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Marie-Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau

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**Academic and Degrees:** · Acreditation to Supervise Research – Nantes University –Nutrition and Metabolic Pathologies - 2020 · Research Engineer until 2002 in the Digestive Functions and Human Food Unit (UFDNH), which became, since 2006, the unit of Physiology of Nutritional Adaptations (PhAN-UMR 1280) - INRA Centre Nantes-Angers. - Research Engineer from 1993 to 2002 in the Vitamin team of the Metabolic Diseases and Micronutrients Unit (UMMM) - Inra Clermont-Ferrand-Theix Centre · Degree of PhD in Life Sciences, in Nantes University in 1993. · Degree of Engineer of AgroSup Dijon Institute (ex-Higher National School of Biology for Nutrition and Food or ENSBANA, Dijon, France), in 1989. **Expertise and Awards:** · Research on vitamins metabolism in **Metabolic Diseases and Micronutrients Unit** (1993-2002) · Research on perinatal nutrition and metabolic imprinting in “**Physiopathologie des Adaptations Nutritionnelles” Unit** (since 2002) with an expertise in holistic approaches, using high-throughput proteomics and metabolomics profilings, to decipher mecanisms involved in human cohorts (preterm infants, infants exposed to gestational diabetes ) in collaboration with physiologists, neonatologists and endocrinologists and in animal (undernutrition or over-nutrition and hyperglycemic status) models of perinatal nutrition and their impact on offspring metabolic outcome and in milk research area. **2012**: Prize of the «Merit of Research» Foundation SanTDige – Institute of Diseases of the Gastrointestinal System (IMAD) of the University of Nantes. **Research Grants :** **2022-2026: National Research Agency (ANR-22-CE17-0039) GDM-MILK** - *‘Breast milk as a new paradigm for preserving offspring born from gestational diabetes-mother against adult diabetes*’, 698 192,66 € (**Coordinator**) **2021-2023: INRAE-AlimH Department (Metaprogram SYALSA). LactOMICS** – ‘*Nutri-metabolomic and chemical profilings of human breast milk and benefits-risk evaluation for infant health*’, 64 728 €. (**Coordinator**). **2019-2025: Project funded by the Clinical Research Department of the CHU of Rennes (ALLAITEMENT**)-*Breastfeeding study-An oral supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acid allows to increase their contents in breastmilk? *Grant PME-CHU Rennes (35RC17-8820)-Industrial partner: Association Bleu-Blanc-Cœur – Société Valorex 237 381 € (Partner) - **2017-2020**..***project CITRUPE***-Clinical Trial #NCT02801695- Grant AOI-CHU-Nantes, (**Principal investigator of metabolomic*s-worckpackage**), **2019: Institute of Intestinal Diseases (IMAD).** *Can maternal milk composition in lipids and miRNAs be modified by post-partum life style following gestational diabetes history*? 23 000 € (**Coordinator**). **2017: Institute of Intestinal Diseases (IMAD).** *Impact of antenatal maternal supplementation in glutathione precursor on oxidative balance and metabolome/lipidome signature of materno-fœtal unit in pregnant women at risk of premature birth*. 21 000 € (**Coordinator**). **2016: INRA-AlimH Department ("Omic for physiologists**"). I*nfluence of breast milk composition on the metabolic trajectory of preterm newborns in their first days of life*. 12 000 € (**Coordinator**). **2015-2018: Project funded by the Clinical Research Department of the CHU of Nantes.-GSH-MAP**. *Can antenatal maternal supplementation with N-acetylcysteine, the acetylated precursor of glutathione in a context of preterm delivery threat correct the new-born glutathione deficiency*? (Clinical Trial #NCT03596125) Grant AOI-CHU-Nantes (RC_15_0476) 99 066 € (**Coordinator**), **2015: INRA-AlimH Department (ANSSD).** *Influence of breast milk composition on the early metabolic trajectory of the newborn in a context of prematurity.* 12 000 € (**Coordinator**). **2007-2013: European Regional Development Fund Pays de la Loire (ERDF)**-*‘Impact of breast milk on neurodevelopment of preterm infant’. 45 000 € (**Principal investigator of metabolomic*s-worckpackage**), -**2009-2012. project Ajinomoto**« *Can citrulline supplementation enhance fetal and neonatal growth in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)*? ». Grant Ajinomoto Amino Acid Research Program (3ARP), Tokyo, Japan, *(**Principal investigator of metabolomic*s-worckpackage****), - **2006-2009 project ANR PROTNEONAT*** Hyperprotein neonatal nutrition: effects on intestinal, renal and hypothalamic maturation in newborns, and long-term consequences.*” Grant ANR-05-PNRA-009,.**(Principal investigator of metabolomic*s-worckpackage******), - **2008-2010 Regional project Pays de Loire «NUPEM****-Nutrition and metabolic fingerprinting »”. Grant : Collective Regional Project of Emergence,.(**WP-leader “Perinatal nutrition and metabolomic fingerprinting by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry**) · **Management of collaborative projects/service provisions with industry** - Director of 1 PhD student Paul BOBIN (2021-2024), Grant INRAE/Région Pays de La Loire. - Co-director of 1 PhD student Thomas SEVRIN (2018-2020), 4 publications, Grant with the industry FRANCE Bébé Nutrition, Laval, France.. - Co-director of 1 PhD student Aurore MARTIN AGNOUX 2010-2013), 4 publications, Grant with PONAN (Pôle Nantais Alimentation et Nutrition.
