Services provided by multifunctional agroecosystems : Questions, obstacles and solutions
Alexia Stokes
Géraldine Bocquého
Pascal Carrère
Raphaël Conde Salazar
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Linking acoustic diversity to compositional and configurational heterogeneity in mosaic landscapes
Luc Barbaro
Anne Sourdril
Jeremy Froidevaux
Maxime Cauchoix
François Calatayud
Journal articles
Floristic composition and turnover analysis in Dahomey Gap and the surrounding sub‐humid Togolese mountain minor forest refuges
Kossi Adjossou
Kouami Kokou
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Les multiples rôles des lisières forestières dans les paysages ruraux, des atouts pour l'agroécologie
Marc Deconchat
Collectif Paysages de l’après-pétrole , 2022, 55, 9p
Journal articles
Trait‐habitat associations explain novel bird assemblages mixing native and alien species across New Zealand landscapes
Jean‐yves Barnagaud
Eckehard G Brockerhoff
Raphaël Mossion
Paul Dufour
Sandrine Pavoine
Journal articles
Multiscale drivers of carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in small European woodlands
Ronan Marrec
Vincent Le Roux
Ludmilla Martin
Jonathan Roger Michel Henri Lenoir
Jorg Brunet
Journal articles
La biodiversité, une ressource, mais aussi un fardeau ? Intérêt et limites des notions de services et disservices écosystémiques pour repenser les interactions nature-sociétés dans les territoires ruraux
Julien Blanco
Clémence Moreau
Chloé Guerbois
Cécile Barnaud
Pierre-Cyril Renaud
Journal articles
Tree diversity is key for promoting the diversity and abundance of forest‐associated taxa in Europe
Evy Ampoorter
Luc Barbaro
Herve Jactel
Lander Baeten
Johanna Boberg
Journal articles
Des bois dans les Maisons. Rôles du système social dans la forêt rurale des paysages des Coteaux de Gascogne (Sud-ouest de la France)
Marc Deconchat
Julien Blanco
Émilie Andrieu
Anne Sourdril
Projets de paysage : revue scientifique sur la conception et l'aménagement de l'espace, 2020, 22, 23 p. ⟨10.4000/paysage.8707⟩
Journal articles
High ecosystem service delivery potential of small woodlands in agricultural landscapes
Alicia Valdés
Jonathan Roger Michel Henri Lenoir
Pieter de Frenne
Emilie Andrieu
Jorg Brunet
Journal articles
How farmers feel about trees: Perceptions of ecosystem services and disservices associated with rural forests in southwestern France
Julien Blanco
Anne Sourdril
Marc Deconchat
Cécile C. Barnaud
Magali San Cristobal
Journal articles
Assessing the potential of routine stand variables from multi-taxon data as habitat surrogates in European temperate forests
Laurent L. Larrieu
Frédéric Gosselin
Frédéric Archaux
Richard Chevalier
G. Corriol
Journal articles
Post-harvesting dynamics of the deadwood profile: the case of lowland beech-oak coppice-with-standards set-aside stands in France
Laurent Larrieu
Alain Cabanettes
Nicolas Gouix
Laurent Burnel
Christophe Bouget
Journal articles
Biotic predictors complement models of bat and bird responses to climate and tree diversity in European forests
Luc Barbaro
Eric Allan
Evy Ampoorter
Bastien Castagneyrol
Yohan Charbonnier
Journal articles
Social drivers of rural forest dynamics: A multi-scale approach combining ethnography, geomatic and mental model analysis
Julien Blanco
Anne Sourdril
Marc Deconchat
Sylvie Ladet
Emilie Andrieu
Journal articles
Forest edges reduce slug (but not snail) activity-density across Western Europe
Pallieter de Smedt
Lander Baeten
Emilie Gallet-Moron
Jörg Brunet
Sara A. O. Cousins
Journal articles
Tree diversity drives associational resistance to herbivory at both forest edge and interior
Virginie Guyot
Herve Jactel
Baptiste Imbaud
Laurent Burnel
Bastien Castagneyrol
Journal articles
