Shorted Stacked Patch Array for Photonic Beam Steering at mm-Waves
Charikleia Tzimoragka
Ronan Sauleau
Mehdi Alouini
Cyril Paranthoen
David Gonzalez-Ovejero
Conference papers
Modulated metasurface array for photonic beam steering at W band
Jérôme Taillieu
Ronan Sauleau
Mehdi Alouini
David Gonzalez-Ovejero
Conference papers
Continuous Phase Modulations for Sub-THz Wireless Communications
Paul Desombre
Jérôme Taillieu
Charikleia Tzimoragka
Laurent Bramerie
Mathilde Gay
Conference papers
Direct-Modulation Optoelectronic Oscillator for Optical Frequency Comb and Pulse Generation
Brian Sinquin
Marc Vallet
Mehdi Alouini
Marco Romanelli
Conference papers
Cavity-Backed Broadband Microstrip Antenna Array for Photonic Beam Steering at W Band
Jérôme Taillieu
Ronan Sauleau
Mehdi Alouini
David Gonzalez-Ovejero
Conference papers
Génération de peignes de fréquence et d'impulsions dans un Oscillateur Opto-Électronique à modulation directe
Brian Sinquin
Goulc'Hen Loas
Steve Bouhier
Ludovic Frein
Marc Vallet
Optique Nice 2022, Société Française d'Optique (SFO), Jul 2022, Nice, France
Conference papers
Réseau d’antennes à photo-mélange pour commutation photonique de faisceau en ondes millimétriques
Jérôme Taillieu
Alvarro Jose Pascual-Gracia
Muhsin Ali
Thomas Batté
Fabien Ferrero
22èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2022), Jun 2022, Limoges, France. pp.815-818
Conference papers
Fonctionnement Classe A faible bruit d'un laser VECSEL injecté électriquement et émettant à 1,5 µm
Anwar Kerchaoui
Alexandru Mereuta
Andrei Caliman
Steve Bouhier
Thomas Batte
Journée du Club Optique et Micro-ondes (JCOM 2021), Jun 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Fonctionnement Classe A faible bruit d'un laser VECSEL injecté électriquement et émettant à 1,5 µm
Anwar Kerchaoui
Alexandru Mereuta
Andrei Caliman
Steve Bouhier
Thomas Batte
OPTIQUE Dijon 2021, Jul 2021, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Liquid Crystal based Tunable Photonic Devices for Emission or Detection around 1.55 μm
Christophe Levallois
Cyril Paranthoen
Benjamin Boisnard
Thierry Camps
Benattou Sadani
2021 International Meet & Expo on Laser, Optics and Photonics (OPTICSMEET 2021), Nov 2021, Nice, France
Conference papers
1550 nm InAs QD on InP for VECSEL and MECSEL applications
Cyril Paranthoen
Hoy-My Phung
Anwar Kerchaoui
Alexandru Mereuta
Christophe Levallois
Compound Semicondcutor Week 2021 (CSW 2021), May 2021, Stockholm (online), Sweden
Conference papers
Signaux Opto-RF très bas bruit de phase et instabilités dynamiques d’un OEO à modulation directe
Brian Sinquin
Steve Bouhier
Ludovic Frein
Mehdi Alouini
Marc Vallet
Journée du Club Optique et Micro-ondes (JCOM 2021), Jun 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Low phase noise microwave generation from a direct-modulation optoelectronic oscillator (DM-OEO)
Brian Sinquin
Marco Romanelli
Steve Bouhier
Mehdi Alouini
Marc Vallet
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference 2021 (CLEO-Europe/EQEC 2021), Jun 2021, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Cellule élémentaire contrôlable optiquement pour réseau-transmetteurs en bande X
Romain Cane
Jérôme Taillieu
David Gonzalez-Ovejero
Ronan Sauleau
Mehdi Alouini
OPTIQUE Dijon 2021, Société Française d'Optique, Jul 2021, Dijon, France
Conference papers
33 nm wavelength tuning of a 1550 nm VCSEL in CW operation based on the liquid crystal micro-cells technology
Cyril Paranthoen
Christophe Levallois
Benjamin Boisnard
Thierry Camps
Jean Baptiste Doucet
Conference papers
Quantum dot membrane external-cavity surface-emitting laser (MECSEL) at 1.5µm
Hoy-My Phung
Philipp Tatar-Mathes
Cyril Paranthoen
Christophe Levallois
Nicolas Chevalier
Conference papers
Near-infrared active and selective polarization imaging by orthogonalitybreaking: calibration of the acquisition chain
Jonathan Staes
François Parnet
Julien Fade
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Mehdi Alouini
SPIE Photonics Europe Digital Forum 2020, Mar 2020, Strasbourg, France. pp.11351-51
Conference papers
A quantum dot-based semiconductor membrane external-cavity surface-emitting laser (MECSEL) emitting around 1.5 μm
Philipp Tatar-Mathes
H.-M. Phung
H. Kahle
Cyril Paranthoen
Christophe Levallois
