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  • IdHAL moise-djoko-kouam



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Multi-agent simulation of autonomous industrial vehicle fleets: Towards dynamic task allocation in V2X cooperation mode

Juliette Grosset , Aj Fougères , M Djoko-Kouam , Jean-Marie Bonnin
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2024, 31 (3), pp.249-266. ⟨10.3233/ICA-240735⟩
Journal articles hal-04527026v1
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AMBV: An Optimized Generic Viterbi Algorithm for Bayesian Networks

Pierre Samuel Greau Hamard , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Yves Louët
Journal of Scientometric Research, 2024, 13 (3), pp.745-756. ⟨10.5530/jscires.20040285⟩
Journal articles hal-04825380v1
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Fuzzy Multi-Agent Simulation for Collective Energy Management of Autonomous Industrial Vehicle Fleets

Juliette Grosset , Ouzna Oukacha , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Jean-Marie Bonnin
Algorithms, 2024, 17 (11), pp.484. ⟨10.3390/a17110484⟩
Journal articles hal-04767307v1
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Towards a Bijective Co-simulation Model Between Physical and Virtual Environments, Adapted to a Platform for Autonomous Industrial Vehicles

Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alain-Jérôme Fougères
Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, 2023, 11 (2), pp.27-44. ⟨10.11648/j.acis.20231102.12⟩
Journal articles hal-04289671v1
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Performance Analysis and Comparison of Sequence Identification Algorithms in IoT Context

Pierre-Samuel Greau-Hamard , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Yves Louët
Sensors & Transducers., 2021
Journal articles hal-03537524v1
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Effect of polynomial interpolations on the estimation performance of a frequency-selective Rayleigh channel in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems

Vincent Savaux , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Yves Louët , Alexandre Skrzypczak
IET Signal Processing, 2015, 9 (1), pp.97-109. ⟨10.1049/iet-spr.2014.0053⟩
Journal articles hal-01122211v1

Application of a Channel Estimation Algorithm to Spectrum Sensing in a Cognitive Radio Context

Vincent Savaux , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Yves Louët , Alexandre Skrzypczak
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2014, 2014, Article ID 506457, 13 p. ⟨10.1155/2014/506457⟩
Journal articles hal-00994981v1

Convergence Analysis of a joint SNR and Channel Estimator for Frequency Selective Channels in OFDM Context

Vincent Savaux , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Yves Louët , Alexandre Skrzypczak
IET Signal Processing, 2014, 8 (6), pp.693-701. ⟨10.1049/iet-spr.2013.0407⟩
Journal articles hal-01072489v1

Application of a joint and iterative MMSE-based estimation of SNR and frequency-selective channel for OFDM systems

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczak
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2013, 2013 (18), ⟨10.1186/10.1186/1687-6180-2013-128⟩
Journal articles hal-00847996v1
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Minimum mean-square-error expression of LMMSE channel estimation in SISO OFDM systems

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczak
Electronics Letters, 2013, 49 (18), pp.1152-1154. ⟨10.1049/el.2013.1993⟩
Journal articles hal-00858869v1

Artificial Channel Aided LMMSE Estimation for Time-Frequency Selective Channels in OFDM Context

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczak
Signal Processing, 2013, 93 (9), pp.2369-2380. ⟨10.1016/j.sigpro.2013.03.006⟩
Journal articles hal-00830148v1
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Fuzzy Agent-Based Simulation of Integrated Solutions for Task Allocation and Battery Charge Management for Fleets of Autonomous Industrial Vehicles

Juliette Grosset , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , Jean-Marie Bonnin
AISyS 2024, IARA, Sep 2024, Venice, Italy
Conference papers hal-04717411v1

Generation of V2X messages from Carla Simulator for cooperative perception: Application to pedestrian safety

Juliette Grosset , Jean-Marie Bonnin , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , Manabu Tsukada , Moïse Djoko-Kouam
2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), Oct 2024, Washington, United States. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1109/vtc2024-fall63153.2024.10757467⟩
Conference papers hal-04922729v1
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Fuzzy agent-based simulation for managing battery recharging for a fleet of autonomous industrial vehicles

