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Miguel Colom

Senior researcher at Centre Borelli, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.
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I'm a senior researcher at Centre Borelli, in École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay. My main research interest is digital image processing, especially blind noise estimation, blind denoising, compression and, in general, signal processing. I work on satellite design (specifically, on the SMOS-HR mission), as well as on detection of falsifications in images and video. I obtained the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) on November 20, 2019, and I'm qualified by CNU (sections 26 and 27) for full-professor positions. I'm part of the Editorial Board of the journal Image Processing On Line (IPOL) and I serve as the technical director of its demo system. The source code of the IPOL development version along with the LaTeX documentation is available on GitHub. I'm a member of the Task Force on Infrastructures for Quality Research Software of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), on which we (1) Foster the development and deployment of tools and services that allow researchers to properly archive, reference, describe with proper metadata, share and reuse research software, (2) improve the quality of research software, and (3) increase recognition to software developers and maintainers of research software as a valuable research artifact.
Je suis enseignant-chercheur senior au Centre Borelli, à l'École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay. Mon principal domaine de recherche est le traitement numérique des images, en particulier l'estimation aveugle du bruit, le débruitage aveugle, la compression et, en général, le traitement du signal. Je travaille sur la conception de satellites (en particulier, sur la mission SMOS-HR), ainsi que sur la détection de falsifications dans les images et les vidéos. J'ai obtenu l'HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) le 20 novembre 2019, et je suis qualifié par le CNU (sections 26 et 27) pour des postes de professeur des universités. Je fais partie du comité éditorial de la revue Image Processing On Line (IPOL) et j'assure la direction technique de son système de démonstration. Le code source de la version de développement d'IPOL ainsi que la documentation LaTeX sont disponibles sur GitHub. Je suis membre du groupe de travail sur les infrastructures pour des logiciels de recherche de qualité de l'European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), au sein duquel nous (1) encourageons le développement et le déploiement d'outils et de services qui permettent aux chercheurs d'archiver, de référencer, de décrire avec des métadonnées appropriées, de partager et de réutiliser les logiciels de recherche, (2) d'améliorer la qualité des logiciels de recherche, et (3) d'accroître la reconnaissance des développeurs et des mainteneurs de logiciels de recherche en tant qu'artefact de recherche important.

Research domains


Recherche reproductible Traitement d'image et vidéo Image satellite


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Reproducible research policies and software/data management in scientific computing journals: a survey, discussion, and perspectives

Jose Armando Hernandez , Miguel Colom
Frontiers in Computer Science, 2025, 6, ⟨10.3389/fcomp.2024.1491823⟩
Journal articles hal-04925959v1
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A Signal-dependent Video Noise Estimator Via Inter-frame Signal Suppression

Yanhao Li , Marina Gardella , Quentin Bammey , Tina Nikoukhah , Rafael Grompone von Gioi
Image Processing On Line, 2023, 13, pp.280-313. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2023.420⟩
Journal articles hal-04473424v1
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The approach to reproducible research of the Image Processing On Line (IPOL) journal

Alice Nicolaï , Quentin Bammey , Marina Gardella , Tina Nikoukhah , Olivier Boulant
Informatio, 2022, 27 (1), ⟨10.35643/Info.27.1.7⟩
Journal articles hal-04122026v1
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A Reliable JPEG Quantization Table Estimator

Tina Nikoukhah , Miguel Colom , Jean-Michel Morel , Rafael Grompone von Gioi
Image Processing On Line, 2022, 12, pp.173-197. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2022.399⟩
Journal articles hal-03858141v1
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Forgery Detection in Digital Images by Multi-Scale Noise Estimation

Marina Gardella , Pablo Musé , Jean-Michel Morel , Miguel Colom
Journal of Imaging, 2021, ⟨10.3390/jimaging7070119⟩
Journal articles hal-03289618v1
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Irregular Layout For A Satellite's Interferometric Array

Paul Krzakala , Amine Assouel , Max Dunitz , Eric Anterrieu , François Cabot
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, 14, pp.9408-9423. ⟨10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3109730⟩
Journal articles hal-03348429v1
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ZERO: a Local JPEG Grid Origin Detector Based on the Number of DCT Zeros and its Applications in Image Forensics

Tina Nikoukhah , Jérémy Anger , Miguel Colom , Jean-Michel Morel , Rafael Grompone von Gioi
Image Processing On Line, 2021, 11, pp.396-433. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2021.390⟩
Journal articles hal-03821084v1

Computing the daily reproduction number of COVID-19 by inverting the renewal equation using a variational technique

Luis Alvarez , Miguel Colom , Jean-David Morel , Jean-Michel Morel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 118 (50), pp.173-197. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2105112118⟩
Journal articles hal-04122172v1
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Local JPEG Grid Detector via Blocking Artifacts, a Forgery Detection Tool

Tina Nikoukhah , Miguel Colom , Jean-Michel Morel , Rafael Grompone von Gioi
Image Processing On Line, 2020, 10, pp.24-42. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2020.283⟩
Journal articles hal-03858165v1
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A Daily Measure of the SARS-CoV-2 Effective Reproduction Number for all Countries

