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Mohamed Chetouani

Researcher identifiers
  • IdHAL mohamed-chetouani
  • ResearcherId : F-5854-2010
  • ORCID 0000-0002-2920-4539
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  • IdRef : 089021916
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- Full Professor of Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Human-Machine Interactions, Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (CNRS, UMR 722), Sorbonne Université, Faculty of Science and Engineering - Adjunct Professor at the [Speech Therapist Department](, Sorbonne Université, Faculty of Medecine - Head of the PIRoS Team at ISIR (Perception, Interaction et Robotique Sociales) (2019-2020) - Head of the IM2S Research Group at ISIR (Intégration Multimodales, Interaction et Signaux Sociaux) at (2011-2018) - Head of "Groupe Perception Artificielle et Handicap" at ISIR (2008-2011) - Scientific Director at [Batvoice Technologies]( - Deputy Director of Laboratory of Excellence [SMART Human/Machine/Human Interactions]( in the Digital Society (2013-2021) - Coordinator of the [Autonomy Programme]( of the Sorbonne Université Institute for Engineering in Health - Chair of the Sorbonne Université Ethical Committee ([Comité d'Ethique de la Recherche:]( CER\[@\] - Member of the [Scientific Commitee of CNSA]( (Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie) - Coordinator of the National Living & Learning Lab in Austim ([Stratégie Nationale pour l'Autisme au sein des troubles du neurdéveloppement]( LiLLab Neurodévoleppement ([]( - Coordinator the H2020 Innovative Training Network [ANIMATAS]( Advancing intuitive human-machine interaction with human-like social capabilities for education in schools. - Coordinator of the HumanE AI NET PhD/Post-doc Programme (One of the European Network of AI Excellence Centers - ICT-48) - International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy ([AIDA](, Management Board, Joint initiative of the ICT-48 networks and VISION (CSA). AIDA has been created for offering access to knowledge and expertise and attracting PhD talents in Europe **Recent editorial activities:** - General Co-Chair ACM ICMI 2023 - General Chair of [VIHAR 2021]( Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (13-15 October 2021, Paris, Virual Only) - Local Arrangement Co-Chair of IEEE [ICRA 2020]( - Program Co-Chair of ACM[ ICMI 2020]( (icmi2020-program-chairs\[@\] - Associate Editor of [IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing]( - Associate Editor of [Cognitive Computation ]( - Associate Editor for [Human-Media Interaction Section]( (Frontiers in Psychology / Computer Science)


Modeling the Interplay Between Cohesion Dimensions: a Challenge for Group Affective Emergent States

Lucien Maman , Nale Lehmann- Willenbrock , Mohamed Chetouani , Laurence Likforman-Sulem , Giovanna Varni
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2024, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1109/TAFFC.2024.3349910⟩
Journal articles hal-04427829v1
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Quietly Angry, Loudly Happy: Self-Reported Customer Satisfaction Vs. Automatically Detected Emotion In Contact Center Calls

Eric Bolo , Muhammad Samoul , Nicolas Seichepine , Mohamed Chetouani
Interaction Studies, 2023, 24 (1), pp.168-192. ⟨10.1075/is.22038.bol⟩
Journal articles hal-04109350v1

Vocal interactivity in-and-between humans, animals and robots

Mohamed Chetouani , Elodie Briefer , Angela Dassow , Ricard Marxer , Roger Moore
Interaction Studies, 2023, 24 (1), pp.1-4. ⟨10.1075/is.00016.che⟩
Journal articles hal-04316802v1
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Reducing computational cost during robot navigation and human-robot interaction with a human-inspired reinforcement learning architecture

Rémi Dromnelle , Erwan Renaudo , Mohamed Chetouani , Petros Maragos , Raja Chatila
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2023, 15, pp.1297-1323. ⟨10.1007/s12369-022-00942-6⟩
Journal articles hal-03829879v1
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What if Social Robots Look for Productive Engagement?

Jauwairia Nasir , Barbara Bruno , Mohamed Chetouani , Pierre Dillenbourg
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2022, 14, pp.55-71. ⟨10.1007/s12369-021-00766-w⟩
Journal articles hal-03174537v1
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Embodied Virtual Patients as a Simulation-Based Framework for Training Clinician-Patient Communication Skills: An Overview of Their Use in Psychiatric and Geriatric Care

Laurence Chaby , Amine Benamara , Maribel Pino , Elise Prigent , Brian Ravenet
Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2022, 3, ⟨10.3389/frvir.2022.827312⟩
Journal articles hal-03708554v1

CLIC: Curriculum Learning and Imitation for object Control in non-rewarding environments

Pierre Fournier , Cédric Colas , Mohamed Chetouani , Olivier Sigaud
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2021, 13 (2), pp.239-248. ⟨10.1109/TCDS.2019.2933371⟩
Journal articles hal-02370859v1
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Age-related changes in gaze behaviour during social interaction: An eye-tracking study with an embodied conversational agent

Katarina Pavic , Ali Oker , Mohamed Chetouani , Laurence Chaby
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2021, 74 (6), pp.174702182098216. ⟨10.1177/1747021820982165⟩
Journal articles hal-03152045v1
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How does Modality Matter? Investigating the Synthesis and Effects of Multi-modal Robot Behavior on Social Intelligence

Karen Tatarian , Rebecca Stower , Damien Rudaz , Marine Chamoux , Arvid Kappas
International Journal of Social Robotics, inPress, ⟨10.1007/s12369-021-00839-w⟩
Journal articles hal-03442752v1
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Adolescents with borderline personality disorder show a higher response to stress but a lack of self-perception: Evidence through affective computing

Nadège Bourvis , Aveline Aouidad , Michel Spodenkiewicz , Giuseppe Palestra , Jonathan Aigrain
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2021, 111, pp.110095. ⟨10.1016/j.pnpbp.2020.110095⟩
Journal articles hal-03064365v1
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Towards Transparent Robot Learning through TDRL-based Emotional Expressions

Joost Broekens , Mohamed Chetouani
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2021, 12 (2), pp.352-362. ⟨10.1109/TAFFC.2019.2893348⟩
Journal articles hal-02422888v1
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Exploring Behavioral Creativity of a Proactive Robot

Sera Buyukgoz , Amit Kumar Pandey , Marine Chamoux , Mohamed Chetouani
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2021, 8, pp.694177. ⟨10.3389/frobt.2021.694177⟩
Journal articles hal-03450406v1
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Explainable Embodied Agents Through Social Cues: A Review

Sebastian Wallkötter , Silvia Tulli , Ginevra Castellano , Ana Paiva , Mohamed Chetouani
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 2021, 10 (3), ⟨10.1145/3457188⟩
Journal articles hal-03152010v1
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“Motherese” Prosody in Fetal-Directed Speech: An Exploratory Study Using Automatic Social Signal Processing

Erika Parlato-Oliveira , Catherine Saint-Georges , David Cohen , Hugues Pellerin , Isabella Marques Pereira
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2021.646170⟩
Journal articles hal-03184038v1
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"It Is Not the Robot Who Learns, It Is Me." Treating Severe Dysgraphia Using Child-Robot Interaction

Thomas Gargot , Thibault Asselborn , Ingrid Zammouri , Julie Brunelle , Wafa Johal
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021, 12, pp.596055. ⟨10.3389/fpsyt.2021.596055⟩
Journal articles hal-03152170v1
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Engagement in Human-Agent Interaction: An Overview

Catharine Oertel , Ginevra Castellano , Mohamed Chetouani , Jauwairia Nasir , Mohammad Obaid
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020
Journal articles hal-03011388v1
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Behavior and interaction imaging at 9 months of age predict autism/intellectual disability in high-risk infants with West syndrome

Lisa Ouss , Giuseppe Palestra , Catherine Saint-Georges , Marluce Leitgel Gille , Mohamed Afshar
Translational Psychiatry, 2020, 10 (1), pp.54. ⟨10.1038/s41398-020-0743-8⟩
Journal articles hal-02553787v1
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Engagement in Human-Agent Interaction: An Overview

Catharine Oertel , Ginevra Castellano , Mohamed Chetouani , Jauwairia Nasir , Mohammad Obaid
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020, 7, pp.92. ⟨10.3389/frobt.2020.00092⟩
Journal articles hal-03124316v1
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Interactively shaping robot behaviour with unlabeled human instructions

