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Synthesis of micropaleontological age constraints for the reconstruction of the Tethyan realm in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Karabagh)

Taniel Danelian , Maria Triantaphyllou , Monique Seyler , Ghazar Galoyan , Arayik Grigoryan
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 2023, 355, pp.1 - 14. ⟨10.5802/crgeos.212⟩
Journal articles hal-04265815v1

New structural analysis in North Dobrogea - a key region to unravel the tectonics of the Black Sea back-arc basin during the Mesozoic

Yevgeniya Korniyenko-Sheremet , Aline Saintot , Antoneta Seghedi , Tom Mccann , Marc Sosson
Journal of Geodynamics, 2023, 156, pp.101969. ⟨10.1016/j.jog.2023.101969⟩
Journal articles hal-04056639v1
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Palaeo-stress regimes and structural framework during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Crimean Mountains (the northern margin of the Black Sea)

Yevgeniya Korniyenko-Sheremet , Marc Sosson , Anna Murovskaya , Valentina Gobarenko , Tamara Yegorova
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2021, 211, pp.104704. ⟨10.1016/j.jseaes.2021.104704⟩
Journal articles hal-03162333v1
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The East Anatolia–Lesser Caucasus ophiolite: An exceptional case of large-scale obduction, synthesis of data and numerical modelling

Y Rolland , M Hässig , Delphine Bosch , O Bruguier , R Melis
Geoscience Frontiers, 2020, 11 (1), pp.83-108. ⟨10.1016/j.gsf.2018.12.009⟩
Journal articles hal-03017194v1

P-T-T history of the Amasia and Stepanavan sub-ophiolitic metamorphic units (NW Armenia, Lesser Caucasus): implications for metamorphic sole development and for the obduction process

Marc Hassig , Yann Rolland , Raphael Melis , Marc Sosson , Ghazar Galoyan
Ofioliti, 2019, 44 (1), pp.43-70. ⟨10.4454/ofioliti.v44i1.464⟩
Journal articles hal-02005462v1


A. Avagyan , M. Sosson , L. Sahakyan , Y. Sheremet , S. Vardanyan
Journal of Petroleum Geology, 2018, 41 (4), pp.495-511
Journal articles hal-01982327v1

Geochemistry of the Eocene magmatic rocks from the Lesser Caucasus area (Armenia): evidence of a subduction geodynamic environment

L. Sahakyan , Delphine Bosch , M. Sosson , A. Avagyan , Gh. Galoyan
The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2017, 428 (1), pp.73 - 98. ⟨10.1144/SP428.12⟩
Journal articles hal-01738198v1

From seafloor spreading to obduction: Jurassic–Cretaceous evolution of the northern branch of the Neotethys in the Northeastern Anatolian and Lesser Caucasus regions

M. Hässig , Y. Rolland , M. Sosson
The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2017, 428 (1), pp.41 - 60. ⟨10.1144/SP428.10⟩
Journal articles hal-01737114v1

Key problems of stratigraphy in the Eastern Crimea Peninsula: some insights from new dating and structural data

Yevgeniya Sheremet , Marc Sosson , Carla Muller , Oleg Gintov , Anna Murovskaya
The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2017, 428 (1), pp.265-306. ⟨10.1144/SP428.14⟩
Journal articles hal-02132009v1

Progressive orocline formation in the Eastern Pontides–Lesser Caucasus

Maud Meijers , Brigitte Smith , Daniel Pastor-Galán , Renzo Degenaar , Nino Sadradze
The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2017, 428 (1), pp.117 - 143. ⟨10.1144/SP428.8⟩
Journal articles hal-01737550v1

Lithological nature of the subduction channel: Insights from the Karabakh suture zone (Lesser Caucasus) and general comparisons,

M. Hässig , Y. Rolland , M. Sosson , A. Avagyan
Journal of Geodynamics, 2016, 96 (Subduction and Orogeny), pp.19-34. ⟨10.1016/j.jog.2015.07.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01346858v1
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The eastern Black Sea-Caucasus region during the Cretaceous: New evidence to constrain its tectonic evolution

M. Sosson , R. Stephenson , E. Sheremet , Y. Rolland , Sh Adamia
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2016, 348 (1), pp.23-32. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2015.11.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01347807v1

