Marion Fischer-Le Saux
PhD, Scientist, INRAE
Open access
Current affiliations
- 1096417
- 1151052
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 198034458
Research domains
Systematics, Phylogenetics and taxonomy
Phytopathology and phytopharmacy
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How to name those to blame: A practical taxonomical study of the Xanthomonas causing bacterial leaf spot of lettuce has major consequences for the boundaries delimitation of X. hortorum14èmes Rencontres Plantes-Bactéries, Jan 2020, Aussois, France
Conference papers
Who’s who : Resolving the taxonomy of the causal agent of bacterial leaf spot of lettuce through a polyphasic approach leads to combine Xanthomonas hortorum Vauterin et al. 1995 and Xanthomonas cynarae (Trébaol 2000) Timilsina et al. 2018EuroXanth COST Action 3rd Annual Conference, Sep 2019, Lednice, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Le CIRM : préserver la biodiversité microbienne pour soutenir l'innovationJournées Recherche-Industrie Management des ressources microbiennes, May 2018, Narbonne, France
Conference papers
Divergence et flux de gènes au sein du complexe d'espèces Xanthomonas axonopodis : histoires neutre et adaptative13èmes rencontres plantes bacteries, Societe Francaise de Phytopathologie (SFP). FRA. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), FRA. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), FRA., Jan 2018, Aussois, France
Conference papers
CIRM : préserver la biodiversité microbienne pour soutenir l’innovation14.congrès national de la Société Française de Microbiologie (SFM), Oct 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
The Pectobacterium complex: Diversity and phylogenyInternational Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Jul 2018, Boston, United States. pp.1
Conference papers
A novel type III Xop effector in Xanthomonas cynarae associated with rapid cell deathAnnual Meeting the American-Phytopathological-Society (APS), The American Phytopathological Society (APS). USA., Sep 2017, San Antonio, United States. pp.1
Conference papers
Xanthomonas cynarae shares its host range with a closely related species, Xanthomonas gardneri5th International Symposium on Tomato Diseases - Perspectives and Future Directions in Tomato Protection, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2016, Malaga, Spain. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1207.35⟩
Conference papers
Characterization of Multiple Groups of Data2015 IEEE 27th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2015, Vietri sul Mare, Italy. ⟨10.1109/ICTAI.2015.146⟩
Conference papers
Training and Education Provided by Microbial Culture Collections in Europe (II): Overview on Current Demand and Needs of Customers of the MIRRI Consortium33. Annual Meeting of the European Culture Collections Organisation, Jun 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
R-SYST network : a French consortium for barcoding and species identificationJournées annuelles de la Société Française de Systématique : "Systématique et sciences participatives", Oct 2013, Paris, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Outil pour la détection et l'étude de l'épidémiologie de Pseudomonas syringae pathovar porri, agent de la graisse du poireau7. Colloque National de la Société Française de Phytopathologie, Jun 2009, Lyon, France. 1 p
Conference papers
A multilocus sequence analysis of Xanthomonas campestris reveals a complex structure within crucifer-attacking pathovars or this speciesXanthomonas Genomic Conference 2009, Colorado State University [Fort Collins] (CSU). USA., Jul 2009, Pingree Park, Colorado, United States. 1 p
Conference papers
Développement des infrastructures de la Collection Française de Bactéries Phytopathogènes (CRB certifié ISO9001:2000) et génotypage de ses ressourcesSéminaire AIP Bio Ressources Séquençage et Ressources Génétiques, Oct 2009, Toulouse, France. pp.Non communiqué
Conference papers
Genetic diversity of non-fluorescent pseudomonads associated with tomato pith necrosis in Portugal15. Meeting of the EUCARPIA Tomato Working Group, Sep 2005, Bari, Italy
Conference papers
Computer-assisted identification and clustering for regulated phytopathogenic bacteria : construction of a reference database and development of a computer systemEPPO Conference on Quality of Diagnosis and New Diagnostic Methods for Plant Pests, Apr 2004, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
Conference papers
Application of PCR-RFLP of 16S rDNA to study the symbionts of tropical EPNsBacterial symbionts of entomopathogenic nematides (EPNs), Apr 1998, Wellesbourne, Warwick, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Identification of Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus, bacteria associated with tropical entomopathogenic nematodes by amplified ribosoma DNA restriction analysis2. International workshop on Molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics of pathogenic micro-organisms, May 1997, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Characterization of Multiple Groups of Data27. IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Nov 2015, Vietri sul Mare, Italy. IEEE Computer Society, 2015, 2015 IEEE 27. International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). ⟨10.1109/ICTAI.2015.146⟩
Conference poster
PhyloSearch, a new tool for plant pathogenic bacteria identification, developed by CFBP12th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, ICPPB, 2010, Saint Denis, France. , 2010
Conference poster
Étude de la biodiversité des bactéries symbiotiques des nématodes entomopathogènes, définition de nouvelles espèces, et mise en évidence d'une co-spéciationSciences du Vivant [q-bio]. Université Montpellier 2 (Sciences et Techniques), 1999. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