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Myriam Lamolle



### Full Professor in Computer Science LIASD, IUT de Montreuil - Université Paris 8 140 rue de la Nouvelle France - 93100 Montreuil - France email : m.lamolle at site web : []( page perso : [](
### Professeure en Informatique LIASD, IUT de Montreuil - Université Paris 8 140 rue de la Nouvelle France - 93100 Montreuil - France email : m.lamolle at site web : []( page perso : [](


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Big Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Deep Learning Extraction Features and Distributed Spark Frameworks

Imen Chebbi , Nedra Mellouli , Imed Riadh Farah , Myriam Lamolle , Imed Riadh Farah
Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2021, 5 (2), pp.21. ⟨10.3390/bdcc5020021⟩
Journal articles hal-03430625v1

On The Potential Integration of an Ontology-Based Data Access Approach in NoSQL Stores

Olivier Curé , Fadhela Kerdjoudj , David Faye , Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle
International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 2013, 4 (3), pp.17 - 30. ⟨10.4018/jdst.2013070102⟩
Journal articles hal-01806817v1

A semantic approach for discovering complex alignments

Myriam Lamolle , Chan Le Duc , Rim Touhami
Revue I3 - Information Interaction Intelligence, 2011, 11 (2), pp.69-92
Journal articles hal-01059037v1

Open Service Oriented Architecture for Transport Protocols

Ernesto Expósito , Christophe Chassot , Myriam Lamolle
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 2010, 5 (4), pp.190-201
Journal articles hal-01059025v1

Introducing an Ontology Driven Architecture for Distributed Multimedia System engineering

Ernesto Expósito , Myriam Lamolle , Jorge Ricardo Gomez Montalvo
International Journal of Web Applications, 2010, 1 (4), pp.228-240
Journal articles hal-01059017v1

Incremental Validation of MDM Model by Integrating a MDE approach

Myriam Lamolle , Ludovic Menet , Chan Le Duc
GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, 2010, 61 (6), pp.1-16
Journal articles hal-01059040v1
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Du corpus vidéo à l'agent expressif. Utilisation des différents niveaux de représentation multimodale et émotionnelle

Jean-Claude Martin , Sarkis Abrilian , Laurence Devillers , Myriam Lamolle , Maurizio Mancini
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série RIA : Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2006, 20 (4-5), pp.477-498. ⟨10.3166/ria.20.477-498⟩
Journal articles hal-03580854v1
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Du corpus vidéo à l'agent expressif: Utilisation des différents niveaux de représentation multimodale et émotionnelle

Jean-Claude Martin , Sarkis Abrilian , Laurence Devillers , Myriam Lamolle , Maurizio Mancini
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série RIA : Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2006, 20 (4-5), pp.477-498. ⟨10.3166/ria.20.477-498⟩
Journal articles hal-03580926v1
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Intégration de bases de données hétérogènes via XML

Myriam Lamolle , Nedra Mellouli
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), 2003
Journal articles hal-03580989v1
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Big data based architecture for drought forecasting using LSTM, ARIMA, and Prophet: Case study of the Jiangsu Province, China

Hanen Balti , Ali Ben Abbes , Nedra Mellouli , Imed Riadh Farah , Yan-Fang Sang
International Congress of Advanced Technology and Engineering (ICOTEN 2021), Jul 2021, Taiz, Yemen
Conference papers hal-03295048v1
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Hosni Seffih , Myriam Lamolle , Aurélie Pradelles , Ayoub Chouchou , Christian Fluhr
Conference papers hal-03581002v1
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Decentralized Reasoning on a Network of Aligned Ontologies with Link Keys

Jérémy Lhez , Chan Le Duc , Thinh Dong , Myriam Lamolle
JIAF 2019 - 13èmes Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, Jul 2019, Toulouse, France. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-30793-6_24⟩
Conference papers hal-02302982v1

ONTOREV : un moteur de révision d’ontologies OWL

Thinh Dong , Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle
PFIA 2018 - 11e Plate-forme Intelligence Artificielle, Jul 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04006454v1
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Apports d'une ontologie à l'apprentissage des statistiques

Jean-Marc Meunier , Samuel Szoniecky , Myriam Lamolle
Colloque Francophone International sur l’Enseignement de la Statistique, Société Française de Statistique (SFdS), Sep 2017, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01565705v1
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A ontology for sharing open educational resources: the case of statistics teaching