Obduction of old oceanic lithosphere due to reheating and plate reorganization: Insights from numerical modelling and the NE Anatolia – Lesser Caucasus case example,

M. Hassig , Th. Duretz , Y. Rolland , M. Sosson
Journal of Geodynamics, 2016, 96 (Subduction and Orogeny), pp.35-49. ⟨10.1016/j.jog.2016.02.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01346827v1

Obduction triggered by regional heating during plate reorganization,

Y. Rolland , M. Hässig , Th. Duretz , M. Sosson
Terra Nova, 2016, 28 (1), pp.76-82. ⟨10.1111/ter.12193⟩
Journal articles hal-01362408v1

A review of the plate convergence history of the East Anatolia-Transcaucasus region during the Variscan: Insights from the Georgian basement and its connection to the Eastern Pontides

M. Hässig , Y. Rolland , M. Sosson , Delphine Bosch , M. J. M. Meijers
Journal of Geodynamics, 2016, 96 (Subduction and Orogeny), pp.131-145. ⟨10.1016/j.jog.2016.03.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01347761v1

An offshore-onland transect across the north-eastern Black Sea basin (Crimean margin): Evidence of Paleocene to Pliocene two-stage compression

Yevgeniya Sheremet , Marc Sosson , Gueorgui Ratzov , Grigoriy Sydorenko , Zinoviy Voitsitskiy
Tectonophysics, 2016, 688, pp.84 - 100. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2016.09.015⟩
Journal articles hal-01744705v1
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Seismic model of the crust and upper mantle in the Scythian Platform: the DOBRE-5 profile across the north western Black Sea and the Crimean Peninsula

V. Starostenko , T. Janik , T. Yegorova , L. Farfuliak , W. Czuba
Geophysical Journal International, 2015, 201 (1), pp.406 - 428. ⟨10.1093/gji/ggv018⟩
Journal articles hal-01381318v1

Multi-stage metamorphism in the South Armenian Block during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous: Tectonics over south-dipping subduction of Northern branch of Neotethys

M. Hässig , Y. Rolland , L. Sahakyan , M. Sosson , G. Galoyan
Journal of Southeast Asian earth sciences, 2015, 102, pp.4-23. ⟨10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.07.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01174077v1

A paleolatitude reconstruction of the South Armenian Block (Lesser Caucasus) for the Late Cretaceous: Constraints on the Tethyan realm

Maud J.M. Meijers , B. Smith , U. Kirscher , M. Mensink , M. Sosson
Tectonophysics, 2015, 644-645, pp.197-219. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2015.01.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01365871v1

Reconstructing Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) paleoenvironments in Armenia based on Radiolaria and benthic Foraminifera; implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Tethyan realm in the Lesser Caucasus

Taniel Danelian , Alexandra Zambetakis-Lekkas , Ghazar Galoyan , Marc Sosson , Gayane Asatryan
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014, 413, pp.123 - 132. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.03.011⟩
Journal articles hal-01854897v1

Linking the NE Anatolian and Lesser Caucasus ophiolites: evidence for large-scale obduction of oceanic crust and implications for the formation of the Lesser Caucasus-Pontides Arc

Marc Hässig , Yann Rolland , Marc Sosson , Ghazar Galoyan , Lilit Sahakyan
Geodinamica Acta, 2014, 26 (3-4), pp.311 - 330. ⟨10.1080/09853111.2013.877236⟩
Journal articles hal-01854934v1

Transition from the Farallon Plate subduction to the collision between South and Central America: Geological evolution of the Panama Isthmus

F. Barat , B. Mercier de Lépinay , M. Sosson , C. Müller , Peter O. Baumgartner
Tectonophysics, 2014, 622, pp.145 - 167. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2014.03.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01390026v1

New structural and petrological data on the Amasia ophiolites (NW Sevan-Akera suture zone, Lesser Caucasus): Insights for a large-scale obduction in Armenia and NE Turkey,

M. Hässig , M. Sosson , Y. Rolland , Gh. Galoyan , C. Muller
Tectonophysics, 2013, 588 (11), pp.135-153. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2012.12.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00876519v1
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Offshore Oligo-Miocene volcanic fields within the Corsica-Liguria Basin: Magmatic diversity and slab evolution in the western Mediterranean Sea

