Microstructural characterization of steels using Convolutional Neural Networks
Mykola Lavrskyi
Nathalie Gey
Philippe Charobert
Natalia Loukachenko
Audrey Couturier
Metallurgie Quel Avenir, Jun 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
High temperature EBSD experiment applied to in-situ observation of phase transformation in steels
Maissa Fekih
Tomas Martinez Ostormujof
Denis Sornin
L Germain
Nathalie Gey
Metallurgie Quel Avenir, Jun 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Convolutional Neural Networks applied to EBSD maps to improve phase discriminations in steels
Mykola Lavrskyi
Nathalie Gey
Philippe Charobert
Natalia Loukachenko
Audrey Couturier
Journées de Printemps du GN-MEBA, Jul 2023, Rouen (France), France
Conference papers
High temperature EBSD experiment applied to in-situ observation of phase transformation in steels
Maissa Fekih
Tomas Martinez Ostormujof
Denis Sornin
Lionel Germain
Nathalie Gey
Symposium of Texture and Anisotropy of 2023, Jun 2023, Metz, France
Conference papers
AI-assisted orientation map processing for martensite/bainite/ferrite identification
Mykola Lavrskyi
Nathalie Gey
Philippe Charobert
Natalia Loukachenko
Audrey Couturier
Artificiel Intelligence in Materials Science and Engineering, Nov 2023, Saarbrucken, Germany
Conference papers
Analyse de l’évolution des densités de dislocations et de nano-précipités dans une microstructure martensitique en fonction de la vitesse de trempe
L. Á. O. Silva
M. Salib
C. Ernould
J. Sharma
A. Pachon
Conférence internationale Matériaux, Fédération Française des Matériaux (FFM), Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Microstructure refinement after nitrogen enrichment and austenite decomposition in a low-alloyed steel studied by EBSD and Laser Confocal Scanning Microscopy
Madhumanti Mandal
Julien da Costa Teixeira
Nathalie Gey
L Germain
Florimonde Lebel
PTM2022 - 8th International Conference on solid→solid Phase Transformations in inorganic Materials, Jun 2022, Virtual, China
Conference papers
Assessing the robustness of an EBSD-data-based U-Net model to classify phase transformation products in Steels
S. Breumier
Tomas Martinez Ostormujof
Nathalie Gey
Bianca Frincu
A. Couturier
1st World Congress on Artificial Intelligence in Materials and Manufacturing, Apr 2022, Pittsburgh, United States
Conference papers
Microstructure et Propriété mécanique de l’acier 32CDV13 élaboré par fabrication additive à l’état brut de lasage et après traitement thermique
Charlie Poulat
Olivier Perroud
Meriem Ben Haj Slama
Nathalie Gey
Matériaux 2022, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Microstructure et Propriété mécanique de l’acier 32CDV13 élaboré par fabrication additive : analyse de l’état brut de lasage et après traitements thermiques
Poulat Charlie
Hervé Nicolas
Lambert Romain
Slama Meriem Ben Haj
Perroud Olivier
Matériaux 2022, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Leveraging EBSD data for phase transformation product quantification in low carbon steels by deep learning
S. Breumier
T Martinez Ostormujof
Nathalie Gey
L Germain
Bianca Frincu
TMS 2022, Feb 2022, Anaheim, California, United States
Conference papers
Advanced EBSD and Machine Learning to identify phase transformation products in Steels
L. Germain
Tomas Martinez Ostormujof
Matthieu Salib
Bianca Frincu
Nathalie Gey
RMS EBSD 2022, Apr 2022, London (virtual), United Kingdom
Conference papers
Can Convolutional Neural Networks be trained on EBSD data to classify phase transformation products in Steels?