Anis Najar , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2020, 34 (2), ⟨10.1007/s10458-020-09459-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02996137v1

GAME-ON: A Multimodal Dataset for Cohesion and Group Analysis

Lucien Maman , Eleonora Ceccaldi , Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock , Laurence Likforman-Sulem , Mohamed Chetouani
IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp.124185-124203. ⟨10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3005719⟩
Journal articles hal-03152084v1
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The social Simon effect in the tactile sensory modality: a negative finding

Alix Pérusseau-Lambert , Margarita Anastassova , Mehdi Boukallel , Mohamed Chetouani , Ouriel Grynszpan
Cognitive Processing, 2019, 20 (3), pp.299-307. ⟨10.1007/s10339-019-00911-4⟩
Journal articles hal-02407435v1
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Affective and Behavioural Computing: Lessons Learnt from the First Computational Paralinguistics Challenge

Björn Schuller , Felix Weninger , Yue Zhang , Fabien Ringeval , Anton Batliner
Computer Speech and Language, 2019, 53, pp.156-180. ⟨10.1016/j.csl.2018.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01993250v1

Region-based facial representation for real-time Action Units intensity detection across datasets

Isabelle Hupont , Mohamed Chetouani
Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2019, 22 (2), pp.477-489. ⟨10.1007/s10044-017-0645-4⟩
Journal articles hal-02422879v1

The emotional component of Infant Directed-Speech: A cross-cultural study using machine learning

Erika Parlato-Oliveira , Mohamed Chetouani , Jean-Maximilien Cadic , Sylvie Viaux , Zeineb Ghattassi
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2019, ⟨10.1016/j.neurenf.2019.10.004⟩
Journal articles hal-02422878v1
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Toward a motor signature in autism: Studies from human-machine interaction

J. Xavier , H. Guedjou , S.M. Anzalone , S. Boucenna , E. Guigon
L'Encéphale, 2019, 45 (2), pp.182-187. ⟨10.1016/j.encep.2018.08.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02422881v1

Distinguish self- and hetero-perceived stress through behavioral imaging and physiological features

Michel Spodenkiewicz , Jonathan Aigrain , Nadège Bourvis , Séverine Dubuisson , Mohamed Chetouani
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2018, 82, pp.107-114. ⟨10.1016/j.pnpbp.2017.11.023⟩
Journal articles hal-02076860v1
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Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-robot interactions: An application for autism spectrum disorder assessment

Salvatore Maria Anzalone , Jean Xavier , Sofiane Boucenna , Lucia Billeci , Antonio Narzisi
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018, ⟨10.1016/j.patrec.2018.03.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01738593v1

Interfaces haptiques et tactiles pour l'autisme: une revue systématique

Alix Pérusseau-Lambert , Margarita Anastassova , Mehdi Boukallel , Mohamed Chetouani , Ouriel Grynszpan
Enfance, 2018, 1 (1), pp.65. ⟨10.3917/enf2.181.0065⟩
Journal articles hal-02422902v1

Interpersonal Synchronization, Motor Coordination, and Control Are Impaired During a Dynamic Imitation Task in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Jean Xavier , Soizic Gauthier , David Cohen , Mohamed Zahoui , Mohamed Chetouani
Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01467⟩
Journal articles hal-02422904v1
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A natural interface based on intention prediction for semi-autonomous micromanipulation

Laura Cohen , Mohamed Chetouani , Stéphane Régnier , Sinan Haliyo
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2018, 12 (1), pp.17-30. ⟨10.1007/s12193-018-0259-1⟩
Journal articles hal-02422898v1

Hormonal Risk Factors for Osteoporosis: Different Profile Among Antipsychotics

Angelica Lim , Hiroshi Okuno , Salvatore Maria Anzalone , Sofiane Boucenna , Lucia Billeci
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2018, 28 (10), pp.719-726. ⟨10.1089/cap.2017.0158⟩
Journal articles hal-02446606v1

Children Facial Expression Production: Influence of Age, Gender, Emotion Subtype, Elicitation Condition and Culture

Charline Grossard , Laurence Chaby , Stephanie Hun , Hugues Pellerin , Jérémy Bourgeois
Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00446⟩
Journal articles hal-02422897v1

Behavioral Own-Body-Transformations in Children and Adolescents With Typical Development, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Developmental Coordination Disorder

Soizic Gauthier , Salvatore Anzalone , David Cohen , Mohamed Zaoui , Mohamed Chetouani
Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00676⟩
Journal articles hal-02422896v1
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Pre-linguistic infants employ complex communicative loops to engage mothers in social exchanges and repair interaction ruptures

Nadège Bourvis , Magi Singer , Catherine Saint-Georges , Nicolas Bodeau , Mohamed Chetouani
Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5 (1), pp.170274. ⟨10.1098/rsos.170274⟩
Journal articles hal-01714653v1

ICT and autism care

Charline Grossard , Giuseppe Palestra , Jean Xavier , Mohamed Chetouani , Ouriel Grynszpan
Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 2018, 31 (6), pp.474-483. ⟨10.1097/YCO.0000000000000455⟩
Journal articles hal-02422891v1

GOLIAH (Gaming Open Library for Intervention in Autism at Home): a 6-month single blind matched controlled exploratory study

Anne-Lise Jouen , Antonio Narzisi , Jean Xavier , Elodie Tilmont , Nicolas Bodeau
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 2017, 11 (1), ⟨10.1186/s13034-017-0154-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02422907v1

Autisme, jeux sérieux et robotique : réalité tangible ou abus de langage ?

David Cohen , Charline Grossard , Ouriel Grynszpan , Salvatore Anzalone , Sofiane Boucenna
Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique, 2017, 175 (5), pp.438-445. ⟨10.1016/j.amp.2017.03.013⟩
Journal articles hal-03179138v1
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Automated prediction of Extraversion during Human-Humanoid interaction

Salvatore Maria Anzalone , Giovanna Varni , Serena Ivaldi , Mohamed Chetouani
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2017, ⟨10.1007/s12369-017-0399-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01492787v1

Comparing Social Science and Computer Science Workflow Processes for Studying Group Interactions

Joseph Allen , Colin Fisher , Mohamed Chetouani , Ming Ming Chiu , Hatice Gunes
Small Group Research, 2017, 48 (5), pp.568-590. ⟨10.1177/1046496417721747⟩
Journal articles hal-02422910v1

Automatic analysis of psychotherapy videos by using synchrony signal

T. Gargot , G. Varni , M. Chetouani , D. Cohen
European Psychiatry, 2017, 41, pp.S147. ⟨10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1994⟩
Journal articles hal-02422935v1

Computational Study of Primitive Emotional Contagion in Dyadic Interactions

Giovanna Varni , Isabelle Hupont , Chloé Clavel , Mohamed Chetouani
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2017
Journal articles hal-02287879v1

Relations between Automatically Extracted Motion Features and the Quality of Mother-Infant Interactions at 4 and 13 Months

Ida Egmose , Giovanna Varni , Katharina Cordes , Johanne Smith-Nielsen , Mette Skovgaard Væver
Frontiers in Psychology, 2017, 8
Journal articles hal-02287734v1

Autisme, jeux sérieux et robotique : réalité tangible ou abus de langage ?

