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Nicolas Bautes
Full Professor
Université Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry
Open access
Current affiliations
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 087970635
Web site
- https://humanitiesacrossborders.org/index.php/people/nicolas-bautes
Thématiques de recherche
* Espaces et économies locales face aux changements globaux
* Politiques et processus d’urbanisation – dynamiques sociales intra-urbaines - Production politique de la ville et informalités
* Économies urbaines, systèmes productifs - Filières artisanales productives - Héritages, patrimoines, conflits
Research domains
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Ce que chercher implique. Trajectoires de chercheurs en sciences sociales dans deux favelas de Rio de JaneiroChercheur.e.s critiques en terrains critiques, Le Bord de l’eau, 2020
Book sections
Cidade Nova, Praça Onze e a abertura da Avenida Presidente Vargas: do apagamento à ressurgência da memória da Pequena Africa do Rio de JaneiroTransições metropolitanas e Centralidades nas cidades brasileiras no breve século XX, 2019
Book sections
Caught between metropolitan renovation and resistance : the dilemma of Khotachiwadi, Mumbai (India)Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives. Bairro & Cidade - Entre perspetivas digitais e analógicas, pp.185-198, 2018, 978-989-757-077-3
Book sections
Le rapport au lieu de vie. Une lecture de la cohabitation entre agriculteurs et résidents périurbains (Hérault, France)L’espace en partage, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp.75-96, 2017, Géographie sociale, 978-2-7535-5670-6
Book sections
Et au milieu coule une cafetière... Ou comment des géographes discutent de l'interdisciplinarité à la pause-caféL'espace en partage, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp.279-298, 2017, Géographie sociale, 978-2-7535-5670-6
Book sections
Entre ajuste economico y desajustes académicos. La universidad publica francesa frente a las reformas neoliberalesPiso 15; Benemérita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP). Hernandez J., Coutiño F., Sanchez F., Lopez G. (dir.), Universidad y politica: México y Francia, 2015
Book sections
Local and Translocal Systems of ActorsSaglio-Yatzimirsky, Marie-Caroline and Landy, Frédéric. Megacity Slums: Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India, Imperial College Press, pp.257--306, 2014, 978-1-908979-59-9
Book sections
Cheminements autour de l'identité urbaineM. Gérardot. La France en ville, Atlande, pp.119-126, 2010, Clefs concours, Géographie des territoires
Book sections
Que mais alem do espectáculo ? Resiliência e desvios ao redor de um projeto de valorização de favela.Arco Iris. Interlocuções Urbanas: arenas, enredos e atores., Arco Iris, pp.111-121, 2008
Book sections
Dynamiques et tendances actuelles du tourisme dans les pays en développementSEDES. Mondialisation : l'intégration des pays en développement, SEDES, pp.93-104, 2007
Book sections
Exclusion and election in Udaipur urban space: implications on tourism.Raj Rhapsodies. Tourism, Heritage and the Seduction of History., Ashgate Publication, pp.89-106, 2007, New Directions in Tourism Analysis
Book sections
Espaço-patrimônio e dinâmica de atores na Rua do Lavradio (Centro Histórico do Rio de Janeiro). A produção sócio-política do “Novo Rio Antigo”FAPERJ. Cidade, transformaçoes no mundo do trabalho e politicas publicas. A questao do comercio ambumante em tempos de globalizaçao., DP&A, pp.152-168, 2006, Espaços do desenvovimento
Book sections
Inde et Asie du Sud-Est : un héritage fragile, des relations hésitantes, un enjeu grandissantPhilippe Pelletier. Nouvelles organisations régionales en Asie Orientale, modèles et identité, Les Indes Savantes, 2005
Book sections
IntroductionECSAS - European Conference for South Asian Studies, EASAS - European Association for South Asian Studies, Jul 2023, Torino, Italy
Conference papers
IntroductionTransmitting know-how in a shifting world – perspectives from the social sciences, Institut Français de Pondichéry, Feb 2023, Pondicherry, India
Conference papers
Heritage and Hesitant Urban Production in Pondicherry: when public policy flirts with urban coastal villagesUrban ARC 2022 : Beyond Binaries, IIHS Annual Research Conference, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Jan 2022, Bengaluru, India
Conference papers
Tides of Change: Living off and with Heritage on the CoastThe IUEAS Congress 2020 “Coming of Age on Earth: Legacies and Next Generation Anthropology", International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Mar 2021, Šibenik, Croatia