T Martinez Ostormujof
Rrp Purushottam Raj Purohit
Nathalie Gey
M Salib
L Germain
virtual EBSD 2021, RMS, Apr 2021, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Refinement of bainitic and martensitic microstructures after nitrogen enrichment of a low alloyed steel
Madhumanti Mandal
Julien Teixeira
Lionel Germain
Sabine Denis
Nathalie Gey
EUROMAT 2021, Sep 2021, Graz, Austria
Conference papers
Applying Deep Learning to EBSD data for the discrimination of phase transformation products in Steels
T Martinez Ostormujof
Rrp Purushottam Raj Purohit
Nathalie Gey
M Salib
L Germain
Microscience Microscopy Congress 2021, Jul 2021, Virtual, United States
Conference papers
Advanced EBSD to study phase transformation induced microstructures in carbon and nitrogen enriched 23MnCrMo steel
Madhumanti Mandal
Julien Teixeira
L Germain
Sabine Denis
Nathalie Gey
Virtual EBSD 2021, Apr 2021, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Elastic lattice strain evolution in a β metastable titanium alloy studied by in-situ high energy x-ray diffraction and micromechanical modelling
R. Purushottam Raj Purohit
Nathalie Gey
O. Castelnau
T. Richeton
L. Germain
14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM) ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Jan 2021, Paris [Online], France
Conference papers
Influence of nitrogen enrichment on the austenite grain growth and decomposition upon cooling in low-alloy steels by in-situ characterization
Madhumanti Mandal
Nathalie Gey
Lionel Germain
Florimonde Lebel
Sabine Denis
Journées annuelles SF2M, Oct 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Numerical Study of Plastic Deformation Mechanisms in a New Generation Fe-TiB2 Steel Composite Using a FFT-based Model
Julien Genée Genée
Nathalie Gey
Guyon J.
Bonnet F.
Berbenni S.
TMS 2020, Feb 2020, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
A Bayesian approach to quantify the single-crystal elastic constants in a polycrystalline β metastable titanium alloy
R.Purushottam Raj Purohit
Thiebaud Richeton
L. Germain
Stéphane Berbenni
Nathalie Gey
MRS BOSTON, Nov 2020, Boston [Online], United States
Conference papers
Criteria for fast and selective α precipitation at β grain boundaries in Ti-alloys Consequence for in-service microstructures
Tao Liu
Lionel Germain
Julien Teixeira
Elisabeth Aeby-Gautier
Nathalie Gey
Conference papers
Étude numérique et expérimentale des mécanismes de déformation plastique proches des interfaces matrice/renforts d’un composite à matrice ferritique renforcée par des particules céramiques de type TiB2
Julien Genée Genée
Stéphane Berbenni
Nathalie Gey
F. Bonnet
Julien Guyon
La métallurgie, quel avenir?, Apr 2019, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Modélisation et simulation numérique par méthode FFT de la localisation des contraintes internes et des densités de dislocations dans un acier composite nouvelle génération 'Fe-TiB2'
Julien Genée Genée
Stéphane Berbenni
Nathalie Gey
J Guyon
F. Bonnet
CSMA 2019 14ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, May 2019, Giens, France
Conference papers
Stress partitioning in a near-β Titanium alloy induced by elastic and plastic phase anisotropies: experimental and modeling
Ravi Raj Purohit Purushottam Raj Puhorit
Safaa Lhadi
Nathalie Gey
Olivier Castelnau
Thiebaud Richeton
Conference papers
Influence de la repartition des pores intra-granulaires sur le comportement visco-plastique de l'UO2
M. Ben Saada
N. Gey
X. Iltis
B. Beausir
N. Maloufi
Plasticite 2018, Apr 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Étude expérimentale et numérique des mécanismes de déformation plastique d’un composite à matrice en acier ferritique et renforts céramiques de type TiB2
J. Genée
N. Gey
Stéphane Berbenni
J Guyon
F. Bonnet