David Cohen , Charline Grossard , Ouriel Grynszpan , Salvatore Anzalone , Sofiane Boucenna
Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique, 2017, 175 (5), pp.438-445. ⟨10.1016/j.amp.2017.03.013⟩
Journal articles hal-03032774v1

Fully Automatic Analysis of Engagement and Its Relationship to Personality in Human-Robot Interactions

Hanan Salam , Oya Celiktutan , Isabelle Hupont , Hatice Gunes , Mohamed Chetouani
IEEE Access, 2017, 5, pp.705-721. ⟨10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2614525⟩
Journal articles hal-02422969v1
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Gaze Behavior Consistency among Older and Younger Adults When Looking at Emotional Faces

Laurence Chaby , Isabelle Hupont , Marie Avril , Viviane Luherne-Du Boullay , Mohamed Chetouani
Frontiers in Psychology, 2017, 8, pp.548 ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00548⟩
Journal articles hal-01518089v1
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Towards engagement models that consider individual factors in HRI: on the relation of extroversion and negative attitude towards robots to gaze and speech during a human-robot assembly task

Serena Ivaldi , Sebastien Lefort , Jan Peters , Mohamed Chetouani , Joelle Provasi
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2017, 9 (1), pp.63-86. ⟨10.1007/s12369-016-0357-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01322231v1
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Robots Learn to Recognize Individuals from Imitative Encounters with People and Avatars

Sofiane Boucenna , David Cohen , Andrew N. Meltzoff , Philippe Gaussier , Mohamed Chetouani
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, pp.19908. ⟨10.1038/srep19908⟩
Journal articles hal-01279447v1
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Trust as indicator of robot functional and social acceptance. An experimental study on user conformation to iCub answers

Ilaria Gaudiello , Elisabetta Zibetti , Sébastien Lefort , Mohamed Chetouani , Serena Ivaldi
Computers in Human Behavior, 2016, ⟨10.1016/j.chb.2016.03.057⟩
Journal articles hal-01298502v1
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Interaction and behaviour imaging: a novel method to measure mother–infant interaction using video 3D reconstruction

Chloë Leclère , Marie Avril , S Viaux-Savelon , N Bodeau , C Achard
Translational Psychiatry, 2016, 6 (5), pp.e816. ⟨10.1038/tp.2016.82⟩
Journal articles hal-01342065v1

Intérêts de l’étude des interactions précoces mère-bébé par des méthodes automatisées de traitement du signal social : applications à la psychopathologie

David Cohen , Sylvie Viaux , Catherine Saint-Georges , Chloë Leclère , Mohamed Chetouani
Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine, 2016, 200 (6), pp.1203-1220. ⟨10.1016/S0001-4079(19)30639-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02422976v1
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Multimodal stress detection from multiple assessments

Jonathan Aigrain , Michel Spodenkiewicz , Severine Dubuisson , Marcin Detyniecki , David Cohen
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2016, PP (99), pp.1 - 1. ⟨10.1109/TAFFC.2016.2631594⟩
Journal articles hal-01416517v1

Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones during Father-Infant Interaction

Omri Weisman , Mohamed Chetouani , Catherine Saint-Georges , Nadège Bourvis , Emilie Delaherche
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2016, 7 (4), pp.337-345. ⟨10.1109/TAFFC.2015.2478468⟩
Journal articles hal-02422980v1

GOLIAH: A Gaming Platform for Home-Based Intervention in Autism – Principles and Design

Valentina Bono , Antonio Narzisi , Anne-Lise Jouen , Elodie Tilmont , Stephane Hommel
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2016, 7, ⟨10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00070⟩
Journal articles hal-02422978v1
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Real-Time Facial Action Unit Intensity Prediction with Regularized Metric Learning

Jérémie Nicolle , Kevin Bailly , Mohamed Chetouani
Image and Vision Computing, 2016, 52, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1016/j.imavis.2016.03.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01318177v1

Compensating for age limits through emotional crossmodal integration

Laurence Chaby , Viviane Luherne-Du Boullay , Mohamed Chetouani , Monique Plaza
Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00691⟩
Journal articles hal-02423006v1

Automatic measure of imitation during social interaction: A behavioral and hyperscanning-EEG benchmark

Emilie Delaherche , Guillaume Dumas , Jacqueline Nadel , Mohamed Chetouani
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2015, 66, pp.118-126. ⟨10.1016/j.patrec.2014.09.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02422982v1
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Evaluating the Engagement with Social Robots

Salvatore Anzalone , S Boucenna , Serena Ivaldi , Mohamed Chetouani
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2015, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1007/s12369-015-0298-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01158293v1

Open Challenges in Modelling, Analysis and Synthesis of Human Behaviour in Human–Human and Human–Machine Interactions

Alessandro Vinciarelli , Anna Esposito , Elisabeth André , Francesca Bonin , Mohamed Chetouani
Cognitive Computation, 2015, 7 (4), pp.397-413. ⟨10.1007/s12559-015-9326-z⟩
Journal articles hal-02423000v1
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Altered identification with relative preservation of emotional prosody production in patients with Alzheimer's disease

Lorraine Templier , Mohamed Chetouani , Monique Plaza , Zoé Belot , Patrick Bocquet
Psychologie & NeuroPsychiatrie du vieillissement, 2015, 13 (1), pp.106-115. ⟨10.1684/pnv.2015.0524⟩
Journal articles hal-02423022v1
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Social signal processing for studying parent–infant interaction

Marie Avril , Chloë Leclère , Sylvie Viaux , Stéphane Michelet , Catherine Achard
Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5, pp.1437. ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01437⟩
Journal articles hal-01324725v1

Infant’s engagement and emotion as predictors of autism or intellectual disability in West syndrome

Lisa Ouss , Catherine Saint-Georges , Laurence Robel , Nicolas Bodeau , Marie-Christine Laznik
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2014, 23 (3), pp.143-149. ⟨10.1007/s00787-013-0430-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02423101v1

Learning of Social Signatures Through Imitation Game Between a Robot and a Human Partner

Sofiane Boucenna , Salvatore Anzalone , Elodie Tilmont , David Cohen , Mohamed Chetouani
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 2014, 6 (3), pp.213-225. ⟨10.1109/TAMD.2014.2319861⟩
Journal articles hal-02423049v1
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Why Synchrony Matters during Mother-Child Interactions: A Systematic Review

Chloë Leclère , Sylvie Viaux , Marie Avril , Catherine Achard , Mohamed Chetouani
PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (12), pp.e113571. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0113571⟩
Journal articles hal-01366294v1

Interactive Technologies for Autistic Children: A Review

Sofiane Boucenna , Antonio Narzisi , Elodie Tilmont , Filippo Muratori , Giovanni Pioggia
Cognitive Computation, 2014, 6 (4), pp.722-740. ⟨10.1007/s12559-014-9276-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02423111v1

How children with autism spectrum disorder behave and explore the 4-dimensional (spatial 3D+time) environment during a joint attention induction task with a robot

Salvatore Maria Anzalone , Elodie Tilmont , Sofiane Boucenna , Jean Xavier , Anne-Lise Jouen
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2014, 8 (7), pp.814-826. ⟨10.1016/j.rasd.2014.03.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02423047v1

Robot initiative in a team learning task increases the rhythm of interaction but not the perceived engagement

Serena Ivaldi , Salvatore Anzalone , Woody Rousseau , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2014, 8, ⟨10.3389/fnbot.2014.00005⟩
Journal articles hal-02423102v1

Course of maternal prosodic incitation (motherese) during early development in autism: An exploratory home movie study

Raquel S Cassel , Catherine Saint Georges , Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani , Filippo Muratori
Interaction Studies, 2014, 14 (3), pp.480-496. ⟨10.1075/is.14.3.08cas⟩
Journal articles hal-02423133v1

On the relevance of using rhythmic metrics and SVM to assess dysarthric severity

Habiba Dahmani , Sid Ahmed Selouani , Noureddine Doghmane , Douglas O' , N.A. Shaughnessy
International Journal of Biometrics, 2014, 6 (3), pp.248. ⟨10.1504/IJBM.2014.064405⟩
Journal articles hal-02423110v1
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Designing an assistive robot for older adults: the Robadom project

Ya-Huei Wu , Jérémy Wrobel , Victoria Cristancho-Lacroix , Laila Kamali , Mohamed Chetouani
Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, 2013, 34 (2), pp.119-123
Journal articles hal-00832065v1

Robadom, un robot d'aide et de soutien à domicile: le point de vue des personnes âgées

Ya-Huei Wu , Jérémy Wrobel , Victoria Cristancho-Lacroix , Hélène Kerhervé , Mélanie Cornuet
Sciences et Technologies pour le Handicap, 2013, pp.237-250
Journal articles hal-00920338v1
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Do Parentese Prosody and Fathers' Involvement in Interacting Facilitate Social Interaction in Infants Who Later Develop Autism?