1989 : **Diplôme d’Ingénieur de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Biologie Appliquée à la Nutrition et à l’Alimentation (ENSBANA**) qui est devenue par la suite AgroSup de Dijon 1990 : **Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies** de Sciences et Technologies des Productions Végétales et Alimentaires, Option Sciences de l’Aliment, de l’Université de Nantes. 1993 : **Doctorat en Sciences des Aliments** de l’Université de Nantes. 2020 : **Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches** – Spécialité Nutrition et Pathologies Métaboliques de l’Université de Nantes – Ecole Doctorale Biologie Santé. <a name="_Toc33982765"></a><a name="_Toc33982265"></a><a name="_Toc33981971"></a><a name="_Toc33981709"></a>SOCIETES SAVANTES ET ASSOCIATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Membre de la Société Française de Nutrition (SFN) ([](file:///C:/Users/AppData/Local/Temp/HDR-Alexandre-Gouabau-UMR1280%20PhAN-02082020.doc) Membre de la Société francophone pour la recherche et l'éducation sur les Origines Développementales Environnementales et Epigénétiques de la Santé et des Maladies (SF-DOHaD (<>) Membre du Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et Fluxomique (RFMF) (<>) <a name="_Toc33982766"></a><a name="_Toc33982266"></a><a name="_Toc33981972"></a><a name="_Toc33981710"></a>*ENSEIGNEMENT* Enseignement exploratoire sur les approches « omiques » (Oniris- ING. 3ème année-Eureca-stat-Nantes) (2015) Animation Atelier Métabolomique – Ecole chercheurs Nutrition périnatale « Enjeux et conséquences pour l’alimentation humaine et les pratiques d’élevage » – Départements Scientifiques INRA Phase et AlimH – (2016) Enseignement sur la Métabolomique en Recherche Humaine (Master 2 "Nutrition et Science des Aliments-UE Bases méthodologiques des sciences de l’alimentation et de la nutrition" - Nantes) (2019 et 2020). <a name="_Toc33982767"></a><a name="_Toc33982267"></a><a name="_Toc33981973"></a><a name="_Toc33981711"></a>EXPERTISE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recherche sur le métabolisme des vitamines dans l’unité des Maladies Métaboliques et Micronutriments (1993-2002) **Recherche sur la Nutriton périnatale et la programmation métabolique** dans l’unité “**Physiopathologie des Adaptations Nutritionnelles”** (depuis 2002) **avec une expertise dans les approches holistiques de phénotypage protéomique et métabolomique à haut débit** en vue 1) d‘identifier les déterminants moléculaires impliqués dans les mécanismes de programmation nutritionnelle dans des échantillons (lait maternel, sang) issus de cohortes humaines présentant différent statut physiologique (prématurité, obésité, diabète gestationnel) et des échantillons (lait, tissus, sang) issus de modèles animaux (sous- ou sur-nutrition) et 2) d‘étudier les trajectoires métaboliques de la descendance et leur flexibilité métabolique. **2012**: Prix du Mérite de la Recherche – Fondation SanTDige – Institut des Maladies de l’Appareil Digestif de l’Université de Nantes. FINANCEMENTS ------------ **2022-2026: ANR-22-CE17-003 - GDM-MILK** - ‘*Le lait maternel un nouveau paradigme pour préserver la descendance née de mèeres ayant eu un diabète gestationnel du diabètes à l'âge adulte, 698 192,66 € (**Coordinatrice**) **2021-2023: INRAE-AlimH Department (Metaprogram SYALSA). LactOMIC**S – ‘*Les profilages nutrionnels et chimiques du lait humain et l'évaluation de la balance bénéfice-risque pour la santé de l'enfant*. 64 728 €. (**Coordinatrice**). **2019-2025: Project financé par le Département de la Recherche Clinique du CHU de Rennes (35RC17_8820_ALLAITEMENT)**-*Etude interventionnelle - Une supplémentation orale en acides gras polyinsaturés permet-elle d'augmenter leurs tenieurs dans le lait maternel *? 237 381 € (**Partenaire**) **2017-2020**..**CITRUPE***-Clinical Trial #NCT02801695-Direction Recherche Clinique-CHU-Nantes, (**Coordinatrice du Workpackage-Metabolomics****), **2019: Institut des Maladies de l’Appareil Digestif** “ *Can maternal milk composition in lipids and miRNAs be modified by post-partum life style following gestational diabetes history* ?.” 23 000 € (**Coordinatrice)**. **2017: Institut des Maladies de l’Appareil Digestif .** “*Impact of antenatal maternal supplementation in glutathione precursor on oxidative balance and metabolome/lipidome signature of materno-fœtal unit in pregnant women at risk of premature birth*.” 12 000 € (**Coordinatrice**). **2016**: **INRA-AlimH Department ("Omic for physiologists"**). “*Influence of breast milk composition on the metabolic trajectory of preterm newborns in their first days of life”*. **(Coordinatrice**). **2015**: **INRA-AlimH Department (ANSSD. **“*Influence of breast milk composition on the early metabolic trajectory of the newborn in a context of prematurity”*. 23 000 € (Coordinatrice). **2007-2013**: **European Regional Development Fund Pays de la Loire (ERDF**). “*Impact of breast milk on neurodevelopment of preterm infant.”* 45 000 € (**Coordinatrice du Workpackage-Metabolomics**) **2009-2011**: **Ajinomoto Amino Acid Research Program (3ARP),** Tokyo, Japan. “*Can citrulline supplementation enhance fetal and neonatal growth in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)*? (**Coordinatrice du Workpackage-Metabolomics)** **2008-2010 Regional project Pays de Loire «NUPEM****-Nutrition and metabolic fingerprinting »”. Grant : Collective Regional Project of Emergence,.*(**Coordinatrice du Workpackage-Metabolomics**) **2006-2009**: **ANR-05-PNRA-009 PROTNEONAT** “*Effect of high protein neonatal feeding in infants born small for gestational age*.” (**Coordinatrice du Workpackage-Metabolomics**) **·ENCADREMENT** Directrice de thèse de** **Paul BOBIN**** (2021-2024), Financement INRAE/Région Pays de La Loire. Co-directrice de thèse de **Thomas SEVRIN** (2018-2020), 4 publications, Financement FRANCE Bébé Nutrition, Laval, France.. Co-directrice de thèse de **Aurore MARTIN AGNOUX** (2010-2013), 4 publications, Financement PONAN (Pôle Nantais Alimentation et Nutrition.


