Marie-Line Bosse
Researcher identifiers
- marie-line-bosse
- 0000-0002-9864-380X
- IdRef : 084588136
**University Professor of Psychology**
Université Grenoble Alpes, UFR SHS - Bâtiment Michel Dubois, CS 40700 38058 GRENOBLE Cedex 9 FRANCE
Laboratory LPNC Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neuro-Cognition (UMR 5105 CNRS)
**Research interests:**
I study the cognitive mechanisms of written language acquisition. My work aims to :
\- enhance the comprehension of reading and spelling acquisition mechanisms and of specific learning disabilities
\- improve efficiency of the educational methods in this field.
To reach these goals, I essentially use experimental, training and longitudinal studies on children and young adults with and without specific learning acquisition impairments.
I am particularly interested in:
\- the acquisition of lexical spelling
\- the visual processing of written words during reading acquisition
\- the mechanisms of the very beginning of learning to read
**Research keywords:**
Reading acquisition
Spelling and orthographic acquisition
Developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia
Visual attention span
Early literacy acquisition
Education and effective teaching
**Research main collaborators (alphabetic order):**
Gérard Bailly, Maryse Bianco, Pascal Bressoux, Nadège Doignon-Camus, Aline Frey, Emilie Gerbier, Jean-Luc Roulin, Sylviane Valdois, Daniel Zagar.
**Research, PhD supervision:**
2022-2025: Camille Charrier. Co-directed with Julien Diard, LPNC, UGA.Title: "Bayesian modeling of orthographic and phonological processes and representations, andtheir interaction in tasks related to reading and its acquisition".
2019-2023 : Céline Pobel-Burtin. Co-directed with Maryse Bianco, LARAC, UGA. Title: "The establishment of an effective protocol of "response to intervention" (RTI) of level 2 in first grade classroom: the optimal conditions".
2018-2023 : Hayat Sabri. Co-directed with Jean-Luc Roulin, LPNC, USMB. Title : "Psychométric evaluation of child intelligence in Morocco : from the study of biases when using WISC V to the elaboration of a relevant tool".
2017-2022 : Carole Hanner. Co-directed with Pascal Bressoux, LARAC, UGA. Title : "Relations between reading and spelling from first to third grade".
2019-2021 : Cynthia Boggio. Co-directed with Maryse Bianco, LARAC, UGA. Title : "Evaluation and ergonomy of a new method to teach reading in first grade". Cynthia Boggio is now Post-doc in the LPNC, Université Grenoble Alpes.
2017-2020 : Erika Godde. Co-directed with Gérard Bailly, Gipsa-lab, UGA. Title : "Development and acquisition of prosody in reading aloud". Erika Godde is now Lecturer at Bourgogne University (INSPE).
2008-2012 : Nathalie Chaves. PhD in developmental Psychology, co-directed with Pierre Largy, Université Toulouse 2 le Mirail. Title : " The role of visual attention span in the acquisition of lexical orthographic knowledge". Nathalie Chaves is now a clinical psychologist.
2015-now : Professor in cognitive psychology
2006-2015 : Lecturer in cognitive psychology
2002-2006 : temporary teacher in cognitive psychology
1986-2002 : Teacher for primary school children
**Teaching main contents :**
Reading and spelling acquisition
Learning processes
Developmental dyslexia and others specific learning disabilities
Developmental Neuropsychology
Methodology in experimental psychology
**Main responsabilities:**
2022 - 2024 : Team leader of the TRANS3 project
2020 - now : Team leader of the Action 3, PEGASE Project, Université Grenoble Alpes
2016 - now : Head of the Master 2 "Neuropsychologie de l’Enfant", UGA.
2013 - 2017 : Team leader of the Language team, LPNC.
