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Julia Mainka

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**Julia MAINKA** Maître de Conférences - Associate Professor (CNU section 62) Email: **SUMMARY** **Current research** - Modelling and characterization of electrochemical systems - Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) and SuperCapacitors (SCs) - Electrochemistry - Coupled charge and mass transport phenomena - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Laboratoire Énergies et Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée (LEMTA) – CNRS UMR 7563 - Université de Lorraine (UL) 2 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 90161, 54505 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy **Main teaching topics** - Thermodynamics - Heat transfer - Fluid mechanics Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) – UL Campus Aiguilettes – BP 70239 – 54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy **CAREER** **Initial training** French-German degree program SaarLorLux in Physics 2006-2007 – Universität des Saarlandes (UdS), Saarbrücken, Germany 2005-2006 – Université Henri Poincaré (UHP), Nancy 2004-2005 – UdS, Saarbrücken, Germany 2003-2004 - Centre Universitaire du Luxembourg (CUNLUX), Luxemburg 2002-2003 – UdS, Saarbrücken, Germany **Main career elements** - Associate Professor – LEMTA-FST/UL, Nancy (2013/09-Now), Department Energy, research group "Hydrogen and Electrochemical Systems" (HSE) - Post-Doc – LNCC (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica) - Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil (2011-2013), Multi-scale modeling of unsaturated deformable swelling media - Ph.D. - LEMTA – Nancy Université, Nancy (2007-2011), Study of local phenomena (distribution of mass and current) in the porous cathode of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) **Main teaching responsibilities** **Thermodynamics** (lectures) - Application to energy systems (UE 801), M1 level of the **Master Energy**, FST (2013-Now) - Energy systems (UE Heat and fluid for energy), Introduction to energy conversion (UE Key energy technologies in decentralized energy systems), M1 level of **Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree "Decentralised Smart Energy Systems" (DENSYS)**, FST/UL (Nancy) - Royal Institute of Technology (KHT, Stockholm), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Barcelona), Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo, Torino) (2019-now) - Energy systems and phase transitions, M1 level of **International Master Energy** between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Almaty (Kazakhstan) and UL, Nancy (2017-Now) - Introduction to thermodynamics (UE 563), L3 level of the Bachelor Fluid Mechanics and Energy (MFE), option Mechanics and Energy, FST (2019-Now) **Fluid Mechanics** (practical courses), L3 level of the Bachelor MFE, option Mechanics and Energy and Civil Engineering, FST (2013-Now) **Current administrative responsibilities** - Head of the **research group "Hydrogen and Electrochemical Systems"** (HSE), LEMTA (2018/01-Now) - Responsible of the M2 level of the **Master Energie** – speciality **Mécanique et Energie**, FST/UL (09/2021-Now) - Co-Responsible of the **double diploma** program **master Energie** (FST) **- Engineering School École supérieure d'Ingénierie de l'Energie (ECINE) - Université Internationale de Rabat (UIR)**, Rabat, Morocco (2022-now) - **Council member**: Scientific Council of LEMTA (2018/01-Now), Councils of UL - Collégium Science and Technology (S&T, 2022-now) and FST (2018/10-Now) **Publications, awards and congress** **Publications** - 13 invited conferences or seminaries - 21 articles in indexed (13), not indexed (4) and national (4) scientific journals - 13 international conferences with proceedings - 15 international conferences without proceedings **Awards** (2) - [**INSIS news**](, Piles à combustible: des défauts dans les électrodes peuvent se propager à dautres composants, 2022-06-03 - **Ph.D award** of the University of Lorraine in 2012 **Congress** (9) - Coordinator and main organizer of the [**FCLAB International Ph.D. Summer School Hydrogen Nancy**]( (2018, 2021), - Coordinator and main organizer of final seminary of the project **PEPS Mirabelle 2H2** "Hydrogène: une énergie pour quels usages?, Metz, 2015/06/25 - Main organizer of **5 laboratory seminaries**, LEMTA - Member of the organizing committee of 1 **international congress** (FDFC08, Nancy) **International cooperation** Wei GAO, Wilson College of Textiles, North Carolina Sate University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC, USA (2018-Now) **Scientific and professional societies memberships** - Electrochemical Society (ECS) - French Hydrogen Federation (Fédération de Recherche Hydrogène du CNRS, FRH2) - French Service and Research Unit FCLAB **Research Supervision** **Ph.D degree** (5) - **Peizhe WU** - LEMTA - FST/UL (2021-Now), Modélisation avancée de supercapacités, supervision Olivier LOTTIN, Julia MAINKA, funding Région Grand-Est/FEDER STOCK'NRJ - **William AIT-IDIR** - LEMTA - FST/UL (2020-Now), Performance et durabilité des catalyseurs à basse teneur en platine pour l'application PEMFC, supervision Olivier LOTTIN, Julia MAINKA, funding eit-raw materials ALPE - **Salah TOUHAMI** - LEMTA - FST/UL (2018/10-2022/05/16), Analyse des mécanismes de propagation de défauts dans les PEMFC via la distribution des densités de courants et des impédances locales et analyses ex-situ (PROPAGAPAC), supervision Olivier LOTTIN, Julia MAINKA, Jérôme DILLET, funding ADEME/LEMTA - **Saïd AIT HAMMOU TALEB** – LEMTA – FST/UL (2015/10-2019/01/31), Hybridation directe des Piles à combustibles à membranes protoniques avec des supercapacités, topic Mechanics-Energetics, supervision Oliver LOTTIN, Jérôme DILLET, Julia MAINKA, funding Ministry of Education/DGA (ANR ASTRID) - **Van Duy TRAN** – LEMTA – FST/UL (2013/10-2017/04/25), Prise en compte du caractère discontinue du solvent dans la modélisation mécanique des argiles gonflantes, topic Mechanics-Energetics, supervision Christian MOYNE, Julia MAINKA, funding Doctoral School EMMA **M2 degree** (12) - **Aouatef OUHAMMI** – FST/UL (2023/03-08), Analyse des dégradations dans les piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons, sector Energy, topic Mechanics-Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Hilany YELLOZ**– LEMTA – Mines Nancy/UL (2022/10-2023/02), Utilisation d’algorithmes stochastiques pour la caractérisation de systèmes électrochimiques – application aux piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC), sector Research 3A, topic Energy, research group Hydrogen and Electrochemical Systems, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Hugo Weber** – ENSEM/UL (2021/10 – 2022/02), Établissement du bilan des émissions de gaz à effet de serre du LEMTA : utilisation de l’outil « GES 1point5 » research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, J-C. PERRIN - **Samuel Bustamante CASTANO** – Universidad EAFIT, Colombia (2020/02/15-2020/07/14), Modélisation physique et caractérisation de surcapacités dans le domaine fréquentiel, Topic Mechanical Engineering, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Lothaire LANDRAGIN, Mathieu THOMAS** – Mines Nancy/UL (2019/10-2020/02), *Modélisation physique et caractérisation de supercapacités dans le domaine fréquentiel,* research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Alexis CAILLON, Qichao LIU** - Mines Nancy/UL (2018/10-2019/02), Modelisation physique et caractérisation de supercapacités filaires à base de graphène et d'oxydes de métaux de transition, research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision Julia MAINKA, Olivier LOTTIN - **Salah TOUHAMI** - FST/UL (2018/03-07), Impact du vieillissement de la membrane électrolyte sur les spectres d'impédance d'une monocellule de pile à combustible, topic Mechanics and Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Alex MIEUGUEM** - Mines Nancy/UL (2017/10-2018/02), Modelisation du comportement instationnaire d'une pile à combustible de type PEMFC en déficit d'alimentation en air et/ou hydrogène, research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Ibrahim MAMANE ACHIROU SOLLY** - FST/UL (2017/03-07), Modélisation de supercapacités et la confrontation aux données expérimentales, topic Mechanics and Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Walid LALLAM** - ETS, Montréal, Québec - FST/UL (2019/03-07), Conception d'un système de chauffage à condensation pour le domaine agroalimentaire nord-américain, topic Mechanics and Energy, supervision D. ROUSSE (ETS), J. MAINKA (LEMTA) **Ph.D. dissertation committees** (3) - **Sheng WAN** – IJL –UL (2022/12/12), Métamatériaux acoustiques non-réciproques pour la réalisation de diodes acoustiques, Topic Physics, scientific committee A. Khelif (Univ. Franche-Comté), V. Tournat (Univ. Le Mans), B. Djafari-Rouhani (Univ. Lille), J. Mainka (UL), B. Assouar (UL -supervisor), M. Oudich (co-supervisor – UL) - **Saïd AIT HAMMOU TALEB** – LEMTA – UL (2019/01/31), Hybridation directe des Piles à combustibles à membranes protoniques avec des supercapacités, topic Mechanics-Energetics, scientific committee L. FLANDIN (Univ. Savoie-Mont Blanc, LEPMI), B. AUVITY (Univ. Nantes, LTeN), M-C. PERA (Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, FCLAB), J. MAINKA (LEMTA, UL), O. LOTTIN (LEMTA, UL), J. DILLET (LEMTA, UL), M. BERVAS (DGA/ANR Astrid), O. CROSNIER (Univ. Nantes, IMN) - **Florian CHAMPIRE** - LGCB - ENTPE, Lyon (2017/09/19), Etude expérimentale du comportement hydro-mécanique de la terre crue compactée pour la construction, topic Civil Engineering, scientific committee D. GALLIPOLI (ISA, BTP, Univ. Pau), T. FEN-CHONG (IFSTTAR), J-C. MOREL (Conventry University, UK), J. MAINKA (LEMTA, UL), M. MORVAN (Univ. Blaise Pascal, Polytech' Clermont), H. WONG (LGCB, ENTPE), A. FABRI (LGCB, ENTPE)
