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Melen Leclerc

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#### **CURRENT POSITION** Researcher in plant disease epidemiology from the Plant Health and Environment (SPE) division of INRAE, located in the UMR IGEPP research unit (Rennes) and working in the Dynamics-Evolution-Modelling & Ecology team. #### **RESEARCH INTERESTS** plant disease epidemiology, population dynamics, mathematical modelling, statistics, sensor network for agricultural and environmental monitoring, computer vision, leveraging plants for disease control. #### **EDUCATION** - 2009-2012 : PhD Thesis in Applied Ecology and Agronomy at INRA, Rennes, France. - 2006-2009 : Master in Engineering majoring in Fisherie Sciences at ENSAR, Rennes, France. #### **RESEARCH EXPERIENCE** - Since 2014 : Permanent researcher at INRAE in plant disease epidemiology, UMR IGEPP, Rennes, France. - 2013-2014 : Post-doc at INRA in ecological modelling, UR BioSP, Avignon, France. - 2009-2012 : PhD student at INRA in closed collaboration with the Epidemiology and Modelling Group of the University of Cambrigde, URM IGEPP, Rennes, France. - 2009 : Intern at Agrocampus Ouest in marine ecology and fisheries science, UMR ESE, Rennes, France. - 2007 : Intern at Macquarie University in marine ecology, Marine Ecology Group, Sydney, Australia. #### **PhD STUDENTS** - 2023-2026 : Delphine Chauvin, Durable IPM for potato late blight, supervised with Didier Andrivon and Denis Gaucher. - 2022-2025 : Hassan Hammoud, Software mechanisms for agile data collection in connected fields, supervised with Frédéric Weis and Jean-Marie Bonnin. - 2021-2024 : Sheila Permanes, Imaging and modelling of the spatio-temporal spread of parasites with growing lesions, supervised with Youcef Mammeri.


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Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence

S. Soubeyrand , Arnaud Estoup , Astrid Cruaud , Sylvie Malembic-Maher , Christine Meynard
CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 2024, 5, pp.72. ⟨10.1186/s43170-024-00273-8⟩
Journal articles hal-04672656v1
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Imaging with spatio-temporal modelling to characterize the dynamics of plant-pathogen lesions

Melen Leclerc , Stéphane Jumel , Frédéric M. Hamelin , Rémi Treilhaud , Nicolas Parisey
PLoS Computational Biology, 2023, 19 (11), pp.e1011627. ⟨10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011627⟩
Journal articles hal-04312350v2

Investigating phenotypic traits as potential drivers of the emergence of EU_37_A2, an invasive new lineage of Phytophthora infestans in Western Europe

Britt Puidet , Romain Mabon , Michele Guibert , Riinu Kiiker , Kaire Loit
Plant Pathology, 2023, 72 (4), pp.797-806. ⟨10.1111/ppa.13700⟩
Journal articles hal-04169443v1

Examining Phenotypic Traits Contributing to the Spread in Northern European Potato Crops of EU_41_A2, a New Clonal Lineage of Phytophthora infestans

Britt Puidet , Romain Mabon , Michele Guibert , Riinu Kiiker , Liina Soonvald
Phytopathology, 2022, 112 (2), pp.414-421. ⟨10.1094/phyto-12-20-0542-r⟩
Journal articles hal-03651826v1
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Optimal spatial monitoring of populations described by reaction–diffusion models

Nicolas Parisey , Melen Leclerc , Katarzyna Adamczyk-Chauvat
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2022, 534, pp.110976. ⟨10.1016/j.jtbi.2021.110976⟩
Journal articles hal-03651840v1
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Impact of the potato inoculation date on potato virus Y load and viral distribution in daughter tubers at harvest

Frederic Boulard , Gallien Rohaut , David Dupre , Florian Barbe Barrailh , Amelie Person
Plant Pathology, 2022, 71 (6), pp.1323-1334. ⟨10.1111/ppa.13573⟩
Journal articles hal-03711569v1

Competition and facilitation among fungal plant parasites affect their life-history traits

Agathe Dutt , Rault Anthony , Didier Andrivon , Stéphane Jumel , Gwenola Le Roy
Oikos, 2021, 130 (4), pp.652-667. ⟨10.1111/oik.07747⟩
Journal articles hal-03227966v1
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Besides stem canker severity, oilseed rape host genotype matters for the production of Leptosphaeria maculans fruit bodies

Lydia Bousset , Patrick Vallée , Régine Delourme , Nicolas Parisey , Marcellino Palerme
Fungal Ecology, 2021, 52, pp.101076. ⟨10.1016/j.funeco.2021.101076⟩
Journal articles hal-03313558v1

Life history traits and trade‐offs between two species of the ascochyta blight disease complex of pea