Dietary Arginine Supplementation during Gestation and Lactation Increases Milk Yield and Mammary Lipogenesis in Rats

Thomas Sevrin , Charlène Sirvins , Agnès David , Audrey Aguesse , Alexis Gandon
Journal of Nutrition, 2021, 151 (5), pp.2188-2198. ⟨10.1093/jn/nxab152⟩
Journal articles hal-03264334v1

Three‐way clustering around latent variables approach with constraints on the configurations to facilitate interpretation

Véronique Cariou , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Tom Wilderjans
Journal of Chemometrics, 2021, 35 (2), ⟨10.1002/cem.3269⟩
Journal articles hal-03191052v1
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Breast milk protein content at week 3 after birth and neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants fed fortified breast milk

Clair-Yves Boquien , Hélène Billard , Laure Simon , Cecile Boscher , Arnaud Legrand
European Journal of Nutrition, 2021, 60 (7), pp.3959-3969. ⟨10.1007/s00394-021-02562-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03948500v1
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Fenugreek Stimulates the Expression of Genes Involved in Milk Synthesis and Milk Flow through Modulation of Insulin/GH/IGF-1 Axis and Oxytocin Secretion

Thomas Sevrin , Clair-Yves Boquien , Alexis Gandon , Isabelle Grit , Pierre de Coppet
Genes, 2020, 11 (10), ⟨10.3390/genes11101208⟩
Journal articles hal-03209164v1
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Simultaneous exploration of nutrients and pollutants in human milk and their impact on preterm infant growth: An integrative cross-platform approach

Germán Cano-Sancho , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Thomas Moyon , Anne-Lise Royer , Yann Guitton
Environmental Research, 2020, 182, pp.109018. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2019.109018⟩
Journal articles hal-02620289v1
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Moderate High Caloric Maternal Diet Impacts Dam Breast Milk Metabotype and Offspring Lipidome in a Sex-Specific Manner

Marie-Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Agnès David-Sochard , Anne-Lise Royer , Patricia Parnet , Vincent Paillé
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21 (15), pp.5428. ⟨10.3390/ijms21155428⟩
Journal articles hal-04667645v1
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Correction: Alexandre-Gouabau et al. “Comprehensive Preterm Breast Milk Metabotype Associated with Optimal Infant Early Growth Pattern”, Nutrients, 2019, 11, 528

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Thomas Moyon , Agnès David-Sochard , François Fenaille , Sophie Cholet
Nutrients, 2020, 12 (1), pp.162. ⟨10.3390/nu12010162⟩
Journal articles hal-04208485v1
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Impact of Fenugreek on Milk Production in Rodent Models of Lactation Challenge

Thomas Sevrin , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Blandine Castellano , Audrey Aguesse , Khadija Ouguerram
Nutrients, 2019, 11 (11), pp.2571. ⟨10.3390/nu11112571⟩
Journal articles hal-02463454v1
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Comprehensive preterm breast milk metabotype associated with optimal infant early growth pattern

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Thomas Moyon , Agnes Sochard , François Fenaille , Sophie Cholet
Nutrients, 2019, 11 (3), pp.1-26. ⟨10.3390/nu11030528⟩
Journal articles hal-02620327v1

Maternal protein restriction during lactation induces early and lasting plasma metabolomic and hepatic lipidomic signatures of the offspring in a rodent programming model