**Julia MAINKA** Maître de Conférences - Associate Professor (CNU section 62) Email: **SUMMARY** **Current research** - Modelling and characterization of electrochemical systems - Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) and SuperCapacitors (SCs) - Electrochemistry - Coupled charge and mass transport phenomena - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Laboratoire Énergies et Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée (LEMTA) – CNRS UMR 7563 - Université de Lorraine (UL) 2 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 90161, 54505 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy **Main teaching topics** - Thermodynamics - Heat transfer - Fluid mechanics Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) – UL Campus Aiguilettes – BP 70239 – 54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy **CAREER** **Initial training** French-German degree program SaarLorLux in Physics 2006-2007 – Universität des Saarlandes (UdS), Saarbrücken, Germany 2005-2006 – Université Henri Poincaré (UHP), Nancy 2004-2005 – UdS, Saarbrücken, Germany 2003-2004 - Centre Universitaire du Luxembourg (CUNLUX), Luxemburg 2002-2003 – UdS, Saarbrücken, Germany **Main career elements** - Associate Professor – LEMTA-FST/UL, Nancy (2013/09-Now), Department Energy, research group "Hydrogen and Electrochemical Systems" (HSE) - Post-Doc – LNCC (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica) - Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil (2011-2013), Multi-scale modeling of unsaturated deformable swelling media - Ph.D. - LEMTA – Nancy Université, Nancy (2007-2011), Study of local phenomena (distribution of mass and current) in the porous cathode of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) **Main teaching responsibilities** **Thermodynamics** (lectures) - Application to energy systems (UE 801), M1 level of the **Master Energy**, FST (2013-Now) - Energy systems (UE Heat and fluid for energy), Introduction to energy conversion (UE Key energy technologies in decentralized energy systems), M1 level of **Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree "Decentralised Smart Energy Systems" (DENSYS)**, FST/UL (Nancy) - Royal Institute of Technology (KHT, Stockholm), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Barcelona), Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo, Torino) (2019-now) - Energy systems and phase transitions, M1 level of **International Master Energy** between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Almaty (Kazakhstan) and UL, Nancy (2017-Now) - Introduction to thermodynamics (UE 563), L3 level of the Bachelor Fluid Mechanics and Energy (MFE), option Mechanics and Energy, FST (2019-Now) **Fluid Mechanics** (practical courses), L3 level of the Bachelor MFE, option Mechanics and Energy and Civil Engineering, FST (2013-Now) **Current administrative responsibilities** - Head of the **research group "Hydrogen and Electrochemical Systems"** (HSE), LEMTA (2018/01-Now) - Responsible of the M2 level of the **Master Energie** – speciality **Mécanique et Energie**, FST/UL (09/2021-Now) - Co-Responsible of the **double diploma** program **master Energie** (FST) **- Engineering School École supérieure d'Ingénierie de l'Energie (ECINE) - Université Internationale de Rabat (UIR)**, Rabat, Morocco (2022-now) - **Council member**: Scientific Council of LEMTA (2018/01-Now), Councils of UL - Collégium Science and Technology (S&T, 2022-now) and FST (2018/10-Now) **Publications, awards and congress** **Publications** - 13 invited conferences or seminaries - 21 articles in indexed (13), not indexed (4) and national (4) scientific journals - 13 international conferences with proceedings - 15 international conferences without proceedings **Awards** (2) - [**INSIS news**](, Piles à combustible: des défauts dans les électrodes peuvent se propager à dautres composants, 2022-06-03 - **Ph.D award** of the University of Lorraine in 2012 **Congress** (9) - Coordinator and main organizer of the [**FCLAB International Ph.D. Summer School Hydrogen Nancy**]( (2018, 2021), - Coordinator and main organizer of final seminary of the project **PEPS Mirabelle 2H2** "Hydrogène: une énergie pour quels usages?, Metz, 2015/06/25 - Main organizer of **5 laboratory seminaries**, LEMTA - Member of the organizing committee of 1 **international congress** (FDFC08, Nancy) **International cooperation** Wei GAO, Wilson College of Textiles, North Carolina Sate University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC, USA (2018-Now) **Scientific and professional societies memberships** - Electrochemical Society (ECS) - French Hydrogen Federation (Fédération de Recherche Hydrogène du CNRS, FRH2) - French Service and Research Unit FCLAB **Research Supervision** **Ph.D degree** (5) - **Peizhe WU** - LEMTA - FST/UL (2021-Now), Modélisation avancée de supercapacités, supervision