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Research Director at INRAe; Director of the LabEx SITES; Directeur of the Graduate Program DIGIS at Université Gustave Eiffel
Open access
Current affiliations
- 1002420
Researcher identifiers
- marc-barbier
- 0000-0002-9868-7546
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=c2s6bXoAAAAJ
Research domains
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SASHIMI and new frontiers in the study of socio-semantic networks with mixed-methods on the Cortext PlatformSunbelt 2023, INSNA, Jun 2023, Portland, OR, United States
Conference papers
So many ways out! Explorations into the existence of destabilisation as a research problem beyond the domain of transitions studiesEu-SPRI 2023, Jun 2023, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers
So many ways out! Explorations into the existence of destabilisation as a research problem beyond the domain of transitions studies.International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2022, STRN, Nov 2022, En ligne, South Africa
Conference papers
Delineating scientific domains in the literature using the CorTexT platform50° Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Agronomia, Sep 2021, Udine, Italy
Conference papers
Elements of a research agenda and Thematic Group1. International Sustainability Transition conference : Agro-food dialogue session, Aug 2020, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
La mise en recherche et en gestion de Xylella fastidiosaJournée « ambitions Corse », Dec 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers
L'agro-écologie entre syncrétisme politique et pluralité épistémiqueColloque de Cerisy "Sciences, techniques et agricultures", Sep 2019, Cerisy, France
Conference papers
Organising the generalisation of distributed and decentralised technological innovations: Distributed and decentralised ex novation.EGOS Colloquium 2019, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). DNK., Jul 2019, Edimbourgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Alternative Food Networks, Relocalisation And The Urban Food Provision Regime, Via The Multi Level Perspective.4S Conference 2019, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). USA., Sep 2019, New-Orleans, United States. 9 p
Conference papers
Organizing inclusion: getting through the borders of innovative communitiesEASST2018: Making Science, Technology and Society together, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). INT., Jul 2018, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Conference papers
L’institutionnalisation de l’agroterrorisme. Etude d’une infrastructure molle d’expertise scientifique7. Congrès de l'Association Française de Sociologie (ASF), Association Française de Sociologie (AFS). FRA., Jul 2017, Amiens, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Doing Social Science in Agroecological Transition. The setting of a collaborative observatory of social dynamics in innovative rural projects27. European Society for Rural Sociology Congress (ESRS) : "Uneven processes of rural change: on diversity, knowledge and justice", European Society of Rural Sociology (ESRS)., 2017, Cracovie, Poland. 2 p
Conference papers
The infrastructures of transition pathways: A mid-range theorizing of knowledge and market infrastructures33. EGOS Colloquium 2017, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). DNK., Jul 2017, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers
Réinventer le gérable pour que l’impossible redevienne possibleSéminaire IDEAS, Dec 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
The institutionalisation of pesticide reduction in France. The sub-politics of building futures based on a critique of neo-corporatismAnnual Conference SASE 2017, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). FRA., Jun 2017, Lyon, France. 18 p
Conference papers
Décider ensemble pour que l'impossible devienne possible7. Colloque du réseau OPDE Des Outils pour Décider Ensemble, Institut de la Concertation et de la Participation Citoyenne., Oct 2017, Montpellier, France. 21 p
Conference papers
Intermédier la réduction de l’usage des pesticides. Résultats du projet Pestimute-GenColloque de restitution du Programme PSPE, Minisère de l'agriculture, Programme ECOPHYTO., Mar 2017, Saint-Malo, France. 12 p
Conference papers
Scoping challenges for multiple service provision in agroecosystems : insights from data mining in scientific literature and research projects5. International EcoSummit 2016. Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change, Aug 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Project Collaboration in Science. A research framework and an application in a context of research policy evaluationOpen Evaluation 2016, International Scientific Conference on RTI Policy Evaluation, Nov 2016, Vienne, Austria. 5 p
