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Nicolas REMY

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Sympathy Radio for Vulnerabilities of listening

Evangelia Paxinou , Nicolas Rémy , Petros Flampouris
5th International Congress On Ambiances. Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World, Mohammed Boubezari, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon; Cristiane Rose Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Ethel Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; International Ambiances Network, Oct 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-04755707v1

The resounding of ruins as a creative medium for ambiance improvisation

Evangelia Paxinou , Nicolas Rémy , Petros Flampouris
5th International Congress On Ambiances. Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World, Mohammed Boubezari, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon; Cristiane Rose Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Ethel Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; International Ambiances Network, Oct 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-04755694v1
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Infinite Atmospheres for Vulnerabilities of spaces – Ambiances and architectural design

Evangelia Paxinou , Nicolas Rémy
Back to Human Scale : Rethinking Human Spaces for Tomorrow, Universidade Lusófona Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nov 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal.
Conference papers hal-04236015v1
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Sonic urban furniture for vulnerabilities, experimental workshop in architectural design

Nicolas Rémy , Flampouris Petros , Psychogyios Dimitris , Théo Marchal
Back To human Scale, ARQ.ID; Université de Lusofona, Nov 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04087183v1
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Sonic urban furniture for vulnerabilities – experimental workshop in architectural design

Nicolas Rémy , Petros Flampouris , Psychogyios Dimitris , Théo Marchal
Back to Human Scale : Rethinking Human Spaces for Tomorrow, Universidade Lusófona Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nov 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal.
Conference papers hal-04235999v1
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Damien Masson , Nicolas Rémy
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Dec 2020, e-conference, France. pp. 13-15, ⟨10.48537/hal-03220323⟩
Conference papers hal-03220323v1
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Happy Atmospheres. Metro Stations as Sound Places of Happiness

Nicolas Rémy , Evangelia Paxinou
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Réseau International Ambiances, Dec 2020, e-conference, France. pp. 344-348, ⟨10.48537/hal-03220337⟩
Conference papers hal-03220337v1
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Esquissons! Sketching architecture by listening

Théo Marchal , Nicolas Rémy
14th European Architecture Envisioning Conference (EAEA14 2019), Sep 2019, Nantes, France. pp.01006, ⟨10.1051/shsconf/20196401006⟩
Conference papers hal-02280170v1
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Towards sustainable urban sound environment: several case studies in Greece

Konstantinos Vogiatzis , Nicolas Rémy
Euronoise 2018, May 2018, HERSONISSOS, CRETE, Greece.
Conference papers halshs-01807914v1
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Esquis'Sons ! Sketching soundscapes by using parametric tools: application to the design of balconies, loggias, terraces and corridors of building facades

Nicolas Rémy , Théo Marchal , Grégoire Chelkoff , Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini , Jean-Luc Bardyn
Euronoise 2018, May 2018, HERSONISSOS, CRETE, Greece.
Conference papers halshs-01807918v1
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Nicolas Rémy , Gabrielle Rives
Congrès Lambda Mu 21 « Maîtrise des risques et transformation numérique : opportunités et menaces », Oct 2018, Reims, France
Conference papers hal-02074493v1
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Esquis’Sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables

Nicolas Rémy , Grégoire Chelkoff , Théo Marchal , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Noha Gamal Said
Ambiances, tomorrow. Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Septembre 2016, Volos, Greece, Sep 2016, Volos, Grèce. p. 529 - 534
Conference papers hal-01404371v1
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Esquis'sons ! Sound Sketch : A Parametric Tool to Design Sustainable Soundscapes

Théo Marchal , Nicolas Rémy , Grégoire Chelkoff , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Noha Gamal Said
Complexity & Simplicity - 34th eCAADe Conference, University of Oulu, Aug 2016, Oulu, Finland. pp. 275-284
Conference papers hal-01361440v1
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Soundscape & land uses management as comprehensive environmental protection action policy tool within the strategic environmental noise mapping in Greece

Nicolas Rémy , Konstantinos Vogiatzis
23rd international Congress on Sound and Vibration, Jul 2016, Athens, Greece
Conference papers halshs-01582542v1
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Ambiances, demain - Ambiances, tomorrow - Aτμόσφαιρες, αύριο

Nicolas Rémy , Nicolas Tixier
Ambiances, tomorrow. 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Septembre 2016, Volos, Greece, Sep 2016, Volos, Grèce. p. 11 - 28
Conference papers hal-01428653v1
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Esquis'Sons! Outil d'aide à la conception d'environnements sonores durables