Aurore Martin Agnoux , Angelina El Ghaziri , Thomas Moyon , Anthony Pagniez , Agnès David
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2018, 55, pp.124-141. ⟨10.1016/j.jnutbio.2017.11.009⟩
Journal articles hal-02521240v1
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Breast Milk Lipidome Is Associated with Early Growth Trajectory in Preterm Infants

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Thomas Moyon , Véronique Cariou , Jean-Philippe Antignac , El Mostafa Qannari
Nutrients, 2018, 10 (2), pp.164. ⟨10.3390/nu10020164⟩
Journal articles hal-02429557v1
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Neonatal Citrulline Supplementation and Later Exposure to a High Fructose Diet in Rats Born with a Low Birth Weight: A Preliminary Report

Nhat Thang Tran , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Anthony Pagniez , Khadija Ouguerram , Clair-Yves Boquien
Nutrients, 2017, 9 (4), pp.1-15. ⟨10.3390/nu9040375⟩
Journal articles hal-01607137v1
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Use of water turnover method to measure mother's milk flow in a rat model: Application to dams receiving a low protein diet during gestation and lactation.

Thomas Sevrin , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Dominique Darmaun , Antoine Palvadeau , Agnès André
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (7), pp.e0180550. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0180550⟩
Journal articles hal-01607230v1

Higher concentrations of branched-chain amino acids in breast milk of obese mothers

Arnaud de Luca , Regis Hankard , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Veronique Ferchaud Roucher , Dominique Darmaun
Nutrition, 2016, 32 (11-12), pp.1295-1298. ⟨10.1016/j.nut.2016.05.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01605046v1

Calibration Adjustment of the Mid-infrared Analyzer for an Accurate Determination of the Macronutrient Composition of Human Milk

Hélène Billard , Laure Simon , Emmanuelle Desnots , Agnes Sochard , C. Boscher
Journal of Human Lactation, 2016, 32 (3), pp.19-27. ⟨10.1177/0890334415588513⟩
Journal articles hal-01487353v1
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Effect of pre- and postnatal growth and post-weaning activity on glucose metabolism in the offspring

Neele Dellschaft , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , David S. Gardner , Jean-Philippe Antignac , Duane H. Keisler
Journal of Endocrinology, 2015, 224 (2), pp.171 - 182. ⟨10.1530/JOE-14-0600⟩
Journal articles hal-02636958v1

Perinatal protein restriction affects milk free amino acid and fatty acid profile in lactating rats: potential role on pup growth and metabolic status

Aurore Martin-Agnoux , Jean-Philippe Antignac , Clair-Yves Boquien , Agnès David , Emmanuelle Desnots
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2015, 26 (7), pp.784-795. ⟨10.1016/j.jnutbio.2015.02.012⟩
Journal articles hal-02634633v1

AoV-PLS: a new method for the analysis of multivariate data depending on several factors

Angelina El Ghaziri , El Mostafa Qannari , Thomas Moyon , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Electrophoresis, 2015, 8 (2), pp.214 - 235. ⟨10.1285/i20705948v8n2p214⟩
Journal articles hal-02635984v1

Relative contribution of foetal and post-natal nutritional periods on feeding regulation in adult rats

A. Martin Agnoux , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Gwenola Le Dréan , Jean-Philippe Antignac , Patricia Parnet
Acta Physiologica, 2014, 210 (1), pp.188-201. ⟨10.1111/apha.12163⟩
Journal articles hal-02632499v1

Time window-dependent effect of perinatal maternal protein restriction on insulin sensitivity and energy substrate oxidation in adult male offspring

A. Agnoux , J.-P. Antignac , Gilles Simard , G. Poupeau , D. Darmaun
AJP - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2014, 307 (2), ajpregu.00015.2014. ⟨10.1152/ajpregu.00015.2014⟩
Journal articles hal-01389210v1

Maternal and Cord Blood LC-HRMS Metabolomics Reveal Alterations in Energy and Polyamine Metabolism, and Oxidative Stress in Very-low Birth Weight Infants

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Frederique Courant , Thomas Moyon , Alice Kuster , Gwénaëlle Le Gall
Journal of Proteome Research, 2013, 12 (6), pp.2764 - 2778. ⟨10.1021/pr400122v⟩
Journal articles hal-01928639v1
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Use of UPLC-ESI-MS/MS to quantitate free amino acid concentrations in micro-samples of mammalian milk.