A conceptual framework for the governance of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes
Aude Vialatte
Cécile Barnaud
Julien Blanco
Annie Ouin
Jean Philippe Choisis
Journal articles
Functional trait variation of forest understorey plant communities across Europe
Thomas Vanneste
Alicia Valdés
Kris Verheyen
Michael P Perring
Markus Bernhardt-Römermann
Journal articles
Strength of forest edge effects on litter-dwelling macro-arthropods across Europe is influenced by forest age and edge properties
Pallieter de Smedt
Lander Baeten
Willem Proesmans
Sam van de Poel
Johan van Keer
Journal articles
Edge contrast does not modulate edge effect on plants and pollinators
Émilie Andrieu
Alain Cabanettes
Audrey Alignier
Inge van Halder
Didier Alard
Journal articles
Ecosystem services, social interdependencies, and collective action: a conceptual framework
Cécile C. Barnaud
Esteve Corbera
Roldan Muradian
Nicolas Salliou
Clelia Sirami
Journal articles
Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality
P. Fons van Der
S. Ratcliffe
P. Ruiz-Benito
Michael Scherer-Lorenzen
Kris Verheyen
Journal articles
Linking macrodetritivore distribution to desiccation resistance in small forest fragments embedded in agricultural landscapes in Europe
Pallieter de Smedt
Lander Baeten
Willem Proesmans
Matty P. Berg
Jorg Brunet
Journal articles
Habitat properties are key drivers of Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) prevalence in Ixodes ricinus populations of deciduous forest fragments
Steffen Ehrmann
Sanne C. Ruyts
Michael Scherer-Lorenzen
Jürgen Bauhus
Jörg Brunet
Journal articles
Cost-efficiency of cross-taxon surrogates in temperate forests
Laurent Larrieu
Frédéric Gosselin
Frédéric Archaux
Richard Chevalier
G. Corriol
Journal articles
Open game fences and their socio-spatial effects: Placing red deer, placing humans, managing territories
M. Baltzinger
Anders Mårell
Marc Deconchat
R. Barrier
Journal articles
Development over time of the tree-related microhabitat profile: the case of lowland beech-oak coppice-with-standards set-aside stands in France
Laurent Larrieu
Alain Cabanettes
Nicolas Gouix
Laurent Burnel
Christophe Bouget
Journal articles
Environmental drivers of Ixodes ricinus abundance in forest fragments of rural European landscapes
Steffen Ehrmann
Jaan Liira
Stefanie Gärtner
Karin Hansen
Jörg Brunet
Journal articles
Forest edges have high conservation value for bird communities in mosaic landscapes
Julien Terraube
Frédéric Archaux
Marc Deconchat
Inge van Halder
Hervé Jactel
Journal articles
Overabundant ungulates in French Sologne? Increasing red deer and wild boar pressure may not threaten woodland birds in mature forest stands
Marie Baltzinger
Anders Mårell
Frédéric Archaux
Thomas Perot
Franck Leterme
Journal articles
Tree diversity reduces pest damage in mature forests across Europe
Virginie Guyot
Bastien Castagneyrol
Aude Vialatte
Marc Deconchat
Hervé Jactel
Journal articles
Ecosystem services from small forest patches in agricultural landscapes
Guillaume Decocq
Emilie Andrieu
Jorg Brunet
Olivier Chabrerie
Pieter de Frenne
Journal articles
Comparison of tree microhabitat abundance and diversity in the edges and interior of small temperate woodlands
Annie Ouin
Alain A. Cabanettes
Emilie Andrieu
Marc Deconchat
Anthony Roume
Journal articles
The contribution of patch-scale conditions is greater than that of macroclimate in explaining local plant diversity in fragmented forests across Europe
Alicia Valdés
Jonathan Roger Michel Henri Lenoir
Emilie Gallet-Moron
Emilie Andrieu
Jorg Brunet
Journal articles
Les arbres et la régulation biologique des ravageurs des cultures
Emilie Andrieu
Marc Deconchat
Jean-Pierre Sarthou
Aude Vialatte
Forêt Entreprise, 2015, Novembre (225), pp.44-48
Journal articles