Jean-Pierre Réhault , Christian Honthaas , Pol Guennoc , Hervé Bellon , Gilles Ruffet
Journal of Geodynamics, 2012, 58, pp.73-95. ⟨10.1016/j.jog.2012.02.003⟩
Journal articles insu-00693261v1

Radiolarian biostratigraphic constraints for latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous submarine volcanic activity in the Tethyan oceanic realm of the Sevan ophiolite (Armenia),

G. Asatryan , T. Danelian , L. Sahakyan , G. Galoyan , M. Seyler
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 2012, 183 (4), pp.319-330. ⟨10.2113/gssgfbull.183.4.319⟩
Journal articles hal-01051495v1

Late Quaternary geomorphologic evolution of submarine canyons as a marker of active deformation on convergent margins: The example of the South Colombian margin,

Gueorgui Ratzov , M. Sosson , J.-Y. Collot , S. Migeon
Marine Geology, 2012, 315-318, pp.77-97. ⟨10.1016/j.margeo.2012.05.005⟩
Journal articles hal-00815438v1

Evidence for ∼80-75 Ma subduction jump during Anatolide-Tauride-Armenian block accretion and ∼48 Ma Arabia-Eurasia collision in Lesser Caucasus-East Anatolia

Yan Rolland , D. Perincek , N. Kaymakci , M. Sosson , Eric Barrier
Journal of Geodynamics, 2012, 56-57, pp.76-85
Journal articles hal-00682518v1

Radiolarian evidence for Early Cretaceous (Late barremian-Early Aptian) submarine activity in the Tethyan oceanic realm preserved in Karabagh (Lesser Caucasus),

G. Asatryan , T. Danelian , M. Sosson , L. Sahakyan , G. Galoyan
Ofioliti, 2011, 36 (2), pp.117-123. ⟨10.4454/OFIOLITI.V36.I2.1⟩
Journal articles hal-00928587v1

Prolonged Variscan to Alpine history of an active Eurasian margin (Georgia, Armenia) revealed by 40Ar/39Ar dating

Yan Rolland , M. Sosson , Sh Adamia , N. Sadradze
Gondwana Research, 2011, 20 (4), pp.798-815. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-00634592v1

The Mid-Rivera-Transform Discordance: Morphology and Tectonic Development

W. Bandy , F. Michaud , C. Mortera-Gutiérrez , J. Dyment , Jacques Bourgois
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2011, 168 (8-9), pp.1391-1413. ⟨10.1007/s00024-010-0208-8⟩
Journal articles hal-00498270v1

Active Deformation along the Southern End of the Tosco Abreojos Fault System: New Insights from Multibeam Swath Bathymetry, in Geodynamics of the Mexican Pacific Margin

F. Michaud , T. Calmus , Gueorgui Ratzov , Jean-Yves Royer , M. Sosson
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2011, 168 (8-9), pp.1363-1372. ⟨10.1007/s00024-010-0193-y⟩
Journal articles hal-00498287v1

Mass-transport deposits in the northern Ecuador subduction trench: Result of frontal erosion over multiple seismic cycles

Gueorgui Ratzov , J.-Y. Collot , M. Sosson , S. Migeon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010, 296 (1-2), pp.89-102. ⟨10.1016/j.epsl.2010.04.048⟩
Journal articles hal-00498289v1

Radiolarian ages for the sedimentary cover of sevan ophiolite (Armenia, lesser Caucasus)

Gayane Asatryan , Taniel Danelian , Marc Sosson , Lilit Sahakyan , Alain Person
Ofioliti, 2010, 35 (2), pp.91-101
Journal articles hal-00643291v1

Geology, geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar dating of Sevan ophiolites (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia): Evidence for Jurassic Back-arc opening and hot spot event between the South Armenian Block and Eurasia

G. Galoyan , Yan Rolland , M. Sosson , M. Corsini , S. Billo
Journal of Southeast Asian earth sciences, 2009, 34 (2), pp.135–153. ⟨10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.04.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00407979v1

Jurassic back-arc and Cretaceous hot-spot series In the Armenian ophiolites - Implications for the obduction process

