Improving continuous monitoring of evapotranspiration by combining data from future thermal infrared missions
Albert Olioso
Simon Carrière
Phillipe Gamet
Emilie Delogu
Marie Weiss
International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal EO 2023, European Space Agency (ESA), May 2023, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
Pré-traitement des donnés satellite & produits pour les données optiques
Marie Weiss
Télédétection et Economie, Réseau télédétection, Jun 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Estimation of leaf chlorophyll content in wheat using millimeter-scale imagery: comparison of RGB and multispectral sensors
Sylvain Jay
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Venault
Gaetan Daubige
CAPTE workshop, May 2022, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Evapotranspiration mapping from remote sensing data: uncertainties and ensemble estimates based on multimodel-multidata simulations
Albert Olioso
Simon Carrière
Aubin Allies
Hugo Desrutins
José Sobrino
Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS), Universitat de Valencia, Sep 2022, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Improving Evapotranspiration Continuous Monitoring with a Future Thermal Infrared Mission
Albert Olioso
Simon Damien Carriere
Marie Weiss
Pierre Guillevic
EO for Water Cycle Science 2020, ESA, Nov 2020, On-Line Event, Italy
Conference papers
The p2s2 validation database for decametric resolution crop products: green area index, fraction of intercepted light, green fraction and chlorophyll content
Marie Weiss
Kamran Irfan
Simon Madec
François Charron
Jean-François Dejoux
Conference papers
Validation and Comparison of Cropland Leaf Area Index Retrievals from Sentinel-2/MSI Data Using Sl2P Processor and Vegetation Indices Models
Najib Djamai
Richard Fernandes
Marie Weiss
Heather Mcnairn
Kalifa Goita
IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Jul 2019, Yokohama, Japan. pp.4595-4598, ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8900557⟩
Conference papers
Estimation of sugar beet resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot disease using UAV multispectral imagery
S Jay
A Comar
R Benicio
N Henry
Marie Weiss
7th International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods in the Plant Sciences (IAMPS), Jul 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Déploiement de la plateforme de traitement des données de phénotypage haut débit 4P sur l'infrastructure France Grilles
Vincent Negre
Eric David
Marie Weiss
Philippe Burger
Romain Chapuis
Journées Calcul et Données (JCAD 2019), Oct 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
The P2S2 segmentation dataset: annotated in-field multi-crop RGB images acquired under various conditions
Simon Madec
Kamran Irfan
Etienne David
Kaaviya Velumani
Gaetan Daubige
7th International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods in the Plant Sciences (IAMPS), Jul 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Developing crop specific algorithms to derive accurate GAI and Chlorophyll Content from SENTINEL-2 data: 4D modeling & machine learning
Jingyi Jiang
Marie Weiss
Shouyang Liu
Frédéric Baret
Living Planet Symposium, May 2019, Milan, Italy. pp.1-16
Conference papers
Estimation of recharge in karst aquifer using improved evapotranspiration monitoring thanks to remote sensing data
Chloé Ollivier
Albert Olioso
Naomi Mazzilli
Konstantinos Chalikakis
Cécile Velluet
Eurokarst 2018, Jul 2018, Besançon, France
Conference papers
First Evaluation of Land Surface Emissivity Spectra Simulated with the Sail-Thermique Model
Albert Olioso
Frédéric Jacob
Marie Weiss
38. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). USA., Jul 2018, Valencia, Spain. pp.3951 - 3954, ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8519436⟩
Conference papers
Evaluation of Spectral Land Surface Emissivity Simulated with the SAIL-Thermique Model
Albert Olioso
Frédéric Jacob
Marie Weiss
ITBMS 2018, 13th International IR Target and Background Modeling & Simulation Workshop, Jun 2018, Banyuls, France
Conference papers
A surface albedo product at high spatial resolution from a combination of sentinel-2 and landsat-8 observations
Jean-Louis Roujean
Albert Olioso
Olivier Hagolle
Marie Weiss
38. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). USA., Jul 2018, Valencia, Spain. pp.4
Conference papers