Tree diversity limits the impact of an invasive forest pest
Virginie Guyot
Bastien Castagneyrol
Aude Vialatte
Marc Deconchat
Federico Selvi
Journal articles
Deadwood and tree microhabitat dynamics in unharvested temperate mountain mixed forests: A life-cycle approach to biodiversity monitoring
Laurent L. Larrieu
Alain Cabanettes
P. Gonin
T. Lachat
Yoan Paillet
Journal articles
Habitat filtering by landscape and local forest composition in native and exotic New Zealand birds
Jean-Yves J.-Y. Barnagaud
Luc L. Barbaro
Julien Papaïx
Marc Deconchat
Eckehard G E. G. Brockerhoff
Journal articles
The effect of semi-natural habitats on aphids and their natural enemies across spatial and temporal scales
Audrey Alignier
Lucie Raymond
Marc Deconchat
Philippe Menozzi
Claude Monteil
Journal articles
Tree microhabitats at the stand scale in montane beech-fir forests: practical information for taxa conservation in forestry
Laurent L. Larrieu
Alain Cabanettes
Antoine Brin
Christophe Bouget
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Coupling Environmental and Social Processes to Simulate the Emergence of a Savannah Landscape Mosaic Under Shifting Cultivation and Assess its Sustainability
Nicolas Becu
Christine Raimond
Eric Garine
Marc Deconchat
Kouami Kokou
Journal articles
Indicateurs de biodiversité dans les exploitations agricoles biologiques et conventionnelles des Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne, cas d’étude français du projet européen BIOBIO
Jean-Pierre Sarthou
Jean-Philippe Choisis
Alexandre Amossé
Michaela Arndorfer
Debra Bailey
Journal articles
A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests
Lander Baeten
Kris Verheyen
Christian Wirth
Helge Bruelheide
Filippo Bussotti
Journal articles
Patterns of forest vegetation responses to edge effect as revealed by a continuous approach
Audrey Alignier
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Effects of landscape context and agricultural practices on the abundance of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera in cotton fields: A case study in northern Benin
Noélline Tsafack Menessong
Philippe Menozzi
Thierry Brévault
Valérie Soti
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Le domaine d’application de l’indice de biodiversité potentielle (IBP)
Laurent L. Larrieu
Pierre Gonin
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Is there a landscape effect on moth pest (H. armigera) abundance and infestation rate in cotton fields in North Benin?
Noelline Tsafack Menessong
Philippe Menozzi
Thierry Brevault
Marc Deconchat
Annie Ouin
IOBC WPRS Bulletin, 2012, 75, pp.191-195
Journal articles
Perpétuer l’organisation de son territoire en situation de changement : le cas d’une société à maison du sud-ouest de la France
Anne Sourdril
Marc Deconchat
Sylvie Ladet
Bulletin de liaison des sociétés savantes du CTHS, 2012, Actes du colloque du CTHS « Langues, communautés et territoires en France aujourd’hui : recherches et enquêtes en ethnologie et en linguistique », 12–13 octobre 2009. INHA, Paris, France, 14, pp.146-159
Journal articles
Forests as Patrimonies? From Theory to Tangible Processes at Various Scales
Genevieve Michon
Bruno Romagny
Laurent Auclair
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Edge effects on ground beetles at the woodlot-field interface are short-range and asymmetrical
Anthony Roume
Marc Deconchat
Laurent Raison
Gerard Balent
Annie Ouin
Journal articles
CARTOLIS. Vers un outil géomatique pour identifier et caractériser les segments de lisières forestières
Audrey Alignier
Philippe Espy
Marc Deconchat
Sylvie Ladet
Journal articles
Abundance and species richness of overwintering ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are higher in the edge than in the centre of a woodlot