Conference papers
The role of social networks in the transition towards sustainable food systems2. European Conference on Social Networks, European Union Social Network (EUSN). INT., Jun 2016, Paris, France. 294 p
Conference papers
The contrasted delineation of futures. The case of agroecological transitions in France.SPRU’s 50th Anniversary Conference, “Transforming Innovation: Science and Technology for Social Needs”, Science Policy Research Unit., Sep 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers
A linked data infrastructure for science and innovation studies: a demonstratorInternational Conference on Computational Social Science, Jun 2016, Evanston
Conference papers
Au coeur des pratiques d’articulation de la gouvernance multi-niveaux. Une étude des réseaux de « Référents Agroécologie » dans les Directions Régionales du Ministère de l’Agriculture et dans l’enseignement technique agricole.COLLOQUE IDEP 2016, Institut d'Economie Publique (IDEP). FRA., Sep 2016, Marne La Vallée, France. 14 p
Conference papers
Scaling up users’ participation: design-use relations in transition towards the ecologization of agricultureParticipating in Innovation, Innovating in Participation, Interdisciplinary Institute on Innovation; Mines ParisTech, Dec 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Le projet d’observatoire sociologique des transitions agroécologiques autour du programme « Mobilisation collective pour l’agroécologie »Séminaire « L’agroécologie en France et au Brésil : entre réseaux scientifiques, mouvements sociaux et politiques publiques », Jan 2015, paris, France
Conference papers
Continuous discontinuation – The DDT Ban revisited6. International Sustainability Transitions Conference "Sustainability transitions and wider transformative change, historical roots and future pathways", University of Sussex. Brighton, GBR., Aug 2015, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Intermediary activities: does effectiveness matter?International workshop on System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture (SISA2), Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UR Sciences en Société (1326)., May 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Participation in the ISEAL Alliance: Field testing as a process of intermediationInternational Workshop: Governance of Sustainable Agriculture through Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives, Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD). FRA., Dec 2012, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Transitioning sustainability: Performing ‘governing by standards"Design and Displacement: social studies of science and technology" 4S/EASST Joint Conference 2012, Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S). USA., Oct 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers
Governing sustainability: Knowledge, standards and innovation transitions13. World congress of sociology: "the new rural world: from crises to opportunities", International Rural Sociology Association (IRSA). INT., Jul 2012, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
Les fibres de l’innovationSFER, Société Française d'Economie Rurale (SFER). FRA., 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
Farming system management and landscape changes at various scales: A farming system agronomist’s review based on data-mining by experts11. European Society for Agronomy (ESA) Congress, Labo/service de l'auteur, Ville service., Aug 2010, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Conference papers
The ecologization of agricultural sciences and technology and the role of social studies about itCongress of European Society of Rural Sociology, European Society of Rural Sociology., 2009, Vasaa, Finland
Conference papers
Instituer des traces de l’activité de recherche participative comme ressource d’une réflexion sur le métier de chercheurAtelier de recherche TRACES TelecomParisTech et Société d’Anthropologie des Connaissances, Apr 2009, Paris, France. pp.06
Conference papers
A textual analysis and scientometric mapping of the dynamic of knowledge in and around the IFSA community8. European IFSA Symposium, Jul 2008, Clermont Ferrand, France. 20 p
Conference papers
BELUGA : un outil pour l'analyse dynamique des connaissances de la littérature scientifique d'un domaine. Première application au cas des maladies à prions"Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances, Jan 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture (SISA-3)Third International Workshop on System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture (SISA-3), Nov 2018, Riga, Latvia. 242 p., 2018