Added value of sentinel-2A Spectral bands to estimate the canopy chlorophyll content of winter wheat fields in Belgium
Cindy Delloye
Marie Weiss
Pierre Defourny
5. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing: RAQRS'V, Sep 2017, Torrent, Spain. 221 p
Conference papers
Effects of view and sun directions and reproductive organs on crop reflectance
Wenjuan Li
Frederic Baret
Marie Weiss
Simon Madec
Alexis Comar
5. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing: RAQRS'V, Sep 2017, Torrent, Spain. 221 p
Conference papers
Simulation of land surface emissivity spectra with the sailthermique model. Evaluation and application to emissivity and surface temperature extraction from multispectral data
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Jacob
Audrey Lesaignoux
5. International symposium : Recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, Sep 2017, Valencia, Spain. 221 p
Conference papers
The problem of radiometric calibration for UAV observations acquired under changing illumination conditions
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Simon Madec
Wenjuan Li
5th international symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS'V), Sep 2017, Valencia, Spain. 221 p
Conference papers
Comparison of physically-based and empirical methods for retrieval of LAI and FAPAR over specific and generic crops using Landsat-8 data
Fernando Camacho de Coca
Frederic Baret
Marie Weiss
Wenjuan Li
Beatriz Fuster
5. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing: RAQRS'V, Aug 2017, Valencia, Spain. 221 p., ⟨10.13140/RG.2.2.28106.88003⟩
Conference papers
The impact of canopy structure assumption on the retrieval of GAI (Green area index) and FIPAR (Fraction of intercepted radiation)
Jingyi Jiang
Frederic Baret
Marie Weiss
Sheng Liu
5. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing: RAQRS'V, Sep 2017, Torrent, Spain
Conference papers
EVASPA : EVapotranspiration Assessment from SPAce
Albert Olioso
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Malik Bahir
Gilles Boulet
Marie Weiss
Workshop modélisation de surface, Nov 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Operational 333m biophysical products of the copernicus global land service for agriculture monitoring
Roselyne Lacaze
Bruno Smets
Frederic Baret
Marie Weiss
Didier Ramon
Conference papers
Monitoring evapotranspiration over the Crau Aquifer from remote sensing and flux tower data.
Albert Olioso
Malik Bahir
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Sébastien Garrigues
Maria Mira Sarrio
Conference internationale MISTRALS 2015 Environment in the mediterranean statements and prospects for research and society, Oct 2015, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Apport de la télédétection pour l’étude des systèmes de culture dans le cadre de la gestion de l’eau.
Dominique Courault
Jean-François Dejoux
Valérie Demarez
Michel Le Page
Albert Olioso
Séminaire organisé par l’UMT eau « Connaitre et modéliser les systèmes de culture d’un territoire dans un but de gestion quantitative de l’eau", Apr 2014, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Quality Assessment and Continuous Quality Monitoring of SPOT/VGT LAI, FAPAR global products in the Copernicus Global Land Service.
F Camacho
J. Sanchez
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Aleixandre Verger
Ipve Land products validation and evolution workshop, Jan 2014, Rome Italy
Conference papers
Near real time, global, LAI, FAPAR and cover fraction products derived from PROBA-V, at 300m and 1km resolution
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Aleixandre Verger
Roselyne Lacaze
Didier Ramon
Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling (GV2M), Feb 2014, Avignon, France. 21 p
Conference papers
MODIS albedo validation with higher spatial resolution estimates from Formosat-2.
M. Mira
Dominique Courault
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
GV2M Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Comparing vegetation structural variables retrieval performances when using nadir viewing, multidirectional observations or albedo top of canopy reflectance.
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Aleixandre Verger
W. Verhoef
RAQRS'IV Fourth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing , Sep 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
Near real time, global, LAI, FAPAR and cover fraction products derived from PROBA-V, at 300m and 1km resolution.