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ESLW 2020), Dec 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers
23.5 nm wavelength tuning of a 1550 nm VCSEL in CW operation based on the liquid crystal micro-cells technology
Christophe Levallois
Cyril Paranthoen
Benjamin Boisnard
Thierry Camps
Benattou Sadani
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ESLW 2020), Dec 2020, Eindhoven (virtual), Netherlands
Conference papers
High-power InAs quantum dot VECSEL with fundamental mode emission at 1.5 µm (Conference Presentation)
Kostiantyn Nechay
Alexandru Mereuta
Cyril Paranthoen
Gaëlle Brévalle
Christophe Levallois
Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) X, Feb 2020, San Francisco, United States. pp.18, ⟨10.1117/12.2548436⟩
Conference papers
Shot-Noise-Limited Operation of Electrically-Pumped Quantum Wells-Based VECSEL Emitting at Telecom Wavelength
Anwar Kerchaoui
Alexandru Mereuta
Andrei Caliman
Steve Bouhier
Thomas Batte
International Conference / Nature Inspires Creativity Engineers (N.I.C.E 2020), Oct 2020, Nice, France
Conference papers
Through investigation of mode-coupling in VECSELs: towards robust dual-frequency operation of a single-axis laser
Mehdi Alouini
Gaëlle Brevalle
Salvatore Pes
Cyril Paranthoen
Mathieu Perrin
SPIE Photonics West - LASE 2020, Feb 2020, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Full-field all-optical snapshot technique for QUADrature (FAST-QUAD) demodulation of optical signals at radio-frequencies: principle and experimental proof-of-concept
Swapnesh Panigrahi
Julien Fade
Romain Agaisse
Hema Ramachandran
Mehdi Alouini
SPIE Photonics Europe Digital Forum 2020, Mar 2020, Strasbourg, France. pp.11351-46
Conference papers
Imagerie polarimétrie active et sélective par brisure d’orthogonalité dans le proche infrarouge
Jonathan Staes
François Parnet
Julien Fade
Noé Ortega-Quijano
Mehdi Alouini
15è Journées Imagerie Optique Non-Conventionnelle (JIONC 2020), Mar 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers
Spectral Hole Burning Spectroscopy on Quantum Dashes and Quantum Dots for Dual-Frequency Laser Engineering
Gaëlle Brévalle
Mathieu Perrin
Cyril Paranthoen
Yoan Léger
Christophe Levallois
Compound Semiconductor Week 2019 (CSW 2019), May 2019, Nara, France. pp.1-2
Conference papers
Mode Coupling Measurement in Dual-Frequency Quantum Well-based VECSEL
Gaëlle Brévalle
Salvatore Pes
Cyril Paranthoen
Mathieu Perrin
Christophe Levallois
Compound Semiconductor Week 2019 (CSW 2019), May 2019, Nara, Japan. pp.1-2
Conference papers
Single-mode operation with no mode-hops of a 110m long Brillouin fiber laser with non-resonant pumping
Gwennaël Danion
Ludovic Frein
Denis Bacquet
Gregoire Pillet
Stéphanie Molin
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference 2019 (CLEO-Europe/EQEC 2019), OSA (ISBN: 978-1-7281-0469-0), Jun 2019, Munich, Germany. cj_p_62
Conference papers
InP-based devices integrating liquid crystals microcells for a tunable laser emission or a wavelength selective photodetection
Christophe Levallois
Benjamin Boisnard
Cyril Paranthoen
Salvatore Pes
Thierry Camps
Conference papers
Réduction de la largeur de raie laser au moyen d'une boucle optoélectronique assistée par effet Brillouin
Gwennaël Danion
Marc Vallet
Ludovic Frein
Pascal Szriftgiser
Mehdi Alouini
Journée du Club Optique et Micro-ondes (JCOM 2019), Jun 2019, Brest, France
Conference papers
Phase-locking and delay-induced instabilities in a dual- frequency fiber laser
Marie Guionie
Aurélien Thorette
Marco Romanelli
Anthony Carré
Goulc'Hen Loas
International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics 2019 (IS-PALD 2019), Nov 2019, Metz, France
Conference papers
CW operation of a 1.55 µm VCSEL tunable over 20 nm integrating liquid crystals microcells
Christophe Levallois
Benjamin Boisnard
Cyril Paranthoen
Salvatore Pes
Thierry Camps
12th European Workshop on VCSELs (VCSEL Day 2019), May 2019, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
Cellule élémentaire contrôlée optiquement pour intégration dans les antennes réseaux transmetteurs en bande X
Romain Cané
Ronan Sauleau
Mehdi Alouini
Journée du Club Optique et Micro-ondes (JCOM 2019), Jun 2019, Brest, France
Conference papers
Brillouin assisted optoelectronic self-narrowing of laser linewidth
Gwennaël Danion
Marc Vallet
Ludovic Frein
Pascal Szriftgiser
