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A specialist in franchising networks, my two academic fields are Strategic Entrepreneurship and Retailing. In the first, I explore Social Franchising, Social Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Business Models. In the second, I focus on Brand Management and Brand Strategy. My research uses applied econometrics.
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Research domains
Humanities and Social Sciences
Branding and Franchising: For a Renewal of Contractual Approaches1st International Colloquium on Branding, Labeling and Intelligence, Jun 2019, Orléans, France
Conference papers
Contractual Design and Spatial Organization in Retailing: Evidence from Brazilian Franchising on Brand Equity Protection Strategy22ème Colloque International Etienne THIL, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Spatial Organization and Contractual Design in Franchising: Evidence from Brazil32nd Annual ISoF Conference, Jun 2018, Quito, Ecuador
Conference papers
Separate the Tares from the Wheat? Organizational Design and Signaling Issues in Brazilian Franchising32nd Annual ISoF Conference, Jun 2018, Quito, Ecuador
Conference papers
Performance Outcomes of Organizational Choices in French Franchising32nd Annual ISoF Conference, Jun 2018, Quito, Ecuador
Conference papers
Franchising in Emerging Countries. Keynote speechWorkshop Franchising: Crise, Oportunidade e Internacionalização, INSPER and CORS, Jun 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Conference papers
Contractual design in franchisingSéminaire, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Jun 2017, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Conference papers
Franchising in Latin America; State of the art, stylized facts, and avenues for further research1st FDNEC Workshop « Economics and Management of Franchising and Distribution Networks in Emerging Countries », May 2016, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference papers
About the use of Mathematics and Statistics in the Economic AnalysisXV Congress of Mathematics and its Applications, National Polytechnic School, Oct 2016, Quito, Ecuador
Conference papers
The Trade-Off between Risk and Royalties in Franchise Contracting65ème Meeting Annuel de l’Association Française d’Economie, Jun 2016, Nancy, France
Conference papers
The Trade-Off between Risk and Royalties in Franchise Contracting20ème Conférence Annuelle de la « Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics, Sciences Po, Jun 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Research on Franchising & Distribution Networks in Emerging Countries: The Relevance of an Interdisciplinary Approach1st FDNEC Workshop « Economics and Management of Franchising and Distribution Networks in Emerging Countries », May 2016, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference papers
Spatial strategies in Brazilian Franchising; Behavior categories and Performance Outcome65ème Meeting Annuel de l’Association Française d’Economie, Jun 2016, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Strategic Groups in the French Franchising Sector30th Annual International Society of Franchising Conference University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Jun 2016, Groningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Spatial strategies in Brazilian Franchising; Behavior categories and Performance Outcome7th Beijing Normal University Business School-GATE Workshop, Beijing Normal University, Aug 2016, Pékin, China
Conference papers
Growth or profitability ? Innovation and performance in franchising networks7th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Dec 2015, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference papers
Growth or profitability ? Innovation and performance in franchising networks29th Annual ISoF Conference, Jun 2015, Oviedo, Spain
Conference papers
Optimal monetary provisions and risk aversion in plural form franchise networks ; a theoretical model of incentives with heterogeneous agents7th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Dec 2015, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference papers
More or less integration? Sector-based differences in French franchising and brand distribution networks29th Annual ISoF Conference, Jun 2015, Oviedo, Spain
Conference papers
Location strategies in Brazilian Franchising; Behavior categories and Performance Outcome7th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Dec 2015, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference papers
Network strategies in the French franchise systems : A Predictive Model of Stratification7th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Dec 2015, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference papers
The royalty rate and the trade-off between risk and incentives ; Determinants and performance outcomes in franchising networks29th Annual ISoF Conference, Jun 2015, Oviedo, Spain
Conference papers
Allocation of control in networks : the case of franchising29th Annual ISoF Conference, Jun 2015, Oviedo, Spain
Conference papers
Is Multi-Unit Franchising an Effective Organizational Form? Evidence from European DataInternational workshop on franchising, retail and service chains, Jun 2014, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Allocation of control in networks : the case of franchisingEconomics and Management of Networks Conference (EMNet 2013), University Ibn Zohr, Nov 2013, Agadir, Morocco
Conference papers
Signaling the value of a business concept; Evidence from a structural equations model with Brazilian data27th Annual Conference of the International Society of Franchising (ISoF), Mar 2013, Zhuhai, China