Yann Rolland , Ghazar Galoyan , Delphine Bosch , Marc Sosson , Michel Corsini
Lithos, 2009, 112 (3-4), pp.163-187. ⟨10.1016/j.lithos.2009.02.006⟩
Journal articles hal-00443855v1

Blueschists of the Amassia-Stepanavan Suture Zone (Armenia): linking Tethys subduction history from E-Turkey to W-Iran

Yan Rolland , S. Billo , M. Corsini , M. Sosson , G. Galoyan
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2009, 98 (3), pp.533-550. ⟨10.1007/s00531-007-0286-8⟩
Journal articles hal-00407622v1

Discovery of Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) Radiolaria from the sedimentary cover of the Vedi ophiolite (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia)

T. Danelian , G. Asatryan , M. Sosson , Alain Person , L. Sahakyan
Comptes Rendus. Palevol, 2008, 7 (6), pp.327–334. ⟨10.1016/j.crpv.2008.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00407865v1
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Multibeam bathymetry and sidescan imaging of the Rivera Transform–Moctezuma Spreading Segment junction, northern East Pacific Rise: New constraints on Rivera–Pacific relative plate motion

William L. Bandy , François Michaud , Jérôme Dyment , Carlos A. Mortera-Gutiérrez , Jacques Bourgois
Tectonophysics, 2008, 454 (1-4), pp.70-85. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2008.04.013⟩
Journal articles insu-00315587v1

Evidence for superposed MORB, oceanic plateau and volcanic arc series in the Lesser Caucasus (Stepanavan, Armenia)

G. Galoyan , Yan Rolland , M. Sosson , M. Corsini , R. Melkonyan
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2007, 339 (7), pp.482-492. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2007.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00407727v1

Right-lateral active faulting between southern Baja California and the Pacific Plate: the Tosco-Abreojos Fault

F. Michaud , T. Calmus , Jean-Yves Royer , M. Sosson , W. Bandy
Geological Society of America. Special Paper, 2007, 422, pp.287-300. ⟨10.1130/2007.2422(09)⟩
Journal articles hal-00407743v1

The denudation history of the Argentera Alpine external crystalline massif (Western Alps, France-Italy): an overview from the analysis of fission tracks in apatites and zircons

F. Bigot-Cormier , M. Sosson , G. Poupeau , J.-F. Stéphan , E. Labrin
Geodinamica Acta, 2006, 19 (6), pp.455-473. ⟨10.3166/ga.19.455-473⟩
Journal articles hal-00407584v1
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Development of the Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador) during the Quaternary as an effect of the North Andean block tectonic escape

C. Witt , Jacques Bourgois , F. Michaud , M. Ordonez , N. Jimenez
Tectonics, 2006, 25 (3), 22 pp. ⟨10.1029/2004TC001723⟩
Journal articles hal-00407626v1

Oceanic-ridge subduction vs. slab break off: Plate tectonic evolution along the Baja California Sur continental margin since 15 Ma

F. Michaud , Jean-Yves Royer , Jacques Bourgois , J. Dyment , T. Calmus
Geology, 2006, 34, pp.13-16
Journal articles hal-00111710v1

Oceanic-ridge subduction vs. slab break off: plate tectonic evolution along the Baja California Sur continental margin since 15 Ma

F. Michaud , Jean-Yves Royer , Jacques Bourgois , J. Dyment , T. Calmus
Geology, 2006, 34 (1), pp.13-16. ⟨10.1130/g22050.1⟩
Journal articles hal-00407683v1

Oceanic-ridge subduction vs. slab break off: Plate tectonic evolution along the Baja California Sur continental margin since 15 Ma

F. Michaud , Jean-Yves Royer , Jacques Bourgois , J. Dyment , T. Calmus
Geology, 2006, 34(1), pp.13-16. ⟨10.1130/g22050.1⟩
Journal articles hal-00019964v1

La zona de falla Tosco-Abreojos : un sistema lateral derecho activo entre la placa Pacifico y la peninsula de Baja California.