Mehdi Alouini
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference 2019 (CLEO-Europe/EQEC 2019), Jun 2019, Munich, Germany. cj_p_64, ⟨10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872638⟩
Conference papers
All-optical imaging architecture for snapshot demodulation of optical signals at radio-frequencies
Swapnesh Panigrahi
Julien Fade
Romain Agaisse
Hema Ramachandran
Mehdi Alouini
Imaging and Applied Optics 2019, Jun 2019, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
1545 nm Quantum Dot Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser with low threshold
Cyril Paranthoen
Christophe Levallois
Nicolas Chevalier
Alain Le Corre
Gaëlle Brévalle
Compound Semiconductor Week 2019 (CSW 2019), May 2019, Nara, France
Conference papers
Optically-Controlled Unit-Cell for Transmitarrays at X-band
Romain Cané
Ronan Sauleau
Mehdi Alouini
Conference papers
1.55 µm VCSEL polarization controlled with quantum wells / quantum dashes hybrid active layers
Léa Chaccour
Laurent Bramerie
Christophe Levallois
Nicolas Chevalier
Stephane Trebaol
12th European Workshop on VCSELs (VCSEL Day 2019), May 2019, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
Oscillateur opto-électronique hybride à laser fibre bifréquence
Marie Guionie
Aurélien Thorette
Marco Romanelli
Anthony Carré
Goulc'Hen Loas
39è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019), Jul 2019, Paris-Saclay, France
Conference papers
Towards spin-controlled VCSELs at room temperature
Mehdi Alouini
Ghaya Baili
Alexandre Joly
Julien Frougier
Isabelle Sagnes
SPIE Optics+Photonics, Aug 2019, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Single-sideband hybrid opto-electronic oscillator
Aurélien Thorette
Marco Romanelli
Steve Bouhier
Frederic van Dijk
Mehdi Alouini
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference 2019 (CLEO-Europe/EQEC 2019), Jun 2019, Munich, Germany. pp.1-1, ⟨10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8871553⟩
Conference papers
[Invited] Building blocks and concepts for THz remote sensing and communications
Daniel Dolfi
Loïc Morvan
Gregoire Pillet
Christian Larat
Pierre Legagneux
Conference papers
Phase-locked dual-polarization fiber lasers as compact optical-microwave sources
Marie Guionie
Ludovic Frein
Anthony Carré
Goulc'Hen Loas
Francois Bondu
8th International Symposium on Optronics in Defence & Security (OPTRO), 3AF, 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Lasers à fibre bifréquences stabilisés par réinjection optique
M. Guionie
Aurélien Thorette
Marco Romanelli
Anthony Carré
Goulc'Hen Loas
Optique Toulouse 2018 - 38è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'38), Jul 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Génération de faisceaux optiques cohérents avec contrôle dynamique précis et rapide du degré de polarisation
Noé Ortega-Quijano
Julien Fade
François Parnet
Mehdi Alouini
2e Journée GDR ISIS Traitement des signaux polarimétriques en radar et optique, 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
1.5 µm Quantum Dots Spectral Hole Burning experiments for dual frequency laser engineering
Gaëlle Brévalle
Mathieu Perrin
Cyril Paranthoen
Yoan Léger
Christophe Levallois
34th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2018), Jul 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Bases and experimental validation of a novel VSPIN model: towards functional spin-controlled VCSELs
Mehdi Alouini
Julien Frougier
Alexandre Joly
Ghaya Baili
Daniel Dolfi
SPIE Photonics West - OPTO 2018, Jan 2018, San Francisco, United States. pp.105401S, ⟨10.1117/12.2289694⟩
Conference papers
[Invited] Nonlinear optoelectronic down-conversion and phase locking of mm-wave and THz signals
Mehdi Alouini
Antoine Rolland
Marc Brunel
Marc Vallet
Gaël Kervella
32nd European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2018), Apr 2018, Turin, France
Conference papers
Liquid crystal based tunable PIN-photodiodes for detection around 1.55-µm
Christophe Levallois
Cyril Paranthoen
Benjamin Boisnard
Thierry Camps
Benattou Sadani
SPIE Optics+Photonics - Nanoscience+Engineering 2018, Aug 2018, San Diego, United States. pp.107290H, ⟨10.1117/12.2322138⟩
Conference papers
Dual polarization DFB fiber lasers as optical phase-locked microwave sources in the 1-10 GHz range
M. Guionie