David Cohen , Raquel S Cassel , Catherine Saint-Georges , Ammar Mahdhaoui , Marie-Christine Laznik
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (5), pp.e61402. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0061402⟩
Journal articles hal-01618730v1

Oxytocin shapes parental motion during father–infant interaction

Omri Weisman , Emilie Delaherche , Margot Rondeau , Mohamed Chetouani , David Cohen
Biology Letters, 2013, 9 (6), pp.20130828. ⟨10.1098/rsbl.2013.0828⟩
Journal articles hal-02423118v1

Designing an assistive robot for older adults: The ROBADOM project

Y.-H. Wu , J. Wróbel , V. Cristancho-Lacroix , L. Kamali , M. Chetouani
Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, 2013, 34 (2), pp.119-123. ⟨10.1016/j.irbm.2013.01.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02423127v1

Motherese in Interaction: At the Cross-Road of Emotion and Cognition? (A Systematic Review)

Catherine Saint-Georges , Mohamed Chetouani , Raquel S Cassel , Fabio Apicella , Ammar Mahdhaoui
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (10), pp.e78103. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0078103⟩
Journal articles hal-02423120v1

Self-talk Discrimination in Human–Robot Interaction Situations for Supporting Social Awareness

Jade Le Maître , Mohamed Chetouani
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2013, 5 (2), pp.277-289. ⟨10.1007/s12369-013-0179-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02423151v1

Biometric Applications Related to Human Beings: There Is Life beyond Security

Marcos Faundez-Zanuy , Amir Hussain , Jiri Mekyska , Enric Sesa-Nogueras , Enric Monte-Moreno
Cognitive Computation, 2013, 5 (1), pp.136-151. ⟨10.1007/s12559-012-9169-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02423158v1
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Le projet Robadom : conception d'un robot d'assistance pour les personnes âgées

Ya-Huei Wu , Jérémy Wrobel , Victoria Cristancho-Lacroix , Hélène Kerhervé , Mohamed Chetouani
Revue de Geriatrie, 2013, Tome 38 (5), pp.349-353
Journal articles hal-00832051v1

Assessment of the communicative and coordination skills of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and typically developing children using social signal processing

Emilie Delaherche , Mohamed Chetouani , Fabienne Bigouret , Jean Xavier , Monique Plaza
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2013, 7 (6), pp.741-756. ⟨10.1016/j.rasd.2013.02.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02423124v1

Assessment of dysarthric speech through rhythm metrics

H. Dahmani , S.-A. Selouani , D. O’shaughnessy , M. Chetouani , N. Doghmane
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2013, 25 (1), pp.43-49. ⟨10.1016/j.jksuci.2012.05.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02423160v1

Dynamic modeling of prosody: Application to atypical prosody recognition in ASD, PDD-NOS and specific language impairment

F. Ringeval , M. Chetouani , D. Cohen
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012, 60 (5), pp.S32. ⟨10.1016/j.neurenf.2012.05.104⟩
Journal articles hal-02423202v1

Michelangelo, an European research project exploring new, ICT-supported approaches in the assessment and treatment of autistic children

S. Bonfiglio , M. Chetouani , A. Giuliano , K. Maharatna , F. Muratori
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012, 60 (5), pp.S33. ⟨10.1016/j.neurenf.2012.05.106⟩
Journal articles hal-02423200v1

Imitation game between a human and a robot for the motor actions learning

S. Boucena , M. Chetouani , D. Cohen , P. Gaussier
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012, 60 (5), pp.S41. ⟨10.1016/j.neurenf.2012.05.147⟩
Journal articles hal-02423204v1

Social signal processing and personal robotics for psychopathology: Signals, communicative acts and behaviours

M. Chetouani
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012, 60 (5), pp.S4. ⟨10.1016/j.neurenf.2012.04.023⟩
Journal articles hal-02423198v1

Computation highlights subtle interactions between autistic babies and their parents, who are sensitive to their child's particularities

C. Saint-Georges , R. Cassel , A. Mahdhaoui , M. Chetouani , M.C. Laznik
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012, 60 (5), pp.S53. ⟨10.1016/j.neurenf.2012.05.205⟩
Journal articles hal-02423196v1

Interpersonal synchrony: A survey of evaluation methods across disciplines and its application to ASD

E. Delahaerche , M. Chetouani , D. Cohen
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2012, 60 (5), pp.S32-S33. ⟨10.1016/j.neurenf.2012.05.105⟩
Journal articles hal-02423194v1

Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Methods across Disciplines

Emilie Delaherche , Mohamed Chetouani , Ammar Mahdhaoui , Catherine Saint-Georges , Sylvie Viaux
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2012, 3 (3), pp.349-365. ⟨10.1109/T-AFFC.2012.12⟩
Journal articles hal-02423205v1

Do Parents Recognize Autistic Deviant Behavior Long before Diagnosis? Taking into Account Interaction Using Computational Methods

Catherine Saint-Georges , Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani , Raquel S Cassel , Marie-Christine Laznik
PLoS ONE, 2011, 6 (7), pp.e22393. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0022393⟩
Journal articles hal-02423441v1

Supervised and semi-supervised infant-directed speech classification for parent-infant interaction analysis

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani
Speech Communication, 2011, 53 (9-10), pp.1149-1161. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2011.05.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02423438v1

Automatic Intonation Recognition for the Prosodic Assessment of Language-Impaired Children

Fabien Ringeval , Julie Demouy , György Szaszak , Mohamed Chetouani , Laurence Robel
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2011, 19 (5), pp.1328-1342. ⟨10.1109/TASL.2010.2090147⟩
Journal articles hal-02423449v1

Differential language markers of pathology in Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified and Specific Language Impairment

Julie Demouy , Monique Plaza , Jean Xavier , Fabien Ringeval , Mohamed Chetouani
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2011, 5 (4), pp.1402-1412. ⟨10.1016/j.rasd.2011.01.026⟩
Journal articles hal-02423426v1

Computerized home video detection for motherese may help to study impaired interaction between infants who become autistic and their parents

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani , Raquel S Cassel , Catherine Saint-Georges , Erika Parlato
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 2011, 20 (1), pp.e6-e18. ⟨10.1002/mpr.332⟩
Journal articles hal-02423444v1
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Supervised and semi-supervised infant-directed speech classification for parent-infant interaction analysis

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani
Speech Communication, 2011, 53 (9-10), pp.1149. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2011.05.005⟩
Journal articles hal-00779290v1

Is MRI useful to assess labral reduction following acute anterior shoulder dislocation?

M. Chetouani , Mickael Ropars , F. Marin , Denis Huten , Régis Duvauferrier
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 2010, 96 (3), pp.203-7. ⟨10.1016/j.otsr.2009.12.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00749006v1

What studies of family home movies can teach us about autistic infants: A literature review

Catherine Saint-Georges , Raquel S Cassel , David Cohen , Mohamed Chetouani , Marie-Christine Laznik
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2010, 4 (3), pp.355-366. ⟨10.1016/j.rasd.2009.10.017⟩
Journal articles hal-02423457v1

Optimizing feature complementarity by evolution strategy: Application to automatic speaker verification

C. Charbuillet , B. Gas , M. Chetouani , J.L. Zarader
Speech Communication, 2009, 51 (9), pp.724-731. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2009.01.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02423465v1

Special issue on non-linear and non-conventional speech processing

Mohamed Chetouani , Marcos Faundez-Zanuy , Amir Hussain , Bruno Gas , Jean-Luc Zarader
Speech Communication, 2009, 51 (9), pp.713. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2009.06.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02423462v1

Maximum likelihood linear programming data fusion for speaker recognition

Enric Monte-Moreno , Mohamed Chetouani , Marcos Faundez-Zanuy , Jordi Sole-Casals
Speech Communication, 2009, 51 (9), pp.820-830. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2008.05.009⟩
Journal articles hal-02423466v1

Investigation on LP-residual representations for speaker identification

M. Chetouani , M. Faundez-Zanuy , B. Gas , J.L. Zarader
Pattern Recognition, 2009, 42 (3), pp.487-494. ⟨10.1016/j.patcog.2008.08.008⟩
Journal articles hal-02423469v1
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Time-Scale Feature Extractions for Emotional Speech Characterization

Mohamed Chetouani , Mahdhaoui Ammar , Fabien Ringeval
Cognitive Computation, 2009
Journal articles hal-00519132v1
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Optimizing feature complementarity by evolution strategy: Application to automatic speaker verification

C. Charbuillet , B. Gas , M. Chetouani , J.L. Zarader
Speech Communication, 2009, 51 (9), pp.724. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2009.01.005⟩
Journal articles hal-00550286v1
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Maximum likelihood Linear Programming Data Fusion for Speaker Recognition

Enric Monte-Moreno , Mohamed Chetouani , Marcos Faundez-Zanuy , Jordi Sole-Casals
Speech Communication, 2009, 51 (9), pp.820. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2008.05.009⟩
Journal articles hal-00550282v1