Olivier LOTTIN, Julia MAINKA, funding Région Grand-Est/FEDER STOCK'NRJ - **William AIT-IDIR** - LEMTA - FST/UL (2020-Now), Performance et durabilité des catalyseurs à basse teneur en platine pour l'application PEMFC, supervision Olivier LOTTIN, Julia MAINKA, funding eit-raw materials ALPE - **Salah TOUHAMI** - LEMTA - FST/UL (2018/10-2022/05/16), Analyse des mécanismes de propagation de défauts dans les PEMFC via la distribution des densités de courants et des impédances locales et analyses ex-situ (PROPAGAPAC), supervision Olivier LOTTIN, Julia MAINKA, Jérôme DILLET, funding ADEME/LEMTA - **Saïd AIT HAMMOU TALEB** – LEMTA – FST/UL (2015/10-2019/01/31), Hybridation directe des Piles à combustibles à membranes protoniques avec des supercapacités, topic Mechanics-Energetics, supervision Oliver LOTTIN, Jérôme DILLET, Julia MAINKA, funding Ministry of Education/DGA (ANR ASTRID) - **Van Duy TRAN** – LEMTA – FST/UL (2013/10-2017/04/25), Prise en compte du caractère discontinue du solvent dans la modélisation mécanique des argiles gonflantes, topic Mechanics-Energetics, supervision Christian MOYNE, Julia MAINKA, funding Doctoral School EMMA **M2 degree** (12) - **Aouatef OUHAMMI** – FST/UL (2023/03-08), Analyse des dégradations dans les piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons, sector Energy, topic Mechanics-Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Hilany YELLOZ**– LEMTA – Mines Nancy/UL (2022/10-2023/02), Utilisation d’algorithmes stochastiques pour la caractérisation de systèmes électrochimiques – application aux piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC), sector Research 3A, topic Energy, research group Hydrogen and Electrochemical Systems, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Hugo Weber** – ENSEM/UL (2021/10 – 2022/02), Établissement du bilan des émissions de gaz à effet de serre du LEMTA : utilisation de l’outil « GES 1point5 » research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, J-C. PERRIN - **Samuel Bustamante CASTANO** – Universidad EAFIT, Colombia (2020/02/15-2020/07/14), Modélisation physique et caractérisation de surcapacités dans le domaine fréquentiel, Topic Mechanical Engineering, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Lothaire LANDRAGIN, Mathieu THOMAS** – Mines Nancy/UL (2019/10-2020/02), *Modélisation physique et caractérisation de supercapacités dans le domaine fréquentiel,* research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Alexis CAILLON, Qichao LIU** - Mines Nancy/UL (2018/10-2019/02), Modelisation physique et caractérisation de supercapacités filaires à base de graphène et d'oxydes de métaux de transition, research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision Julia MAINKA, Olivier LOTTIN - **Salah TOUHAMI** - FST/UL (2018/03-07), Impact du vieillissement de la membrane électrolyte sur les spectres d'impédance d'une monocellule de pile à combustible, topic Mechanics and Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Alex MIEUGUEM** - Mines Nancy/UL (2017/10-2018/02), Modelisation du comportement instationnaire d'une pile à combustible de type PEMFC en déficit d'alimentation en air et/ou hydrogène, research project 3A, topic Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Ibrahim MAMANE ACHIROU SOLLY** - FST/UL (2017/03-07), Modélisation de supercapacités et la confrontation aux données expérimentales, topic Mechanics and Energy, supervision J. MAINKA, O. LOTTIN - **Walid LALLAM** - ETS, Montréal, Québec - FST/UL (2019/03-07), Conception d'un système de chauffage à condensation pour le domaine agroalimentaire nord-américain, topic Mechanics and Energy, supervision D. ROUSSE (ETS), J. MAINKA (LEMTA) **Ph.D. dissertation committees** (3) - **Sheng WAN** – IJL –UL (2022/12/12), Métamatériaux acoustiques non-réciproques pour la réalisation de diodes acoustiques, Topic Physics, scientific committee A. Khelif (Univ. Franche-Comté), V. Tournat (Univ. Le Mans), B. Djafari-Rouhani (Univ. Lille), J. Mainka (UL), B. Assouar (UL -supervisor), M. Oudich (co-supervisor – UL) - **Saïd AIT HAMMOU TALEB** – LEMTA – UL (2019/01/31), Hybridation directe des Piles à combustibles à membranes protoniques avec des supercapacités, topic Mechanics-Energetics, scientific committee L. FLANDIN (Univ. Savoie-Mont Blanc, LEPMI), B. AUVITY (Univ. Nantes, LTeN), M-C. PERA (Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, FCLAB), J. MAINKA (LEMTA, UL), O. LOTTIN (LEMTA, UL), J. DILLET (LEMTA, UL), M. BERVAS (DGA/ANR Astrid), O. CROSNIER (Univ. Nantes, IMN) - **Florian CHAMPIRE** - LGCB - ENTPE, Lyon (2017/09/19), Etude expérimentale du comportement hydro-mécanique de la terre crue compactée pour la construction, topic Civil Engineering, scientific committee D. GALLIPOLI (ISA, BTP, Univ. Pau), T. FEN-CHONG (IFSTTAR), J-C. MOREL (Conventry University, UK), J. MAINKA (LEMTA, UL), M. MORVAN (Univ. Blaise Pascal, Polytech' Clermont), H. WONG (LGCB, ENTPE), A. FABRI (LGCB, ENTPE)


