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Moisei Zakharov

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**PhD in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography** ------------------------------------------------- #### **CNRS ESPACE UMR 7300, Aix-Marseille University, ED 355 "Espaces Cultures Sociétés"** **Senior Lecturer of Geography and Geomatics** ---------------------------------------------- #### **Department of Geography and Ecology, North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)** #### **Research Interests** My research interests relates to the geographical modeling and spatial analysis of structure and transformation of permafrost landscapes, geographic ontology of landscape, permafrost degradation and Arctic human security in the Yakutia (East and Northeast Siberia). The research methodology includes methods of remote sensing, geoinformatics, landscape metrics, applications of artificial intelligence in geography, big geodata and semantic ontology. **PhD** in Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Aix-Marseille Université, 2022 **Candidate of Geographic Science** VAK speciality 00.25.23 - physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry, Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, 2022 **MSc** in Geography (Spatial Structure and Dynamic), Aix-Marseille Université, 2018 **BSc** in Geography, North-Eastern Federal University, 2016 #### **Academic Experience** **Senior Lecturer,** Departament of Geography and Ecology Institute of Natural Sciences NEFU, Yakutsk (2021 -) **Assistant**, Departament of Geography and Ecology Institute of Natural Sciences NEFU, Yakutsk (2018 - 2021) #### **Grants** **Vernadsky Grant (French government scholarship) for PhD research in Aix-Marseille University (2019 - 2022) **Grant for aspirantura** in North-Eastern Federal University (2018 - 2021) #### **Research Projects Participation** **OSAMA: FMSH-RSF** (development Of an optimal human Security Model for The Arctic), 2019-2022 **RICOCHET: CNRS PEPS INEE** (A la Recherche de l’Intégration des Connaissances dans l’Observation des CHangements Environnementaux : mise en œuvre d’une recherche-aTelier en Sibérie Orientale (Khamagatta)), 2019-2020 **ANR PUR (Polar Urban Centers**): WP 4 on the risk exposure of Yakutsk’s population, 2018-2019 **Land Ontology:** **RSF** **№15-18-20047** “Landscape Ontology: semantics, semiotics, and geographic modeling”, 2016-2018 ######


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Des cartes mentales pour analyser la vulnérabilité au risque d’une ville de l’Arctique russe : Khamagatta

Anne Tricot , Jean-Jacques Marquisar , Jean-Louis Ballais , Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov
M@ppemonde, 2023, L’espace et ses représentations socio-cognitives, 135 | 2023, http:// ⟨10.4000/mappemonde.8626⟩
Journal articles hal-04133738v1
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Анализ ландшафтной структуры восточного склона хребта Орулган

Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Yuri Danilov , Sébastien Gadal , Elena Troeva , Mikhail Cherosov
Успехи современного естествознания (Advances in Current Natural Sciences), 2022, №3, pp.49-55. ⟨10.17513/use.37791⟩
Journal articles hal-03642121v1
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Analysis of the landscape structure of the eastern slope of the Orulgan Ridge

Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Yuri Danilov , Sébastien Gadal , Elena Troeva , M Cherosov
International Research Journal, 2022, 117 (3 Part 2), pp.68-72. ⟨10.23670/IRJ.2022.117.3.050⟩
Journal articles hal-03622115v1
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Distribution and Structure Analysis of Mountain Permafrost Landscape in Orulgan Ridge (Northeast Siberia) Using Google Earth Engine

Moisei Zakharov , Sébastien Gadal , Jūratė Kamičaitytė , Mikhail Cherosov , Elena Troeva
Land, 2022, 11 (8), ⟨10.3390/land11081187⟩
Journal articles hal-03751368v1
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Особенности дешифрирования урбанизированных территорий северных городов по спутниковым снимкам landsat на примере г. Якутск

Moisei Zakharov , Yuri Danilov , Sébastien Gadal
Meridian , 2019, Холод как преимущество. Города и криолитозона: традиции, инновации, креативность ("Cold as an advantage. Cities and Cryolitozone: traditions, innovations, creativity"), 20 (2), pp.131-133
Journal articles hal-02471730v1
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Mapping cryogenic processes and assessing the sustainability of permafrost landscapes in the North-East Arctic Siberian taiga and tundra from Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, and DEM data

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Jūratė Kamičaitytė
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, European Space Agency, May 2022, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers hal-03698575v1
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Landsat thermal images to estimate the dynamics of northeast Siberian mountain permafrost landscapes

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov
TRISHNA Days 2022, CNES; ISRO, Mar 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-03622131v1

Изменение земельного покрова и его прогнозирование, на территориях традиционного землепользования эвенков южной Якутии по данным дистанционного зондирования

Kirill Obutov , Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Sébastien Gadal , Antonina Savvinova
География и краеведение в якутии и сопредельных территориях сибири и дальнего востока (Geography and Local History in Yakutia and Neighboring Territories of Far East Siberia ), North-Eastern Federal University, Mar 2022, Yakutsk, Russia
Conference papers hal-03622243v1
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Multiscale and multi-temporal modelling of urban change structures in the Subarctic East Siberian metropolis of Yakutsk