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Aleixandre Verger
R. Lacaze
D. Ramon
Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Near real time estimation of biophysical variables within Copernicus global land service.
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
B. Smets
R. Lacaze
Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
. Evaluation of EVASPA a tool for mapping evapotranspiration from space.
B. Gallero-Elvira
Malik Bahir
A-G Garcia
J. Hunink
A. Baille
GV2M Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, Feb 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Validation of MODIS albedo products with higher spatial resolution estimates from FORMOSAT-2.
M. Mira
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Dominique Courault
Olivier Hagolle
RAQRSS'IV 4th International Symposium in Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Oct 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
Exploitation d’images acquises par drone pour la caractérisation de la structure des rangs de vigne.
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Ateliers Proxi-détection, 2014, Angers, France
Conference papers
Review of methods for FAPAR and FIPAR measurements,
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
B. de Solan
First FAPAR sub-group Workshop , Jan 2014, Ispra, Italy
Conference papers
The operational 333 m biophysical products of the Copernicus Global Land Service. In J. Sobrino
R. Lacaze
B. Smets
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
D. Ramon
RAQRS'IV 4th International Symposium in Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Sep 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
MODIS albedo validation with higher spatial resolution estimates from FORMOSAT.
M. Mira
Dominique Courault
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
GV2M Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Near real time, global, LAI, FAPAR and cover fraction products derived from PROBA-V, at 300 m and 1 km resolution.
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
R. Lacaze
D. Ramon
Laurent Wandrebek
Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Comment la télédétection peut aider à la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau à l’échelle du territoire ?
Dominique Courault
J.-P. Wigneron
Albert Olioso
J.-P. Lagouarde
Frédéric Baret
Séminaire GIRE-Goute, Mar 2014, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Quantification of leaf area index anomalies from global VEGETATION observations.
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
I Filella
J Peñuelas
Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Development and assessment of leaf area index algorithms for the Sentinel-2 multispectral imager
Richard Fernandes
Marie Weiss
Fernando Camacho
Beatrice Berthelot
Fred Baret
Conference papers
MODIS albedo validation with higher spatial resolution estimates from FORMOSAT-2
Maria Mira Sarrio
Dominique Courault
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
GV2M: Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, Feb 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Cartography of irrigated crops and estimation of biophysical variables with high temporal and spatial resolution images.
D. Morin
M. Battude
S. Laurence
S Valero
Claire Marais-Sicre
Perspective Sentinel 2 workshop LPVE -Land Product Validation and Evolution, 2014, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
GEOV2/VGT: Near real time estimation of LAI, FAPAR and cover fraction variables from VEGETATION data within Copernicus Global Land service.
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
B. Smets
F Camacho
Fourth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing , 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
De l’image numérique à la donnée scientifique: Qu’est-ce qu’une image numérique?
Marie Weiss
Marie Francoise M. F. Devaux
P. Andrey
David Legland
Ecole Image INRA: De l'image numérique à la donnée scientifique : quelles démarches d'analyse et de traitement d'images ?, 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Estimation of phonological indicators and irrigated areas of crops with high temporal and spatial resolution images, in the perspectives of the Sentinel 2 mission.
M. Battude
D. Morin
S. Laurence
S Valero
Claire Marais-Sicre
GV2M Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, Feb 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Towards an operational production of 300m resolution biophysical products in the Copernicus Global Land Service,
R. Lacaze
B. Smets
I. Trigo
S. Freitas
A. Jann
GV2M Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, Feb 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
BELMANIP2: Enhancement of the CEOS-BELMANIP ensemble of sites used for the validation of land products from medium resolution sensors.
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Aleixandre Verger
Fourth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing , 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
Evaluation of EVASPA, a tool for mapping evapotranspiration from space
Albert Olioso
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Malik Bahir
A.G. Garcia
J. Hunink
RAQRS'IV, 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Sep 2014, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Which vegetation structure variables are best estimated from remote-sensing observations in the solar reflective domain?