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Acquisition du langage écrit et empan visuo-attentionnel : une étude longitudinaleN. Marec-Breton, A. S. Besse, F. de La Haye, N. Bonneton & E. Bonjour. Approche Cognitive de l'apprentissage de la langue écrite, PUR, pp.132-141, 2009, Psychologies
Book sections
Comment l'enfant produit-il l'orthographe des mots ?Philippe Dessus & Edouard Gentaz. Apprendre et enseigner à l'école, Dunod, pp.43-58, 2006
Book sections
Activités et adaptations pédagogiques pour la prévention et la prise en compte de la dyslexie à l'écoleS. Valdois, P. Colé, & D. David. Apprentissage de la lecture et dyslexies développementales : de la théorie à la pratique, Solal, pp.233-258, 2004
Book sections
Activités et adaptations pédagogiques pour la prévention et la prise en compte de la dyslexie à l'écoleValdois, Colé et David. Apprentissage de la lecture et dyslexies développementales, Solal, pp.233-258, 2004
Book sections
A reading karaoke to improve reading rate, reading prosody and comprehension31st Annual Conference Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR 2024), Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Jul 2024, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers
Réplication d’une expérimentation sur l’enseignement explicite de l’orthographe en CE1 dans le cadre du mémoire de master MEEF : un exemple de formation des professeurs des écoles stagiaires à et par la rechercheColloque international en hommage à Jacques Ginestié, Aix-Marseille Université, INSPE d'Aix-Marseille, Oct 2023, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Syllable-first rather than letter-first to improve phonemic awareness.27th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Jul 2021, Online Conference, France
Conference papers
Des résultats de la recherche aux pratiques pédagogiques : Rôle de l’implémentation dans la mise en place de séances de compréhension dans des classes françaises de 2ème année (CE1)Symposium International sur la Littéracie à l'Ecole (SILE), May 2021, Sherbrooke (à distance), France
Conference papers
Suivi longitudinal de la fluence en lecture par évaluation automatique de la paroleEIAH 2021 - 10e Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Jun 2021, Fribourg (Virtual), Suisse. pp.70-81
Conference papers
Expérimentation à grande échelle d'applications pour tablettes pour favoriser l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'anglais oralEIAH 2021 - 10e Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Marie Lefevre, Christine Michel, Jun 2021, Fribourg, Suisse. pp.118-129
Conference papers
EVASION, ELARGIR et LUCIOLE : 3 jeux tablettes du projet FLUENCE pour prévenir les difficultés d’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’anglaisPRUNE II 2021 - Colloque Perspectives de Recherches sur les Usages du Numérique dans l'Éducation, Apr 2021, Paris (virtuel), France
Conference papers
Predicting Multidimensional Subjective Ratings of Children' Readings from the Speech Signals for the Automatic Assessment of FluencyLREC 2020 - 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), May 2020, Marseille, France. pp.317-322
Conference papers
Reading Prosody Development: Automatic Assessment for a Longitudinal StudySLaTE 2019 - 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Sep 2019, Graz, Austria. ⟨10.21437/SLaTE.2019-20⟩
Conference papers
Un Karaoké pour Entraîner Prosodie et Compréhension en LectureEIAH 2019 - Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Improving fluency of young readers: introducing a Karaoke to learn how to breath during a Reading-while-Listening taskSLaTE 2017 - 7th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Aug 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.127-131, ⟨10.21437/SLaTE.2017-22⟩
Conference papers
Evaluation of Reading Performance of Primary School Children: Objective Measurements vs. Subjective RatingsWOCCI 2017 - 6th Workshop on Child Computer Interaction, Nov 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨10.21437/WOCCI.2017-4⟩
Conference papers
Prevalence of phonological, RAN and VA span deficits in 6th grade poor readers16th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Jul 2016, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Visual attention span at kindergarten predicts reading speed at grade 110th BDA International Conference, Mar 2016, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers
The effect of audio-visual synchronization in reading while listening to texts: An eye-tracking studyESCOP 2015 - 19th Meetings of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Sep 2015, Paphos, Cyprus
Conference papers
Using Karaoke to enhance reading while listening: impact on word memorization and eye movementsSLaTE 2015 - ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Sep 2015, Leipzig, Germany. pp.59-64
Conference papers
First written word processing in kindergarten: evaluation of the educational practice of “offered words”.SILE conference Initial Reading: “I read and become a reader”, Sep 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Heterogeneous cognitive profiles of 6th grade poor readersInternational Conference of Applied Psychology ICAP, Jul 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
The lexical orthographic knowledge acquisition for reading: role of visual simultaneous processingSILE conference Initial Reading: “I read and become a reader”, Sep 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Visual attention span, phonemic awareness and reading performance: evidence from Brazilian childrenInternational Conference of Applied Psychology ICAP, Jul 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Implication of whole-word processing in orthographic learning6th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, Jun 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Le traitement visuel simultané est-il impliqué dans l'apprentissage de l'orthographe lexicale à tous les niveaux scolaires ?6ème Colloque international du RIPSYDEVE; Actualités de la Psychologie du Développement et de l'Éducation, May 2013, Toulouse, France. pp.49-56
Conference papers
Visual motor & attention aspects of dyslexiaConference on Visual Perception, Sep 2012, Alghero, Italy
Conference papers
Du décodage à l'expertise, que savons-nous ?Les troubles du langage écrit : de l'enfance à l'âge adulte, Mar 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Les facteurs cognitifs impliqués dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe lexicale3ème journée scientifique CERTA-Résodys, May 2012, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Le traitement visuel simultané est-il un facteur cognitif impliqué dans l'apprentissage de l'orthographe lexicale chez l'adulte?Congrès SFP, Sep 2011, Metz, France
Conference papers
Orthographic learning during reading: The role of whole-word visual processingESCOP Congress, Sep 2011, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference papers
L’acquisition des connaissances orthographiques lexicales pendant la lecture: le traitement visuel serait-il impliqué?All European Dyslexia Conference, Apr 2010, Brugges, Belgique
Conference papers
Échelle MultiDimensionnelle de Fluence EMDF2021
Other publications
COREVA, outil d’entrainement progressif de l’empan visuo-attentionnel. Ortho-Editions, Isbergues.2014
Other publications
Evaluation des éléments moteurs de l'implémentation2022
Rapport de la recherche LONGIT[Rapport de recherche] Université Grenoble - Alpes. 2016
Rapport de la recherche LONGIT.Université Grenoble Alpes. 2016