Jean-Marc Meunier , Myriam Lamolle , Samuel Szoniecky
The World Conference on Online Learning: Teaching in The Digital Age – Re-Thinking Teaching & Learning, Oct 2017, Toronto, Canada
Conference papers hal-01708303v1

Tableau-based Revision for Expressive Description Logics

Dong Thinh , Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle
11e Journées d'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, Jul 2017, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-01577773v1
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It is not What but Who you Know

Mario Cataldi , Luigi Di Caro , Myriam Lamolle , Claudio Schifanella
24th International Conference on World Wide Web, May 2015, Florence, Italy. ⟨10.1145/2740908.2742023⟩
Conference papers hal-03580993v1

A Decision Procedure for $\mathcal{SHOIQ}$ with Transitive Closure of Roles

Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle , Olivier Curé
ISWC 2013 - 12th International Semantic Web Conference 2013, 2013, Sydney, Australia. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-41335-3_17⟩
Conference papers hal-01740560v1

DRAOn: A Distributed Reasoner for Aligned Ontologies

Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle , Antoine Zimmermann , Olivier Curé
The OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop 2013 (ORE 2013), Jul 2013, Ulm, Germany. pp.14.1-14.6
Conference papers emse-00847315v1
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SHOIQ with transitive closure of roles is decidable

Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle , Olivier Curé
Description Logics, 2013, Ulm, Germany
Conference papers hal-01740557v1

Learning Café: a semantic multimedia collaborative platform for e-learning.

Fares Belhadj , Vincent Boyer , Guilain Delmas , Myriam Lamolle , Chan Le Duc
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning (MTEL) - IEEE International Symposium of multimedia (ISM 2013), Dec 2013, Anaheim, United States. 6p
Conference papers hal-00905201v1
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An ExpSpace Tableau-based Algorithm for SHOIQ

Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle , Olivier Curé
Description Logic 2012, Jun 2012, Rome, Italy. pp.11
Conference papers hal-00799028v1

Modlson : une nouvelle approche de modularisation d'ontologies à large échelle

Nourhène Alaya , Sadok Ben Yahia , Myriam Lamolle
EGC 2012 : 12e Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2012, Bordeaux, France. pp.279 - 284
Conference papers hal-01300568v1
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On the Potential Integration of an Ontology-Based Data Access Approach in NoSQL Stores

Olivier Curé , Fadhela Kerdjoudj , David Célestin Faye , Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle
Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies, Sep 2012, Bucarest, Romania. pp.166-173
Conference papers hal-00799030v1
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Data Integration over NoSQL Stores Using Access Path Based Mappings

Olivier Curé , Robin Hecht , Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle
DEXA 2012, Aug 2011, Toulouse, France. pp.481-495, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-23088-2_36⟩
Conference papers hal-00738356v1
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A Tableaux-Based Algorithm for SHIQ with Transitive Closure of Roles in Concept and Role Inclusion Axioms

Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle , Olivier Curé
8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011), May 2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. pp.367-381, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-21034-1_25⟩
Conference papers hal-00738380v1

An API for Distributed Reasoning on Networked Ontologies with Alignments

Chan Le Duc , Myriam Lamolle , Antoine Zimmermann
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2010, Valence, Spain. pp.295-304
Conference papers hal-01240330v1

Semantic network adaptation based on QoS pattern recognition for multimedia streams

Ernesto Expósito , Mathieu Gineste , Myriam Lamolle , Jorge Ricardo Gomez Montalvo
International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SIP 2009), Dec 2009, South Korea
Conference papers hal-01025497v1
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Towards user-centric configuration and deployment of multimedia services: A semantic framework

Jorge Gomez-Montalvo , Ernesto Expósito , Myriam Lamolle
Workshops (ICUMT), Oct 2009, St. Petersburg, France. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1109/ICUMT.2009.5345421⟩
Conference papers hal-03430704v1
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A Multimedia Ontology Driven Architecture framework (MODA) for networked multimedia systems

Jorge Gomez , Myriam Lamolle , Ernesto Expósito
2009 First International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT), Jul 2009, Ostrava, Czech Republic. pp.411-416, ⟨10.1109/NDT.2009.5272081⟩
Conference papers hal-03580979v1
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Towards user-centric configuration and deployment of multimedia services: A semantic framework