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Aleixandre Verger
W. Verhoef
GV2M Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling, Feb 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Evaluation of EVASPA, a tool for mapping evapotranspiration from space.
Albert Olioso
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Malik Bahir
A. G. Garcia
J. Hunink
Fourth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing , 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
Evaluations of the EVASPA tool for mapping EVApotranspiration from SPAce.
B. Gallero-Elvira
Malik Bahir
A-G Garcia
J. Hunink
A. Baille
7th Hymex workshop, Oct 2013, Cassis, France
Conference papers
Global response of land surface phenology to climate variability.
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
I Filella
J Peñuelas
7th international Workshop on the analysis of multi-temporal remote sensing images, 2013, Calgary, Canada
Conference papers
Evaspa (evapotranspiration assessment from space) tool : overview and first assessments.
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Albert Olioso
M. Mira
Sergio Reyes-Castillo
Gérard Boulet
International Conference on Monitoring and Modeling Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Processes, Jun 2013, Naples Italy
Conference papers
Operational delivery of long time series of biophysical variables in the copernicus land service.
P Pacholczyk
Roselyne Lacaze
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Aleixandre Verger
IEEE International Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Jul 2013, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
EVASPA (EVapotranspiration Assessment from SPAce) tool: an overview
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Albert Olioso
Maria Mira Sarrio
Sergio Reyes Castillo
Gilles Boulet
Conference papers
GEOV2/VGT: near real time estimation of global biophysical variables from VEGETATION-P data
Aleixandre Verger Ten
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Conference papers
Validation of MODIS albedo products with high resolution albedo estimates from FORMOSAT-2
Maria Mira Sarrio
Dominique Courault
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Olivier Marloie
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). New-York, USA., Jul 2013, Melbourne, Australia. ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723520⟩
Conference papers
Validation of MODIS products with high resolution albedo estimates from FORMOSAT-2.
M. Mira
Dominique Courault
Albert Olioso
Marie Weiss
Olivier Marloie
IGARSS 2013 Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE International Symposium, Jul 2013, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Albert Olioso
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Maria Mira
Sergio Reyes-Castillo
Gilles Boulet
IEEE International Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Jul 2013, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Operational delivery of long time series of biophysical variables in the copernicus land service
Philippe Pacholczyk
Roselyne Lacaze
Frederic Baret
Marie Weiss
Aleixandre Verger
Conference papers
. Evaspa (evapotranspiration assessment from space) tool : overview and first assessments.
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Albert Olioso
M. Mira
Sergio Reyes-Castillo
Gérard Boulet
EGU 2013 Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013., Apr 2013, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
EVAPSA (Evapotranspiration Assissment from SPAce) tool: overview and first assessments.
Albert Olioso
Belen Gallego-Elvira
M. Mira
Sergio Reyes-Castillo
Gérard Boulet
33rd EARSeL Symposium, 2013, Matera, Italy
Conference papers
EVASPA (EVapotranspiration Assessment from SPAce) tool: overview and first assessments.
Albert Olioso
Belen Gallego-Elvira
M. Mira
Sergio Reyes-Castillo
Gérard Boulet
Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE International Symposium , 2013, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
GEOV2/VGT: continuous, consistent and near real time estimation of global land surface biophysical variables from VEGETATION-P data, MultiTemp 2013.
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
7th international Workshop on the analysis of multi-temporal remote sensing images, 2013, Calgary, Canada
Conference papers
Evaluation of EVASPA, a tool for mapping evapotranspiration from space.
Belen Gallego-Elvira
Malik Bahir
A-G Garcia
J. Hunink
A. Baille
7th Hymex workshop, Oct 2013, Cassis, France
Conference papers
Global trends in vegetation phenology from 32-year GEOV1 leaf area index time series
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Iolanda Filella
Joseph Penuelas
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013., Apr 2013, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Uncertainties on evapotranspiration derived from Landsat images depending on reliability of albedo input data over a Mediterranean agricultural region.