Governing the discontinuation of large socio-technical systemsGoulet, F.; Vinck, D. New Horizons for Innovation Studies: Doing Without, Doing With Less, Edward Elgar, pp.29-46, 2023, 978-180392-555-4
Book sections
La prophylaxie pour gérer les crises sanitaires lorsqu’elles s’installent : vivre avec la Flavescence dorée de la vigneCrises sanitaires en agriculture, les espèces invasives sous surveillance, Editions Quae, pp.283-296, 2023, Savoir Faire, 978-2-7592-3482-0
Book sections
Introduction et cadrage : Pourquoi et comment observer les transitions agroécologiques ?BARBIER, Marc ; LAMINE, Claire ; COUIX, Nathalie. Pratiques et savoirs agricoles dans la transition agroécologique, Editions des archives contemporaines, pp.3-15, 2022, 9782813003560. ⟨10.17184/eac.3046⟩
Book sections
L’agroécologie mise en textePratiques et savoirs agricoles dans la transition agroécologique, Editions des archives contemporaines, pp.17-58, 2022, Etudes des sciences et Histoire des techniques, 9782813003560. ⟨10.17184/eac.5947⟩
Book sections
Gouverner l’arrêt des grands systèmes sociotechniquesFrédéric Goulet; Dominique Vinck. Goulet, F., Vinck, D. (Eds.), Faire sans, Faire Avec Moins. Les Nouveaux Horizons de l’innovation. Presses des Mines, Paris, 2022, Sciences sociales, 978-2-35671-763-4. ⟨10.4000/lectures.54988⟩
Book sections
The manufacture of futures and the agroecological transitionC. Lamine, D. Magda, T. Marsden et M. Rivera Ferre. Agroecological transition, between determinist and open-ended visions, 37, Peter Lang, pp.177-197, 2021, 978-2-8076-1853-4
Book sections
L’indétermination performative d’instruments d’action publique pour la transition agroécologiqueLes transitions agroécologiques en France: Enjeux, conditions et modalités du changement, , 2020, 9782845166400
Book sections
Building legitimacy in and with agroecological transitions. Results and learnings from a collaborative observatory of social dynamics in innovative agricultural and rural projectsBARBIER, M. and ELZEN, B., (eds), (2018). Proceedings of the Third International workshop on System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture (SISA-3), Riga (Latvia) 6-8 November 2018., 2018
Book sections
Creating actionable knowledge for sustainability: a case of 'standards in the making'The new challenges for the rural, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2017, 978-1-78714-824-6
Book sections
The fragmentation of plant and food biosecurity research networks: a scientometric analysisPractical Tools for Plant and Food Biosecurity, 8, SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2017, Plant Pathology in the 21st Century, 978-3-319-46896-9. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-46897-6_14⟩
Book sections
Role of intermediation in the management of complex sociotechnical transitionsAgroEcological Transitions, Wageningen University Research, 39 p., 2016
Book sections
Transitioning Sustainability: Performing ‘governing by standards’The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems: Theorising and Explaining Change, Edward Edgar, 2014, 9781784710187. ⟨10.4337/9781784710194.00013⟩
Book sections
Inducing change towards sustainable agricultureSystem Innovations, Knowledge Regimes, and Design Pactices towards Transitions for Sustainable Agriculture, INRA Editions, 262 p., 2012, 2-7380-1306-6
Book sections
The sustainable fibres of generative expectation management: The “building with hemp” case study.Marc Barbier et Boelie Elsen. System Innovations, Knowledge Regimes, and Design Practices towards Transitions for Sustainable Agriculture, INRA éditions, 262 p., 2012, 2-7380-1306-6
Book sections
Mettre en récits la recherche finalisée dans l’action collectiveConstruire la décision, Editions Quae, 360 p., 2009
Book sections
Mettre en récits les pratiques de recherche dans l’action collective : un cadre méthodologiqueConcevoir et construire la décision : démarches en agriculture, agroalimentaire et espace rural, Editions Quae, 2009, Update Sciences et Technologies, 978-2-7592-0365-9
Book sections
Towards a scope for transition studies of system innovations in sustainable agriculture and agri-food provision2020
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Fablabs : l'institutionnalisation de tiers-lieux du « soft hacking »2015
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Towards a research agenda for the AgriFood Transition Thematic Group of STRNDoctoral. Webinar, France. 2021
La fabrique des futurs de l'agroécologie : pluralité des visions, directionnalité des politiques et interdisciplinaritéÉcole thématique. Ecole-Chercheurs « Prospective et Interdisciplinarité », Montpellier, France. 2019
Acteurs du changement intermédiaires2017