Ludovic Frein
François Bondu
Anthony Carré
Goulc'Hen Loas
Conference papers
Modelling Framework for Predicting Polarization Behavior of Spin-Controlled VCSELs and its Experimental Validation
Mehdi Alouini
Julien Frougier
Alexandre Joly
Ghaya Baili
Daniel Dolfi
Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems 2018 (WINDS 2018), Nov 2018, Hawaii, United States
Conference papers
Self-stabilization of the beat-note of monolithic DFB lasers for microwave signal generation
Aurélien Thorette
Peppino Primiani
Marco Romanelli
Mehdi Alouini
Frederic van Dijk
International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics 2017 (IS-PALD 2017), Nov 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Active infrared polarimetric imaging demonstrator by orthogonality breaking sensing
François Parnet
Julien Fade
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Conference papers
Self-regulated intensity noise dual-frequency laser using the buffer reservoir approach
K. Audo
A.E. Amili
M. Alouini
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO_Europe 2017, Jun 2017, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Self-stabilized optoelectronic oscillator using optical feedback on integrated heterodyne source
Aurélien Thorette
Peppino Primiani
Marco Romanelli
Mehdi Alouini
Frederic van Dijk
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference 2017 (CLEO-Europe/EQEC 2017), Jun 2017, Munich, Germany. pp.17314566, ⟨10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2017.8086956⟩
Conference papers
Démonstrateur d'imagerie polarimétrique active par brisure d'orthogonalité à 1,55 μm
François Parnet
Julien Fade
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle 2017, Mar 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Demonstration of spin injection in a CW VECSEL at RT with a dynamic and accurate control of its polarization state
A. Joly
G. Baïli
Mehdi Alouini
J.-M. George
I. Sagnes
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO_Europe 2017, Jun 2017, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Mesure de brisure d'orthogonalité à travers une fibre multimode
François Parnet
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Mar 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Demonstration of efficient spin injection in a CW VECSEL at RT and dynamic control of its polarization state
Alexandre Joly
Ghaya Baili
Mehdi Alouini
Jean-Marie George
Isabelle Sagnes
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Jun 2016, San Jose, CA, United States
Conference papers
Enhancement of VCSEL performances using a novel bonding process based on localized electroplating copper through Silicon vias
Salvatore Pes
Fethallah Taleb
Cyril Paranthoen
Christophe Levallois
Nicolas Chevalier
9th European Workshop on VCSELs (VCSEL Day 2016), TU Darmstadt, Jun 2016, Darmstadt, Germany
Conference papers
Buffer reservoir approach for cancelling resonant noise: Towards a new generation of low noise lasers
K. Audo
A. E. Amili
M. Alouini
2016 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), 2016, Long Beach, United States. pp.332-335, ⟨10.1109/MWP.2016.7791273⟩
Conference papers
Stabilisation d’un laser Brillouin fibré non résonant pour la pompe : application à la génération de porteuse opto-RF ultra-pure
Gwennaël Danion
Ludovic Frein
Denis Bacquet
Gregoire Pillet
Stéphanie Molin
OPTIQUE Bordeaux 2016 - 36è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'36), Jul 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
La « Brisure d’Orthogonalité », une technique hyper-fréquence pour l’imagerie polarimétrique optique : quels liens avec les approches RADAR ?
Julien Fade
François Parnet
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Muriel Roche
Mehdi Alouini
1e Journée GDR ISIS Traitement de signaux polarimétriques en radar et optique, 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Theoretical derivation of optimal operating frequencies for imaging through turbid media using intensity modulated light
Swapnesh Panigrahi
Julien Fade
Hema Ramachandran
Mehdi Alouini
Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle 2016, Mar 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Polarimetric Imaging by Orthogonality Breaking: From Single-mode to Few-mode Fiber Polarimetric Endoscopy ?