Anthony Roume
Annie Ouin
Laurent Raison
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
History and spatial complexity of deforestation and logging in small private forests
Emilie Andrieu
Sylvie Ladet
Wilfried W. Heintz
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Variability of forest edge effect on vegetation implies reconsideration of its assumed hypothetical pattern
Audrey Alignier
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Relative contribution of edge and interior zones to patch size effect on species richness : An example for woody plants
Maya Gonzalez
Sylvie Ladet
Marc Deconchat
Alain A. Cabanettes
Didier Alard
Journal articles
Comprendre la dynamique régionale des exploitations de polyculture élevage pour accompagner le développement rural dans les Coteaux de Gascogne
Jean-Philippe Choisis
Anne Sourdril
Marc Deconchat
Gerard Balent
Annick A. Gibon
Journal articles
Woody plant composition of forest layers : the importance of environmental conditions and spatial configuration
Maya Gonzalez
Marc Deconchat
Gerard Balent
Journal articles
Effects of surrounding landscape composition on the conservation value of native and exotic habitats for native forest birds
Marc Deconchat
Eckehard G. Brockerhoff
Luc L. Barbaro
Journal articles
Diversity of woody plant seedling banks under closed canopy in fragmented coppice forests
Maya Gonzalez
Marc Deconchat
Gérard Balent
Alain Cabanettes
Annals of Forest Science, 2008, 65 (5), pp.1
Journal articles
Diversity of woody plant seedling banks under closed canopy in fragmented coppice forests
Maya Gonzalez
Marc Deconchat
Gerard Balent
Alain Cabanettes
Journal articles
Le paysage à l'interface des activités agricoles et forestières
Gérard Balent
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
HOVER-WINTER: a multi-agent model to simulate the overwintering of a beneficial insect (Episyrphus balteatus, Diptera, Syrphidae) in a heterogeneous landscape
Florent Arrignon
Claude Monteil
Jean-Pierre J.-P. Sarthou
Marc Deconchat
Gerard Balent
IOBC WPRS Bulletin, 2008, 34, pp.13-16
Journal articles
Cartographier l'historique des coupes forestières dans les petits bois
Emilie Andrieu
Gaétan Du Bus de Warnaffe
Sylvie Ladet
Wilfried W. Heintz
Anne Sourdril
Revue forestière française, 2008, 60 (5), pp.667-676
Journal articles
Impact of four silvicultural systems on birds in the Belgian Ardenne: implications for biodiversity in plantation forests
Gaétan Du Bus de Warnaffe
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Modelling the overwintering strategy of a beneficial insect in a heterogeneous landscape using a multi-agent system
Florent Arrignon
Marc Deconchat
Jean-Pierre J.-P. Sarthou
Gerard Balent
Claude Monteil
Journal articles
How to set up a research framework to analyze social-ecological interactive processes in a rural landscape
Marc Deconchat
Annick A. Gibon
Alain A. Cabanettes
Gaétan Du Bus de Warnaffe
Mark Hewison
Ecology and Society, 2007, 12 (1), pp.article 15 (on line)
Journal articles
Variability of cutting regimes in small private woodlots of south-western France
Gaëtan Du Bus de Warnaffe
Marc Deconchat
Sylvie Ladet
Gérard Balent
Annals of Forest Science, 2006, 63 (8), pp.915-927
Journal articles
From farm forestry to farm and forestry in south-western France as a result of changes in a ‘house-centred’ social structure
Anne Sourdril
Gaétan Du Bus de Warnaffe
Marc Deconchat
Eric Garine
Gerard Balent
Small Scale Forest Economics Management and Policy, 2006, 5 (1), pp.127-144
Journal articles
Variability of cutting regimes in small private woodlots of south-western France
Gaétan Du Bus de Warnaffe
Marc Deconchat
Sylvie Ladet
Gerard Balent
Journal articles
Les chaînes de Markov spatialisées comme outils de simulation.