Véronique Ferchaud Roucher , Emmanuelle Desnots , Charlotte Nael , Aurore Martin Agnoux , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
SpringerPlus, 2013, 2, pp.622. ⟨10.1186/2193-1801-2-622⟩
Journal articles hal-02647300v1

Statistical strategies for relating metabolomics and proteomics data: a real case study in nutrition research area

Thomas Moyon , Fabien Le Marec , El Mostafa Qannari , Evelyne Vigneau , Aurélie Le Plain
Metabolomics, 2012, 8 (6), pp.1090 - 1101. ⟨10.1007/s11306-012-0415-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01928661v1
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H-1-NMR-Based Metabolic Profiling of Maternal and Umbilical Cord Blood Indicates Altered Materno-Foetal Nutrient Exchange in Preterm Infants

Illa Tea , Gwenaelle Le Gall , Alice Kuester , Nadia Guignard , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (1), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0029947⟩
Journal articles hal-02142704v1

A Simple Continuum Approach for Canonical Correlation Analysis; Applications to “Omics” Data

El Mostafa Qannari , Evelyne Vigneau , Thomas Moyon , Frederique Courant , Jean-Philippe Antignac
Current Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 8 (2), pp.310 - 318. ⟨10.2174/157341112800392652⟩
Journal articles hal-01928672v1

Postnatal growth velocity modulates alterations of proteins involved in metabolism and neuronal plasticity in neonatal hypothalamus in rats born with intrauterine growth restriction

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Emilie Bailly , Thomas Moyon , Isabelle I. Grit , Berengere Coupe Coupé
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2012, 23 (2), pp.140-52. ⟨10.1016/j.jnutbio.2010.11.008⟩
Journal articles hal-02652580v1

Offspring Metabolomic Response to Maternal Protein Restriction in a Rat Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Frédérique Courant , Gwénaëlle Le Gall , Thomas Moyon , Dominique Darmaun
Journal of Proteome Research, 2011, 10 (7), pp.3292 - 3302. ⟨10.1021/pr2003193⟩
Journal articles hal-01928607v1

SFP-36 – Néonatalogie – Dynamique du protéome des cellules intestinales isolées de nouveau-nés de petits poids de naissance. Validation sur ratons RCIU

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Ousseynou Sarr , Pascale Fancal , Christine C. Hoebler , Bertrand Kaeffer
Archives de Pédiatrie, 2008, 15 (5), pp.934. ⟨10.1016/S0929-693X(08)72103-1⟩
Journal articles hal-02654267v1

Inflammation interferes with the assessment of vitamin A status in magnesium deficiency

Yves Rayssiguier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Bernard Lyan , Elyette Gueux , André Mazur
Magnesium Research, 2008, 21 (4), pp.237-239
Journal articles hal-02660827v1

Recovery of exfoliated cells from the gastrointestinal tract of premature infants: a new tool to perform "Noninvasive Biopsies?"

Bertrand Kaeffer , Clotilde Des Robert , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Anthony Pagniez , Arnaud Legrand
Pediatric Research, 2007, 62 (5), pp.564-569. ⟨10.1203/PDR.0b013e318155a402⟩
Journal articles hal-02661436v1

Pretreatment of starved rats with ornithine α-ketoglutarate: effects on hepatic mRNA levels and plasma concentrations of three liver-secreted proteins

Frédéric Segaud , Bernard Lardeux , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Fanny Bleiberg-Daniel , Samir Nakib
Nutrition, 2005, 21 (6), pp.732-739. ⟨10.1016/j.nut.2004.11.008⟩
Journal articles hal-02680809v1

Age-associated B vitamin deficiency as a determinant of chronic diseases

Patrick P. Brachet , Aurélie Chanson , Christian Demigné , Frederique Batifoulier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Nutrition Research Reviews, 2004, 17 (01), pp.55-68. ⟨10.1079/NRR200478⟩
Journal articles hal-02683298v1

PAV-1, a new rat hepatic stellate cell line converts retinol into retinoic acid, a process altered by ethanol

Patrick Sauvant , Vincent Sapin , Armand Abergel , Carsten Schmidt , Loïc Blanchon
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2002, 34 (8), pp.1017 - 1029. ⟨10.1016/S1357-2725(02)00023-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01918628v1

Retinol mobilization from cultured rat hepatic stellate cells does not require retinol binding protein synthesis and secretion

P. Sauvant , V. Sapin , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , I. Dodeman , S. Delpal
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2001, 33 (10), pp.1000-1012. ⟨10.1016/S1357-2725(01)00066-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01189671v1

Simple method for clinical determination of 13 carotenoids in human plasma using an isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic method

Bernard Lyan , Véronique Azaïs-Braesco , Nicolas Cardinault , Viviane Tyssandier , Patrick Borel
Journal of Chromatography B - Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2001, 751 (2), pp.297-303
Journal articles hal-02677788v1
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Processing of vitamin A and E in the human gastrointestinal tract

Patrick Borel , Bérengère Pasquier , Martine Armand , Viviane Tyssandier , Pascal Grolier
AJP - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 2001, 280 (1), pp.95-103
Journal articles hal-02679533v1
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Esterification of Vitamin A by the Human Placenta Involves Villous Mesenchymal Fibroblasts

Vincent Sapin , Samira Chaïb , Loïc Blanchon , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Didier Lémery
Pediatric Research, 2000, 48 (4), pp.565 - 572. ⟨10.1203/00006450-200010000-00024⟩
Journal articles hal-01918619v1

Plasma levels of 8-epiPGF2α, an in vivo marker of oxidative stress, are not affected by aging or Alzheimer’s disease

Christine Feillet-Coudray , Rémi Tourtauchaux , Michel Niculescu , Edmond Rock , Igor Tauveron
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 1999, 27 (3-4), pp.463-469. ⟨10.1016/S0891-5849(99)00096-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02696906v1