Image document

Does the platinum-loading in proton-exchange membrane fuel cell cathodes influence the durability of the membrane-electrode assembly?

Ricardo Sgarbi , William Aït-Idir , Quentin Labarde , Michel Mermoux , Peizhe Wu
Industrial Chemistry & Materials, 2023, 1 (4), pp.501-515. ⟨10.1039/d3im00059a⟩
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Oxygen diffusion impedance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells – insights into electrochemical impedance spectra and equivalent electrical circuit modeling

William Aït-Idir , Peizhe Wu , Ricardo Sgarbi , Quentin Labarde , Salah Touhami
Electrochimica Acta, 2023, 472, pp.143430. ⟨10.1016/j.electacta.2023.143430⟩
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A General Equivalent Electrical Circuit Model for the Characterization of MXene/Graphene Oxide Hybrid-Fiber Supercapacitors by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy -Impact of fiber length

Julia Mainka , Wei Gao , Nanfei He , Jérôme Dillet , Olivier Lottin
Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 404, pp.139740. ⟨10.1016/j.electacta.2021.139740⟩
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Anode Defects’ Propagation to the Electrolyte and Catalyst Layers in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Salah Touhami , Marie Crouillere , Julia Mainka , Jérôme Dillet , Christine Nayoze-Coynel
ECS Meeting Abstracts, 2022, MA2022-01 (35), pp.1540-1540. ⟨10.1149/MA2022-01351540mtgabs⟩
Journal articles hal-03768199v1
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Anode defects' propagation in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Salah Touhami , Marie Crouillere , Julia Mainka , Jérôme Dillet , Christine Nayoze-Coynel
Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 520, pp.230880. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.230880⟩
Journal articles hal-03476636v1
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Anode aging in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel Cells I: Anode monitoring by ElectroChemical impedance spectroscopy

Salah Touhami , Laetitia Dubau , Julia Mainka , Jérôme Dillet , Marian Chatenet
Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 481, pp.228908. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228908⟩
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Microsystèmes communicants : modélisation, fabrication et mesures

S. Hage-Ali , M. Oudich , J. Claudel , J. Streque , E Tisserand
Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes, 2019, 18 (1007), ⟨10.1051/j3ea/20191007⟩
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Transmission Line Impedance Models Considering Oxygen Transport Limitations in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Salah Touhami , Julia Mainka , Jérôme Dillet , Said Ait Hammou Taleb , Olivier Lottin
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166 (15), pp.F1209-F1217. ⟨10.1149/2.0891915jes⟩
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Direct Hybridization of Polymer Exchange Membrane Surface Fuel Cell with Small Aqueous Supercapacitors

