Marie Bezard
Research engineer at INRAE Antilles Guyane
Researcher identifiers
- marie-bezard
- 0000-0002-6557-9477
PhD Student at Inrae Antilles-Guyane
Plantain Bananas, Agroecological transition, Innovations, Systemic agriculture
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Optimization of an on-farm multiplication and sanitation technique for plantain bananaFruits, 2024, 79 (2), pp.1-19. ⟨10.17660/th2024/008⟩
Journal articles
La méthode du PIF: multiplication et assainissement des plants de bananiers plantains à la fermeNOV'AE, 2023, 03, pp.1-9. ⟨10.17180/novae-2023-NO-art03⟩
Journal articles
Co-designing innovative plantain cropping systems to support the diversity of agroecological pathways in GuadeloupeAgronomy for Sustainable Development, 2023, 43 (2), pp.28. ⟨10.1007/s13593-023-00879-8⟩
Journal articles
Stakeholders’ engagement platform to identify sustainable pathways for the development of multi-functional agroforestry in Guadeloupe, French West IndiesAgroforestry Systems, 2021, 97 (3), pp.463-479. ⟨10.1007/s10457-021-00663-1⟩
Journal articles
Diffusion des innovations prophylaxiques dans les systèmes « Bananiers plantains » aux Antilles : l'innovation agronomique face à la diversité des agriculteurs5ème édition des Journées d'Etude Scientifique, Mar 2023, Schoelcher, Martinique
Conference papers
The PIF method: an agroecological innovation for the plantain Guadeloupean famers?56th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS), Jul 2023, Grande Anse, Grenada. pp.1-11
Conference papers
Déconnexion entre structure et fonction du système d'innovation agricole & Maintien d'une transition agroécologique faibleACFAS, May 2023, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
A Review of Innovation Systems56th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS), Jul 2023, Grande Anse, Grenada. pp.1-19
Conference papers
Le système d'innovation "banane plantain" en Guadeloupe : un équilibre entre verrous à la transition agroécologique et jeux d'acteurs.89. congrès de l’ACFAS, ACFAS, May 2022, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
Viabilité des systèmes « Bananiers plantains » aux Antilles : l’innovation agronomique face à la diversité des agriculteurs.5ème édition de la Journée d’Etude Scientifique (J.E.S), Mar 2022, Schoelcher (972), France
Conference papers
System experiment as a way to test innovative agroecological cropping system adapted to the farmers’ diversity.The 1st International Conference on Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation. Digital Tools for a Scalable Transformative Pathway, Oct 2021, Montpellier ( en ligne), France. pp.205-212
Conference papers
Between actors visions and institutionnal framework: Synergies and divergences within the undergrowth of a Caribbean island55. Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS). INT.; Ministerio de Agricultura. DOM.; Cenro para el Desarollo Agropecuario y Agroforestal (CEDAF). DOM.; Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (IDIAF). DOM.; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (CONIAF). DOM.; Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana (JAD). DOM., Jul 2019, Bavaro, Dominican Republic
Conference papers
Adaptation of production strategies of plantain in Guadeloupe and analysis of their relative contribution to the viability of farms55. Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS). INT.; Ministerio de Agricultura. DOM.; Cenro para el Desarollo Agropecuario y Agroforestal (CEDAF). DOM.; Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (IDIAF). DOM.; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (CONIAF). DOM.; Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana (JAD). DOM., Jul 2019, Bavaro, Dominican Republic
Conference papers
Construcción participativa de una visión colectiva de la valorización sostenible del bosque guadalupense (proyecto VALAB)55. Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS). INT.; Ministerio de Agricultura. DOM.; Cenro para el Desarollo Agropecuario y Agroforestal (CEDAF). DOM.; Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (IDIAF). DOM.; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (CONIAF). DOM.; Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana (JAD). DOM., Jul 2019, Bavaro, República Dominicana
Conference papers
Vanilla planifolia: between omnipresence and techno-economic vulner-ability, realities of "black gold" in the Guadeloupe undergrowth55. Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS). INT.; Ministerio de Agricultura. DOM.; Cenro para el Desarollo Agropecuario y Agroforestal (CEDAF). DOM.; Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (IDIAF). DOM.; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (CONIAF). DOM.; Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana (JAD). DOM., Jul 2019, Bavaro, Dominican Republic
Conference papers
Complexity of agroforestry cropping systems in the undergrowth of Guadeloupe55. Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS). INT.; Ministerio de Agricultura. DOM.; Cenro para el Desarollo Agropecuario y Agroforestal (CEDAF). DOM.; Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (IDIAF). DOM.; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (CONIAF). DOM.; Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana (JAD). DOM., Jul 2019, Bavaro, Dominican Republic
Conference papers
Support agroecological transitions for orphan crops56th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS), Jul 2023, Grande Anse, Grenada
Conference poster
Co-conception de dispositifs expérimentaux pour des agrosystèmes innovants à base de bananier plantain Une série de 6 ateliers avec les agriculteurs de GuadeloupeJournée technique Intensecoplantain, Dec 2020, Petit bourg, France
Conference poster
Multiplication des bananiers plantain par la technique PIF et risques sanitairesJournée technique Intensecoplantain, Dec 2020, Petit bourg, France
Conference poster
A paradigm shift for agroforestry in Guadeloupe islands: toward a value-enhancement of cultivated forests ecosystems4. World Congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. 2019
Conference poster
Complexity of agroforestry cropping systems in the undergrowth of Guadeloupe4. World Congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. , 933 p., 2019, Book of abstracts. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry
Conference poster
Vanilla Planifolia: between omnipresence and techno-economic vulnerability, realities of «black gold» in the Guadeloupe undergrowth4. World Congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. , 933 p., 2019, Book of abstracts. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry
Conference poster
Diversity of the socio-economic strategies of valorization of the undergrowth of Guadeloupe: a typology4. World Congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. , 933 p., 2019, Book of abstracts. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry
Conference poster
Accompagner les transitions agroécologiques des cultures orphelinesAgronomie. Université des Antilles, 2023. Français. ⟨NNT : 2023ANTI0935⟩
Caractérisation de la culture de bananes plantain en Guadeloupe : diversité des pratiques, performance écologique & référencement technico-économiqueSciences du Vivant [q-bio]. 2017
Master thesis