Discriminant neural predictive coding applied to phoneme recognition

B. Gas , J.L. Zarader , C. Chavy , M. Chetouani
Neurocomputing, 2004, 56, pp.141-166. ⟨10.1016/j.neucom.2002.08.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02423553v1
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Sémantique agrégative graduelle pour les systèmes d'argumentation bipolaires pondérés

Yann Munro , Isabelle Bloch , Mohamed Chetouani , Catherine Pelachaud , Marie-Jeanne Lesot
Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle, Jul 2024, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-04648004v1
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Humans' Spatial Perspective-Taking When Interacting with a Robotic Arm

Mouad Abrini , Malika Auvray , Mohamed Chetouani
IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2023, Busan, South Korea
Conference papers hal-04209278v1

Composite AI for Behavior Analysis in Social Interactions

Bruno Carlos dos Santos Melicio , Linyun Xiang , Emily Dillon , Latha Soorya , Mohamed Chetouani
ICMI '23: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION, Oct 2023, Paris France, France. pp.389-397, ⟨10.1145/3610661.3616237⟩
Conference papers hal-04316804v1

COPALZ: A Computational Model of Pathological Appraisal Biases for an Interactive Virtual Alzheimer Patient

Amine Benamara , Jean-Claude Martin , E. Prigent , Laurence Chaby , Mohamed Chetouani
AAMAS '22: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May 2022, Virtual Event New Zealand, New Zealand. pp.72-81
Conference papers ird-03679246v1
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Argumentation and Causal Models in Human-Machine Interaction: A Round Trip

Yann Munro , Isabelle Bloch , Mohamed Chetouani , Marie-Jeanne Lesot , Catherine Pelachaud
8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Jun 2022, Örebro, Sweden
Conference papers hal-03739310v1

Cooperation and learning dynamics under risk diversity and financial incentives

Ramona Merhej , Fernando P. Santos , Francisco S. Melo , Mohamed Chetouani , Francisco C. Santos
Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022),, May 2022, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference papers hal-03551137v1
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SLOT-V: Supervised Learning of Observer Models for Legible Robot Motion Planning in Manipulation

Sebastian Wallkötter , Mohamed Chetouani , Ginevra Castellano
2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2022, Naples, Italy
Conference papers hal-03709609v1
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Pragmatically Learning from Pedagogical Demonstrations in Multi-Goal Environments

Hugo Caselles-Dupré , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), Nov 2022, New Orleans, United States
Conference papers hal-03828002v1
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Does What Users Say Match What They Do? Comparing Self-Reported Attitudes and Behaviours towards a Social Robot

Rebecca Stower , Karen Tatarian , Damien Rudaz , Marine Chamoux , Mohamed Chetouani
2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2022, Naples, Italy
Conference papers hal-03709606v1

Social Robots in Learning Scenarios: Useful Tools to Improve Students’ Attention or Potential Sources of Distraction?

Samantha Charpentier , Mohamed Chetouani , Isis Truck , David Cohen , Salvatore Anzalone
International Conference on Social Robotics, Dec 2022, Florence, Italy. pp.124-134, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-24670-8_12⟩
Conference papers hal-04065561v1
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De l’équivalence entre les modèles structurels causaux et les systèmes abstraits d’argumentation

Yann Munro , Isabelle Bloch , Mohamed Chetouani , Marie-Jeanne Lesot , Catherine Pelachaud
Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle, Jun 2022, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.123-130
Conference papers hal-03739302v1
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Conception des Interactions avec un Patient Virtuel Alzheimer pour la Formation du Personnel Soignant

Amine Benamara , Elise Prigent , Jean-Claude Martin , Jean Zagdoun , Laurence Chaby
Actes de la 32e conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM'20.21), Apr 2021, Virtual Event, France. pp.17:1-12, ⟨10.1145/3450522.3451337⟩
Conference papers hal-03567064v1

2nd Edition of Solutions for Socially Intelligent HRI in Real-World Scenarios (SSIR-HRI)

Karen Tatarian , Sera Buyukgoz , Marine Chamoux , Aaquib Tabrez , Bradley Hayes
HRI '21: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Mar 2021, Boulder CO USA, France. pp.694-696, ⟨10.1145/3434074.3444874⟩
Conference papers hal-03173527v1

Robot Gaze Behavior and Proxemics to Coordinate Conversational Roles in Group Interactions

Karen Tatarian , Marine Chamoux , Amit Kumar Pandey , Mohamed Chetouani
The 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2021), Aug 2021, Waterloo (Virtual), Canada
Conference papers hal-03258081v1

Teaching a Robot with Unlabeled Instructions: The TICS Architecture

Anis Najar , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
AAMAS 2021, May 2021, London (virtual), United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03224574v1
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Grounding Language to Autonomously-Acquired Skills via Goal Generation

Ahmed Akakzia , Cédric Colas , Pierre-Yves Oudeyer , Mohamed Chetouani , Olivier Sigaud
ICLR 2021 - Ninth International Conference on Learning Representation, May 2021, Vienna / Virtual, Austria
Conference papers hal-03121146v1

Quietly angry: declared customer satisfaction vs. automatically detected emotion in contact center calls

Eric Bolo , Muhammad Samoul , Nicolas Seichepine , Mohamed Chetouani
Proc. 3rd Intl. Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR), Oct 2021, Paris, France. pp.23
Conference papers hal-03429505v1

Using Valence Emotion to Predict Group Cohesion’s Dynamics: Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches

Lucien Maman , Mohamed Chetouani , Laurence Likforman-Sulem , Giovanna Varni
International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2021), Sep 2021, Virtual Event Nara, Japan, France
Conference papers hal-03426962v1
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Exploiting the Interplay between Social and Task Dimensions of Cohesion to Predict its Dynamics Leveraging Social Sciences

Lucien Maman , Laurence Likforman-Sulem , Mohamed Chetouani , Giovanna Varni
23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Oct 2021, Montreal, Canada. ⟨10.1145/3462244.3479940⟩
Conference papers hal-03409892v1
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Robots for Learning - Learner-Centred Design

Wafa Johal , Barbara Bruno , Jennifer K Olsen , Mohamed Chetouani , Séverin Lemaignan
HRI '21: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Mar 2021, Boulder CO, United States. pp.715-716, ⟨10.1145/3434074.3444873⟩
Conference papers hal-03169202v1
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LIEF: Learning to Influence through Evaluative Feedback

Ramona Merhej , Mohamed Chetouani
Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop (AAMAS 2021), May 2021, London (virtual), United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03224579v1
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Tirl: enriching actor-critic RL with non-expert human teachers and a trust model

Felix Rutard , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
The 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN, 2020, Napoli, Italy
Conference papers hal-03124262v1

Touch Recognition with Attentive End-to-End Model

Wail El Bani , Mohamed Chetouani
ICMI '20: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION, Oct 2020, Virtual Event Netherlands, France. pp.694-698, ⟨10.1145/3382507.3418834⟩
Conference papers hal-03152064v1
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Modeling Dynamics of Task and Social Cohesion from the Group Perspective Using Nonverbal Motion Capture-based Features

Fabian Walocha , Lucien Maman , Mohamed Chetouani , Giovanna Varni
Insights on Group & Team Dynamics, Oct 2020, Virtual Event, Netherlands. pp.182-190, ⟨10.1145/3395035.3425963⟩
Conference papers hal-03152058v1
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Integrating an Observer in Interactive Reinforcement Learning to Learn Legible Trajectories

Manuel Bied , Mohamed Chetouani
2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2020, Naples, Italy. pp.760-767, ⟨10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223338⟩
Conference papers hal-02984877v1
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Exploring the Difference between Solving and Teaching in Sensorimotor Tasks

Manuel Bied , Mohamed Chetouani
HRI '20: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Mar 2020, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp.139-141, ⟨10.1145/3371382.3378284⟩
Conference papers hal-02984868v1

Learning from Explanations and Demonstrations: A Pilot Study

Silvia Tulli , Sebastian Wallkötter , Ana Paiva , Francisco Melo , Mohamed Chetouani
2nd Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Dec 2020, Dubin, Virtual, Ireland. pp.61-66
Conference papers hal-03152179v1
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Conversational Role Coordinator for Groups in Human-Robot Interaction

Karen Tatarian , Marine Chamoux , Amit Kumar Pandey , Mohamed Chetouani
Quality of Interaction in Socially Assistive Robots (QISAR) workshop at the 11th International Conference on Social Robotics, Nov 2019, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-03829783v1