F. Michaud , T. Calmus , M. Sosson , Jean-Yves Royer , J. Bourgeois
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2005, 7-1, pp.53-63
Journal articles hal-00118345v1

La zona de falla Tosco-Abreojos : un sistema lateral derecho activo entre la placa Pacifico y la peninsula de Baja California

F. Michaud , T. Calmus , M. Sosson , Jean-Yves Royer , Jacques Bourgois
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2005, Conmerorativo del Ce (T. LVII, 1), pp.53-63
Journal articles hal-00497727v1
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Seafloor Margin Map Helps in Understanding Subduction Earthquakes

J.-Y. Collot , S. Migeon , G. Spence , Y. Le Gonidec , B. Marcaillou
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 2005, 86 (46), pp.463-465. ⟨10.1029/2005EO460003⟩
Journal articles hal-00453741v1

Neogene to Quaternary stress field evolution in Lesser Caucasus and adjacent regions using fault kinematics analysis and volcanic cluster data

A. Avagyan , M. Sosson , H. Philip , A. Karakhanian , Yan Rolland
Geodinamica Acta, 2005, 18 (6), pp.401-416. ⟨10.3166/ga.18.401-416⟩
Journal articles hal-00407420v1

Subsidence and strike-slip tectonism of the upper continental slope off Manzanillo, Mexico

W. L. Bandy , F. Michaud , Jacques Bourgois , T. Calmus , J. Dyment
Tectonophysics, 2005, 398 (3-4), pp.115-140. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2005.01.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00112085v1
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Cenozoic denudation of Corsica in response to Ligurian and Tyrrhenian extension: results from apatite fission-track thermochronology.

Bouchra Zarki-Jakni , Pieter van Der Beek , Gérard Poupeau , Marc Sosson , Erika Labrin
Tectonics, 2004, 23, pp.TC1003. ⟨10.1029/2003TC001535⟩
Journal articles hal-00096570v1
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Motion Partitioning between the Pacific plate, Baja California and the North America plate : the Tosco-Abreojos fault revisited

F. Michaud , M. Sosson , J.-Y. Royer , A. Chabert , Jacques Bourgois
Geophysical Research Letters, 2004, 31 (8), pp.L08604. ⟨10.1029/2004GL019665⟩
Journal articles hal-00407334v1

Déformations pliocènes de la marge nord-Ligure (France) : les conséquences d'un chevauchement crustal sud-alpin

F. Bigot-Cormier , F. Sage , M. Sosson , Jacques Déverchère , M. Ferrandini
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 2004, 175 (2), pp.197-211
Journal articles hal-00407299v1
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Pliocene deformation of the north-Ligurian margin (France) : consequences of a south-Alpine crustal thrust

Florence Bigot-Cormier , Françoise Sage , M. Sosson , Jacques Déverchère , Michelle Ferrandini
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 2004, 175 (2), pp.197-211. ⟨10.2113/175.2.197⟩
Journal articles hal-03783881v1
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Back-arc extension, tectonic inheritance and volcanism in the Ligurian Sea, Western Mediterranean

N. Rollet , Jacques Déverchère , M.-O. Beslier , Pol Guennoc , J.-P. Rehault
Tectonics, 2002, 21 (3), 1015 (23 p.). ⟨10.1029/2001TC900027⟩
Journal articles hal-00406718v1

From Oblique Subduction to Intra-Continental Transpression: Structures of the Southern Kermadec-Hikurangi Margin from Multibeam Bathymetry, Side-Scan Sonar and Seismic Reflection

Jean-Yves Collot , Jean Delteil , Keith B. Lewis , Bryan Davy , Geoffroy Lamarche
Marine Geophysical Research, 1996, 18, pp.357-381
Journal articles hal-03337219v1

From the Kermadec Trench to the southern termination of the Hikurangi Trough: results of the GEODYNZ-SUD, Leg 1 swath-mapping survey

Jean-Yves Collot , Jean Delteil , Keith Lewis , Jean-Christophe Audru , Phil Barnes
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIa, Sciences de la terre et des planètes, 1995, 320, pp.295-302
Journal articles hal-03288852v1

Tectonic history of a non-accreting margin during the past 400 ka. Results of a submersible survey of the Peru Trench at 5-6°S

Jacques Bourgois , Yves Lagabrielle , Patrick de Wever , Erwin Suess , Luc Aquilina
Journal articles hal-04631819v1

BASIN MODELLING Tectonic development of the Ararat Basin, Lesser Caucasus, Armenia