Congrès Matériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Effet de l’anisotropie élastique de la phase β sur le comportement mécanique en traction des alliages de titane β–métastables
S. Lhadi
Stéphane Berbenni
Nathalie Gey
Thiebaud Richeton
L Germain
Conférence Matériaux, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Effect of elastic anisotropy on the fatigue behavior of near-βtitanium alloys thanks to an elasto-viscoplastic self-consistent model
S. Lhadi
Stéphane Berbenni
Nathalie Gey
Thiebaud Richeton
L. Germain
The 12th International Fatigue Congress, May 2018, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Mesures par microdiffraction Laue de distributions de déformations élastiques au sein de briques de zircone
T. Örs
F. Gouraud
V. Michel
Marc Huger
Js. Micha
Rayons X et Matière RX2017, Nov 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers
Evidence of granularization of lath-like bainite during isothermal holding : How chemistry and initial microstructure impact the granularization kinetics
M. Ben Haj Slama
Nathalie Gey
L. Germain
S. Allain
K. Zhu
Euromat 2017, Sep 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
Advanced parent reconstruction : an efficient tool to optimize TMTs by a better control of the parent and subsequent inherited microtexture
L Germain
N. Gey
M. Humbert
18th International Conference on Texture of Materials, Nov 2017, St George Utah, United States
Conference papers
An affine elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent model to study incompatibility stresses in near beta-Ti alloys
S. Lhadi
Stéphane Berbenni
Nathalie Gey
Thiebaud Richeton
L. Germain
5th International Conference on Material Modelling, Jun 2017, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Influence of microstructure on UO2 creep behavior: an EBSD study of grain fragmentationInfluence of microstructure on UO2 creep behavior: an EBSD study of grain fragmentation
M. Ben Saada
X. Iltis
Nathalie Gey
A. Miard
P. Garcia
Euromat 2017 : European congress and exhibition on advanced materials and processes, Sep 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
Multi-scale approach for analyzing sub-boundaries induced during dislocational creep of uranium dioxide
Meriem Ben Saada
Nathalie Gey
Antoine Guitton
Benoit Beausir
Xavière Iltis
SF2M, 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Advanced microtexture analysis of a Ti 10-2-3 product for better understanding of local variations in mechanical behavior.
Maria Rita Chini
L Germain
Nathalie Gey
Sandra Andrieu
International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, Apr 2016, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers
A review of recent developments for parent microtexture reconstruction with Merengue 2 : Application to the analysis of the deformation substructure of austenite and its influence on microstructure inheritance in low carbon steels
L Germain
Nathalie Gey
Elodie Boucard
Sebastian Cobo
Michel Humbert
MSE Congress, Sep 2016, Darmstadt, Germany
Conference papers
How Advanced EBSD and Accurate-ECCI can be applied to quantify sub-boundaries induced during dislocational creep of UO_2
M. Ben Saada
N. Gey
N. Maloufi
H. Mansour
B. Beausir
EBSD Conference 2016, RMS, Mar 2016, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Coupled EBSD, NanoSIMS and FIB techniques for Atom Probe Tomography specimen preparation
C Debreux
Frederic Danoix
Didier Blavette
D Gibouin
Laurence Chevalier
PTM 2015 - International conference on solid-solid phase transformations in inorganic materials, Jun 2015, Whistler, Canada
Conference papers
Advanced Microtexture Analysis of a Ti10−2−3 product: for a Better Understanding of Local Variations in Mechanical Behaviour
Maria Rita Chini
Lionel Germain
Nathalie Gey
S Andrieu
Duval T.