How unitizing affects annotation of cohesion

Eleonora Ceccaldi , Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock , Erica Volta , Mohamed Chetouani , Gualtiero Volpe
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Sep 2019, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1109/ACII.2019.8925527⟩
Conference papers hal-03152031v1
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CURIOUS: Intrinsically Motivated Modular Multi-Goal Reinforcement Learning

Cédric Colas , Pierre Fournier , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani , Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
ICML 2019 - Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning, Jun 2019, Long Beach, United States
Conference papers hal-01934921v2
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The CoWriter robot: improving attention in a learning-by-teaching setup

Pierre Le Denmat , Thomas Gargot , Mohamed Chetouani , Dominique Archambault , David Cohen
5th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics A workshop of the XVII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2018), Nov 2018, Trento, Italy
Conference papers hal-02422901v1

Semantic-Based Interaction for Teaching Robot Behavior Compositions Using Spoken Language

Victor Paléologue , Jocelyn Martin , Amit Kumar Pandey , Mohamed Chetouani
International Conference on Social Robotics, Nov 2018, Qingdao, China. pp.421-430, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-05204-1_41⟩
Conference papers hal-02422890v1

Multi-task Feature Learning for EEG-based Emotion Recognition Using Group Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Ayoub Hajlaoui , Mohamed Chetouani , Slim Essid
2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Sep 2018, Rome, France. pp.91-95, ⟨10.23919/EUSIPCO.2018.8553390⟩
Conference papers hal-02422892v1

The Attribution of Emotional State - How Embodiment Features and Social Traits Affect the Perception of an Artificial Agent

Maike Paetzel , Ginevra Castellano , Giovanna Varni , Isabelle Hupont , Mohamed Chetouani
2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2018, Nanjing, France. pp.495-502, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2018.8525700⟩
Conference papers hal-02422893v1

Simon Effect for the Design of Tactile Stimulation

Alix Pérusseau-Lambert , Margarita Anastassova , Mehdi Boukallel , Mohamed Chetouani , Ouriel Grynszpan
Eurohaptics, Jun 2018, Pisa, Italy. pp.69-79, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-93445-7_7⟩
Conference papers hal-02422895v1
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The influence of individual social traits on robot learning in a human-robot interaction

Hakim Guedjou , Sofiane Boucenna , Jean Xavier , David Cohen , Mohamed Chetouani
2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2017, Lisbonne, Portugal. ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2017.8172311⟩
Conference papers hal-01692664v1
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An Ontology-based approach for Robot and Ambient System collaboration

Emmanuel Dumont , Dan Istrate , Mohamed Chetouani
Towards Intelligent Social Robots: Social Cognitive Systems in Smart Environments, in conjunction with the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) – Lisbon – Portugal, Aug 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers hal-02422943v1
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Combining artificial curiosity and tutor guidance for environment exploration

Pierre Fournier , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
Workshop on Behavior Adaptation, Interaction and Learning for Assistive Robotics at IEEE RO-MAN 2017, Aug 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01581363v1

EMOEEG: A new multimodal dataset for dynamic EEG-based emotion recognition with audiovisual elicitation

Anne-Claire Conneau , Ayoub Hajlaoui , Mohamed Chetouani , Slim Essid
2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aug 2017, Kos, Greece. pp.738-742, ⟨10.23919/EUSIPCO.2017.8081305⟩
Conference papers hal-02422947v1

Exploring the Link between Self-assessed Mimicry and Embodiment in HRI

Maike Paetzel , Isabelle Hupont , Giovanna Varni , Mohamed Chetouani , Christopher Peters
Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Mar 2017, New-York, United States. pp.245-246, ⟨10.1145/3029798.3038317⟩
Conference papers hal-02422938v1

Investigating the influence of embodiment on facial mimicry in HRI using computer vision-based measures

Maike Paetzel , Giovanna Varni , Isabelle Hupont , Mohamed Chetouani , Christopher Peters
2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2017, Lisbon, France. pp.579-586, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2017.8172361⟩
Conference papers hal-02422939v1

Improving quality of life with a narrative companion

Jocelyn Martin , Alexandre Coninx , Mohamed Chetouani , Peter Ford Dominey , Victor Paléologue
2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2017, Lisbon, France. pp.127-134, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2017.8172291⟩
Conference papers hal-02566787v1

Modeling the dynamics of individual behaviors for group detection in crowds using low-level features

Omar Adair Islas Ramirez , Giovanna Varni , Mihai Andries , Mohamed Chetouani , Raja Chatila
2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2016, New York, United States. pp.1104-1111, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2016.7745246⟩
Conference papers hal-02422973v1
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Training a robot with evaluative feedback and unlabeled guidance signals

Anis Najar , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
RO-MAN, 2016, New York, United States. pp.261-266, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2016.7745140⟩
Conference papers hal-03124264v1
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Posture recognition analysis during human-robot imitation learning

Hakim Guedjou , Sofiane Boucenna , Mohamed Chetouani
2016 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), Sep 2016, Cergy-Pontoise, France. pp.193-194, ⟨10.1109/DEVLRN.2016.7846817⟩
Conference papers hal-01691767v1

On leveraging crowdsourced data for automatic perceived stress detection

Jonathan Aigrain , Arnaud Dapogny , Kevin Bailly , Séverine Dubuisson , Marcin Detyniecki
ICMI 2016 - 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Nov 2016, Tokyo, Japan. pp.113-120, ⟨10.1145/2993148.2993200⟩
Conference papers hal-02422960v1
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A humanoid robot controlled by neurofeedback to reinforce attention in autism spectrum disorder

Salvatore Anzalone , Antoine Tanet , Olivier Pallanca , David Cohen , Mohamed Chetouani
Proceedings of the 3rd Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Nov 2016, bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-02422951v1

A multimodal and multilevel system for robotics treatment of autism in children

Giuseppe Palestra , Giovanna Varni , Mohamed Chetouani , Floriana Esposito
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Learning and Multimodal Interaction for Designing Artificial Agents, Nov 2016, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1145/3005338.3005341⟩
Conference papers hal-02422953v1
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Automatic Analysis of Typical and Atypical Encoding of Spontaneous Emotion in the Voice of Children

Fabien Ringeval , Erik Marchi , Charline Grossard , Jean Xavier , Mohamed Chetouani
Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2016, 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Sep 2016, San Francisco, CA, United States. pp.1210-1214, ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2016-766⟩
Conference papers hal-01494014v1
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Robots Learning How and Where to Approach People

Omar A Islas Ramírez , Harmish Khambhaita , Raja Chatila , Mohamed Chetouani , Rachid Alami
25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Aug 2016, New York, NY, United States. pp.347-353, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2016.7745154⟩
Conference papers hal-01568834v1
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Socially guided xcs: using teaching signals to boost learning

Anis Najar , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
GECCO (Companion), 2015, Madrid, Spain. pp.1021-1028, ⟨10.1145/2739482.2768452⟩
Conference papers hal-03124265v1
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Person-specific behavioural features for automatic stress detection

Jonathan Aigrain , Séverine Dubuisson , Marcin Detyniecki , Mohamed Chetouani
IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, May 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ⟨10.1109/FG.2015.7284844⟩
Conference papers hal-01364098v1

Engagement detection based on mutli-party cues for human robot interaction

Hanan Salam , Mohamed Chetouani
2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Sep 2015, Xi'an, China. pp.341-347, ⟨10.1109/ACII.2015.7344593⟩
Conference papers hal-02422997v1

Socially Guided XCS

Anis Najar , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
GECCO Companion '15 Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Jul 2015, Madrid, Spain. pp.1021-1028, ⟨10.1145/2739482.2768452⟩
Conference papers hal-02423004v1
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Predicting extraversion from non-verbal features during a face-to-face human-robot interaction

Faezeh Rahbar , Salvatore Anzalone , Giovanna Varni , Elisabetta Zibetti , Serena Ivaldi
International Conference on Social Robotics, Oct 2015, Paris, France. pp.10
Conference papers hal-01189065v1

SyncPy: a Unified Open-source Analytic Library for Synchrony

Giovanna Varni , Marie Avril , Adem Usta , Mohamed Chetouani
INTERPERSONAL '15 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Modeling INTERPERsonal SynchrONy And infLuence, Nov 2015, Seattle, United States. pp.41-47, ⟨10.1145/2823513.2823520⟩
Conference papers hal-02422986v1

