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Nicolas Moiroux

IRD Research scientist, PhD, HDR
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***Medical Entomology - Ecology – Modelling*** **Researcher at [MIVEGEC]( ** (IRD, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier), ESV department. **[Vector Control Group](** (VCG) team leader (2021-present). Deputy director of the [LAMIVECT]( (International joint laboratory on vector disease in west Africa) - (2017-2021) **Research Projects** DIV-YOO (2024-2028) - Diversity of mosquitoes in West Africa - ANR - PI V2MOC (2022-2025) – Urban greening and vectorial risks in Occitanie – RIVOC / Région Occitanie – Modeling task leader (PI : F. Fournet). STORM (2020-2023) - Long-acting injectable ivermectin to fight malaria transmission – Unitaid – Modeling Task leader (PI : Medincell). REACT 2 (2020-2023) - Lutte contre le paludisme : amélioREr l’accès à la prévention, au diAgnostiC et aux soins pour les communauTés rurales vulnérables - Initiative 5% – data analysis task leader (PI: C. Pennetier). REACT (2016-2020) – Managing insecticide resistance in Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire: research on new strategies and randomized controlled trial - Initiative 5% – co-PI. ANIVERMATE (2018–2020) – Ivermectin against malaria: a One-Health approach to treat humans and peridomestic animals with reagards to minimal ecological side-effects – ANR – Modelling Task leader (PI : K. Mouline). ANORYTHM (2017-2021) – Daily rhythms and how they promote adaptations to a changing world in malaria vectors – ANR – Modelling Task leader (PI: K. Mouline). PANIC (2015-2019) – Pathogen's Niche: a new approach for infectious disease control – ANR – Entomology Task leader (PI: B. Cazelle). **Positions** Research scientist (permanent) (since 01/2015). IRD MiVEGEC. Montpellier, France. Research scientist (hosted) (02/2016-02/2020). IRSS, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. **Education** Habilitation, University of Montpellier, France, 2021. Ph.D. University of Montpellier, France, 2012. M.Sc. in Ecology and remote sensing, University of Toulouse 3, France. 2006. MSci. in Ecology and Geography, University of Franche-Comté, France. 2005. AS in biology and environmental sciences. University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Thionville, University of Metz, France. 2002.
***Entomologie Epidémiologique - Ecologie – Modélisation*** **Chargé de Recherche IRD**, [MIVEGEC]( (IRD, CNRS, Université de Montpellier), département [ESV]( (Evolution des Systèmes Vectoriels) **Animateur responsable de l’équipe *« [Vector Control Group]( »*** *(VCG), Département ESV, MIVEGEC* – (2021-Present) **Directeur adjoint du LMI [LAMIVECT](** (Laboratoire Mixte International sur les maladies à vecteurs en Afrique de l’Ouest) – (2017-2021) **Projets de Recherche récents** DIV-YOO (2024-2028) - Diversité des moustiques en Afrique de l'Ouest - ANR - PI. V2MOC (2022-2025) – Végétalisation des métropoles d’Occitanie et possibles impacts sur les maladies vectorielles – RIVOC / Région Occitanie – Modeling task leader. REACT 2 (2020-2023) – Lutte contre le paludisme : amélioREr l’accès à la prévention, au diAgnostiC et aux soins pour les communauTés rurales vulnérables - Initiative 5% – data analyses task leader (PI: C. Pennetier). IMPACT (2020-2023) – Long-acting injectable ivermectin to fight malaria transmission – Unitaid –Modeling Task leader (PI : Medincell). REACT (2016-2019) – Gestion de la REsistAnce aux inseCTicides en Côte d’Ivoire et au Burkina Faso : Recherche sur les stratégies de lutte antivectorielles - Initiative 5% – Investigateur Prinicpal. 1,5 M€. ANIVERMATE (2018–2020) – Ivermectin against malaria : a One-Health approach to treat humans and peridomestic animals with reagards to minimal ecological side-effects – ANR – Modeling Task leader (PI : K. Mouline). ANORYTHM (2017-2021) – Daily rhythms and how they promote adaptations to a changing world in malaria vectors – ANR – Modeling Task leader (PI: K. Mouline). PANIC (2015-2019) – Pathogen's Niche: a new approach for infectious disease control – ANR – Entomology Task leader (PI: B. Cazelle). **Poste et affectations** Chargé de Recherche Classe Normale (depuis 01/2015). IRD UMR 224 MiVEGEC. Montpellier, France (depuis 02/2020) Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso (02/2016 – 02/2020), en accueil à l’IRSS. Montpellier, France (01/2015 - 01/2016) **Formations universitaires** HDR, Université de Monpellier, France. 2021. Doctorat Biologie et Santé. Université Montpellier 2, France. 2012. Master Ecologie - spécialité Aménagement du Territoire et Télédétection. Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3, France. 2006. Maitrise d'IUP Génie des Territoires et de l'Environnement - spécialité Diagnostic et Gestion des Systèmes Ecologiques. Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France. 2005. DUT Génie Biologique option Génie de l'Environnement. IUT de Thionville, Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, France. 2002.