François Parnet
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
Imaging and Applied Optics, Jul 2016, Heidelberg, Germany
Conference papers
Theoretical and experimental investigation of optically spin-injected VECSEL
A. Joly
J. Frougier
G. Baïli
Mehdi Alouini
J.-M. George
Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XIII, Feb 2016, San Francisco, United States. pp.97551E, ⟨10.1117/12.2218148⟩
Conference papers
Single-shot diattenuation imaging by circular polarization orthogonality breaking
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
François Parnet
Mehdi Alouini
SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VII, Aug 2015, San Diego, United States. pp.961303, ⟨10.1117/12.2188569⟩
Conference papers
Lasers à état solide faible bruit : une nouvelle approche par utilisation d’un réservoir tampon
Kevin Audo
Abdelkrim El Amili
Goulc'Hen Loas
Mehdi Alouini
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, Jun 2015, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Towards control of light polarization using electron spin in half-VCSEL
Julien Frougier
Ghaya Baili
Mehdi Alouini
Isabelle Sagnes
Henri Jaffrès
European Workshop on VeCSEL, Feb 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Polarizer-free degree of polarization computational imaging from a single speckle image
Julien Fade
Muriel Roche
Mehdi Alouini
SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VII, Aug 2015, San Diego, United States. pp.961302, ⟨10.1117/12.2188599⟩
Conference papers
Optimal contrast enhancement in long distance snapshot polarimetric imaging through fog
Swapnesh Panigrahi
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VII, Aug 2015, San Diego, United States. pp.96130V, ⟨10.1117/12.2188590⟩
Conference papers
Gabriel Basset
Bo Na
François Bondu
Mehdi Alouini
optique Bretagne 2015, congrès société française d'optique,, Jul 2015, RENNES, France
Conference papers
Finely tunable 1.55 µm emitting VeCSELs for embedded and compact optical and microwave systems
Salvatore Pes
Cyril Paranthoen
Christophe Levallois
Nicolas Chevalier
Hervé Folliot
3rd European Workshop on VeCSELs (VeCSEL 2015), IES - Institut d’Electronique et des Systèmes (Université de Montpellier), Nov 2015, Montpellier, France. pp.23
Conference papers
Adaptive polarimetric image representation for contrast enhancement of a polarized beacon embedded in fog
Swapnesh Panigrahi
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Mar 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Démonstrateur d’imagerie spectro-polarimétrique
Julien Fade
Kevin Ledot
Mehdi Alouini
Congrès Optique Bretagne 2015 - Session pédagogique, Jul 2015, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Imagerie polarimétrique d’échantillons dichroïques par brisure d’orthogonalité d’états de polarisation circulaires
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
François Parnet
Mehdi Alouini
Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Mar 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Single shot polarimetric contrast microscopy by circular polarization orthogonality breaking imaging
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
François Parnet
Mehdi Alouini
CLEO Europe, Jun 2015, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Imagerie polarimétrique par brisure d’orthogonalité : un pas vers l’endoscopie polarimétrique
François Parnet
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
Noe Ortega-Quijano
Mehdi Alouini
Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée, Jul 2015, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Noise correlation-based adaptive polarimetric image representation for contrast enhancement of a polarized beacon in fog
Swapnesh Panigrahi
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXI, 96430C (October 15, 2015), 2015, Toulouse, France. pp.96430C--96430C--7, ⟨10.1117/12.2195216⟩
Conference papers
Bridging the gap between THz and microwave photonics through optoelectronic generation of interleaved combs
Mehdi Alouini
Antoine Rolland
Lucien Pouget
Marc Vallet
Ludovic Frein
Conference papers
Inherently antiphase noise free dual-frequency solid-state laser
Abdelkrim El Amili
Goulc'Hen Loas
Syamsundar De
Sylvain Schwartz
Fabien Bretenaker
International Symposium OPTRO 2014, Jan 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Oscillateur Micro-Onde à THz Ultra-Stable
Gwennaël Danion
François Bondu
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Cyril Hamel
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, SFO, Jun 2014, Lannion, France
Conference papers
Bridging the THz to RF gap by four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear fiber. Stabilization of an opto-millimeter wave
Antoine Rolland
Lucien Pouget
Marc Brunel
Mehdi Alouini
Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Jun 2014, San Jose, United States
Conference papers
Down-conversion and phase-locking of mm-wave and THz beatnotes through optoelectronic interleaved comb generation