M. Mira
Dominique Courault
Olivier Hagolle
Olivier Marloie
S. Castillon
Sentinel-2 Preparatory Symposium, ESA-ESRIN, 2012, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
Validation of GEOLAND-2 SPOT/VGT Albedo products by using CEOS OLIVE methodology.
F Camacho de Coca
J Sanchez
C Schaaf
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2012, San Francisco, France
Conference papers
Spatial and Temporal constraints for deriving LAI from S2 like observations.
Frédéric Baret
Aleixandre Verger
S. Buis
Marie Weiss
LPVE Sentinel-2 Preparatory Symposium, ESA-ESRIN, Apr 2012, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
Optimal spatial resolution for agriculture applications: from decametric to kilometric observations. .
Frédéric Baret
L. Suarez
Marie Weiss
1st EARSeL Workshop on Temporal Analysis of Satellite Images, May 2012, Mykonos, Greece
Conference papers
Use of GEOV1 climatology based on 11 years of consistent observations: identification of trends at the global scale.
Frédéric Baret
Aleixandre Verger
Marie Weiss
H Makhmara
B. Lacaze
1st EARSeL Workshop on Temporal Analysis of Satellite Images, May 2012, Mykonos, Greece
Conference papers
Free delivery of a 30-Year vegetation product archive by the BIOPAR land monitoring core service.
P Pacholczyk
H Makhmara
R Lacaze
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2012, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
32 years of consistent global LAI and FAPAR GEOV1 biophysical products from AVHRR and VEGETATION sensors.
Frédéric Baret
Aleixandre Verger
Marie Weiss
R. Lacaze
P Pacholczyk
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2012, san Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Validating fAPAR derived from medium sensor resolution using the CEOS Tool : On Line Validation Exercise.
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
T. Block
B. Scholtze
B. Koetz
3rd MERIS-(A)ATSR,OLCI-SLSTR Preparatory Workshop, ESA-ESRIN, 2012, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Roselyne Lacaze
Hassan Makhmara
32th EARSel Symposiumon Temporal Analysis of Satellite Images,, May 2012, Mykonos, Greece
Conference papers
Validation and Temporal Analysis of LAI and FAPAR Products Derived from Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data.
M. Claverie
E. Vermote
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Valérie Demarez
3rd MERIS/(A)ATSR,OLCI/SLSTR Preparatory Workshop, Oct 2012, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
GEOV2 LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER Products from MERIS RR and FR Observations: Principles and Validation.
Frédéric Baret
Aleixandre Verger
Marie Weiss
T. Block
T. Brockmann
Sentinel-3 OLCI/SLSTR and MERIS/(A)ATSR workshop,, Oct 2012, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
Validation and temporal analysis of LAI and FAPAR products derived from medium resolution sensors.
M. Claverie
E. Vermote
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Olivier Hagolle
AGU Fall Meeting, 2012, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
. Monitoring Semiarid Agroecosystems with Products Derived from Vegetation and Future Proba-V Datasets.
C. Di Bella
A. Garcia
M.E. Beget
P. Oricchio
J. Straschnoy
1st EARSeL Workshop on Temporal Analysis of Satellite Images, May 2012, Mykonos, Greece
Conference papers
Production of the high resolution maps of biophysical variables based on spot imagery and in-situ measurements generated by pastis 57 for Hyytiala, Finland
Anita Simic
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Rémi Lecerf
Alfredo Alessandrini
IGARSS 2012 Symposium, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). USA., Jul 2012, Munich, Germany. n.p., ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6351854⟩
Conference papers
Near-real time estimates of leaf area index from avhrr time series data
Sivasathivel Kandasamy
Aleixandre Verger Ten
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Samuel Buis
IGARSS 2012 Symposium, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). USA., Jul 2012, Munich, Germany. n.p., ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6352745⟩
Conference papers
Production d'indicateurs phénologiques sur un paysage agricole par désagrégation de données à moyenne résolution.