A. Avagyan , M. Sosson , L. Sahakyan , Y. Sheremet , S Vardanyan
AAPG GTW: Exploration and Production in the Black Sea, Caucasus, and Caspian RegionAt: BATUMI, GEORGIA, Sep 2019, BATUMI, Georgia
Conference papers hal-02387464v1
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Large scale obduction of preserved oceanic crust: linking the Lesser Caucasus and NE Anatolian ophiolites and implications for the formation of the Lesser Caucasus-Pontides Arc

Marc Hässig , Yann Rolland , Marc Sosson , Ghazar Galoyan , Lilit Sahakyan
EGU General Assembly 2014, Apr 2014, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2014-10366
Conference papers hal-01061333v1
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The Armenian and NW Anatolian ophiolites: new insights for the closure of the Tethys domain and obduction onto the South Armenian Block and Anatolian-Tauride Platform before collision through dynamic modeling

Marc Hässig , Yann Rolland , Marc Sosson , Riad Hassani , G. Topuz
EGU General Assembly 2013, Apr 2013, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2013-4722
Conference papers hal-01061299v1
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Marc Hässig , Yann Rolland , G. Topuz , Ö. Çelik , Marc Sosson
65th Geological Congress of Turkey, Apr 2012, Ankara, Turkey. pp. 112-113
Conference papers hal-01060899v1

Geochemical and age of collision related volcanism following the closure of the Neotethys Ocean (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia)

Lilit Sahakyan , Delphine Bosch , Marc Sosson , Olivier Bruguier , Yann Rolland
Goldschmidt 2011 Conference, Geochemical Society & European Association of Geochemistry, Aug 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-03944793v1
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New P-T-t data on the metamorphic sole of the Amasia ophiolites and implications for the geodynamical process, NW of the Sevan-Akera suture zone, Lesser Caucasus (Armenia)

Hässig Marc , Yann Rolland , Marc Sosson , Ghazar Galoyan
EGU General Assembly 2011, Apr 2011, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2011-7462-1
Conference papers hal-01060852v1

Mass-transport deposits in the northern Ecuador subduction trench: Result from frontal erosion over multiple seismic cycles

R. Ratzov , J.-Y. Collot , M. Sosson , S. Migeon
European Geosciences Union EGU, May 2010, Vienna, Austria. pp.EGU2010-12369-1
Conference papers hal-00460087v1

New Insights on the Tectonic and Geodynamic Evolutions of the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia)

M. Sosson , Yan Rolland , C. A. Muller , T. Danelian , R. Melkonian
2nd International Symposium on the geology of the Black Sea Region, Oct 2009, Ankara, Turkey
Conference papers hal-00497758v1

Tectonic and Geodynamic Evolutions of the Lesser Caucasus ophiolites (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) : New insights

M. Sosson , Yan Rolland , C. A. Muller , T. Danelian , R. Melkonian
62nd Geological Congress of Turkey, Apr 2009, Ankara, Turkey. pp.825
Conference papers hal-00497759v1

Tectonic controls on the sedimentary filling of the Tumaco–Borbon forearc basin, Southern Colombia and Northern Ecuador during the last 30 my

E. Lopez , J.-Y. Collot , M. Sosson
International Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics YORGSET 08, Jul 2008, Oviedo, Spain. pp.421 - 423
Conference papers hal-00456908v1

Sedimentary constraints on the tectonic evolution of the paired Tumaco–Borbón and Manglares forearc basins (southern Colombia - northern Ecuador) during the Late Cenozoic

E. Lopez , J.-Y. Collot , M. Sosson
7th International Symposium of Andean Geodynamic, Sep 2008, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-00456899v1

Recent debris-flows and megaturbidite in a confined basin of the North Ecuador subduction trench

Gueorgui Ratzov , J.-Y. Collot , M. Sosson , S. Migeon
7th International Symposium of Andean Geodynamic, Sep 2008, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-00456904v1

Contrasted fossil spreading centers off Baja California.

J. Dyment , F. Michaud , Jean-Yves Royer , Jacques Bourgois , B. Sichler
Conference papers hal-00119227v1

Morphology and Tectonics of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center (CAYVIC Cruise)

E. Ruellan , Mercier-De Lépinay B. , Beslier M.O. , M. Sosson , C. Monnier
Apr 2003
Conference papers hal-00127086v1

Evolution of the Mexican Triple Junction since 15 Ma : new evidence from the FAMEX cruise, off Baja California (Pacific Ocean).