Sébastien Gadal , Mounir Oukhattar , Jūratė Kamičaitytė , Moisei Zakharov , Walid Ouerghemmi
XXIX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form: Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation A Multidisciplinary Perspective, University of Lodz; Cracow University of Technology,; Lodz University of Technology, Sep 2022, Łódź, Poland
Conference papers hal-03787176v1
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Региональные особенности пространственной организации мерзлотных ландшафтов хребта Орулган

Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Sébastien Gadal , Yuri Danilov
География и краеведение в якутии и сопредельных территориях сибири и дальнего востока (Geography and Local History in Yakutia and the Territories of Siberia Far East), North-Eastern Federal University, Mar 2022, Yakutsk, Russia
Conference papers hal-03622248v1

Проблемы и вызовы развития арктического туризма в Якутии 

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Zakharov , Antonina Savvinova
Государственное управление и развитие России: глобальные тренды и национальные перспективы, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, May 2022, Moscow, Russia
Conference papers hal-03673012v1
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Fundamental Issues in Geospatial Training for Arctic Environmental Management. An Example of Franco-Russian Cooperation

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Zakharov
Social and Labour sphere of the Arctic: Problems and Solutions, RANEPA, May 2021, Moscow, Russia
Conference papers hal-03247181v1

Spatial modelling of the Arctic metapolis: Yakutsk

Sébastien Gadal , Mounir Oukhattar , Jūratė Kamičaitytė , Moisei Zakharov , W. Ouerghemmi
GIS for Digital Development 2021: Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Science and Management, North Eastern Federal University, Dec 2021, Yakutsk, Russia
Conference papers hal-03502208v1
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Human perception and environmental risk index modelling with GIS in Yakutsk urban region (North-Eastern Siberia)

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Zakharov , Jurate Kamicaityte
EUGEO 2021, 8th Congress on the Geography of Europe, Charles University, Jun 2021, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.295
Conference papers hal-03275119v1

Моделирование разносезонных космических снимков и цифровой модели рельефа для распознавания растительности горных мерзлотных ландшафтов бассейна реки Адыча

Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov
Meeting of the Russian Botanical Promise in Yakutsk, Nov 2020, Yakutsk, France
Conference papers hal-03017835v1

A joint French-Russian approach on the issues of human security and adaptation of global warming in the Russian Siberian Arctic. Example of permafrost, risk exposure, and urban development in Yakutia

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov
9th Russian-Chinese Academic Meeting on the Arctic issues, Saint-Petersburg State University; Ocean University of China, Dec 2020, Online, Russia
Conference papers hal-03038133v1

Recognition of Landscape ‘ Structures by Toponymical Map and Remote Sensing Analysis (Khangalassky district, Yakutia)

Moisei Zakharov , Viktoriya Filippova , Antonina Savvinova , Kyunney Pestereva , Sébastien Gadal
IX Arctic Congress in Social Sciences (ICASS IX): "People and Place", Jun 2017, Umea, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01816634v1
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Cryogenic Land Surface Process Detection in Siberian High Latitude Mountain Permafrost Landscape by Time Series Landsat Thermal Imagery

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Zakharov
2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2023), IEEE, pp.237-240, 2023, IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, ⟨10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10282807⟩
Proceedings hal-04254737v1
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Geoinformation modeling of permafrost landscapes of North-Eastern Siberia

Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Sébastien Gadal , Yuri Danilov
Resources, Environment and Regional Sustainability in Northeast Asia, pp.171, 2022
Proceedings hal-03897646v1
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Применение методов геоинформационного моделирования для изучения пространственной структуры растительного покрова Орулганской среднегорной ландшафтной провинции (Северо-Восточная Якутия)

Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Mikhail Cherosov , Elena Troeva , Sébastien Gadal
20-летию Ботанического сада: Роль ботанических садов в сохранении и обогащении природной и культурной флоры (20th anniversary of the Botanical Garden: The role of botanical gardens in the conservation and enrichment of natural and cultural flora), M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, pp.122-129, 2021, Роль ботанических садов в сохранении и обогащении природной и культурной флоры
Proceedings hal-03622028v1
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Mapping Siberian Arctic Mountain Permafrost Landscapes by Machine Learning Multi-Sensors Remote Sensing: Example of Adycha River Valley

Moisei Zakharov , Sébastien Gadal , Yuri Danilov , Jūratė Kamičaitytė
7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2021), pp.125-133, 2021, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2021)
Proceedings hal-03207301v1
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Remote Sensing of Mountain Permafrost Landscape by Multi-Fusion Data Modeling. Example of Verkhoyansk Ridge (Russia)

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov , Yuri Danilov , Jūratė Kamičaitytė
IGARSS 2020, pp.3082-3085, 2020
Proceedings hal-02951488v1
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Alas Landscape Modeling by Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Geographic Ontology. Study case of Central Yakutia (Russia)

Sébastien Gadal , Moisei Zakharov , Jūratė Kamičaitytė , Yuri Danilov
6th International Conference on Geographic Information Sytems Theory, Applications and Management, 59, SCITEPRESS, pp.112-118, 2020, ⟨10.5220/0009569101120118⟩
Proceedings hal-02554659v1