A. Fournier
Marie Weiss
P Lecharpentier
S. Buis
Martine Guerif
Colloque de restitution TOSCA-CNES, Mar 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
Transferts hydriques aquifère-sol-végétation-atmosphère
Albert Olioso
Stéphane Ruy
Andre Chanzy
Dominique Courault
Milanka Babic
La plaine de Crau : Ecologie et conservation d'une steppe méditerranéenne, Réserve naturelle Coussouls de Crau., Nov 2011, Saint Martin de Crau, France
Conference papers
FAPAR estimates at various scales.
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
34th International Symposium on Remote Science and Environment (ISRSE), 2011, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers
OLIVE : a CEOS/LPV tool for on line validation of global land products.
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Y. Block
B. Koetz
R Fernandes
Sentinel 4 Science Workshop (SEN4SCI), Mar 2011, Frascati, Italy
Conference papers
Transferts hydriques aquifère-sol-végétation-atmosphère.
Albert Olioso
S. Ruy
D. Chanzy
Dominique Courault
Milanka Babic
Colloque des 10 ans de la Réserve des Coussouls de Crau. « La plaine de Crau : Écologie et conservation d'une steppe méditerranéenne ». Bilan des travaux scientifiques récents. Définition des perspectives de recherche. Enjeux de territoire., 2011, Saint-Martin-de-Crau, France
Conference papers
Quantification of LAI interannual anomalies by adjusting climatological patterns
Aleixandre Verger
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Sivasathivel Kandasamy
Eric Vermote
Conference papers
Improving the Consistency and Continuity of MODIS 8 Day Leaf Area Index Products
Sivasathivel Kandasamy
Philippe Neveux
Aleixandre Verger
Samuel Buis
Marie Weiss
Conference papers
fAPAR (fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation) estimates at various scales.
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Environment (ISRSE), 2011, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers
Retrieving crop specific green area index from remote sensing data when the spatial resolution is close to the target field size
Gregory Duveiller
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Allard de Wit
Pierre Defourny
RAQRS III. Third International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Sep 2010, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
LAI remote sensing products and simulated LAI: an intercomparison over FRANCE
Sébastien Lafont
Yang Zhao
Marie Weiss
Jean-Christophe Calvet
Philippe Peylin
III. RAQRS. International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Sep 2010, Torrent, Valencia, Spain. 5 p
Conference papers
FAPAR over Europe for the past 29 years: A temporally consistent product derived from AVHRR and VEGETATION Sensors
Marie Weiss
Frédéric Baret
Herman Eerens
Else Swinnen
RAQRS III. Third International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Sep 2010, Torrent, Valencia, Spain. 6 p
Conference papers
Defining the revisit frequency for the MISTIGRI project of a satellite mission in the thermal infrared
Jean-Pierre Lagouarde
Albert Olioso
Jean-Louis Roujean
Gilles Boulet
Benoît Coudert
3. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing: RAQRS'III, Sep 2010, Torrent, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Consistent and accurate LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER global products: principles and evaluation of GEOV1 products
Frédéric Baret
Marie Weiss
Roselyne Lacaze
Fernando Camacho
Philippe Pacholcyzk
RAQRS III. Third International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Sep 2010, Torrent, Valencia, Spain. 9 p
Conference papers
Monitoring evapotranspiration by assimilating remote sensing data into a dynamic SVAT model over the Alpilles test site
Albert Olioso
Vincent Rivalland
Jérôme Demarty
Marie Weiss
Philippe Rossello
International Conference Earth Observation for vegetation monitoring and water management, Oct 2005, Naples, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
Lai products and validation for hydrological processes
Frédéric Baret
Bruno Combal
Sophie Moulin
Cédric Bacour
Marie Weiss
27. EGS/ European Geophysical Union general assembly, Apr 2002, Nice, France. 1 p
Conference papers