S. Ait Hammou Taleb , D. Brown , J. Dillet , P. Guillemet , J. Mainka
Fuel Cells, 2018, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2017, 18 (3), pp.299 - 305. ⟨10.1002/fuce.201700107⟩
Journal articles hal-01848289v1

Influence of the Interfacial Water Transfer on the Analysis of Dynamic Sorption and Desorption Experiments in Nafion® Membrane

Sophie Didierjean , Jean-Christophe Perrin , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka
ECS Transactions, 2015, 69 (17), pp.927-941. ⟨10.1149/06917.0927ecst⟩
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Theoretical evidence of the difference in kinetics of water sorption and desorption in Nafion® membrane and experimental validation

Sophie Didierjean , Jean-Christophe Perrin , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Mathieu Klein
Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 300, pp.50 - 56. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.09.053⟩
Journal articles hal-01431793v1
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A Modified Effective Stress Principle for Unsaturated Swelling Clays Derived from Microstructure

Julia Mainka , Marcio A. Murad , Christian Moyne , Sidarta A. Lima
Vadose Zone Journal, 2014, 13 (5), ⟨10.2136/vzj2013.06.0107⟩
Journal articles hal-01418289v1

On the estimation of high frequency parameters of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Julia Mainka , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 253, pp.381 - 391. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.12.064⟩
Journal articles hal-01418284v1

Modeling Oxygen Concentration Oscillation in the Gas Channel of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: A Comparison between Numerical and Analytical Approaches

Philippe Guillemet , Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka , Adrien Lamibrac , Jérôme Dillet
ECS Transactions, 2013, 50 (2), pp.87-98. ⟨10.1149/05002.0087ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01430697v1
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One-dimensional Model of Oxygen Transport Impedance Accounting for Convection Perpendicular to the Electrode

J. Mainka , G. Maranzana , A. Thomas , J. Dillet , S. Didierjean
Fuel Cells, 2012, 12 (5), pp.848 - 861. ⟨10.1002/fuce.201100193⟩
Journal articles hal-01486130v1

A proton exchange membrane fuel cell impedance model taking into account convection along the air channel: On the bias between the low frequency limit of the impedance and the slope of the polarization curve

Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka , Olivier Lottin , Jérôme Dillet , Adrien Lamibrac
Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 83, pp.13 - 27. ⟨10.1016/j.electacta.2012.07.065⟩
Journal articles hal-01567953v1

Experimental characterization of internal currents during the start-up of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell

A. Lamibrac , G. Maranzana , O. Lottin , J. Dillet , J. Mainka
Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196 (22), pp.9451 - 9458. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.07.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01567998v1
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Effect of Oxygen Depletion Along the Air Channel of a PEMFC on the Warburg Diffusion Impedance

J. Mainka , G. Maranzana , J. Dillet , S. Didierjean , O. Lottin
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157 (11), pp.B1561-B1568. ⟨10.1149/1.3481560⟩
Journal articles hal-01568014v1
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A Simple Alternative to the Expression of Finite Warburg Diffusion Impedance in Porous Electrodes by Considering Oxygen Consumption Along the Air Channel

Julia Mainka , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
ECS Transactions, 2009, ECS Transactions, 19 (32), pp.33-46. ⟨10.1149/1.3268160⟩
Journal articles hal-01568043v1

2D Modellierung einer PEM-Brennstoffzelle

Thibaut Colinart , Julia Mainka , Olivier Lottin , Sophie Didierjean
VDI Berichte, 2008, 2036, pp.447-450
Journal articles hal-02267716v1

Imaging of microwave-induced acoustic fields in LiNbO 3 by high-performance Brillouin microscopy

B Vincent , J Krüger , O Elmazria , L Bouvot , Julia Mainka
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2005, 38 (12), pp.2026 - 2030. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/38/12/026⟩
Journal articles hal-01568029v1

Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Performance Modeling and Characterization

Yassir Debbah , Mounia Malki , Nadia Yousfi Steiner , Mohamed Ould Moussa , Julia Mainka
24th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Jun 2024, Tulum-Riviera Maya, Mexico
Conference papers hal-04608695v1

Oxygen Transport Impedance in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