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La transmission résiduelle des Plasmodium humains : caractérisation, déterminants, prédiction et lutte

Nicolas Moiroux
Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]. Université de Montpellier, 2021
Habilitation à diriger des recherches tel-03698171v1
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An ecotoxicological view on malaria vector control with ivermectin-treated cattle

Andre Patrick Heinrich , Sié Hermann Pooda , Angelique Porciani , Lamidi Zéla , Alexandra Schinzel
Nature Sustainability, inPress, ⟨10.1038/s41893-024-01332-8⟩
Journal articles hal-04569503v1
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Physiological and behavioural resistance of malaria vectors in rural West-Africa: a data mining study to address their fine-scale spatiotemporal heterogeneity, drivers, and predictability

Paul Taconet , Dieudonné Diloma Soma , Barnabas Zogo , Karine Mouline , Frédéric Simard
Peer Community Journal, 2024, 4, pp.e11. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.367⟩
Journal articles hal-04430713v1
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Malaria in Burkina Faso: A comprehensive analysis of spatiotemporal distribution of incidence and environmental drivers, and implications for control strategies

Cédric Bationo , Mady Cissoko , Abdoulaye Katilé , Bry Sylla , Ambroise Ouédraogo
PLoS ONE, 2023, 18 (9), pp.e0290233. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0290233⟩
Journal articles hal-04206948v1
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Anopheles sampling collections in the health districts of Korhogo (Côte d’Ivoire) and Diébougou (Burkina Faso) between 2016 and 2018

Paul Taconet , Barnabas Zogo , Dieudonné Diloma Soma , Ludovic P Ahoua Alou , Karine Mouline
Gigabyte, 2023, pp.83. ⟨10.46471/gigabyte.83⟩
Journal articles hal-04147204v1
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Influence of the sickle cell trait on Plasmodium falciparum infectivity from naturally infected gametocyte carriers

Christelle Ngou Maffo , Albert Bayibéki , Luc Abate , Olesula Makinde , Lionel Feufack-Donfack
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2023, 23 (1), pp.317. ⟨10.1186/s12879-023-08134-x⟩
Journal articles hal-04094661v1
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Multiple hosts, multiple impacts: the role of vertebrate host diversity in shaping mosquito life history and pathogen transmission

Amélie Vantaux , Nicolas Moiroux , Kounbobr Roch Dabiré , Anna Cohuet , Thierry Lefèvre
Peer Community Journal, 2023, 3, pp.e54. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.288⟩
Journal articles hal-04123303v1
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Durability of the deltamethrin-treated polypropylene long-lasting net LifeNet® in a pyrethroid resistance area in south western Benin: A phase III trial

Armel Djènontin , Daleb Alfa , Aziz Bouraima , Christophe Soares , Amal Dahounto
PLoS ONE, 2023, 18 (9), pp.e0291755. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0291755⟩
Journal articles hal-04213088v1
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Proof-of-concept study for a long-acting formulation of ivermectin injected in cattle as a complementary malaria vector control tool

Sié Hermann Pooda , Nicolas Moiroux , Angélique Porciani , Anne-Laure Courjaud , Christophe Roberge
Parasites & Vectors, 2023, 16 (1), pp.66. ⟨10.1186/s13071-022-05621-z⟩
Journal articles hal-04075480v1
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Entomological drivers of uneven malaria transmission in urban lowland areas in Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire

Milossé Dahoui , Kouassi Adou , Baba Coulibaly , Koffi Niamien , Aboubacar Koné
Malaria Journal, 2023, 22 (1), pp.34. ⟨10.1186/s12936-023-04457-x⟩
Journal articles hal-03970438v1
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Reply to Wagman et al.: Data-driven assessments should establish the landscape of what is “within reach” of malaria transmission control

Carlo Costantini , Fabrice Chandre , Vincent Corbel , Nicolas Moiroux , Frédéric Simard
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119 (38), ⟨10.1073/pnas.2211931119⟩
Journal articles hal-03775827v1
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First detection of the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis in Côte d’Ivoire: urbanization in question

