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Nathalie Dupuy



Dupuy Nathalie Professor - Aix Marseille University IMBE (Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology) Responsible of the Metabolomic, Chemical Analysis and Chemometrics team tel 33 4 91 28 8551 50 years University Degrees  Habilitation à diriger les recherches : 20 Juin 1997 at the University des Sciences et Technologies de Lille : " Chimiométrie en spectrométrie infrarouge". Garant HDR J. P. Huvenne 1993 : PhD in Sciences: "Analyse quantitative par spectrométrie infrarouge par Transformée de Fourier. Mise au point de protocoles transposables en milieu industriel" . Université du Droit et de la Santé de Lille Directeur de Thèse: J. P. Huvenne Research Topics -Natural product Quality control and authenticity (edible oils, essential oils) - Advances methodologies for spectroscopy and imaging PCA, PLS, SIMPLISMA, ACOMDIM - Ageing Analytical tools - Near-infrared, mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopies - Mid infrared and Raman Microscopy - UV-visible absorption Spectroscopy, UV fluorescence spectroscopy PUBLICATIONS (H=22, 84 publications, 37 oral communications, 113 posters) The most significatives ones: 1\. Highlighting metabolic indicators of olive oil during storage by the AComDim method R. Korifi, J. Plard, Y. Le Dréau, C. Rébufa, D.N. Rutledge, N. Dupuy Food Chemistry, 203, 2016, 104-116. 2\. Comparison between NIR, MIR, concatenated NIR and MIR analysis and hierarchical PLS model. Application to virgin olive oil analysis N. Dupuy, O. Galtier, D. Ollivier, P. Vanloot and J. Artaud, Analytica Chimica Acta, 666, 2010, 23–31 3\. Analysis of the major chiral compounds of Artemisia herba-alba essential oils using reconstructed Vibrational Circular Dichroism spectra: en route to a chiroptical signature. M. El-Amin Said, P. Vanloot, I. Bombarda, J.V.Naubron, E. M. Dahmane; A. Aamouche, M. Jean, N. Vanthuyne, N. Dupuy C. Roussel. Analytica Chimica Acta, 903, 2016 121–130. 4\. Composition and authentication of virgin olive oil from French PDO regions by chemometric treatment of Raman spectra, R. Korifi, Y. Le Dréau, J. Molinet, J. Artaud, N. Dupuy, Journal of Raman spectroscopy 42, 2011, 1540–1547 5\. Discrimination of five Tunisian cultivars by Mid InfraRed spectroscopy combined with chemometric analyses of olive Olea europaea leaves, F. Aouidi , N. Dupuy, J. Artaud, S. Roussos, M. Msallem,I Perraud-Gaime, M. Hamdi, Food Chemistry 131,2012, 360–366



Thermal properties and radical monitoring after gamma, X-ray, and electron beam irradiation in polyamides

Blanche Krieguer , Nicolas Ludwig , Samuel Dorey , Nathalie Dupuy , Fabien Girard
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024, 26 (31), pp.21222-21228. ⟨10.1039/d4cp02358g⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04690441v1
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Monitoring of peroxide in gamma irradiated PE/EVOH/PE multilayer film using methionine probe

Nina Girard-Perier , Magalie Claeys-Bruno , Sylvain R.A. Marque , Nathalie Dupuy , Fanny Gaston
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2022, 132, pp.226 - 232. ⟨10.1016/j.fbp.2022.02.001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03580549v1
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Effects of X-ray, electron beam and gamma irradiation on PE/EVOH/PE multilayer film properties

Nina Girard-Perier , Magalie Claeys-Bruno , Sylvain Marque , Nathalie Dupuy , Fanny Gaston
Chemical Communications, 2021, 57 (84), pp.11049-11051. ⟨10.1039/d1cc02871e⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03395185v1
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Monitoring of Peroxide in Gamma Irradiated EVA Multilayer Film Using Methionine Probe

Nina Girard-Perier , Magalie Claeys-Bruno , Sylvain R.A. Marque , Nathalie Dupuy , Fanny Gaston
Polymers, 2020, 12 (12), pp.3024. ⟨10.3390/polym12123024⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03081097v1
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Study of the mechanical behavior of gamma-irradiated single-use bag seals

Nina Girard-Perier , Fanny Gaston , Nathalie Dupuy , Sylvain R.A. Marque , Lucie Delaunay
Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2020, 26, pp.100582. ⟨10.1016/j.fpsl.2020.100582⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02977778v1
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Monitoring of the discoloration on c-irradiated PE and EVA films to evaluate antioxidant stability

Fanny Gaston , Nathalie Dupuy , Sylvain Marque , Didier Gigmes , Samuel Dorey
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, 135 (18), pp.46114. ⟨10.1002/app.46114⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01764643v1