Antoine Rolland
Lucien Pouget
Marc Brunel
Marc Vallet
Goulc'Hen Loas
International Workshop on Optical Frequency Combs : From sources to applications, 2014, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
OEPLL-based ultrastable millimeter-wave and THz oscillator
Antoine Rolland
Marc Brunel
Mehdi Alouini
OPTRO, Jan 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Self-intensity-regulated solid state laser by two photon absorption : Experiment and modeling
Abdelkrim El Amili
Gaël Kervella
Mehdi Alouini
International Symposium OPTRO 2014, Jan 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Experimental and theoretical study of noise in a dual-frequency VECSEL
Syamsundar De
Abdelkrim El Amili
Grégoire Pillet
Ghaya Baili
Fabienne Goldfarb
Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IV, Feb 2014, San Francisco, United States. ⟨10.1117/12.2038934⟩
Conference papers
Towards real-time endoscopic depolarization sensing by orthogonally-polarized states mixing
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
Mehdi Alouini
Polarimetric Techniques & Technology, Mar 2014, Leiden, Netherlands
Conference papers
Control of light polarization using spin-injected opto-electronic devices with vertical geometries
Julien Frougier
Tiantian Zhang
Shiheng Liang
Phillipe Barate
Pierre Renucci
Spintronics VII, Aug 2014, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Contrast enhancement in polarimetric imaging with correlated noise fluctuations
Swapnesh Panigrahi
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
Max ENT, Sep 2014, Amboise, France. pp.25
Conference papers
Optical nonlinearities in microwave photonic links
Lucien Pouget
Alexandre Marceaux
T. Merlet
Mehdi Alouini
International Symposium OPTRO 2014, Jan 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Depolarization Sensing by Orthogonality Breaking: a microwave-photonics approach for snapshot polarimetric imaging
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
Mehdi Alouini
OPTRO 2014, Jan 2014, Paris, France. pp.2967942
Conference papers
High power and ultra-low noise VECSEL for high dynamic range and wideband microwave optical links
Ghaya Baili
L Morvan
Grégoire Pillet
Daniel Dolfi
Sophie Bouchoule
International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), Oct 2013, Alexandria, United States. pp.278-281, ⟨10.1109/MWP.2013.6724075⟩
Conference papers
Phase noise of the radio frequency beatnote generated by a dual frequency VECSEL
Syamsundar De
Abdelkrim Ei Amili
Grégoire Pillet
Ghaya Baili
Isabelle Sagnes
Conference papers
Depolarization Imaging by Field Orthogonality Breaking: towards polarimetric endoscopy
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
Mehdi Alouini
Horizons de l'Optique 2013, Jul 2013, Villetaneuse, France
Conference papers
Experimental and theoretical studies of a dual-frequency laser free from anti-phase noise
Abdelkrim El Amili
Syamsundar De
Goulc'Hen Loas
Fabien Bretenaker
Mehdi Alouini
Conference papers
Imagerie de dépolarisation par brisure d'orthogonalité: l'optique-hyperfréquence au service de l'endoscopie polarimétrique
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
Mehdi Alouini
Assemblée Générale du GDR ONDES "Interférences d'ondes", Oct 2013, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Réalisation de mesures de bruit de phase additif dédiées aux liaisons optiques-microondes kilométriques.
Lucien Pouget
Mehdi Alouini
A. Marceaux
T. Merlet
Journée du club Optique Microondes 2013, Jun 2013, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers
Contrôle de la Polarisation Lumineuse d’un LASER par injection de porteurs polarisés en spin
J. Frougier
G Baili
M. Alouini
Isabelle Sagnes
H. Jaffrès
XVe Colloque Louis Néel, Mar 2013, Tours, France
Conference papers
Microwave to terahertz ultra-stable oscillator
Gwennaël Danion
François Bondu
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Cyril Hamel
IEEE-UFFC, Jul 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
L’information de demain : aux confins de notre compréhension des matériaux et de leur fonctionnalisation
Mehdi Alouini
Antoine Rolland
Abdelkrim El Amili
Goulc'Hen Loas
Cyril Hamel
Conférence de la Recherche de l’UEB, Apr 2013, Brest, France
Conference papers
High spectral purity microwave and terahertz oscillator
Gwennaël Danion
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Cyril Hamel
Anthony Carré
6th Joint IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium/European Frequency and Time Forum, IFCS-EFTF 2013, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.40-42, ⟨10.1109/EFTF-IFC.2013.6702198⟩
Conference papers
Laser Er,Yb autorégulé en bruit d’intensité
Abdelkrim El Amili
Gaël Kervella
Mehdi Alouini
Paris Optique 2013, COLOQ'13, Jul 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Electrical Spin-Injection enhancement in III-V Spin-LEDs: Towards control of light polarization using spin-injected Lasers
Julien Frougier
Tiantian Zhang
Shiheng Liang