A multi-level context-based modeling of engagement in Human-Robot Interaction

Hanan Salam , Mohamed Chetouani
2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), May 2015, Ljubljana, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/FG.2015.7284845⟩
Conference papers hal-02423011v1

Facial Action Unit intensity prediction via Hard Multi-Task Metric Learning for Kernel Regression

Jérémie Nicolle , Kevin Bailly , Mohamed Chetouani
2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), May 2015, Ljubljana, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/FG.2015.7284868⟩
Conference papers hal-02423008v1

Social-Task Learning for HRI

Anis Najar , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
International Conference on Social Robotics, Oct 2015, Paris, France. pp.472-481, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-25554-5_47⟩
Conference papers hal-02422990v1
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SPENCER: A Socially Aware Service Robot for Passenger Guidance and Help in Busy Airports

Rudolph Triebel , Kai A Arras , Rachid Alami , Lucas Beyer , Stefan Breuers
10th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR 2015), Jun 2015, Toronto, Canada. pp.607-622, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-27702-8_40⟩
Conference papers hal-01568853v1
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Evaluation automatique de l'imitation dans l'interaction

Stéphane Michelet , Catherine Achard , Mohamed Chetouani
Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) 2014, Jun 2014, France
Conference papers hal-00989129v1
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Intention prediction approach to interact naturally with the microworld

Laura Cohen , Sinan Haliyo , Mohamed Chetouani , Stéphane Régnier
2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Jul 2014, Besacon, France. pp.396-401, ⟨10.1109/AIM.2014.6878111⟩
Conference papers hal-02423044v1

IMI2S: A Lightweight Framework for Distributed Computing

Salvatore Anzalone , Marie Avril , Hanan Salam , Mohamed Chetouani
Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots. SIMPAR 2014, Oct 2014, Bergamo, Italy. pp.267-278, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-11900-7_23⟩
Conference papers hal-02423034v1
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Robot initiative increases the rhythm of interaction in a team learning task

Serena Ivaldi , Salvatore Anzalone , Woody Rousseau , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
Timing in Human-Robot interaction, Workshop of the 9th ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Human-robot interaction - HRI, 2014, Bielefeld, Germany
Conference papers hal-03124266v1
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Romeo2 Project: Humanoid Robot Assistant and Companion for Everyday Life: I. Situation Assessment for Social Intelligence

Amit Kumar Pandey , Rodolphe Gelin , Rachid Alami , Renaud Viry , Axel Buendia
AIC: Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Nov 2014, Torino, Italy. pp.140-147
Conference papers hal-01096094v1

Role of Inter-Personal Synchrony in Extracting Social Signatures

Mohamed Chetouani
RFMIR '14 Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Roadmapping the Future of Multimodal Interaction Research including Business Opportunities and Challenges,, Nov 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.9-12, ⟨10.1145/2666253.2666263⟩
Conference papers hal-02423030v1
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How A Navigating Robot Decides Whether To Exploit Human Cooperation: Potential Co-Cost Minimization Principle

Hao Li , Mohamed Chetouani
HRI 2014 Workshop on Algorithmic Human-Robot Interaction, Bielefeld, Germany, Mar 2014, Bielefeld, Germany
Conference papers hal-02423114v1

Potential human reaction aware mobile robot motion planner: Potential cost minimization framework

Hao Li , Omar A Islas Ramírez , Mohamed Chetouani
2014 RO-MAN: The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Aug 2014, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.441-448, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2014.6926292⟩
Conference papers hal-02423042v1

Intention inference learning through the interaction with a caregiver

Laura Cohen , Walyd Abbassi , Mohamed Chetouani , Sofiane Boucenna
2014 Joint IEEE International Conferences on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), Oct 2014, Genoa, Italy. pp.153-154, ⟨10.1109/DEVLRN.2014.6982971⟩
Conference papers hal-02423035v1

Tracking Posture and Head Movements of Impaired People During Interactions with Robots

Salvatore Maria Anzalone , Mohamed Chetouani
The International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) i, Sep 2013, Naples, Italy. pp.41-49, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-41190-8_5⟩
Conference papers hal-02423122v1

Social Coordination Assessment: Distinguishing between Shape and Timing

Emilie Delaherche , Sofiane Boucenna , Koby Karp , Stéphane Michelet , Catherine Achard
IAPR Workshop on Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer Interaction, 2013, Berlin, Germany. pp.9-18, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-37081-6_2⟩
Conference papers hal-02463273v1

Learning object names through shared attention

Woody Rousseau , Salvatore Anzalone , Mohamed Chetouani , Olivier Sigaud , Serena Ivaldi
IROS - Int. Workshop on Developmental Social Robotics, 2013, Madrid, Spain. pp.1-6
Conference papers hal-03124267v1
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The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: Social Signals, Conflict, Emotion, Autism

Björn Schuller , Stefan Steidl , Anton Batliner , Alessandro Vinciarelli , Klaus R. Scherer
INTERSPEECH 2013: 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Aug 2013, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02423147v1

Locating facial landmarks with binary map cross-correlations

Jérémie Nicolle , Kevin Bailly , Vincent Rapp , Mohamed Chetouani
2013 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Sep 2013, Melbourne, Australia. pp.2978-2982, ⟨10.1109/ICIP.2013.6738613⟩
Conference papers hal-02423139v1

Cues for making a humanoid child more ''human-like'' during social learning tasks

Serena Ivaldi , Salvatore Anzalone , Woody Rousseau , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
IROS - Int. Workshop Towards social humanoid robots: what makes interaction human-like?, 2013, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-6
Conference papers hal-03124268v1
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Detection of social speech signals using adaptation of segmental HMMs

Sathish Pammi , Mohamed Chetouani
Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals, Aug 2013, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02423137v1

An embedded 3D human motion capture using the prediction provided from a walking model

Cong Zong , Xavier Clady , Joseph Salini , Mohamed Chetouani
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2012), Jun 2012, Rome, Italy. pp.1740-1746, ⟨10.1109/BioRob.2012.6290704⟩
Conference papers hal-02423178v1

Multimodal People Engagement with iCub

Salvatore Anzalone , Serena Ivaldi , Olivier Sigaud , Mohamed Chetouani
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Oct 2012, Palermo, Italy. pp.59-64, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-34274-5_16⟩
Conference papers hal-02423157v1
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Perception of affects from non-facial expressions of the robot Nabaztag

Ya-Huei Wu , Victoria Cristancho-Lacroix , E. Gabillet , Jade Le Maître , Mohamed Chetouani
ISG, International Society for Gerontechnology/ISARC, International Symposium of Automation and Robotics in Construction, Jun 2012, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00745752v1
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Impact d'un Robot " Majordome " sur l'état psychoaffectif et cognitif de personnes âgées ayant des troubles cognitifs

Anne-Sophie Rigaud , Ya-Huei Wu , Victoria Cristancho-Lacroix , Mohamed Chetouani , Céline Jost
SFGG 2012, 32ème journées annuelles de la société française de gériatrie et de gerontology, Oct 2012, paris, France
Conference papers hal-00750334v1

Automatic Imitation Assessment in Interaction

Stéphane Michelet , Koby Karp , Emilie Delaherche , Catherine Achard , Mohamed Chetouani
Human Behavior Understanding. HBU 2012, Oct 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal. pp.161-173, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-34014-7_14⟩
Conference papers hal-02423173v1

Social Coordination Assessment: Distinguishing between Shape and Timing

Serena Ivaldi , Damien Gerardeaux-Viret , Alain Droniou , Salvatore Anzalone , Olivier Sigaud
Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer-Interaction, Nov 2012, Tsukuba, Japan. pp.9-18, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-37081-6_2⟩
Conference papers hal-02423165v1

Exploring Multimodal Social-Emotional Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Interface between Social Signal Processing and Psychopathology

Laurence Chaby , Mohamed Chetouani , Monique Plaza , David Cohen
2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), Sep 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.950-954, ⟨10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.111⟩
Conference papers hal-02423175v1
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Novel Metrics of Speech Rhythm for the Assessment of Emotion

Fabien Ringeval , Mohamed Chetouani , Björn Schuller
INTERSPEECH, Sep 2012, Portland, United States
Conference papers hal-02423192v1