F Fournet , Akre Adja , Kouassi Adou , Milossé Dahoui , Baba Coulibaly
Malaria Journal, 2022, 21 (1), pp.275. ⟨10.1186/s12936-022-04295-3⟩
Journal articles hal-03841945v1
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Malaria vectors diversity, insecticide resistance and transmission during the rainy season in peri-urban villages of south-western Burkina Faso

Dieudonné Diloma Soma , Serge Bèwadéyir Poda , Aristide Sawdetuo Hien , Moussa Namountougou , Ibrahim Sangaré
Malaria Journal, 2021, 20 (1), ⟨10.1186/s12936-020-03554-5⟩
Journal articles hal-03121860v1
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Insecticide resistance status of malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) of southwest Burkina Faso and residual efficacy of indoor residual spraying with microencapsulated pirimiphos-methyl insecticide

Dieudonné Diloma Soma , Barnabas Zogo , Domonbabele François de Sales Hien , Aristide Sawdetuo Hien , Didier Alexandre Kaboré
Parasites & Vectors, 2021, 14 (1), ⟨10.1186/s13071-020-04563-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03121868v1
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Quantifying and characterizing hourly human exposure to malaria vectors bites to address residual malaria transmission during dry and rainy seasons in rural Southwest Burkina Faso

D. Soma , B. Zogo , P. Taconet , A. Somé , S. Coulibaly.
BMC Public Health, 2021, 21 (1), ⟨10.1186/s12889-021-10304-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03126810v1
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Spatio-temporal analysis and prediction of malaria cases using remote sensing meteorological data in Diébougou health district, Burkina Faso, 2016–2017

Cédric Bationo , Jean Gaudart , Sokhna Dieng , Mady Cissoko , Paul Taconet
Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, pp.20027. ⟨10.1038/s41598-021-99457-9⟩
Journal articles hal-03388280v1
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Effects of insemination and blood-feeding on locomotor activity of wild-derived females of the malaria mosquito Anopheles coluzzii

Amadou Traoré , Angélique Porciani , Nicolas Moiroux , Roch Dabiré , Frédéric Simard
Parasites & Vectors, 2021, 14 (1), ⟨10.1186/s13071-021-04967-0⟩
Journal articles hal-03350550v1
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Data-driven and interpretable machine-learning modeling to explore the fine-scale environmental determinants of malaria vectors biting rates in rural Burkina Faso

Paul Taconet , Angélique Porciani , Dieudonné Diloma Soma , Karine Mouline , Frédéric Simard
Parasites & Vectors, 2021, 14, pp.345. ⟨10.1186/s13071-021-04851-x⟩
Journal articles hal-03274602v1
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Evaluation of Yahe® and Panda® 2.0 long-lasting insecticidal nets against wild pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae s.l. from Côte d’Ivoire: an experimental hut trial

Cyntia-Muriel Clegban , Soromane Camara , A. Alphonsine Koffi , Ludovic Ahoua Alou , Jean-Paul Kabran Kouame
Parasites & Vectors, 2021, 14, pp.347. ⟨10.1186/s13071-021-04843-x⟩
Journal articles hal-03276549v1
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Anopheles bionomics, insecticide resistance and malaria transmission in southwest Burkina Faso: A pre-intervention study

Dieudonné Diloma Soma , Barnabas Mahugnon Zogo , Anthony Somé , Bertin N’cho Tchiekoi , Domonbabele François de Sales Hien
PLoS ONE, 2020, 15 (8), pp.e0236920. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0236920⟩
Journal articles hal-02965639v1
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Sub-lethal insecticide exposure affects host biting efficiency of Kdr -resistant Anopheles gambiae

Malal Diop , Fabrice Chandre , Marie Rossignol , Angélique Porciani , Mathieu Chateau
Peer Community In Zoology, 2020, ⟨10.1101/653980⟩
Journal articles hal-02965647v1
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Identification and characterization of Anopheles spp. breeding habitats in the Korhogo area in northern Côte d’Ivoire: a study prior to a Bti-based larviciding intervention

Barnabas Zogo , Alphonsine Koffi , Ludovic Alou , Florence Fournet , Amal Dahounto
Parasites & Vectors, 2019, 12 (1), ⟨10.1186/s13071-019-3404-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02434747v1
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High level of soluble human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G at beginning of pregnancy as predictor of risk of malaria during infancy

Tania D’almeida , Ibrahim Sadissou , Mermoz Sagbohan , Jacqueline Milet , Euripide Avokpaho
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-45688-w⟩
Journal articles hal-02965654v1
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Efficacy of vector control tools against malaria-infected mosquitoes

