Marta Zaffaroni
Researcher identifiers
- marta-zaffaroni
- 0000-0002-2951-8626
I am an environmental engineer with a PhD in Agronomical Sciences.
I am interested in seeking effective, sustainable and durable solutions for agriculture, specifically for pest and disease control. I employ mathematical modeling as my preferred tool to achieve these goals.
In my previous research, I explored the impact of fertilization and irrigation on natural plant defences against pest damage. Currently my focus is on disease-resistant plant, and I am actively engaged in developing spatial deployment strategies to enhance their efficacy and durability.
* 2017-2020 PhD in Agrosciences & Science, Avignon Université (Avignon, France)
* 2014-2017 Master in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy)
**Academic Position**
* 2023-2024 Postdoctoral research fellow at UMR Santé et Agroécologie du Vignoble, INRAE Centre Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux (Villenave d'Ornon, France). Project ANR: "Combining varieties to compel the adaptation of plant pathogen populations : how to solve the efficiency - sustainability - adoption trade-off (COMBINE)”
* 2021-2022 Postdoctoral research fellow at UMR Santé et Agroécologie du Vignoble, INRAE Centre Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux (Villenave d'Ornon, France). Project Ecophyto “Vers des Mosaïques agricoles économes en pesticides : de la modélisation à la concertation territoriale pour le déploiement des cépages résistants (MÉDÉE)”
Designing innovative spatial strategies to control black leaf streak disease of banana through modelling approachXXIV Congreso International Acorbat, Apr 2024, Mexico, Mexico
Conference poster
Modelling plant resistance deployment: the R package {landespi}9. Rencontres R, Jun 2023, Avignon, France
Conference poster
Epidemiological, evolutionary and economic outcomes associated to the coexistence of monogenic and pyramided resistant cultivars in agricultural landscapes: a case-study with the management of downy mildew in wine growing areasConference poster hal-04195663v2 |
Disentangling the effects of genetic recombination and dormancy linked to pathogen sexual reproduction on the effectiveness and durability of resistance deployment strategiesConference poster hal-04427315v1 |
Modelling plant resistance deployment: the R package landsepiConference poster hal-03694823v1 |
No Wetland is an islandConference poster hal-02788004v1 |
Modelling plant-aphid interactions explicitly considering the role of cultural practices : Peach (Prunus persica) - green aphid (Myzus persicae) as study caseAgricultural sciences. Université d'Avignon, 2020. English. ⟨NNT : 2020AVIG0723⟩
Les résistantes2024