Tahar Zamene Boulmezaoud , Luis Álvarez , Miguel Colom , Jean-Michel Morel
Image Processing On Line, 2020, 10, pp.191-210. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2020.304⟩
Journal articles hal-03135000v1
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Using the IPOL Journal for Online Reproducible Research in Remote Sensing

Miguel Colom , Tristan Dagobert , Carlo de Franchis , Rafael Grompone Von Gioi , Charles Hessel
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13, pp.6384-6390. ⟨10.1109/JSTARS.2020.3032100⟩
Journal articles hal-03135023v1

Full-spectrum denoising of high-SNR hyperspectral images

Miguel Colom , Jean-Michel Morel
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2019, 36 (3), pp.450. ⟨10.1364/JOSAA.36.000450⟩
Journal articles hal-03135040v1
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Numerical Simulation of Landscape Evolution Models

Marc Lebrun , Miguel Colom , Jérôme Darbon , Jean-Michel Morel
Image Processing On Line, 2018, 8, pp.219-250. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2018.205⟩
Journal articles hal-03135043v1
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Analysis and Extension of the PCA Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image

Miguel Colom , Antoni Buades
Image Processing On Line, 2016, 5, pp.365-390. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2016.124⟩
Journal articles hal-03135049v1

Multiscale Image Blind Denoising

Marc Lebrun , Miguel Colom , Jean-Michel Morel
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015, 24 (10), pp.3149-3161. ⟨10.1109/TIP.2015.2439041⟩
Journal articles hal-03135055v1

Nonparametric Multiscale Blind Estimation of Intensity-Frequency-Dependent Noise

Miguel Colom , Marc Lebrun , Antoni Buades , Jean-Michel Morel
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015, 24 (10), pp.3162-3175. ⟨10.1109/TIP.2015.2438537⟩
Journal articles hal-03135052v1

Nonparametric noise estimation method for raw images

Miguel Colom , Antoni Buades , Jean-Michel Morel
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2014, 31 (4), pp.863. ⟨10.1364/JOSAA.31.000863⟩
Journal articles hal-03135057v1

Analysis and Extension of the Ponomarenko et al. Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image

Miguel Colom , Antoni Buades
Image Processing On Line, 2013, 3, pp.173-197. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2013.45⟩
Journal articles hal-03135061v1

Analysis and Extension of the Percentile Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image

Miguel Colom , Antoni Buades
Image Processing On Line, 2013, 3, pp.332-359. ⟨10.5201/ipol.2013.90⟩
Journal articles hal-03135058v1

Secrets of image denoising cuisine

M. Lebrun , Miguel Colom , A. Buades , J. Morel
Acta Numerica, 2012, 21, pp.475-576. ⟨10.1017/S0962492912000062⟩
Journal articles hal-03135063v1
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MaskSim: Detection of synthetic images by masked spectrum similarity analysis

Yanhao LI , Quentin Bammey , Marina Gardella , Tina Nikoukhah , Jean-Michel Morel
2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Jun 2024, Seattle, United States. pp.3855-3865, ⟨10.1109/CVPRW63382.2024.00390⟩
Conference papers hal-04716636v1
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A blockchain-based unified PID with applications in healthcare

Jose Armando Hernandez Gonzalez , Miguel Colom
The Sixth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2024), Nov 2024, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Conference papers hal-04812524v1
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Rethinking the AI Startups creation business and management model

Jose Armando Hernandez Gonzalez , Miguel Colom
2024 International Conference on Engineering Management of Communication and Technology (EMCTECH), Oct 2024, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-04807702v1
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OVD-SaaS: Online Verifiable Data Science as a Service, an architecture of microservices for industrial artificial-intelligence applications: Architecture and study cases

Jose Armando Hernandez Gonzalez , Thibaut Germain , Billel Yadoughi , Miguel Colom
2024 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS), Oct 2024, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-04812531v1
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Détection a contrario de la double compression vidéo et application préliminaire à la détection de deepfakes

Yanhao Li , Marina Gardella , Quentin Bammey , Tina Nikoukhah , Jean-Michel Morel
XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images GRETSI 2023, Aug 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-04473498v1
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PRNU-Based Source Camera Statistical Certification

Marina Gardella , Pablo Musé , Miguel Colom , Jean-Michel Morel , Denis Perraud
2023 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2023), Dec 2023, Nuremberg, Germany. ⟨10.1109/WIFS58808.2023.10375045⟩
Conference papers hal-04478545v1
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Multi-snapshot inversion of interferometric synthetic aperture microwave radiometry observations for remote sensing

Max Dunitz , Eric Anterrieu , Ali Khazaal , Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez , Yann Kerr
2023 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA 2023), Nov 2023, Gênes, Italy. pp.457-462, ⟨10.1109/CAMA57522.2023.10352689⟩
Conference papers hal-04473824v1
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Non-Semantic Evaluation of Image Forensics Tools: Methodology and Database

