthier Folzan
Luc Davenne
COMPLAS 2021, Sep 2021, Barcelona, Spain
Communication dans un congrès
Mesoscopic modelling of the behaviour of interfaces between reinforcing steel and concrete
Mohammad Abbas
Benoît Bary
Ludovic Jason
COMPLAS 2021 - XVI International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications, Sep 2021, Barcelona, Spain
Communication dans un congrès
Shear behavior of the connexion system of steel-concrete-steel composite structure: modelling of a push-out test
Robine Calixte
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM) ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 2021, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès
Influence of dowel effect for the simulation of reinforced concrete structures
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
Can Turgut
4th International Conference on Building Materials and Construction (ICBMC 2019), Feb 2019, Singapore, Singapore
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of the active confinement effect on the steel-concrete bond in reinforced concrete structures
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
Can Turgut
2nd International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering, Aug 2019, Beijing, China
Communication dans un congrès
Modelling of the behavior of steel-concrete-steel composite beams with a full or a partial composite action
Robine Calixte
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
FraMCoS-X, Jun 2019, Bayonne, France
Communication dans un congrès
Investigation of dowel action on a steel-concrete bond model for reinforced concrete structures
Can Turgut
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
Alex Pirard
EURO-C 2018, Feb 2018, Bad-Hofgastein, Austria
Communication dans un congrès
On the influence of the steel-concrete bond model for the simulation of reinforced concrete structures using damage mechanics
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
The Third International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM 3), Jul 2018, Shanghai, China
Communication dans un congrès
Modelling strategies of prestressing tendons and reinforcement bars in concrete structures
Antoine Llau
Ludovic Jason
Frederic Dufour
Julien Baroth
VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2016, Hersonissos, Crete Island, Greece
Communication dans un congrès
Méthode EFS condensée pour l’analyse des structures sous incertitudes
Antoine Llau
Julien Baroth
Ludovic Jason
Frederic Dufour
9èmes Journées Fiabilité des Matériaux et des Structures, Mar 2016, Nancy, France
Communication dans un congrès
Shear wall mock up subjected to monotonic loading with concrete steel bond model
C. Mang
Ludovic Jason
L. Davenne
PANACM 2015 - First Pan-American 3Congress on Computational Mechanics, Apr 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Communication dans un congrès
Structural zooming method for the simulation of large reinforced concrete structures
Antoine Llau
Ludovic Jason
Julien Baroth
Frederic Dufour
SMiRT 23: Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Aug 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès
Shear-wall mock-up simulation subjected to monotonic loading with concrete-steel bond slip model
Chetra Mang
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
PANACM 2015, Apr 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Communication dans un congrès
Adaptive zooming method for the simulation of quasi-brittle materials
Antoine Llau
Ludovic Jason
Julien Baroth
Frédéric Dufour
Communication dans un congrès
Development and validation of a bond slip model for the simulation of industrial structures
Anaelle Casanova
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
SMiRT 21 conference, Nov 2011, New Delhi, India
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of BARCOM 1 : 4 scale Indian concrete containment building
Ludovic Jason
Shahrokh Ghavamian
SMiRT 21 conference, Nov 2011, New Delhi, India
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of cracking for reinforced concrete structures. Application on a large RC beam and a shearing wall
Ludovic Jason
Benoit Masson
World Congress on Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM) 2011, Sep 2011, Seoul, South Korea
Communication dans un congrès
Steel concrete bond model for the simulation of industrial structures
Anaelle Casanova
Ludovic Jason
Luc Davenne
World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM) 2011, Sep 2011, Seoul, South Korea
Communication dans un congrès
Mechanical behaviour of prestressed reinforced concrete vessels as an option to replace GFR reference primary circuit
Ludovic Jason
Jean-Yves Malo
David Plancq
Christophe Gallé
Shahrokh Ghavamian
ESOPE 2010, Jul 2010, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès
Benchmark on the cracking simulation of reinforced concrete ties
Ludovic Jason
Christian La Borderie
Cédric Giry
Benjamin Richard
Marion Chambart
FraMCoS 7, 2010, Jeju, South Korea
Communication dans un congrès
1D vs 3D modelling of the tendons in a Representative Structural Volume of a concrete containment building
Ludovic Jason
Shahrokh Ghavamian
Alexis Courtois
8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), 2008, Venise, Italy
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of the prestress in a Representative Structural Volume of a French 1450 MWe containement building
Ludovic Jason
Shahrokh Ghavamian
Alexis Courtois
Lucian Illie
19th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT), 2007, Toronto, Canada
Communication dans un congrès
Preliminary computations for a Representative Structural Volume of nuclear containment buildings
Ludovic Jason
Shahrokh Ghavamian
Alexis Courtois
FraMCoS 6, 2007, Catane, Italy
Communication dans un congrès
Influence of 3D constitutive laws on the impact response of a concrete slab
Ludovic Jason
Daniel Guilbaud
Sabine Durand
International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS), 2007, Barcelone, Spain
Communication dans un congrès
Evaluation of RC slab response under soft impact by means of various numerical models
Francesca Bartera
Didier Combescure
Ludovic Jason
Daniel Guilbaud
Concrete under severe conditions, CONSEC’07, 2007, Tours, France
Communication dans un congrès
Some constitutive and computational aspects of coupled hydraulic-damage problems for leakage rate predictions of concrete vessels
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
Frédéric Dufour
Marta Choinska
Abbas Krayani
Ludovic Jason
Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures EURO-C, 2006, Mayrhofen, Austria
Communication dans un congrès
Representative Structural Volume for French containment buildings: from numerical computations to experiment
Ludovic Jason
Shahrokh Ghavamian
7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM, 2006, Los Angeles, United States
Communication dans un congrès
Impacts of the Mechanical Constitutive Law on the Hydraulic Behaviour of a Containment Building
Ludovic Jason
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
S. Ghavamian
Antonio Huerta
Creep, 2005, France. pp.335-340
Communication dans un congrès
Validation of a damage Plasticity Model for Concrete in Tension and in Compression
Ludovic Jason
Marta Choinska
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
S. Ghavamian
A. Huerta
Proc. Complas VII, 2005, Barcelone, Spain
Communication dans un congrès
Hydraulic Behaviour of a Representative Structural Volume for Confinement Buildings
Ludovic Jason
S. Ghavamian
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
A. Huerta
Proc. SmiRT 18, Aug 2005, Beijing, China. pp.1
Communication dans un congrès
Mechanical Structural Damage and Analysis of a Containment Building
Marta Choinska
Ludovic Jason
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. On Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, 2005, Austria, Australia. pp.1
Communication dans un congrès
Validation of a damage Plasticity Model for Concrete in Tension and in Compression
Ludovic Jason
Marta Choinska
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
Shahrokh Ghavamian
Antonio Huerta
Complas VII, 2005, Barcelone, Spain
Communication dans un congrès
Impacts of the Mechanical Constitutive Law on the Hydraulic Behaviour of a Containment Building
Ludovic Jason
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
Shahrokh Ghavamian
Antonio Huerta
5th International Conference On Computation of Shell and Saptial Structures, 2005, Austria, Australia. pp.1
Communication dans un congrès
Simulation of the Hydraulic Behavior for Structures - Applications to a Representative Volume of Containment Building
Ludovic Jason
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
S. Ghavamian
A. Huerta
3rd Biot Conf. On Poromechanics, 2005, France
Communication dans un congrès
Numerical Study of Propagation Grout In Sands
Ludovic Jason
Nadia Saiyouri
Pierre-Yves Hicher
4th International Conference on Ground Improvement Techniques, 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Communication dans un congrès