Grégoire Chelkoff , Théo Marchal , Nicolas Rémy
13e Congrès Français d'Acoustique et 20ème colloque VIbrations, SHocks and NOise (CFA 2016), Université du Maine, Apr 2016, Le Mans, France. pp.2143-2149
Conference papers hal-01341194v1

Strategic Noise Mapping in Greece and Cyprus, from environmental noise abatement to soundscape rehabilitation

Kosta Vogiatzis , Nicolas Rémy
International conference Echopolis, SD-Med : Athènes, 30 sept - 5 Octobre 2013, 2013, Athènes, Greece. pp.XX
Conference papers hal-00993671v1

European Acoustic Heritage

Nicolas Rémy , Meri Kytö , Heikki Uimonen , Ari Koivumäki , Jürgen Schöpf
Construction, international conference Echopolis, SD-Med : Athènes, 30 sept - 5 Octobre 2013., 2013, Athènes, Greece. pp.XX
Conference papers hal-00993669v1

From Noise abatment to soundscape rehabilitation trough strategic noise mapping

Kosta Vogiatzis , Nicolas Rémy
ICSV 20 : 20th International Congress on sound and vibration, Bangkok, Thaïland, 7-11 July 2013, 2013, Bangkok, Thailande, France
Conference papers hal-00993670v1

What is all the noise about?

E. Kekou , I. Zannos , Nicolas Rémy
ISEA 2010 Ruhr, 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Dortmund, Essen and Duisburg (Germany) 20-29 August 2010, 2010, Essen, Germany. pp.3
Conference papers hal-00993640v1
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Sound quality: a definition for a sonic architecture

Nicolas Rémy
Twelth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Jul 2005, Lisbonne, Portugal. 8 p
Conference papers halshs-00087795v1
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Sound qualities in railway stations

Nicolas Rémy
Sound Practice the 1st UKISC, United Kingdom and Ireland Soundscape Community conference on sound culture and environments, Dartington Hall Conference and Dartington College of Art, Devon, England, 16th-20th February 2001, 2001, Devon, United Kingdom. 63-68 p
Conference papers halshs-00087893v1
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Sound quality in railstation : users' perceptions and predictability

Nicolas Rémy
Proceedings of the 29th International Congress in Noise Control Engineering, Nice (France), 2000, August 27-31, 2000, Paris, France. 1397-1400p
Conference papers halshs-00087785v1
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Coming in and coming out underground spaces

Nicolas Rémy
8 th International underground space conference of Acuus Xi'An " Agenda and prospect for the turn of the century : papers of the conference", China, 37-30 september 1999, 1999, Xi'an, China. 186-193 p
Conference papers halshs-00087778v1
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Sound Design of a technical object - proposal for a technical and sensitive approach

Nicolas Rémy
Conference "Stockholm, Hey Listen!", The Royal Swedich Academy of Music, Stockholm, June 9-13
, 1998, Stockholm, Sweden. 76-83 p
Conference papers halshs-00087777v1
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Observatoires sonores. Origines, enjeux, formes, règles, usages

Pascal Amphoux , Grégoire Chelkoff , Sylvie Laroche , Cécile Regnault , Nicolas Rémy
Quesney, Daniel; Fol, Jac. Observer les paysages, Jean-Pierre Huguet éditeur, 2023, 978-2-35575-319-0
Book sections hal-02919392v1
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Allo Nantes ? ici Grenoble. Petite histoire du DEA Ambiances Architecturales et Urbaines

Rachel Thomas , Nicolas Rémy
Dadour, Stéphanie; Le Vot, Sibylle. Enseigner l’architecture à Grenoble. Une histoire, des acteurs, une formation, Éditions Recherches, pp.319-326, 2022, 978-2-86222-099-4
Book sections halshs-04628095v1

Environmental Noise Mapping as a Smart Urban Tool Development

Konstantinos Vogiatzis , Nicolas Rémy
Smart Urban Development [Working Title], IntechOpen, 2019, ⟨10.5772/intechopen.88449⟩
Book sections halshs-02460557v1

Esquis'Sons ! : outils d'aide à la conception d'environnements sonores durables

Grégoire Chelkoff , Nicolas Rémy
Solène MARRY. Territoires Durables, Editions Parenthèses et ADEME, pp.163-177, 2018, Architectures, 978-2-86364-343-3
Book sections halshs-02284807v1

Οι φωνές της πόλης

Nicolas Rémy
Φωνές / Fonés, 2016
Book sections halshs-01700488v1
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Ambiances sonores en gare : de la mesure acoustique à la mesure immergée