S. Touhami , M. Daoudi , P. Wu , F. Micoud , C. Marty
Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2023), Sep 2023, Ulm, Germany
Conference papers hal-04351184v1

Anode defects’ propagation to the electrolyte and catalyst layer in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Julia Mainka , S. Touhami , M. Crouillere , J. Dillet , C. Nayoze-Coynel
Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2023), Sep 2023, Ulm, Germany
Conference papers hal-04351132v1

Mechanism of Ionomer Degradation as a Consequence of Defective Anode PEMFC

Corine Bas , Florence Dubelley , Marie Crouillere , Laetitia Dubau , Marian Chatenet
244th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, the Electrochemical Society, Oct 2023, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference papers hal-04365106v1

Hybrid methods combining stochastic and deterministic algorithms for the interpretation of electrochemical impedance data – case study with Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

P. Wu , Julia Mainka , O. Lottin , M. Daoudi , J.-C. Perrin
Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2023), Sep 2023, Ulm, Germany
Conference papers hal-04351154v1

3D Electrothermal Model for Internal Temperature Distribution in Lithium-Ion Battery Cell and Module

Corine Bas , Florence Dubelley , Marie Crouillere , Laetitia Dubau , Marian Chatenet
244 ECS Meeting, Oct 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.948-948, ⟨10.1149/MA2023-02391918mtgabs⟩
Conference papers hal-04686157v1

Anode Defects’ Propagation to the Electrolyte and Catalyst Layers in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Salah Touhami , Marie Crouillere , Julia Mainka , Jérôme Dillet , Christine Nayoze-Coynel
241st ECS Meeting, May 2022, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers hal-03900674v1
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Reinforced PerfluoroSulfonic Acid membrane degradation in defective anode PEMFC

Corine Bas , Marie Crouillere , Florence Dubelley , Marian Chatenet , Laetitia Dubau
2ème REUNION PLENIERES de la Fédération HYDROGENE (FRH2) du CNRS, May 2022, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-03710637v1

A General Equivalent Electrical Circuit Model for the Characterization of MXene/Graphene Oxide Hybrid-Fiber Supercapacitors By Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Julia Mainka , Wei Gao , Nanfei He , J. Dillet , Olivier Lottin
241st ECS Meeting, May 2022, Vancouver, Canada. ⟨10.1149/MA2022-011152mtgabs⟩
Conference papers hal-03900559v1

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy modeling – Application to PEMFCs and supercapacitors

Julia Mainka , Salah Touhami , William Aït-Idir , Peizhe Wu , Jérôme Dillet
VIRTUAL FCS Summer School, Jun 2022, Belfort, France
Conference papers hal-03697080v1
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A Hybrid Method Combining Genetic and Nelder-Mead Algorithms for the Interpretation of Electrochemical Impedance Data - Application to Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

Peizhe Wu , Meriem Daoudi , William Ait-Idir , Salah Touhami , Assma El Kaddouri
2022 International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS), Sep 2022, Chemnitz, Germany. pp.105-110, ⟨10.1109/IWIS57888.2022.9975125⟩
Conference papers hal-03900391v1

Impedance modeling of electrochemical systems Application to PEMFCs and supercapacitors

Julia Mainka , Salah Touhami , William Aït-Idir , Peizhe Wu , Jérôme Dillet
FCLab seminary, Jul 2022, Belfort, France
Conference papers hal-03758962v1

Dégradation de la membrane perfluorée renforcée en présence d'un défaut de la couche anodique dans une pile à combustible PEMFC

Marie Crouillere , Corine Bas , Florence Dubelley , Salah Touhami , Olivier Lottin
49e édition du Colloque National du GFP, Groupe Français d’études et d’applications des Polymères (GFP), Nov 2021, online, France
Conference papers hal-03476905v1

Defect propagation at the anode in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Salah Touhami , Marie Crouillere , Helen Barboza-Da-Silva , Julia Mainka , Jérôme Dillet
EFCF2021 - 25th EFCF Conference - Low-temperature Electrolysers, Fuel Cells H2 Processing, Jun 2021, online, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-03267023v1
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Oxygen Transport Impedance in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Equivalent Electrical Circuit

W Aït-Idir , S Touhami , M Daoudi , Jérôme Dillet , Julia Mainka
2021 International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS), Sep 2021, Chemnitz, Germany
Conference papers hal-03333680v1

Suivi de la propagation d’un défaut anodique dans une pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC)