Conference papers
Ultrafast Granularization of Lath-like Bainite in FeNiC Alloys During Isothermal Holding
Meriem Ben Haj Slama
Sébastien Allain
Nathalie Gey
Lionel Germain
Kangying Zhu
PTM 2015 - International conference on solid-solid phase transformations in inorganic materials, Jun 2015, Whistler, Canada
Conference papers
Etude des liens entre la microstructure et les mécanismes d'endommagement par fluage du dioxyde d'uranium
Z El Omari
H. Mansour
Mariem Ben Saada
Nathalie Gey
Nabila Maloufi
Colloque STPMF 2015, LRGP (Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés); LEM3 (Laboratoire d'Etudes des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux); LIBio (Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Biomolécules); IJL (Institut Jean Lamour), Apr 2015, Nancy, France
Conference papers
How the sub−surface microstructure of a Ti6Al4V tribopair evolves due to dry friction at high sliding velocity
Guillaume Chassaing
Nathalie Gey
Albert Tidu
Laurent Faure
Jean Meriaux
Conference papers
Deformation substructure of austenite evaluated by crystallographic reconstruction and its influence on microstructure inheritance in low carbon steels
E Boucard
Nathalie Gey
Meriem Ben Haj Slama
Lionel Germain
S. Cobo
PTM 2015 - International conference on solid-solid phase transformations in inorganic materials, Jun 2015, Whistler, Canada
Conference papers
Sub-boundary characterization of crept uranium dioxide fuel pellets, by EBSD and ECCI
M. Ben Saada
H. Mansour
N. Maloufi
N. Gey
B. Beausir
CREEP 2015 - International Conference on Creep And Fracture Engineering Materials And Structure, May 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Characterization of a sub-grain boundary using Accurate Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging
H. Mansour
M. A. Crimp
Nathalie Gey
Nabila Maloufi
M&M Meeting 2015,, 2015, Portland, OR, United States. pp.601-602
Conference papers
Influence of α Precipitation at β/β Grain Boundaries on α Microtexture in a β-Metastable Titanium Alloy with and without Previous Deformation
Matthieu Salib
Mien Teixeira
Lionel Germain
Benoit Denand
Nathalie Gey
Conference papers
Crystallographic texture on high zirconia refractories
Cédric Patapy
Fanny Gouraud
Marc Huger
René Guinebretière
Nathalie Gey
CIMTEC, Jun 2014, Montecatini Terme, Italy
Conference papers
Understanding microstructure/properties relationships related to the thermomechanical behavior of high zirconia refractories
Cédric Patapy
F. Gouraud
N. Gey
M. Humbert
A. Hazotte
13th Biennal Worldwide Refractories Congress Recognized as the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), Sep 2013, Victoria, Canada. pp.ISBN: 978-1-118-83703-0
Conference papers
Characterisation of texture heterogeneities in Titanium alloy IMI834 Influence on cold dwell fatigue properties
Elena Uta
P. Bocher
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 15), 2008, United States
Conference papers
EBSD analyses of dwell fracture surface in titanium alloy IMI 834
Elena Uta
P. Bocher
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
J. Gilgert
Fatigue and Plasticity: from mechanisms to design, 2008, France. pp.315-322
Conference papers
Texture and microstructure evolutions of a FeMnC TWIP steel during different mechanical tests
David Barbier
Nathalie Gey
Bernard Bolle
Michel Humbert
Sébastien Allain
Commission SF2M Texture and anisotropy, 2007, Germany
Conference papers
"Cartographies d'orientations par MET/MEB"
Emmanuel Bouzy
Nathalie Gey
Jean-Jacques Fundenberger
Adam Morawiec
39° journées du GUMP-SEMPA : "Convergences TEM/SEM", 2007, France
Conference papers
Identification of texture heterogeneities in titanium alloy IMI834
Elena Uta
Michel Humbert
Nathalie Gey
P. Bocher
Christophe Bescond
Commission SF2M Texture and anisotropy, 2007, Germany
Conference papers
Texture and microstructure evolution of a FeMnC TWIP steel during shearing
David Barbier
Nathalie Gey
Bernard Bolle
Michel Humbert
Sébastien Allain
International Symposium on shear behavior and mechanisms in materials plasticity, SHEAR2007, Nancy, 2007, France
Conference papers
Surface modification of metallic Ni (50.6 at%) Ti biomaterial by high current pulsed electron beam treatment