Conference papers
Signaling the value of a business concept; Evidence from a structural equations model with Brazilian data40th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Aug 2013, Evora, Portugal
Conference papers
The dynamics of contractual design: determinants and performance outcomes of contract duration in franchising networksEconomics and Management of Networks Conference (EMNet 2013), University Ibn Zohr, Nov 2013, Agadir, Morocco
Conference papers
Performance in distribution systems : What is the influence of the upstream firm's organizational choices?27th Annual Conference of the International Society of Franchising (ISoF), Mar 2013, Zhuhai, China
Conference papers
Cooperatives versus top-down management of the brand, Sector-based explanations for the French distribution system26th Annual International Society of Franchising (ISoF) Conference, May 2012, Ford Lauderdale, United States
Conference papers
Contract Duration and Franchisors Performance ; An empirical study on French Data5th International Conferences on Economics and Management of Networks (EMNet), Dec 2011, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference papers
Share-contract and chain performance in French distribution systemsAFIO Seminar, Toulouse School of Economics, Jun 2011, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Sectorbased explanation of vertical integration in distribution systems; Evidence from France5th International Conferences on Economics and Management of Networks (EMNet), Dec 2011, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference papers
Sector-based explanation of vertical integration in distribution systems; Evidence from FranceSéminaire du CREM (Centre de Recherche en Économie et Management à Rennes), Apr 2011, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Share-contract and network performance with bilateral moral-hazard: a comparative perspective on European franchising data59 ème congrès de l'AFSE (Association Française de Science Economique), Sep 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
La diversité sectorielle des formes contractuellesSéminaire INSEE Formes d'organisation et dynamique des réseaux, Nov 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Bilateral Moral Hazard and Profit Sharing Vertical Restraints : Evidence from European Contract Data22nd Annual International Society of Franchising Conference (ISOF), Jun 2008, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Bilateral Moral Hazard and Profit Sharing Vertical Restraints : Evidence from European Contract Data.12th Annual Conference International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE), Jun 2008, Toronto, Canada
Conference papers
Bilateral Moral Hazard and Profit Sharing Vertical Restraints : Evidence from European Contract Data35th Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Sep 2008, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Vertical Restraints in Franchising and Reputation of Networks : A Clause to Clause Analysis on French DataInternational Conference on Economics and Management of Networks EMNET, Sep 2005, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
Conditions d'émergence et de diffusion de l'innovation au sein des réseaux de franchise[Rapport de recherche] Gate CNRS; NIMEC; CREM; COACTIS. 2014
The Thematic Assessment of the Partnership Principle in France[Research Report] CEPEL - Université de Montpellier. 1998
Branding and Franchising: For a Renewal of Contractual ApproachesJoseph Kaswengi (Editor). Branding and Labeling in the Digital and Artificial Intelligence Era, Nova Science Publishers, Chapitre 7, 2020, 978-1-53617-499-1
Book sections
Why Adopt Microfranchising? Evidence from Brazil on an Organizational Innovation Designed to Face New ChallengesDesign and Management of Interfirm Networks, Springer, Cham, pp.75-89, 2019, 978-3-030-29244-7
Book sections
Choix de localisation et réseaux de distribution. L’éclairage de la littérature en sciences économiques et de gestionRozenn Perrigot. Retailing et localisation. Une approche multidisciplinaire, Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp. 205-218, 2018, Travail & Gouvernance
Book sections
Performance in franchising networksEd. F. Hoy, R. Perrigot, A. Terry. Handbook of Research on Franchising, Edward Elgar, pp. 397-415 2017
Book sections
Franchising in Latin AmericaEd. F. Hoy, R. Perrigot, A. Terry. Handbook of Research on Franchising, Edward Elgar, pp. 482-515 2017
Book sections
Strategic Groups in the French Franchising SectorGeorge W. J. Hendrikse; Gérard Cliquet; Thomas Ehrmann; Josef Windsperger. Management and Governance of Networks, Springer, pp. 11-33, 2017, Contributions to Management Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-57276-5_2⟩
Book sections
The dynamics of contractual design : determinants of contract duration in franchising networksG. Cliquet, T. Ehrmann, G. Hendrikse, J. Windsperger. Interfirm Networks : Cooperatives, Franchising, Strategic Alliances, Springer, 2015, Interfirm Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives and Strategic Alliances, 9783319101835
Book sections
Why royalties ? Evidence from French distribution networks2011
Other publications
Knowledge diffusion and innovation policies within the European regions: Challenges based on recent empirical evidence2010
Other publications
Externalités Territoriales et Emergence Industrielle ; Les Biotechnologies en Rhône-Alpes et à Shanghaï2008
Other publications
Externalités Territoriales et Emergence Industrielle2008
Other publications