Juliette Grosset , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Jean-Marie Bonnin
ASPAI 2024: 6th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence, Apr 2024, Funchal (Madeira), Portugal
Conference papers hal-04571994v1
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Simulation du déploiement de flottes de véhicules industriels autonomes à base d'agents flous

J Grosset , A.-J Fougères , M Djoko-Kouam , Jean-Marie Bonnin
LFA 2023 - rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, Nov 2023, Bourges, France
Conference papers hal-04280435v1
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Simulation of a collision and obstacle avoidance algorithm for cooperative industrial autonomous vehicles

Juliette Grosset , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Christophe Couturier , Jean-Marie Bonnin
2nd IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0 (ARCI’ 2022), Feb 2022, Andorra la Vella, Andorra
Conference papers hal-03958464v1
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Collective obstacle avoidance strategy - an agent-based simulation approach

Juliette Grosset , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Jean-Marie Bonnin
ASPAI 2022: 4th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence, Oct 2022, Corfu, Greece
Conference papers hal-03958445v1
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Arame Ndao , Chloé Mallégol , Thibaut Remigereau , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alain-Jérôme Fougères
CONFERE'21, Jul 2021, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-03285815v1

Preamble-Based LMMSE Channel Estimation in OFDM/OQAM Modulation

Ludovic Caro , Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Denys Boiteau
81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), May 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/vtcspring.2015.7146025⟩
Conference papers hal-01110573v1

Iterative Second-Order Moment-Based Spectrum Sensing Algorithm in a Cognitive Radio Context

Vincent Savaux , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Yves Louët , Alexandre Skrzypczak
WSR'14, Mar 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany. 6 p
Conference papers hal-00994978v1

Picture Quality Prediction in Image Processing

Vincent Savaux , Geoffrey Cormier , Guy Carrault , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Jean-Marc Laferté
International Conference on Image and Signal Processing - ICISP 2014, Jun 2014, Cherbourg, France. pp.358-366, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-07998-1_41⟩
Conference papers hal-01004803v1

Etude statistique des erreurs d'interpolation et de leur impact sur l'estimation du canal de Rayleigh dans un contexte OFDM

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczak
GRETSI 2013, Sep 2013, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-00858842v1

Study of Cyclic Delay Diversity for Single Frequency Network using DRM Standard

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczak
European Wireless Conference - EW 2013, Apr 2013, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00825783v1

Estimation MMSE itérative et conjointe du rapport signal à bruit et du canal sélectif en fréquence pour les systèmes OFDM

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczak
GRETSI 2013, Sep 2013, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-00858844v1

Application of an Algorithm for Channel and Noise Estimation to Spectrum Sensing in a Cognitive Radio Context

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczak
4th Workshop of COST Action IC0902, Oct 2013, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-00932733v1
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An iterative and joint estimation of SNR and frequency selective channel for OFDM systems

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczack
EW 2012, Apr 2012, Poznan, Poland. 7 p
Conference papers hal-00682883v1
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Near LMMSE channel estimation performance with artificial channel at receiver for OFDM systems

Vincent Savaux , Yves Louët , Moïse Djoko-Kouam , Alexandre Skrzypczack
SPAWC 2012, Jun 2012, Cseme, Turkey. pp.545 - 549, ⟨10.1109/SPAWC.2012.6292968⟩
Conference papers hal-00744377v1
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Stratégies d’Intelligence Collective pour des Véhicules Industriels Autonomes Efficaces

Juliette Grosset , Jean-Marie Bonnin , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , Moïse Djoko-Kouam
16e Colloque sur Les sciences de l’information au service des nouvelles mobilités, Oct 2022, Palaiseau, France. 2022
Conference poster hal-03958928v1
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Collision and Obstacle Avoidance for Industrial Autonomous Vehicles - Simulation and Experimentation Based on a Cooperative Approach

Juliette Grosset , Alain-Jérôme Fougères , M Djoko-Kouam , C Couturier , Jean-Marie Bonnin
Advances in Robotics and Automatic Control, 3, Sergey Y. Yurish; International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) Publishing, 2024, Advances in Robotics and Automatic Control, 978-84-09-57872-6
Book sections hal-04638317v1