K.M. Zhang
Jianxin Zou
Thierry Grosdidier
Nathalie Gey
C. Dong
2th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (ISMANAM), July 3-7, 2005, Paris, France (will be published in Journal of alloys and compounds), 2007, France. pp.682-685
Conference papers
Analysis of the gamma to epsilon to alpha' variant selection induced by plastic deformation in 304 stainless steel
Bertrand Petit
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
Bernard Bolle
M. Cherkaoui
Commission SF2M Texture and anisotropy, 2007, Germany
Conference papers
Analyse des évolutions de microstructures et de textures d'un acier FeMnC à effet TWIP lors de différents trajets de chargement
David Barbier
Nathalie Gey
Bernard Bolle
Michel Humbert
Sébastien Allain
2006, pp.CD-ROM
Conference papers
Processing and characterization of hetero-nanostructure in bulk FeAl alloys obtained by spark plasma sintering of milled powder
Gang Ji
Thierry Grosdidier
Nathalie Bozzolo
Nathalie Gey
Frédéric A. Bernard
2006, pp.CD-Rom
Conference papers
Effect of high magnetic field on the melting texturation under low oxygen partial pressure of bulk YBa2Cu3O7-d
Jue Wang
Nabila Maloufi
Nathalie Gey
L. Zuo
Claude Esling
International Congress in Materials Science and Engineering 2006, 2006, Algeria
Conference papers
Determination of parent orientation maps in advanced titanium based alloys
Lionel Germain
Suhash Dey
Michel Humbert
Nathalie Gey
13th Conference and Workshop on EBSD, Oxford 2006, 2006, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Mise en évidence et caractérisation des hétérogénéités de textures dans l'alliage de titane IMI 834 de microstructure bimodale à vocation aéronautique
Elena Uta
Michel Humbert
Nathalie Gey
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
Matériaux 2006, 13-17 novembre 2006, Dijon, France, 2006, France. pp.CD-ROM
Conference papers
Mise en évidence et caractérisation des hétérogénéités de textures dans l'alliage de titane IMI 834 de microstructure bimodale à vocation aéronautique
Elena Uta
Michel Humbert
Nathalie Gey
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
2006, pp.CD-ROM
Conference papers
Texture and microstructure characterization of YBCO and NBCO bulk superconductors
Jue Wang
Nabila Maloufi
Nathalie Gey
B. Douine
C. Bellouard
Eighth European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics, Metz 2006, 2006, France
Conference papers
Characterization of fault current limiter structures Au/YBCO/CeO2/Al2O3 by AFM, XRD and EBSD
Sarra Grira
Nabila Maloufi
Nathalie Gey
G. Hofer
C. Bellouard
Eighth European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics, Metz 2006, 2006, France
Conference papers
EBSD characterization on bulk YBa2Cu3O7-d samples
Jue Wang
Nathalie Gey
Nabila Maloufi
A. Gholinia
L. Zuo
13th Conference and Workshop on EBSD, Oxford 2006, 2006, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Caractérisation par EBSD d'un dépôt supraconducteur de type YBaCuO
Sarra Grira
Nabila Maloufi
Nathalie Gey
Bernard Bolle
G. Hofer
Journées Science des surfaces, Nancy 2006, 2006, France
Conference papers
Bertrand Petit
Nathalie Gey
M. Cherkaoui
Bernard Bolle
Michel Humbert
Congrès « Plasticity » janvier 2005 Hawaï, Jan 2005, United States
Conference papers
Bertrand Petit
Nathalie Gey
M. Cherkaoui
Michel Humbert
Bernard Bolle
EUROMAT Septembre 2005 - Prague - République Tchèque, Jan 2005, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Variant Selection in Forged Titanium Alloys: Effect of Microscopic Grain Misorientations on the Formation of Macroscopic Regions with Similar Crystallographic Orientations
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
Lionel Germain
Nathalie Gey
Jan 2005, pp.523-XXX
Conference papers
beta microtexture analysis in correlation with hcp textured regions observed in a forged near alpha titanium alloy
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
Lionel Germain
P. Wanjara
Nathalie Gey
Jan 2005, pp.127-132
Conference papers
Bertrand Petit
Nathalie Gey
M. Cherkaoui
Michel Humbert
Bernard Bolle
EUROMAT Septembre 2005 - Prague - République Tchèque, 2005, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Bertrand Petit