Plasma levels of 8-epiPGF2alpha, an in vivo marker of oxidative stress, are not affected by aging or Alzheimer's disease

C. Feillet Coudray , R. Tourtauchaux , M. Niculescu , Edmond Rock , I. Tauveron
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 1999, 27 (3-4), pp.463-469
Journal articles hal-02690679v1

Comparison of postprandial plasma vitamin A response in young and older adults

Patrick Borel , N. Mekki , Yves Boirie , Anne Partier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 1998, 53A (3), pp.133-140
Journal articles hal-02691963v1

The bioavailabilty of alpha- and beta-carotene is affected by gut microflora in the rat

Pascal Grolier , Patrick Borel , C. Duszka , Sandrine Lory , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
British Journal of Nutrition, 1998, 80 (2), pp.199-204
Journal articles hal-02690516v1

Chylomicron Beta-Carotene and retinyl palmitate responses are dramatically diminished when men ingest Beta-Carotene with medium-chain rather than long-chain triglycerides

Patrick Borel , Viviane Tyssandier , N. Mekki , Pascal Grolier , Yvanne Rochette
Journal of Nutrition, 1998, 128 (8), pp.1361-1367. ⟨10.1093/jn/128.8.1361⟩
Journal articles hal-02696749v1

Oxidative stress status and antioxidant status are apparently not related to carotenoid status in healthy subjects

Patrick Borel , Pascal Grolier , Yves Boirie , Léo Simonet , Elisabeth Verdier
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 1998, 132 (1), pp.61-66
Journal articles hal-02698343v1

The bioavailability of carotenoids is positively related to their polarity

Viviane Tyssandier , Patrick Borel , Georges Choubert , Pascal Grolier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Sciences des aliments = Food science : an international journal of food science and technology, 1998, 18 (3), pp.324
Journal articles hal-02696358v1

The bioavailability of alpha- and beta-carotene is affected by gut microflora in the rat

Pascal Grolier , Patrick Borel , C. Duszka , Sandrine Lory , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
British Journal of Nutrition, 1998, 80 (2), pp.199-204
Journal articles hal-02695374v1

Comparison of the postprandial plasma vitamin a response in young and older adults

Patrick Borel , N. Mekki , Yves Boirie , Anne Partier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 1998, 53A (2), pp.B133-B140. ⟨10.1093/gerona/53A.2.B133⟩
Journal articles hal-02699033v1

Dietary triglycerides, up to 40 g/meal, do not affect preformed vitamin A bioavailability in humans

Patrick Borel , C Dubois , N Mekki , Pascal Grolier , Anne Partier
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997, 51 (11), pp.717-722. ⟨10.1038/sj.ejcn.1600466⟩
Journal articles hal-02694144v1

In vivo and in vitro inhibition of beta-carotene dioxygenase activity by canthaxanthin in rat intestine

Pascal Grolier , C. Duszka , Patrick Borel , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Véronique Azaïs-Braesco
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1997, 348 (2), pp.233-238
Journal articles hal-02689488v1

Postprandial chylomicron and plasma vitamin E responses in healthy older subjects compared with younger ones

Patrick Borel , N. Mekky , Yves Boirie , Anne Partier , Pascal Grolier
European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1997, 27 (10), pp.812-821. ⟨10.1046/j.1365-2362.1997.1960744.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02699032v1

La biodisponibilite des carotenoides est d'autant plus forte qu'ils sont plus polaires. Etude chez la truite

Viviane Tyssandier , Patrick Borel , Georges Choubert , Pascal Grolier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 1997, 11 (suppl.), pp.15
Journal articles hal-02684321v1

Dietary triglycerides, up to 40g/meal, do not affect preformed vitamin A bioavailability in humans

Patrick Borel , C. Dubois , N. Mekki , Pascal Grolier , Anne Partier
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997, 51, pp.717-722
Journal articles hal-02683815v1

Vitamin A contained in the lipid droplets of rat liver stellate cells is substrate for acid retinyl ester hydrolase.

Véronique Azaïs-Braesco , Isabelle Dodeman , Serge S. Delpal , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Anne Partier
BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1995, 1259 (3), pp.271-276. ⟨10.1016/0005-2760(95)00173-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02713862v1

Diet covering omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 pufa) needs in pregnant and breastfeeding women increases their levels in breast milk: open prospective randomized study

Ronan Thibault , Bernard Schmitt , Philippe P. Legrand , Daniel D. Catheline , Mathieu Guillevic
56th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, May 2024, Milan (Italie), Italy
Conference papers hal-04737770v1

Diet covering the needs for polyunsaturated fatty acids (pufa) omega-3 (n-3) in pregnant and lactating women allows to increase their levels in breast milk: an open prospective randomized study

Ronan Thibault , Bernard Schmitt , Philippe P. Legrand , Daniel D. Catheline , Mathieu Guillevic
46th ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Sep 2024, Milan (Italie), Italy
Conference papers hal-04737788v1