Marie Crouillere , Corine Bas , Florence Dubelley , Salah Touhami , Olivier Lottin
1ère REUNION PLENIERES de la Fédération HYDROGENE (FRH2) du CNRS, May 2021, online, France
Conference papers hal-03235836v1

Anode aging in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Salah Touhami , Laetitia Dubau , Julia Mainka , Marian Chatenet , Jérôme Dillet
1ère Réunions Plénières de la Fédération HYDROGENE (FRH2) du CNRS,, May 2021, visioconférence, France
Conference papers hal-03236366v1

Fault detection and identification for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

Helen Barboza da Silva , Salah Touhami , Gilles Cauffet , Olivier Chadebec , Florence Druart
12th European Symposyum on Electrochemical Engineering, Jun 2021, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-03237173v1
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Transmission Line Impedance Models Considering Oxygen Transport Limitations in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Touhami S. , J. Mainka , J. Dillet , S. Ait Hammou Taleb , O. Lottin
Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2019), Feb 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-02159350v1

Characterization of Mxene/Graphene Supercapacitor Yarns Using Time and Frequency Models (Invited)

J. Mainka , W. Gao , N. He , A. Caillon , Q. Liu
235rd ECS Meeting, May 2019, Dallas, United States
Conference papers hal-02159339v1

Main Limitations to Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Durability, Reliability and Performances (Invited)

Olivier Lottin , Salah Touhami , Mylène Robert , Said Ait Hammou Taleb , Assma El Kaddouri
International Summer School - Hydrogen Technologies in Local Energy Hubs, Jul 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01913354v1

Prototyping Aqueous Electrochemical Capacitors

David Brown , Camille Douard , Olivier Crosnier , Laurence Athouel , Said Ait Hammou Taleb
Americas International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science (AiMES) 2018 Meeting, Sep 2018, Cancun, Mexico
Conference papers hal-01740446v1

Impact of Gas Stoichiometry on the Result of Accelerated Stress Tests

Julia Mainka , Said Ait Hammou Taleb , Jérôme Dillet , Olivier Lottin
233rd ECS Meeting (May 13-17, 2018) - Seattle, USA, May 2018, Seattle, United States
Conference papers hal-01740443v1

A multi-scale formulation of the overall rigidity of unsaturated expansive clays derived by micromechanical analyses

Julia Mainka , Christian Moyne
9th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (Interpore 2017), May 2017, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01707615v1

Application of a multi-scale form of Terzaghi’s effective stress principle for unsaturated expansive clays to simulate hydro-mechanical behavior during hydration

Julia Mainka , M.A. Murad , van Duy Tran , Tien-Dung Le , Christian Moyne
International Society for Porous Media (Interpore 2016), May 2016, Cincinnati, United States
Conference papers hal-02267456v1

Application of a Multi-Scale form of Terzaghi’s Effective Stress Principle for Unsaturated Expansive Clays to Simulate Hydro-Mechanical Behavior During Hydration

Julia Mainka , Marcio A. Murad , van Duy Tran , Tien-Dung Le , Christian Moyne
3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils (E-UNSAT), Sep 2016, Paris, France. pp.14024, ⟨10.1051/e3sconf/20160914024⟩
Conference papers hal-01445565v1

Kinetics of water sorption and desorption in Nafion membrane: influence of the interfacial mass transfer coefficient

Sophie Didierjean , Jean-Christophe Perrin , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka
International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications, Nov 2016, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-01577202v1

The role of particle correlation function in Terzaghi’s effective stress principle of unsaturated expensive clays

van Duy Tran , Julia Mainka , Christian Moyne
7th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (Interpore 2015), May 2015, Padova, Italy
Conference papers hal-01707621v1

A multi-scale form of Terzaghi's effective stress principle of unsaturated expansive clays

Julia Mainka , Marcio A. Murad , Sidarta A. Lima , Christian Moyne
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS15), Jun 2015, Stanford, United States
Conference papers hal-01707620v1

A modified form of Terzaghi's effective stress principle of unsaturated expansive clays derived by micromechanical analysis

Julia Mainka , Marcio A. Murad , Christian Moyne , Sidarta A. Lima
5th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (Interpore 2013), May 2013, Praga, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01707622v1

A modified form of Terzaghi’s effective stress principle for unsaturated expansive clays rigorously derived from micro-structure

Julia Mainka , Marcio A. Murad , Christian Moyne , Sidarta A. Lima
European Mechanics Society, Colloquium 539, Aug 2012, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01707623v1