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Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 066971012
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=Xe1nMQ0AAAAJ
- ResearcherId : E-1777-2015
- VIAF : 29667485
- ISNI : 0000000001818796
Research domains
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Northern Dobrogea and the Crimean Mountains: The Key Areas in the Tectonic Evolution of the Black Sea BasinThe Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham, pp.307-310, 2019, 978-3-030-01455-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-01455-1_67⟩
Book sections
New data on the tectonic evolution of the Khoy region, NW IranM. Sosson; R. A. Stephenson; S. A. Adamia. Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus, 428 (1), Geological Society of London, pp.99-116, 2017, ISBN electronic: 9781862399600 - ISBN print: 9781862397392. ⟨10.1144/SP428.13⟩
Book sections
New and revised radiolarian biochronology for the sedimentary cover of ophiolites in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia)Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.383-391, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.16⟩
Book sections
Subductions, obduction and collision in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), new insightsSedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.329-352, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.14⟩
Book sections
Recent tectonic stress evolution in the Lesser Caucasus and adjacent regionsSedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, pp.393-408, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.17⟩
Book sections
The Armenian Ophiolite: insights for Jurassic back-arc formation, Lower Cretaceous hot spot magmatism and Upper Cretaceous obduction over the South Armenian BlockSedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.353-382, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.15⟩
Book sections
Cenozoic-Recent tectonics and uplift in the Greater Caucasus: a perspective from AzerbaijanSedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.261-280, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.12⟩
Book sections
Sedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform: introductionSedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.261-280, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.1⟩
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Deslizamientos submarinos a lo largo del Margen Convergente del Norte de Ecuador - Sur de Colombia. Posible control tectónicoCollot J-Y, V. Sallares, and A. Pazmiño. Geologia y Geofisica Marina y Terestre del Ecuador desde la costa continental hasta las islas Gapapagos, CNDM-INOCAR-IRD, PSE001-09, Guayaquil, Ecuador, pp.75-82, 2009
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Visión general de la morfología submarina del margen convergente de Ecuador-Sur de Colombia: implicaciones sobre la transferencia de masa y la edad de la subducción de la Cordillera de CarnegieCollot J-Y, V. Sallares, and A. Pazmiño. Geologia y Geofisica Marina y Terestre del Ecuador desde la costa continental hasta las islas Gapapagos, CNDM-INOCAR-IRD, pp.47-74, 2009, PSE001-09, Guayaquil, Ecuador
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Submarine Landslides Along The North Ecuador – South Colombia Convergent Margin: Possible Tectonic ControlSubmarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Springer Netherlands, pp.47-55, 2007, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, ⟨10.1007/978-1-4020-6512-5_6⟩
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