Jorge Gomez-Montalvo , Ernesto Expósito , Myriam Lamolle
International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops (ICUMT), Oct 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1109/ICUMT.2009.5345421⟩
Conference papers hal-03580982v1
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Managing Master Data with XML Schema and UML

Ludovic Menet , Myriam Lamolle , Amar Zerdazi
2008 International Workshop on Advanced Information Systems for Enterprises IWAISE '08, Apr 2008, Constantine, Algeria. pp.53-59, ⟨10.1109/IWAISE.2008.11⟩
Conference papers hal-03580974v1
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Towards a bidirectional transformation of UML and XML models

Ludovic Menet , Myriam Lamolle
International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and E-Government, Jul 2008, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers hal-03580944v1
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Myriam Lamolle , Amar Zerdazi , Ludovic Menet
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Jun 2008, Barcelone, France
Conference papers hal-03580957v1
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Ludovic Menet , Myriam Lamolle
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2008, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-03580953v1
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Automating XML document transformations with structuring mapping result

Amar Zerdazi , Myriam Lamolle
CSREA EEE, 2007, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers hal-03580931v1
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Amar Zerdazi , Myriam Lamolle
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2007, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-03580937v1
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Intégration de sources hétérogènes par matching semi-automatique de schémas XML étendus

Amar Zerdazi , Myriam Lamolle
INFORSID, Jun 2006, Hammamet, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-03580927v1
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HyperSchéma XML: Un modèle d'intégration sémantique par enrichissement de schémas XML

Amar Zerdazi , Myriam Lamolle
MajecSTIC 2005 : Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs francophones dans les domaines des STIC, IRISA – IETR – LTS, Nov 2005, Rennes, pp.143-150
Conference papers inria-00000674v1
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Embodied Conversational Agents and Influences

Vincent Maya , Myriam Lamolle , Catherine Pelachaud
Eureopean Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2004, Valence, Spain
Conference papers hal-03580986v1
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Influences on Embodied Conversational Agent's Expressivity: Toward an Individualization of the ECAs

Vincent Maya , Myriam Lamolle , Catherine Pelachaud
Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior (AISB), 2004, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03580988v1
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Garbage Collection in Object Oriented Databases Optimization of Unreachable Objects detection

Myriam Lamolle , Marc Gonzalez , Thierry Millan , Pierre Bazex
Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, Dec 2000, UFA, Russia
Conference papers hal-03580875v1
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Design, Share and Re-use of Data and Applications into a Federate DataBase System

Thierry Millan , Myriam Lamolle , Frédéric Mulatero
Onzièmes Journées Internationales le Génie Logiciel et ses Applications, 1998, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03580906v1

A Model Driven Engineering Approach Applied to Master Data Management

Myriam Lamolle , Ludovic Menet
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009 Workshops, 5872, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.19-28, 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-05290-3_10⟩
Book sections hal-03430696v1
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Computing Path Similarity Relevant to XML Schema Matching

Amar Zerdazi , Myriam Lamolle
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008 Workshops, 5333, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.66-75, 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-88875-8_25⟩
Book sections hal-03430686v1
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Computing Path Similarity Relevant to XML Schema Matching

Amar Zerdazi , Myriam Lamolle
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008 Workshops, 5333, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.66-75, 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-88875-8_25⟩
Book sections hal-03580976v1

Contextual Factors and Adaptative Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction: Multi-level Specification of Emotion and Expressivity in Embodied Conversational Agents

Myriam Lamolle , Maurizio Mancini , Catherine Pelachaud , Sarkis Abrilian , Jean-Claude Martin
Modeling and Using Context, 3554, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.225-239, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/11508373_17⟩
Book sections hal-03430672v1
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Contextual Factors and Adaptative Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction: Multi-level Specification of Emotion and Expressivity in Embodied Conversational Agents

Myriam Lamolle , Maurizio Mancini , Catherine Pelachaud , Sarkis Abrilian , Jean-Claude Martin
Modeling and Using Context, 3554, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.225-239, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/11508373_17⟩
Book sections hal-03580910v1
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An Adaptation of Our Ada95/O2 Binding to Provide Persistence to the Java Language: Sharing and Handling of Data between Heterogeneous Applications Using Persistence

Thierry Millan , Myriam Lamolle , Frédéric Mulatero
Reliable Software Technologies — Ada-Europe’ 99, 1622, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.320-331, 1999, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/3-540-48753-0_28⟩
Book sections hal-03580876v1