Jean-Yves Royer , F. Michaud , J. Dyment , Jacques Bourgois , B. Sichler
Conference papers hal-00119286v1

Northern Dobrogea and the Crimean Mountains: The Key Areas in the Tectonic Evolution of the Black Sea Basin

Y. Sheremet , Marc Sosson , Antoneta Seghedi , Mihaela Melinte-Dobrinescu
The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham, pp.307-310, 2019, 978-3-030-01455-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-01455-1_67⟩
Book sections hal-02368432v1

New data on the tectonic evolution of the Khoy region, NW Iran

Ara Avagyan , Alireza Shahidi , Marc Sosson , Lilit Sahakyan , Ghazar Galoyan
M. Sosson; R. A. Stephenson; S. A. Adamia. Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus, 428 (1), Geological Society of London, pp.99-116, 2017, ISBN electronic: 9781862399600 - ISBN print: 9781862397392. ⟨10.1144/SP428.13⟩
Book sections hal-03881415v1

New and revised radiolarian biochronology for the sedimentary cover of ophiolites in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia)

T. Danelian , G. Asatryan , L. Sahakyan , Gh. Galoyan , M. Sosson
Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.383-391, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.16⟩
Book sections hal-00521831v1

Subductions, obduction and collision in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), new insights

M. Sosson , Yan Rolland , C. Müller , T. Danelian , R. Melkonyan
Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.329-352, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.14⟩
Book sections hal-00521877v1

Recent tectonic stress evolution in the Lesser Caucasus and adjacent regions

A. Avagyan , M. Sosson , A. Karakhanian , H. Philip , S. Rebai
Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, pp.393-408, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.17⟩
Book sections hal-00521808v1

The Armenian Ophiolite: insights for Jurassic back-arc formation, Lower Cretaceous hot spot magmatism and Upper Cretaceous obduction over the South Armenian Block

Yan Rolland , Gh. Galoyan , M. Sosson , R. Melkonyan , A. Avagyan
Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.353-382, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.15⟩
Book sections hal-00521849v1

Cenozoic-Recent tectonics and uplift in the Greater Caucasus: a perspective from Azerbaijan

J. Mosar , T. Kangarli , M. Bochud , U.A. Glasmacher , A. Rast
Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.261-280, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.12⟩
Book sections hal-00521843v1

Sedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform: introduction

Marc Sosson , N. Kaymakci , R. Stephenson , Françoise Bergerat , V. Starostenko
Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Sosson, M., Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R. A., Bergerat, F. & Starostenko, V. (eds), pp.261-280, 2010, ⟨10.1144/SP340.1⟩
Book sections hal-00521857v1

Deslizamientos submarinos a lo largo del Margen Convergente del Norte de Ecuador - Sur de Colombia. Posible control tectónico

Gueorgui Ratzov , M. Sosson , J.-Y. Collot , S. Migeon , F. Michaud
Collot J-Y, V. Sallares, and A. Pazmiño. Geologia y Geofisica Marina y Terestre del Ecuador desde la costa continental hasta las islas Gapapagos, CNDM-INOCAR-IRD, PSE001-09, Guayaquil, Ecuador, pp.75-82, 2009
Book sections hal-00497947v1

Visión general de la morfología submarina del margen convergente de Ecuador-Sur de Colombia: implicaciones sobre la transferencia de masa y la edad de la subducción de la Cordillera de Carnegie

J.-Y. Collot , F. Michaud , A. Alvarado , B. Marcaillou , M. Sosson
Collot J-Y, V. Sallares, and A. Pazmiño. Geologia y Geofisica Marina y Terestre del Ecuador desde la costa continental hasta las islas Gapapagos, CNDM-INOCAR-IRD, pp.47-74, 2009, PSE001-09, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Book sections hal-00456890v1

Submarine Landslides Along The North Ecuador – South Colombia Convergent Margin: Possible Tectonic Control

Gueorgui Ratzov , M. Sosson , J.-Y. Collot , S. Migeon , F. Michaud
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Springer Netherlands, pp.47-55, 2007, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, ⟨10.1007/978-1-4020-6512-5_6⟩
Book sections hal-00458113v1