Quentin Bammey , Tina Nikoukhah , Marina Gardella , Rafael Grompone von Gioi , Miguel Colom
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan 2022, Waikoloa, Hawai, United States. ⟨10.1109/wacv51458.2022.00244⟩
Conference papers hal-03859749v1
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Video Signal-Dependent Noise Estimation via Inter-Frame Prediction

Yanhao Li , Marina Gardella , Quentin Bammey , Tina Nikoukhah , Rafael Grompone von Gioi
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Oct 2022, Bordeaux, France. pp.1406-1410, ⟨10.1109/icip46576.2022.9897605⟩
Conference papers hal-03898863v1
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Development Efforts for Reproducible Research: Platform, Library and Editorial Investment

Miguel Colom , José Armando Hernández , Bertrand Kerautret , Benjamin Perret
RRPR 2022: Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, Aug 2022, Montréal, Canada. pp.3-21, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-40773-4_1⟩
Conference papers hal-04229847v1
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Noisesniffer: a Fully Automatic Image Forgery Detector Based on Noise Analysis

Marina Gardella , Pablo Musé , Jean-Michel Morel , Miguel Colom
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), May 2021, Rome, Italy. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/IWBF50991.2021.9465095⟩
Conference papers hal-03243928v1

A new L-band passive radiometer for earth observation : SMOS-high resolution (SMOS-HR)

N.J. Rodriguez-Fernandez , Eric Anterrieu , F. Cabot , Jacqueline Boutin , Ghislain Picard
IGARRS.International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Sep 2020, Waikoloa, United States. pp.5978-2981, ⟨10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324685⟩
Conference papers hal-03927608v1

SMOS-HR: A High Resolution L-Band Passive Radiometer for Earth Science and Applications

Nemesio J Rodríguez-Fernández , Eric Anterrieu , Bernard Rougé , Jaqueline Boutin , Ghislain Picard
IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Jul 2019, Yokohama, Japan. pp.8392-8395, ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8897815⟩
Conference papers hal-04789495v1
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JPEG Grid Detection based on the Number of DCT Zeros and its Application to Automatic and Localized Forgery Detection

Tina Nikoukhah , J Anger , T Ehret , Miguel Colom , J M Morel
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, Jun 2019, Long Beach, United States
Conference papers hal-03859737v1
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The IPOL Demo System: A Scalable Architecture of Microservices for Reproducible Research

Martín Arévalo , Carlos Escobar , Pascal Monasse , Nelson Monzón , Miguel Colom
1st Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, Dec 2016, Cancun, Mexico. pp.3-16, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-56414-2_1⟩
Conference papers hal-01571616v1
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Preface of the proceedings of the First International Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, RRPR 2016

Bertrand Kerautret , Miguel Colom , Pascal Monasse
First International Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, RRPR 2016, 2016, Mexico, Mexico
Conference papers hal-01616745v1
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IPOL: a new journal for fully reproducible research; analysis of four years development

Miguel Colom , Bertrand Kerautret , Nicolas Limare , Pascal Monasse , Jean-Michel Morel
Workshop NTMS 2015 on Reproducibility in Computation Based Research, Jul 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01181282v1

Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition

Bertrand Kerautret , Miguel Colom , Adrien Krähenbühl , Daniel Lopresti , Pascal Monasse
RRPR 2022, 14068, Springer International Publishing, 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-40773-4⟩
Proceedings hal-04148940v1
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Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition: Third International Workshop, RRPR 2021

Bertrand Kerautret , Miguel Colom , Adrien Krähenbühl , Daniel Lopresti , Pascal Monasse
12636, Springer International Publishing, 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-030-76422-7. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-76423-4⟩
Proceedings hal-04092674v1

Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, Second International Workshop, RRPR 2018

Bertrand Kerautret , Miguel Colom , Daniel Lopresti , Pascal Monasse , Hugues Talbot
Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, Second International Workshop, RRPR 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11455, Springer Cham, 2018, 978-3-030-23986-2. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-23987-9⟩
Proceedings hal-02172999v1
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Ensure Software Quality

Mario David , Miguel Colom , Daniel Garijo , Leyla Jael Castro , Violaine Louvet
European Comission. 2024,
Reports hal-04485911v1
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Task Force Sub Group 3 - Review of Software Quality Attributes and Characteristics

Mario David , Miguel Colom , Daniel Garijo , Leyla Jael Castro , Violaine Louvet
European Comission. 2023,
Reports hal-04184377v1
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Scholarly Infrastructures for Research Software

Roberto Di Cosmo , Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez , Jean-François Abramatic , Kay Graf , Miguel Colom
European Comission. 2020,
Reports hal-04134056v1
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Multiscale Noise Estimation and Removal for Digital Images

Miguel Colom
Image Processing [eess.IV]. Universitat de les Illes Balears (Espagne), 2014. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-04124122v1
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Direct and inverse imaging. Applications to satellite design and to forgery detection.

Miguel Colom
Signal and Image Processing. ENS Paris-Saclay, 2019
Accreditation to supervise research tel-02418066v1