Phillipe Barate
Pierre Renucci
58th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Nov 2013, Denver, United States
Conference papers
Laser à état solide bi-fréquence sans bruit d’antiphase
Abdelkrim El Amili
Goulc'Hen Loas
Syamsundar De
Sylvain Schwartz
Gilles Feugnet
Paris Optique 2013, Horizon de l'Optique, Jul 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Control of light polarization using spin-injected VECSELS
Julien Frougier
Ghaya Baili
Mehdi Alouini
Isabelle Sagnes
Henri Jaffrès
2nd European Workshop on Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers, Oct 2013, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Oscillateur micro-onde à térahertz ultra-stable
Gwennaël Danion
François Bondu
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Cyril Hamel
OPTIQUE 2013 : congrès de la SFO, Société française d'optique, Jul 2013, Villetaneuse, France
Conference papers
Dual frequency tunable laser system for a microwave and terahertz oscillator
Gwennaël Danion
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Cyril Hamel
Anthony Carré
7th terahertz days, Mar 2013, Cargèse, France
Conference papers
Depolarization Sensing by Field Orthogonality Breaking
Mehdi Alouini
Julien Fade
CLEO/Europe-IQEC, May 2013, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Solid-state dual-frequency laser free from anti-phase noise
Abdelkrim El Amili
Goulc'Hen Loas
Syamsundar De
Sylvain Schwartz
Gilles Feugnet
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 2013, Munich, Germany. pp.CA_10_6
Conference papers
Noise Correlations in Dual Frequency VECSEL
Syamsundar De
V. Pal
Abdelkrim Ei Amili
G Pillet
G. Baili
French-Israeli symposium on Non-linear and Quantum Optics (FRISNO 12), Feb 2013, Ein Gedi, Israel
Conference papers
L'optique hyperfréquence au service de l'endoscopie et de la microscopie de dépolarisation
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
Mehdi Alouini
Journée du Club Optique Micro-Ondes 2013, Jun 2013, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers
Depolarization imaging by field orthogonality breaking for endoscopy applications
Julien Fade
Emmanuel Schaub
Mehdi Alouini
Frontiers in Optical Imaging 2013, Sep 2013, Murten, Switzerland
Conference papers
Narrow linewidth tunable THz signal radiated by photomixing : coupling a unitravelling carrier photodiode and a two-axis dual-frequency laser
Alain Rolland
Guillaume Ducournau
Goulc'Hen Loas
Emilien Peytavit
Alexandre Beck
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012, Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 2012, San Jose, CA, United States. paper CTu1B.3, 1-2
Conference papers
Phénomène de verrouillage de phase observé dans le spectre de bruit d’intensité d’un VECSEL
Abdelkrim Ei Amili
V. Pal
Fabienne Goldfarb
R. Ghosh
Isabelle Sagnes
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, Jun 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Intensity Noise Reduction of Dual-Frequency Nd:YAG Lasers
S De
Abdelkrim El Amili
Goulc'Hen Loas
S Schwartz
G Feugnet
Conference papers
Snapshot computational imaging of the degree of polarization under coherent illumination
Julien Fade
Muriel Roche
Mehdi Alouini
Frontiers in Optics, Oct 2012, Rochester (NY), United States
Conference papers
Mesure hétérodyne de dépolarisation par brisure d'orthogonalité: vers une imagerie endoscopique polarimétrique temps-réel
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
OPTDIAG, May 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
VECSELs for microwave photonics in Radars : single-frequency, dual frequency and mode-locked low noise operation
Mehdi Alouini
G. Baïli
L. Morvan
Daniel Dolfi
Arnaud Garnache
1st European Workshop on VeCSELs, Oct 2012, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Narrow linewidth tunable THz signal generation using a unitravelling carrier photodiode and a dual-mode laser
Guillaume Ducournau
Alain Rolland
Goulc'Hen Loas
Alexandre Beck
Fabio Pavanello
Conference papers
Endoscopic depolarization sensing by polarization orthogonality breaking
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
Frontiers in Optics, Oct 2012, Rochester (NY), United States
Conference papers
Imagerie de Stokes à l'échelle du grain de speckle
Lucien Pouget
Julien Fade
Cyril Hamel
Mehdi Alouini
Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Mar 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
Optoelectronic down-conversion coupled with a dual-frequency laser: towards THz metrology
Antoine Rolland
Goulc'Hen Loas
Marc Brunel
Ludovic Frein
Marc Vallet
IEEE IFCS 2012, May 2012, Baltimore, United States
Conference papers
Slow and fast light in semiconductor optical amplifier for microwave applications
Perrine Berger
Jérôme Bourderionnet
Fabien Bretenaker
Daniel Dolfi
Mehdi Alouini
SPIE Photonics West, Advances in Slow and Fast Light IV, 2012, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
OSMOTUS : oscillateur millimétrique/submillimétrique à très haute pureté spectrale.