Nicolas Rémy
Pascal Amphoux; Jean-Paul Thibaud; Grégoire Chelkoff. Ambiances en débats, A la croisée, pp.207-214 + débats 215-232, 2004, Ambiances, ambiance, 2-912934-08-7
Book sections halshs-00087817v2
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Critical review (Preface)

Nicolas Rémy , Nicolas Tixier
Sound Lifeline as Sonic Resonance. Navigating space, Architecture, and Memory in Besieged Sarajevo, 2024, pp.10-12
Other publications hal-04813522v1
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B-AIR Art Infinity Radio. Creating sound art for babies, toddlers and vulnerable groups. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Finland, France, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia

Sunčica Milosavljević , Jelena Stojanović , Saška Rakef , Nicolas Rémy , Nicolas Tixier
Radio and Television of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia; AAU_CRESSON, Centre de recherche sur l’espace sonore et lćenvironnement urbain, ENSA de Grenoble, Universite Grenoble Alpes; BAZAART Respresentative Association in Culture, Belgrade, Serbia; Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Public media institution Radio and Television of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia; RadioTeatar Bajsic and Friends, Zagreb, Croatia; TWIXTlab AMKE, Athens, Greece; University of Eastern Finland / UEF. 2024, pp.440
Reports hal-04809626v1
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Esquis’sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables

Nicolas Rémy , Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Grégoire Chelkoff , Noha Gamal Said
[Rapport de recherche] 88, Cresson; ADEME, Direction Villes et territoires durables; ENSAG. 2016, 1 vol. [106 p. + 78 fiches non numérotées]
Reports hal-01274959v1
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European Acoustic Heritage

Meri Kytö , Nicolas Rémy , Heikki Uimonen , Françoise Acquier , Gabriel Bérubé
[Research Report] 83, Tampere University of Applied Sciences; Phonogrammarchiv, the Austrian Academy of Sciences ; The multidisciplinary collective Escoitar; The Isle of San Simón Foundation; CRESSON. 2012, pp.108
Reports hal-00993848v1
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Lumière en projet, initiation d'un réseau de recherche et d'enseignement

Sandra Fiori , Nicolas Rémy , Anne Chatelut , Jean-Marc Huygen , Roger Narboni
[Rapport de recherche] 72, CRESSON, MCC-DAPA. 2008, 2 vol. (118, 81p.)
Reports hal-01364546v1

Le poids des territoires dans le vécu des nuisances sonores. Référentiel de méthodes et d'outils pour l'aide à la décision

Guillaume Faburel , Théa Manola , N. Gourlot , Nicolas Rémy , Ricardo Atienza
[Rapport de recherche] Lab'Urba; CRETEIL. 2007, pp.144
Reports hal-00993822v1
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L'accessibilité des réseaux de transport en commun en Europe

Rachel Thomas , Nicolas Rémy , Isabelle Léothaud
[Rapport de recherche] 68, Cresson. 2007, pp.155
Reports halshs-00596815v1
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Un outil de diagnostic des potentialités environnementales des enveloppes dans le cadre d'une Opération Programmée d'Amélioration énergétique et Thermique du Bâtiment (OPATB)

Daniel Siret , Marjorie Musy , Fabien Ramos , Lamia Rouleau-Tiraoui , Dominique Groleau
Reports halshs-00575923v1
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Prototypes sonores architecturaux : méthodologie pour un catalogue raisonné et des expérimentations constructives

Grégoire Chelkoff , Philippe Liveneau , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Rachel Thomas , Nicolas Rémy
[Rapport de recherche] 60, CRESSON. 2003, pp.187
Reports hal-01364549v1
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Une ethnographie sensible des places Schuman (Grenoble) et des Terreaux (Lyon) : les facteurs lumineux des ambiances publiques nocturnes

Nicolas Rémy , Sandra Fiori , Rachel Thomas , Eric Monin
[Rapport de recherche] 55, CRESSON. 2002, pp.143
Reports hal-01364552v1
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Espaces, musiques, environnement sonore : quels liens entre les recherches sur l'environnement sonore et les musiques ?

Björn Hellström , Nicolas Rémy , Léo Nilsson , Henry Torgue , Cécile Regnault
[Rapport de recherche] 48, CRESSON. 1999, pp.97
Reports hal-01364161v1

Intégration sonore de grandes infrastructures routières en milieu rural et périurbain : recherche bibliographique

Sandra Fiori , Nicolas Rémy , Jean- Jacques Delétré , Pascal Amphoux , Martine Leroux
[Rapport de recherche] 41, CRESSON, SETRA. 1998, pp.135
Reports hal-01364162v1