Une alimentation couvrant les besoins en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) oméga-3 (n-3) chez la femme enceinte et allaitante permet d’augmenter leurs teneurs dans le lait maternel : étude ouverte prospective randomisée

Ronan Thibault , Bernard Schmitt , Philippe P. Legrand , Daniel D. Catheline , Mathieu Guillevic
Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Dec 2023, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-04737805v1

La composition du lait maternel en biomarqueurs régulateurs de l'homéostasie énergétique est altérée par une hyperglycémie maternelle durant la période périnatale chez la rate

Bobin Paul , David-Sochard Agnès , Blandine Castellano , Mikaël Croyal , Le Dréan
Réunion "Glande mammaire, lait" Galactinnov 202, Galactinov Group, Oct 2023, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-04390323v1
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L'homéostasie énergétique de la descendance exposée in utero à une hyperglycémie maternelle est modulée à long terme selon la composition du lait maternel reçu pendant la période d'allaitement

Bobin Paul , David-Sochard Agnès , Castellano Blandine , Gandon Alexis , Croyal Mikaël
Congrès de la SF-Dohad, SF DOHaD, Nov 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04390355v1

L’exposition in utero à l’hyperglycémie maternelle impacte le métabolome/lipidome plasmatique de la descendance à court terme et son homéostasie énergétique à long terme selon la composition du lait maternel reçu pendant la période d’allaitement.

Bobin Paul , Castellano Blandine , Amandine Lefebvre , Isabelle I. Grit , David-Sochard Agnès
Journées Francophones de Nutrition, JFN, Dec 2023, Marseile, France
Conference papers hal-04390468v1

Concentration en protéines du lait maternel à la troisième semaine après la naissance et neurodéveloppement des enfants prématurés nourris au lait maternel enrichi

Clair-Yves Boquien , Hélène Billard , Laure Simon , Cecile Boscher , Arnaud Legrand
5ème congrès de la SF-DOHaD, Nov 2021, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Conference papers hal-04227446v1

Métabotype du lait maternel en lien avec la croissance précoce pondérale des enfants nés prématurés

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
XVIII Journée de l’animation transversale "Glande mammaire, lait, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02736896v1

La métabolomique et ses perspectives en médecine

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
6ème Congrès Association des Pédiatres du Sud de Paris, Sep 2019, Serris-Val d’Europe, France
Conference papers hal-02787628v1

Impact of the increase of omega 3 intake during gestation and lactation on offspring in a maternal protein restriction model

Valentine Moulle , Blandine Castellano , Agnes Sochard , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Patricia Parnet
23 rd Annual Meeting LARC-Neurosciences Network, Oct 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-02735631v1

Metabolomic-exposomic approach based in high resolution mass spectrometry to explore complex environmental-health associations: a proof-of-concept study with preterm infants

Germán Cano-Sancho , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Yann Guitton , Philippe Marchand , Clair-Yves Boquien
31st annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Aug 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02735998v1

Une supplémentation maternelle postnatale en fenugrec augmente la production de lait dans un modèle de rate allaitant 12 ratons.

Thomas Sevrin , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Blandine Castellano , Dominique D. Darmaun , Clair-Yves Boquien
Journées francophones de nutrition, Nov 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02735559v1

Mesure de la production de lait par enrichissement isotopique à l'eau deutérée dans un modèle rongeur : application à une supplémentation en fenugrec pendant la lactation

Thomas Sevrin , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Blandine Castellano , Khadija Ouguerram , Dominique D. Darmaun
journée « Transversalité Glande Mammaire et Lait 2019», UMR 1280 PhAN. FRA., Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02735622v1

Breast Milk Lipidome Is Associated with Early Growth Trajectory in Preterm Infants.

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Thomas Moyon , Véronique Cariou , Jean-Philippe Antignac , El Mostafa Qannari
4ème congrès de la Société francophone pour la recherche et l'éducation sur les Origines Développementales Environnementales et Epigénétiques de la Santé et des Maladies (SF DOHAD), Nov 2018, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02736108v1

Breast milk lipidome as a predictive component of postnatal growth trajectory in preterm infants

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Thomas Moyon , Véronique Cariou , El Mostafa Qannari , Mickael Croyal
Société Française d’Electrophorèse et d’Analyse Protéomique (SFEAP)- Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et Fluxomique (RFMF), Oct 2017, Disneyland Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02736107v1

Maternal/fetal metabolomics in intrauterine growth restriction and preterm birth

Dominique D. Darmaun , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Jean-Philippe Antignac
Fetal Physiology Satellite Meeting, 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI)., Mar 2016, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-02742315v1

Analysis of multivariate data depending on several factors: ANOVA-PLS

Thomas Moyon , El Mostafa Qannari , Angelina El Ghaziri , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
XVIème Congrès Chimiométrie, Université de Genève (Unige). CHE. Groupe Français de Chimiométrie (GFC), FRA., Jan 2015, Genève, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02799238v1

Le lipidome du lait maternel prédictif de la trajectoire pondérale postnatale du prématuré.