Agathe Dutt , Didier Andrivon , Stéphane Jumel , Gwenola Le Roy , Alain Baranger
Plant Pathology, 2020, 69 (6), pp.1108-1124. ⟨10.1111/ppa.13180⟩
Journal articles hal-03141975v1

A spatio-temporal exposure-hazard model for assessing biological risk and impact

Emilie Walker , Melen Leclerc , Jean-François Rey , Rémy Beaudouin , Samuel Soubeyrand
Risk Analysis, 2019, 39 (1), Accepté. ⟨10.1111/risa.12941⟩
Journal articles ineris-01853555v1

Automated image processing framework for analysis of the density of fruiting bodies of Leptosphaeria maculans oilseed rape stems

Lydia Bousset , Marcellino Palerme , Melen Leclerc , Nicolas Parisey
Plant Pathology, 2019, 68 (9), pp.1749-1760. ⟨10.1111/ppa.13085⟩
Journal articles hal-02457189v1
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Assessing the effects of quantitative host resistance on the life-history traits of sporulating parasites with growing lesions

Melen Leclerc , Julie a J Clément , Didier Andrivon , Frédéric Marie Hamelin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2019, 286 (1912), pp.20191244. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2019.1244⟩
Journal articles hal-02352206v1

Spatial exposure-hazard and landscape models for assessing the impact of GM crops on non-target organisms

Melen Leclerc , Emily Walker , Antoine Messean , Samuel Soubeyrand
Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 624, pp.470 - 479. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.329⟩
Journal articles hal-02623371v1
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Reducing the use of pesticides with site-specific application: the chemical control of Rhizoctonia solani as a case of study for the management of soil- borne diseases

Ronan Le Cointe , Thomas Simon , Patrick Delarue , Maxime Hervé , Melen Leclerc
PLoS ONE, 2016, 11 (9), pp.1-18. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0163221⟩
Journal articles hal-01462777v1
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Estimating the delay between host infection and disease (incubation period) and assessing its significance to the epidemiology of plant diseases

Melen Leclerc , Thierry Doré , Christopher A Gilligan , Philippe Lucas , João a N Filipe
PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (1), pp.e86568. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0086568⟩
Journal articles hal-01173303v1
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Host growth can cause invasive spread of crops by soilborne pathogens

Melen Leclerc , Thierry Doré , Christopher A. Gilligan , Philippe Lucas , Joao A. N. Filipe
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (5), pp.e63003. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0063003⟩
Journal articles hal-01186843v1
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Mobiliser les agroéquipements et le numérique pour des systèmes de culture sans pesticides

Xavier Reboud , Laurent Bedoussac , Vincent Cellier , Stephane Cordeau , Sylvain Delzon
Zéro pesticide : un nouveau paradigme de recherche pour une agriculture durable, Editions QUAE, 2022, 978-2-7592-3310-6
Book sections hal-03609281v1
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Imagerie pour la quantification de symptômes sur feuilles détachées.

Stéphane Jumel , Nicolas Parisey , Lydia Bousset , Melen Leclerc
13e Rencontre de phytopathologie-mycologie (Journées Jean Chevaugeon), Sep 2022, AUSSOIS, France
Conference poster hal-04164177v1
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Acquisition standardisée et traitement d'images pour l'estimation rapide de la surface foliaire sur feuilles détachées

Stéphane Jumel , Laurent Glais , Melen Leclerc
13e rencontre de phytopathologie-mycologie (Journée Jean Chevaugeon), Sep 2022, Aussois, France
Conference poster hal-04164124v1
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Towards control of Ascochyta Blight in pea/wheat intercrops using qualitative modeling Centre Occitanie-Toulouse

David Camilo Corrales , Alain Baranger , Stéphane Jumel , Melen Leclerc , Christophe Langrume
2nd International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM2020), Feb 2020, Montpellier, France.
Conference poster hal-02484929v1

Towards control of Ascochyta Blight in pea/wheat intercrops using qualitative modeling

David Camilo Corrales Munoz , Alain Baranger , Stéphane Jumel , Melen Leclerc , Christophe Langrume
2. International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM2020), Feb 2020, Montpellier, France. , 2020, Crop modelling for Agriculture and Food Security under Global Change (ICROPM 2020)
Conference poster hal-02737546v1


Melen Leclerc , Joao A. N. Filipe , Sylvain Poggi , Thierry Doré , Françoise Montfort
73rd IIRB Congress, Feb 2012, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference poster hal-01359412v1

Évaluation des effets combinés de différents leviers : architecture, résistance, produits de biocontrôle et mélange de variétés.

Claudine Pasco , Bruno B. Marquer , Serge Carrillo , Herve Douchy , Melen Leclerc
[Rapport de recherche] Présentation en COPIL du projet MilPomBio AAP Pour et sur le plan Ecophyto – Contribuer à l’essor du biocontrôle. 2017
Reports hal-03419754v1