François Bondu
Gwennaël Danion
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Cyril Hamel
Journée annuelle du club Optique et Microondes : JCOM 2012, Jun 2012, Lille, France
Conference papers
Boucle à verrouillage de phase opto-électronique : vers la métrologie millimétrique et THz
Antoine Rolland
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Marc Brunel
Marc Vallet
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, SFO, Jun 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Imagerie computationnelle de degré de polarisation à une seule image de speckle
Julien Fade
Muriel Roche
Mehdi Alouini
Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Mar 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
Stabilization of a dual-frequency VECSEL free of relaxation oscillations for microwave photonics applications
Ghaya Baili
Grégoire Pillet
Loïc Morvan
Mehdi Alouini
Daniel Dolfi
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, SFO, Jun 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Laser bi-fréquences accordables pour la génération d'onde millimétrique et submillimétrique à haute cohérence.
Gwennaël Danion
François Bondu
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Cyril Hamel
Journée annuelle du club Optique et Microondes : JCOM 2012, Jun 2012, Lille, France
Conference papers
Etude des nonlinéarités optiques sur les performances des liaisons optiques hyperfréquence.
Lucien Pouget
A. Marceaux
C. Feuillet
T. Merlet
Mehdi Alouini
Journée annuelle du club Optique et Microondes : JCOM 2012, Jun 2012, Lille, France
Conference papers
Optoelectronic phase-locked loop for millimeter-wave and THz beat note stabilization
Antoine Rolland
Goulc'Hen Loas
Ludovic Frein
Marc Vallet
Marc Brunel
SPIE Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications III, 2012, San Diego, United States. 6 p
Conference papers
Narrow linewidth tunable THz signal radiated by 1.55 µm photomixing
Alain Rolland
Guillaume Ducournau
Goulc'Hen Loas
Alexandre Beck
Fabio Pavanello
SPIE Optics + Photonics, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications III, 2012, San Diego, CA, United States. pp.84960C-1-7, ⟨10.1117/12.929738⟩
Conference papers
Stabilization of a dual-frequency VECSEL free of relaxation oscillations for microwave photonics applications
Ghaya Baili
Grégoire Pillet
Loïc Morvan
Mehdi Alouini
Daniel Dolfi
Conference papers
Mesure de dépolarisation hétérodyne par brisure d'orthogonalité
Julien Fade
Mehdi Alouini
Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Mar 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
High finesse external cavity VCSELs: from very low noise lasers to dual frequency lasers
Ghaya Baili
Mehdi Alouini
Loic Morvan
Fabien Bretenaker
Isabelle Sagnes
International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), 2011, Singapour, Singapore. ⟨10.1117/12.876189⟩
Conference papers
Slow Light in the noise spectrum of a VECSEL
Abdelkrim El Amili
V. Pal
B.-X. Miranda
Fabienne Goldfarb
R. Ghosh
International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2011), 2011, Wuhan, China
Conference papers
New Trends in Optoelectronics for Radar, E.W and Communication Systems
Loic Morvan
Grégoire Pillet
Ghaya Baili
Stéphanie Molin
Jérôme Bourderionnet
International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), 2011, Singapour, Singapore
Conference papers
Nouvelles architectures de lignes à retard par lumière lente
Perrine Berger
Jérôme Bourderionnet
Daniel Dolfi
Fabien Bretenaker
Mehdi Alouini
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, SFO, Jun 2011, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Opto-electronic Down Conversion: A Novel Approach for Optical Beat Note Stabilisation Up to the THz Domain
Antoine Rolland
Goulc'Hen Loas
Marc Brunel
Ludovic Frein
Marc Vallet
ICAIT 2011, 2011, Wuhan, China
Conference papers
Laser à verrouillage de modes à très faible gigue temporelle à 800 nm pour l’échantillonnage de signaux RF
Ghaya Baili
Loïc Morvan
Daniel Dolfi
Loic Menager
Stéphane Formont
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, SFO, Jun 2011, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Nouvelles sources opto-hyper basées sur des lasers bi-fréquences stabilisés
Mehdi Alouini
François Bondu
Marc Brunel
Goulc'Hen Loas
Antoine Rolland
Journées de la Télémétrie Laser, 2011, Nice, France
Conference papers
Lumière lente et rapide par oscillations cohérentes de population dans les amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteurs
Perrine Berger
Jérôme Bourderionnet
Fabien Bretenaker
Daniel Dolfi
M. Alouini
Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG), SFO, Jul 2011, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Observation des mécanismes de lumière lente dans le spectre des lasers classe A faible bruit développés pour les liaisons optique-hyperfréquences
Abdelkrim Ei Amili
Vishwa Pal
B.-X. Miranda
Fabienne Goldfarb
Rupamanjari Ghosh
Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, SFO, Jun 2011, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Predictive Model of CPO effects in SOAs for microwave Photonics Link : signal, non-linearities, and intensity noise
Perrine Berger
Jérôme Bourderionnet
F Bretenaker
Daniel Dolfi
Mehdi Alouini
Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics Conference, 2011, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Conference papers