Nathalie Gey
M. Cherkaoui
Michel Humbert
Bernard Bolle
EUROMAT Septembre 2005 - Prague - République Tchèque, 2005, Czech Republic
Conference papers
beta to alpha s variant selection in sharp hcp textured regions of a bimodal IMI834 billet
Lionel Germain
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
2005, pp.663-668
Conference papers
Study and Modeling of some Variant Selection in BCC to HCP phase transformation
Michel Humbert
Nathalie Gey
Lionel Germain
2005, pp.1111-1120
Conference papers
Microstructure and texture evolution of cold worked 304 stainless Steel Experimental and Modelling
Bertrand Petit
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
Bernard Bolle
M. Cherkaoui
2005, pp.405-410
Conference papers
beta microtexture analysis in correlation with hcp textured regions observed in a forged near alpha titanium alloy
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
Lionel Germain
P. Wanjara
Nathalie Gey
2005, pp.127-132
Conference papers
Michel Humbert
Nathalie Gey
Lionel Germain
Jan 2005, pp.1111-1120
Conference papers
Microstructure and texture evolution of cold worked 304 stainless Steel Experimental and Modelling
Bertrand Petit
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
Bernard Bolle
M. Cherkaoui
2005, pp.405-410
Conference papers
Analysis of the bêta->alpha Variant Selection in a Zy-4 Rod by Means of Specific Crystal Orientation Maps
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
E. Gautier
J.L. Bechade
France-Russia seminar "New achievements in Materials Science" Nancy les 27-29 Octobre 2004, 2004, France
Conference papers
EBSD study of strain induced martensite and retained austenite in 304 stainless steel
Nathalie Gey
Bertrand Petit
Michel Humbert
ITAP 2, Metz (F), 7-9 july 2004, Jan 2004, France
Conference papers
Characterisation of local texture and microstructure heterogeneities of a hot forged IMI 834 Ti Alloy
Lionel Germain
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
French-Chinese Symposium on Materials Science (6-7 février 2004, Metz), Jan 2004, France
Conference papers
N. Gey, M. Humbert, E. Gautier, J. L. Béchade «Analysis of the bêta->alpha Variant Selection in a Zy-4 Rod by Means of Specific Crystal Orientation Maps»
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
E. Gautier
J.L. Bechade
France-Russia seminar "New achievements in Materials Science" Nancy les 27-29 Octobre 2004, Jan 2004, France
Conference papers
Texture and microstructure analysis of an IMI 834 alloy after thermomechanical processing
Lionel Germain
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
Titanium 2003, 2003, Germany
Conference papers
Texture and microstructure analysis of an IMI 834 alloy after thermomechanical processing
Lionel Germain
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
P. Bocher
M. Jahazi
2003, pp.1291-1298
Conference papers
Some remarks about the processing of automatic EBSD orientation measurements in view of texture determination
Francis Wagner
Nathalie Bozzolo
Natanael Dewobroto
Nathalie Gey
Jan 2002, pp.143-148
Conference papers
Analysis of the béta to alpha variant selection in a Zr4 rod by means of specific crystal orientation maps
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
E. Gautier
J.L. Bechade
2002, pp.1759-1764
Conference papers
Some remarks about acquisition and post-treatment of EBSD data
Nathalie Bozzolo
Nathalie Gey
Journées "Texture et Microscopie" (20 au 21 juin 2002, Metz), Jan 2002, France
Conference papers
Analysis of the beta to alpha variant selection in a Zy-4 rod by means of specific crystal orientation maps
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
E. Gautier
J.L. Bechade
Journées "Texture et Microscopie" du 20 au 21 juin 2002 à Metz (poster), Jan 2002, France
Conference papers
Etude des microstructures et des textures obtenues par changement de phase béta vers alpha à l'aide de cartographies d'orientations
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
Journées d'Automne 2001 - SF2M, Jan 2001, France
Conference papers
Effect of cold rolling on transition texture of commercially pure titanium
Nathalie Gey
Michel Humbert
A.K. Singh
Jan 2001, pp.91-98
Conference papers