Sylvie Ladet
Marc Deconchat
Jean-Paul Lacombe
Gerard Balent
Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2005, 15 (2), pp.159-173
Journal articles
Simple neural network reveals unexpected patterns of bird species richness in forest fragments.
Claude Monteil
Marc Deconchat
Gerard Balent
Journal articles
The species-area relationship in the hoverfly (Diptera, Syrphidae) communities of forest fragments in southern France.
Annie Ouin
Jean-Pierre J.-P. Sarthou
Bernard Bouyjou
Marc Deconchat
Jean-Paul Lacombe
Ecography, 2005, 29 (2), pp.183-190
Journal articles
Critères et indicateurs de gestion durable des forêts : la biodiversité
Marc Deconchat
Gérard Balent
Journal articles
Effets des perturbations de l'état de surface du sol après exploitation sur la diversité botanique
H. Gondard
Marc Deconchat
Annals of Forest Science, 2003, 60, pp.725-732
Journal articles
Effects of soil surface disturbances after logging on plant functional types
Hélène Gondard
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Habitat animal et image numérique : méthode de reconnaissance exploratoire appliquée à des occurrences d'espèces
J.C. Foltête
C. Monteil
Marc Deconchat
Photo-Interprétation. European Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (PIEJARS), 2002, 3-4, pp.40-51
Journal articles
Effets de la sylviculture et de l'exploitation forestière sur la diversité végétale.
Marc Deconchat
Gérard Balent
Journal articles
Gestion forestière et diversité végétale
Marc Deconchat
Le Courrier de l'environnement de l'INRA, 2001, 21, pp.145-150
Journal articles
Effets de l'exploitation forestière sur la diversité des oiseaux, des plantes et des collemboles dans les forêts du sud ouest de la France. Fiche N°626
Marc Deconchat
S. Vieban
F. Lauga Reyrel
Gérard Balent
Informations forêt AFOCEL, 2001, pp.1-6
Journal articles
Effets des techniques d'exploitation forestière sur l'état de surface du sol
Marc Deconchat
Journal articles
Effets des techniques d'exploitation forestière sur l'état de surface du sol
Marc Deconchat
Annals of Forest Science, 2001, 58, pp.653-661
Journal articles
Effets des perturbations du sol et de la mise en lumière occasionnées par l'exploitation forestière sur la flore à une échelle fine
Marc Deconchat
Gérard Balent
Journal articles
Effets des perturbations du sol et de la mise en lumière occasionnées par l'exploitation forestière sur la flore à une échelle fine
Marc Deconchat
Gérard Balent
Annales des sciences forestières, 2001, 58, pp.315-328
Journal articles
Vegetation and bird community dynamics in fragmented coppice forests
Marc Deconchat
Gérard Balent
Forestry, 2001, 74 (2), pp.105-118
Journal articles
Diversity within the Collembola community in fragmented coppice forests in south-western France
Francoise Lauga-Reyrel
Marc Deconchat
European Journal of Soil Biology, 1999, 35 (4), pp.177-187
Journal articles
Ecocertification et biodiversite: impressions de Suede
Marc Deconchat
S. Vieban
Bois National, 1998, 2, pp.10-11
Journal articles
Relations entre biodiversité et exploitation forestière : bases pour une méthode d'analyse.
Marc Deconchat
Gérard Balent
Stéphane Vieban
Françoise Lauga-Reyrel
Journal articles
Le contrôle de flux polluants par l'aménagement de zones tampons. Etude bibliographique
Gerard Balent
Marc Deconchat
Études et Recherches sur les Systèmes Agraires et le Développement, 1996, pp.101-113
Journal articles
Biodiversité et forêt dans un paysage agricole. Étude bibliographique
Gerard Balent
Marc Deconchat
Études et Recherches sur les Systèmes Agraires et le Développement, 1996, pp.15-36
Journal articles
Exploration of wheat leaves by Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) larvae
A. Ferran
Marc Deconchat
Journal of Insect Behavior, 1992, 5 (2), pp.147-159
Journal articles