Conference papers
Frictions among Fishing Settlements: Two Case Studies from the CoromandelThe International Conference Coastal Development and Coastal Livelihoods, New York University, Mar 2021, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Conference papers
Deep Sea Fishing Project – A capitalist project in the costume of moral economyThe 11th MARE People and the Sea Conference held virtually, University of Amsterdam, Jun 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
L’urbanisation rapide détruit-elle les villes indiennes ?Les conférences de l’IFP. Un autre regard sur l’Inde, Institut Français de Pondichéry, Jan 2020, Pondichéry, Inde
Conference papers
Looking for Integrated Conservation and Development of the Coramandel Coastal Wetlands: The case Study of Kaluveli (Tamil Nadu, South India)Paper presented at the International Symposium on Advances in Coastal Research with Special Reference to Indo Pacific (AdCoRe IP-2019) jointly organized by the National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) & Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) in Chennai from 17th to 19th December 2019, Dec 2019, Chennai, India
Conference papers
Addressing the challenges of the coastal areas of Tamil Nadu: an interdisciplinary and transversal approachChanging Contours of Blue Economy. - Promises and Challenges. (ICBE-2019), Feb 2019, Chidambaram, India
Conference papers
Mapping and Assessing the Land Cover and Land Use of a fragile Coastal Landscape, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, South IndiaInternational Symposium on Advances in Coastal Research with Special Reference to Indo Pacific (AdCoRe IP-2019), National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR); National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT); Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Dec 2019, Chennai, India
Conference papers
Local conflicts and Illegalisms in the production of a space of memory in Rio de Janeiro, BrazilCPR-CSH Workshop, Centre for Policy Research, Delhi, Apr 2018, Delhi, India
Conference papers
Perspectives on uses and transformation of the city: A socio-spatial mapping of the Grand Canal, PondichéryTalk at Institut Français de Pondichéry, Feb 2018, Pondichéry, India
Conference papers
When Socio-Economic Plans Exacerbate Vulnerability to Physical Coastal Processes on the South East Coast of India15. International Coastal Symposium (ICS), May 2018, Busan, South Korea. ⟨10.2112/SI85-290.1⟩
Conference papers
De l'artivisme urbain à la spéculation patrimoniale: la favela au cœur des enjeux du centre historique de Rio de Janeiro.Colloque international Patrimoine culturel et désirs de territoires: vers quels développements, ART-Dev, Université de Nîmes,, Feb 2010, Nîmes, France
Conference papers
Olhares cruzados antropologia e geografia. Atores, espaços e sustentabilidade nos territorios urbanos.Diez años de cambios en el mundo, en la Geografía y en las Ciencias Sociales, 1999-2008., May 2008, Barcelone, Spain. http://www.ub.es/geocrit/-xcol/73.htm
Conference papers
Penser les espaces de l’artisanat ordinaire en Inde. Matérialités, configurations et politiqueGéographie. Université Paris 1, 2022
Accreditation to supervise research
Penser les espaces de l’artisanat ordinaire en Inde. Matérialités, configurations et politiqueGéographie. Université Paris 1 Sorbonne Panthéon, 2022
Accreditation to supervise research
Covid 19: Image, sound, movement ... people2020, https://humanitiesacrossborders.org/blog/covid-19-image-sound-movement-people
Scientific blog post
En Inde, la réouverture des débits d’alcool déchaîne des passions toutes politiques2020
Scientific blog post
L’espace en partageBooks halshs-01566413v1 |
Mega city slumsMarie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky; Frédéric Landy. Imperial College Press, 1, 2014, Urban Challenges
Coastal transformation and fisher wellbeing: Perspectives from Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, IndiaFrench Institute of Pondicherry; Madras Institute of Development Studies; Arctic University of Norway; University of East Anglia; University of Amsterdam. 2022
Le goût de l'héritage. Processus de production d'un territoire touristique. Udaipur en Inde du Nord (Rajasthan)Géographie. Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2004. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Art and Activism in South AsiaSouth Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 31, 2024, ⟨10.4000/11vx1⟩
Special issue