Margaux Mulatier , Soromane Camara , Alphonsine Koffi , David Carrasco , Angélique Porciani
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-43195-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02170837v1
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Anopheles bionomics, insecticide resistance mechanisms, and malaria transmission in the Korhogo area, northern Côte d’Ivoire: a pre-intervention study

Barnabas Zogo , Dieudonné Diloma Soma , Bertin N’cho Tchiekoi , Anthony Somé , Ludovic Phamien Ahoua Alou
Parasite, 2019, 26, pp.40. ⟨10.1051/parasite/2019040⟩
Journal articles hal-02434749v1
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Behavioural adaptations of mosquito vectors to insecticide control

David Carrasco , Thierry Lefèvre , Nicolas Moiroux , Cédric Pennetier , Fabrice Chandre
Current Opinion in Insect Science, 2019, 34, pp.48-54. ⟨10.1016/j.cois.2019.03.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02411126v1
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Impact of sunlight exposure on the residual efficacy of biolarvicides Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus against the main malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae

Barnabas Zogo , Bertin N’cho Tchiekoi , Alphonsine Koffi , Amal Dahounto , Ludovic Ahoua Alou
Malaria Journal, 2019, 18, pp.55. ⟨10.1186/s12936-019-2687-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02965638v1
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Small-scale field testing of alpha-cypermethrin water-dispersible granules in comparison with the recommended wettable powder formulation for indoor residual spraying against malaria vectors in Benin

Nicolas Moiroux , Armel Djènontin , Barnabas Zogo , Aziz Bouraima , Ibrahim Sidick
Parasites & Vectors, 2018, 11 (1), ⟨10.1186/s13071-018-3071-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01882506v1
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Field efficacy of a new deltamethrin long lasting insecticidal net (LifeNet©) against wild pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae in Benin

Armel Djènontin , Nicolas Moiroux , Aziz Bouraïma , Barnabas Zogo , Ibrahim Sidick
BMC Public Health, 2018, 18, pp.947. ⟨10.1186/s12889-018-5876-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02965658v1
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Remote Effect of Insecticide-Treated Nets and the Personal Protection against Malaria Mosquito Bites

Nicolas Moiroux , Fabrice Chandre , Jean-Marc Hougard , Vincent Corbel , Cédric Pennetier
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (1), pp.e0170732. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0170732⟩
Journal articles hal-01937675v1
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Influence of pyrethroïd-treated bed net on host seeking behavior of Anopheles gambiae s.s. carrying the kdr allele

Angélique Porciani , Malal M Diop , Nicolas Moiroux , Tatiana Kadoke-Lambi , Anna Cohuet
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (7), pp.e0164518. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0164518⟩
Journal articles hal-02013912v1
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Behavioral cost & overdominance in Anopheles gambiae

Malal M Diop , Nicolas Moiroux , Fabrice Chandre , Hadrien Martin-Herrou , Pascal Milesi
PLoS ONE, 2015, 10 (4), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0121755⟩
Journal articles hal-01938142v1
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Insecticidal and sterilizing effect of Olyset Duo ® , a permethrin and pyriproxyfen mixture net against pyrethroid-susceptible and -resistant strains of Anopheles gambiae s.s. : a release-recapture assay in experimental huts

Armel Djènontin , Ludovic Ahoua Alou , Alphonsine Koffi , Barnabas Zogo , Elves Duarte
Parasite, 2015, 22, pp.27. ⟨10.1051/parasite/2015027⟩
Journal articles hal-02965739v1
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Efficacy of Olyset ® Duo, a permethrin and pyriproxyfen mixture net against wild pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae s.s. from Côte d’Ivoire: an experimental hut trial

Alphonsine Koffi , Ludovic Ahoua Alou , Armel Djenontin , Jean-Paul Kabran , Youssouf Dosso
Parasite, 2015, 22, pp.28. ⟨10.1051/parasite/2015028⟩
Journal articles hal-02965662v1

Modeling the seasonality of Anopheles gambiae s.s. biting rates in a South Benin sanitary zone

O. Boussari , Fabien Subtil , N. Moiroux , A. Djenontin , J. Iwaz
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2014, 108, pp.237-43. ⟨10.1093/trstmh/tru027⟩
Journal articles hal-02072974v1

Characterization of swarming and mating behaviour between Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles melas in a sympatry area of Benin

Benoît Assogba , Luc Djogbénou , Jacques Saizonou , Abdoulaye Diabaté , Roch Dabiré
Acta Tropica, 2014, 132, pp.S53-S63. ⟨10.1016/j.actatropica.2013.09.006⟩
Journal articles hal-02965664v1
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Spatio-temporal analysis of abundances of three malaria vector species in southern Benin using zero-truncated models

Nicolas Moiroux , Armel Djenontin , A. S. Bio-Bangana , Fabrice Chandre , Vincent Corbel
Parasites & Vectors, 2014, 7, 103. ⟨10.1186/1756-3305-7-103⟩
Journal articles ird-01079352v1
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Human exposure to early morning Anopheles funestus biting behavior and personal protection provided by long-lasting insecticidal nets.