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Jean-Philippe Antignac , M Molamine , El Mostafa Qannari , V. Cariou
Journées Francophones de Nutrition, 2015, Marseille, France. pp.37, ⟨10.1016/j.nupar.2016.10.020⟩
Conference papers hal-02620358v1

Can we trust untargeted metabolomics: results of the metabo-ring study

Alexandre Verdu , Bernard Lyan , Carole Migné , Catherine Defoort , Cécile Canlet
2. African-European Conference on Chemometrics - Afrodata 2012, Nov 2012, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Conference papers hal-01595486v1

SFRP-02 – Recherche expérimentale – Effet mémoire d’une alimentation hyperprotéique chez le raton

Eloise E. Delamaire , Christine C. Hoebler , Catherine Michel , Bertrand Kaeffer , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Congrès des Sociétés Françaises Médico-chirurgicales Pédiatriques, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.1031, ⟨10.1016/S0929-693X(08)72420-5⟩
Conference papers hal-02663339v1

The bioavailability of carotenoids is positively related to their polarity

Viviane Tyssandier , Patrick Borel , Georges Choubert , Pascal Grolier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
Symposium on Animal and Human Nutrition of the Association Française de Nutrition, Nov 1998, La Villette, France
Conference papers hal-02837132v1

La biodisponibilite des carotenoides est d'autant plus forte qu'ils sont plus polaires. Etude chez la truite

Viviane Tyssandier , Patrick Borel , Georges Choubert , Pascal Grolier , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau
1. Journées Francophones de Nutrition (JFN), Nov 1997, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02836584v1

Dietary patterns of mothers of preterm infants and its relationship with levels of persistent organic pollutants in their milk during the first month postpartum

Germán Cano-Sancho , Thomas Moyon , Hélène Billard , C Boscher , L Simon
International Congress of the European Milk Bank Association, Oct 2023, Madrid, Spain
Conference poster hal-04644019v1
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Le diabète gestationnel induit des modifications de la composition du lait maternel qui pourraient avoir des répercussions sur l'homéostasie énergétique de la descendance

Bobin Paul , De Coppet Pierre , David-Sochard Agnès , Croyal Mikaël , Amar Abderrahmani
Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference poster hal-04658944v1

Gestationnal diabetes mellitus modifies human milk content in insulin sensitivity-regulators

Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Gwenola Le Dréan , Bertrand Kaeffer , Amar Abderrahmani , Pierre de Coppet
DOHaD World Congress, Aug 2022, Vancouver, Canada
Conference poster hal-04659252v1

Dietary fenugreek supplementation impacts mammary gland gene expression in a lactating rat model.

Thomas Sevrin , Clair-Yves Boquien , Blandine Castellano , Alexis Gandon , Pierre de Coppet
Virtual workshop of the International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation, Aug 2020, Stocholm, Sweden
Conference poster hal-03533117v1

Impact d’un enrichissement maternel en oméga 3 pendant la gestation et la lactation sur la descendance dans un modèle de dénutrition protéique maternelle chez le rat

Valentine Moulle , Blandine Castellano , Agnes Sochard , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Patricia Parnet
Journées Francophones de Nutrition (JFN), Nov 2019, Rennes, France. , 2019
Conference poster hal-02736322v1

Impact d’une restriction protéique périnatale dans un modèle rongeur (rate) sur la production de lait maternel à l’aide de la méthode d’enrichissement isotopique à l’eau deutérée

Thomas Sevrin , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Dominique D. Darmaun , A. Andre , P. Nguyen
4ème congrès SF-DOHAD, Nov 2018, Grenoble, France. 2018
Conference poster hal-02735619v1

Effets d’une supplémentation en citrulline sur la production de lait dans un modèle de rate en restriction protéique périnatale

Thomas Sevrin , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Dominique D. Darmaun , Agnès André , Patrick Nguyen
Journées francophones de nutrition, Nov 2016, Montpellier, France. , 2016
Conference poster hal-02741742v1

Higher concentrations of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) in breast milk of obese mothers

A. de Luca , Régis Hankard , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher , Dominique D. Darmaun
Journées Francophones de Nutrition (JFN), Nov 2016, Montpellier, France. 2016
Conference poster hal-02743026v1

Higher concentrations of branched-chain amino acids in breast milk of obese mothers

Arnaud de Luca , Régis Hankard , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher , Dominique D. Darmaun
2nd congrès SF-DOHAD, Dec 2016, Paris, France. 2016
Conference poster hal-02743837v1

New formulation for multi-block-partial least squares discriminant analysis

Véronique Cariou , El Mostafa Qannari , Mohamed Soumah , Marie Cécile Alexandre-Gouabau , Thomas Moyon
AgroStat 2016 Congress - 14. Symposium on Statistical Methods for the Food Industry, Mar 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2016
Conference poster hal-02801394v1

Gastro-intestinal peptides and first meal pattern following energy restriction in a rat model of intra-uterine growth restriction

Gwenola Le Dréan , Aurore Martin-Agnoux , Jean-Vianney Haure-Mirande , Berengere Coupe , Patricia Parnet
4. International Conference on Nutrition & Growth Conference, Mar 2012, Paris, France. 2012
Conference poster hal-01604132v1