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Nathalie LEBLANC
Joint Head of Transformations & Agro-ressources research unit (ULR7519)
Open access
Current affiliations
- 300318
- 1042531
- 455934
- 527123
- 1197285
- 570637
- 322904
- 217769
Researcher identifiers
- nathalie-leblanc
- 0000-0001-9123-5160
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=5O6UvRcAAAAJ
Ability to conduct research. Scientific discipline: chemistry; CNU section: chemistry of materials (33)
PhD from the University of Rouen. Scientific discipline: chemistry; specialty: functional polymers, elaboration and properties
Areas of expertise : non-food valorization of agro-resources - physical chemistry of biopolymers - Functionalities of agro-based materials - Relationships between composition / structure / properties of biobased materials.
Centers of interest: develop knowledge about intrinsic characteristics of plant material and their consequences on the performance of agro-based materials in order to value by-products of crops generated during agro-industrial transformations.
• Detection and determination of intrinsic characteristics of plant materials (biochemical composition, morphology, porosity ...)
• Formulation and shaping of agro-based materials with specific performances, implented by thermocompression or by extrusion according to the targeted application sector (building, transport, packaging).
• Focus on structure / function relationships of agro-based materials (thermal, acoustic, mechanical performance, hygroscopic behavior, fire resistance ...).
Diplômes :
Habilitation à diriger des recherches en sciences (HDR). Discipline : chimie ; section CNU : chimie des matériaux (33)
Doctorat de l’Université de Rouen . Discipline : chimie ; spécialité : polymères fonctionnels, élaboration et propriétés
Centres d’intérêt : développer des savoirs relatifs aux caractéristiques intrinsèques de la matière végétale et de leurs conséquences sur les performances des matériaux agrosourcés afin de valoriser notamment les co-produits de cultures générés lors de transformations agro-industrielles.
• Détection et détermination des caractéristiques intrinsèques de matières végétales (composition biochimique, morphologie, porosité…)
• Formulation et mise en forme de matériaux agro-sourcés aux performances spécifiques, élaborés par thermocompression ou par extrusion selon le secteur d’application visé (bâtiment, transport, packaging).
• Focus sur les relations structures /fonctionnalités des matériaux agro-sourcés (performances thermiques, acoustiques, mécaniques, comportement hygroscopique, tenue au feu…).
Research domains
Chemical Sciences
Material chemistry
Environmental Engineering
Life Sciences [q-bio]
Valorisation non alimentaire des agro-ressources – physico-chimie des biopolymères - Fonctionnalités des matériaux agrosourcés - Relations composition / structure / propriétés des matériaux biosourcés.
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Dielectric performance of new 3d printed biobased materials4th Edition of EUROMAGH BIOCOMPOSITES Conference, Apr 2023, Marrackech, Morocco
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Dielectric Performance of New Biobased Materials by 3D PrintingEuropean Congress on Biopolymers and Bioplastics, Scisynopsis, Nov 2023, Rome, Italy
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Dielectric performance of new 3d printed biobased materials7th International Conference on Polymer Science and Composite Materials, Coalesce Research Group, Oct 2023, Rome, Italy
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Performances Diélectrique des Matériaux BiosourcésColloque - 210 - L’industrie de la transformation du bois à l’heure de la transition écologique et énergétique, ACFAS, May 2022, Laval (Québec), Canada
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Compostage domestique : filière de fin de vie pour les matériaux biosourcés ?Printemps de l'innovation 2022, rri université du littoral, Mar 2022, distanciel, France
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Applications des biopolymères dans le domaine diélectrique3e édition du colloque annuel de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la valorisation, la caractérisation et la transformation du bo, CRC-VACAT, Jun 2022, La Sarre, Canada
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Durability performance and thermal conductivity of wood biomass ash and sunflower by-products-based mortar20th Global Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, Osaka University, May 2022, Osaka, Japan
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Possible recycling of dredged sediments in earth bricks - case studies of marine, fluvial and dam sedimentsXVIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, Oct 2022, Chatou, France. pp.765-774, ⟨10.5150/jngcgc.2022.078⟩
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Mechanical properties of the biomass ash-based binder19th Global Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering, May 2021, Caen (FR), France
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Diaporama technique des ressources végétales françaises à potentiel pour les matériaux destinés à l’éco-constructionGdR-Week MIC 2021Mise en œuvre de composites biosourcés et propriétés induites, Nov 2021, Caen (FR), France
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Dielectric performances of biobased materials6th World Congress on Bio-Polymers and Polymer Chemistry, Oct 2021, Allied Academies, Oct 2021, Rouen (Webinar), France
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Determination of plant cell wall composition by physical and chemical approach3rd Euromaghreb Conference - Sustainability and Bio based Materials on the road of Bioeconomy (Euromagh2020)., UniLaSalle, Oct 2020, Rouen, France
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Impact of retting and process parameters on the physical and mechanical properties of flax fiber biobased composites3rd Euromaghreb Conference: Sustainability and Biobased Materials on the road of Bioeconomy, October 2020, Rouen, Oct 2020, Rouen (FR), France
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Sediment-based fired bricks strength optimization - A discussion on different approaches16èmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil, Jun 2020, Le Havre, France. pp.649-658, ⟨10.5150/jngcgc.2020.072⟩
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Determination of plant cell wall composition by a physical and chemical ApproachesEUROMAGH 2020 : Sustainability and Biobased Materials on the road of Bioeconomy, Oct 2020, Rouen, France
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Various methods of binding light agricultural byproducts3rd International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials, Jun 2019, Belfast (Northern Ireland), France. ⟨10.26168/icbbm2019.2⟩
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Driving circular economy: from crops by-products to biobased materials8th international conference of applied research on textile (CIRAT-8), Nov 2018, Monastir (Tunisie), Tunisia
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CROP BY-PRODUCTS CHARACTERIZATIONS AND VALORIZATION IN INSULATING MATERIAL: CASE OF CORN PITH AND SUNFLOWER PITHEuromagh Biocomposites 2018, Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs de Sfax, Nov 2018, Hammamet (TUN), Tunisia
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Propriétés de matériaux à base de particules végétales thermopressées et liants biosourcésMatériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
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Atelier 1 : Amont agricole et 1ère transformation du lin et du chanvre2022
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