Nicolas Moiroux , Georgia B Damien , Marc Egrot , Armel Djenontin , Fabrice Chandre
PLoS ONE, 2014, pp.e104967. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0104967⟩
Journal articles hal-01079372v1
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Modelling the risk of being bitten by malaria vectors in a vector control area in southern Benin, west Africa

Nicolas Moiroux , Abdul S. Bio-Bangana , Armel Djenontin , Fabrice Chandre , Vincent Corbel
Parasites & Vectors, 2013, 6, ⟨10.1186/1756-3305-6-71⟩
Journal articles hal-01219007v2

Behavioral adaptation of malaria vectors to LLINs: a reply

Nicolas Moiroux , Cédric Pennetier , V. Corbel
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2013, 207 (7), pp.1184-1185. ⟨10.1093/infdis/jit012⟩
Journal articles hal-02965676v1
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Changes in Anopheles funestus Biting Behavior Following Universal Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets in Benin.

Nicolas Moiroux , Marinely B Gomez , Cédric Pennetier , Emmanuel Elanga , Armel Djènontin
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2012, 206 (10), epub ahead of print. ⟨10.1093/infdis/jis565⟩
Journal articles hal-00742218v1
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Optimized Pan-species and Speciation Duplex Real-time PCR Assays for Plasmodium Parasites Detection in Malaria Vectors

Maurice Marcel Sandeu , Azizath Moussiliou , Nicolas Moiroux , Gilles Padonou , Achille Massougbodji
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (12), pp.e52719. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0052719⟩
Journal articles hal-02965678v1

Combination of malaria vector control interventions in pyrethroid resistance area in Benin: a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Vincent Corbel , Martin Akogbeto , Georgia B Damien , Armel Djenontin , Fabrice Chandre
The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2012, 12 (8), pp.617-26. ⟨10.1016/S1473-3099(12)70081-6⟩
Journal articles pasteur-00835684v1
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Use of a mixture statistical model in studying malaria vectors density

O. Boussari , N. Moiroux , J. Iwaz , A. Djenontin , S. Bio-Bangana
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, pp.e50452. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0050452⟩
Journal articles hal-02297357v1
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Dry season determinants of malaria disease and net use in Benin, West Africa.

Nicolas Moiroux , Olayidé Boussari , Armel Djènontin , Georgia Damien , Gilles Cottrell
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (1), pp.e30558. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0030558⟩
Journal articles hal-00692194v1
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First Attempt To Validate Human IgG Antibody Response to Nterm-34kDa Salivary Peptide as Biomarker for Evaluating Exposure to Aedes aegypti Bites

Emmanuel Elanga Ndille , Souleymane Doucoure , Georgia Damien , François Mouchet , Papa Makhtar Drame
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2012, 6 (11), pp.e1905. ⟨10.1371/journal.pntd.0001905⟩
Journal articles hal-02965729v1

Pyrethroid resistance in African anopheline mosquitoes: what are the implications for malaria control?

Hilary Ranson , Raphael N’guessan , Jonathan Lines , Nicolas Moiroux , Zinga Nkuni
Trends in Parasitology, 2011, 27 (2), pp.91-98. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-02965719v1
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Culicidae diversity, malaria transmission and insecticide resistance alleles in malaria vectors in Ouidah-Kpomasse-Tori district from Benin (West Africa): A pre-intervention study

Armel Djènontin , Sahabi Bio-Bangana , Nicolas Moiroux , Marie-Claire Henry , Olayidé Bousari
Parasites & Vectors, 2010, 3 (1), pp.83. ⟨10.1186/1756-3305-3-83⟩
Journal articles hal-02965713v1
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Insecticide resistance status in Anopheles gambiae in southern Benin

Anges Yadouleton , Gil Padonou , Alex Asidi , Nicolas Moiroux , Sahabi Bio-Banganna
Malaria Journal, 2010, 9, pp.83. ⟨10.1186/1475-2875-9-83⟩
Journal articles hal-02965709v1
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Modélisation du risque d'exposition aux moustiques vecteurs de Plasmodium spp. dans un contexte de lutte anti-vectorielle.

Nicolas Moiroux
Ecologie, Environnement. Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2012. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00812118v1