Learning postures through an imitation game between a human and a robot

S. Boucenna , E. Delaherche , M. Chetouani , P. Gaussier
2012 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), Nov 2012, San Diego, United States. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/DevLrn.2012.6400880⟩
Conference papers hal-02423167v1
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Perception and human interaction for developmental learning of objects and affordances

Serena Ivaldi , Natalya Lyubova , Damien Gérardeaux-Viret , Alain Droniou , Salvatore Anzalone
Proc. of the 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots - HUMANOIDS, Nov 2012, Santa Monica, United States. ⟨10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2012.6651528⟩
Conference papers hal-00755297v1

Robust continuous prediction of human emotions using multiscale dynamic cues

Jérémie Nicolle , Vincent Rapp , Kevin Bailly , Lionel Prevost , Mohamed Chetouani
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimodal interaction (ICMI'12), Oct 2012, Santa Monica, United States. pp.501, ⟨10.1145/2388676.2388783⟩
Conference papers hal-02423171v1

Multimodal human detection and fuzzy decisional engine for interactive behaviors of a mobile robot

C. Granata , Philippe Bidaud , M. Chetouani , N. Melchior
2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), Dec 2012, Kosice, Slovakia. pp.395-400, ⟨10.1109/CogInfoCom.2012.6422013⟩
Conference papers hal-02423162v1

Characterization of coordination in an imitation task

Emilie Delaherche , Mohamed Chetouani
ICMI '11 Proceedings of the 13th international conference on multimodal interfaces, Nov 2011, Alicante, Spain. pp.343, ⟨10.1145/2070481.2070546⟩
Conference papers hal-02423434v1

Automatic recognition of coordination level in an imitation task

Emilie Delaherche , Mohamed Chetouani
J-HGBU '11 Proceedings of the 2011 joint ACM workshop on Human gesture and behavior understanding, Dec 2011, Scottsdale, United States. pp.25, ⟨10.1145/2072572.2072582⟩
Conference papers hal-02423428v1
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ROBADOM: The Impact of a Domestic Robot on Psychological and Cognitive State of the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Ya-Huei Wu , Mohamed Chetouani , Victoria Cristancho-Lacroix , Jade Le Maître , Céline Jost
5th CRI (Companion Robotics Institute) Workshop AAL User-Centric Companion Robotics Experimentoria, Supporting Socio-ethically Intelligent Assistive Technologies Adoption, Mar 2011, France
Conference papers hal-00661797v1

An embedded human motion capture system for an assistive walking robot

Cong Zong , X. Clady , M. Chetouani
2011 IEEE 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics: Reaching Users & the Community (ICORR 2011), Jun 2011, Zurich, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICORR.2011.5975439⟩
Conference papers hal-02423443v1
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Voice and graphical-based interfaces for interaction with a robot dedicated to elderly and people with cognitive disorders

C. Granata , M. Chetouani , A. Tapus , P. Bidaud , V. Dupourque
2010 RO-MAN: The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Sep 2010, Viareggio, Italy. pp.785-790, ⟨10.1109/ROMAN.2010.5598698⟩
Conference papers hal-02423452v1

Emotional Speech Classification Based on Multi View Characterization

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Aug 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.4488-4491, ⟨10.1109/ICPR.2010.1090⟩
Conference papers hal-02423456v1
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Cognitive Services for Elderly People: The ROBADOM project

Mohamed Chetouani , Ya-Huei Wu , Céline Jost , Brigitte Le Pevedic , Christine Fassert
ECCE workshop : Robots that care, Aug 2010, Delf, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00661739v1

Multimodal coordination

Emilie Delaherche , Mohamed Chetouani
SSPW '10 Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Social signal processing, Oct 2010, Firenze, Italy. pp.47, ⟨10.1145/1878116.1878131⟩
Conference papers hal-02423454v1

Automatic gait characterization for a mobility assistance system

Cong Zong , Mohamed Chetouani , Adriana Tapus
2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision, Dec 2010, Singapore, Singapore. pp.473-478, ⟨10.1109/ICARCV.2010.5707864⟩
Conference papers hal-02423451v1

A new approach for motherese detection using a semi-supervised algorithm

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani
2009 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Sep 2009, Grenoble, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/MLSP.2009.5306198⟩
Conference papers hal-02423463v1

Time-Frequency Features Extraction for Infant Directed Speech Discrimination

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani , Loïc Kessous
Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing. NOLISP 2009, Jun 2009, Vic, Spain. pp.120-127, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-11509-7_16⟩
Conference papers hal-02423467v1

Generating Robot/Agent backchannels during a storytelling experiment

S. Al Moubayed , M. Baklouti , M. Chetouani , T. Dutoit , A. Mahdhaoui
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2009, Kobe, France. pp.3749-3754, ⟨10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152572⟩
Conference papers hal-02423468v1

Emotional speech characterization based on multi-features fusion for face-to-face interaction

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Fabien Ringeval , Mohamed Chetouani
2009 3rd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS 2009), Nov 2009, Medenine, Tunisia. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICSCS.2009.5412691⟩
Conference papers hal-02423459v1

Hilbert-Huang transform based physiological signals analysis for emotion recognition

Cong Zong , Mohamed Chetouani
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Dec 2009, Ajman, United Arab Emirates. pp.334-339, ⟨10.1109/ISSPIT.2009.5407547⟩
Conference papers hal-02423458v1

Prosody Modelling of Speech Aphasia: Case Study of Algerian Patients

Habiba Dahmani , Sid-Ahmed Selouani , Mohamed Chetouani , Noueddine Doghmane
Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA), Apr 2008, Damascus, Syria. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICTTA.2008.4530030⟩
Conference papers hal-02423528v1

Motherese detection based on segmental and supra-segmental features

Ammar Mahdhaoui , Mohamed Chetouani , Cong Zong
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Dec 2008, Tampa, United States. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/ICPR.2008.4761690⟩
Conference papers hal-02423471v1

Multi filter banks approach for speaker verification based on genetic algorithm

Christophe Charbuillet , Bruno Gas , Mohamed Chetouani , Jean-Luc Zarader
International Conference on Nonlinear Speech processing, 2007, Paris, France. pp.105-113
Conference papers hal-03170177v1

Complementary Features for Speaker Verification Based on Genetic Algorithms

C. Charbuillet , B. Gas , M. Chetouani , J. Zarader
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Apr 2007, Honolulu, United States. pp.IV-285-IV-288, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2007.366905⟩
Conference papers hal-02423533v1

Non-linear predictors based on the functionally expanded neural network for speech feature extraction

Mohamed Chetouani , Asif Hussain , Bruno Gas , Jean-Luc Zarader
IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (ICEIS'06), 2006, Islamabad, Pakistan. pp.1-5
Conference papers hal-03170154v1

Non-Linear Predictors based on the Functionally Expanded Neural Networks for Speech Feature Extraction

M. Chetouani , A. Hussain , B. Gas , J.-L. Zarader
2006 IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, Apr 2006, Islamabad, Pakistan. pp.1-5, ⟨10.1109/ICEIS.2006.1703129⟩
Conference papers hal-02423548v1

Filter Bank Design for Speaker Diarization Based on Genetic Algorithms

C. Charbuillet , B. Gas , M. Chetouani , J.L. Zarader
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing, Jun 2006, Toulouse, France. pp.I-673-I-676, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2006.1660110⟩
Conference papers hal-02423545v1

Application d'un algorithme génétique à la synthèse d'un prétraitement non linéaire pour la segmentation et le regroupement du locuteur

Christophe Charbuillet , Bruno Gas , Mohamed Chetouani , Jean-Luc Zarader
26ème Journée d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP'06), 2006, Dinard, France. pp.227-230
Conference papers hal-03170155v1

Predictive kohonen map for speech features extraction

Bruno Gas , Mohamed Chetouani , Jean-Luc Zarader , Christophe Charbuillet
Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications - ICANN 2005,, 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers hal-03170156v1

The predictive self-organizing map : application to speech features extraction

Bruno Gas , Mohamed Chetouani , Jean-Louis Zarader , Farid Feiz
5th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps - WSOM'05, 2005, Paris, France
Conference papers inria-00188820v1

Non-linear predictive models for speech processing

Mohamed Chetouani , Asif Hussain , Bruno Gas , Marcos Faundez- Zanuy
International conference on artificial neural networks, 2005, -, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-03416478v1

A new nonlinear speaker parameterization algorithm for speaker identification